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I want to thank my parents for their constant motivation and contribution, also
keep in mind that the present research work was done under the supervision of
Professor Katherine ,Thank you for your patience, time and dedication that she
had for this to come out in the best way

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3

2. BODY ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1. The Television .................................................................................... 4

2.2.Origin of de word ............................................................................................ 4

2.3 .Importance of the television .......................................................................... 4

2.4 The Television in our country ....................................................................... 5

2.5 Arrival of television to Perú .......................................................................... 5

2.6 Influence of television .................................................................................... 7

2.7 Influence of television on children ................................................................ 7

2.8 Influence of television on adolescents........................................................... 8

2.9 Cultural and educational television in Perú .................................................. 9

3 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 10

4 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 11


One of the reasons that I had to choose this topic is the current programming of different

television media. Good families face very significant challenges in controlling the use of

television and videotapes in their homes. The television trash is a recurring theme in our

country and is always a matter of discussion ,the television culture of our media, currently,

is stereotyped, consumer-oriented, promoter of inappropriate model characters, generator of

undesirable behavior ..etc.

Nowadays, the media have a great influence on all the people, whether children, young

people or adults, but there is a medium that has more power to penetrate into the minds of

people, and who is living in most of the homes of the world and Peru is not the exception.

This revolutionary medium is known like television. Any negative image of television, audio

and language can have a bad influence on people, since television faces a large audience.

Television affects the way we think and act, knowing that Peru is one of the countries in

Latin America has a high record of television consumption per hour per day. The truth is that

in Peru there is only an authentic regulation on the quality of television content the only

existing norm is the Radio and Television Law No. 28278, passed in 2004, which obliges all

channels to have a code of ethics, which is one of the limits of production.

2. The Television

Television is a means of communication that has greatly helped the development

worldwide and is considered very important for society as it can be transmitted national and

international information to citizens who have one.

2.1 Origin of de word

Most of us watch television at least twice a day but we do not know where

the word television comes from. The word television comes from the Greek word

"Tele" which means "distance" and from the Latin word "Visio" which means

"vision. Television is a telecommunication system for the transmission and

reception of moving images and sound at a distance. This transmission can be

affected by radio waves or by specialized cable television networks.

2.2 Importance of the television

Television is one of the most used technological tools in the world and which

have more presence in Peruvian and foreign homes because it is considered

essential in the life of each person.

Considering that television is taken as a tool that gives us knowledge,

reflection and fun, we must take it into account in our daily life and exploit it in the

best way possible, so that it helps our personal development.

First, television can be accessible to many more people than other media and

this is true not only in economic terms but also in cultural terms. In addition,

television is handled with much more informal, accessible and visually attractive

or dynamic languages, for which its arrival is much greater than other media such

as radio or newspaper, certainly limited to a single type of support.

2.3 The Television in our country

You do not need to be a specialist in any profession to be able to generate a criticism

towards Peruvian television, it is enough to just turn on our box that we have in our homes

to see so much aberration together, people who say they bring news to homes that only

They look for how to generate a scandal to get a rating.

The programs in Peruvian television have changed a lot, since they are currently

uneducated programs, where there are no values or respect in the country, they are very

mediocre, vulgar, they are not educational and at times we like them more as Peruvians,

and the few Family programs are copied, this must change and must be more original

because most users prefer international cable channels.

I think that the best channel of Peruvian television is TVPERU because it shows

the different cultures and traditions that exist in different places of our country, also

because it is the only channel where Creole music is played and they have as guests

different singers and composers of the Peruvian music.

2.4 Arrival of television to Perú

On April 12,1955 Lima celebrated Holy Week when the first television images were

transmitted from the Hotel Bolivar to the television set installed in the El Comercio Hall.

Great amount of public was fascinated with the invention. But what were the first images

that Peruvians saw?

Figure1 Transmission made in Peru -
Lima 1955 in front of the Bolivar hotel

From 7:30 to 9 at night the public was delighted with the presentation of the carnival

queen Bebelú of the Borda and with film passages referring to Santo Domingo and the

United States. Although there were some distortions caused by the effects of "static


The first experimental television broadcast in Peru occurred on Thursday, September

21, 1939. Then they broadcast a film and an artistic program from the school “Nuestra

Señora de Guadalupe”, in Lima on Channel 3, they made another test, this time from the

“Gran Hotel Bolívar” on Friday, April 11, 1955, in charge of Mr. Antonio Pereyra .

