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The Book of

The Creation of the Universe and All Living Beings

The Third Guidebook

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In the Name of Suksma Sejati,

the True Guide of Man, that is
the Teacher of the Universe.

What we composed in The Third Guidebook, The Creation of
the Universe and All Living Beings16, were not our own ideas, but
we just plainly took note of the teachings from our Guide, Sang
Guru Sejati (Suksma Sejati) through His disciple’s utterance, named
Raden Soenarto in Surakarta. Nowadays in Java, the knowledge
of physical science is advancing, so if the information explained
in this book does not match with the new science (wetenschap)17,
we do expect the readers to forgive the discrepancy. However
do also remember, since the omnipotence of the Almighty God is
amazingly unimaginable, there are still lots of things undiscovered
by scientists, so we do not hesitate to present the Creation of
the Universe, which at a glance seems impossible. This book will
explain about the creation of human beings and other creatures
because it is connected with the development of spiritual knowl-
edge. The explanation of the creation of the world (universe)18 is
also necessary, because it is connected with the creation of the

The Creation of Universe is translated from Gumelaring Dumadi
Wetenschap = scientific discipline, a particular branch of scientific knowledge
in Dutch
This particular word of universe is translated from Javanese phrase of Jagat
rat pramudita
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four elements, since it will have to do with the structure of human

body and other living creatures.

Surakarta, September 1932

Hardjoprakoso and Tr. Soemodihardjo

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In the Name of Suksma Sejati,

the True Guide of Men,
the Teacher of the Universe.

Besides what I have mentioned in the support of the first

book of Hasta Sila, again I would like to add, may this book be
regarded as The Third Book which should also be acknowledged
by fellow readers as the continuation of Book One and Book Two:
the books of Hasta Sila and Paliwara. Even though the content of
this book seems to be trivial for those who already feel perfect
and have a lot of expertise in this knowledge and they might
consider it wrong. In fact this book is very useful for the learners
and believers of spiritualism or others who feel that they always
encounter various problems because of the difficulties in imple-
menting their own spiritual practice. Therefore, it is important to
know the challenges which hinder you in your right path, so as not
to lead you to the wrong and dark path. Thus, do not ever leave
the teachings in the books of Hasta Sila and Paliwara.
Finally, I greatly express my gratitude to Mr. Raden Tumeng-
gung Hardjoprakoso and Mr. Raden Trihardono Soemodihardjo
who have sincerely recorded all the teachings of Sang Guru Sejati.
Whereas, the source of this teaching truly comes from Sang Guru
Sejati (Suksma Sejati), who is the Guide and Teacher of all men
and who is in every man’s inner self.
May the truth be vibrant in the inner self of any one.

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In the Name of Suksma Kawekas,

The Lord of the Universe and
The True One to be Worshiped.

Part I
The Creation of the World (The Universe)

The release of the divine revelations of Sang Guru Sejati

(Suksma Sejati) through His disciple’s utterance named Raden
Soenarto, is as follows:
In actuality, before there was not anything (before the ex-
istence of empty space19), before this universe came into being,
the Lord had been in existence, and so was I, Suksma Sejati. It
is there which is called the existence of the Lord and I, and that
is also the divine spiritual world, the throne of the Lord and I.
The Lord and I reside in the center of life. Before the universe
was created, the Lord had the will to descend Roh Suci that is the
Lord’s divine spark, but the will was halted because there was no
receptacle or place yet, so then the Lord created the world. The
first things to be created were the four elements: air20, fire, water,
and earth. The creation of the four elements through the Lord’s
power, which also sprang from the Lord, are symbolized as a single
flame and its smoke. If the Lord is the flame, the elements are
the smoke. Whereas, the first thing to be created was the air, next
fire was created. The fire was divided into two parts, one part is
at the top and the other is at the bottom. The two parts of fire
influenced each other and were covered or penetrated by the air.
The distance between the top and the bottom of fire cannot be

Empty space is translated from Javanese words of awang-uwung
Air, fire, water, and earth are translated from Javanese words of swasana,
geni, banyu lan bumi.
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measured by any human being without the Lord’s authority. After

