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Zhen Qi Yun Xing

The Arcanum Library

The Genuine Qi Circulation Method belongs to the category of static exercises. It was originally
created to strengthen the genuine Qi by concentrating the mind and regulating breathing. This method
opens and frees the channels and balances Yin and Yang, Qi and blood. It contributes to disease
prevention and treatment and helps prolong life. This method is based on the Yellow Emperor’s Internal
Classic. Huang Di Nei Jing (黄帝内经) and borrows from microcosmic orbit meditation. The essential
part of this exercise is the “Five-Step Method," characterized by simplicity, ease of practice. safety. and
logical order of the stages of progress. The method dredges the controlling and governor vessels. If you
follow the instructions and practice it regularly, it can benefit the brain and delay aging, while also
preventing and curing diseases.



Four postures are used. Walking, standing, sitting, and lying. With sitting being the most common.
The other postures are supplementary.
The head should be upright as suspended from a string from above. Close the eyes and focus the
vision inwardly. Listen to your own breathing. Pay attention to the related organ or body part. Approach
the exercise calmly and naturally.


Inhale and exhale through the nose. Pay attention to your exhalation, but let nature take its course
when inhaling. This is because only during exhalation can the Qi be pushed down to the lower Dan



1. First. make sure you are fully prepared. This means reducing your visual field. Focus on the tip
of the nose for a moment. Close the eyes and pay attention to the heart area (epigastric region).
Listen to your exhalation and make sure not to breathe noisily. Shift your mental focus to the
heart area while breathing out. Inhale naturally and exhale as described above. After practicing
for a few days. the Qi concentrates near the heart area. This is a good way to eliminate random
thoughts. If you are still plagued by random ideation, use the breath counting method. After a
while, there will not be as many random thoughts. Once the desired effect is attained, stop
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2. Practice three times per day for 20 minutes each time. conditions allow, arrange a fixed time to
practice, and make it a habit to calm the mind. Practice conscientiously for ten days, and the
first phase will be completed.

3. After practicing this method for 3-5 days, heaviness around the heart area may be felt. After 5-
10 days, warmth can be felt around the heart area. This is a sign of genuine Qi accumulation
and lays the foundation for the next phase, which is sinking the Qi to the Dan Tian.

Note: While focusing on the epigastric region, relax the mind and do not over-concentrate. If there are
too many random thoughts and focus fails, practice while counting breaths instead. Once random
thoughts are decreased by the counting method, stop the counting, and focus on the epigastric region.
Through this first phase of practice, heart fire is reduced, and the spleen Yang is stimulated. Patients
who suffer from stomach and spleen vacuity and cold, or poor appetite, can be effectively treated.


1. When the first stage of practice achieves the goal of feeling heat in the chest (epigastric region),
that is, when the mind and breath are coordinated, gradually step by step, extend the Qi
downward to the lower abdomen, where the Dan Tian is located.

2. Practice three times a day For 25-30 minutes each time. After ten days of practicing, the Dan
Tian should feel enriched with Qi.

3. After practicing a few days. heat may flow to the Dan Tian upon exhalation. The belly may
gurgle like spring water. The movement of the intestines may intensify and flatulence increase.
This is a sign of improved intestinal and digestive functions.

Note: When guiding Qi from the heart to the lower Dan Tian, use the mind gently to slowly move the
warm Qi to the Dan Tian. Do not rush, or it will cause discomfort. Practicing this can improve the
functions of the spleen and stomach and relieve the symptoms of chronic digestive problems. It is also
effective for poor appetite, urinary and bowel disorders, and chronic colitis.


1. When the Dan Tian turns warm in the second phase, the breath can be focused in the Dan Tian.
Now you no longer need to send Qi downward when exhaling in order to avoid overheating and
depleting the Yin fluids, or what traditional Chinese medicine calls "strengthening fire can
consume the Qi." Breathe naturally, focus the mind in the Dan Tian, and use gentle fire to warm
and nourish.

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2. Practice three times a day for 30-40 minutes each time, or longer. This is to enforce the power
of the elixir, and to lay the foundation for Qi accumulation to clear blockages. it takes about 40
days to accumulate strength.

