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Caroline Kastensmidt

Mrs. Tatum

AP Language, 4th Period

13 December 2019

Revised Argumentative Essay

For ages, competition has been regarded as an evolutionary force that drives progress and

advancement in nearly everything. It forces people to strive to be their best. It forces companies

to outwork their competitors in order to provide better products for their consumers. However,

competition isn’t always the best thing for the society and its people. Alfie Kohn claims that

competition is unhealthy in every aspect that there is to it. He states that if someone has to lose

for another’s success, the two could never obtain the closeness like others may have in the

community. I completely disagree with this sentiment. Competition at its heart brings out the

best in everyone involved, and it shows parts of people that one might’ve not witnessed if it

weren’t for competition.

With competition, individuals are able to thrive and excel at the skills they might be

particularly accustomed to. For example, one of the main contributing factors to my success in

school stems from competition. Whether I’d like to admit it or not, I am in a competition with

another student at Harrison academically. We constantly compare our GPAs, which AP classes

each one of us want to take, and our recent scores in shared classes. With our friendly

competition, both of our academic performances are allowed to thrive as both of us are willing to

outwork the other. Also, the increased pressure, coming from the other student, will prepare us

for what might be to come in our near future, because both of us are wanting to go into high

academic competitive career fields. This competition brings out my best work and will continue
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to keep my academic performance at its peak until one of us is up on stage making the speech at


Competition also brings out the best of people across the world, along with making

competing organizations outwork one another in order to be the best. Throughout history, many

events would not have occurred if it weren't for competition. During the Cold War (a rather

extreme competition), the increase in the creation of technology and scientific advances would

have never occurred had it not been for the extra pressure that the competition between the

USSR and the United States applied to the situation. Without the pressure from the Cold War,

the Space Race would never had caused the advancement of NASA and space programs, along

with technology, across the world. The Space Race is a direct result of the competitive nature

that comes with these two dueling nations.

Along with causing those involved to strive for excellence, competition brings out

aspects of people who one wouldn’t typically see in a relaxed environment. For example, there is

a girl on my volleyball team who is one of the quietest people I’ve ever met; however, as soon as

she’s put on the court in a game-like situation, she will have the most energy out of everyone on

the court, and the most enthusiasm and determination in order to win. A real world scenario is

exemplified through the Watergate Scandal. With the competition of another candidate, the

country saw a side of Nixon that was willing to cheat and lie. Without the sense of competition,

Watergate would be just a hotel and there would’ve been no scandal.

Overall, competition truly is a healthy aspect to life. If reacted to well, the world as we

know could easily change for the better. If responded to poorly, catastrophe could strike;

however, both outcomes lead to change and people coming out the other side stronger.

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