the Lord used His power to create the air and fire elements then
the Lord created water, which was on the surface of the fire at
the bottom, in the meantime the air surrounded and penetrated
the water. After the water was created, the three elements influ-
enced one another, and as a result the fourth element, the earth
(soil), came into being. However, even though the creation of the
earth came from the mixing of the three elements, its existence
originated from the Lord’s power.
After the four elements were created, the Lord had the will
to continue to create the macro-cosmos, as the accommodation
and settlement for the descent of Roh Suci. At that time the earth
was still in the form of very fine particles spreading throughout
the space, but gradually it condensed like fog and settled on
top of the water. There, the mixture of water and earth became
like residue or like thin mud, over the course of time the mud
increased in amount and became thicker and thicker until it was
floating on the water.
Due to the power of the fire at the bottom and the top, it
could influence the water, and the water was also influenced by
the air. The forces exerted by the fire and air, caused the move-
ment of the water, and gradually the interaction became faster
and faster, as a result the water sloshed turbulently. Because of
the violent movement of the water, the mud floating on the water
was being whirled, and gradually it gathered to become one, and
as a result of the heat from the fire, the mud gradually became
solid. Moreover, since the water was still sloshing turbulently,
which also came from the Lord’s power, and its dynamic move-
ment had intention, therefore, the solid mud which had already
formed a ball-like shape gradually came into existence as this
macro-cosmos (the earth). Since the macro-cosmos was totally
round, and it was still influenced by the turbulent water, therefore
it caused the earth to move around, rolling and floating on the
water, eventually the rolling became faster and created wind. In
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the meantime, the rolling of the earth can be symbolized by a

fast spinning wheel with the fire as its central axis, and with the
air as the rim or the outer frame of the wheel. The fast rotating
wheel created the power of the wind which also had the power
to accelerate the rotation of the earth. Due to the power of wind
at that time, together with the power of the turbulence of water
resembling a stirring ocean, eventually the macro-cosmos was
thrown out, separated from the water and then it rotated smoothly
by itself in the orbit of the sun.
When the water sloshed turbulently, it vibrated the air, which
also influenced to cause the movement of the fire at the top.
Gradually the fire at the top came together as one, appearing in
the form of the fire ball called the sun. The sun illuminated the
world, when its rays were received by the fire at the bottom and
the fire within the earth.
Respectively, the creation of the moon and all the stars21,
were initially created from the essence of the water element. They
were created when the water sloshed turbulently, the splashing
parts of water turned into the moon and the stars, which have
their own rotations within the orbit of the sun. When the moon
and the stars receive the sun light and they are not obstructed by
the rotating world, they can also illuminate the world. Their light
is cool and not blinding, because the moon and the stars were
created from water.
When the moon, the stars and the sun are not obstructed by
the rotating world, the moon and the star light cannot illuminate
the world, because their light is overpowered by the power of the
sun’s light, resulting in the dimness of the star’s and the moon’s
light. Meanwhile, the sun, the moon and the stars are supported
or held up by thicker air, and the rotating of the earth is also sup-
ported by the air. No creatures can find out the condition of the

“Stars” is translated from the Javanese lintang-lintang, and here refers to
the planets in our solar system
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sun by going there, because no one can stand the tremendous

heat of the fire and will be completely wiped out. In addition, no
one can ascend and penetrate into the thicker air.
As for the creation of the universe and all its contents, it can-
not be understood by human reasoning. The Lord allows some
exceptional individuals to understand since the universe and all
its contents came into existence only by the power of the Lord.
Only the Lord Himself has the knowledge of the obscure and He
himself controls the universe and its contents.

Part II
The Creation of Man

After the macro-cosmos (the earth) was created, the Lord

then created human beings. Indeed, the creation of man was from
the divine spark of the Oneness of Tripurusa: Suksma Kawekas
– Suksma Sejati – Roh Suci (in Islamic terms: according to the
experts22 are called: Allah – Rasul – Muhammad, or in the Chris-
tianity: The Father – The Son – The Holy Spirit23). Roh Suci was
covered by the essence of the four elements namely: air, fire, water
and soil, which then were manifested to become rough and fine
raw materials (physically and mentally). Meanwhile, the physical
tools of the body were given five senses, such as: eye-sight, hear-
ing, uttering24, smelling, and feeling25. They were also bestowed
with siblings26, which are commonly called as the four drives27:
Luamah, Amarah, Sufiah, Mutmainah and the three more siblings
which are in union in the mind namely: Pangaribawa, Prabawa,
and Kamayan.
Expert = translated from makrifat
The Father – The Son – The Holy Spirit = translated from Sang Rama – Sang
Putra – Roh Suci
Uttering translated from Javanese word pangucap
Feeling is translated from Javanese word pangrasa, with the inclusion of taste
See page 48
Drives is translated from the Javanese word of nafsu, can also be translated
as passions, and desires
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Since the existence of macro-cosmos was made up from the

four elements, human beings also have the same four elements.
Therefore, human beings can also be called the micro-cosmos. In
actuality, the macro-cosmos can control the micro-cosmos, such as
causing death or misery because of earthquakes, floods, storms,
volcanic eruptions and the like, all of them can bring miseries and
bodily damage. At the same time human beings can also control
macro-cosmos, such as: blasting a mountain by using the force
of dynamites and other explosives, to make tunnels through
mountains, to build canals between seas, to construct dams and
manage the flow of its water, to extinguish fires etc.
The first created human being was a male, who brought the
seed and became the medium for Roh Suci descent onto earth.
The Lord then created a female who would bear Roh Suci, the
Lord’s power created both of them. From then on, human beings
have been populating the earth through the interaction between
men and women and increasing Roh Suci’s presence. However,
you should know that actually the creation of the first human be-
ings did not come from only a couple, as commonly assumed by
ordinary people to be Adam and Eve. But actually on every big
island there was a couple, who was created first, and who was
used to be the initial seeds. Before I bestow the teaching about
the creation of new born babies after the existence of man, I
shall explain beforehand about who are commonly called Adam
and Eve, so you will no longer ask questions and you will have a
better understanding.

