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National Plumbing Code

of the Philippines
History of Plumbing Practice

The binh of Ute plumbing profession in the Philippines is traced back to the 17th
century. The WAI I ED CITY Irnown as Tntramuro5 wa§ established by the Spaniards as
a model community. The Friar Engineers who built the government building5, residemiill
and other 5UUC'tures,. incorporated European standards in their plumbing insta1ll1tio~.
During the Ism and 1st" centuries. the Filipmo plwnbeP.l ""'eft assigned lhe l1l.<;k of
maintaining, r~iring and/or remodeling plumbing systems in all "pueblos" or tOWM
including chwches. convents and government buildings.
The recognized plumbers then were called upon by the "ilustrados" or the elite
group to 8(,1 as consultants of plumber journeymen on matters penaining to plumbing
instlillations in viUas and mansions.
PLUMBING took a great leap 801 the tum of the 20th century with the- arrival of
the American soldiers, engineers, Thomasite teachers, doctors and evangelists, Health
and hygiene became priority when epidemics including ctlOlera, leprosy, schistosomii!lSis
and other contagious discas~ engulfed the Philippi~s. Alarmed, Governor General
Harrison issued a letter of instruction on proper waste disposal in all municipalities.
Sometime in 1902, the PLUMBING TRADE was duly recognized by the
government. The City of Manila was the model community. Mas1er Plumber John F.
Hass bcc4me the first Chief of Ihe Division of Plumbing Construction and Inspection.
Through the initiative of lhe Filipino Masler Plumbers. II plumbing code based mt
the Plumbing Code of the United States was incorporated into the Building Code for Ihe
City ofMamla.
In 1935, Francisco Geronimo, Mariano de Ocampo, Igmidio Suarez., EUgebio
Mina, Jose Rivera. Raymundo Reyes. Sr., Roberto Feliciano, Gregorio LAZarO,
Raymundo Gumapac, John Jones, Trinitario Ortiz, Valentin Casupanan, Catalino
CIlSUpanan, Crispin Francisco, Teodoro Pastor, Comelio Odvina and Jesus Tanghal Dtra
organized the National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) and
had it registered with the Securilies and Exchange Commission
In.iliated by NAMPAP, the Department of Public Servi~ of the City of Manila
was created by an Act of Congress. City Ordinance 2411, otherwise known as "the
Plumbing ~ode for the City of Manila- was enacted in col1Sllltation with NAMPAP. The
practice of plumbing was eventually placed under the Department of Public Services,
The National Government, through the Bureau of Public Works, and other citic:J
and municipalities adopted the Plumbing Code of Manila. NAMPAP spearheaded the
enactment of 8 law regulating the pradiu of master plumbing in the Philippine,.

In 1954. the Third Congress of the Republic of the Philippines in its Second
Session, approved after the third reading House Bill No. 962. This became: Republic Act
No.1378. On June 18, 19'5, R.A 1318, otherwise known as the "PLUMBING LAWQF
TIlE pfffi.,IPPINES" was signed by President RAmon Magsaysay.
On January 28, 1959, the N~tional Plumbing Code of the Philippines prepared by
the NAMPAP was promu!S8ted and approved by Malacai\ang. NAMPAP also 8$sisted in
the passage of the law creating the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority
In 1966-1969, the Board of Examiners for Master Plumben and the NAMPAP
prepared a Cumeulum for Plumbing Engineering that was approvt:d by the Department
of Education and was first introduced at the Fcati University.
On November 28, 1967, the First Amendment to the National Plumbing Code was
approved, which effe<;ted the inclusion of ..Asbestos--Cement Pipe" as an approved
plumbing material,
Before Martial Law in 1972, Republic Act No. 6541 otherwi~ known as the
"Building Code of the Philippines" was passed with the ~National Plumbing Code of
1959" as referral codt in full text.
In 1996, NAMPAP President JAIME M. CABASE spearheaded the updating of
the Re~d National Plumbing Code, Finally, in October 1999, NAMPAP submitted the
Draft Code to the Boarrl of Master Plumbers (DOMP) Chaired by Engr. FORTUNATO
H. AMOSCO. Al1er careful review, the Professional Regulation Commission under
Chairman HERMOGENES PODRE adopted the Revised Plumbing Code of 1999 whicll
His Eltcellency, President JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA approved last December 21,
1999 pursuant to Section 4 ofRA 1378 known as the Plumbing Law.
In order to continuously upgrade the technical eltperti!;t of Master Plwnbers and
propagate the growth of the plumbing indWltry; NAMPAP have caused the holding of
regular National Convention as well as Regional Conferences such as LUZON.
VISAYAS and MINDANAO, 85 well as the Midyear forum where manufacturers,
dealers and suppliers of plumbing tools, equipment, materials and services are given the
opportunity to condul1: product prtsenutions for the benefit oftbe plumbing practitioners.

An adequate Plumbing Code is one of the most important

governances in modem and healthful human existence. It involve the
three basic necessities of life, such as: AIR, WATER and FOOD,

The plumbing systems; water supply, sewage collection and

disposal and stormwater drainage involve the right choice of materials,
the economical design of the systems and their proper operation and
maintenance. The supply of adequate hot, cold and chilled water, the
efficient conveyance and disposal of wastewater such as food wastes and
human excreta from plumbing fixtures require provision of enough air,
which will result to the efficient installation of the systems.

Plumbing practice has grown in scope and magnitude with the

progress in complexities of constructions such as high rise buildings
with multi - level basement floors that now require electro - mechanical
equipment and controls. The dwindling water resources intensify water
use conservation. Modem or state-of-the-art plumbing installation now
require the close coordination of works among Master Plumbers,
Architects and Engineers to come up with the most efficient and
economical plumbing installations.

I wish to thank wholeheartedly those who have given their time in

making aVAilable their expenises by discussing with us certain important
aspe-cts of this Revised National Plumbing Code of the Philippines. Many
of them have unselfishly rendered invaluable assistance in criticizing and
improving our text and for innumerable insights into this complex
subject. Also, my thanks go to my wife CONCEPCION O. CABASE for her
untiring full support in pursuing this major activities of NAMPAP.

NAMPAP National President

CaloOCflTl City, Pl1ilippines

May 3, 2000

Basic Principles

Tht: basic principles of the 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines is an
update of the tenets established in the "Plumbing Law of the Philippines" approved on 18
June 1955 as amended on 28 November 1959,
The basic goal of the 1999 National Plumbing Code of the Philippines is to
ensure lhe llnqualified observance of the latest provisions of the plumbing and
environmental laws.
Principle No. 1 All premises inlcnd~ for human habitation. occupancy or use shall
be pro\idcd with a ~pply of pun: and wholesOlTltl water. neither connected wllh
unsafe wale! supplies nor subjc<:t to hazards of backflow or back-siphonage.
Principle No.2 Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shaJl be supplied
with water in sufficient volume and at pressure adl.'quale to enable them to function
satisfactorily and without undue noise under all nomlal conditions of use.
I"riDciple No.3 PlumblHB shall be d~si8ned l'.nd adjusted to use the minimum
quantity of "",ater consistent with proper pcrtormanee and cJelll1ing.
Priac:illie No.4 Devices for heating and sloring water shall be $0 designed and
installed as 10 prevent dangers from explosion through overheating.
Principle No. So Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and intended for
human habitallon, occupancy or use 011 premises abutting on a street, alley or
easement where Ihere is a public sewer. shall be oonnectecllO the sewer system,
Priociple No.6 Each fa.mily dwelling ullit on premises ahulling on a sewer or with
a private sewage-disposal system shall have at leaS! one water closet and one kitchen-
type sink. Further. a lavatory and bathlub or shower shall be installed to meet the
basic rcquiremf'TIts of sanitation and personal hygiene.
Prinriplt'! No. 7 Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non-Ilbsorbent material,
free from concealed fouling surfaces and shaH be located in ventilated enclosures.
rriDciple No.8 The drainage system shall be designed, constructed and lTl8intaincd
to safeguard against fouling, deposit of solids, clogging and with adequate c!can<>uIS
so arranged that the pipe5 may be readily c1CltnL-d.
Prim:iplt No. OJ All pipings of plumbing systems ~hall be of durable NAMPAf'.
APPROVED materials. free foml defcctive workmanship. designed and constructed
by RegislL-red MIl~ter Plumb",'rs to ensure satisfactory service.
!'rinciplt No. 10 ~ Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be
equipped with a water-!'>ealed trap.
Prinriple No. 11 • The drainage piping system shall be designed to provide adequate
circulation of air free from siphonage, aspiration or forcing of trap seals under
ordinary use.
Prinriple No. 12 - Vern terminals shall extend to the outer air and installed to preempl
clogging and the return off001 air to the building.
Principle No. 13 - Plumbing S)'$ltmS shall be subjected to such tests to effectively
disclose all leaks and defects in the workmanship.
Prilldpk No. 1.4 - No substance which will clog the pipes, produce explosive
mixtures, destroy the pipes or their joints or interfere unduly with the ~wage-disposa1
process shall be allowed to ~ter the building drainage system.
PriDeiple No. 15 - Proper protection shall be provided to prevent contamination of
food. water. sterile goods and similar materials by backflow of se\...age. Wilen
necessary. the fixture. device or appliance shall be connected indirectly wilh lhe
building drainage system.
Printiople No. 16 • No water closet shall be located in II room or COmparlment 'A.1ticll
is not properly lighted and v~tilated.
Prinriple No. 17 -. If water closets or other plumbing fixtures are installed in huildings
where there is no sewer within II reasorlllble distance, suitable provision shall be ma:k
for disposing of the building sewage by some accepted method of sewage treatment
and disposal. such .s a septic tank.
Principle No. IS • Where a plumbing drainage system may be subject to backtlow of
sewage. suitable provision shall be made 10 prevent its overflow in the building.
Principle No. 19 - Plumbing systems shaU be maintained in serviceable condition by
Registered Master Plumbers.
Printiple No. 10 - All plumbing fixtures shall be installed properly spaced, to be
accessible for their intended usc,
Principle No. 11 APlumbina shall be installed by Registered Master Plumbers with
due regard to the preservation of the strength of structural members and lhe
prevention of damage 10 walb an..! oint-or surfaces through fixture usage.
Principle No. 12 - Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be
deleterious to surface or sub-surface waters shall not be discharged into the ground or
into any waterWay. unJess first rendered innOGUous through subjection to some
acceptable form oftreattnenl.

1. Act III Wl unprofessional manner and demand any

remuneration other than his/her original charges except for
additional services not covered in the husic contracl;
2. Supplant another Registered Master Plumber after definite
steps hrl,ve already been taken toward his/her beine
commissioned to perfonn the contract;

3. Underbid another Registered Master Plumber by redudng

his/her professional fees after being informed of the 'cc-s
charged by the other Registered Master Plumber;

4. Take the advanlage of a salaried government position to

compete unfairly with a practicing Registered Mastt'.i Plumber;

5. Allow the use of his/her License as Registered Master Plumber

for a fee to an unlic.enscd Mastrr Plumber in plumbing works
without his/her personal supervision.

6. Injure falsely or maliciously, directly or indirectly, the

reputation of another Registered Master Plumber by revic.:wing
his/her work for the same client unless th~ professional
services of the former have been officially terminated and 2. U
professional fees have been fully paid by the client;

7. Advenise in sclf·laudatory language, act in any manner and

engage in any practice which tend to bring dishonor to the
dignity of the Registered Master Plumber, the National Master
Plumbers Association of the Philippines (NAMPAP) and the
plumbing profession.

Chapter 1
• Stdion 100 - PERMIT IU~QUlRED

To ensure compliance of lilt: provisions of this Code, the professional serv1ces: of

a Registered and Licensed Masler Plumber shall be enlistrd in accordance with
Republic Act No. 1378, Ihe"Plumbing Law".

It shall be unlawful for any per!lOn. finn or corporation, whether acting as

principal, Selvan!, agent or employee, 10 do or cause to be done any plumbing Of
drainage work for which a permit is required without securing prior pt.-rmit from
the Office of ihe BuildinB Onicial having jurisdiction under the Department of
Public Works an<! ILghways, Dt:pal1mclll of Inh;,rior & Local Government or
City Mayors.


No permit shall be issued to lIny person, fiml or corporation, to do or C4Use 10 be

done any installation of plumbing work regulated by this Code. except to a
Regisccroo and Licensed Master Plumber, holding a valid. unexpired and
unrevoked cenificate of registration as required by Republic Act No. 1378, as
amend~d .


102 I Appliulton - A Registered and Li~nsed Master Plumber shall file an

application at the Office of the Building Official in behalf of the building Owner
for whom such work shall be done and shall till out the forms pro\ided for that
purpose. Every appliClltion shall:

102.1.1 IdentitY and describe the plumbing work to be covered by the permit
for which an application is made;

102.1.2 Describe the land upon which the proposed plumbing work is to be
done. legal description, street address or similar description that will
readily identify and locate the propoted building or work;

• Sec. /48 Nrc 1959

.. Sec. /49 M'C 1959
"'. Sec. 150NPC 1959

Revised National PlumDlng Codo aI The Phlllppinll$

102, I 3 Indicate the usc or occupancy for which the proposed plumbing work
is intended,

102.1.4 Be accompanied by plans, drawings, diagrams, computations,

technical .speciflcations, and otht'r "ata lIS rcquired in Sub~eetjon

102.1.5 Give such other data and information as required by the

Administmtive Authority;

102.1.6 Be signed by Owner or permittee, who is required to submit evidence

to iooicale such aUlhority~ and

102.1.7 De signed and sealed by the Registered and Licensed Master Plumber.

102,2 Plans and Sp«ifications ~ All plumbing plans, drawings, diagrams, design
analyses/computations as required. te(;hnical specifications, bills of materials an<!
other required documents for all types of occupancy shall be prepared, signed and
sealed by a Register~ LicensrA Master Plymber. without limitations.
PUT,u'nt to Rcp-Yblic Acj 1378, as amended. and shall be submitted in sill. (6) leta
oflhe aforementioned requirements with each appliclltion for a permit,

102.3 Inrormation on PlallS and Specirtcations - shall be drawn to scale on tracing paper
or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and ellt~nt
of the work proposed showing in detail, conformance with the provision!> or litis
Code., relevant Jaws, ordinances, rules and regulations.

The technical specifications submitted shall comply with the prOVISions of

ellistiag standards of the National Building Code and this Code,


103.1.1 The application, plans., techllical specifications an<l other required docwnents
filed by an applicant for a pennit shall be reviewed by the Administfillive
Authority. Other concerned departments which verify compliance with other
applicable laws may review such plans. If the Administrative Authority finds
that the work described in an application for permit and tne plans, specification!>
and other documents filed therewith. conform to the requirements of the
Plumbing Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and upon payment of
the fees specified in Section 105, a permit shall then be issued to the Applicant.


103.1.2 When the Administrative Authority issues the permit he shall endorse in
writing or stamp the plans and specifications as "APPROVED". Such
approved plans and ~pecificalions shall not be changed, modified or
altcre<l without authorization from th~ Administrative Authority and all
works shan be done in accordance with approved plans and

loll J The Administrative Authority may issue a Partial Permit for the
construction of a part of , large andlor complicated plumbing system
before the clllire plans and specifications for the whole system have been
submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed
statements have been filed, complying with all pertinent requirements of
this Code. The holder of sLlCh panial permit may proceed at his own risk
without assurance that the final permit for the entire building, structure
or plumbing system will be granted.

103.2 Rtttntion of PlallS - One sel ofapprovcd plans, specifications, computations and
related data shall be retaine<l by the Administrative Authority. Two (2) sets of
approved plans, specifications. and data shall be returned to the applicant a.'ld
Owner, onc (1) set of which shall be kept at the jobsite at all times while the work.
is in PfogreSA.

IOU Validity of Plermit - The i~uance of a permit or approval of plans and

specifications shall not be construed as a pernlit to violate any provision of this
Plumbing Code or of any other applicable ordinances, The issuance of a permit
based on submitted plans. specifications or oth(..'f documents shall not prevent the
Administrative Authority from thtreafter rlequiring the correction of errors on said
plans, spet:ificatiorn; and other documents, and from ~topping an on-going
plumbing instllllations violative of this Codc or of other penincnt ordinances of
this Jurisdiction.

103.4 [:lpiration. A plumbing permit issued undtr the provisions of this Cooe shall
expire and become null and void if the plumbing work autholiz.ed therein is oot
commenced within one year from the date of such permit or if the plumbing work
so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after having been
commenced for a period of 120 days

In case of renewal of Ii plumbing permit, II fee equivalent to one-half the a.mount

orlhe original fee shall be paid.

t I03.5 SUSpt'RSM.JD VI'" Revocatton - The AdministJll.uve Authority may. in writing,
suspend or revoke a permit issued uuder the provis:ons of lhis Code whe;oever
issued in error or on Ihe basis of incorrect infonn~tioo supplied or in violation of
pertinent ordil~nccs. luks and regulations.


104.1 Additioos. Alterations 01'" ~p.irs - may be made to any tll:isting plumbing
syStem provided the addition, Ilheralion or repair works conform to requirements
for a new plumbing system. Additions. alteration' or repairs shall not render IUl
existing system unsafe, unsanitary or overloaded.

104.2 Cbanlet iQ Duildinl Occ:uPlOcy - Plumbing systems which arc a part of any
building or struaure undergoing a change in use or OCOJpancy. as defined in t~
National Building Code, shall comply with all requiremems of this COOt
applicable to the changed use or occupancy,

104.3 MaintenaD.C'e - All plumbing systems, mAterials and appwtenanets, both existing
and new, and all parts thereof shall be maintained in proper operating condition.
All devices or safeguards required by this Code shall be mainmined in
conformance with the ~xislillg Code edition at the time the plumbing system was
installed. The owner or his designated agent shall be responsible for tht
maintenance of plumbing systems. To detcnnine compliance with this
subsection, the Administrative Authority may came lhe re-inspection of My
plumbing system.

104.4 Moved Bulldinp .- Plumbing systemll, which are part of buildings or structures
in one place and moved into &'tOther Jurisdiction, shall comply with the
provisions ofthis Code for new ins.tallation.

• Sec. 153NPC 1959


Section 105- INSPECTIONS

105 I Gentral - All plumbing systems for which permits are requirtld by this Code
sh:lll be inspected by the Administrative Authority, Nu portion of any plumbing
System shall be concealed until inspected and approved. The Administrative
Authority or his representative shall not be liable for expenses incurred in the
removal and replacement of materials required to warrant proper inspection
When the installation of a plumbing system is complete, an additional and final
inspection shall be made. Plumbing systems regulated by this Code shall not be
connected to Ihe water and energy fucl supplies /lor 10 the Sl."Wcr system wntil
authorized by the Administrative Authority and other Agencies concerned.

AU.A9~Ilini~tn.tivePlumbing Perwnnd, PIUlnbiug lnsoector shall be a Registered

and l,icenscd Master plumber In nccorua.I"lCc with the provision of Republic Act
1378, otherwise, known as "Plumhing lAW ".

1052 Operation of PIUlllbillg EquilJmcllt ~ The requirements of litis SL'CtiOll do not

prohibit thc operation or usc of any plumbing accessory installed to replace
existing equipment or fixtures l;erving an occupied portion orthe building when ..
request for inspection of such equipment or fixtures has. been filed with the
Administrative Authorit.., not more than 72 hours after such replacement work is
completed and before allY portion of such plumbing system is concealed by any
permanent portion of the building.

105 J Tt'sting of S)'SICmS ~ All plumbing systems shall be tested and approvcO as
required by this Code or the Administrative Authority.

t(l54 InSI!Ktio11 Requests ~ It sllall be the duty of the person doing the plumbing work
autholi<'ed by a permit to notify the Administrative Authority that such work is
ready for inspt'Ction. The Administrative Authority requires that every request for
in,peetion be filt:d at least three (3) working days before such inspection is
intcilded. Such request shall be in writing and jointly signed by thc Owner and
the Kegistered and Licensed Mllsler Plumber ~ Contractor.

It shall be the duty ufthe person requesting inspections required by this Code 10
pnwide access to rmd means for proper inspection orweh work as well as provide
all tile C'Illlplllcnt. lhc tools. power and water required lor the lest

IG~ 5 Otht'r hl~llrctiollS - III lldrlilion tu the inspections required by this Code, the
t\dmimstrativ~ AuthorilY may requirc uthel lIlspections of the plumbing work to
comply with the other provisions of this COOl.', other pertincnt laws and
ordinances enfmced by the AdllliJli~trati\'e AUlhlJrity.
105.6 Rtin.pec:tions

105.6.1 A fee will be charged on the Applicant for each inspection or re-
inspection when a portion of the plumbing work for inspection is called
for is not completed.

105.6.2 This provision shall not be interpreted a.s requiring re-inspection fees for
the first time a job is r~jected for railur~ to comply with the requirement!
of this Code, but as deterrent on the praclice of calling for inspections
before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection.

105.6.3 Re-inspection fees shall be charged when the approved pllUis ue DOl
readily available to the Inspector, for failure to provide acceSlJ and
facility on the date when the inspection is requested. or for deviating
fronl plans requiring the approval ofthe Administrative Authority.

105.6.4 To obtain re-inspection. the Applicant shall file an application. ill

writing, on a form furni!ilioo for that purpose and pay the re-inspeetiOct

105.6.5 In instances where re-inspection fees have been assessed, but !Knding
payment of requiroo fees. no re-inspection of the work

StelioR 106-CONNH.·'flON APPROVAL..

106 I Permanent CORDtetions - no persoll .sh3U insta.11 coMcclions to any water

supply line. sewer or storm drain systems liS required by this Code and for which
other applicailoUJI and permils are also required from other Agencies before
approval by the Administrative Authority.

1062 Temporary Conntetions - Administrative Authority will endorse to othel

lIuthorities or government IIgencies the issuance of temporary connections of ~
plumbing equipment to tb.c water supply main, sewer main. power line and £al
main for the purpose of testing the equipment.

!)«tion 107 - SPf:CLI\.L PRO\'ISlONS

107 I All Licensed Master Plumbers registered in ~COfljance with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 1378 shall secure for themselves a seal of the standard size and
type liS required. The same shall be used on all plumbing applications for p~rrnit!l
and all plumbing plans prepared by Registered and Licensed Master Plumbers as
wen M on all documents required in the practice of their profession. The seal
shall be round in shape and shall be insclihed with the following:

101.1 I Registered and Licen.~ Master Plumber at upper portion of the round

\071.2 Name ofRegistcrcd and Licensed Master Plumber al the upper center.

107 1 J The registration number shall appear at the center below the name,

107,1.4 Philippines. appearing at the lower portion ofthe round seal.


Each building shall be provided with sanitArY facilities in accordance with best
practice for mobility of disabled persons as provided in the National Building
Code cf the Philippines or by other government departmems having jurisdiction..

Chapter 2

SediG. 101 - GENERAL

For the purpose of this Code, the following terms shall bear the meanings
indicated in tbi", Chapter

No anempt is made to define ordinary words, used in ac:cotd&nce with their

established dictionary mailings except when!: a word has been used loosely, th:u
it becomes necl,,-ssary to define its meanin~ as adopted in this Code to avoid

Since the primary purpose is to define terms in general rather than nouns. the
definitions are arrnnged a1phabcticully according to the first word of the lCl1Tl
ra:her than the noun.

StdtoD 201

202.1 ADS - ACI)'lonitrilc-Butadiene·Styrene

ALLEY - any public space, public park or thoroughfare less than three 0)
meters but not less than two (2) meWs in ....i dth dedicated or deerled for
public U~.

ALTER or ALTERATION M any change, addition or modification i"

construction or occupancy.

202.4 ACCESSmU - when applied to a tiKlure, connection, appliance or

equipment, shall mean having access thereto, but which may require prior
removaJ of tul access panel, door or similu obslruction. "Rudi[y
accessible" shall mea.n direct access without the necessity of removing any
panel, door or similar obsuui..1.ion.

202.5 AlRBREAK_- a physical separation, ....-hich may be 8 low inlet into the
indirect waste re<:qltor from the fixture, IIppliance or device indirectly

• Sec. I NPC 1959

Rcvlsed NlllionJI Plumb,ng Code of The Ph;hppln~

~02 6 AIR GAP, DRAINAGI:~ • the unobstruCIet! vertical distance through the
free lItmosphcrc between the Jowe~t opening Ii-om any pipe, plumbing
fixture, applian..:c or 3p'pultenance conwying waste to the Hood level rim
nflhe rt'CqJ1Of_

202.1 Am. GAP, WATF,R O1STRrounON· an unobstructed vertical distance

through the free atmosphere bd\\l~n the lowesl opeT1ing from any pipe or
faucel conveying potable waler to the tlnotl·lcvel rim of !lny lank, vat or

'2028 APPROVED ~ accepted or accc.plable under an applicahle specifications

or standard staled or cited in this Code. 01 acccptoo as suitable for any
proposed use under procedures and powers of the AdminiSlTative

2029 APPROVED TF,STING AGENCV an organization primarily

established for !}UIPO~S \)f testing to approve stlll1dal'ds and ",pprovcd hy
lhe I\dministrllt;~'c Authonl)'

-202. [0 AUTHORITY, ADl\lINISTRAnVE _. The Administrative Authority

induJillg the Building OtTi.cia', the COllllJlission, the Board and such other
u,'p1ll1ment or a8t:nc~' cstalllished and authuli:tcd to udminislcr and enforce
the provisioo~ of Republic Act 1378 - The Plumbing Code "r the
Philippines, Presidential Deerel: No. 223: as amended by P,D. 657 -
crcating the PlOfessiollal Regulatioll Commission and prcscribing ifs
powers and func-tions, and Letter of Instruction No. 1000 - ordering and
directing the Professional Regulatiun Commission (PRe), the former
Ministry of 1-IUI1lUli Settlements, Ihe Departments of Foreign Affairs,
Education lind Cuhure, Public Works and Highways. Tourism,
Transportation and Cummunication all 500T a~,endc,> concerned, to
authorile and support PRe Accredited Bonafide Professional
Organil.atioJlls only. and their members to organi?.e, host, sponsor or
repre~ent thc FilJl'ino 1'lOfcsstollal~ III national. It'gional and inlcrnalional
fora, convcntions where the concerned professions arc involved; and
fmthcl' uhlers aod <lirerts thut all government El!!,encies and
illstllJlllcnt;I];li(":i Shlll !l.iw priority to bonalidc IllCllllll."fS of tht' accredited
rl-'ltl:s~;i'>rlJI organiziltions 10 the tlllillJo! of liS ernr!(lyel'~ and engagt:mcnt
0t' pml\:-ssi\)ll<ll s~'r\'ic!;;s

• Scc 3 NI'C IYW

... St'c -I NJ'(' J<J51J
Seclion 103
• 203,1 BACKFLOW - the flow of wtter or other liq~ids, mixtures or substances
imo the distributing pipes of a potable ~upply of water from [Illy souret:
other than from its intended source.
20].2 BACKFWW CONNECllON • condition or any arrangement whereby
reverse flow can occur.
•• 20].3 BACKPRESSURE BACKFLOW - occurs due 10 an irM;reased reverse
pressure above the supply pressure. Thi$ may be due to pumps, boilars,
gravity or other sources of pressure.
203.4 BACKfl.oW PREVENTER - de\'ice or means to prevent flow of liquid
from rctunling to thc source of :lupply. Also called vaUl.llIrn breakt>r
.... 203.5 DACK-8LPHONAGE· tnc flowing back of uscd, contaminated or'
pollutild WlIt..,r from a plumbing fixture or ve~e1 into a water supply pipe
due to a negative pressure in such pipe. See back-now.
203.6 BACKWATER VALVE - a device installed in a drainage system to
pre\'ent reverse now.
...... 203.7 BACKVEN1' PIPE· tbe part ofa vent line, which connects directly with
an individual trap underneath or behind the fixture Ind extends to the
branch or maill venl pipe It any point hisher than the fixture or fi:dure traps
it SCf"cs. This is somelillles cfllh:J an individual venl. See Revcl1t pipe.
...... 20].8 BALL COCK - a vake opened and closed by the fall am; nse,
n::spectively. of an attached hall floating on tile surfaCl; of the liquid.