3. During this phase. there will be a definite feeling of Qi in the lower abdomen. After another ten
days. a “Qi mass” will develop. With more practice, the Qi mass will enlarge. When the lower
abdomen becomes strong and has enough power. the Qi mass moves downward, at times
causing pain or itching in the pubic area. The four limbs or waist may also become warm
depending on the individuals condition.

Note: For this method. the practitioner only needs to pay attention to the Dan Tian and no longer needs
to intentionally send Qi downward upon exhalation. Practicing this form opens the governor vessel and
integrates the heart and kidney. It promotes quiet and calm for better sleep and healthier internal
organs. Consequently, impotence, irregular menstruation, and bowel disorders may all be relieved.


1. After the third step, the Dan Tian becomes enriched and the genuine Qi passes through the Hui
Yin point at the perineum upward along the governor vessel. The mind accompanies the Qi as it
rises. Do not allow your attention to be scattered. If the Qi gets stuck at a certain point, do not
force it. The speed of circulation depends on the intensity of power accumulated in the Dan
Tian. If the real power is insufficient, and you are impatient to “open the gate” by force, then
you will be committing the error of "trying to encourage sprouts to grow by pulling them up,”
instead of allowing the process to unfold naturally. If the path is blocked at the Yu Zhen gate,
then focusing inwardly on the top of the head will clear the way.

2. The number of practice sessions may be increased daily, and the duration of practice may be
lengthened to 50 or 60 minutes. In most cases, it takes about one week to open the governor

3. Different people react differently to the opening of the governor vessel. Some experience
immediate opening. and with considerable force. Others may take a few hours or a few days.
For some, the process starts and stops intermittently, and for others, it shoots right up. Tension
in the neck, back, or head areas are certain to react to the opening of the governor vessel. Do not
worry, but relax naturally. After passing the gates (Wei Lu, Jia Ji, and Tu Zhen) (Figure 1), you
will naturally feel relaxed and happy.
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Note: With an abundance of genuine Qi, inhale and mentally guide the Qi upward along the governor
vessel. Upon exhaling, mentally guide the Qi downward along the controlling vessel. If you fail to clear
the blockage or get stuck somewhere, do not force it. Wait until sufficient Qi has accumulated and then
try to complete the circulation again. When exhaling, the genuine Qi enters the Dan Tian; while
inhaling, the genuine Qi ascends to the brain. Breathe in and out to circulate the controlling and
governor vessels. This is known as the “microcosmic orbit” (Small Heavenly Circuit). This phase helps
relieve dizziness, insomnia, restlessness, weak spirit, and decreased sexual desire. Continued practice
brings considerable health benefits. For healthy individuals, this exercise boosts the energy level,
leaving the practitioner feeling fresh and light.

Figure 1: Schematic Chart of Small Heavenly Circulation explains the

completed Qi circuit through the conception and governor vessels

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1. In principle, the practitioner should pay attention to the lower Dan Tian area. With the governor
vessel fully cleared, all other channels will soon open, too.

2. Practice three times per day for one hour each time. After a month, Random reactions and small
movements will gradually disappear, and Qi in the lower and upper Dan Tian will become more
focused and abundant.

3. Ten days after the governor vessel opens, all the channels will be cleared, and the entire
respiratory system becomes invigorated. In the early stages of Qi abundance, the following
symptoms may arise: horribly itchy scalp, numbness on the tip of the tongue, frequent feeling of
something flowing through the body like an electric current, itching of the skin as if ants are
crawling on it, tension between the eyebrows and on the nasal bone, and random feelings of
coldness or warmth throughout the body. In case of any such reactions, remain calm and do not
worry or seek out the cause. Just let it subside naturally with time.

After the governor vessel is fully open, there may appear to be a magnetic force between the upper and
lower elixir pulling them together. This is the result of a strengthened cerebral cortex and endocrine
system. The deeper your practice, the more obvious and active your strength will become. The
regulation of your physiological functions will become even better and the genuine Qi even more
abundant. An improved immune system may aid in the treatment or even cure of long standing
diseases. Consistent practice improves overall health and promotes longevity. After completion of
practice, relax the mind. Rub the hands together, as in washing the face without water, to bring the
mind back to normal. Afterwards. stand up slowly.