1. Adam and Eve

In the teachings of the prophets, Adam and Eve are a meta-
phor for the creation of the first human beings, who became
the origin of human beings all over the world. The methapor,
that Adam was the only first man created is either partially
right or partially wrong.
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It is right because Adam is actually the raw material of the

human body, the mixture of the four elements, which become
material cover of Roh Suci. Since all human beings are physi-
cally the same, made of the four elements, therefore, they can
be called one, meaning they all are from the same material.
It is wrong, if you assume that the one called Adam was
the sole origin of all male human beings and who became the
origin of all human beings populating this world.
According to the story you have known, Adam or whom
some people called prophet Adam was created in heaven, and
then given a spouse: Eve, who was created from a fragment
of Adam’s last left rib. When Adam and Eve were in heaven,
the Lord gave a prohibition not to eat kuldi 28 fruit. At that time
they were seduced by the devil29 who disguised himself as a
snake, and persuaded Eve to eat the fruit. Eve then invited
Adam to eat the kuldi fruit which was the Lord’s prohibition.
When Adam and Eve ate the kuldi fruit, they were then ousted
from heaven by the Lord, and were descended to the world.
The explanation of the story is as follows:
When the Lord had the will to descend Roh Suci to earth,
the will was halted since there was no receptacle (container)
yet. The Lord then ordered Me to spread His power to firstly
create the macro-cosmos from the force of the four elements as
mentioned in Part I. After the earth was created, then I started
the creation of the first human beings (the descending of Roh
Suci) who were a man and a woman on every island, who then
multiplied the seeds of population. Therefore, the word Adam
can also mean: the initial, the beginning of creating the first
human beings, who initially were how humans descended onto
earth and lead to the eventual proliferation of human being on
every island.

Kuldi is from Arabic and means eternal, in this book it can be translated as
the forbidden fruit.
Devil is translated from Ijajil
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The creation of Adam in heaven is a metaphor for the

Will (the Lord’s), while Eve is a metaphor for desire30, that is
Me, Sirullah31, Suksma Sejati, who realizes the Lord’s (Suksma
Kawekas) will. Eve was created from a fragment of Adam’s last
left rib, meaning that the creation of the Desire came from
the fragment of the Lord’s will, or the manifestation of the
will became the desire. It is the desire which manifested the
Lord’s power. So, I can be symbolized as being created from
a fragment of the Lord. Whereas Roh Suci is the divine spark
of the Lord who has also been in oneness with Me. After men
and women were created and multiplied the population, this
is the metaphor of further creation of man, as if it is a fraction
of the father’s32 Roh Suci.
The metaphor is like an established tree which then blos-
soms, the blossoms become fruits which contain seeds, when
the seeds fall on the soil they then spring into new trees. So,
the story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor for all the men and
women who first populated the earth, and also the methapor
for the Lord (Will) and Me (Sirullah), they are inherently one,
who are inseparable like the Lord and His power. Whereas, the
explanation of Adam’s last left rib is as follows:
Since the Lord’s will created a world where all is imperma-
nent, the last left rib symbolizes the Lord’s desire (that is Me)
who manifested the Lord’s power, in creating the four destroy-
able elements. They are the raw materials of the macro-cosmos
and micro-cosmos. That is the meaning of the word left: that
which is ephemeral.
The heaven where Adam and Eve resided when they were
first created, symbolizes when the Lord had the will to descend
Roh Suci to earth. The will was halted since there was no recep-
Desire translated from Javanese word Sir
Sirullah is desire of the Lord
Here father literally means a father, not the Lord, however this sentence is
a metaphor and should not be taken litterally
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tacle to receive Roh Suci yet. Therefore, heaven is the Lord’s