In 1959, Lima's stores registered sales of 10 thousand television receivers, while

whole pages of television advertising in newspapers and magazines announced the

beginning of the television era in Peru. The growth had been explosive, since at the end

of 1958 there were 5 thousand televisions.

2.5 Influence of television

Recent studies from all over the world show how badly television can affect a child’s

growth physically and mentally. Television is a negative influence on kids and therefore

TV watching must be limited.

People watch programs, series or movies because they feel or want to feel identified

with them. Thus, following the stereotypes, people with a high cultural level like to watch

news and news programs. Housewives like to watch the family or love dramas of a soap

opera. Children want to be like superheroes.

Figure2 Behavior of a child in front of the


When we see our society, we can verify the importance of the media in our lives, and

at the same time, the harmful, that sometimes can be for children, as in some cases

evidence of life facts about sex, dugs, violence, wars, discriminations and alcohol,

analyzed without any scientific or ethical rigor.

2.6 Influence of television on children

In the media, television is the most accessible for children, since it is present in most

homes and does not require complex skills to receive information, such as the reading

required by books and books. the newspapers.

In children, television has positive effects if it is taught to see it as a source of learning,

but the abuse and the amount of hours that children watch television, coupled with the

lack of educational content, has negative effects.

Children who watch too much television suffer greater risks of:

 Imitation of the violence of television in everyday life.

 Being lazy and not engaging in sports activities and therefore being overweight

 Not having good relationships with their peers, their parents, siblings and relatives.

Having little social interaction.

2.7 Influence of television on adolescents

We all know that adolescence is a formative moment, and that it is almost impossible

to protect adolescents and adolescents from the standard diet of the media with sex, drugs

and violence. But what effect do those programs and movies have on our children?

When there is a lack of life experience, Lancaster, (2019) says, adolescents often

learn from television and movies as they navigate unknown waters such as gender roles

or how to behave in relationships.

Figure 3 Adolescents always turn to

audiovisual sources to find answers to the

changes they are experiencing.

This may become a problem in the future, if the Peruvian programming continue in

this way, since adolescents try to imitate the characters that appear in television and that

can cause a lack of personality. Parents should have a knowledge of what they see and

guide their children for the good of these and contribute to the development of their


2.8 Cultural and educational television in Peru

In Peru, Law No. 28278, Law on Radio and Television, approved in 2004, indicated

in Article 4: "Broadcasting services have the objective of the needs of people in the way

of information, knowledge, culture" education and entertainment within a framework of

respect for fundamental rights and duties, as well as the values to recognize the Political

Constitution of Peru and the principles established in this Law. In May 2014, also

Congressman Agustín Molina presented a bill to promote and disseminate cultural

programming through open-signal television (03465/2018-CR), which allows "to

complement the moral and cultural formation of children and teenagers.


 Television is a system of transmission of images and sounds at a distance and a

phenomenon that has revolutionized the whole world. this is important in different aspects

in the homes of the families, being this means of communication one of the most used

globally for all the benefits that can provide society

 Currently, millions of Peruvians have a television in their homes, from his arrival in Peru

in 1939, television is still one of the tools more important in this country, but its content

with the passage of time has lowered its quality of programs.

 Children and adolescents are the most influenced by television, the content of the programs

is not good for the minds of this group of people who are just acquiring an identity


Falla, M (26 de octubre del 2006). [Mensaje de un Blog] La influencia que tiene l
a televisión en los jóvenes de Ciudad Bolívar en los años 2000 al 2009
Recuperado de

Casetti. F, Di Chio. F (1999) Análisis de la televisión: instrumentos, métodos y p

rácticas de investigación. Recuperado de
/books?id=6ZYgkLjVMAQC&hl=es&source=gbs_navlinks_sCoya, H. (2015) ¿
Recuperado de

Eugenia, R (4 de Abril de 2009) TELEVISION [Mensaje de un Blog] Recuperad

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