203.9 BALL JOINT - II type of pipe connection in which a ball-$hapcd cnd loS
held in a cuplike shell anct allows movements in every direction
203,10 BATHROOM - a room equipped with 11 shower stall or bathtub.
••• 20].11 BAlT[RY OF FIXTURES - any of two or more simih:r adjacent !!-.:\ures
...... whkh discharge into a common horizontal soil or waste branch

•• •• 20].12 BEI.L OR HUB - that portion (If a pipe which, for a shon distance. is
sufficiently enlarged to rl'(;clve the- end of lll\Olncr pip..:: of the same
diameter for tl~ purtx"c of making a cfllIlkeii or push-on joint

• Set:, 5 NI'C /959

... Set', 6 NPC 1959
••• ,s.'c. 7 NI'C 1959
.... Sec. 8 NI'e 1959
..... ."Ie..... 9 NI'(' 1'l59
...... S;.>c. 10 Nlj(' /959
....... Se-l:. II NPC 1959
........ Sec. /2 NPC 1'159

R~Vlssd ~jatlooal P1umb:n(l C«l~ oIlhe Philippines

.203.13 BENDING PIN (or IRON) - a ItXll for straightening or btlnding lead pipe.
.. 203 14 BIBB - synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, plug, etc. The word "faucet" is
u.203.15 BillET - A plumbing fixtures used for wa:shing the middle private pan of
the body, c:spccially the gCllil!lls, Also called a '·sitz" bath
" •• 203.16 OLANK n,ANGf. - A pipe flangl" that is not drilled for bolt holes.

..... 203,17 nUND FL'\!"liGl; - a Oangc that closes the end of a pipCl. There is no
opening for the passage of liquid or gas,
........ 203.18 BWW·OFF - II controlled (lutlet of II pipeline to discharge liquid or
203.1<:1 DOARO· the Licensure Board for Master Plumbers
203.20 BOILER DLOW-OFF - 11 valved outlet of II boiler that permits discharge

... 203.21
of accumulated S(.oJimcllt

BRANCH -- any part of toe piping system other than a main, riser or stack .
..·.203,22 BRANCH INTERVAL - a length ofscit or waste stack corresponding in
general to a $lory height, but in no case less than 2.4] meters within which
the horizontal branches from one floor or story of a building are connected
to the stack
203,23 BRANCH, I'IXTURE - see Fixture Branch
20324 BRANCH, HORIWNTAL - sec Horizontal Branch
...... 203.25 BRANCH VENT - a hOl;zontal vent connecting one or more individual
~erticall1ack Wilts with the vent stack or stack vent.

203.26 BRAZED JOINT - any joint oUlained by joining of metal parts with
alloys which mdt al tempelatures higher than 449 degrees centigrade, but
luwer than lhe melting tCm!X'ralurc of tne pans to be joined.

• Sec. /3 NP(' 1959

.. Sec, 14 N"C !lJ5lJ
UOS<,c, /5 NI'(' N.W
...... Sec. /6 Nl'C /959
........ Sl.'c. 17 NPC J',J59
.U'''' Sec. II? NP<' /95')
......... :-icc. I'JNl'(' 1959
•• uou. Sec. JO NJ'C '95')
............ St'c. J/ /1'/\' /951)

203.27 B & S - Brown and Sharpe (Specification) or Bdl and Spigot (Ends of
·203,28 BUiLDING - a structl!re built, el~cted and framed of component stlUctural
parts designed for ,lIe housillg. slll!1t~r, enclosure or support of persons,
animals or plOpCl1y of allY bnd.
... 203.29 BUILDING DRAIN - that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a
drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other
drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the
building sewer beginning 0.6 meter outside the building wall.
"·203.30 BUILDING SEWER - that part of the horizontal piping of a drainage
system which stans from thc end of tlk) buildmg drain and which rc<.:eives
the discbarge of the building dmin and conveys it to a public sewer, private
sewer, individual sewa£.e disposal system or other point of disptlS3l.
un 103.31 BUILDiNG SUBDRAIN - that ponion of an underground system, which
cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer,
20332 BUILDING SUPPLY - the pipe carrying potable water from the water
meter or other source of water supply to a building or other point of use or
distribution on tbe lot. Building suPt:ly shaH also mean water service

Section 204
.. 204 I CAULKING - plugging an opt..'Oing with oakum, lead or olher materials
that arc pounded into the annular space. Also. the material pounded into
the annular opellin~ .

204,2 CAP _. a fitting, screwed or caulked o\ler the end of a pipe for closing the
pipe end,
204,3 CATcn BASIN - II receptacle in which liquids are retained for
sufiicient period oflinle lu allow settleable material to deposit.


shown compctt'ncc to tt'st and [liaimail] hackt10w assemblies to the
satisfaction of the Adlllini~tr!lti\le Authority having jurisdiction.

• See, 22 NPC /959

... &c, 23 NPC /9jl)
.H Sec. 2-1 NP(' /959
...... Sec. 25 NP!' f9jl)
..... S,'c ]f, NP(' 19.1')
...... Sec. 27 NflC /959
"'''''·S.:c. lSNf'(' f95Y
Re'Ji~&d Nat<Oflal Plumbir;~ Codltl of ttle PhilippllIeS

·2045 CESSPOOl, - a nOll-watertight Jiucd excavation in thl;.': wounJ which

receives the discharge of a saflit<lry drainage system or part thereof,
dl,.~ign('d 10 relaiuthc organic matte,' and solids dischargillg loc-retrom. :.Jut
j)l'lmiuing tlK'li4uid LO seep Illlougillhe bollom and sides ofthe CC!Spool.

204,6 CHASE - a vertical shall for installation of different pipe stacks.

.' 204 7 CHECK VALVE - a valve thaI aUlomatically closes to prevent the flow
of liquid or gas in a reverse direction

"·2048 CIRCUIT VENT - a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme
rlx!urc collncctiOll 011 II horiwntal branch and connects 10 the vcnt stack.
See IOOP'VCllt, also.

204.9 CLARIFn:R - Sec Interceptor.

204.10 CODE: - Th~ word "COlIc" or "this Code," ......01-'"- us.ed alofle, shall mean
lhese regulatjoll.~, SUOSC(IUent amcndrn{'Il\S thcreto or any cmergt'ncy rolt.:
or regUlation which the Admilllslrative Authority having jurisdiction may
lawfully adopt.
.. 204,11 COMMON VENT - see Wlit vent and dual VCIl\.

204.12 COMBtNAT(ON WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM - a specially

designed syslem of waste piping embodying the horizontal wei venlillg of
one or more sinks or floor drains by means of it common horizontal wasle
and vent pipe, adequately sit:ed to provide free movement of air above the·
flow line of the drain.

204.13 COMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION - a structure which any part of its

struclural framework will ignilt and burn at a temperature of 756 degrocs
centigrade or less.

204.14 COMMJS,."iION - The Professional Regulation Commission (PRe).

20415 COMMON - Ihrl! part of a plumbing system designed and instalit'd to

51-TIe more Ihan one (I) appliance. fixture, building or system,

204,16 CONFINED SPACE .- a room or spa~ having a volume less than t 4 cu.
m with 250 kIlogram calorie of Ihc aggregate input rating of all fuel-
bllll1illF ,-lpl'lllln~'cs installed in tl'ul srace

• Sec .''1 NI'(' /'159

•• S.'c. 30 N/'C 1~)59
••• ,'i.,c, 31,..:/'(' N5f)
•••• S.'L J:? NIle IYjY

204.17 CONTAMINATION - an impainncllt of,he quality of the potal.lle water
which creates an actual hazard to the public health through poisoning Of
spread of disease by sewage, industrial fluids or waste, Also, defined M
High Hazard.

.. 204.18 CONTiN UOUS VENT - a continuous vent is Yr.'ftical vent that is a

continuation of the drain to which the vent connects.

204.19 CONTINUOUS WASTE - a drain connecting the compartments ora set

of !ixtures to a trap or connecting other permitled fixtures to a common

• 204.20 CONDUCTOR OR DOWNSPOUT - a vertical pipe to convey rainwater.

••• 204.21 CORPORA nON COCK - a stop valve placed at the connection of the
... 204.22
water service pipe to the water main.

COURT - an open, unoccupied space, bounded on two (2) or more sides

by tbe walls of the building. An inner court is a court entirely within the
exterior walls of a building. All other courts are outer COUltS.

204.23 CRITICAL LEVEL - C-L or ClL mllTking on a bac1dlow prevention

device or vacuum breaker is a point collforming to approvetl slandard3 2Ild
established by the testing laboratory (usually stamped on the device by the
manufacturer) which determines the minimum elevation l!.OOve the flood
level rim of the fixture or receptable served where the device may be
installed. Wneo a backtlow prevention device does not bear a critieallevel
marking, the bottom of the vacuum breaker, combination valve or the
... 204.24
bollom of any such approved device shall constitute Ihe critical level .

CROS~ONNECTION - any connection or afTangement, physical or

otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any plumbing
fixture or any tank. n.'Ceptable, equipment or device, through which
enables nOll-potable, used, unclean, polluted, contaminated water or other
subMances to enter into any part of such potable water system under any

• Sl'C. 33 Nf'C 1()5!J

.... Sec. 34 N!'C 195<)
••• Sl'C. 35 N!'C /959
..... Sf~C. 36 NPC /959
......... Sec. 37 NJ'(' 1959

StClion 205

.205 I OEAIJ-t:NIJ - the extended portion of a pipe that is closed al olle end to
which no ,,:ollncclions arc nmd<: on the e:r;!J:nucd portion, thus permitting the
stagl1i\lion of liquid or air therein.
205.2 Il[PARTI\IENT IIAVII"iG .IURISlHCTlON the Administrative
Authorily and indudt's any other law enfOH'cment agency concerned by any
provision of Ihis Code, whether such agency is specifically named or nol.
.. 205.3 DEVELOPED LENGTH - the length of a pipe along its centerline and
···205,4 DlAMI::TER - unless s[Xcifically stated. the term "diamder" is the nominal
diameter as designated commercially. I D. denotes inside diameter of pipe
ami 0.0 denotes ollt~ide diameter of tube
····205.5 DOMESTIC SEWAGI:: - the liquid lind water-borne wastes derived from
the ordinary living processes, trcc from industrial wastes and of such
character that pennit satisfactory disposal without special treatment. It IS

•• 2056
dis..:hargt.'<l iuto the public sewer or into a private sewage disposal system_

OOUBLE:'BEND FITTING - a pipe fitting; with adja<.:ent reverse bends and

... 205,7
shaped like the letter "S"

DOUBLE OFFSI>:T - two offsets in succession or in series such that the

ccntcrlines ofth~ oUlside ends are in the sallie straight line.
••• •
·'·105.8 DOWNSPOUT -the v~rtical pOItion ora rainwater conductor.
····205.9 DRAIN - 8 pipe, which curies ground and surface waters, stoml water or
wast<.'water JIltv a building draiILllge system.
..··205 JO DRAINAGE SYSTEI\J - includes all Ihe pipings within public or private
premises which convey sewage or other liquid wastes to a legal point of
disposal but does not include the mains of a public sewer syslem or a public
_... 5cwagc t,eatmerll ur disposal (Jlant

·····10511 DRY VENT - 11 vcnt that docs nOI c.1rry liquid or w:l\er-bome wastes
·····205 12 DUAL VENT sec Luil Vl.'llt,

·VI:.j~.VC 11I5~ ••••• .....·c, .f: AJ'(' 19.'" ••••••••• Ser J(j NI'e ft)jt)
.. ,<;,,£. 39 \ /'(. /Y5'J YO' ••• ,"t.,·
.,/,l \'/'(' f yHJ .......... S,·{ .. 7 X/'i' fY5>J
_"r, .-II ,\"/'('
(1 I9JY
....... ,....·c -14 .\'}'(" 1'15Y
........ Su'. -15 .\j'(' lyj'J
............""', ..'< .\1'(' !Y5')


205 13 DURHAM SYSTEM - a tl.'rt1l used to describe soil or waste system wh~r~
all pipings are of threaded pipe, tubing or other such rigid construction using
recessf'd drainage fillings 10 correspond to th~ types of piping.

Section 206

206.1 EFfECTIVE OI'ENING ~ is the minimum cross-sectional area at the point

of water supply discharge measured or expressed in terms of: 0) diaml.'tCf of
a circle; (2) if the opening is not circular, the diameter of a circle of
equivalent cros~-sectional ar~a. (This is applicable also to air gap

·206.2 EXISTING WORK - the on-going installation of the p!umbing system or

any part therrof which has been inslalled prior to the ~ff~ctivity of this Code.

S«tion 207

** 207.1 .'AMILY - one person living alone or a group living together, whcther
related to each other by birth. or no!.
••• 207.2 FAUCET - a valve located at the end ofa water pipe through of which water

.. 207.3
call be drawn from or held within the pipe

FERRULE- a metalhc sleeve, caulked or joined to all opening in a pipe,

into whicn a plug is screwed that can be removed for dcaning or examining

•• 207.4
the iItI~rjur of the pipe.

FIXTURE - a receptacle otltcr than a Hap attached to a plumbing system in

which water or wastes may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge
.... 2075
inlo the plumbing system.

FIXTURE "RANCH - the water supply [lipe between tile fixture supply
pipe and the wlller-distrihuting pipe.
.u 207.6 FIXTURE: DRAIN - the drainpipe from the trap of <l. f'i-llture to the junction
of that dHlil1 with any otlu:r drdinpipc

• S<'C -19 NrC 1959

.. .we. 50 NPC 195<)
••• Sec. 51 Nl'(' 1959
u u St!c. 52 NI'(' 1959
u .... Sec. 53 NI'C 1959
•• .,..u Sec. 54 NI'e 195'1
......... Sf?c. 5511-'/'(' 1959

R"""il;ed Nation.;tl Plumbing Cod.. or the PMppinei

:l07.7 FlXTllRl: SllrPLY - a wa1t:1 supply pipe tllflll~chng tht: lilllul\': wllh Ihe
fl .... ture branch
·207 S FlXTlalE UNl'f - is an arbitrary quamity in terms of which the load-
pro.1ucing cOects or water requirtmenu on Ihe plumbing system of different
kinds of plumuing fixtures arc expressed in ~me nrbitr:uily chosen scale.
One fixlure unit is equivalent to a rnte of flow at 21U liters per minute (I cu.
t) Inlinule),

.. 207.9 1"1.00£1 L.[Vf:L - the level in a fixture at which water begins to overfluw
owr the tep ur rim of the fiXWTC.
:'J7 10 Fl.OOD U:VEL RiM - is the lOp edge of a receptacle from where water

:01 11 FLQOOEI) - a fixture is flooded when the liquid therein risc~ to the flood
level rim.
_~07.12 •'LOOR AREA - the llrea included within surrounding walls of a building
(or ponion thel eof), exclusive of vent shafts and couTls,
:07,13 FLUSH TANK - a tank located above or integral with waler closet, ufinal or

- similar fixtures for flushing or removing ex:clements in the fixture.

- :07.14 Fl.USH VALVE· is a device located at lhe bottom of the tank for the
purpose ofl1ushing waster doset and similiU' fiX:lures.
::07 15 FlUSHOMETER TANK - is integrated within an air accumulator \·c~d
which is d.:sigm~d to discharge a predetermined l']u8ntity of walt:r into
fi1i.lure~ ful' flushing IlUrposcs.

FlVSUOMETER VALVE - is a device, which discharges a prcUelennincd

quantIty ot'watcr intu iixtures for flushing purposes and is actuated by direct
wakr prl'SSUrt!
St'clioJl 20tl

... :08.1
GATE VALVE - a valve in which Ihe flow of water is cut ofT by means
ur Ilcireuhu disc filled IIgainst machine-smoothed fllces, lit rL!lilt angles 10
the direction of flow Th.: dis" is raised or I(lwered by means of a
threadcJ slem connected to the halldle of tile valve. The opening in the
...·olve is usua.lIy as large as the full bore afthc pipe.

• S'c', jflA'1'1 '/Y5')

.. '\'.'1'. ~8 Nl'c ' IV.">?
... S,'; 59 NI'e 1959
..... S'c. (,0 NJ'C (fjj')
......\ 'c. (,f NPC 1'159


·208.2 GLOB": VALVE - a valve in which the flow of fluid is cut off by means or
a circular disc that fits over and against the horizo:ual valve seat. The
movement of the plane of disc i~ parallel to the normal direction of Row 01'
water through Ihc orifice resulting to a tortuous passage which offers a high.
pressure loss.
.. 208.3 GOOSENECK· a return bend of small·sized pipe, one end of which ~
about 30 COl. long and tlte other end is aboul 7.5 em. long, It is commonly
used as a faucet for a vanITy sink. Also, the tenn means Ihe flexible tubing
connection between a service pipe and a wllter mllin.
.... 208.4 GRADE - is the slope or fill of a line of pipe with reference to a horizomal
plane In drainage, it is usually expressed as the fall in cenlil~ters Pti
meter or percentage slope of pipe.
2085 GREASE INTERCEPTOR - an interceptor of at least 3 c.ubic meters
capacily to serve one or more fixtures and which is remolely located.
208.6 GREASE TRAP - a device designed to retain grease from one to a

... 203.7
rnuimum of lour fixtures .

GROUND WATER - the waler that st3nds in or passes through the ground.
··208.8 GROUP VENT - 8 bnl1\cb vent that perfonns ils functions for Iwo (2) or
more traps,

S«tion 209

... 209.\ HANGERS - 5("e Supports_

IJEIGHT OF BUILDING - the vertical distance from the "Grade Line" to

tht: highest poinl of the coping of a flal roof or 10 the top line of 3 ~l'~A?.....
roof or 10 tht: average height of the highest gable of a pilch or hip-loot:

..... 209.3

... 209.4
lIIGn HAZARD - ~ Contaminalion.

HORIZONTAL DRANCH - is a drain pipe extending laterally from a soil

or waste stack or building drain with or without vertical sections Of
branches, which receives the discharge from one or more fixture drains 1\J\~
conducts it to the soH or waste Slack or to the building drain

• Soc. 62 NPC 19W ........ ,wc.,,7 NI'C 1959

•• Sl!c. 63 NI'C JV59 u U • • • .\"..<. M'! NI'C JCjjfJ
••• Sec. 64 NPC J959
..... Sl!c. 65 JlWC J959
...... S.'c. 66 NrC 1959

Revised Nallor.ioIl Plumbing CO(\'& d thll Ph~;ppir.e!l

l'l9l HORIZONTAL PIPE - is an}' pipe or fitting installed in a horizontal

position or which lorms an angle of not mole than forty-five (45) degrees
with the horizontal plane.

• 209.6 1I0USl: DRAIN - is that part of tile lowest horizontal pipinK of a plumbing
system which receives the disch8Jgcs from soil, waste and other drainage
pipes inside of a building and conveys it 10 the house sewer outside of the
.0209 7 IJOUSl: SEWl:R - is that pan of a plumbing system extending from the
house drain al a point 0.60 mctcrs from the outside face of the foundation
wall of II. building 10 the junction with the s:rcel sewer or 10 any point of
discharge, and conveying the drain:tgc of one building ,ilc,

"'1098 HOllS!!: S'''ORM SEWER ~ is the pipeline from Ih( building to the public
or street storll1 drainage system.

liM IIUBlESS PIPES _. l\rc cast iron soil pipes with plain ends connected
lOgcther wah hohcd stainless steel bands and neoprene gaskets.

Sulioll 210

I' 210.1 INDlR":CT WASTE PIPE - is a pi~
that does not connect directly with
the drainage system hut conveys liquid waSles by disdJarging into a
plumbing fixture, interceptor or receptacle directly connected to the

...o. 210 2
drainage system.

INDlVU>UAl VENT - is a pipe installed 10 vent a fixture trap and which

connects with fhe vent system abuve the fixture served or terminates in the
open aIr
••• 210) INDUSTRJAL WASTE - any and all liquid or water-borne wasfe from
industrial or commercial processes, except domestic sewage.

2104 I.P.s. - means Iron Pipe Size

·"110 5 INSANITAHY fl condition contrary to .\..1.nitary principles Of illjurious to

• S,'e m NPC Nj9

•• S"c. 70 Nl'(' 19.59
••• S,'c. 7J Nrc /959
•••• Sa'. 72 NI'c' 195'1
••••• S-'~'. i 3 NI'(' 1959
....... S"c'. ".j ,\'I'C 1<)50)
" St't'. -5 NI'C 1<)59
Conditions where the word "insanitary" shall apply include the following:

210.5.1 Any trap which does not maintain a proper trap seal;
210,5,2 Any opening in [l dl(\illage system, e~cept wheal lawful, which is not
provided with an approved water-scaled trap;
210.5.3 Any plumbing fixture or othc-r wa~e-djscharging receptacle or device, not
supplied with water sufficient to flush it and maintain it in a clean condition;
210,5.4 Any defective fixture, trap, pipe or fitting;
210.5.5 Any trap, exccJll where exempted in this Code, directly connected 10 a
drainage sy~tem, the seal of which i.~ not protected against siphonage and
backprcssurc by a 'lent pipe;
210 5.6 Any connection, cros~-(Qnncction, construcrion or condition, temporary or
permanent, which permit or make possible. by any means whatsoever. for
lIny ullapproved foreign matl~r to emer into a water distribution system used
for domestic purpose,; and
210.5.7 The foregoing enumeration of conditions which the term "insanitary"
applies.. shall not preclude the application of that term to conditions that are.,
in fact, insanitary
• 2106 lNTE.H.CEPl'OIl. (CL.ARIFlER) - is a device designed and installed to
separate and retain deleterious, hazardou:'> or undesirable matterS from
normal wastl-OS alld permils normal sewage or liquid wastes to discharge into
the dispusalt.:rminal by gravity.
··210.7 INVERT - The lowest portion of the interim part of any pipe or conduI1
that is not verticaL

Medon 211

211.1 JURISDlCTIQN - the Administrative Authority under the Department of

Health, the Department of Public Works & Highways, I~ Department of
Inl~rior and Local GovCffiment, the City Mayors of Chartered Cities,
Environmental Management Bureau (D.E.N.R) and other govcrnment
entities 1hat regulate the practice of Registered & Licensed Master

Srttion 212

No Definitions

.. SI!(". iii NIY' 1959

. . St"·' 77 NI'(' 1')5')


-------- _._-----
R,!"ised National F'lulT.olng Code oftllll PII:tip/l'II'I<lS

Stttion 213
2Jll LJ\BELED - Ctju;pmcnt or materials bealing II labd of a [j~tjnH a~ency.
All labels shall be emoo5Sed, l:lamped or indelibly marked with sticken.
glued on the l.inished prodlll...1 indicating !he weighl, specifications and logo
ofth~ utanuf:l.Clu[(..' f.

LATERAL - in plumbing, a secondary pipeline. III sewerage, a common

~ewer to which no other bnlllch sewer is connccted, It receives sewage from
building sewer service connections only
LATH.INE -- a watl,.,' closet IXlnsi~ting of a continuous trough containing
water. The trough extt:ads under two or more adj~cenl seats, Pl'Ohibitefl by
health authorilies for pcnnancnl inSlallaliOllS.
113.4 LAVATORY - a fixture designed for the washing of the hands or face.
Sometimes called a wash hasin.

LEACHING CESSPOOL - a l.CSSpoo! ttmt is not \o','alertighl.

III 6 LEADER - (Sl,'C Conductor) - a pipe connected from building gulter to tile
downspout or conduct.... r.

lIi.7 LENGTH 0.'- PI PE - is m~sured along its centf'rline.

1138 LIQUID WASTE - is the discharge from any fixture, appliance or

appunenance in connection with a plumbing systl.1n which does not receive
f('Cal mallcr.
,,)9 L.lSTEIl- equipment or materials included in a LIST published by llo listing
agency that maintain periodic inspection on current production of listed
equipment or materials and whose listing state either that the equipment or
material!: complied wilh approved stal\d;uds or have been tt"sted and found
suitable for usc in specified malinelS.