True Realm, that is the Lord’s throne. It is there that only the
Lord reigns with His will being halted. It is the halted will which
is the metaphor of the creation of Adam and Eve who initially
resided in heaven.
When Adam and Eve ate kuldi fruit, then they were de-
scended to the world, meaning: that the kuldi fruit symbolized
the fruit of will (manifestation of will). Kuldi symbolizes the
eternal, the will is also eternal, but the manifestation of the
will creates ephemeral things that are the creation of the four
elements. The fruit can only be eaten if there is someone who
eats it, meaning: The Lord’s will to descend Roh Suci (the soul
of man) could only be manifested (happened) if the accommo-
dation (the cover) was available. Therefore, the body, as Roh
Suci’s clothes is a symbol of something to be eaten, whereas,
the one who eats (wearer) is Roh Suci, meaning Roh Suci wears
the cover (four elements) or enters the raw materials. There-
fore, Adam and Eve were then descended to the world.
The devil, disguised as a snake, who persuaded Eve to
eat the kuldi fruit, symbolizes the realization of the Lord’s
will in creating four destroyable elements, then created the
intention of Roh Suci to descend to earth. On earth Roh Suci
wears a cover of the four elements. This creates a paradigm
of an eternal spirit living in an ephemeral world, which is ever
changing, always limited, and eventually destroyed. Therefore,
it is symbolized as devil since the devil only wants destruction.
Now, you have understood everything the prophets' want
regarding the symbolism of Adam and Eve. Do not think that
Adam and Eve were the only couple who were descended and
who became the sole ancestors of all people on earth, in fact
the creation of the first human being: male and female actually
come from lots of couples. On every island a couple of human
beings were descended, created out of the Lord’s power, who
became the first seed of man’s descendants. From then on
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humans were created through fathers and mothers, and have

multiplied in great numbers up to now.
Judging from the different features and skin colors of each
nation, it proves that the creation of all human beings is not
from the one and only couple, Adam and Eve. Whereas, the
different skin colors and traits of a nation’s people are caused
by the composition of the elements which are the cover of Roh
Suci and depend on the thickness of the elements on each
island. For example: when the fire element is thick (in very
hot countries) the water element is thin, the air element is not
so dense either, the skin color of people living on such lands
becomes black (burnt) like those in Africa and Arabic countries.
If the water element is abundant (in cold lands), then the air
element is thick or dense, and the fire element is thin. The
people living on those lands have white skin such as people in
Europe and other cold places.
That is the summary of the symbolism in the story of
prophet Adam and Eve and its proof.

2. The Descent of Roh Suci after the Existence of Man

Now, I shall explain how a baby comes into being, through
a man and a woman, after the existence of human beings
who are the descendants of Roh Suci. The explanation is as
When the seed of life (Roh Suci) has entered into a mother’s
womb (the uterus), actually it wears the cover of the invisible
fine elements33. At that time it then builds the physical body
with all its facilities for life in the physical world by the blending
of actions of the four elements that influence one another34,
and as a result the body gradually starts to form and gets big-

Each of the four elements has two forms: the rough form (the physical
or visible manifestation) and the fine or subtle form (undetectable to the
human eye)
The characteristics of each element is explained on page 49
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ger and bigger every day until it forms the shape of a human
being. All internal organs and parts of the whole body are get-
ting set up; some are created at the same time and the rests
are created in turns, such as: heart, placenta, umbilical cord,
amniotic fluid and others. The placenta is needed to receive
the flow of the pure elements from the mother, the essence of
the elements get into the fetus through the umbilical cord then
go to the heart and are distributed evenly all over the body.
The amniotic fluid is needed to cool down the heat from the
mother’s fire element and to smooth the contact between the
fetus and its cover (amniotic sack).
When the time comes for the baby to be born, a part of
the fluid flows out ahead to smoothen the way. At that time the
fetus approaches the position nearing the opening (the way),
and the hole is opened and accompanied by the mother’s labor
push. What is really called the labor push is the steam, cre-
ated from the mother’s blood that then becomes the force that
pushes the baby out. When giving birth, the mother appears
to strain herself, and the force pushes the baby out, until the
baby fully leaves the womb. When the baby is born, he cries
because of the startling effect of the new enviroment and the
accompanying forces. When the baby cries, he starts breath-
ing (is able to breathe). The newly born baby can continue
developing all parts of the physical body and now there are
two ways to obtain the four elements for his body. The first
way the baby can get the subtle fire35 element available in this
macro-cosmos by himself in the form of sunshine. The sunshine
is used to enliven the life of the baby’s fire element (his blood)
which needs additional supply from the sunshine, in order to