The exercise is an auxiliary to static and dynamic Qi Gong in training Qi. The practice of it in
combination with static and dynamic exercises can strength-then the internal organs. reinforce intrinsic
Qi, accumulate Qi without leaking, multiply the strength, and open and close the points sensitively risk
of deviations so can be avoided. This is especially that any important for those who carry out treatment
of patients by emitting outgoing-Qi because though they may be able to open the small or large circle
of Qi and can direct Qi to the extremities at will, they can not ensure his internal Qi substantial all the
time. If they do not practice the exercise Massaging the Abdomen to Strengthen the Active Substance
in the Body but treat patients, they may become insufficient in active substance, deficient in Qi and
weak in strength. If they emit outgoing-Qi to treat patients, their health will be impaired easily by
pathogenic Qi because they are not strong enough internally, their points are easy to open as soon as Qi

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reaches them and their resistance to external pathogenic factors is weak. This can cause local
discomfort or morbid physical state which leads to a general disorder of Qi activities, resulting in
collapse of the achievements gained through long-term practice. So Massaging the Abdomen to
Strengthen the Active Substance in the Body is not only an auxiliary exercise for strengthening the
intrinsic Qi, but also an indispensable exercise for those who treat patients with outgoing-Qi.

1. Methods

(1) Lie supine on bed with both legs stretched naturally, hands at the sides of the body, the
whole body (especially the viscera) relaxed, distracting thoughts expelled, breath natural,
tongue pressed against the palate, belt released and the region to be massaged exposed.

(2) Apply the right palm (left palm for a female) to the abdomen under the xiphoid process and
rotate the palm to knead the upper abdomen clockwise (for a female massaging with the left
palm counterclockwise to coincide with yin is tonifying, it as for a male to massage with the
right palm clockwise to coincide with yang). Do not exert force intentionally lest the hand
become stiff. The correct manipulation should be natural and gentle, which gives a soft
sensation under the palm inside the upper abdomen. Avoid distractions. Keep inward-vision
attentively and concentrate the mind on the Middle Dantian. One should neither forget the
flowing of Qi, no should he speed up its flow; just let it progress naturally. Maintain natural
breath with a calm mind and try to get the pleasant feeling of warm, gentle and continuous
flowing Qi under the palm. Each session of practice needs 15 - 30 minutes; the time can be
increased gradually to one hour but over fatigue of the should be avoided. Carry out the
kneading three times a day: in the morning, at noon and in the evening: or twice a day: in the
morning and in the evening.

(3) After about a month’s practice and as Qi accumulates gradually, one may feel that his
stomach-Qi is consolidated and his appetite and sleep improved, and he may have “the feeling
of Qi” in the mid-upper abdomen when it is pressed. The straight muscles of the abdomen may
have become more solid or bulged gradually, which may appear more apparently when one
directs Qi or exerts strength to it. At this stage, the midline from the xiphoid process to the navel
may be still soft and dented, indicating that Qi in the Ren Channel (the Front Midline Channel)
is still not substantial. To improve it, massage the midline with the palmroot and strike along it

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gently with a "hollow" fist. The dent will disappear then, and Qi in the Ren Channel is now
rendered substantial. This usually takes one a hundred days to attain.

(4) As a following step, conduct massage on the right side of the abdomen with the right palm
first, in a way of spiral kneading from under the ribs down to the groin, 12 times. Do the same
with the left palm to the left abdomen counterclockwise 12 times. Then massage with the right
palm the lower abdomen where the Lower Dantian is located circularly for 15 - 30 minutes,
with the same method of respiration and mind concentration. Pat the same site with a “hollow
fist” for some time after the massage. By so doing, Dantian and even the whole abdomen will
become substantial with Qi and will be strong and solid in about a hundred days.

(5) The next step is to strike with a “hollow fist” on the midline of the chest and the right and
left sides of it, followed by massaging the Lower Dantian in the way mentioned in step (4).
Long-term practice will make both the chest and the abdomen substantial with Qi, indicating
that both the Ren and the Chong Channels are full of Qi.

