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A child undergoes various situations in is life before evolving as an adult.

Confrontations surface while playing with mates. Teasing may also be
associated. But this is not the matter of concern.

Teasing, fighting, confrontations are all part and parcel of growing years. The
situation gets tedious when it takes an ugly turn. Like tormenting, abusing
verbally or intentionally trying to threaten the younger or the weaker child. It
is called as bullying if repeated over and again with an intention to hurt. It
can be verbal, physical or psychological in nature. It can range from calling
names to spreading rumours or even extorting money or other treasured

Bullying behaviour is seen all over the world and almost in all sections of
society. It might start at an age as early as preschool and might intensify in
the transitional teenager years. There can be various reasons behind this kind
of aggressive behaviour. Often the victim is shy and introvert and weak in
built as compared to bully. On the other hand, bullying is a behaviour which
does not necessarily demand a great built.

A bully tries to attract the attention of others in a negative manner. It can be

correlated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Similarly children
coming from aggressive or disturbed family background showcase the
bullying behaviour. Sometimes bullies just gives around what they have been
through as retaliation. The affected child is most of the times submissive and
docile in nature.
It is extremely hard to identify if the child is facing bullying at school or
community. Generally the affected children don’t talk with their parents
about the incidences. They are either too scared or feel embarrassed to admit
such behaviour happening to them. But parents might notice a quite
withdrawal of the children from daily situations. The kid may repeatedly
complain of false aches and avoid going school.

Frequent crying or getting upset often over trivial matters is also sign of
bullying. Any kind of unexplained bruises or abnormal behaviour of the
children must be checked and investigated thoroughly.

On identifying the problem the foremost thing is to build confidence in the

child. It is important to make him understand that he is listened to and his
feelings are respected. Pay attention to each and every detail the child

Sometimes it is hard to identify the gravity of the situation and any loose
thread may lead to serious consequences. School authorities, or teachers, or
counsellors at school may be approached regarding the matter. If necessary,
parents of the bully can also be approached but it is always advisable to do so
in front of counsellors only.

Bullying is a serious matter and should be strongly dealt with. Even if the
child has not yet faced any such situation it is important to explain him such
prevalent behaviours in the society and ways to tackle it. If left unattended,
this childhood problem can have serious effects on the personality of the
child throughout his life.

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