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Outliers argumentative essay

Jonathan Tyson
1st period

Students do you ever get those summer reading packets at the end of school? Well if you do
what do you normally do with it? Many people would say I wait till the last minute or blow it off
completely. I for one think that summer coarse and reading work isn't necessary and here's why.

During the summer months many students want to relax and enjoy their summer I for one really
like enjoy my summer but you really can't with summer coarse work and reading but most
students blow it over anyway that should tell the schools something. The students that don't do
them maybe in a situation where they can't do something like that not to mention most kids
don't even keep their notes from the previous school year. In the book Outliers Malcolm Gladwell
speaks of a school in New York called KIPP it is a very hard school with long school days but they
get up really early either to finish homework or get ready for school being in a school like Kipp is
hard some students stay up till twelve a.m just to finish homework that really doesn't even leave
time for family and association. Gladwell thinks to increase the chances of students to retain
information is to shorten summer vacation but kids need time off from school how would you
feel if you had to wake up almost year round for school. I'd feel stressed out because of to much
work some kids also have different situations some that may not allow them to learn like
everyone else. If you cut summer that's less time to relax and less time to spend with your family.

I disagree with Gladwell’s theory about the summer slump. Summer slump is forgetting or not
retaining the teachings prior to the upcoming school year. Gladwell believes that the long
Summer's is the reason that kids aren’t doing well in school. During chapter nine of Outliers
Gladwell looks at the life of a certain girl named Marita. Marita’s day starts at 5:30 am and ends
at 5 pm when she gets home she starts her homework and rarely takes breaks, she eats often
while doing her work instead of eating with her family. My point is that school work can prevent
parents from socializing with their kids. The average student spends more time at school rather
than at home with family except during weekends but by then they are tied and like to sleep for
long periods of time, that comes from doing school work till 12:00 am. I have a situation that
doesn't allow me to do work during the weekend sometimes and I'm tiered to some weekends I
wish I could stay sleep forever. Gladwell wraps his argument by noting that solutions will mean
sacrifice. They require us to confront our misconceptions about success but people are all
different they may not have the same meaning of success.

I see success as not money, fame, wealth I see it as being able to work hard and support yourself
for your future. Malcolm Gladwell sees it as Practicing every day for the rest of your life or being
in high schools but really it isn't. That's why summer should remain the way it is and should not
be shortened you need time off from school not more time in school. It's not just adults that get
stressed kids get stressed to from all the homework and books they have to lug around in heavy
book bags everyday Malcolm Gladwell is stupid to think we need more time I school just because
other countries are beating in education who cares if their smarter than us I surely don't that's
why I'm keeping my positions opposed to summer work and reading.

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