High Blood Pressure

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High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer

According to the World Health Organization over a billion adults around the world suffer
from high blood pressure. It is now taking steps to fight against what is called a silent killer.
High blood pressure can lead to strokes and a heart attack.
Almost 10 million people die of these two diseases every year. They are the number one
causes of death globally. High blood pressure also leads to kidney failure, blindness, and
other illnesses. It often goes hand in hand with diabetes and obesity, which increases health
risks even further.

As the WHO reports, people in developing countries in Africa suffer more from high blood
pressure than people in developed countries. The reason is that health care in the
developed world is much better organized and people go to the doctor soon enough.

High blood pressure should never be ignored and always taken seriously. It is a warning
sign from your body that something is not OK. Although people may live with high blood
pressure for years without even knowing it, it is important to check your blood pressure
regularly and take the necessary steps.
The WHO says that you can reduce your blood pressure by changing your living habits.
Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and nicotine are some things
that you can do without consulting a doctor.
Bacteria are small living things that can be found almost everywhere. They live on the
ground, in oceans, in the food that we eat and even in our bodies. They have been on earth
long before there were any other organisms. Bacteria are so small you can only see them
with the help of a microscope. They have only one cell and very simple structures.

Bacteria have outer cell walls that protect the inside. A cell membrane is inside the cell wall.
It prevents harmful substances from getting in and out. Inside the membrane is a soft, jelly-
like substance called the cytoplasm. It has chemicals that help build the parts of a cell and
break down food. Within it is the nucleoid, which contains the DNA. It controls a cell’s
growth and other activities

Bacteria appear in different shapes. Spherical bacteria are round or ball-like. Rod-shaped
bacteria live in your intestine and form chains. Spiral-shaped bacteria have a twisted form.
Bacteria absorb nutrients and remove waste through their cell walls. They reproduce by
splitting themselves in the middle. The two new cells can then split into four cells and so on.
In a short time, a single bacteria can reproduce billions of times.

Some bacteria can get inside the human body, reproduce and cause an infection. These
harmful bacteria are called pathogens. Our immune system is in charge of fighting off these
bacteria. However, sometimes we need a vaccine to help fight off these intruders. Vaccines
are weak or dead forms of the bacteria itself. Such a substance helps our body fight off
bacteria in the future. Some examples of illnesses caused by bacterial infections are
tuberculosis or pneumonia.

The best way to protect yourself from bacteria is to keep yourself clean and wash your
hands. Because bacteria may be transported by air, we should cover our nose and mouth
when we sneeze. Vitamins also help strengthen our immune system and fight off bacteria.

Bacteria can be helpful to the human body as well. They live in our stomach and help us
digest food. Other bacteria create cheese and yoghurt. Bacteria are at work in the soil and
decompose dead plants and animals.
 absorb = take in
 appear =show
 break down = break into very small pieces
 cause = lead to
 chain = rings that are joined together
 decompose = to break down into very small parts
 digest = to change the food that you have eaten into substances that your body can
 DNA = substance that has genetic information in the cells of a body
 growth = how something grows
 harmful = dangerous
 however = but
 illness = disease
 immune system = system in your body that protects it from diseases
 an intestine = long tube in your body through which food passes after it leaves your
 intruder = here: something harmful that gets into your body
 jelly = something soft and sticky; it can easily move when you touch it
 membrane = very thin layer that covers an object and protects it
 nucleoid = region in a cell
 nutrient = chemical or food that gives plants and animals what they need to grow
 organism = anything that lives
 pneumonia = illness that affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe
 prevent = stop, keep away
 protect = guard, care for, defend
 remove = bring away
 reproduce = here: create new bacteria
 rod = long and thin
 shape = form
 single = only one
 sneeze = air comes suddenly through your nose with a loud noise
 soil = the top layer of the earth, where plants and trees can grow
 spherical = round like a ball
 strengthen = make stronger
 structure = the way something is built
 substance = material
 transport = travel
 tuberculosis = disease that affects your lungs and other parts of your body
 twisted = turned, bent
 waste = material that we do not need

Bakteri adalah makhluk hidup kecil yang dapat ditemukan hampir di mana-mana. Mereka
hidup di tanah, di lautan, di makanan yang kita makan dan bahkan di tubuh kita. Mereka
sudah ada di bumi jauh sebelum ada organisme lain. Bakteri sangat kecil sehingga Anda
hanya bisa melihatnya dengan bantuan mikroskop. Mereka hanya memiliki satu sel dan
struktur yang sangat sederhana.

