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Neurotoxins in the Neurobiology of Pain

Stephen D. Silberstein, MD

Migraine is a common, chronic, incapacitating, neurovascular disorder that affects an estimated 12% of the
population. Understanding the basic mechanisms of pain is important when treating patients with chronic pain
Pain, an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, is usually triggered by stimulation of peripheral nerves
and often associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Peripheral nerve fibers transmit pain signals from the
periphery toward the spinal cord or brain stem. The different diameter pain fibers (A and C) vary in the speed of
conduction and the type of pain transmitted (eg, sharp versus dull). When stimulated, peripheral pain fibers carry-
ing sensory input from the body enter at different layers of the dorsal horn, which is then propagated toward the
thalamus via the spinothalamic tract within the spinal cord. Conversely, sensory input from the face does not enter
the spinal cord but enters the brain stem via the trigeminal nerve.
This review describes in detail the neurobiological mechanisms and pathways for pain sensation, with a focus
on migraine pain.
Key words: migraine, pain, mechanism, trigeminal nucleus
Abbreviations: STT spinothalamic tract, VPL ventroposterior lateral
(Headache. 2003;43[suppl 1]:S2-S8)

Migraine is a common, chronic, incapacitating, tions of the cerebral, vertebral, and basilar branches.2
neurovascular disorder that affects an estimated 12% Surrounding the large cerebral vessels, pial vessels,
of the population.1 Migraine attacks are character- large venous sinuses, and dura mater is a plexus of
ized by episodes of throbbing head pain that may be largely unmyelinated fibers that arise from the oph-
severe. Understanding the basic mechanisms of pain thalmic division of the trigeminal ganglion and, in the
is important when treating patients with chronic pain posterior fossa, the upper cervical dorsal roots. This
disorders. review describes the neurobiological mechanisms and
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional ex- pathways for pain sensation.
perience usually triggered by stimulation of periph-
eral nerves and often associated with actual or poten- PAIN SENSORY FIBERS
tial tissue damage. The intracranial pain-sensitive Peripheral nerves vary in diameter, with fiber
structures include the glossopharyngeal, vagus, trigem- size correlating with function. Large fibers conduct
inal, and upper cervical spinal nerves; the vascular faster than small fibers; myelinated fibers conduct
structures of the venous sinuses and their tributaries; faster than unmyelinated fibers. The compound ac-
the dural arteries; the carotid, vertebral, and basilar tion potential of a peripheral nerve has 3 distinct de-
arteries; the circle of Willis; and the proximal por- flections: A being the fastest; B, the intermediate;
and C, the slowest. The A fibers, which are responsi-
ble for the A deflection, are myelinated sensory and
From the Jefferson Headache Center, Thomas Jefferson Uni-
versity Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. motor fibers. The A deflection is subdivided further
into alpha, beta, gamma, and delta peaks, with A alpha
Address all correspondence to Dr. Stephen D. Silberstein, Jef-
ferson Headache Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospi- fibers the largest and most rapidly conducting my-
tal, 111 South 11th Street, Suite 8130, Philadelphia, PA 19107. elinated fibers, and A delta fibers the smallest and

