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Connor Murphy A*t1 rc- L"rrVr'"ve''fs

Mrs. Tatum Sfu,tl - t,t*<atl -f
AP Language, 4th
C, 5 Fr+*inrta0'q 6
Nov 11,2019
Romanticism in'olnto The Wild" - Task 8

Romanticism is defined colloquially as a style of writing that emphasizes inspiration

the primacy of an individual. In the novel, "firo Th. Wild{author Jon Krakauer displays

romanticism as he gives his account of Chris McCandless's adventures and life. Krakauer

portrays McCandless as a young, out-of-place kid who abandons everything he has in order to

find truth about himself and his life. In the novel, "Into The W'ild", Jon Krakauer shows the style

of romanticism in his writing by showing individualism and self-reliance as he tansfers the long,

mentally tiring adventure of Chris McCandless.

Individuality is present in the majority of this book as Chris goes offon his own and tries

to survive with a minimalist lifestyle. As Krakauerpresents, Chris was always someone who

kept to himself, but never felt comfortable in his own skin. Once Chris had traveled to the west

coast of the United States, he made a change that would become impactfi.rl for the rest of his

short-lived life: "No longer would he answer to Chris McCandless; he was now Alexander

Supertramp, master of his own destiny" (Krakauer 23). Chris McCandless told everyone he met

along his routes that his name was Alex because this gave him a way to start fresh and create a

new name for himself.

Self-reliance is also present in this book, as Alexander Supertramp trusts his own

instincts on where to go, what to do, and who to trust. Chris was very dependent on himself and
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the books he brought along with him on his journey. In the book, Krakauer uses quotes from

t Chris McCandless himself saying that "My days weremore excitnp"hen I was penniless and
had to forage around for my next meal" (ttztfCandlesf,:11. Krakauer used self-reliance as a major
theme in "Into The Wild" because self-reliance is how Chris got as far as he did, when he was

alone in the wildemess of Alaska.

In the novel, "Into The Wild", the author, Jon Krakauer, uses individualism and

self-reliance to portray romanticism as the main style of writing throughout the book. Chris

McCandless was extremely self-reliart on himself and his research books in order to survive. In

addition, his individuality with himself was also present as he changed his name in order to find

the truth about his individual self.

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