Ill'. LISTING AGENCY - is an agency acce.ptcd by the Administrative

Authority in tile business of listing or labeling and which maint.lins a
periodic inspl'Ctioll pmgram on CUl"rl'n! produclion of listed models, and
makes a~,ulable a publishC"d rcpol1 of such Ii~ing where specific
information is induJeu tint the product !lao, heen fested against approved
standards ~ml found ~,tc for use in a Sll~o.;itjc rna"'ler

• Sf','. 78 N"!'C /959 •• U .'I..... XI NI'C 1959

.. S..c. 79 NI'C 195Y ••••• :·;cc. 821'.'1'(' /959
_u Sec. 80 NI'(' 1')59 . . . . .,. St'!,.·. 831'.'1'(' 1951}


·2l3.11 weAL VENT ~ a pipe or shaft to convey foul air from a plumbing fixturt
or a room to the outer air.
•• 213.12 lOOP OR CIRCUIT VENT - a venical vent conrnx:tion on a horizonlll
soil Of waste pille branch at a point downstream of lhe last fixtur~
connection and turning to a horizont:\lline above the highest o.. .erflow le~'e1
of the highest fixture connected thereat; the terminus connected to the stack
vent in the case of loop venting or tu the vent stack nearby in the case 0(
circuit venting.
213.13 WT - a single area of land legally recorded or validated by other mean!
acceptable to the Administrative Authority where a building is situated or
site uf any work regulated by this Code. log\:ther with the yard, court, an~
unoccupied space legally required for the building or works, and which ~
owned by or in the lawful possession of the owner of the building or works.
213.14 LOW HA1.ARD - scc Pullution,

Stttion 214

···214.1 MAIN - any system of continuous piping, which is the principal artery of
the system where branches are connected.
214 2 MAiN SEWER - see Public Sewer,
•• 214.3 MAIN VENT - the principal artery of the venting system to \vhich veq
branches are connected.

J\.1ANHOU - a large opening in a sewer line or part of a plumbing systeJ:l

con!'.IIlicted with sufficient size for a man to gain access therein fot
maintenance purposes and facilit)' for changes of line and/or grddc of
... ·214.5

MASTER PLUMBER - a person technically and legally qualified ant

licensed to practice the profession of Master Plumbing without limitation~ in
accordance with Republic Act 1378. having passed the examinatiO!ll
conducted by the Prot~ssional Regulation Commission, has rl'ceivClJ I
Certificate of Registration from the Hoard of Master Plumbing and pOS5CS5('l
the current license to practice.

• Sec. 84 N/'(' /959 ..... Sec. X7 NJ'C /959

... ,~c. 85 N/'C /95'J ...... Sec. H,'I N/'C 19511
••• •IN.'c. 86 NP(' 1959 ...... S<'('. 8<) NI'C 11}59

:1-1.6 MAY - the word "may" is a permissive temJ.

1141 MQIJiU,: HOMl: PARK St:WE:R - that part of the horizontal piping of
sanitary drainage system whiC'h llJ~asures 0.6 meier downstream from the la:n
mobile home site and conveys sewage 10 a public sewer, privalc se~r,
individual sewage disposal system or other points of disposal.
S«:lion 21 S
::IS.! NAMPAP - National Mllister Plumbers Association of the Philippin~s.

1JS.2 NUISANCE - includes, bUI is 1I01limiled 10 the following:

2152.1 Any public nuisance knowil in common law or in equity jurisprudence;
1152.2 Whenever any work regulated by this Code is dangl.'I'ous to human life or
delnmcntallo health and property; and
115.2.] Inadequate or Ulls:'lfe water supply :lIld (If sewage disposal system.

S::~tion 216

:-'216.1 OAKUM - hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil or lar 10 make it
.216.2 OCCUPANCY -the purpose for which /I building is used or intended to be
used. The term shall also include the building or room housing used.
Change of occupancy is not interpreted 10 mean change of tenants or

116.1 OFFSET - in a line of piping is a combination of elbows or bends. which

brings Oile st-'Ction of the pipe oul of line bot into a line parallel with the
original seclion.

SKlion 217

'217.1 PERSON - a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators or a~ign!l;

and also includes a firOl, partnership or corporation, its or their suC'C~sors or
assigns or agents of allY of the afOlesaid

• Sec, 5m NPC J959

.. S.:c. 9/ NrC /95<J
... S,'c. Y2 NJ'{' 1959

217.2 PB - Polybutylene. Tube made ofplablic material and ookH"ed black. The
cross-sectional shape is oonnally oval and is dC1Xlted by its outside diamett:r
or 0,0. Nomlally us~ ItS water S~Mce connection from tnIlIin 10 meter.
2n.) Pi: - Polyethylene. Tube made of plastic material and wlored black. The
cros:;.-sectional shape is citrolar and is deooloo by its ouuide diameter or
217.4 PIPE - a cylindrical conduit or conductor OOtlforming to the particular
dimensiofl.'J ccmmonly known as "pipe size" and is denoted by its interior
diameter or to.
• 217.5 PITCH - see Grade.
.. 217.6 PLUMBJNG - tbe Nt and teclllu~ue of im.1aUing pipes. fixtures and otbrr
apparatuses in buildings fat bringing in the supply, liquids, submnces and/or
ingredients and removing them; lUld such water, liquid and otm:r carried-
wastes fo health, sanitation, life, Jlroperty; also the pipes and
fixtures after imlltllation i.e., the plumbing system.
217.7 PLUMBING APPLIANCE _. anyone of a special class of device Ol
equipment intended to perform a special plumbing function. Its operation
and/or control may be dependent upon one or more energ:.1.ed components,
such as motors, controls, beating elements and pre:osure-temperature-sensing
elements. Such device or equipment may operate automatically through one
or more of the following actions. 8 time cycle, II temperature range, a
pressure range, II measllIed volume or weight; ur the device or equiplll~F11
may be manually lldjusttd or controlled by the user or operator.
217Jl PLUMBING APPURTENANCE· 3. manufllCtUred device or a prefebricatec
assembly or lUi on-the-job a~mbly of comptmcnt parts, und serves a.'! adjunct
to the basic piping system and plumbing fixtures. An appurtenance demlUlds
no additional water supply nor does it add any discharge load to II fixture cr.-
the drainage system. It performs so!ne useful functions in the operation,
maint~nance, servicing, economy or Silfely ofthe plumbing system.

217,9 PLUMBING FIRM - a sole ploplietorship or cotpOnttion composed of

Registered and licensed Master Plumbers together with allied professionals.,
with the Master Plumbers composing the majority of the membership,
incorporators., directors and/or executive officers and Licensed Maskr
Plumber only render work and services Within the cognizance of a Registered
Mas1er Plumber and nlembers oftbe allied professions also only render work
and ser.... j~s within the cognizan~e of their n.'spective professions

.. Sec. 93 NFC 1959

... Sec. 94 NPC 1959
Revi&oo Notional Plumbing C.o.:le d Ihlll Phil:pi'!nlll$

• 217.10 fl,UM BING nXTUR£,S- afe approvw-type installed r«:eptaclcs., devices

or appliancl's supplied with waler or receive liquid or liquid-boule wastes and
discharge such wastes into the draina~ system to which they may be directly
Of indirectly conneCh:d. Industrial or commercial tanks, vals and similar
proccs~ing equipment are nOt plumbing fixtures, but may be ronnected to or
dis('.hargcd into approved traps or filCtUrcs as provided for in thi8
.. 217.11 PUJMBING OliFICIAl, - the Administrative Authority or the: officer
charged with the adlllillisiratioll and enforcement of the National Plumbing
Code, ()! his regulaIly authOI ized dClluty.
... 217.12 PLUMBING SYSTEM - includes all potable water supply and distribution
pipes, all plumbing fixtures and traps, all sanitary and storm drainage systems;
vent pipes, roof d'dins, leaders and downspouts~ and all building drains and
sewers, including their n..spcctive joints and conrn."Ctions; clevices, reccplacles.,
and appurtCnalK'('S within the propCtly; water lines in tlie premises: potable..
tap, hot and chilled water pipings; potable water ueating or using equipn1enl;
fuel gas piping; water heaters and vents for s<tme,
217.13 PLUMlUNG UNI1' -;) minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixturp.s that
discharge wasles into a plumbing installation indudi!lg: one (I) waler meter,
one t I) water closet, one (l) lavatory, one (I) shower ht'acl and drain tor 11
bathtub 01 shower stall, one (I) kitchen sink, one (1) laundry lray and three (3)
!loor drains and four (4) fuucctsltl<.15e bibb.
21714 POLtUTlON - an impflirmcm of the quslily of the watrr to a degr~ which
creates tuuard to the public health and adversely affects the aesthetic and
potable qlJalitil.'s of wal""S tor domestic use
--2[7.15 POTADI,E WATER - water s.atisfaclory for drinking. culinary af.ll
domestic pUlposes and meets the requirements of the Philippine National
Standards for Drinking Water.
217.16 fRESSURE - the l10mlal force e.'l.t:rted by a homogeneous liquid or gas,
per unit of area on the \\'all of the conlaincr
217.161 STATIC PRESSURE -- the ptt:Ssure existing without allY flow

.. SH', 95 NPC N59

.. Sec. 97 HI'£: 1959
••• Sec 96 NPC 1959
.... Sec, 9H NPC' {'I59

217.16.2 Rl:SlDlIAL PRESSURE - the pressure available al the fixture or
water OI.ItJ~l; allowance is made for pressure drop due to friction loss,
head, meter and Olh~r losses in the syst~m dUTing maximum demand
·211,17 PRIMARY BRANCH - of the building drain is the single sloping drain
from the base of a slack to its jUlictioli with the main building drain
··217.18 PRIVA1'[ OR PRIVATE USE - In classification of plumbing fixtures,
"private" applies to plumbing fixtures ;n residences and apartmems, to
private bathrooms in hotels and hospitals, to reS! rooms in commercial
establishmeills for re:;tricted use, single fixture or group of single lixtures
and to similar installations where lhe fixtures are intended fm the usc of a
family or an individual.
217.19 PIUVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - a lieP~ tank with the
emucnt di~charging into a subsurface disposal field, imo one or more
seepage pit,~ or into a combinlltion of subsurface disposal field and 5eep2ge
pit or sllch other faciliti~5 as may he permitted under the procedures set
fonn elsewhere in thi$ Code
... 211 20 PIUVATE St:W[R - a building sewer, which the discharge from
more than olle building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private
sewsMe disposal system, or other points of dispoSllI
.. 217.21 PRJVY - an OI.Ilhouse or structure used for the deposition of excrement
··21722 PRIVY YAUl.T - a pit a privy where excrement collects.
···217.23 PUIiLlC OR PUBUC US.: - In the classification of plumbing fixtures,
"public" or "public use" shall mtan all buildings or 5truclures thai arc not
defined as private Of private use.
"·217.24 PUBLIC SEWER - a common sewer directly controlled by publi-:
authority 10 which all abutters have equal rights of connections,
21725 PVC - ~ol)'\>jnyl Chloride Potable water pip;n~ are color--coded BLUE.
Drainpipes are manufaClured with toxic components and are color-coded
gray, orange or brown

• Sf!c. Y9 NFl' JY5'1 ..... .'in'. 11)3 Nl'C 19j9

•• •'itte, 1nQ Nl'C 195Y ...... Sf!c. 11)-1 NJ'C 1959
... Sec, 10/ NP(' /959 ....... Sec. /OJ Nrc 19jjJ
.... ,we. 102 NPC JIJ59
Revited N'lIlonal Plumt>ing Code of the Flliiippinsa

Seccit)n 218

2181 QUALITY OF MATERIALS - all plumbing fllltures and materials used in

any discharge or plumbing system or pEUts thereof shall be ITee ITom defects.

&('Iion 119
219.1 RECEP'I'OR - an approved phJmbing fixture or device of such materials,
shape and capacity to adequately receive the discharge from indiru;t waste
pipes, constructed and IOCRted to he readily cleaned,
219,2 REGUl,ATING EQUIPMENT - include all valves and controls used in
plumbing systems which are accessible.
·219.3 RELIEF Vt:NT - It vertical vent line, the primary function of whkh is to
provide additiunal circulation of air between the drainage and vent systems
or 10 act as an ollxiliary vent on a specially designed system such as a ")iO~C
~'cnt" (;O!ln{."(:tion between the soil and vent stacks.

.. 219.4 REPA IR - the reoonstruetion or renewal of any pan of an e:w;isting building

for its mainteoanct:. The word "repair" or '''repairs'' shall not apply 10 any
changt: of constmction or occupancy,
-·219,5 RETURN HENn - an open return bend usually made up two 90" bends
with inside and outside threads, Oangerl or welded finings; and applied also

10 a Qlle hundred eighty degrees bend in copper tubings.

. . 219.6 REVENT PU'[- sec backvent pipe.

219,7 RIM - an unobstructed top open edge ora fixture.

.. 219.8 RISER - a .... iltly supply pipe, which extends venically to one fiJlI story or

- 219.9
more to COIl~'Cy water into pipe branches or plumbing filllures.

ROlIGHlNG-IN - the installation of all pipings lU1d fiuing pans of the

plumbing system, which can be compltted prior to the installation of
fhtures llJld accessories, Thl$e indude sanitary and storm drainage, tc.p, hot
and chilled wHtcr supplies, gas pipings, vent pipings and the nl!'C'es:>ary
fixture suppol1s.

•.we. 106 Nl'(' 1959 .....\t,~.. 109 NI'e 1959

•• S"c. JOJ Ni'C Nj'.i . . . hSl'C. lION"!' 1')51)
••• .we. Io..'? NI'(' 1959 ······Sec.IIINP(·1959

~c(ion 210
220.1 SAND L'l"T[RCEPTOR - see Interceptor.
·220,2 SANITARY SEWAG~ - the wastewater oonlammg human excrements
and liquid household waste. Also caUeJ domestic sewage.
··220.3 SANITARY SEWER -1\ sewer intended to receive sanitary sewage with or
without pre-treated industrial wasles sod without the admixture of rain or
ground water.
···220.4 SEAL - the vertical distance between the dip and the crown weir of a trap.
AI50, the water in Ihe trap bel""''eef\ the dip and Ihe crown weir.
.. 220.5 SECONDARY DRANell - any branch in a building drain olher than the
primary branch.
220.6 SEEPAGI:!: PIT - a loosely lined ell:cavalion in Ihe ground, which Tf.'Ceives
the discharge of a septic lank and designed 10 permit Ihe emuenl from the
... 220.1
~ptic tank. 10 Sttp through pil bottom and sides.

SEIYJ"lC TANK - a watcHight receptacle which receives the discharge oCa

sanitary plumbing system or part thereof, designed and conslructed to retain
solids, digest organic maUer through a period of detentton and to allow the
liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of
open-joimed sub-surfsi,;c pipings or a seepage pit meeting the requirements
••• 220.8
of this Corle.

SERVICE PIPE - the pipe from the street water main {lI' other suurce of
.... .
••• 220.9
waler supply 10 the building ~rved .

SEWAGE - any waste....'atcr contammg animal or vegetable matter In

suspensIon or solution and may include liquids containing chemicals In
····22010 SEWF.R - It pipe or oonduit for carrying sewage and wastewater.
..... 220.11 SEWERAGE OR SEWERAGE WORKS - a oomprehensive lerm,
including all constructions for collection, transportation, pumping, treatment
and, final disposition of sewage.
·····220,12 SllAFT - a vertical opening Ihrough a building for elevators., dumbwaiters,
lighlS, "'cntilalion Of similar purposes.
"Y.;.JJJNP(.'1lI59 ···.···s.'!·
.... ·.Sec,l/7NPC/9jf}

"·Sec lJ4t"l'('/V59
..... Ye. //6 N/'(' 19.~9
• .. ··.~c. 119NPCI959
')10(" 1l0NPCNj9
Src. 121 NPC 19j9

• 220, 13 SIAMEsr CONNECTION _. £I h\)se fitting wIth clapper valves for
combining the flow from two or more lines of hose into a single stream.
The inici Iittillg of a fire standpipe locate-a al)(w~ grOlllld It:vel

·'22014 SIPIIONAGE .. a suction crCalC"<! by the flow of liquids III pIpes. A

pre~~ure less than atmospherk.

"·22015 , SHALL. - the wonl "shall" denotes mandatory acceptation.

220.]6 SHIELDED COUPLING - an approved c1astometic scaling gasket with an
approved ouler shield :lud a lighlening mechanislIl.
2:0.11 SLI'\i(;LI: FAMIl.Y DWELLING - a building designed as a home by the
owner of such building, and shall be thil only dwelling located on a parcel of
ground with the usual accessory building.

220,18 SIZE AND TYPE 01" TUlIlNG _. see Diameter.

220,19 SUP JOINT .- an adjustable tubing connection, conslstmg of It
compression nut, a friction rillg, and a compres3ion washer, designed to fit a
tlvcadcd adapter tining or & standard tapcr pipe thre-ad.
220.20 SLOPE - see Grade.

.. 220.21 SOIL.. STACK PIPE - a vertical soil pIpe conveying fecal matter and

-DJ22 SOIL PIPE ~ any pipe, which conveys the discharge of water closet, urinal
or !htur~s lJaving similar functiO\\!, with or without the discharges from
other fixtU/cs III the building drain or building sewer
SOLDEltF.1> .IOINT - a pipe joint obtained by joining metal parts with
metallic milllun':; or alloys which melt at a temperature below 427 degrees
cell\igrad~ amI above 149 degrees ccnti!!rad<:,

•-.!.:.O 24 SPIGOT - the end of 1\ pipe which fits into a bell. Also II word used
synonymuusly with tilliCel.,
1:'0.25 SPECIAl. WASTF.S - wastes which require wme special methods of
hand1iny. ~tJch as Ih.., ll~l' of indir«:1 wa~tc piping and re<.:cplors; cOffosion-
resistant plpll1g; ~:\IId, oil or grca~\~ ill!ClccptOlS; condt.:nsers or other
prelreatmenl facilities

• St:c. 123 Nrc /lJ59 U Sec;. 116 NI'C 1959


•• S.,~'. 11.J NPC /959 ••••• Sec /15 NP(' 195Y

Ut Sd'. 122 NrC /959 •••••• Sec. 117 NI'C 1959
.. 220.26 STACK - the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent pipings
extendinglhrough one or more stories and extended tluu ihe roof.
.. , 220.27 STANIlPIPE ~ a vcrtical pip<:, or a leservoir, into which water is pumped
10 give it at a he...d, classified as·
I, W~t Standpipe - water pressure is maintained at all timcs;
2. AutoDlatic Standpipe Systt'lD ~ operates automatically by
opening a ho~e valve;
3. MaDulllly-OI~r.ted Standpipe Syllem - remote control
device at each hose station; and
4. Dry Studpipt ~ having no permanent water inside the
..... 220.28 STORM WATER ~ that portion of the rainfall or other precipitatiOfl which

... 22029
runs ofT over the earth surface after a storm.

STOREY -that portion ofa building included between the upper surface of
any floor and the upper surface of the flnor ne,;\ above
.... 220.30 SUBSOIL DRAIN - all undcrground dl1linpipe that receives only su~
surface or seepage water and convey it to 11 SlImp for disposal by gravity
n"w or by lift p'lmp.
... , 220.31 STACK VF.NT - the·extCflsion of a soil or waste stack llbove the highest
horizontal drain oonnected to the stack. The uppermost end above the roof
is called stack vent through roof (SVTR).
, .. 220.32 SUMP - an appro\-ed tank or pit which receives seWftge or wastewater and
is located below the normal ~radc of the gr4vity syMem and must be emptied
by mec.hanical means.
'''*220.33 SUPPORTS - supports, hangers, anchors, brackets., cradles are devices for
holding and securing pipes and fixtures 10 walls. ceiling, floors or .s1rul1ura[
. " ....
...... 220.34 SURFACE WATfR -Ihal portion ofrainfnll or other precipitation which
rullS off over the sUlface of the ground,
"*0,* 220 3S SWIMMING l'ooL - a water basin used for swimming designed 10
accommodate many bathers al a time and properly connected to a disposal
system. fills and draws watel supply or provitled wilh approved wah:r
purification and recirculation systcm
"SIIe. J1IJNl'f' /95') •••••• &, )29 Nf'C /9,S9
"&c. 150,\·/'(" f9j9 ........':.." /34 ....PC /9.W
h ,>«. IJ/ NPC f9-<lJ
... ........ Sec. /J5 NrC /959
..... Sec. 1J: NI'C /959 h ........... ·.'W:c. IJ6,\'PC /9J9
........ .Yc. I.U N/>(' /9.\9 ............ .v c /37 !'if'(. /959

Revis<ld N<!lional Plumbing Code .:11M Philippines

S«lioll 221

221.1 TAu,pn:cE - the pipe or tubing that COlUlects the outlet of a plumbing
fixture to the trap.
• 221 ,2 TAPPF,U TEl<: - 11 t(,."C with the brandl lapped to receive a threaded pipe or

.' 221.3 TRAP "- a lilting or device (\e>igrn:d and conStructed to provide. when
pwper!y vented. a liquid seal which prevents tht" bacldlow of foul air or
methane gas without materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater
through it.
221.4 TRAP ARM - that pOltioll ofa fixture drain between a trap and lhe vent.

-- 22LS TRAP SEAL - the maximum vertical depth of liquid that a trap ",-ill retain,
measured between the: CIO"" weir and the lop of the dip of the lrap.
221 6 TURf-: - [I cylindricill conduit or conductor conforming to the particular
dime:nsion.~ known as "tube sizes" and dcnllteO by its outside diametcr or

St'C'don 222
222.1 UNCONl<'lNED SPACE - a room space having a volume ~ual to lJt lea!!
1.4 cu. Ill. of the: aggregate input raling of the fuel-burning appliance
installed in that space. Rooms adjacent and open to the space where the
llppliancc is installed, tllrouHh opcniuKs nOI furnished with doors, arc

considered a part oflhe unconfined space.

UNIT VENT - an arrangement of venting so installed that one V~n1 pipe

wiU serve two (2) traps,

Set"tion 223

... 223.1
~. VACUUM - an air pressure less than atmospheric. Also, implies siphonage
III PIPIOK system,
::232 VACUUM UH.t:AKf.H. - sec 1)1Icknow I'lc\·cnter

.. Sec. 138 Nfl(' 1959 .... Sec 14/ N!'C /959

.. .k'c. JJl) Nl'e 1959 ••• ~ • .'\. .'1'. 1.J1Nf'C 19j1)
to • .Ye. NO /liPC 1Y59

·223.3 VENT Plft.: - a pip.e or opcning used for ensuring the circulation of air in a
plulllbing system and for relieving Ihe negative pressure eK~rted on trap
223.4 Vt:NT STACf.I: - the \'cnical vent pip': inslalle1:l primarily for providing
circulatioll of air to and from any part of the soil, wa~hJ of thc drainage
223 5 VENT SYSTEM - pipes installed to provide flow of air 10 or from a
drainage syst~m or 10 provide a circulation of air within such system to
protect traps seals from siphonage Rl1d had pressure,

2236 VERTICAL PLPE - any pipe cr fitting instalkd in a vertical positiun or

which forms an angle of not more than fony-five (45) degree..<; with th~
Sedion 224
. \\'"
224, I WASTE - set; Liquicl Waste and Industrial Waste
... 224.2 WASTE PIPE - 3 pipe, which convcys only wastewater or liquid Wl!.~le,
frce of fe..' al matter.
a dt"'\<lce which conditions or Ireats water
supply to improve water quality, remove suspended solids by filtration,
2244 WATER - DlSTRJBUTING PIPE: - a pipe which conv~ys
potable waler
fror!l the building supply pipe to the plumbing fIxtures and othl'f ""...It''!'
2245 WATER MAIN - or street main is the \>J3tL'f-supply pipe for public Of
community usc.
224.6 WA n:R SUPPLY SYSTEM - of a building or premises consists of thz
\>Jater service pipe, water supply line, W81cr distributing pipe and the
ncceuary branch pipes, fittings, valves and all appur!CIl;lnces required for
u 224.7
lhe supply ofpolabl~ waler.

WET VENT _. Ihat portion of a vent ripe through wh~e wastewater also
224,8 WEtDrn JOINT OR S.:AM - any joint Dr seam obtained by the joining
(1f metal parts in a plastil; molten state.

• Sec, /43 NI'C /959

.. sec. U-/ NI" 1959
... ,,'
\' • I</f> NJ'(.' /959
o ,.

•••• ScI.". U5 N/'C 1959

R8YlMld Ne!ional Plum~ng Cod, of the PtI!llppirhl$

Z2.j9 W[1-DEn., PIPELlNE"" a pel'son who specialii'".es in the weldill8 of pipes

and holds a valid certifiCillc of competency from a recognized testing
I!Igency, based on the requirements oflhc regulating authority.

224.10 WYl: - a hoSt: connection with two-gat~ outlets perrnilling two

conneclions of Ihe SBmc or smaller coupling diameter to be taken from a
_~ingle supply line. Also, a pipl:! fitting ofthrce branches Ihat form Ihe letter

SKlioD 225
No definitions.

Section 2:26
"\' ..
• 226.1 VA RD - an open, u1lOCcupied Sp3ct, other than a coon, unobstructed from
the ground to the sky, ~'l:cept where ~pecifically provided in this Clxle

226.2 YOKE VENT - a pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack below
the l100r aud below hOril.Oll11l.1 connection to an adjacent vent stack at a
point above llll:! Iloor and higher than highest spill level of filClures for
preventing pressure changes in the stacks.

Section 217
No definitions.

.. .o;;"c H7 NPC Jf)jy

Chapter 3


It shall be unlawfi.t for any person to cause, suffer or permit the disposal of
sev,lage, human excrement or other wilsie wlI:lers in any place or muLIler. except
through and by means of an approved E~crela and Storm Drainage Sy~1cms
installed and maintained in accordance with the provisions oftlus Code.
BonZOnla! drainllge pipes shall be run in practical alignments and at a uniform
slope between manholes of not kss than 20 mm/m or 2% t(lward the point of
disposal, provided thai, whew it is impracticable to obtain a 2% store due I() the
following constraints in: (I) excessive depth of lhe proposed drainage line; (2)
structural and'or geological fratures of the terrJin; and (3) existing advCfse in
arrang~rnenlS of building or structure; any ~uch pipe or piping J02 mm or
in diameter may have a slop"': of 10 mm/m or I% provided it is first approved by
the Administrative Authority.