Headache S3

slowest of the A group of fibers. The B fibers are my- ated with small-diameter, nonmyelinated C fibers that
elinated visceral fibers (preganglionic autonomic fibers conduct slowly, generally at velocities of less than 1
and some visceral afferents). The C fibers are small- m/s, and are responsible for dull pain and tempera-
caliber, unmyelinated, and slow-conducting fibers.3 ture sensitivity. Neurotransmitters within these fibers
For the most part, nociceptors are free nerve include glutamate and the neuropeptides, substance P,
endings found throughout almost all human tissue. calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and neuroki-
There are 4 classes of nociceptors: thermal, mechani- nin A. Stimulation of C fibers results in the slow buildup
cal, polymodal, and silent nociceptors. Some free of an aching, throbbing, or burning pain, whereas
nerve endings (silent nociceptors) respond poorly to faster-conducting A delta fibers transmit sharper ini-
all stimuli. Their firing threshold is dramatically re- tial pain sensations.2 For example, if you were to stick
duced by inflammation and various chemical insults yourself with a pin, the initial sharp pain would be
that may contribute to the development of secondary due to activation of the A delta fibers. After a lag of
hyperalgesia and central sensitization. Activation of about 1 second, the sharp pain would be followed by
silent nociceptors is thought to contribute to pain that a dull pain. The time delay in the 2 types of pain sen-
accompanies inflammation and certain pathological sation is explained by the fact that A delta fibers
processes.3 transmit much faster than C fibers.
Pain evoked by different input channels repre- In contrast, A beta fibers normally do not trans-
sents activation of high-threshold receptor ion-channel mit pain. The neurotransmitters within these nerve fi-
transducers in nociceptor peripheral terminals (nocicep- bers consist mainly of excitatory amino acids, such as
tive transduction). The mechanism by which noxious glutamate and aspartate. Even so, following activa-
stimuli depolarize free sensory endings and generate tion or injury, the expression of several neuropep-
action potentials is not known. The membrane of the tides such as neuropeptide Y, galanine, cholecystoki-
nociceptor, however, is thought to contain proteins nin, and substance P, is augmented. As a result,
that convert the thermal, mechanical, or chemical en- sensory information that is normally transduced from
ergy of noxious stimuli into a depolarizing electrical touch and vibration may be perceived as painful.4 In
potential. One such protein is the receptor for capsa- the absence of conduction of A alpha and A beta fi-
icin, a natural product of hot peppers. The capsaicin, bers, the perception of pain is not normal (eg, when
or vanilloid, receptor is found exclusively in primary pinprick, pinch, or ice cannot be distinguished from
afferent nociceptors and mediates the pain-producing each other and instead each produces the sensation
actions of capsaicin. The capsaicin receptor responds of burning pain).
to noxious heat stimuli, which suggests that it is a Action potentials initiated by a painful stimulus
transducer of painful heat stimuli. Local inhibition oc- travel both centrally, toward the spinal cord or brain
curs at different relay levels in the neuraxis. Descend- stem, and peripherally, invading branches of the
ing inhibition originates in the forebrain and brain same neuron outside the area of injury (axon reflex).
stem and terminates in the brain stem and spinal cord. Peripherally released neuropeptides cause dilation of
Factors responsible for the local inhibition include de- arterioles (flare), leakage of plasma from venules
creased activation of neurons, down-regulation of re- (edema), and inflammation. In the meninges, they
ceptors and transmitters, and cell death (disinhibition). produce neurogenic inflammation with plasma pro-
Nociceptors are associated with either unmyeli- tein extravasation. Nociceptors contain glutamate re-
nated C fibers; small, thinly myelinated A delta fibers; ceptors, and glutamate is thought to play a role in pe-
or, under certain circumstances, A beta fibers.2 Ther- ripheral sensitization.3
mal and mechanical nociceptors are associated with
small-diameter, thinly myelinated A delta fibers that PAIN PATHWAYS
conduct signals at about 5 to 30 m/s. Polymodal noci- The principal ascending spinal pain pathway is
ceptors, activated by high-intensity mechanical, chemi- the lateral spinothalamic tract (STT). Originating
cal, or thermal (both hot and cold) stimuli, are associ- from both lamina I and deep layers V-V1 of the dor-
S4 July/August Suppl 2003

Fig 1.—Development of cutaneous allodynia during a migraine attack.

sal horn, the STT receives synaptic input from pri- of the trigeminal nerve, enter the brain stem at the
mary nociceptive afferent neurons. The main projec- pontine level, and terminate in the trigeminal brain
tion of this pathway is to the ventroposterior lateral stem nuclear complex. The trigeminal brain stem nu-
(VPL) nucleus of the thalamus and, from there, to clear complex is composed of the principal trigeminal
the primary and secondary somatosensory cerebral nuclei and spinal trigeminal nuclei (subdivided into
cortical areas (S1 and S2) (the STT-VPL-S1-2 path- the rostral subnuclear oralis, middle subnuclear inter-
way). The STT-VPL-S1-2 pathway’s neurons of origin polaris, and caudal subnuclear caudalis). All contrib-
within the dorsal horn contain predominantly wide ute to facial and cranial nociception.6
dynamic-range neurons and some nociceptive- The brain stem spinal trigeminal nucleus is analo-
specific neurons that are critical for both sensory and gous to the dorsal horn of the spinal canal, the first
affective pain processing.5 synapse in the central nervous system. Most spinotha-
The fifth cranial nerve, arising from the trigemi- lamic and trigeminothalamic tract neurons that origi-
nal ganglion (semilunar or gasserian ganglion), has 3 nate from the dorsal horn and project to VPL and
divisions: ophthalmic, mandibular, and maxillary. VPM nuclei have wide dynamic-range characteris-
Anterior pain-producing structures are innervated by tics.5 Second-order neurons from the trigeminal spi-
the ophthalmic (first) division. Posterior regions are nal nuclei form the trigeminothalamic tract and
subserved by upper cervical nerves.6 Central trigemi- project to other midbrain structures, as well as to the
nal primary afferent processes form the sensory root thalamic tract. A number of secondary neuronal
Headache S5