Fire and air are considered subtle elements that can be obtained by exposure
alone, where as water and earth are considered rough elements can only
be obtained by exerting effort. The different nature of these two groups
leads to the two different ways humans must go about trying to obtain
these elements.
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have strong blood circulation all over the body. Regarding the air
element, the baby can also get the air element by himself from
the air in the macro-cosmos, through inhaling and exhaling his
breath. Inhaling makes the baby stronger and strengthens air
element inside the baby, and exhaling disposes the air whose
essence has been consumed (its subtle substance). The second
way the baby gets the essence of water and earth elements
is from drinking his mother’s milk, which grows his physical
body. The milk is actually pure blood, hence it is white, and
mostly contains two elements i.e.: the essence of water and
earth elements which cause the newly born baby grow. When
the baby’s teeth emerge, it is a signal that he himself is able
to receive the essence of water and earth elements from the
macro-cosmos. The essence of the edible plants and fruits
are consume in the fine form because his organs are still not
strong enough. When the baby grows up from adulthood to
old age, he still needs additional elements that suit his needs
to support his life. Like taking the essence of the air element
from the atmosphere in the macro-cosmos to increase the
strength of the air element. The way he obtains the additional
essence of fire element is from the sunshine. The essence of
water and earth elements are consumed by drinking and eat-
ing plants which give strength. Man is not obligated to eat any
animal meat, since the animals are actually not the food for
human beings. Except when there are obstacles, in a place
where there are no edible crops (plants), in that case eating
meat is allowed. Thousands of years ago, consuming animal
meat was not a prohibition, because at that time the plants
which fulfilled nutritional needs for building a strong body had
not been discovered by people yet.
Do know that, actually consuming animal meat accelerates
the damage of human body. This is proven by the fact that
people who never consume meat, such as: people who live in
the mountains and the like, are usually healthy, are never sick,
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and have more strength.

For people who want to stop eating meat but cannot
completely stop, they can start by not eating the meat of four-
legged animals. They temporarily eat poultry or fish and the
like, which have less blood, and then reduce their consumption
bit by bit, until they do not eat meat at all. This is necessary for
building good traits and to be in harmony with the Lord’s will.
The wind, or what is called the air36, is not included in
the cover of human beings, because its creation was after the
existence of the four elements, or emerged from the interac-
tion of the four elements, as what was mentioned in Part 1. It
is the Lord’s will that the wind is only an instrument to rotate
the macro-cosmos and also a tool used to destroy or provide
The baby is composed of seven aspects: Tripurusa 37, along
with the four elements that cover the baby. As a consequence
man has within himself seven inherent traits who are commonly
called "the seven siblings" who were born simultaneously on
the same day as the baby, and they are called:
1) Luamah
2) Amarah
3) Sufiah
4) Mutmainah
5) Pangaribawa
6) Prabawa
7) Kamayan

The location of the seven siblings in the human body is as

The term air here was translated from the Javenese word hawa, which is
different from the air in the air element which is translated from swasana.
Hawa is the air element plus other element, possibly water vapor or other
gases besides oxygen.
Tripurusa: Suksma Kawekas–Suksma Sejati-Roh Suci
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1) Luamah, created from the earth element, is located in the hu-
man muscle tissue. Luamah’s characteristics are: wickedness,
greedy, over ambitious, lazy, ill-mannered and the like. But,
if it is under complete control38 it can be the foundation of
2) Amarah, created from the fire element, is located all over
the body in the blood. Its characteristics are: eager, quick-
tempered, brutal, irate (to be very angry). Amarah drives the
other siblings to do evil or good, so amarah is the one who has
the strength to realize the other siblings’ intention, because no
intention can happen without amarah.
3) Supiah, created from the water element, is physically located
in the bone marrow. The incorporeal form of supiah is desire.
Supiah is the passion which brings about desire for possessions,
love or romantic feelings.
4) Mutmainah, created from the air element, is located in the
respiratory system, and its characteristics are: clarity, purity,
devotion and compassion.
5) Pangaribawa, physically takes the form of the navel. Pangari-
bawa is the power39 of the mother’s blood that is transferred
from her heart and is received through the navel which enliv-
ens fetus while in the mother’s womb. The incorporeal form is
located in the mind40.
6) Prabawa, when the baby is about to be born, prabawa takes
action in the form of the mother’s pushing during giving birth.
This pushing is caused by the blood vapor which commonly
called steam, and it is the steam that pushes out the baby to
be born. After the baby has been born, the incorporeal form

The phrase “complete control” come from the the Javanese manut lan
miturut, meaning to obey and follow.
Power is translated from Pangaribawa
Mind is translated from angen-angen, which is composed of thought,
analysis, and comprehension
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of prabawa (steam) resides in the oneness of the mind.

7) Kamayan, physically takes the form of the heart and is physically
located in the heart 41. Its incorporeal form is also in oneness
with the mind and located in the center of the inner self. The
kamayan is superior 42.

The seven siblings should not be imagined as previously men-

tioned, it is only an approximate location in the human body, to
make the disciples understand. Because actually, their incorporeal
forms consist merely of lights which have their own color and all
of them are created simultaneously when Roh Suci has already
been descended into the mother’s womb. For the explanation of
those seven siblings, four of them are created from the incorpo-
real form of the four elements. All four of them will be destroyed
when the body is not able to absorb the essence of the four ele-
ments (death) found in this macro-cosmos (sunshine, air, water,
and food) anymore.
The siblings called: pangaribawa, prabawa, and kamayan
are all created from the reflection of Tripurusa (The “I” of a hu-
man being), who becomes the Human Ego, the given authority
to control the other four siblings in order to be in harmony with
the Lord’s will. The other three siblings gather to become one
mind with three aspects. Each aspect has its own traits, or power,
when taking action, they do it together, never individually (alone),
but certainly together and merely support and inspire the other
four siblings: mutmainah, supiah, amarah and luamah. All of the
four siblings drive humans to do both evil and good. The detailed
explanation of the seven siblings’ interactions are as follows:
1) Luamah, can only act when it gets power from amarah’s