303.\ Changes in direction or drainage piping shall be made by the use of

approvt'CI pipe finings and shall be Oflhc angles presented by a 22 ilrbend,
45 0 bl:'nd, 600 bend or other approved fittings of longer sw('eps
303.2 Horizontal drainage hne.~ oonnecting to a "cnical stack sball enter thrOUgh
45° or (fJ0 wye branches, combination wye and 1/8 bend branche~, sanitary
tee or other approved fittings oflonger SWCt"Ps. No filling having more thllIl
om: inlet lit the same k\"cl shall be use<! unlcss such fitting is eOflSttucted so
thaI the discharge from one inl('t ClL/loot readily enter into the other inlet.
Vertical imtallation of double sanitary tees may be used when the ban-e! of
the litting is at least two (2) pipe sizes larger than Ihe largest side inlet.
Nominal pipe sizes recogni7..ed for these purposes arc: 51,63,76. S4:J, 102,
IJ4.127& lS2mm. diameters.
303.3 Horizomnl drainage lines connecling to other horizontal drainage lines shall
enter through 45 0 wye branches, combination wye and 118 bend branches or
other approved fittings oflonger sweeps

• Sec:. 15.} NPe f95<J

...we '57 NPC N5<J
Ruvised N<ttlOtlill Plurn~ng Cod" or the Phiil~pinos

3034 Vc.:nicl\l dr3illage hnes COlJllCClillg tn huritOllt!l1 drainage line slmll cuter
through 4S-Mg.....-c branche~, or other approved fittings of longer sweep
Sixty (60) d.::grcc bninch.::~ or oftsets may be used only when installed ;n a
lrue n:-rlicai position

Sfction 304 - CONNt:CTlONS TO I>Ull\,tlUi'H.~ SYSTEM H.E<}lJIREU

All plumbing fll(tufl-S, dlains, appurlcnallce;:s and appliances used 10 receive

or discharge liquid wastl'S or sewage, shall bl.: connected properl)' to the
drainage systems of the btlilJin/; and premises. ill a\:cordan<:e with the
rcquia'mcnts of lhis Code

Stction JO!' - S[\\,[R R}:QlIl R[I)

}(I~ 1 Every building wh.:rc plulllbillg fixlures arc installed shalt have 11 s(;wcr
s.:r>ice conneclion 10 a public or pri'llatc ~ewcr systems ex~'cpt as provided
in Subsection _lOS 2 of lois section.

,:); 2 When a Public or Private Sewer is nOI available fOf use, excrc!a drainage
piping from buitdmgs and premises shall be connected to an approved
Privale Sewa~e l)i"'jlo~11 System

Stflioll 306 - UAM;\C,Io; -'"0 t>RAtNM:r SVSTF:~'I OR rllllJ.lC SEWF.R

j()6 I [tshall be unlawful for any person t\1 deposit, by whatever means into any
plumbin£ fi:>.ture, floor drain, inll'tl~crtor, sump, receptacle or device,
connected 10 the excreta alld sturm r1raiaagt' systems, public sewer, private
scvver, septie tank or (''i:sspool, any ashes, cinders, solids, lags, flammable,
poisonous or explosive liquids or gases; oils, greMes or other things which
would or could caus{· damage wlhe drainage system or plJhlic sewer

;:,6 2 Roors, inner courts. vent shafts, lighl wells or similar areas having rainwater
drains shall discharge OlJtsidc of Inc building or to tne gulter, and shall not
be connect("G to the soil and wasle pipe systems

Stttioll 307·~ INU("STRIAL W Asn:S

)('-7 I Wilstes detrimental to Ihe /1uhlic sewer system ur to the functioning of tlte
~"'wagl.' uC'nmwnt plant shall be lr~'<lI~-J ,\l\d dispo!>CJ of <is found ne;,:cssary
ami as din'v'ler! hy lhe Adlllil1islralivc Authoril~ or other authori!ie, fJ:l\'inn
j 1lI1:~lil't '....ll

307,2 Sewage or other waste from a plumbing system which may be deleterious 10
surface or ~ub$urface waters, shall not be discharged into the ground (lr into
any waterway unless first rendered innocuous through subjection to some
acceptable form of treatment.
Sc-ction 308 - LOCATION

308.1 E",cept as otherwise provided in this Code, no excreta plumbing system,

storm drairlllge syst~m, building drain, building sewer, private 5ewa~
disfXJsal system or pans thereof, sh",11 be located in any lot other than the lot
where the site of the buildil1g, stnlclure or premises are served by such
308.2 No subdivision, sale, or transfer of ownership of existing property shat! be
made in such a manner that the arca, dearallcc, and access lequircments of
this Code are decreased or impaired.

5«11011309 -1l\1PROP£R l.OCATION

Pipin~ fixtures or equipment staal! not be so locllted to interfere with t~e
normal function or use thetl'Qf or with the normal operaticn and use of
windows, doors or other required facilities
• Section 310 - WORKMANSUIP
.1\0 1 All designs, ecnstructions and workmanships shall be in conformity \\.11h
accepted engineering practices and snail be of such character as to sccu~
the results sought to be obtained by this Code.
] 10 2 11 shall be unlawful to conceal cracks, holes, or other imperfection ill
materials hy welding, brazing or soldering the defects cr by using therein or
thereon any paint, wax, tar, or other sealing or repair agents.
] 10) Durred ends of all pipes and tubingi\ shall be reamed to the full bore of tm
pipe or tubing aoo all chips left inside the pipe or tubing shall be removed.


311 I Nu double hub fining for lead-caulked jcillt in vertical position, single or
douhle Ie\': "ram.:h; single or double tapped t1."C branch, side iulct quaner
bend, runnitl8 thrc;\d. band or saddle shsll be used as a drainage tilling,
exceplthat a double hub sanitary tapped tee m"y be used on vertical lines as
1\ fixture connection. (Approved stainless stccl bands with neoprene gasket!
for jOlllting of hubless cast iron soil piptos are acceptable for use.

·Sec 156 ,",'I'C 1959

... Sec. 158 NPC 1959
R~ N!\Iicnal Plumbing COde of the PhJJippme3

311,2 No draim~gt,':
or vellt p,pmg shall he thilled lind tapped for making
connecticns therelo, and no cast iron soil pipe shall be threaded.

311 3 No wtl!>1e COMCC-J.ion shall be made 10 a closet bend or stub of a water closet
or similar fixturl:s

311 4 Except as hereinafter provided in Sections 812, 813 and 814 oflrus Code, no
venl pipe shall be used as a soil or waste pipe. nor shall any soil or wallIe
pipe be USl-d as a vent Also. sin~le drainage and venting systems wilh
un.cnled branch lines arc prohibited.

J II 5 No fitting, fixture and piping cOfIrtections, appliance, device or method of

instaillltiotl which oustmcts or retardslhe flow of water, sewage or air;n the
excreta and stann drainage And venting systems in an amount greater than
the norm,,1 frictional resistance 10 new, shall be used unless it is indicaled as
accc-ptable ill this Code or approved by the Administrlltive Authority as
having the Jc~irable lind i!cccpti!ble fu:u:tioll and of ultimate bcn<:Ji' 10 the
proper and continuous functioning of the plumbing sy:;tem. The
~n'argement Ilf a 16-mm closet bend or slub 1o I02-mm diameler s11<111 llOt
be consid.:red as an obSlfllction.

J 11.6 Except for necessary use of gate & check vAlve~ where inter-membering or
mixing of diS5imiias metal:> occurs, the points of connection shall be
conlincd to cXPOSt-'d or accessible IOC3tions_

Jll.7 All pipes and fittings shall be installed in COTTe(':t relationship to the
dil(,(,'tioll of flow


The drainage system of each ne..... building and of new work installed in any
eXIsting building shall be st:parale and iadcpcndcnl from that of any other
building and whe'n available, every building shall have an independent connection
wilh a private llf public sewer

Elctplion: Wlttre VIII' bui!dirrg ~'UJJld:r in f~ reClr oj Cl/lOrher blli/diJlg 011 all
illfl?l'i(),- Iflf, anJ no p,-i1'tIft' sewer IiI/I! i,f ul'uilubll! /Jur eml fie cunstructed ro the
rclV huiMmi: IhHJUKh art n<!Jo/llifl8 HlIJrf, yard or Jrivt'way, tilt' building dmill
from the jnmt bllJhJil/~ may be extended 10 tm., rear bllilding if the existing .I'i:e is
aJ<?qU(llt' jor bolh h/lil,'iIlX~ aJtd gr«l'ity flow IS possible.
General Reguliltions

S~cdon 313- REPAiRS ANn ALT[RA1'IONS

J 13. I In existing building or premises where plumbing installations are to be

altered, repaired or renovated, deviations from the provision of this Code are
permitted, provided such deviations are necessary and filst approved by the
Administrative Authority,

313.2 Existillg building sewer and building drain may be used in conneclion witb a
new buiJding or new plumbing and drainage works only when th~y are
found on examination and tested to conform in all lc:>pects to Ihe
requirements governing new work. Bno tlte plOJlcr Administrative Authority
shelll notify the Owner 10 make changes necessary to confoml to Ihis Code,
No l>uildin~ or part thereuf: sh...II bt: Clcctet! or placed over any pan of the
existing drainage system, whidl is constructed of Ill:sterials other th:sn those
approved elsewhere ill this Code lor usc under or within a building,

J 13.3 All openings into II Sanitary drainage amI vent syslem, cxccpt ttlose
openin~s to which plumbing fixtures :He properly eOllne\;tcd or which
constitute vent terminals, shall be pt;lmar.cntly pluggcd or capped in an
approved manner, using the appropriate materials requll'ed by this Code.


J 14, I All pillillgs passing under or through walls shall be protected frolll bleakage
with cmbedded me!al pipe sleeves. All pipcs pdssing through or under
cinders or other corrosive materials shall be protected from external
corrosion by encasing sallie with polyethylene sheath or in othl5 approved
manner, Approved provisiotlS sltall bc made lor expansions of hot water
(llplllgs, Void betwl."en pipes and sleeves through concrete floors in the
!:!found shall he appropriately ~illed ",ilb bihlmen
3142 All pipes in connection with the rlumbiny, system shall be instAlled so lhat
the piping or connections willnol be expos{.'<! to undue strains or stresses,
and provisilllls shall be mad.:: for pipe expansions and contraction, and
bending due to ~1ruetural scUlell1cnt :-10 pipe shall be dilcctJy cmbedded in
l,"',oncre1e and ma.~ollry walls without metal sleeve, No stnlctural member
shall be 51'1;ously wcab:cnl'd or impaired by cUtling, notching or otherwise,
314 J The bottom of all pipe trenches deeper than the footing of' any adjacem
building or structure and parallel 10 it must be at least r0l1y-live (45) degrees
therefrom. unless permission is granted by the Administrative Authority,

• Sec. 155 NPC /959

R..... ~ Nah0l'l31 PlumbN~ C de o! the Philippines

JI-4 ~ No building sewer or other dralll3~e pipings or pan thereof, constructed of

male,illis other Ihan thai approv('d for use undcf ~ witbin the buildill!!>, shall
be Installed ullder or v"'ithin 0.6 meter of allY building or structure, nor less
than 0 3 meter below the fmish ground sUIlafc,

JI4 5 Pipe surfaces subj«:l to undue canosion, I:fOsion Of mechanical damage

shall b(' p,otccted with approved malerial and manners such as inside lining,
outside coaling and proper bonom bedding and top shielding with concrele


~.1 Vertkall'ipiug

,o\llachmelit - vertical piping shall ~ ~urcd at sufficiently dose intervals to

kt"Cp the pip.'s in alignment and to cany its weight and contenlS_ Stacks shall be
suppol1cd :It their iJa'<C <IS follows

31S I I CaS! Iron Soil Pip«- - Dell & Spigot and Hubless pipe shall be
supponed al ellery storey or closer

315.1.2 Screwed Pil)e ~·Iron Pipe Si:£e (IPS) shall be supponed at not Jess ttum
("very other storey heigh!.-

315 I J Copper Tubing - shall be SUpfH.lncd al each storey or at rnaxnnum

intervals of -' nWlers on center.

) 15 I" L"Md Pillf' ~ shall be supponed at intervilis not exceeding I 20 meters at

CCllters with a rigid vcniclll back-up

.115 [5 PlAstic Pi pc shall be suppo!lerJ at everyone- (I) meter intl..'fVaI,

~ lIorizol1tall'ipin~

315.2 I Supports --- horizontal pipes shaH be supponed at sufiicicnlly close

intervals to keep them in alignment and prevent saggillg.

315,2.2 Cast Jron Soil PillC' - Where jomts occur, suspended cast iwn soil pipe
shall be supponoo at 1I0t more than 1,5 meters illlervals; exeept thllt
pipe u:ct..'Cding I 5 mClers length. may be supponed at not more
than J meters intervals Supports shall be adequi'lte 10 maintain
alignnlem and to prcvent sagging and shall be placed within 0.45 metCl"3
of the hub or joiat. Hubless 01 compression gasket joints must be
supponcd at least at cllery other joint except that when the developed
length betw('('1l supports e.\Cl'Ws I 2 meters, they Sohall he provided at
each joint Support sball also be provided at each horizonlul brench
connection, placed on or immediately !!djacent to the ,,) '~;!'!g.
Suspended lines shall be suitably braced to prevent !. i J.".tal

315.2.3 StrtWed Pipe -IPS except as provided in olber Sections of this Code,
shall be supported at apPlOximaicly 3,0 meters intervals for piping 19
.mm diameter and muJler and 3.6 meters intmoals for piping 25 mm elY..!
larger in diameter.

315.2.4 Copper Tubing - shall be supported at approXimately 1.8 LT.:'_·S

intervals for pipiog 38 nun diameter and smaller- and 3.0 meters in' '; "'·r'.5
for pipings 5 t mm and larger in diameter

315.2.5 Lud Pipe - shall be supported by stiff metal or wooden backing fo:- its
entire length with hangers properly spaced,

315.2.6 10 Ground - piping buried in the ground shall be laid on a firm bed for
its entire length. except where concrele cradle support is provided,
which is adequate and approved by the Administrative Authority.

315,2,7 Plastic:: Tube - shall be supported by stiff metal or wood backing with
hangers in its entire length for smaJl~size tubings up to 38 nun diemeter
And without backings but with spaced metal hangers at approved spacing
for larger-size tubings.

315.3 Hangen .nd Anc::hon

315.3.1 Malerials - for hangers and anchon shall be of sufficient strength

to their proportional share with the weight of the pipe and
its conlent.

) I 5.3.2 All pipings, fixtures and equipment shall be adequately anchored

or supported to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority


316 I Tunneling and driving may be done in yard, coun or driveway of any
building site. Where there is sufficient depth, tunneling may be used
between open cut '.JC1lch~s. Tunnels shflll have a clear height of 0.6 meter
above the pipe l10d :nH be limited in length to one-half (liZ) the 1eplh
of the trench, wd. a maximum length of 2 4 meters. When pipe is
driven, the drive pI ~ shall be at least one pipe size larger than the pipe I.) be
R~$od Natkmi!.1 Plumbing Code of the Philippine:;

316.2 Open Trrnchts - all ex('avations required to be made for the instal1atiol1 of
a building drain"ge system or any part thereof, within the walls of a
building, shall be Opell trench work lind kept open unLii the piping has been
inspected, Ic~"!cd and acocp!ed,

}16" All excavations shall he completely hack-filled as soon BY possible after

:nspcclion, Adequate ilr«:aution shall be taken to ensure proper
compaclness of b"ckflll around pipes wirhout Jamage to such pipe
Trerwhes shall be back-fiIiL'd in rhin layers of 0.] meter above the top ofdlC
pipe with clean earth which shall Il()t contain stones. boulders, cinders p1
other matc.ria15 which can damege or break the pipes or cause oorrosrve
action. Mechanical devices or equipment such as bulld01.ef, grader, etc.•
may then be used 10 complcte: the back-filling 10 grade. The filling shf!.1l be
property compacted Suitable precautions shall be t:!okcn to ensure
p:.-nnanent stability for pipes in filled or made grouml.
Chapter 4
Quality of Fixture, - plumbing flXtures shall ~ manuftcTured of d~. durable.
non-absorbent materials a:\d must have smooth. impervious surfaces, free from
unnecessary concealed fouling sunaees. Except as permitted ebewhere in this
Code, all fixtures shAll conform in quality Ami design to nationally reeogniu:d
appliuble stl>lldards or to oth~r approved standards ltcceptable 10 the
Administrative Authority. All porcelain enamel surfaces on plumbing fixtUf~
shall be acid resistant (for the convenience of lIsers of tIlls Code, a list of
generally ftC.C.P.pled Plumbing Fixture! is included in Ttble 14-4 Plumbicg
Material Referenced Standards.) •

Water closet bowls fllr public usc shall be the elongated bowl types eqwpped with
open-front seats. Water closet seals shall be of smooth I'IOn-ab~rbenl material
and properly sized for the water closet bowl used.


Special-use lhlures may he made of soapstone. chcrrucal stoneware or may b::
limd with lead. copper base alloy. nickcl-<:opper alloy, corTosion-resisting Sled or
other materials specially suited for the use which the fixture is intended,

Restaurant lcitchen and other special-use sinks may be made of approved-type

bonderized and galvanized sh~t steel ofnol less than Gauge No. 16 U.S. 11&501
1.6 rom thick. All ~heet melal plumbing fixtures shall be adequately designed,
constructed and brac~ ill lUI approvw mannCf 10 s8tisfllctorily aC4XJmplish !h:
intended purposes.

.. S«liod 403 - OVERFLOWS

When any fixture is provided with an overflow outlet, the wa.~e shall be SO
arranged that the standing W&tM inside the fixture cannot rise inside the overflow
way when the stopper is closed llOf remain inside the overflow way when the
fixture is empty The overflow pipe from a fixture shall be connected 10 the house
or inlet side oflhe fixture trap. Waler Closet or Urinal flush tanks shall discharge
into the bowls or wares served by Ihem, but it shall be unlawful to COlmt'.Ct such
overflows with lUly other part of tile drllinage syslem.

.. Sec. 205 NPC 1959

tts.: c. 210NPC 1959
404.1 Slrailten - all plumbing fixtures other than water closets and siphon action
washdowll or blowout unnals, shall btl equipped with approved strciners
having an approvt.'d waterwa.y areA The strainers serving shower drains
shall hav~ waterway equivalent to the area of the tailpiece; (meaning, the
sum of all the areas of t11~ pl'rforations of the strainer is equivalent to the
outlc: area)
4)4.2 Con.n~liol1$ - Fixtu~ having concealed slip joint connections shall be
provided with an access panel or utility at least 0) meter in its least
dimension and arrangl,."d :so iliat the (;Q\u)(:ctiolls are readily accessible fer
inspection and repair.
-404.3 Continuous waSle and fixture tailpiece shall be oonstrueted from the
materials specified on Table 14-4 of this Code for drainage piping, provil!o:f
however, that such conncctioflS where ellposcd or acceSSible may be of
se1mle~s drawn brass not less than Gauge No. 20 B & S or 0.8 rr.m in
Ihickm'SS Each su.:h tailpiece, cuntinuotls waste or waste and overtlow
shall nOI bt'. less then 38 mm 0 D. fur sinks. dj~hYlashers, laundry tubs.
bathtubs, urin.lls and similar fixture!!., and not !ess than 32 rom O.D. for
lavatories, drinking fountains and similar small fixtures; brass or oopper
shall n'::ll be used for urinal tailpiece or trap.
.&(14 4 Appro..,cd wye or other directIonal-type branch fittings sh:dl be installed in
all cOlllinuous waSles connecling or receiving the discharge from food waSie
disposal units., dishwashers. clothes wl\$hers or other forced-dischargc
ti:»tun-s or llppliances, No dishwasher drain shall be connected 10 a $ink
tailpiece, continuous wa~te or nap on the discharge side of a food waste
disposal unit.
• Scoetion 405 - PRQIlIBITEU nXTVR£S

"')S.I USe- of water closets ha~-ing invisible seals or unventilated space or having
walls, which are not thoroughly wasl\{.-d out at each discharge, sball be
prohibited. Any watcr closet, which might pcnnit siphonage of the contents
{If the bowl back into the watt'r tank, shall be prohibited as well as trough
minals DOllbng fnulIlains shall not be Instilllc..1 inside public toik1loorns.
-41)5.2 Fi.'iell wooden, concrete, cemenl, or lile washtrays or sinks for domestic usc
shall 1101 be instil lied in any building designl,.-d for human habitation. No
sh~ct nwtallined woodell balhtubs shall be instal!ed or n.-connected. No dry
or chemical doset (toilet) shall be installed in any building for human
habitation, unless first appro",ed by the Health Officer or Acimin'>;t'l".liv.~

• Sc:c :07 Nt'!' JY5Y

Plumbing FiXlIlre:&


406.1 \\'Il.t~r
COllQKtions ~ baptistri~s, omamental and lily pOlld~, aquaria,
ornamental fountain l1asins lind similar constmctions when provided with
water supplies connected to potable water supply lines shall be PlOtecled
from back-siphonage.

406.2 Drain - for "Sacrarium" cupsink at church altar and

Baptistries tont outlet shaH discharge direct to the ground and not connected
to the sanitary drainage system,

406.3 Apprnved - specialties requiring water supply and wa'lte discharge

connections shaH be snl1mitted tor approval oftne Administrative Authority,


4071 Cleaning - plumbing fiKture shall be installed in a manner to provide easy

access. for rCp<lir lind cleaning. Where practical, all pipes rrom fiJttures shall
be run parallel and dose 10 the neuest wall or building line.

401.2 Joints ~ where a fhlture comes in contact with the wall or floor, the joint
bet\l,'Cen the fIxture and wall or floor shall be made watertight

407.3 SC('uring H~turn - floor outlel or floor mounted fix.tures shall be ri!,l;idly
secured on th~ drainligc connection and floor when so designed with the use
of adlXluately-sized screws or expansion bolts of copper. brass or other
equally cOlTOsion-resisUnt materia1.

407.4 Wall-Hung Fixtures ~ waH-hung fixtures shall be rigidly supponed by

metal supponing members Of chairs so that no bending or pullo'Jt strain is
transmitted 10 the wall. Approved non-corrosive screws or bolts sha!! secure
water doset and urinal flush tanks and similar appunenances.

4015 Selling - fixtures shall be set h:~vel and in proper alignment with referen~e
to adjacent walls. No water closet or bidet shall be s.~ closer than O.J7j
meter from its center to any side wall or obstruction nor closer than 0.7;
meter center to center to any similar fixture No urinal smll be set closer
than 0.3 meter from its center 10 any sidewall or panition nor cloS<.-'f than 0 6
meter ce-ntet to center.

407.6 Supply Fittings - Ihe supply lines or fIttings for every plumbin::; fixtUf':
shall b,: installed to prevent backtlow,
StctiOD <&08 - II RlNALS

An approved type vacuum brwer shall protect every water supply to a

u~in3l or otner approvad back now prevention device as described in Table

40IU Automalic Fhubill&.Tanks - tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be
automatic in operation and of sufficient capllcity to provide the neccS$l\ry
voluntc of water to flush and pro~erly cler.nsc 1l.1I urinals simultanecusly,
Automatically controlled flushometer valve!'. maybe substituted for
automatic flush tanks.

408,2 F!usbomtter Valves - no manually controlled tlushoDletet valve shall be

used 10 flush more than one urinal and each suc.h urinal flushomcter valve
shall be: approved, sdr-c1osing type di~harging a predetermintd quntil} of


.409.1 Floor drains shall be considered plumbing fixtures and each drain shall be
prw.;idcd with an approval-type and hinged ~rainer plate having the sum of
the areas of the small boles of the s!1·wner plate or gross waterway is
equivalent to the cross--sectional art.a of the l&.ilpiece. Floor drains. floc!
receptors and shower drains shall be of fin approved type, the body provided
with inlegr:llly~cast WIIIl..-r-stop outside flarlBe around the body lit mid dtpth
and with an inside caulk outlet to pl'Ovide a watertight joint in tbe floor.

409.2 Shower receptors HTe plumbing f,,(tures and shall conform to the gene~1
requiremerJI5 therefore contained in Table 14-4. Each ahower receptor sleH
be constructed of vitrified china or earthenware, ceramic tHe, porcelain--
cl1lUtleled mctaJ or of such other matt:rial as may be acceptable to the
Administrativ(~ Authority. No shower receptors shaH be installed unless it
conforms to Il.cccptilble standnrds as required by Chapter 14 <lfthis Cooe or
until a specification or a prototype or both of such receplor is first SlJbmitted
to the Administrative Authority for approval.

409.3 Each shower receptor shall be an approved type and be constructed 10 have a
finished dam, eurb or threshold which is lit least 25.4 mm lower than the
outside floor at the sides and back of such receptol'. In no case shall l'.ny
dam or threshuld be less than 51 mm nor more than 228 mm in depth when
measured from the tOp of the dam or threshold to the of the drain. The
finished floor of the receptor shall slope Wlifonnly from the sides towards
the drain not less than 20/0 Ol: 20 mrulm or wore th8.l1 4% or 40 mm/m.
Thresholds shall be of SlIfficiem width to a~comlilodate a minImum SS9-mm
wide door.
Exception: Special shower compartments for wheelchair use may
eliminate the curb or threshold. The required slope and depth sltal! ~
maintained from the door ent!), to the drain opening The minimum distance
bt:twccn the door or entry to the dmin optltJing shall be 12 meters.

4094 All shower companments, regardless of shape. shall have a minimum

finished interior area of 0.6 square meter, and shall also be capable of
enconJplassing a 762 mill diameter circle Th~ minimum area and
dimensions shall be maintained frolll a point above the shower drain outlet
to a height of 1.78 lI1eters with no protrusions other than the fixture valve or
valves, shower head and safety smb bars·or rails.

409,5 When the construction of on-site built-up shower receptors is permitted by

the Administrative Authority, one of the following means sh:lll be

409.5.1 Shower receptors built directly on the sround.

Shower receptors buill directly 1m the ground shall be walenight and shall
be constmett.'d fIom approved-type dense, lIoll-absorbent Ilnu nOIl-C()nmi\l~
materials Each rcc"plOr shall he adequately !cinforccd, provided with an
approved tlanged floor drain designed to make a watertight joint in Ihe floor,
and shall have smooth. impervious and durable surfaces.

409,5,2 Shower fC(;eplors built above ground.