pathways for pain also project to the somatosensory tant for encoding the capacity to recognize the sen-
cortex, insular cortex, and cingulate cortex. sory intensity and sensory qualitative features of
A reflex connection exists between neurons in the pain; and (2) other pathways, which contain mostly
pons in the superior salivatory nucleus, which results nociceptive-specific neurons that are important for
in a cranial parasympathetic outflow that is mediated immediate affective-motivational responses, auto-
through the pterygopalatine, otic, and carotid gan- nomic and somatomotor activation, and possibly pain
glia. This normal trigeminal-autonomic reflex may be sensation.5
hyperactive in patients with trigeminal-autonomic Pain has both sensory and affective dimensions.
cephalgias (cluster headache and paroxysmal hemi- In addition to being physically unpleasant, pain is as-
crania) and perhaps migraine. sociated with negative emotions shaped by context,
Most trigeminal brain stem nuclear complex neu- anticipations, and attitudes.5 The somatosensory cor-
rons that project to the contralateral thalamus are tex is involved in pain affect. Pain unpleasantness is
found in the principal trigeminal nuclei. The remain- in series with pain sensation intensity. Pain sensations
ing neurons are located in the middle subnuclear in- and affect are disrupted by STT-VPL-S1-2 lesions be-
terpolaris, with smaller contributions from the rostral cause this pathway makes serial interconnections to
subnuclear oralis and caudal subnuclear caudalis. corticolimbic structures involved in pain-related af-
The contralateral fibers from the principal trigeminal fect.5
nuclei ascend with the medial lemniscus and are often The anterior cingulate cortex is part of the brain’s
referred to as the trigeminal lemniscus. The spinal nu- attentional and motivational network, projecting to
clei project to the thalamus via a crossed pathway prefrontal (executive functions) and supplementary
that joins the contralateral STT. The trigeminotha- motor cortex (response selection) regions. It coordi-
lamic projections terminate preferentially in the tha- nates inputs from parietal areas involved in the per-
lamic VPM nucleus.6 ception of bodily threat with frontal cortical areas in-
Most VPM nuclei, some with wide dynamic- volved in the plans and response priorities for pain-
range characteristics, respond to low-threshold stim- related behavior. The anterior cingulate cortex is the
uli. The trigeminal brain stem nuclear complex neu- most consistent brain region activated in brain imag-
rons also project to a number of diencephalic and ing studies of pain.5
brain stem areas involved in the regulation of auto- Input to lower brain stem and limbic structures
nomic, endocrine, affective, and motor functions. All may contribute to arousal, autonomic, and somato-
trigeminal brain stem nuclear complex neuron subnu- motor activation. Medial thalamic nuclei project to
clei project directly to the hypothalamus.6 regions involved in monitoring the overall state of the
Unlike the STT-VPL-S1-2 pathway, other ascend- body (insular cortex), directing attention (anterior
ing pathways have a preponderance of nociceptive- cingulate cortex), and assigning response priorities
specific neurons. The spino-parabrachio-amygdaloid (anterior cingulate cortex). In addition, the anterior
pathway and the spino-parabrachio-hypothalamic path- cingulate cortex receives input from a ventrally di-
way consist exclusively of nociceptive-specific neu- rected somatosensory-limbic pathway that contributes
rons. These pathways are involved in autonomic pro- varying degrees of cognitive evaluation to pain affect.5
cesses and behaviors related to fear and defense.
Spinothalamic and trigeminothalamic tract neurons POTENTIAL MECHANISMS OF PAIN
that terminate in the ventromedial portion of the pos- Pain can be assessed at different levels—the indi-
terior nuclear complex and ventrocaudal portion of vidual level (personal suffering), the system level
the mediodorsal nucleus have more nociceptive- (how pain is generated), and the cellular and molecu-
specific neurons.5 lar level (change in the individual elements of the sys-
Thus, there are functionally different ascending tem)—and is mediated by different input channels.
pain pathways: (1) the STT-VPL-S1-2 pathway, which Usually, the pain from intensive stimulation or injury
contains mostly wide dynamic-range neurons impor- (nociceptive pain) diminishes as healing progresses.
S6 July/August Suppl 2003