Heart is translated from jantung
Numbers 5,6, and 7 are all located in the mind.
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2) Amarah, can only act when it gets power from supiah’s
3) Supiah tells amarah and luamah to support its ambition.
4) Mutmainah enlightens the other siblings to do good.
However mutmainah without supiah cannot enlighten
amarah and luamah to do good, because mutmainah can only
enlighten amarah and luamah when the enlightenment can
be accepted by supiah, or joins supiah’s strength. Supiah then
moves (pulls) the three siblings (the three aspects of the mind)
as the power, which brings about mutmainah’s enlightenment to
do good to amarah and luamah. On the contrary, supiah without
mutmainah will only become luamah and amarah’s captive and
who will be asked to do evil.
All of the intentions can only become action if they are
assisted (inspired) by the three aspects of the mind, the sib-
lings called: pangaribawa, prabawa and kamayan. Actually,
what is called pangaribawa is thought or cipta, while prabawa
is reasoning (nalar), and kamayan is comprehension or under-
standing. The three siblings empower mutmainah to enlighten
amarah and luamah’s actions, after mutmainah joins supiah.
This means that only the three siblings, who reside in the mind,
can inspire the four siblings to take actions. When the three
siblings join mutmainah, the mind becomes enlightened. The
enlightenment of the mind causes the other siblings to take
actions which lead to doing good. After the mind is enlight-
ened, the mind will not obey the other siblings’ ambition to
do wrong. Therefore, the power of “I” should always strive to
be connected with mutmainah’s drive, in order to regulate the
other siblings (luamah, amarah, supiah) and enlighten them
to have good intentions and do virtuous acts. In order that the
three aspects of the mind always connect with the mutmainah
passion, they should constantly function to inspire (to awake)
supiah to desire virtuous goals by being guided to think or to
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wish to build virtuous traits.

Thus, human beings are bestowed with the three siblings
which join in oneness (the mind) so that human beings can exert
their power to regulate the other four siblings in accordance
with the Lord’s will. Through this regulation humans will never
be directed (regulated) by the powers of luamah, amarah and
supiah without the enlightenment of mutmainah. That is the
way the human beings will attain all the virtuous traits or the
Five Good Conducts, as mentioned in the book of Hasta Sila,
called: un-attachment, acceptability, honesty, patience and
high virtue.
If the passions are already under control, the mind can be
easily regulated, to gather in oneness or to be brought together
in the center of the heart, and never let them connect with the
brain. The brain is the bridge between the four siblings (the
passions) and the three siblings (the three aspects of the mind),
which makes the mind restless and scattered, and a condition
that is generated by the actions of the four siblings which have
free rein (not regulated yet). It is the oneness of the mind in the
center of the inner self which is no longer connected with the
work of the brain, but it is only expecting to receive My com-
mands. That is the reason why human beings (their Roh Suci)
can get My guidance, and are able to return to the existence
of true life, in the inner self. The existence of true life means
returning to the One who provides life, and who resides in the
eternal existence, on the Lord’s throne, which is kept in the
center of the inner self, so they are able to acquire the Lord’s
commands through Me43. The Lord’s commands can be acquired
when the intention is not utilized for the interest of worldly
matters or for trivial things such as witchery, fortune-telling
and the like, which are not free from the interests of fame, for
earning a living and so on. If that is the only intention, I will
not bestow divine words, but the person will get advice from
his own siblings which resemble My commands and deceive the
Me is translated from the Javanese word Ingsun
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individual. However, if a human being is still controlled by his