When shower receplors are Imilt HOOVC ground the sub-floor 31ld rouWI side
of walls to a height of no Ie!iS than 76 mm above the topofthc finished dam
or threshold shall be first lined with shel'l lead or copper or "'nth other
durable and wlltcnight materials,

AJllining materials shall be pitched at a slope uf2 percent or 20 ffim/m to weel) holes in
the subdrain of a smooth and solidly formed sub-basco All lining materials shall extend
upward on the rough jambs of Ihc shower opening to a point no less than 76 mm aoove
Ihe lOp of the fini~hl'<l dam or threshold and shall eXlend outward over tile top of the
rough threshold amI hI' turned liver ;md fasiellcd (Ill the outside lilce of bolh the rough
threshold and the jambs

No meTallic shower suh-p;:llIs or linings may be built-lip on the jobsite of not less than
three (3) layers of standard grade 6,8 kg a,phall-impregnated roofing tclt The bottom
layer shall be fitled to tile fanned sub-base and each succeeding layer thoroughly hQt
mopped to that bc!ow, All corners shall be carefully fitwd, strengthened and \l.f11;!rti:;ht
by folding or lapping, and each corner shall be reinforced with suitable meta! \'.cbbin~
hot.mopped ill place All folds, I"ps and rcinforcinA webbing shall extend to at le"st l'JI
mm in all Jiroctions from the comer and "II webbing shall be ofappruveOtype anJ rnesh,
producing a tensile strength of not less Ihan 09 kg/mOl in citllCr dinx:t;on. Non-metallic
RfNisad Nmional PlumUng Codfl d t~e Pl\lIippine5

sOO\'itr sub-pilns or liniag'J may also consist of n1ulti-lllYcrS of other approved equivalent
lllaterials suitably reinforced and c.atC',fuily fitted in place on the job-site as elsewhere
m]Uired in this Sccli,)!l

Linings shall be properly' recessed and fastened 10 approved bucking so as not to occupy
tilt space required for the wall covering and shuIJnot be nailed or perforated at any point
which may be less than 25.4 mm above the finished dam or threshold. An approved t}'Pe
lUb-drain shall be in~talled with every shower sub-pan or lining. Each such sub-drain
siull be of the type rim sets tlush with the sub-base and shall be equipped with a
damping ring Of other device to make a tibbt conncelion between the lining and tbe
dlain. The sub-dnlin shull have weep holes into the waste line

All shower-lining materials cOnfann to approved standards acceptable to the

Administrative AuthoriTy.

-409.6 Floors of public shower rooms shall have a non-skid surface and shall be
drained in such a manner that wastewatt-'1" ftom otle balher will not pass over
areas occupied by other baftlNs Gutters in public or sans shower rooms
shall have roulided comers for easy cleaning. and shliU be sloped nOl Jess
than lwO (2) percent toward the drains. Dfains in gutters shall be spllCel;\ not
more filM 4,9 meters apart

¥yp In the absence of local regulations, showers. occupancies other than dwel1ing
uniu St'rved by individual waler heaters shall be provided with il:divicual
shower control valvcs of the pr~ssure balance or the thermostatic mixing
valve type. Multiple or gang sho.....ers may be controlled by a master
thermostatic lIlilling vallie in lieu ofindividuilly conuolled pressure balarn;e
or thermostatic millil18 valves. Limit stops shall be provided on such valves
and shall be adjusted IQ deliver hOI water \'.~ih a ma:<imum tem~rature of
4&.8& ~(' .

u'ad and copper sub-pans or UfI;ng.f shaJlIM i1tltall~dfrf)m all conducting
,mhstoflccs other than 111ldr cormecli"g drain by 6.8 kg usphal/ fell or its
equ;lIG!t'nf llnd no lead pall or llfler :;hall be constructed oj mmcria/
wci,r.:hirrK Il:!ss tNm N.6 kg tm1. Tltie/mess of cop~r /,ons or lincrs shall be
at lea.u uauge No. 2-1 B & S {O.5 mm) thick. Juints;/I lrad flail.'> or Imer!;
shoAl hf! lmrtwJ. JoilllS III cupper pall.I' ur liners ~'11U1i he soMered or hrl/Zt'd

Plumbing FlKtures


Eaell building shall be provided with sanitary facilities as prescribed by the

National Building Curle or other authorities having jurisdil::tioo. to the
absence ofiClcal requiremems. a recommended list of minimum facilities for
various occupancies is giwn (In Table 4-1 of this Corle.

$t;ction 411 - WUlRLPOOL [lATHTUns

Unless ot!lerwisc listet.!, all whirlpool bathtubs shall comply with til(:
following requirements:

(a) A removahlc panel of sufficient dimension shall be provided for

acc(,"Ss to the pump.

(b) The circuJation pump shall be located above the crown weir ofthl;
trap. .

(c) The pump and the circulation plpmg shall be selr-draining to

minimize water retention;

(d) Suction fittings on whirlpool b3thtub~ shall comply with the listed
TAIU.. £ 4-1


i 1),o·,fk:ildlq
or lJ<....'.n.y'
W8'~r Ooset~
(Fbllll'n ~f "'....,n)
(FlIlllft" por (Fhlll""
1.... lurin
8u~tllb. or
Sbo,,~u "".~
P~n<>h) O'i~lI;.:.rr "
i W.,lk Female
I ,us"",Ny l'la,,'''- l'anolc

""""' l. I-IS
I' J·I S 0, 1·9
I 1..... 411
I 1<11"""",
(o:m>c:'ll1Cft Halls,
, ,,",_ [Of rmn"""',t
2 II>-H
). J6.H
4.36-:1:1 S~. add I fi~tt;I'" fur Add one (I)
:~ ..... eaW. adJilJonaI4(l VO=-" fixture lQc_h
4J<tJ';~JU\1 ',Il

.u-l:4r 1'W;c:s- Male Fet:U!le -'" "-" F""...I. I pot 7S

1.1_100 }; I·:SU 1'1·100 1:1.200 I: 1-200

C.... <Illi"" j laJl~,
2. \QI.200
): 2~J-400
~ :II 100
8: 101-200
)- 2<11-4;10
2, 2111 41))
3: 401-75(1
· d< - b VJl;-b\: 11 2(,.-400 4 4111-wtJ
0 • .".400, aM t l'illl\tt (00 Ovl."l""'OO,!I&1 O.e, 7:10, {1M 1 l'i,(l\ft foo
:~ eacb o<l<hINl\Ill.'iOQ:::tLalcll I l'iJ<ture f"l eacb additi<mal soo
I• M:.l2 f"" toeh jrJ\J
"""'h U1iti<IDll1

[UI<"~ M"
I p::t l\J
I l'~r 11 I paB
IllCJ 12
I II<"f 12
S<k'<1 01 l/Iboo
A<lJ I fimn: fur eo"h 0.." I SO, 1<11 O>u 1SO. add I fihl,n; fIJI:
, ,JdWo,,_IIS lrusl"" (.,,,:, I liXiure to. C1ICh odd,,,,,,...20 mako

I _.
10j_not 1 ""'....,11
I ~1rti<mal21J [.n..1<=,
c.:.h U),lwnal
ond I [<O"e..<;b IS
odIl,!ion:ll 'emIl1<=s

rf..tI"miton"" fnI
I: 1_1:1
2, 16·3~
1 36-55
I' 1·1~
J. 16-35
~, ]6.55
Ij"'" SO ~
,"" .. F_
I per 40

! Owl' 5\ add 1 fi~.: r(lf

each .:!d,\!,,~.lll4(J ..ens

1~~1linlt I per tl"-clbl111 1 1'''' <h<dl"'f. I po'dwelq

M.t.plo I prt <j,,'dlulfI" I I"" dwdlu'll '..- J Pl" d",elLiJ'll
nt _p"r1.m<lr11 will "l_tn>rnllll.l 00

~:al w_ilini I IX>" room ! I"" ruuTl' I per 1S

ibpillll h-
I: I·j S
2: lfo.)~
1_1 S
~. II'>- 3S
,, ,.,
I per 40
J p::r 40
n"eT I JoO.llM I fil([lI!'e tbr
~- ) 3Q.S' J' ).(,..SS .....h addruonal20 ~cs
noq S~, ..1J 1 f'~!,,"-e roo 1\<kIl fi>Jurr: ll'.d I rOf oaclI.ll
ta.;h lI<iJ,llooal.~ ....,."""-, 1.........]0 OlidL"<><Ia!ltU\ak.
a.J.!illot,sl so
" •• Ie'
;.tJ...:1I3l Room
I 1 P'" pawn 1 f<S "'''''', I pel [00011
I r<" 7'<

1i.~ROOlJ\ 11r>-~!f<'l;e"lS I f'C' II) l,lIimts J f'C' 20 piItln!l'

h!u>ll:'I' M" 1.-nllllc
Up 111100, I "'" 10 l-"..-er for I JlUnT7"J,
\lo-.. cloc'-sa
f oondrlC1 and
1; 1·11)
2. \ 1·2)
4· 51.75
l. 1·10
2 \ 1-1~
J. 26-~O
4' 51-15
r 0.-.. 100, 11... 1)
ca;h t 5 pcnoolll

""""" "
,x""ssite hc-lI
OJ 1<0 :<lin
eMhl;M1menh (f¢r S. '76-10) S: 16-100 ~!ioo
eml'krff:C 1Ilie) On::-r 100. """1 1 fi ~I ~efl)1"
_h additioo18\ JO 1>0"10110
willi poioDooll"
inkc!i"'l.. or

InsmUl'oltlll- MaI~
1 ptl' 15
I "",10
o I·~
I: tQ-SO
I I"" 10
I P<"'" 10
1ll'-,.11 II"" ?~ ,
H~,..~,:als Of I't'ual
In .Ilt ut, on' ("'!
A<ll I fixlure
f,'f e"""
,-,ClI<-h <J"ctIpieJ od.lllw..alSO


IMpiIal,or Pt:aaI
lMltlLlJntl (on C'Kh
1occuplC<ll1oo<) 101
I_I 5
1 36--15
J l&-lS
4: 36--15
0.", ~5.adJ 1 f=,l'>re lur
o 1·9
A<ld I l;lI!ure
for <:<Ioh
.,ldi~"'Ull SO
11.... 40
, po '"
, 1"'" 1 p....-75 ,
emplll),"", USC
0If"", ",- tV>l,c
~h /IJ<!>OO,,,,140

~ 101-200
1- 1·200
2' :'0(-400
1- I·HIll
1 IOI.211O
} 2111 ~lll('
2_ 201-400
2: 201-l()')
If'" 71 I

} 2QI-400 J 4111-7'iO }-41J1·1Sl.1 J 401.150 t

l"'''' ~S, ldll finur" tor
4 401-000
Owe'" <>lIO.1IlioJ
\ Iht... for
l)Yet lj.(laJ<l I I:>lll" r",
.",h tcl..lI1iooll.l:\oo
_b oldll'lIl1al 5UO ullll""
~IlJ 2 lior cuh 55 rClMl<=< QIcll-.ldotionaJ
orr",", or Puhli<:
B,ulriu1as _ far
L 1·1 ~ ,Fauale~
1_] S
0: J.9
1. I().SO '''''
\ I"" 40
1 pel 40 ,I
ernpl~"-... 2: 11;_.lS j' 1(,.3~ Ml 1 fi~1 ..e I
l, ]1..S5 4 J6-~S
Oocr S~, add \ fjxtlJl~ for
fur e.. h
each .uhliooH.l 4oJ~>«U
~'" ••I
T'<wJ 1,..llllltA>!>... Male h"",k:'" 0: 1·<) M:Jc hlll:.k I f"" 75
Fa ,;mplll:-ec '1Se I, \·IS
2, 16-H
l .16-55
1- l·15
}; lh_j~

4. J6..~S
OWl' SS. &<jJ I fi"01~ lOr
Add I lixtOle
f", ,,,,,h
......LtlO".i SI)
Ij'" 411 1 f'-,40
Penall...lLtu~on -
""'"h I".kht"~~ I"" "",.< ",,,1<:0 .. _ ~

I pc' .... ~
hI l'tlWfl .,., 1kQ:
Cell I pc:! feU I P"" <~U 'po
I E,a.,.," Room I pel C)o.erC'P; loom 1 per ellC!CISC ll-o:> cx<:r~;"" t9Ol11 cxo:r-,.ioc •

rk>1Awant!, rubs Mol' ftttllie 1·130 M., ',"""

M,d tcungc.lI I: I.~O \, \·l~ (J.'u ISO, &Irl I' 1·1~O \. \·I~
2' 51·1j() J- \<'>-3.\ 1 rl'<lWe fur 2.1"·200 2.ISI-100
l IS4J-JOO ". J6.-S~ each ldIiu"",,1 3 2(11-100 l. WI400 •
Over jOO.•LlJ lli,lllr. fur 1S{lllldl", 0,,,, 4()(),l~kll fi~..n fnr
'II<~ ... ldilllllll.ll<XI c... h LillitJ",... 141~) ,•
School. - r 01 nolI
,- II.M~"---i~
. . "'...·
Mol< !,",".k 1 1)0,1 ~\l •
""All:oo;hools 1,1·IS
l' 16.lS
I, 1·\ ~
) 16-15
jl"" ·ILI \ fl<' 411 ,,
}- J6--SS 4 36--55
Ov-cr SS,lId llixlUrC rolf
Clk:h iI<l.:lAAlIIAi 010 '"lUll"
: Ult>'h fur ,
Moo h:",~lt Male F~-ma!c I \'<:I1~

I -2\1
2 21_)0
O,cJ 50.ll<1J 1Ii~(L~"
I: \-ZO
2 21.~U
I: l·l~J
2- 10''\1)
2 2"'-~
O"CI 5iJ, .ddt Jixh.." f",
C~",h .... hti,~d 5tJ """'lIold,l;oruo! ~
I ~'l"
1\.1....",. I per7S I per 75"
I I"""·"
(ltcn (CollCl~S.
I i'<'" 30
1 fJ':' 25
I J"'" J'i '''''''
I I"" 35
11"" 7S 11

;'lI:'Cf"1icl, Malt
I pa (,
M" Ihm;dc
"" "
I per 15 I ptf 40
M.J. ,"""
I p<:J7~1l

I p« 40 I rcr III I I"'" 40 I fA1' )()

5<d00.~1'~ I.We h:ll",k I fJQ' n I pel 2 .. aler cklscts I Jl"f 1S

i-. .~·.-Ilid 1 pcJ 2S 1 posn
J<::"tJcS Uru: 2' t16-HO 2: 76- 125
~_ ll6-15Q

MoJo r.m4Ie' ISO I f'" 1 "Iller tki«u I J"O' 1S'


.~er l:rin:Il~ are 1O"ided
IISO ~~ I PCI 15 L
J l , Ill!': ( II WlI£tr clo5el i5 sl.lbl.r;lI:lall'rom Ille IlUllJbo:r ~ oflC\! on the table.
~ that Ih<: nWIl1M:r II! "~1.1 c1<>5Cts in 5:dl ta$($ 511311 nO'\ be n:duccd lO ~~ than '"o-llurd,o; (213) (If
.. 1IIi.:'Ii1t'AlJl1 .p=fie<1

- T~ fi~ .tI.o'..n III'l': ham npon C~ (I) fiX\~ bdllg 1I~ mirjm'lln requiled for tho nwnlEr or perooru;
indicl;\oo ('1 IllY flli.'(i,m thcn'>lr
llu,khng ,-atq<one. not .11"""1 on !his \lI.l>lc !l/""," t>e o:orui<kl>ed .ep1InIldy by th<:: Ad.'n;rusllati"'l Authority

I Drilllwg lountwlI siuilluo\ be instlIlloo in l<>ile! f'IJ<"~',
• l~ llU!S. One (II [11111"'" trllY III 0I1e (1) lul",,,,,tie "·lIsba stmdpipc: for eodl dwcllmg IIIIit or t"", (2)
llilKldl)' tn;'. ~r tWII lulOllllllU; ..asher otuldpipc::s, or ~()IIlbi.n.:tion tkIeol". for eIIch toen (10) apartment•.
)(it..ollea IIinu....... ( 11 r.,,- cldl modlin, or "J'I'"l",,..,t urnl
• AJ ro:t~in..d by ANSIl'" I. S!lniU<tiO!I in PlaCt":l "f E,,,pIO)llle1'l.
, \\'11= then: 1. ClCp(J>u,e I;> stin c(l1l~b.<Jn'''l1b po.lSolllollUS,. ulfectUl1l" lit irriwins mtLcrial.. provide arte
(I \ lavlIlooy for cACh fh·,,· (~) J""1=
• W!<k 609 6 nun or " ...~1I sink 457 .2.Jwn diam::lt"f .. ~;rew. blIsift. "hen fITOIIidl.'d "1111 "'ah,,· outlets for !l1l;!t
!I'j""c, sh..u tl'll' 'QI\~,J"fOOequj\'~h:ll\ l<> OIl<' (I) lGvlIlll{'J,

•• Lallfliliy tnly•. <l""(

I ) fur each fifty (XI) ~ .silo" sinU, one (I) for Cil<."h 100 pmons,
Ge/'lCflll. In "PVlying !hi. ~<h<:dule of ("diLl;"", .......iJ.'nlti()fl mtlil be given IQ the lICCei~bilJlY of t/'le
fiXltlrCS Conformily purely ll1l II has\!! ltVIy nol re5ll1l in IIll i~aJllltion ,.riled to IlK neol of IN:
in<hiduoJ ~."1ltbll~IuTl"m """"nple, sch<Ju1. shoold be: lJllmded ..llh Iolle! facilities 00 CI>l:h flllll1 huina:
t!IISl1OO\lU TeII'If<'Iar)' worlQngJll<'l\ r,.... i1itiu. one (I) .....lcr dQs~ anJ 011'" (1) urin.aI fOf Ul;:h thirty. (W)
I, SurroundinJ! lllillt:liah• ....wl Nl11'1c !lo".. "1-"':" W II f"!inl 0,6 "'ICIer in £runt o~ ..mal lip INII 2 m
lbon the floot IIl1d aI lao... 0.6 m tu .... tI> .tJc <of Ihc ...-mal dWl. u.: Ime\1 ""ib 'lIJDo.lbwtlxnl

, b T",u!th IWiMls """ 1""IIilli,,,J

A fe,~' Ufllill '" Jdi,~,J a" H hu,ol"-',,, ",t",1t l!CH, fuW to be ,·unswl\CJ "" lIIe i'!'<:llli<c:s.
I 1 he r,oJ."l>;ce of '>«Ur"111~ fUl • dll"e·ill'e-iu..rJ'" .hallt", ",n~ide:rN I i c"\j1Olll10 tile "umbel of
P""'118 "HIt.:
b EI,;"I"la- 'olle' l.... ilillc-S .. ,' "ol hi: indlldal III II", "1>0".,, Ie<IJIunu,l 'L~~·er" .. '!5 Han,1 w",lUng
[;"1,,1,,-'. ",,'_110 ""'11"101,, III Til" '11.11<11 f'" "rlll'l,,\c~"
\\1><'" ', ••1 " ,·,,.,.".....,,1'..,1,,,,, •. ".", '~I,"" ,,,,,, I", ''''''''h••,II;~ oJ,\"klllK ("'-'''lmlU, 1"""'-:1',
,uo.l'IOfIWllS, ~I""O\UI'~S, ,,11'10.;..':\, 'If I~'''[ic 1'",ildJ"l!.~ fUI "": hy mUIe than llix (~) t""""ms ~h,lll hove l>l'I<: (II'l' ft>lUllaUl fOl lhc ru~1 ""\·c'lI.r-li.·~ (?5ll""..... 's .."J "'" (1) add,to"",,1 ff'l "'....11 00<.: h,lll,Jr-al
Ill'\! f,!t) r I SIJ) r-:rsO<lS lhc"1"<:Jtlc!,
There :Ul~1 he a mi"im",,, of ooc (Il.!t""o~ foo"l,,,,, ~'T DC>. up;,'<l n,,,,, In ""hool.> thftll<n, lI".iuonums,

; , d'lllm\", Its cHic". 0' P<'bh" bu,IJ, II~

111c lollolll'tlI1bo,;r of ...." e1='''5 r", r~m.k:5 ""'1\ I>c.l lea>! "'lUlOl 10 till: lobI nltllro of ....Ita <·I,~" .,d
ur\ll:d. rl>.lu.i,<:<.! fo< nWe"

Chapter 5
• SOU IDspec:tions
501.1.1 MOpe - 811 new plumbing work and such portions of existing systCD1S M
may be aff~too by new work or any cha.nges shall be inspected by the
Administrative Aulhority 10 insure compliance "";th all the requiremenu
of this COOt and 10 aHwne thaI the installation and construction of the
plumbing system lIrt in accordance with approved plans and
··501.1.2 Advance Notitt - it shall be the duly of the Registered and Licensed
Master Plumber doing the won. authorized by the penni! to notifY tilt
Administrative Authority that said work: is ready for inspection. Sl.JCb
notification shall be given nol less than three (3) days before the work;I'
501,1.3 Responsibilit:1' - it shall be the duty of the holder of a permit to mak¢
sure that the work. will stand the tests prl,-scribcd before giving
notification lUld prmide all the testin~ equipment and facilities required.
501.1,4 Reo-testing - if the AdminiMralive Authority finds that the work. wi!ll"lOl
pass the test, necessary COrrt."CtiODS shall be made, and the work s~
then be resubmitted for another test or inspectiOns. The pcrrnjttee sha!
be assessed an appropriate fee appearance.
... SOl.1.S Test - tests shall be cooducted in the presence of the Administrative
Authority or of his duly appointed representative.
501.1 6 Corrt'Ctions - notices of corrections or violation, shall be written by tilt
Administralive Authority and hand-ddivered to the pt"'l'lt\ittce at the sitl
of the work or scnt by registered mail to the Pennittee's aUlhori1.l~
SOl 1.7 Appronl - upon the satisfactory completion of plumbing work anq
successful final test of the inSTallatioll.. a certificate of approval shall be
•• SOU,8
i~sued by the Administrative Authority to the Permitl<:e on demand

Covering or Use - no plumbing or drainage system, building stwtt,

private sewer disposal systr.'1n or pan thereof, shall be co,"e['c~
ron~aled or put into use unlil it has bt.--en inspccted, tested lUld approve::!
8S prescribed in the Cude

• Set'. 252 N/,(' 1'J59 ••• S;'t:. 15ti NP(' 1959

.. S/!t', 2H NJ-'C 1959 .... St'c. 25~ NPC nS9
Re"i~cd National Plumbj~~ Code Dl the PIlI~ppin~

'501.1.9 UOl'ovrnng - any drainage or plumbing system, building sewer, private

s~wage disposal system or part thcroor, whieh is installC\~, altered or
repaired is covered or ooncealed before the installation is inspected,
tested alld approved a5 prescribed in this Corle shall be uncO'.-ered fot
inspection and testing aller notice to uncovt'T the work that hils been
issued to the responsible person at the jobsitc by thc Plumbing Inspector.

501.2 TesHng

501 2.1 Re!ponsibiliry - the cquipmellt, material and labor necessary for
inspoctiLlns or tests slHtIl be filrnishcd by [he persoll to whom the permit
is i~sucd or by whom inspcction is requested.
501.2,2 Media - the piping of the plumbing, drainage and vcnting system shall
be tested with water or air. The Administrative Authority requires the
opening or of any plug or c1eall-out, dc., 10 ascertain if the
ksbllg nll.:dium has reac.'led all parts of the systcm. Afle!' the plumbing
fixtures have bcen set and th::ir traps filled with water, they shall be
submitted agfJin for a final t~st.
.. 50J.2.} Wattr Test - the wtlter tcst shall be applied to the drainage and vent
systems either in its entirety or in sections, If applied to t!J.e entire
system, all openings in the piping shall be tightly c1osl00, except the
highest opening, and thc system filled with water 10 the point of
overflow. If the system is tested in sections, each opening shtill b~
tightly plugged except the highest opening of the section under test, ~nd
each section shall be filltxi with water, but no section shall be tested with
ll.:sS than a 3meter head of water. In testing successive sections at least
lhe upper 3 metcrs heignt of the preceding section previously t~sted sh~lI
be tested again so that no joint or pipe in the building (except th::
UppelllllJst 3 meter of the system) shall have been submitted to a test of
Aotless than 3 meters head of water. The water shall be kept in the pi!"fC
system or in the portion under test, for al least fifteen (15) mii:.t.:it ~
IJefore inspei::tioll starts. Tlot~ system shall be tight at all joints.

,.. 501.2 4 Air Tt'st -- th\: air tesl shall be made by 8nllehing an air compressor
testing apparalUs 10 any suitable opening, and aftcr closing all other
inlets and outlets to th(' system, air is !(Irccd into the pipe system until
there i.~ a lmit"mn gauge pre~sure of 345 lPa or sufficient to balance li.
culumn of lllcrcury 254 mm ia height. The pressure shall be held
wilhout introdu(.1ion of additional air for a period of al lenst fifteen (15)

* Sec. 259 NrC /959

u St'c- 255 NPC lVjt)
501.2.5 Building Stwt,r Test - Building Scwers shall be tested by plugging the
end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public
sewer or private sewage disposal syslem and completely filling the
building sewer with wRttr from the lowe51 to lhe highest point thereof,
or by approved equivalent low pressure air test, or by such other test as
may be prescribed by the Administrative Authority. The building seWel
shall be watertiWJl at all points.

501.2.6 "'.Ief Piping - upon completion of a section or of the entire hal llnd
cold water supply syslem~ it shall be tested and proved tight under I
water pressure not less than the pressUle under which it is 10 be
used plus 50%. The water used for test shall be obtained from a potable
source of supply. A 344.5 Kpa air pressure may be substituled for t~
watlo... lest. In either method llf lesl, tile piping shall withstand the test
without leaking for a pcriod of not less than fifteen (15) minutes,

·501.2.7 Syslems - all air test shall be used in testing the tightn~5
condilion of the drainage or plumbing system of any building premises
when there is reaSOll to believe that it has be-come defective In
buildings or premjse~ condemned by the proper Administrativt
AUlhority bel;aure of an unsanitary corxlitioll of the plumbing system or
I'M thereof, lhe alterations in such system shall conform to th:
~quirements of this Code.