Even so, another type of pain can occur with periph- hibition at different relay levels in the neuraxis and
eral or central nervous system malfunction. Three descending inhibition caused by decreased activation
spatiotemporal characteristics of pain can be seen of neurons, down-regulation of receptors/transmit-
during both normal and pathophysiological pain: (1) ters, and cell death, originating in the forebrain and
as pain intensity increases, the area in which it is ex- brain stem and terminating in the brain stem and spi-
perienced often enlarges (radiation); (2) the pain nal cord (disinhibition).7
may outlast the evoking stimulus; and (3) repeated The mammalian nervous system contains net-
nociceptive stimuli may increase the perceived pain works that modulate nociceptive transmission. The
intensity, even without increased input (sensitiza- trigeminal brain stem nuclear complex receives
tion). Pain was initially believed to be a fixed line sys- monoaminergic, enkephalinergic, and peptidergic pro-
tem activated in the periphery by nociceptors in re- jections from regions known to be important in the
sponse to an adequate noxious stimulus. Although modulation of nociceptive systems. A descending in-
true of nociceptive pain, it is not the case for pain hy- hibitory neuronal network extends from the frontal
persensitivity or spontaneous pain, where a number cortex and hypothalamus through the periaqueductal
of different input channels can lead to the sensation gray to the rostral ventromedial medulla and the
of pain. These input channels include: (1) nociceptor medullary and spinal dorsal horn. The rostral ventro-
activation in the periphery by noxious mechanical, medial medulla includes the nucleus raphe magnum
thermal, or chemical stimuli (nociceptive pain); (2) and the adjacent reticular formation and projects to
activation of sensitized nociceptors in the periphery the outer laminae of the spinal and medullary dorsal
by low-intensity stimuli (peripheral sensitization); (3) horn. Electrical stimulation or injection of opioids
ectopic discharge in nociceptors, originating at a neu- into the periaqueductal gray or rostral ventromedial
roma, dorsal root ganglion, peripheral nerve, or dor- medulla reduces nociresponsive neuron activity. The
sal root (peripheral nerve injury); (4) low-threshold periaqueductal gray receives projections from the in-
afferent activation in the periphery by low-intensity sular cortex and the amygdala.6
mechanical or thermal stimuli (in combination with Antinociception can be measured by nociceptive
central sensitization, synaptic reorganization, or dis- reflex inhibition. In the rostral ventromedial medulla
inhibition); (5) ectopic discharge in low-threshold af- and periaqueductal gray, 3 classes of neurons have
ferents originating at a neuroma, dorsal root gan- been identified.8 “Off-cells” pause immediately be-
glion, peripheral nerve, dorsal root (peripheral nerve fore the nociceptive reflex, whereas “on-cells” are ac-
injury associated with central sensitization, synaptic tivated. Neutral cells show no consistent changes in
reorganization, or disinhibition); and (6) spontaneous activation.6 Opioids activate off-cells and inhibit on-
activity in central neurons (in the dorsal horn, thala- cells; nociceptive reflexes are inhibited. Thus, off-cell
mus, or cortex).7 activity is related to suppression of nociception,
Pain results from: (1) nociceptive transduction; (2) whereas on-cell activity is accompanied by enhance-
peripheral sensitization; (3) changes in ion-channel ment to noxious stimuli. On- and off-cell activity is
expression/phosphorylation/accumulation in primary modulated by 5-HT1 receptor agonists.6
afferents (altered sensory neuron excitability); (4) These cells are believed to modulate the activity
posttranslational changes in ligand- and voltage- of the trigeminal nucleus caudalis and dorsal horn
gated ion-channel kinetics in central (spinal cord and neurons. Increased on-cell activity in the brain
brain) neurons, altering their excitability and the stem’s pain modulation system could enhance the
strength of their synaptic inputs (central sensitiza- response to both painful and nonpainful stimuli.
tion); (5) alterations in the expression of receptors/ Opiate withdrawal results in increased firing of on-
transmitters/ion channels in peripheral and central cells, decreased firing of off-cells, and enhanced no-
neurons (phenotype modulation); (6) modification of ciception.8 Headache may be caused, in part, by en-
synaptic connections caused by cell death or sprout- hanced neuronal activity in the nucleus caudalis as a
ing (synaptic reorganization); and (7) loss of local in- result of enhanced on-cell or decreased off-cell ac-
Headache S7