(6) At this stage, one can direct Qi into the Du Channel (the Back Midline Channel). Then, use
a ready-made mulberry club or a wooden hammer to carry out se1f-patting, or ask someone to
pat with a hollow fist along the Du Channel and along the first and second collaterals of the
Urinary Bladder Channel, up and down and vice versa alternately. Ask him to rub these places
with his palm root in order to make Qi even and full. In this way, the Du Channel will be
substantial with Qi in about a hundred days.

(7) When the Ren and Du Channels are filled with consolidate Qi, one can carry out self-patting
or ask someone to pat with hollow fist or a ready made tool on the upper and lower extremities
from above to below, with emphasis on the regions where there are flably muscles.
The patting or striking of the above-mentioned parts can also be done with a specially made
With about one year’ s practice of the exercise, one may feel that he is full of substantial and
vigorous Qi all over. His resistance to external pathogenic factors will be strong. his points
will be highly sensitive in opening and closing and will not be affected by turbid Qi. On this
basis, he can take some time every day to massage the abdomen and pat the extremities as a

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Spiral Form: It is developed from the method “guiding Qi in spiralty”. Qi emitted this way
goes spirally (clockwise or counterclockwise) toward the affected area and penetrates deep into
the body of the patient. Clinical application proves that it has special effective function in
regulating Qi activities, and most of the patients may get a feeling of Qi penetration and that of
light, sound and mild electric shock.
The emitting of Qi is accompanied by natural respiration and spiral mind concentration. Qi
starts whirling from the vortex in Dantian and moves in loops linked one with another to the
part of the hand where it is emitted. The therapist should not begin to emit Qi until he feels the
whirling flow of it.
The learning of this skill needs not only constant practice of Qi rotation in Dantian but also
the synchronized Qi rotation in Dantian and in a certain hand gesture. It is essential to cultivate
a fixed conditioned reflex so that when Qi in Dantian begins to rotate, it begins to whirl at the
hand gesture simultaneously. Only then, can one start to apply the method to clinical treatment.

Guiding Qi in Spiralty
(1) Posture
Any of the three postures (standing, sitting, and lying) will do. The standing posture is
taken hereof as an example.
Stand feet apart, place the right hand in front of the right of the chest with the elbow bent,
palm facing forward and fingertips pointing upward.
(2) Guiding Qi
On guiding Qi, get Qi in Dantian to turn inside the body counterclockwise in spirally (Qi
following mind concentration) through the chest and the upper extremities to the palms. Make
Qi in Dantian to spiral (taking the navel as the centre) synchronously with that in the palms
(taking the Inner Laogong as the centre). Beginners should do it slowly and increase the speed
gradually and naturally. The turning is flexible and one should not be too anxious for quick
results. The exercise can also be carried out with the index and middle fingers or only the
middle finger stretched. Qi is turned to whirl from the smallest to the largest circle, or vice
versa, or in other ways.
(3) Time
The skill of guiding Qi described above can not be mastered overnight; it should be
practiced frequently, making full use of the standing, lying and sitting postures.

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This is an advanced breathing exercise for those who have had much Qi Gong training to open up
the Zhong Mai channel. You can take either sitting or lying posture. Generally after you have opened
up "Small Zhoutian" and "Large Zhoutian", you can lead the Qi with the mind and breathing from
dantian straight up to the acupoint of baihui at the top of head, and again down to dantian and huiyin.
That is to say, if you have mastered the art of Qi Gong, you can lead the Qi from baihui directly down
to huiyin, which is thus called Zhong Gong direct flowing exercise.
While inhaling, conduct the Qi from dantian up through the center of the body to baihui; and while
exhaling, conduct the Qi from baihui down through dantian to huiyin. From huiyin send it back up on
the inhale through dantian to baihui and so on. By inhaling and exhaling, you get the Qi flowing
directly from the center on top of the body to the center at bottom. Later send the Qi out baihui and out
huiyin. This exercise is effective for cultivating Yuan Qi (Zhen Qi), and building up essence and Qi and

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