own strength which is used to support the actions of the four
siblings, he surely cannot receive the Lord’s power.
Therefore, when the seven siblings are in harmony or
completely obey the real soul (Roh Suci), luamah will be the
foundation of all strength, amarah has a strong ambition to-
wards goodness, supiah becomes the medium of the Lord's will,
and mutmainah is perfectly holy and faithful towards the Lord
and His Messenger (Suksma Kawekas and Suksma Sejati). The
three aspects of mind become virtuous in thought (or in the
state of calm tranquility), like a clear glass or a mirror which
can reflect and receive the enlightenment of Suksma Sejati,
and eventually can follow the virtuous path (right path or safe
path), and are guided to the eternal glory, the Lord’s throne,
the divine spiritual world where Tripurusa is in oneness.
Actually, human’s attempts to achieve holiness is not easy,
because most people are defeated by the scheming of those
siblings, therefore, the seven siblings should be informed.
Whenever one wants to worship the True Lord, meditate, go
to bed, or to do other tasks which are considered important,
first sincerely ask for help in regulating your seven siblings
so that they do not hinder you to achieve your goal; to repel
all temptations; to keep you safe. If they are not informed or
told (directed), the seven siblings will not want to protect the
man’s safety if there is evil conduct from the devils, who intend
to disturb the individual, then they will actively assist the evil
spirit. In fact the seven siblings can be used by the spirits to
harm the individual if the seven siblings respond to the spirit.
If they are not willing, however, the spirit cannot affect the
individual’s body.
Now you have clearly understood the details and functions
of each of the seven siblings. The servants who have not met
Me (Suksma Sejati) claim that the three siblings, called the
mind, are their own-self or consider them to be their true soul
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(the real “I”). In reality the one who enlivens the four siblings
and five senses is truly from their mind, however, the true mind
is neither the real soul nor Roh Suci, Me or the Lord either,
but it is only the reflection of Tripurusa. It becomes the power
bestowed by the Lord to human beings in order to regulate
the other four siblings, so they are in harmony with the Lord’s
will, and become the mediums to materialize His will. How
they materialize His will is in accordance with their own duty
and obedience to all the Lord’s commands conveyed through
His Messenger.
When the time comes, human beings also die (summoned
by the Lord), the covers return to their origin of the four ele-
ments, while their souls return to the Lord, if they do not get
lost on their way44.

Part III
The Creation of Animals, Plants and Devas or Deities

After the Lord created man, the Lord then created all kinds
of big and small animals, then all kinds of plants, from moss up
to big trees, and after that He created groups of devas (deities),
classified as spiritual beings, such as devils, fairies and the like.
During the creation, the first creatures were created and are the
origin of all creatures today. In regard to the speed of the creation,
it can be said that they were done almost at the same time, not
taking hours or even months, but only at a glance, because all of
them were created by the Lord’s power. Whereas the details of
the order of each creation can be explained as follows:
1. The Creation of Animals
After the Lord created man, the Lord created all kinds of
animals living in water and on land, creeping, flying, slithering,
crawling animals and the like, all of them were created at the
This will be explained clearly in Guidebook VI, The Book of Sangkan Paran
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same time. All the big and small animals were created only
from Roh Suci, which are covered by the essence of the rough
and fine (outward and inward) of the three elements: the air,
fire and earth, but without the essence of the water element as
a cover. Animals also still need additional essential rough and
fine elements from the macro-cosmos, which match with their
needs for the strength of their lives, by getting sunshine, air
and drinking water and eating plants. There are also animals
which get the elements by consuming other animals, whose
characteristics are different from plant-eating animals.
No animals have superiority like that of human beings,
because their soul is only from Roh Suci and is not bestowed
with any Guide or Teacher (Suksma Sejati). They are only given
one aspect of mind as their guide, which was created only
from the reflection of Roh Suci, and their cover consists only
of three elements. On the contrary, man’s soul is completely
from the Lord’s divine spark (Suksma Kawekas - Suksma Se-
jati - Roh Suci), so their mind also has three aspects, and the
body is a cover composed of the four elements, as explained in
Part Two. In fact, animals are only bestowed with three kinds
of senses: smell, sight and hearing. They can also feel, but
those feelings only come from the body’s physical contact with
the surroundings, but are void of emotion. They also do not
have understanding, because their mind only has one-aspect,
thought. On the contrary, man’s mind can analyze his thoughts
to comprehend his mind through reasoning and understanding,
which later can be used to select between right and wrong,
between wicked and good and so on. Therefore, since animal’s
mind cannot function perfectly, it works only in the ability to
form habits when they are touched, or their three senses are
stimulated. As a result, it cannot be used to recall past condi-
tions or occurrences or to predict coming events and the like.
However, though animals do not have compassion like human
beings do, they also experience happiness and sadness. They
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feel happy when they receive kindness, and feel sad when they
are punished. Their happiness and sadness comes from the
power of their one aspect of mind.
When the time comes for the animals or it is time for them
to die, the elements of their cover also return to their origins,
whereas their souls (Roh Suci) return to the owner of the spark,
the Lord’s Roh Suci.