Bakteri memiliki dinding sel luar yang melindungi bagian dalamnya. Selaput sel ada di
dalam dinding sel. Ini mencegah zat berbahaya masuk dan keluar. Di dalam membran ada
zat lunak, seperti jeli yang disebut sitoplasma. Ini memiliki bahan kimia yang membantu
membangun bagian sel dan memecah makanan. Di dalamnya ada nukleoid, yang berisi
DNA. Ini mengontrol pertumbuhan sel dan aktivitas lainnya

Bakteri muncul dalam berbagai bentuk. Bakteri bulat berbentuk bulat atau seperti bola.
Bakteri berbentuk batang hidup di usus dan membentuk rantai. Bakteri berbentuk spiral
memiliki bentuk bengkok.
Bakteri menyerap nutrisi dan membuang limbah melalui dinding sel mereka. Mereka
bereproduksi dengan membelah diri di tengah. Dua sel baru kemudian dapat dipecah
menjadi empat sel dan seterusnya. Dalam waktu singkat, satu bakteri dapat bereproduksi
miliaran kali.

Beberapa bakteri dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia, bereproduksi dan menyebabkan
infeksi. Bakteri berbahaya ini disebut patogen. Sistem kekebalan tubuh kita bertugas
melawan bakteri ini. Namun, terkadang kita membutuhkan vaksin untuk membantu
melawan pengganggu ini. Vaksin adalah bentuk bakteri yang lemah atau mati. Zat seperti
itu membantu tubuh kita melawan bakteri di masa depan. Beberapa contoh penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri adalah TBC atau pneumonia.

Cara terbaik untuk melindungi diri dari bakteri adalah dengan menjaga diri tetap bersih dan
mencuci tangan. Karena bakteri dapat diangkut melalui udara, kita harus menutup hidung
dan mulut saat bersin. Vitamin juga membantu memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh kita
dan melawan bakteri.

Bakteri dapat membantu tubuh manusia juga. Mereka hidup di perut kita dan membantu
kita mencerna makanan. Bakteri lain membuat keju dan yogurt. Bakteri bekerja di tanah
dan membusuk tanaman dan hewan yang mati.
 according to = as reported by
 although = while
 avoid = keep away from
 balanced diet = all kinds of food that your body needs in order to be healthy and
grow properly
 billion = a thousand million
 blindness = not being able to see
 blood pressure = the force with which blood flows through your body
 cause = reason
 consult = ask, go to
 developed countries = rich countries
 developing countries = poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America
 diabetes = serious disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
 failure = if something stops working
 globally = around the world
 ignore = pay no attention to
 kidney = one of the two organs in your lower back that separates waste products
from your blood and makes urine
 necessary = needed
 obesity = when someone is fat in an unhealthy way
 reduce = lower
 regularly = often
 step = measure, action
 stroke = when a blood vessel suddenly breaks or gets blocked
 suffer = to be ill with

Tekanan Darah Tinggi – Pembunuh Diam-diam

Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia lebih dari satu miliar orang dewasa di seluruh dunia
menderita tekanan darah tinggi. Sekarang sedang mengambil langkah untuk melawan apa
yang disebut pembunuh diam-diam. Tekanan darah tinggi dapat menyebabkan stroke dan
serangan jantung.

Hampir 10 juta orang meninggal karena dua penyakit ini setiap tahun. Mereka adalah
penyebab kematian nomor satu secara global. Tekanan darah tinggi juga menyebabkan
gagal ginjal, kebutaan, dan penyakit lainnya. Seringkali seiring dengan diabetes dan
obesitas, yang meningkatkan risiko kesehatan lebih jauh.
Seperti yang dilaporkan WHO, orang-orang di negara-negara berkembang di Afrika
menderita lebih dari tekanan darah tinggi daripada orang-orang di negara-negara maju.
Alasannya adalah bahwa perawatan kesehatan di negara maju jauh lebih terorganisir dan
orang-orang pergi ke dokter segera.

Tekanan darah tinggi tidak boleh diabaikan dan selalu dianggap serius. Ini adalah tanda
peringatan dari tubuh Anda bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres. Meskipun orang mungkin
hidup dengan tekanan darah tinggi selama bertahun-tahun tanpa menyadarinya, penting
untuk memeriksa tekanan darah Anda secara teratur dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang

WHO mengatakan bahwa Anda dapat mengurangi tekanan darah dengan mengubah
kebiasaan hidup Anda. Makan makanan seimbang, berolahraga secara teratur,
menghindari alkohol dan nikotin adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan tanpa
berkonsultasi dengan dokter.

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