501.2 8 Movtd Structures - ftll parts of the plumbing systems of any bUilding
or pan thcloofthat arc moved from one foundation to another, or from
olle location 10 another, shllil he completely tl-'Sted as plcs<:ribed for nev,.
work as descrilJ.ed, except that walls or floors need not be removed
during such test when oth~r equivalent means of inspection accepl3ble to
Ihe plumbing aUlhority afe provided.

501,2.9 Prolcctinly Coated Pip~ - inspection and repair shall conform 10

S~tion 501 with spl-'C.ial care to avoid damage on the outside coating of
the pipe and the plOper restoration of damaged portions.

501.2.10 Ttsl ror Shower Rt<:rt1tol1l - sbower receptors shall he tested for
wateHightness by filling with water to the }evel of the rough threshold.
The lest plug shall be so placed that both upper and under sides of the
sub-pan shall be subjected to lhc test allhe point when; it is cl<IHlPl-od tQ
the drain

• Sl'e. 260 N/'C 195!J

RlWi5ed NetlOll81 PJumbi"ll Codo of the Philipplnes

Stction SOl-I\1AINTENANC":

The owner or his age,lt shull maintain the plumbing and drainage system
of his premises ulldcr the jurisdi::tion of the plumbing autholity in a
sanitary and $:ife operating condhion.

Sttlion 503 - £XISTING CONSTRU<.710N

No provi~ion of this Code shall be deemed to require a change in any portion of a

plumbing or drainagc system or Rny other work regulatcd by ttUs Code in or on
existing building or lot when such w(lrk was installed and is maintained in
aewrdance with law in effect prior to thc effective date of this Codc, except when
MY such plumbing or drainage syMem or other work fegulated by this Code is
detennincd by the Administrative Authority to be in fact dangerous, unsafe,
insanitary, or a nuisallce and a mcnace to life. health or property.


Whenever compliance with all the prollisions of this Code fails to eliminate or
alleviate a nuisance, Of any other dangerous or insanitary condition ",hieh involve
health or safety haznrds. the O\'mer or his ageot shall install such additional
plumbing and draiuage facilitif.'s or shU make such repairs or alteration as may be
ordered by the: p[unlbing authority.
Chapter 6


Each plumbing flxture shall be provided with an adequate ~1.Lppl1( (\f potable
running \\o':!t",r. so lUTang~ as to flush and keep same in clean and healthful
roaditio'IS ~thout danger of bacldlow or cross--connection_ W?"ter c10setG and
urinal:> snaU be flushed by meant of an approved flush lank or l1mhome1er valve.
Faucets and dive', leTS sball be connected 10 the hot and cold water distribution
supplies so that the hot wete. supply is located at le."t side ;:If the combination


602.1 No installation of potable water supply piping or pW1 thie,cof shall be made-
in weh a ma.wer that it will be possible for used, unclean, polluted or
contaminated water. mi~ures., or substance5 to cm~r any pertion of such
piping system from any tank., receptacle, equipment, or p:umbing fixture by
reawn of back-siphonage, by suction or any other cause, either during
normal use and operation thereof or when any such tank., receptnde,
equiprnen!, or plumbll1g fixture is flooded, or subject to pressure in ~.r.;e~J
afthe operating pressure inlhc hot or cold wnlCI pipings.

6022 No person shall make a connection or allow one to exist between pipes or
conduits canying domestic water supplied by any public or private water
service system and any pipe, eondurts or fixture coniaining or carrying water
from any other sourc~ or containing or cJrryir.g water which litIS been used
for other purposes or any piping carrying chemicals, liquids, gases or any
substanc~'s unless there is provided WI approved backf10w prevention

602.3 No plumbing fixlure, device, or construction shall he installed or mainlaifle{j

or shall be oonm.'ctcd to any domestic Wlllcr supply when such installation 01
oonne<::tion may provide a possibility of polhlting such water supply or mav
provide a cross-connection between potable water distribulin~ system and
water which become' contaminated hy such plumbing fixture, de,ice, or
construction, unless there is provided an mdirect connection or a baddlfl\l;
preventiolJ device.

'Sec. 193.'J94 NPC 1959

.. Sec. }SJ1UW NrC /959

Revt!'ed NaliomJl Plumblll9 COO6 01 th" Phjlippm~

No water piping supplied by any privale water supply syslem shall be

interconoeclal tu an apploved city waler supply system 01 any other source of
supply withvut lilt.: appflJ\'al of the Admini$trative Authority, Health Dcpanmenl, or
other aJ.wncies,

• 5<'clion 603 - Cn.OSS-CONNEcnON CONTlWl

(lOll r:ros.~·('unnccti(lncontrol snail be provided In accordance with the

prO\li~lOnS ofthi$ Chapter.

No person shall install any watcr-opcratcd equipment or mechanism or U:iC

any water treating chcmical or substances, if it is found that such
c4uipment. l1!(:chanism, chemical or substane(: may cause pollution or
contamination of thc domcstic waler supply. Such l.-quipmenl or
mechanism may be permitted only when equipped with an approved
backflow prevention device assembl)'

Approval of Devices or Assemblies - before any device or assembly is

installed for the prevention of backflow. the Administrative Authority
shall have fIrst approvlXl it. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for
conformity with rccognLLcJ stlmdards or other stllndards acceptable 10 the
Administrative Authority Devices or assemblies shall be tested for
collformity with recognizcd standards or other standards acceptabl~ to the
Adminislrative Autholity. which urc consistent with the illlf.'01 of lhis

The person or persons having conlrol of such devicl.'S or assl.:lnblics shall

maintain all devices or assemblies inslalkd in a potable water supply
system fm protection against backflow in good working condition, The
AdminiSlrative Authority Of other dcpaJ1ment having jurisdiction m.zy
inspet..1 such dcvil't~s; or llssemblies aud, if found to be defectIve O!
inoperative. shall n:quire the repair or n,:placement thereof. No device or
assembly ~hal1 be .emoved from use or relocated, or olher dt=vice or
assembly substillll..:J. withotll thl' approval of the Administrati\'e

.. S.'c. Nfl NI'(' fYjr;

Viator Svpp(y and Di!lr,tLlioo

<>0, 2 DIU:knllW Prevtlltioll Devitts, ASSl'mbliu, aud Mtthods

603.2.1 Airg.p - the minimum airgap to provide backflow protection

shall be in :!ccoldance with the Table 6-1.

603.2,2 Almosphtrk Vacuum Breok('r (AVO) - consists of II body, II

checking member nd lin atmospheric openil1H.

603.23 Double Check Val\'e Oacknow Prevention Antmbly (DC)

Coosists of two indeperlllently acting internally or externally
loaded check vRlves, four properly located test cocks with
conn..:ctors lind two isolatioll gale vllives.

603.2.4 Prts'ute Vacuum "reaker tJ.ckf'low Preventiun A!!tmbly

(PVD) - ronsiSIS of a loaded air inlet valve, an internally IOllJC':\
check valve, two properly located lest cocks and 1....' 0 is{)1atio~
gate valves

603.2.5 Rtduced Pressure Prim:illle 8.ckOow Prt\'elliioll Anembly

(RP) ~ consists of two intkpendcntly a<;til1g internally loaded
check v&lvI'.$, a diffcrelllial pressure relief valve, fuur properly
localed tcst cocks and t"'o isolation gate valves.
R~ed N8tio1'lel PlumbillO Code cf the Philippines



When nolll.flecte<l by When 1I.l1'e.;tcU by

side "'tIlls' !ide IMII"'-'

'", FIX~IJtES ,2,

lIl'lI.lCl1a and !tiber li"tu...,. '" ilh clkctioc ~Jl¥S

, oot "'....1<1 In.. II mm in ~

Sinb, I4uIldry Ir"y$, l!""""n~"''' ta\tl (:'\10<:13 .,1<.1
" J8

ot/ler (il<1=1 with dl<xlin ~...-oIni!sJ IlOI p,rclIl<:l " "

, llw1 19 rtUn in di..n~1er
O.·a- 11/11
o ""nmu' no!
trlm r,Urn; wej ulhg fil\llIR:J "'lth ellcclJ .·e
lI.n" 2S mrn In diIornctcr
" 76

• ErR-.:hoe OiClungJ"' lIOl SfClllQ' th.Jn 2S lUlU "'

TI''O (2) times
dialrw:ler-or effective
TIuee (J) lunes
diame'.er of eD"ective
ning ~n!l,
SJdc ,-,-ails, rib$ or similar obs!nJ.:til,lns do not afTCCl airpps when spo1«d from tht: intide t(!ge
of rbi: ~1Xl1l\ cpr;nill&" diSW\u grcattr th3ll1hrt-e tunes the diameter of the effective opening for a Wllge
¥J1I, O<f adiSlano;: &mIler tJun liM tunes the effectil"e ~nillg for a sillg,le lull, or a t1i,tan~ pe<lt:::r lILm
Io:\lr lint:! lhe efi'octivc opening fo~ \Iou intel5n"iing '-'lills.

: Vertical walls, nl;>!; or silll.iJar obstructions edcnding ftom the watet surface to Of above the
1I;ri.~1 plane or lbc spout opening otber l.h:m spccified in NOlc 1 abovc. The effect of tbree or RlOrc
SJCh \-erticlll walls or rill'> has not btxn dclcrmincd_ In wen =s, the aU-VIP shall he lIle'lSUroo rrom !he
~oflh~ ""all

I Thc dTceli\'c opening sh~~ I he tile m\nillll,1l1l l;lvs..~ -.eel"'n:,1 area III lhc sc.31 of lhe conllnl valve
«lhe 5uppI)' pipe or tubing whl<,.1l focd~ thc dc\"<X or outlet. Jf tl"O Of Illore linc~ ruflVly one outlet. the
d1"~lve opelting WU be the ~um oflhc eross-S(:l;'Iion:ll areas of thc individual SUPJ")· lines Qf !he are3 of
t/ !lIItiCI. \\ hichc\"cr is Slllalkr.

• AAg;Ip less than 2S Ill'" shcll only ~ uPJ'l'ovo.l asa pemWK'1\1 flU'! of a Iisledasscmbly that_
~Il teSled un&! ltCIU3l b.:rckllow conditions with \ :lCllW\l'j of frOM 0 to 6lj em. or rntrcwv.

Wale, Supply a."Il! OiSlrib.rtron



Vutll.lliOfl CUlllamlolldun Fuoction
Leaw 11Il7..i1.rd Hil':b lIazllrd
I:Je>'ice A.>sI:mbl~' ill Ihck Ibck Rl(;k B,'Kk InSlilUauOll
Method' Si~'I3~ rrC$SU~ Sipll\Jna~ Pr~e
, ~
X lJ!'rif)lt
Vacuum Brc<lkcr
Mim/l1utn I)f ISO Ill,.')' cr
listro 4islillLU lIoo\'C aU
dO"'f'ISlreM\ Plf'lng ..'\d
Hood b'd rim ..flew,,~
1 Double Cbcdl X X H"fl"fO!>l:lI unk~ <:d!<:r.,;so
Valve &ckn:lW li:.lfcU, R""lI'un)/) 5-t:rl
!'Jcvcrl\cr nur.'nlum cl="""c r.:.
1:<.>(10:1\ ()l :naiI',!~l\flte,
I Maji n=l plalf=rJI~rk!l:

r.. Pressure ViI\:UIUll X
~e:::e:' ~j X U....'ghl l'OO;llOC ~~!
Drcolkc/ ""~C 'lll~ """-notrl:f.,'":!.
"tirwnwn llJ.5 ~lll:slx;..
1I11 dc....m1f'-.nrn p'O"r.g C:'IJ
ll",>d t/l\el rU,l '" rC<"~~(lf,

, Reduced X X X X
Mil 'di!Char " ,,",/u.
Il'llWJl:taIll1lksl: [tIlk.1"'1\t
li.~, Ue<,'Wfe JU.5~
Principle IlU/llIllUIll clearL1<C al

Badd1Qw bOllOlll fQ- m.~~

Pm'enter May need p\olfoflnflM.:t\l
fef IC!C anti '''IJ'IU, M.,.
cl'scNr e "'~~.
6 Splu,l~'J\Jr x X UpJtI~1 JlOS't....'11 ,runu:e 01,
ItrMurc.l)p" >IX 152 rum or I~!
Vac<ll1/Yl1.lralk~ dI~ .1>0,'( 1:.,'
do"l\lIll'C4JIl fIIlJing ant'

Stt dcxription of ~ias and ~mblies ill !his C'll:Iptcr. nooti rUn ""'~':<:iJlOfl
: Installation In pit or vault rcqUlICS preYIO'..!S approval by !he AWninilotrali\'c Authority.

'Refer 10 gc:ocral and srccHk requiremcnts for installation.

• No! ~ subjected to ll(lC.r:uilll! lnSSlIR: for more than 12 houl'$ in:lOlI H haul """''''.------_J
Gtllual R"lillirtllltnts

6(1311 All a~~emblies shall conform 10 listed ~landards and aecepHtble to the
Administrative Authority having jurisdiction over the sdection and
instailaliull ofbackllow prevention a.. . ~mblies

6'JJ.3 2 lbc premises owner or responSIble persall sholl have the back flow
preventio!l assembly tested by II certified ba(:kflow assembly tester 81 the
time of installation, repair, rdocation and at leas! on an anrlual schedule
ther\'llller or more Ollt.'ll whlln requiled by the AdminiSlrative Authority.

603 3.3 Access "lid ckarancl" sh:lll be pfOvided for the required testing,
maintenallec and repair. Access and c1earancc shall lequire minimum of
)05 mIll Slla..:e betw~ll the lowest l)(lllion of the assembly and the y!ade.,
fkKlr or pbtform Installations elevated more than 1.52 meters above the
floor or grade shall be provided with a permanent platform capable of
sllpponing a tester or rnailltenance person

603.3.4 Direct connectiolls between potable water pipings and sewcr-connecled

wastes shall not exist under any condition with or without backflow
protection. Where potable water is discharged to the drainage sys,cm, it
shall be by means of an appruvoo airgap of two (2) pipe diameters from
the s.upply outlet and the top surfac~ of the drainage inlet, but ill 110 case
shall the gap be less than 2S mm. Connection may be made [0 the inlet
side of a lfap provi.lcd thill an approved atmospheric 'vacuum breakcr is
instllUed no! less than 152 rom above the flood level rim of such trapped
fixture. $Q that at no time will any such device be subjected to any b.!·

6013.5 l3acktlow prevention for hot waler over 43,3° C shall be a listed type
assembly designed to operale at a temperature of 43 3° C or higher
without rendering any ponion of the assembly inoperative

603.36 Fixtures, appliances or appurtrna!lCt.'S with integral back flow prcveJl{ers or

integral airgaps m'lllufactun.'<l as a ullil shall be installed in accordance
WIth their listed requirements.

• 603.4 S~cific: RequirtlnenlS

603.4, I Water Closet and Urinal Flushometer Va.1vc... shall be equipped with a
Iisled atlllospheric va..:uum breaker. The vacuum breaker shall be installed
at the di~charge side of the flushometer valve with the criticallevcl at least
152 mm or the distance accorJing to its listing above the overflow rim of a
water closet howl or the highest pall of a urinal
603.4.2 Water (losel and Urilllli Tanks shall be el.tuippoo wiTh a lisle-j ballcock
The ballcock shall be installed with the critical level at least 2S mm above
the full opening oftbe overtlow pipe. 10 caSC1l where the ballcock has no
hush tube, the bottom of the water supply inlet shall be installtti. 25 mm
above the full opening of the overflow pipe, Water closets hllving the
flush valve scat less than 2S Jnm llhove thc flood level rim of the clOSet
bowl shall have the bfJ\1cock installed in a separate anJ isolated
oompartment of the tank, or pmvided with a sheathed hallcock, or other
equivalent protection.
603.4,) Wltcr Closet F1ushometer Tanks shall be protected :lgainst baekflow by all
approvcd backOow prevention assembly, device or method.
603.4.4 Heat Exchangers, lind other assemblies or methods of eonstruetiOll'S- using
potable wah.'f shall be of listed construction and materials. Poteble wa\~
shall be separated from the fluids or gRSSCS by a minimum oftv.'O sepam~
walls, wiTh a positive, vented leak detection p.~th. The sections in contact
with pctable water shU be of materiRI and wcights suitable for potable
water as sct fonh io this Chapter.
603.4.5 Inlets to Tanks, Vats, Sumps, Swimming Pools and other roc:eplors when
protcetoo by a listed iltmospherie vacuum breaker shall have sucb
atmospheric vacuum hreaker installed in the discharge side of the last
valve with the criticallevc\ of not less than 152 mm or ill accordance witb
its listing above the flood level rim of such equipment, and all downstream
pIping. Water supply inlets not protected by atmospheric vacul1J!i.
breakers shall be protected by approved airHap. Where atmospheric
va,~uum breakers or airgaps are not installed other backflow preventen
suitable agatnstthe possible contamination or pollution may be installed. in
accordance with their requirement~ as set forth in this Chapter.
60].4.6 uwn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped with listed atmospherir
vacuum breakers installed on the discharge side of each of the last shuto!
valve. Where atmospheric vacuum breakers cannot be in!lalled be~
of piping elevation of valves, other listed backflow pleventers shall ~
installed in accordance with their req\lirements 115 set forth iuthis ChaPlet

1 S"t'. ]ljO'lOJ NPC J959

603.4 7 Potable Water Outll.'1.s with Huse Attachments other Ihan water heat!:
drains lind dothes wllsher connections shllli be rloted,'u by a listed tl<Jij.

rct11ov;\!>lc hnsehihh.lypc lli.lcknow Plcvclller or by a listed 3tl1lo!i.phcnc
Val:lllll~l III ~';lkcJ instal k."l.i at kast I52 mfll abo,,\., !.he highest POiIlt of usage
and lucaled on the discharge side of the Illst \lal\"c.

60111S A lisltxl bad, flow prevcl1ter installed in al:.Con!ance with the rcquircmcnls of
lhis ('hapler ~hall prutcrl wall'r Cookd ('Olll\,lcssors, Oegrcll\;Crs Of any
uthcr water-cooled equiplllcnl.

Note: SOIJ/e ""·aler--<-·ooJed eqllillmem may produCf! bade pre.uure QJkl shall
h" ('(JIII/JII<3J II'Jlh rhe (l/,prOl't'd 1'1"O/('C/IOlI

603.49 Water to Water Supplied Aspirators shall be t':quipped with a li~ted
atmosphelic vacuum breaker ntoultted at least J 52 mm above the aspirator
unil or etlUlpped ~ith a listed hackflow preventer insldllcJ in accordance
Wilh its listed requirements ami this Chapter. The discharge shall drllin
through an airg.ap. When using the llulpiece of a fixture to receive the
discharge of an aspir;ttor, the aill:\ap sh"ll be located above the flood level
rim of the fixture.

003410 Potnble Water Make Up Connections to Steam or Hot Water Boilers shall be
providcet wilh a li~tcd ba..:kntl.... pmlcctir)!J assembly.

603.4.11 Non-potable Water Piping. In cases where it is impractical to correCI

individ\lal cross-connections in the domestic water line, the line supplying
such outlets shall be cOll..,idcll:U a non-potable watCf lme No drinking or
domcsti..: ou.t.lcts shall be connccted to non-potable water line. Whenever
pos,.ible, all pnniolls of the non-potable waler line ~hall ~ expost':d and all
CXl'lIsctl J}01'tions ~hall be propeJly idcntifil.'d in a manner satisfactory to the
Administnttive Authority Each outlet on the non-potable WaIer line, whieh
may be u!>t."(1 for drinking or d(ll1leS!i,,; purposes, shall be posted'
"OAN{;[I(·UNSA';"-': 'VATER".

603412 Potable Water Supply to C'arbonat01's shall be protected by hackliow

proleetinns deVice as approved by the Adminislralilic Authority and
inslalled per the IcquirCflll'lIIS \lflhis Chapter

t0034.13 B3Ckl11lw I'rc\Cllln~ shalllllJl be locill'-'d in allY MC<l (unlairlil1~ fUl1\l,:s Ihat
arc t"llio:, poj~vnu\l$. (In,l nmosive
W.-er SUPIlli' and Di$tribution

Srrtion 604 - MATI':RL\LS

604.1 WaleI' pre..'\Sure pipes sluill be of br~ copper. ccDtrifugal cast iron (cel), 8
& S llnd F & F ends. ductile cast iron (DCI), galvanized wrought iron,
galvanized steel or other approved I:'E & PVC water pressure pipe
manufactured to recognized standardll may be used for cold wat~T
distribution systems. CPVC water pipe and tubing may be used for hot and
e~d-water distribution syslems within n buildilJg. All materials us«i in the
water supply system, exct':pt valves and similar devices. shall be of a Iikt
material, except where olhenvise approved by the Administrative Authority.

604.2 Cast iron littings up to and including 51 mm in sizc. whcn wed in

connection with poJtable water piping shall be galvanized.

604.3 All small-sized malleable iron water fIttings shall he galvanized,

604.4 Pipings and tubings. which were previously usecl for any purpo~c other than
for potable water systems shall not he used

604.5 Approved plastic materials may be used in water service piping, provided
that where metal Wale1" service piping is used for declriCJ\1 groundillg
purpose and replacement pipings th~rctore shall be of like mattrials..

u.crptioD: WIrer!; <J grOUlldiflK .fJ'.~/em. uct:l!plable ttl the AcJmini$rmli~

Authoriry j.~ in.'itallf!d, im.p:·cfed. 01,,1 fllJproVf!d, me/allie pipl! may !u
'cplaccd with IKJIl-mcwilic pifW.

004.6 Solder shall ronform 10 lhe requileme11l~ (>f Sub~{'C!ion 13024

6{).l.7 WaleI' pipes nnd fittings with a lead COntent that exceed eight (8) perctlll
...hall be prohibit~l and nol used in potable piping systems.

Swion 605 - VAL\'Jo:S

605.1 Vah'es \lflto and including 5\ rum il) si7.e shall be brass or other approVerl
materials Sizes ov<."f 51 mm may hl:lvc cast iron or lIlas. bodies, Ear,;h gate
valve shall be a fullway type with wOlling parts of non-corrosive materials,

605.2 A fullway gate valve contrulling all outlets shall be installed on the
discharge side of each water mcter and on each unmettred Wafer supply
Water supply piping supplying more than one building in any premise sh,lll
be equipped with a separate fullway gate valve to each building,. so arrangeJ
lhat Ihe wilter supply can be turned on Of off to any ir.dividu31 or sepata1t
building; provided-however. tbal supply piping to a sin81~ f!UIlily residence
Revi&p.d NllOOnal f'lum~!flg CO;ll. 01' the rhllip~lnes

and buiMing accessory the:-cto, may be controlled by one gate valve. Such
!>hurofT gllte ,,[lIves shall be l'l\Xes~il:.tle at all times. A fhllwe::y gate valve
shall be instlllled 011 the disch.uge piping fWIIl water supp!y tanks at or nc;;:.!
Ih~ 1lInk. A f\!l1way gnte valve shall be installed 011 the cold water supply
pi;Je kl each water hetller flear the wakr heater. A fllllway gate valve shall
be inscalkd for each Il.[J:lrtment or dwelling OCC\lpicd by more than one
f:unily. In addition to the main supply shutoff valve tor c"ch apanment,
individual shlitolT gate v~lves shall be rro.. . ided for each fixture

A ....alve used to colltr~ two (2) or 1II0~ openini,l.s shall be a fullway gale

6054 Con!rol ,!/;lllC valves shall be installe-d hefore each water~sllpplied applil.'.f",e
slip joint, supply pipings for non-metallic fixture and appliance.

6Q5.s Ail reqllil('t\ shutoff or control valves shall be accessible,

/>05.6 A single: control ga;e valve shall 111.: installed in a water supply lir.e ahead of
my llulonmtic mel.ering valve which supplies a bJlIery or


606.1 Elevaloo or gravity storage tank for potable wattr supply shall be tightly
covCfnl to I..t:ep out unauthonl-ed persons.. dirt lind vermin. The {'.Overs of
3fnvity tanks shall be vented with a r~twn-bcnd vent pipe huving an area not
kss than the area of the down~fecd riser pipe, and th:: vent shall be screened
with a tine corrosion-resistant screeo with openings not less than 14 nor
more than 18 lIIess per 25 film.

6062 Potahle water inlets 10 gravity tanks shall be controlled by II Aoat valve,
CloJt switch or c!octrodc-lypc water level control to prevent lhe tank from

606.3 Gravity IlUll,.S :.h.iH be plOvidcd wilh a valv(Od drain pipe and an overflow
pipe screened as dcs..:ribcd in SlIbse.:tion 606 I,
Water Supply and ~Wib!JIioil



607.1 IIIAdt'tJuall' Watrr Prl'ssurf' - Whenever the water rressur~ in lhe rmin OJ
ether SOllee of supply will uot provide a watcr pressure of at leasl 103 kl'a,
after allowing friction and other pressure losses, a hydro·pne\lmallC pres~re
tank or an elevated tank and booSler pump will provide said 103 kP.

6072 EJ.ctssive Waler PrC!sure - Where the local wilter pressure is in excess of
5S 1 kPa, an approved-type pressure regulator preceded by an adequately
sized .!latHer shall he installed to reduce the pressure on the building side of
the rcguhnor to the required supply pressure Approved regulators ~~;th
integral bypasses are acceptable. Each such re1o\U1alOf lU1d slraincr shall be
accessibly Incalerl all(\ have lhe strainer readily accessible for cleaning
withuul rcn1twing the regulator {JJ !>ImineI' IXldy or discnnnccting the suppl}'
piping. .'\11 pIpe sue determinations shall Ill' based on eighty (8U) percem ,If
the reduced pressur(': when using Table 0-6.