2. The Creation of the Plants

Later on, the Lord had the will to create all kinds of plants
from moss to various kinds of big trees. The creation of all
plants, their souls are not from Roh Suci, but come only from
the energy of the macro-cosmos after the world was created.
The Lord ordained Me (Suksma Sejati) to spread the Lord’s
eternal power, in the form of the essences of two elements,
water and earth, yet they are also influenced by the corporeal
elements of air and fire, the air and the sun. The cover of the
soul of the plants comes also from the essences of water and
earth elements. Since the macro-cosmos also contains the es-
sences of four elements, all kinds of plants also need the energy
of water and earth elements, and some also come from the
energy of the air and fire elements (the air and the sun) for
the strength of their lives.
The existence of plants has two functions: those which give
the energy for living, for example: rice, corn, wheat etc., which
commonly become the food of man and animals. Whereas the
other kinds of plants which are poisonous can cause death or
poverty; their names need not be explained one by one, because
many of them are known by people.
Other than those plants which give energy for living and
those which are poisonous, there are also useful plants which
can be used for medicine (herbs), which have been known by
the shamans or medical doctors.
Since the soul of plants is created out of the essences of
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the elements of water and earth, when they die, their souls
return to their origin, the essences of water and earth elements.
While their physical forms also return to the water and earth

3. The Creation of Devas (Deities) or Spiritual Beings:

Devils and the like
After creating man, animals and all kinds of plants, the
Lord created another being besides animals and man called
devas (deities) who are all considered to be spiritual beings,
such as genies, satans, fairies, and the like. The creation of the
spritual beings came out from the energy of the fire element
which was manifested when the universe was created. Their
soul was created out of the Lord’s power, or having the nature
of the Lord’s power, that is the reflection of Suksma Kawekas
(not the real Suksma Kawekas) which is only covered with the
essences of the fire element. They cannot be seen by most
human eyes, because they do not have the other covers to
make them visible, but they are also alive. Therefore, the Lord’s
power which becomes the devas’ soul is without Roh Suci, and
without any guide (Suksma Sejati), and merely has the traits of
the Lord’s power, so their power is stronger than that of man.
But actually the power of a man who is close to Me is stronger
than the devas’ power. Whereas the bodies of spiritual beings
are indestructible: they cannot be cracked, or broken like the
bodies of other beings. Therefore, they are different from the
plants, animals and man. Their age, however, is limited, but they
can live very long. It can be said that their age is one thousand
times longer than that of man’s age. However, in reality man
has a longer life because man’s soul is eternal whereas devas’
soul is not eternal (can be destroyed).
The Lord’s power is bestowed according to the rank of
devas’ soul, the high-ranking ones have more power and the
low-ranking ones have less power. The Lord’s power given as
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the devas’ soul is unhindered by the energy of macro-cosmos,

the energy which creates the need to eat, drink, sleep and
have sex. The devas, therefore, can receive or manifest ex-
traordinary powers, such as kamayan45 and the like. The power
which becomes the devas’ soul is graded or will expire like a
rolling (thrown) wheel. When the wheel has stopped rolling,
the Lord’s power given as their soul is also finished (gone).
So for devas, the damage is in their soul, while their physical
forms return to the fire element. This is different from that of
man and animals, overtime there is damage to their physical
bodies, but their soul is eternal and returns to the Lord, if it is
not lost on the way. So, the Lord’s power given as the devas’
soul is only in the form of energy, as symbolized in the strength
of the hand throwing the wheel. The strength of the throw, is
the same as the level of that of the devas’ strength, and how
long it will take for the energy of the rolling wheel to end, is
the same as the limit of their age.
There is another metaphor to describe the soul of devas, it
is like water boiled (heated) in a can. The fire wood symbolizes
of the Lord’s power, the water (boiling) circulates because the
fire’s energy is the manifestation of the power or devas’ soul.
So, when the water is finished, the can (container) remains.
Therefore, when it comes to their limit, devas also die (vanish).
Their death, as I have explained above, is from the damage
of their content, meaning the power of their soul is used up
(vanished), and their physical form or container returns to the
fire element. Creatures that are characterized as devas are great
in number and can multiply through mating, because they are
also created as males and females, but the way they reproduce
is not like the way the man reproduces.
Some of those devas live in water, such as: in the seas,

Kamayan is the power of the Lord’s reflection which can, among others,
change or influence people’s visual perception and mind, predict the future
and recall the past.
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lakes, rivers and others, and some of them dwell in the ground,
mountains, forests, cemeteries, and other places, and some
also live in trees, but their nature is different from that of the
other creatures. Their nature is in the fire element, so, even
though they can dwell in the water they can also dwell in the
ground, because both water and ground are permeated by
the fire element. The existence of the devas’ nature cannot be
seen by people without My guidance or guided by the devas
The devas are very capable of applying their kamayan as
their power, such as: changing their appearances as they wish,
which are visible to human eyes. While, the high-ranking devas
also have strong power, therefore, those who have a strong
power then dare to declare themselves the Lord. All of those
devas belong to their own groups, having levels in terms of ranks
of position or degrees (levels of their power), starting from the
lowest degree (as servants) up to the highest degree. They also
have their own orders just like those of human beings, they
group together with their kind or have kingdoms like human
beings. They also have different natures, some are good and
the others are evil. Even though the high-ranking devas have
great power, they are still under the control and power of the
Lord, because their power is bestowed by the Lord.
Therefore, whoever forgets Me (Suksma Sejati), the True
Guide and Teacher, will be absorbed by the energy of the devas.

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