tivity. Other conditioned stimuli associated with tirely consistent with the known concept that the
pain and stress also can turn on the pain system and more attention is focused on pain, the worse it gets.
may account, in part, for the association between
pain and stress. PAIN IN MIGRAINE
Although much is known about the mechanisms Migraine is a primary brain disorder, a form of
that operate in primary afferent and dorsal horn neu- neurovascular headache in which neural events re-
rons to produce pain, much less is known about the sult in dilation of blood vessels, with further pain
changes that occur in the brain and how the affective, and nerve activation. Migraine most likely results
cognitive, and perceptual aspects of pain are gener- from dysfunction of brain stem pathways that nor-
ated. It is clear, however, that the sensory cortex can mally modulate sensory input. Three components
undergo considerable plasticity in concert with the seem to be involved: (1) the cranial blood vessels,
changes that occur in subcortical structures, and such (2) the trigeminal innervation of the vessels, and
supraspinal plasticity is likely to play a major role in (3) the reflex connections of the trigeminal system
shaping the global pain experience. with the cranial parasympathetic outflow. The key
Pain perception can be modulated by psychologi- pathway for the pain is trigeminovascular input
cal factors, such as attention, stress, and arousal. Pla- from the meningeal vessels. Brain imaging studies
cebo and nocebo manipulations (giving inert agents suggest that important modulation of the trigemi-
with suggestions for reducing or enhancing symp- novascular nociceptive input stems from the dorsal
toms), hypnotic suggestion, attention, distraction, raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and nucleus raphe
and emotions modulate pain-inhibitory and pain- magnus.10
facilitation pathways.5 Our understanding of how this During a migraine attack, there is an inflamma-
modulation occurs at a neuroanatomical level has tory process (neurogenic inflammation) that occurs
been significantly enhanced using functional neuro- at the site of the nerve terminal. Trigeminal nerve ac-
imaging. Brain imaging experiments show that antici- tivation is accompanied by the release of vasoactive
pation of pain affects cortical nociceptive regions. In- neuropeptides including CGRP, substance P, and
terestingly, these brain regions are the same ones that neurokinin A from the nerve terminals. These media-
are directly activated during pain itself.5 Tracey et al tors produce mast cell activation, sensitization of the
neuroanatomically defined a key area in the network nerve terminals, and extravasation of fluid into the
of brain regions active in response to pain that is perivascular space around the dural blood vessels. In-
modulated by attention to the painful stimulus.9 tense neuronal stimulation causes induction of c-fos
High-resolution functional magnetic resonance imag- (an immediate early gene product) in the trigeminal
ing was used in 9 control subjects to define brain acti- nucleus caudalis of the brain stem. Substance P and
vation within the periaqueductal gray region in re- CGRP further amplify the trigeminal terminal sensi-
sponse to painful heat stimulation applied to the tivity by stimulating the release of bradykinin and
hand. Subjects were asked to either focus on or dis- other inflammatory mediators from nonneuronal
tract themselves from painful stimuli, which were cells.11 Cortical spreading depression (the cause of
cued using colored lights. During the distraction con- the aura) can activate the trigeminal system. Al-
dition, subjects rated pain intensity significantly though the brain itself is largely insensate, pain can
lower than when they attended to the stimulus. Acti- be generated by large cranial vessels, proximal intra-
vation in the periaqueductal gray region was signifi- cranial vessels, or dura mater. The involvement of the
cantly increased during the distraction condition, and ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve and its
the total increase in activation was predictive of overlap of structures innervated by branches of C2
changes in perceived intensity. These results provide nerve roots explain the typical distribution of mi-
direct evidence supporting the notion that the peri- graine pain over the frontal and temporal regions
aqueductal gray region is a site for higher cortical and the referral of pain to the parietal, occipital,
control of pain modulation in humans, which is en- and high cervical regions.10
S8 July/August Suppl 2003

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