601.3 Anv waler distributing ~ystem provided with II pre~sure rCgllllltinl; devi(c or
cheek valve at iu source or any wll.ll~r Syslt:1O containing stora!l.c Water
heating equipment shall be provided with an approved, listed, adl'quatdj
si,.ed pressure. relief \slvc with approved drain, cxcept for listed nOll_
slorage inManlanl'OUS h~i\lers having all inside diameter of not more than 7fj

In addition tll the requiled prcsslue ll::lief valve, an approved atxl listf'.d
expansion tank or uther device de,igned for lntermillent operation fOT
thermal expansion control shall be installed whencver the building supply
pressure is greater than the required relief valve pressure setting or "'-'hen
any dcvl<,e IS inslalled that prevents prCS5Ute relief tbrough the building
water supply The- tank or device shall be siiled in accordance with the
lllaUl) fiK.1l1 rer" s reCOil H1wlld~t iOIl

607 --I Fadl 1)ICSSlIIl' n:ltl't" valve shall Ill' all :lllpr1)vcd a~rl1)matIC ly~ wilh drain.
and each ~m:h relief valvc :>hall ~ SCI lU a pressure of uo'. more Ihan
Ion ~Pa

Relief \'ahes II'lCated inside a huihlllll:! shall be pro\'idcd with drain,

;ldc(]\I'llely-.~i7ed and no: smaller than Itw relief valve (lillie't or {:al\anil.ed
S1t:cI, h<ud III,IWII 1;-Ol'pt~1 pipillJ:; 1I11d lillil1~~, C1've or PH with fillings
which will l1t,t lcduce the inlcmal bUle l,f\lI<; l,ipc 1)r tublllg (suaigllllcngiin
as 0pPlhcd \(l COIls) amI shall cxtt~lld liOlll thl' \'alve 10 the oUL~ide of t~
btlildll1g willi tht· ('nd nflhc pipe rlllt Il'tlre than 0 om no!' less th~n IS2 mlll
abtl\c the 1~lnllnd anll puinting downw.ud Such drains may tcrminate It
ROVlS"d N31looal PlumtJir.g COde oft~e P~llippin9$

other llpproved locatiolls. No pltrt of such drainpiplt shall be trapped and the
terminal end of the drainpipe ~hall not be Iltrcade<l nor capped.

001.6 Any water-hC'<iting del/icc conJlectcd io a separate elevated or pressure-type

storage tank and having valves between said heater and tank shall be
provided with an approved W,Ut:r llressu~ relief val ... e.

607.'/ Nothing contained herein .shall prevent the usc of an approved (;ombination
temperature and pressure reliefvalvc (CT & PRY). Each such approv~ CT
& PRY shall be installed on the water heating device in an approved
location based 011 its listing requirements and the manufacturer's
instructions. Each such CT & PRY shall be provided with a drain as
required in Subsection 607..5


608.1 Inslilllatioll - all water piping shall ue ad"''quately supponed to the

satisfaction oflne Administrati.,c Authorily Burred ends shall be reamed to
the full bore of the pipl:: (If lube. Changes in direction shall be made hy the
approptiatc use offtttings. except that changes on direction in oopper tubing
may be made with bends proVided that lhe same are with prOpi."f
bending equipmem which ducs not deform or create a loss in cross-sectional
area of tne h.hing. Pro\·isions shall be made for expatlsion in hot waH~r
pipings. All pipings, equipment. appuncllano.:es <llld deviccs shall be
installed in a worknHlflltke mllllncr in oonformi,y with thc provisio;ls and
intents of this Code. All water sClVice yard piping shall be at least 0) m
below Ihe finish ground level.

Water pipes shaB nClt be mn or laid in the same trench as building sewer or
stoml drainage pipings constructed of clay or materials not approved for use
within the building IUlless both of thc following conditions arc met.

608.2 1 Tne bottom of the w6fer pipe at all points, shall is at least 0.3 m above the
top ortne sewer or drain line;

60382.2 The water plpC shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one sKie of the
common trench with a minimum clear horizontal distance between the sidlts
of at leasl O.3-m from the side of sewer or drain line and lhc water line. snd

608.2.3 Water pipes crossing sewer or draillage piping C{)ostructoo of clay O~

materials. lWI apPfOVl-'d lor use within a building. shall be laid II. minimum of
03\'c 11K' scw~~r or drainpipe.
Water Supply arld Di5tributlOll

60S J Water piping install~ within 8 building and in or under a concrete floor slah
reSting on the ground shall be installed in accordance with the following

608.3 I Ferrous piping shall have an outside protcr:tivc coaling of an ;tpproved

materials, machine applied and conforming to recognized stalJili!rd~_ Field
bilumAStic coating and wrapping shall provide equivalent protectIOn and
application 15 restricted 10 those short pipe lengths at point~ of connectilJll
with fittings. necessarily slrirped for thre..1ding and jointing. Zinc coating
(galvanized) shall nol be deemed adequate oolside protection for ferrIJll1
piping or liltings. Apilroved Ilon·ftmous pipings such as plastic lubes and
pipes need not be wrapped for rustproof'ing.

608.3.2 COPPl.>f tubing shall be installed without joiuts where possible. Where joint\
arc pennitled, they shall h(' brazcd and fittings shall be wrought copptl
Copper tubing shall be fully elllemally protected with bitumastic cOOli~
and fiberglass wrapping and installed inside a split rigid casing when~
installed undelground.

Note: Fur IIii' fJurpme if tillS seclil)lJ, '·within the building" shall mean
Wi/Ifill tlk! fixed Itlill /.I" r!f lhe huildh'!:!ourldtllior/.

6083.3 Plasl)c pipings shall be installed in ae<:onJance with applicable settions

found elsewhere in thisCorlc.

6084 lnspe-clion - no water supply system or portion thereof, shall be covered IJt'
concealed unlil it has been first inspected, tested aod approved

608,5 Trsling - water piping ~hall be lcsll'd and approved as provided in SeCltOll
50 l.

608,6 Ullions - unions shall be installed in the water supply piping within OJ
meier away from regulating equipment, water heater. conditioning tank alkl
similar equirment which n:quile rcmov1l1 for servicing or replacement.

Sfl'tlon 609 - SIZE OF rOl'ADU: WAT[R PIPING

609 I The size of lhc watcr metCf and t~ immt'diate piping from the meter II!
frum other source or unmelercd water supply to the risers. ri"lurc supp\}
braoches, thlure conncctions. outlets or other uses shall be based on titt
Iolal waler demand and shall be determined according to thc methods anoj
proce Jurt'S outlined in this section.
ReYi'ed National Plumbing COde tf tI'\8I Pttlllppinll5

609.2 Whcn!;lver a waler filter. water softener or similar water treating device.
backflow prevention device or similar devices arc installed in a water supply
lint:. the Jlressure lo!!> through such devices must be included in 1m: pressure
ILlSS calculationsor,ne system and the water supply pipe and meter shall be
adequately sized to provide for such pressure losses.

609.2.1 No water fitler, water softener, back now prevention device or similar
di:vices re~ulalcd by this Code shall be installed in any potable water supply
piping when the diameter of the inlet and/or outlet of any slich device or its
connecting pipings are less than the ".:ameter of the water supply
distribution piping, or when the inSI~~lalion of such devices produ("..e5
excessive pressure dlOV in Ihe water sUllPly piping Sy51l'lU

609 2.2 All such devices ~hall be of types approved by the Administrative Authority
and tL'5tcd for flow rlilings and pll:ssure JOSSl'S by all approved laboratory or
re<:ognized testing agency against stand.,rds <:onsistC!lt with this Chapter,
The maximum rated flow and the pressure loss shaH be stamped legibly on
lhe d.:vi<:e or on a metal label, perl"lanently altached with the device. and
shall b<: in the following form·



Flow. Liters
ocr second Pressure Droo
0.32 • (kPaJ
0.6) - P,l
0.95 - P,l

Note: The .final figure in 1M pres.fUre drop column shall br bas~d f;rI Iht'
mhumum ratedflow 01' ctJpaclfy ofThe device.

f:tfi) The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fiKture shall
be ll?prescllted by "Fixture Unils" (I'U), as shown in Table 6·S.

W9.4 Where the malO;imum length of supply piping is 61 metefS ur less, u<:h waler
piping ~ySIl'IJl uf fifty flxtUic units (FIl) Of less ~hall be sized in accord,U\cc
with the values sel forth in Table 6·6 Other system,. of more th~n (501
fixture units and within range of Table 6·6 may be sil.c:1 from thatl:.:ble vr
by method set forth ill Appendix A ( Recommended f\;lcs for sizing tr.c
water !<upply ~"~tC'"1l
609.5 Except where the type of the pipe used and the water clwactet1stics are such
that no decrease in capacity due to len!!th of service (age of 8yslem) may be
cxpected, all friction loss data shall be obtained from lIle ''Fairly Rough" or
"Rough" cham in Appendix A of this Code. Friction or prcl!ure IoMeS i.
water meter, valve and fittings shall be obtained from the ame SOUI"Ce$,
Pressurc loses through .....ater treating equipment. Back flow prevention
devices, or other flow restricting devices shall be computed as required itJ
subsection 609.2 of this section.

6096 For proposed water piping installation sized using Table 6·6 the following
conditions shall be dtlennined:

609.6-1 Total number of fixture units (F.U.) determined from the Table of
Equivalent Fixture Units (Table 6--5) fi)r the fixtures to be installed;

609,6.2 Developed length of supply pipe from water meter to the most remot~

609,6.3 Difference in elevation betw!len the waler meter or other source of water
supply and the highest fixture or outlet 10 be installed;

609.6.4 Water Pressure in the street main or other source of water supply in tht
locality where the installation is to be made, and

609.6.5 In localities where there is a fluctuation of water pressurc in the main

throughout the day, the water piping system shall be designed on the basis
ofthc minimum pressure available

6097 Siu or Watrr M"tlt'T and Building Supply Pipe U,ing T.ble 6-6.
Knowing the a\'silable pressure at the water meter or other source of supply,
and after subtracting 9,79 kPa t per m of difference in elevation betwtell
Sm:h source of supply and bighest water supply outlet in the building or 0/1
the premises, usc the "Pressure Range" group within wbich this prc5SUlt
will fall, Selcct the "Length" column whieh is equal to or longer than the
required length. Follow down the column to a fixture unit value equal 10 0(
grC!8ter than tile total number of fUC1ure units required by the installatioh.
Having locatoo the proper fixture unit value lor the required length, sizes of
meter and building supply pipe will be foulld in the two left-hand columns.

No building water service pipe shall be less lhan 19 min in diameter.

t 1 PSI = 6.895 Kilo Pascal (Kpa)

.w g Silt or OrBl1rhrs, The number of fi:>r;ture Ullits handled by a brancl! sh3.!1
detem\ine the ~l~e ur !llal br<mctl, (ollowllJg the mdhods outlined in
Sub~'t:lion 6u9, "ll/f tlus Sl'Clwn

..~'l Siting for Flush!lrurl.rr Valvu, 13rallch("~ and lilains Sef"\iill~ wattr closets
0: ~lmilar tlusho,neter ~'lllvcs lUa.... b:: SI,(f.,J fiom 1 able 6·6 when the ~'alucs
in Table t.--4 arc assign~d to loarh Ilushumetl'r vnlvc beginnmg with Ihe n}oDS,
remote v"h'e ill ca;,;h t>mnch
Any sysll:m u>;;ng fl\lshomder valves may be si.t:ed also by the procedures
set fvrth in AVP1;mdix A (Rcc:JllImended rules for si.t:ing the water supply
systelll), I'ipmg supplying a flusholl1l'ter valve sh;ill not he less in siz~ than
the valve inlet.


Flushometer Fixture Units for Wldcr Using Table

Fixture Cate 'uries
Fixlllrc Umls t\s~i8n(:df(H fi"'!Urcs Units Assigntd filr
Number of Water Clo~;e's ilnd Simile, Unnats 'lOU Simdar FiX.t~:~~
F!usholl\cter Valves Fixtures
I 40 20
2 7. !,"
) Ill) 45
4 105 SJ
5 or more I' 5 plus 10 lor each 58 plus 5 fM ~ach
additional fixlure addition~l fi>:turc
(':'(c\':ss of 5 '" excess of S '"
t('llJ 10 Syur:m~ for FlushonH.. lu 'fltnk5. The size of branches and Tn3.ins
~erv~ng f'ushomctcr tanks shall be consbtcnt .... ith the procl.oJures for
t1ush tank walel' dosi:ts,

toO'1 ] I Sizill~ ~)'SI('1ll5 Wilh IIQ! W:liH ril'il1~ iiI ~i ....;l1g the wutcr pipillg system
lusing ;; 101'11 dl'l\Wnl! uf ~O I'lJ or less, the ~\lcate,t developed !caH,h of
11;(' ((lId I\;lll'r ~uppl.l' pipillg may be us..:d (lrom Table 6-6) .and tre IC:lgth uf
the lint wn:~r plpmg ig,oorcd \\hefl the hOI waler piping frictlon loss is
compel1sated for by the foJlowing ntClho<i:

~ II I COlllpllte tlie total hot wa,er fl",lule t;nil lkmalld. u~in8 lhose values givcll
Table 6·S ror th~ combined hot and (:otd water u~e:

{I1l1l2 _",:<;ign llw t"l<ll demand ('omput..-l! :I" rt''llli,·...'' 1Il (01) 1 J 1 abnve, Il~ th<:
li~jllrl: Ullll d?l11!\nd ;1111>\- hot wal.:r Ill'iller lIIlcl,

609.11.3 Starting at the most remote OUtlCtllI1 the cold w:ucr piping and working back
toward the water meter, compute the pipe sizing for the system from the
column originally selected in Table 6-6 using the fixtme unit valves given in
Table 6~5 ami adding ill the fixturt: unit demand of thc hot water heatct
supply inlet as computed ill 609.11, I above, at the point where it occurs.
The final size of the cold waler branch or main need not exceed lhe
originally established size oflhe buildillf. supply.

609.12 Except as provided in Subseetion 609,11, water- plpmg sysu;m, may be

designed by taking the total lenglh of Ihc supply piping nom the source of
cold water supply through the wal« heater, to the mMt remote hot ""atel'
outlet and assessing flow vlllur..'l of seventy·five (75) percent of the
combined hot and cold water demand as given in Table 6~S to the piping
supplying either hot or oold water to Ihose fiJltures served by both. Piping
scT\ing water healers plus all required cold water demand, shall be sized to
deliver the required hot water demand, but in no cusc need the piping be
larger in size Ihan thai required by 1 able 6-6 for the total building supply.

609.13 EJlceptions· The llfOvisions of this Section relalive to sire of wafer pir:il'l!
need not apply to the following

609./3.1 Water supply piping system$ designed in accordallu with recog/llzed

f!llgiflt!uillg prncedllre$ (If..'"t:epIlJble to 'he Administrative AllIhurity;

609.13.2 A/(era#oll of or mil/or addiliOJU to existing in'i/a/lations. provided lhe

Admi"i.~lrati~ Authority finds that Ilwre will bf' a reawnably utleqflQlt
supply of water /(J allfi:l:hlres:

609./ J.J Replo(.'emcll/ of eXi,~lingfixtlll~'s or applu1IIces:

609.13.4 Piping which is part offixrure

609.! 3. j lftll/sua; COlldititms where, in the judgement oj the Admini,~'lralivr: AUlhurity,

a reasOIl<lbfy aikquate supply oj wafa is provitkd:

609, I J. 6 NOII'1JOraMc M'al!!r li"es a.~ defined in wlhs<!cliou 603.4./ J o/St'cliol1 60.1.

609./3. 7 The s;;t' alld mareri(/f.~ uwd /flr irri].:allOlf 1\'(1/t'r pif'i/lK imlafft'd ()ul,\ide of
all)' hlliidiflK or .\fmc/1m' and .'iel'ormcd jrom Ihi! po/ahle WUI1:r S/lPfJIJ'
sysfem by fII,'WI!i of all tJpprol't1J airW1fJ Of hackJ1uw prewml/()JI do:vlCe is 1IOf
regulaled by thi.~ rode. lhe main potah{£' wlJ/cr supply piping supplying
both Ihe po/ahle waler demand Wid lhi! ifngalion SJ-'sh'm,~ ~'hll/l bt
adequately :)i:£'d as ft'quired (:/sewhae ill Ihi!; Chapl.., 10 d.:Uwr 11Ie fill
cOInlt.'c/ed demand of /'loth .",·sII'IIIS_

§«tion 610 - W-\T[R CONSEUVATION

ClIO.l The maximum dis<::harge flow rales for plOlnbillJ:l, fixture IiHings shall be ill
accHdIUl"(' wilh appliC301e standards Ij~ICd in Chapter 14,

610 2 Flush vlllullIes fIJI Iuw cUflsumptioll ant! water ~ver wa1cr closets and
urinals shall he in aCt;orllance with applicable sllllli:la!ds !isteJ in Choplcr 14

(Includes Combinoo Hot dnd Cold Water Dl:n,allds)

, Nurn!lc'rof W-.erSupply
Huure Units (WSt·t:)
'l:(1li1"0. FlX1"lJRl":

Private Use

• See SlIlis,','/WII (l(IY.'! oj 8.'UIOII fir)') f(". mdhud fI( ,~IWIX ,iJ".vhllnWIl!f wIIV('
;IIJlafl,lf/m/\ II,Wlg f{4hf" {>-ri

ftX",11 lIMIt ftliLI ro. DIrTIIUUNINO

PRESSURE RANGE - 20110 310 KPa )0:0 4.!..1!!)

MeIer Building
-~ Maxi'1lUlI\ Allow:mie 4ngth in nxtcn
No """

1 19

, ," ."
12 1O

,-,. 91

,.,- ,.
I" ". '"

0- 0· O'
2 I' 19 16 l' I"~
U· ,- ,-
, , , ,, , I'
"" " ..," " 17
" "
IJ 12 10


"" II

" "
JI 21
42 J8
II 28
l3 19
15 " 12 II

''0 "68
iN \05 91
70 "" "
11 J6 " "21
12 II

" 18 129
I:; i
220 205
,,, 1)8 " 120
8iJ 64
46 J8
II 20 20
9 J8
",\ ..,
17' 6\
"" "" ""
1I "" 64
'IS '" '"
)9<] 370
147 164
'" ""
125 96

'" 158 143 133

1 psi" 6895 KPa


P,:U:Ss C Rj: fL\ :\(iE - 1 17 to .. I; KPa 1-+6 Iv (,(' r>si)

~!~Icr i.!u.dd,ng
md suppl~
hem SUed ~,J MaJ(lmu~ AlIo'o'i3hle Length m FecI (metCf1I)
'0 'Io.."l"t::e h' :Lnc<
, ...'-.,
, (mml
I' -
( III \

00 l
.v, {61) C't> 1

(lUI ( 152;
(HUI ':-'13)
", " ,- "
2 i~

; 'I
" " 11

" ,,,

, 3'

• ,
3(, ~
, "25
'. ,
" ""
J<) "
" " " "" "
23 20 "" .,"', " 12

• 3ll "2') '"20 19 l1

" " 70
" '"
14 ]l>

l (,
" " "'" " '"'" " l1
14 , 'l
" )J
" .,
I~I I~ 1 15 I lH~
" "
~: J!
.'K ,~
'lO 78 o. ~ll

5I ., ,5> I5 I I ~') 'J~ ~ .'i ~S

"., lSI
liB m '" ~~o "
I ~f\
1741 " ".,
:1~ 1 :n
" " I
,18 'I
"" ,7<>
24U l~(l IH
W} "
"" 31\1 ~ ill :liO J6S 3~3

25(' 205 11,5
'" I" I
"" 3" ~ 31~ 2K~
OS' )('i 267
'" 610 400
" '" 535

I psi = 6 S9S Kpa


PItESSliRE RANGE Over 41) KPa O.. er 6\i.2ill

hem """
MaXlmwn Allow:lble Length in Feet (meters)
$er;i;::e "'"

,, I~" (mltn (12 i

," 7 , ,",
(61) 76

."' ,.,. ,. ,.
m) (152) (183\
,,.. ,.,'
aD) {14':l
(174) (j(l~j

" ".30 10·

"2< "J9

27 21

" " 11 "11 Ii

"" 39 39 39 19 38 32 39 26 22 18
" 1l 12 12
,., ,,,

, 32 78 78
" "
78 62 39 31 26
"">I 13
"4~ I
18 32 78
]SI " '>I '"" IJO" "
78 78 78
" " " 7l
26 II

.." '41"" " '

J8 IS: "' 15'
'" '" 281 1>1
244- " "," 51
"" 370
370 '"
30' 370
370 )10 )70 370
111 153

IS:; '"
11 "
" ." '"

'" ." 6S4

''0 57O 610
510 '"
".J 430


1 psi· 6.895 KPa

SttlioD 611· Pipin~ IlIstRlltd ill "'ir~ Ilnistive Constru(Cion

Wbere piping is inSlalle:ll and ptllClla(CS required fire resistive construction,

the fire resistant integrily of the '.tlllslrl.lcti('11 shlill be that required by the
Administratiye AUlhority. or whc-Il not ...stabJish...d by the building Code, by
q~l1lified testing methods approvcd by the Admini!\trative Authority
Approval s.hall be obl.lined prior to in~lalling any such piping.

Stcliol'l 612· II/lUge" 1II11d SUI11)Qrt~ Abrllsion

Hangers. and ,<,(rap5 shall nol compress. di.<.torl.. cut or abrade !.he piping and
shall allllw fn:~ movement uf Jlip~ Pipe e:'I:poscd to damage by sharp
surfaces. shill be protected.

5«Ijon 613· Suppurl

Support aU piping at intervals of not more tban four (4) fed (1219 mm), at
end of branches., and at change of direction or elevation. Supports shall
allow flee movement, hilt s.haU rcstlil:1 upward movemenl of lateral runs to
avoid rl'vcr:;c ~rnd<.". \' erti~al pipin~ shall be suppa/led at story or tkOI
level. Alignment of vertical piping. shall be mailltail~cd between Ooors wiili
the use of a mid· story guide. SuppeJl1 trap Brms in excess of three (3) feel
(914 mnl) in knl:lth as dose as possible 10 the lrap. Closet rillg,s shall bt:
liBhtly fasll"lt.,.j with corrosive rcsist311t fasteners up to the floor witli top
surfa.:e onc-quartcr (1/4) inch (6.4 mm) above lin ish fluor.

Stftiurt 614· Thrust B10ekiuR

In lines with rubber gask~lcd joillls, thrust blocks ~a11 be installed at all:

61-1 1 Changl;:s in direction, as at tees ami bcnds~

bl4.2 Changes in siLeo as at reducers,

614 3 SlOpS, as ilt dead ends; and

6144 Valves., where thrusts may be expected.

Thrust block sizes Sh311 be based on the maximum line pres~ure, pipe size
aDd kind of St:lil Reft'r to Uo;cful Tables and Charts.

Chapter 7

Section 701 ~ MATERIA1$

701.1 Excreta Drainage pipings shall be cast iron, ductile iron, galvanized steel,
galvanized wfOUght iron, lead, copper, brass, Series J 000 PVC DWV,
extra-strength vitrified clay pipe or other approved materials having smooth
and uniform bore c:'I.cepl that:
701. 1.1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall he used
underground and shall be kept at kast 152 nun above ground.
701. L2 ABS and PVC OWV piping installations shall be used in high-TIS(
buildings. provided that its use Shilll be the discretion of the Mast~
PlumberlDesigoer and also with the full cousent of the ownt~(

701.1.3 No vilrifierl day pipes or fittings for building drain or sewer shdl be used
above ground or whenever piping is pressurized by a pump or ejector
They shall be kepI at least 0,3 meter b~low finish ground level.
701.2 Drainage fittings shall be of cast iron, malleable iron, lead. brass, COPPel,
ADS, PVC, vitlificd day, or o\h...' T approved materinls llaving a smooth
interior waterway of the same diamctcr as the piping s~rved and all s\lCh
fittings shall be compatible with the type of pipe used,
7012.1 Fittings 011 screwed pipe joints shall b(~ of the recessed drainage ty~
Burred ends shall be reamed to Ihe full bore orthe pipe.
701.2.2 The thre..1ds of drainage finings shall be tapped to allow two (2) percent or
21 ffim/m grade


702 I The FiXlUre Unit (F U ) rating of plumbing fixtures shown on Table 7.2
shall be based Oil the size of the uap required, and tbc fi)(turc UIlt
~quivalent of fixtures and devices not shown in Table 7-2 shall be baStj
on the rated discharge capacity in liters per second in accordance with the
TOlbll' 7<;

MJ"imulTltrap loadings for sizes up to 102 mm are as follows'

• Sec l.f:! 2-13 ]·N 1-15 NI'(' (1)5'J

Rwibeo N",t;';"nal Plumbing Codo of the Philippines

TABl.E '.1


Uem Pir"" Si~ Filj(jre Unit F.U.

4 76 6
5 102 8

F-x(,t'J'tion: On 'df.service laundries.

§(clio" 703- SIZE Of DRAINAGE PiPING

iOll The minimum sizes ofvertical andiOT horizontal dminane pipings! h~
detcrmined from the total of all tixturc units conn~ted th~reto, tmd
additional, in the- case of vertical drainage pipes, in accordance with the:r
height or length.

103.2 Table 7·5 shows the maximum number of fixture units allowed on any
vertical or horizontal drainage pipe, building drain or building sewer of f.
given size, tile maximum number of fixture .units allowed on any branch
interval of a given size, The maximum length mefers of IIny ver::ical
drainage pipe of a given size.
TARn 7-2


Item Tnp &; Trap Drainlllt

N. flx'ruRE ArID Sin'; Flmarc U~
mm FlJ)
I Bathtubs 38 2
2 Bidets 18 2
3 CIO":heswashcrs· 51 2

4 Dentalll11its 01 cllSpKiors J2 I -
5 Drini.:injl; founlains 1I I
6 Floor draills 51 2
1-~';-+lllter(ePtors"' fo!.S!:.ease oil etc. 'I 3
K Itllcrc~rs' for sand, auto wilsh, etc. 16 6
9 I....1.und tubs 38 2
)() Mobile hOll1\: ark trll S otle for roch tmiler) 16 6
II Receptors' (floor SIl'!..S), indnoct waste roce!ltors for
~fril'l:l'alors, OOffCll urns, water Wltiotl t1c. l8
12 RcreptQrs"' , indmlcl .....aste receptors fur commercIal sinks,
di,;hwashers, air washers etc 'I 3
13 Shower, sln",le stall 'I 2
14 Shower' g;l.llg (olle Ul11t r head) 51
Sinks, and/ordishw;lshcrs residential) 51 pml nlin. w:.ste
Sinks, b:tr, comm~rcial 51 mm min. waste
38 L..... ' ".,


; --~-
I I,
Slllks bar, riv:ltC' 3li min milt. w;\$lc
Sinks, commercial or indm.1Iial, 5thools, dc, illchdillB " '""",,
dishwachels, wash up smks, and wuh fountains 50 8 Inm 38 1
Sink, flushinll. rim, climc 16 ,
20 Sink, scrvin~
21 Urin:.l, ped~>tal> Imp ann only " -
12 Uno;!! st.a1l, ~mtf.' tmp 51 2
Urin3l, waH-:nouIltej, integral tmp, ITa J aIm onl
Uri1l31. w:.l1-mOllllleJ, blowout, iuteglal tmp, tmp ann
76 ,

" Unn31, wall-mounted, w3shdown or siphon jet, integral

trap, IrJp 111m Oil!)' 51
t-' ,

mill. W3S1e 38 I

V.'ash b:.SUlS, m ~ets
Wash basin (I~O"O,:,)c,,,i""g"I',,,,--
Water dO'"..<.'t,- - Dn\'atc
L __.:1.: !

