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This is unleashing your ultimate power as a charisma god

=the foundation of every charisma god outthere

=> building the charisma state inside of you so it doesn't matter where you are, who you are
talking to, you are always that most charismatic version of yourself

tonality/ hands etc....

what charisma does really means?

=> exercising a compelling charm or attraction that inspires devotion and loyalty in others

when you're free dlowing = compelling

to inspire = to breath life into someone else = a transfer of energy to a lesser life of form
==> your state wake them back up

ask yourself
right now do people light up when they see you or do they stay apathetic, or worse = they're
annoyed when you start walking to them and you can see it
====>that's a really good sign that there's a lot of oportunity to become even more charismatic

the goal is that people light up when they see you or when they hear your voice or even a little
smile that comes on their face

= Zapper vs Sapper
add energy to the vibe oh shit, he's coming to sap the good vibe

now a lot of people will think ok I get that, I can be a zapper I'll be really enthusiastic, I've read all
these sales material and they told me to be really ENTHUSIASTIC, like I'm so excited, ABOUT
EVERYTHING (like I'm on coke)
=> I'll say words like amazing, impressed, proud of you etc...
=====> but that's FAKING ENTHISIASM
It doesn't work, and this enthusiasm that people have, it carries this stench (puanteur) of
= you can smell it on someone when they come up to you, they're like so enthusiastic and you're
like 'this is fake, you're puffing your chest out, but this is bullshit, what do you really want ?
cause clearly you're not that enthusiastic
I see a fake enthusiastic you, how can I trust that ?
=> your shield goes up automaticly

What's the secret then ?

How do we make it so people light up when they see us or ear from us, without them going
shields up, they look forward to be in or even near our stratosphere, our social circle or work
For us to inspire, we must be inspired
For us to install excitment in others, we must be excited ourselves
To influence others we must be influenced ourselves
winning someone over your way of thinking, your ideas, all that persuasion is often just a
transfer of energy as well
I wanna sell you on something, on some idea, if I don't believe in the idea, if I'm not sold on the
idea myself it will be impossible for me to sell you on it
But if I am sold, if i'm certain that this is the only thing you should be doing, then the words i say
almost don't even matter when I'm going to talk to you about the idea
= cause it is so blatantly obvious in my energy that I am sold and sold completly on this idea, that
that transfer judt goes onto you and you become sold and completly sold on that idea as well.

That's how persuasion often works

we cannot transfer what isn't there

You need to be sold on that idea in an instant

And here's a thing, just cause we're sold on an idea in general doesn't mean we're gonna feel
that conviction and be sold on it in a moment
so i'll give you an example
I love range rover, I am sold on the idea that range rover is the best car
But if I had to persuade you that the range rover is the best car, just cause I generally know that
the range rover is the best car, in that moment, I might not be really physicly sold on the idea, I
have to put myself into that state, where i have total certainty and total conviction that the range
rover is the best car first
cause once I have this in me, it really is a question of transfering it to you
so that's the secret = the abilty to break through a supreme certainty in an instant

It's easy but is a matter of practice, conditionning

as people we have been trained to seek comfort and avoid change
and what I want you to do is
when you're comfortable, to actually break up that state and go do something else

most people, for whatever state they're in, they don't wanna change state, that's why people
take drugs, they don't wanna do it themselves
they can't get from down to up or up to down very quiclky
from calm to chaos
you need practice to do that = about 7 days

abilty to dominate the tension, everyone is freaking out, you're the charisma god, just basking in
the abilty to make yourself excited, be on belief about your product, so when you're talking
about it to a prospect, they're not even listening to what you're saying but just falling in love
with you, with the energy you have
they're falling in love with the product, because you're falling in love with the product
It's authentic and it's clear and it's tranfering into them

how do we train this ability in ourselves (this ability to be influenced ourselves in an instant, put
ourselves in a state of supreme certainty in an instant so we can transfer it whenever and
however we want to)

=======> The Super 7 is how we do it

_FYG (finding your gesture)

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