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Researched & Compiled By Jeff McDuffie

This advanced arm training system incorporates the internal power (neigong) into modern plyometric
and isometric techniques. The purpose of this training is for almost any type of sports especially all
fighting based sports to increase the explosive power of the arms beyond normal.

The main basic practice that is followed in all the exercises is Inhale, bend your arms, and push down
on the dantien zhenqi (pushing the diaphragm down while its under tension). The qi of the dantian will
move up the Ren channel to the chest, and then to the Lao Gong on both hands; like a sudden jet, the
dantian energy rushes into the Lao Gong and directly hits the ground, generating a reaction force, and
this reaction force pushes your arms violently to lift your body upwards, lifting your palms off the
ground, drop your upper body and exhale, and touch the palms to the ground into a push-up. The key to
practicing this exercise lies in the penetration of internal energy, rather than relying on the strength
of the arms. (Remember that this basic energy guiding method must be followed on all exercises).

The secret meditation technique used in this system is"Bodhidharma's turtle-breathing internal
power" that was originally the supreme cultivation method of the Shaolin abbots who attained

The instructions to the meditation are at the end of this pdf.

16. Isometric Wall Punch (Bonus)

To do it, place your fist on the wall while staying in your standard
boxing stance. Then you start pushing till failure for 10 sets. Your
arm should be almost fully extended and you should bend your
knees a little bit. Keep your wrist straight. The pressure needs to
be on your middle knuckle (you can use a towel if your knuckles
hurt too much). You’ve now completed the exercise at the full
range position: at the point of impact. Now move a little closer to
the wall so that your at the mid-way position; your arm is half way
between being fully retracted and fully extended, with your fist still
pressing against the wall. Your torso will also be twisted to be
slightly more square on to the wall itself. Experiment with
different punches and stances at both long and short ranges.
Bodhidharma's Turtle-Breathing Internal Power Secret Shaolin Meditation

1. Relax the whole body, sit cross-legged, keep the dantian, left leg inside, right leg outside, hands
and five fingers together, left palm upright in front of the chest, right palm up and flat in front of the
lower abdomen, (two arms should be flat, close to the body), Reverse abdominal breathing, use your
nose to inhale and exhale when you breathe. In addition, inhaling and exhaling are closed (held) for
1-2 minutes (Note: the abdomen should be contracted when inhaling, and the belly should be rounded
when breathing out. Each time you sit for two hours), this is called breath holding. Inhale 15 sec, hold
for 15 sec, exhale for 15 sec and then hold outwards for 15 sec. Over time increase these times to
equal 2 minutes per 1 breath. It will take 2 minutes to complete 1 breath.

2. When you practice holding your breath for a long time, you can close your breath for 3-5 minutes
with one breath in or one breath out, and you will have the basic dantian zhenqi, and you will feel that
there is a The ball is moving. The longer the breath is held, the bigger the ball will be, and the feeling
of movement will be enhanced.

3. When practicing breath-holding, keep the brain still, and lower the heart rate. Don't rush for
success, and slowly develop from a short time to a long time.

Form: Left palm facing right arm, thumb slightly curved. Lay your right hand flat with your navel,
palm facing up. Alternate the hands in practice.

The Method Of Activating And Pushing Qi

1. When each breath can be closed for 3-5 minutes, you should sit cross-legged in the breath-holding
style, take a deep breath of external air and press down, and the zhenqi of dantian will rise to the
meridians of various parts of the body and flow to each other. If the first breath of external air can
only make the dantian zhenqi rise, but cannot flow along the meridians, then inhale the second
external air to press down the dantian true qi again. In this way, the first breath inhaled will not run
out of the door, and the second breath of external air inhaled can put more pressure on the dantian
zhenqi, causing the dantian zhenqi to rise rapidly and flow to the meridians all over the body.

2. When the breath can be held for 5 minutes, sit cross-legged in the style of breaking the yin and
separating the yang (right leg over left leg full lotus) during breath-holding, take a deep breath of
external air and press down on the zhenqi of dantian, and at the same time use the left arm
vigorously which is in a moving isometric way pushing the left palm outwards to the front of the
chest. (Note: Except for the left arm palm pushing outwards, all other parts are Relax), Dantian
zhenqi will naturally rise along the Ren meridian between the Tanzhong point on the chest, then along
the Zhongfu point on the upper three ribs of the breast, and pass through the Yunmen, Tianfu, Jiabai
and Chize on the inner side of the upper limbs. , Kongsui, Lieque, Jingqu, Taiyuan, Yuji acupoints go
to Shaoshang acupoints, and then the whole body is exerted, and dantian zhenqi will naturally go
along the twelve meridians. The Shang point and Zhongfu point is the hand-taiyin lung
meridian. (Note: If the first inhalation of external qi cannot make the true/zhen qi of dantian flow
along the twelve meridians, then inhale the second and third inhalation...until the twelve meridians
are connected. When exhaling qi, it must be in the quiet room, without any The interference of foreign
objects and sounds)

Simple Explanation Of Activating And Pushing Qi

1. Push the dantian zhenqi to the left palm when pushing the palm outwards. When pushing the palm
out tense and focus hard on the yangqi and daling points on the hand. Try to imagine the energy of the
whole body blasting through these points.

2. Learn to feel the energy pushing upwards from the dantian into the arms and hands.

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