30 W;;tcr, pllbk ins(:lUation 76 _L ,


'S"'C, 180" 2/.1 Nl'r I?H

R"y,!eo' N.,llooal PIUJT1blllg Code of lhe Philippmos

'Soi/!: 'I he si:t' all;} JI.I'i.)ulrRe mllll)( of cadI il/,t/ft'd \twIt! recefllor (Illd ea"h
il1lefccflwr shall b.! !Ju-...:J WI tlte t/Jto! m{I:J di,v.:},ilr1:1! cu/xJcity r4 all ftxl1Ires,
eql/1fJ:'IIt!!I/, or (/l'p/lfJl/ce.\' di ';dlrJrging !hcrl!/II to in OL'L'OrdrJ"ce with Tahfe 7-3.

lJrall~1! pi/JlIlg sl'n'jllg haJ/f.'l"ie,~ of oppb.mce.\ ...·Ufltlhll! of flmduc/ll~ C(}nmIllU/l,~

j!OWJ sll<ll/ he ade'l/wld)' ,w;,;r:d /0 I'nil'IlI,' ror ''''II~ l"aJ,-. Clulllr:.~ wushl!f) i"
wuups of (llree (3) 01" mon: shall !w rafcd at :>IX (6) /ixlllrt: uJlits C(xh jor lIre
c<JmnUJ!I II< In ;,;o/l/ul a//J WfU.'l// 101 (j.~ft? P'IIC ,\I:tIIK.

!ruler dlJ.\cl~ shull he complilled •.LlJ' ~I.A ((I) fixllm: 111/11,\ alum d<!lcrmming _,c/Jli(;
willi .',1::.' ba.\L',J {III II/J/J<.'lrJu· IJ f if III", ('011.'.

trop ,\JJtlllllnl he i/l.::reaYeJ 10 a /xlfIIl wheri' Ih;:

.\I;:<,S fixture diKharge may be
illm/r''1lwf., 10 mOl/lfui" fh.:ir ,f;,.. lj-.u-OI.rmx I!((,/x'rflc:.:,


IJI.'n/f<;r.,,,cu,,,J I'll
For hlh'rmHlml Fialf.' Unly

lIem LihHS po.."f Sl'COl,d fiKtufe lJmt

No_ lLfs) (F.U,)
I Up to 0,47 I Unit
2 050100.<)5 2 Ut1it~

,J I 11' I RlJ
4 IInits
6 Unit~

Capacily over 3.15 lis ~hall be {ktcrmincd by the Administrative Authorily.

For Ii continuous flow into a draina!je system, such as from sump pump or
ejector, air conditioning cquipmeut or similar devices, lWO (2) fixture units
shall be allo.... cd fm every 0.06] Us of new

104.1 Drainage piping shall be proVlrJed with approved inlet fittings for tixture
connections, correctly localed z.ccofding to the size and type of fixture
plUposed to be l--unnectoo,

104.2 Two fixtures sct back-to-back_ or sidC'-by-sidc. within the distance allowed
between a tfap and its vent, may be !:crved by a single vertical drainage
pipe, provided that each fixture wastes separately inlo an approved doub\(!
flltin3, such as douule sanitary lee Of double wye and 1/8 bend h.wing inlet
openings at the same level.


70S I Chan~es in direction of drainage piping shall be made by the appropriate use
of llpproYed fittings and shall be oflhe angles presented by a 22 '11 or Ifill
bend, 45 0 or 1/8 bend, and 60" or 1/6 bend or otl1l.."I" approveU fillings of
equivalent sweeps.

10S 2 Horizonlal drainage branch lines, connecting with a vertical stack, sllall
enter through 45 or 60 degree ",;ye bnlllChl:s, combination wye and 1/8 bend
~ranches. sanitary tee or sanilary tapped tee branches or other approved
fittings of equivalent swecps. No fitting having more than one inlet <It t~
same level shall be used unless SlIch fitting is cunstructoo 50 the discharge
from one mlet Clll\not readily enter into thc inlet.. Double SllOllllry tees
may be IIsed when the barrel orthe filling is at lea!'t tv.'o (2) pipe sizes largeT
than the largest inlet, (pipe sil,es reco[;nized fOf Ihis purpose are 51, 64, 76,
89, 102, 114, 127 & 152 mm diamr.:tcrs, t.ic.

71)5.3 HOrlzomal drainage lines connecting wilh other horizontal drainage line
shalt enter through forty-five degree W}'C branches, combination wye and
one-eight bend branches or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep.

705.4 Verli~\draillllJo;e lines connecting with horizolllal \1raina8e lines shall enter
Ihrough lorty-five (45) degree bram:hes or uther approved fillings of
equivalent sweep. SiXly (60) degree branches or offsets may be used only
when installed in a tlue vertical position.
ReYised ~ Plumbing Cod. 01 the Phllipplnel>

Section 706- CI...I:ANOUTS

n 1 Each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper
lecminal iwi each run of piping which is more thall. 15 meters ill tolu!
devdopt.'<1 kngth shall be provided wilh a dcunout and at every 15 meter
length or a fraction thereof,



Size (If PilJe Size of Cleanout Threads

fmm) (1111n) 25.4 mm
38 38 11·1/2
51 3R 11-112
64 64

102 & l~r

8 ,

106.1.1 CletmoulS may be amine<! on a horizontal drain line less than 1.5 meter in
length unless such line is serving sinks or urinals_

706 I 2 Cleanouts may be omitted on short horizontal drainage pipe inSlalled at a

slope (If seventy two (72) degrees or less from the vertical line (or an angle
1/5 bend), and

i06 1) An approved type of two-way deanout fining, installed inside the building
waH near lhe connection between the building drain and building sewer or
inslalled outside of a building :II the lower end of the building drain and
CKlt"ldcd to grade, may be substituted for an upper lemtinal deanout.

1116.2 An additional cleanout shall be prm'ided on a horizontal line with all

aggregate unset a.n~le of direction exceeding one hundred and tbirty-five
(135) degrees.

11163 Each cJcanout shall be instl:llled so it opens in the dir«tion of flow to allow
cleaning of the soil or waste line or at right angles thereto and, except in the
case of wre bi8uch and end-or-line deanouls, shall be installed yetlicaliy
above the flow line o~tht' pipe
E.xcreta Ofllinage System

7064 Each de<!noul extension shall be considered as drainage piping and eac~
ninety (90) dcgrees dcanout cx.tension shall be extended from a w)le type
fitting or other approved fitting of eqllivalenl sweep.

706.5 Each clcanout for an interceptor shall bc outside of such interceptor.

706.6 Each cleanout, unless installed under an approved cover plate, shall be
above gradt; readily accessible. and so located 10 serve the purpose it is
intended. Cleallouls located under cover plates shall be installed 10 provide
the clearanCe:! and accessibility required by this Section.

Eaeh cleanout in piping 5 I mm or less in size shall be ins/aUell so that ,here

is a clearance of not less than 305 rom in ftom oftbe cleanout. Cleanout, in
piping lal'ger than 51 mm shall have a clearance of not less than 0.45 flI in
front of the cll2l1uut Cleallouh in umJerlloor piping shall be extended to or
above the filii shed floor 01 shall be ~l\t~llded outsidd the building whdn t11t:re
is less than 0.45 metcr vertical aud 0.75 lIlclr..-r bOllzontal clearance from the
means of access to such cleanou!. No underfloor c1eanout in any residential
occupancy shall be located mOle than 6.1 meters from an access door. Irl!p
door or crawl hole.

7M 8 Cleanollt fittings shall be not less in sil.e than those given in Table 7·6,

706,9 C!canotlls Shllll be provided for pressure drainage systems.

706.10 Countccswlk c1eanout plugs shall be inslllUed where raised heads may calISe:
hazard 10 p<lssillg (}efSOllllel or vehicles.

706.11 When a hublcss blind plug is used. for a required c1eanout, the complete
coupling and plug shall be accessible fOf rl.'IllOVIlI or replacement. 707 - GRAUE OF HORIZONTAl. EXCKU'A URAlNAGE PJl'ING

Horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical alignmelll and at a

un:form sJope of not less than 2% or 20 mmlm towards the point or
disposal, provided that, where il is impractical due to tht: depth of th~
slrcel sewer or 10 adverse structural features or to some irrcgul<r
arrangements of affected building or structure to obtain a slope of 2 pen::l:il!
or any such pipe or piping 102 mm or larger in diameter may b:.we e slope
of not less than one I percent or 10 mmlm when first approved by the
Administrative Authoritv.
R"",i~9d National Plumblrlg Coda of the PIliHppiN!:l


Where pmeticaule, all plumbing fixlllrc5 shall be drained into the pl.:bJie
st:wer or private ~wage disp..)sal systcm by ttravity



709.1 nrain;]~e piping serving fh.1ures whieh have nood

level rims located below
the elevlltiull of the ncarby up~trcam maoooic invert of the public sewer
SCrvillS such drainage piping shall be protected Ii-om baekl10w of sewage by
in~al1ing an approved-type had"":!.!"f valve fixlllre installed above such
C!e\;lliflll sl1:\l1 nol rii~"hargr lhnm~h lhe haekwater valve

109.2 Dramagc piping serving fixtures iorau'd below the crown level of the main
sewer sh.:L1l discharge into an approved watertight sump or receiving umk,
tlw: !iCWllgc or other liqu:d wastes shall lhen be lifted and dischilrged into
the building dlllin 01 building sewer by approved ejector, p:Jrnp or other
eql.Jally etlicient mechanical device

709 I Th'~ minimum size of any pump diS\h31gc or any discharge pipe from a
SlJmp having a wlltel dosct connrt;led thereto shllll not be less IhllSl
50,8 mm diam..::ter.

109.2 The venical discharge line fi'olll such ejtttor. pump or other mechanical
device 10 a horiwntal drainlint shall be provided with an acceSSIble
hackwater or swing cheGk valw and gate valve close to the connection with
the horizontal line. The method of connection shall be at the top of the
horizrymalline through a wye branch titling. The gate valve shall be located
althe discharge side of the backwalel or check valve.

7G9J Building dlilill 1..'[ building St'wer n:cciving discharge from ,my pump or
ejetll'!' shall be adcquJltdy sized 10 ptcvcr,! overloading. Two (2) flxlure
uuits shllil be allowerl lor each 0,(6) lis of !low Qr clich GPM t10IY,

709.4 Bad<l~ater valves, gate valves. molors, wmpH:ssors, air tallks :ll1d Ql.her
mH~hanicat devices required by tlJis Section shall be locateC wh.<:re they will
be accessible lor inspecliOJl and repair i!t all times and, .... hen lll.!t ex:pos':-.-J,
511all b,;: ~nclo$ed in a water·ti~h! masonry pit fitted with an Il.dC\.lU~,lcly~si;:.d
TC'nlOvable cover

709.5 The drainage and venting systems 10 connection with fiKtures, sumps,
n~ceiving tauks and mechanical Wlllit!.: liJljng devices, shall be installed
under the same requirements as provided in this Code for gravity systems

7096 Sumps alUl receiving tanks shflll be w~.teI1ight and sball be constructcd of
concrete. mClal or othel' approved materials If constructed of poured
concrete, the walls and bottom shall be adequately reinforced and designed
according to rC<:(lgnizcd acceptable standards. Metal sumps or tanks shall
be of such thickness In serve Iheir intended Ilurpose and shaJI be properly
cHaled internally and externally to Tt.'Sisl corrosion

709.7 All such sumps and receiving tanks shall be automatically discharged and,
when ratl>d as "public use" occupancy. sholl be provided with dual pumps
or ejectors :lnangl-d to function iodcpcndeotly in case of uverload Or
mechanical failure. The invert of lhc lowest inlet to the tank shall have a
mlt1it1l'lJt} dis.tance of 51 mm above the high I-\'J!l:r or "~tarting" level of t~
pumping opcr<llion

709.8 Sumps and receiving lanks shall be provided with substantial covers having
a boll and gasht type manhole or equivalent opening 10 permit access fo.
inspection. n~pai(s and c1eauing. The lop shall be pro~'ided wilh a VCnt
pipe which sh:1l1 ext~nd separately through th~ rouf, or whtn ~rmitted,
may be combined with othcr vCnt pipes. Such vem shall be large enough to
maintain atmospheric pressure within the sump under all normal operati"
conditiuns and. III no case. shaU be less ill size than thaI required by T<1ble
1-5 for the number and Iype of fixtures discharging into the sump, nor It!l
than 51 rom in diameter. When the foregoing reqUIrements arc met and the
velll, after leaving the sump, is combinl-d willI vents from fixturel
discharging into the sump. the size of the combi.ned vent need not e:(ceoj
th~ size for the total number of fixtures discharging into tne sump
No vent from an air -op~aling sewage ej«.tor shall combine v, ilh othel

709.9 Air tanks shall he proportioned to be of equal cubical capacity to the l"JCCtu
coonel,;teJ therewith where ,here shall be Olailllained an air pressure of nO!
less than 3 Lg for each meter of hei~hl the sewage is raised No Walco
operated ejectors shall be permitted.

709.10 Wheo subsoiJ drainage system is installed, it shall be initially disch.uSe.!

into an appro..'ed receiving tank and discharged in a manner satisfactory 1<l
the AdminiSJrative Authority

I<QVlS..:J Nalic~DI Plumb<nlil Code of th9 Phil:pP'ne-:;

Srction 710 - SllDS RELJ£F

r-ixlure outlets shall nOI he connccted to Ihe.: hcrizonlill ell:Cfet3 drainage

piping system within 2.4 ml~ler of any ~'eflical to horiwntal change of
dilCClioEl uf II slack colllilining sllds-produl.:ing fhturcs, Bathtubs,
laundries, washil18 rna"rune standpipes, kitchen sinks and dishwashers
shall 0.:: r,onsidcred sudS"produdng fhtures,

(a) Sm~/l' jam;ly re,\idl'fIl,:es,
(b) St/wk.,' rl'c~jl'ifl8 the dlSt.'harge .!tom less lhall (3) stf)'Je,~ ,if
plllmbing jj!trurc~'
TABl.E 7~5

Muimum Fhlurt. lillit Loadin! and Muimum Length

of f.lCrtta Drainage :l.nd Vrnt Piping

of Pipe
~, H 38
" .. 16 101 Il7 152 20'
'" 3u.d,
Fi1.ture Unit of !

, Venieol , l' 10' nJ ,,' 256 600 1380

'"'0 5600 !(J;

1 Hori~onLllI
, , S' 14' 35' 2161 41.8' no~ 2640 l 4680' 12~:

•• Ma;.imutLl
l.oogth uf ,•,
Vcrllc.11 Piping
Meter 6~ 91 '10 IS' W ,I
14 20 16
Unlimited ,
C. VtnC Pi iM
HoriU)l1Ll1I and
Verdeal •

Ft>tlule Unit , .' ]4
" " ,';6 600 1180 3600 I'
, Mall.lnlUm
l~':"tls mC!er 128 ~
" " OS 91 , :Q
(&e Nule)

I. Excluding trap arm.

2. Excl:pl sinks, urinals Md dishwashers.
). Except 6 fixture unit traps or water c1oset~.
4. Only rour i4) water cluscts ur 6 [j:->ture unit traps llrt~ allowed or. ally
vel tical pipe or stack; and not to exceed tltrce (3) water clo~ets or six (6)
fixture unit traps on any horizontal branch or drain.
S Based on two (2) percent or 209 m/lJrn slope. For one (I) percent or
lOA mmJm slope, multiply horizontal fixture units by a factor of 0.8.

Note: The di'Jtnt'/er of an hldividual I'tml ,IMII ltOt be le.fS /hall Jl m:n lIor II'S!>
ill jl~t' Ihall Ulh!-IKIIf (Ill) II/f! dlulll.'rer '!! 1M dr.!ill 10 which it i:;
c{)/Illf?{'It'd Fixture unit load vailles fur dmina}.:e and l-em pipinn .thai! be
comrlilt'd ftvm Tables 7-1 and 7-3 IffJt /{) <tn:eed one Ihlrd (If3) of thr:
IOIlII p.'rmilled length (If any I'em may !It> 11I;,/<.1111.'11 i11 a ho. i:01lfal pnsitkm.

Whe/l I"cms (II',' illcrt'<l.\'t'd (llll! (I) "if>(, II:;' for IlIdr .'lIlire leflR;h, rb
n/(v:mlltm lenglh /i,m/alums sper.:ljie,1 III ' '1.1'
klf'th' do ltlJll./l,ply.

Revjood N:li:OJ.1al P;Llmbil'lg Coda of the Phitippinct

TAP,U: 7-6

CLEANOUTS (mel ric}

Item Size ofl\:;e - Size of Thread:;

No (",m) ,, Cleanout per 25.4 mm
(onon) len h
.- ,

lS , lS 11-1/2
2 'I
lS 11-1/2
3 , 6·1 64 8
5 102 &
8 -
Chapter 8


801 1 No evaporati"e cooler, air washer or similar air conditioning equipment

shall have any drain pipe in conne(:[ion therewith, directly connected 10 any
soil, waste and vent pipe. Such equipment shall be drained by m~[JS ()f
indirect waste pipes as defined in Chapter 2 of this Code, and all wasteJ
drained by them shall discharge through an airbreak illto an open floor sink
or other approved type receptor properly connected to the drainuge system.

80 1.2 No cold storage room, refrigerator, cooling counter, compartment,

receptacle, appunc!lI!nce or device used for the storage or holding offaad Of
drink and no dishwashing or culinary smk in Imy food preparalion roOQl
used for soaking, washing or preparing ready-te-serve food shall have any
drain in connection therewith directly connecled to any soil, waste or yen:
pIpe Such equipment or fixtures shall be drained by means of indirect
waste pipes, as defined in Chapter 2 of this Code; and all wastes drained by
them shall discharge through a[1 airgap into all open floor sink or other
approved type receptor properly conncctt:d to the drainage system

The foregoing does not apply to walk-in refrigerators or combina1ion

walk-in and reach-in retiigcra:nrs used for storag.e and sales of productl
packagC'd in bottk-s, cartons or containers

Cooling and air-conditioning equipment may be separated by an airbreak, bul

all food equipment shall be separated from the drainage system by a flin

801 J The airgap for drainage shall be not less than 25 rom between the plumbing
fixture, appliance or appurten81ICC outlet and the rim of the fioor ~ink Or

Stction 802 - API'ROVALS

No plumbing fixtures served by indirect waste pipes or receiving discharge

therefrulll sh.all be in!.1a1led until first approved by the Adminislrati".e


E:\cept as hereinafter provided. the size and installation of indirect wllSte

piping shall he in accordance with other Sections of this Code applicahle to
drainage and vent pipin~ No v~nt from indirect wasle piping shall combine
with IIny excreta connected vent. but linldl extend sepllrately to Ihe outside
air. IndirltoCt waste pipes exceeding I.S mtters but less than 4.6 meters
length shaH be di~tly trapped, but such traps need nnt be vented

Indirect waste pipes less than 4.6 meters in lenHth need not be larger in
diameter than the draia outlet or tailpiece of the fixture, applian('"¢ or
equipment s~ed, but in no ca.<;e less Ihall 13 111111 in diameter Anl\les and
chan~es of dlrecllon in such indirect Wllste pipes snail be provided with
c1eanouts to pemlit flushinK and cleaning.

Stttion 804-1NDIRE<"'T WASn: RECt:PTORS

&04 I All plumbing fi)(tures or other receptors receiving Ihe discharge of indirect
waSle pipes shall be approve<! for the use proposed l'J1d of :£ucn shape and
capacity to p.-event splashing or fluuding and ~hall he located where readily
accessible for inspection and clcanillS No siandpipe receptor for any
clotheswasher shall extend more than 0 S meter lIor Jess than 0.45 m above
its trap. No trap for any c10theswasher standpipe receptor stmll b~ installed
below the floor. but shall be roughed no less than J 5 cm aOO.not more lhan
4S em abo"c the Ooor. No indirect waste receptor shall be installed in any
toilet room, c1os<.lt. cupboard or storeroom nor in any other portion of :".
building nOI for general use by lhe uCCu(lallts thereof, except tn!tt st:mdpi;Je:>
for clothesw8shcr may be installed in toilet and bathroom area.<; when the
clothcswasher is installed in the same room.

8042 Where water service connC'Ctions arc installed for clothcswashcr. an

appHwed method of waste disposal shall be prvvided

804.3 Every indirect weste int~rceptor re(civing discharge containing paniclt:s that
clogs the receptor drain shall have a Icadily removable beehive strainer

11't~I·e.cI War-Ie Pipil'tg. Wel.Vente<! Systems and S~ial V'.'ilsl~


Indirect waste coltllectiol1S shail be W'lVided for drains, overflows or reli~f

v~nts from the w:lt.::r supply system, and flO pil,·ing or l:(ju;pm{~t1t carrying
",listes or flmdlJcm~ wa~tcs, or olhl1 Jis~'h~uges lmder prC5Slirc shult ~
directly conlt~w:d to any part of the drain3Bc syslcm.

The forc~oing shall not apilly to any apprOVetl sump pllr::p (lr 10 any
approved plc5surc-'...:lsting plumbing fixlure or device wnen th~
Administrative Authority has satisfied himself that the system i~
adequatdy si:;:ed 10 accomntodal.:: the anticip;,ted dischargc thereof

Seetinn 806 - STt:RU.E EQUIPMENT

Appliances, devices or apparatus stich as stills, sterili:lers and simil.r

equipmem requiring water and waste and u~ed tor sterllc materia1~ .~hall be
llrailll'l1 throu~h. lUi ail~1![J

Set"tiulI8U7 - APPLt4.NCES

807, I Appliances, devices, equipment or other apparatus not n:gularly classified aJ

plumhing fiXlllrcs equipped with. pumps, drips or drainage outlets may l:~
drained by indirect waste piJX's discharging lilIO 3Jt approved-type UPtn

8012 When the cond;On~te waste from zir conditioning coils is dischatgi.XI bI
direct cOllnection to Ii lavatory tailpiece or to an ajlpIOve(\ acce5~ible inlet;
a batlttub (lV('rl1ow. the C0tlllcction shaH be located in the area controlled ~
the same person controlling Ihe air conditioned space.

807.3 When undiluted CQndcmate waste from h ti.lcl bunting condcnsin;.t. appliaQ":
is discharged into thr- drainage s~stem ;he mal~rial in th~ drainage sY£!e:
loltall be rl'lst !t'<Iii, t!al",an:ze:.l iwn, plastic Oi other materials l'.pprollcd f:<
ti,lS us~,

807.3.1 When the above condensate is discharged 10 an erposed fixture /tli/piece

(ffUIINlp. ~llCh lai!"iece lind Imp may be bra~·s.

&07.3.2 A,IY matcria/.\ approved in Sf!cliUlI 70/ mqv be lued when, in 1M opinion
(If tll(' AJmilll.~·lmtin' AI.thority. cOl/dellsa/c M'U~tc from a fud burning
co,N.knsing app/iar/{.'e i.~ dUUled elfha be/ore or after discharge i,:to lhe
dmi/Nl);t? .~)'.I"tC11l.

807.4 No domestic dishwlIshing machine shall be directly connected to !l

drainage system of food waste disposer without the use of an approved
dishwasher airgap fitting on the discharge side of the dishwt.5hiog
machille. Listed airgaps shall be installed with the flooo level (FL)
mailing at or ubOlle lhe flood level of the sink or drainboard, whiche..~r is


When permilled by Ihe Department having jurisdiction, clean running

wuter used exclusivdy as II cooling medium in an appliance, device or
apparatus, may discharge into Ihe drainage system throu~h the inlet side of
a fixture trap in lhe event lhat a suitable fixture is no! available to receive
such disch..1rgc. Such trllp connection sh:1.I1 be by means of a pipe
conneCted to the iulet side of an approved fixture trap, the upper end
termiTUltillg in 3. funnel shaped receptacle set adjilCent. and not less than
J 52 mm above the over now' rim oflhe future.


Drin.king fountains ffill.y be installed with indirect wastes.


810.1 No steam pipe th&ll be directly connecterl to any part of a plumbing or

drainage system, nor :;haIl any water having a temperature above 60"C be
discha>'ged under pressure directly inl() any pan of A drainage system. Pipe!
fmm boilers :shall discharge by means ofinrlir~ wllSte piping ll.:l detenninec!
by Administrative Authority or the boiler manufilctllrer's riXOmmeridaiiorll.
Such pipes may be indir~C1ly connected by discharging into an open or
elosed concknscI or intercepting sump of Ilppl'Oved type that will prevent the
enlr8nCe of steam or such water under p:essure into the drainage system.
All closed condensers or sumps shall be provided with a vent taken off from
the lOp and cxtended separately. full size above the roof. All condensers and
sumps shall be pmperly trapped &. the outlet with a deep M:8l trap extending
to within 152 mOl of the bottom of the tank The top of the d~p sea' trap
shall have ll. 19 mm diameter opening located at the high<:~ point of the trap
10 serve as :l siphon breaker, Outl~ls sh3.ll be tr.keil off from the side in II
manner 10 allow a waler line to be maintained that pel1llancntly occupies not
less than ol1t'-half (%) the (" of Ihtt. l,;ondcns~r or ~ump All inlets shall
enter above the water lille. Wearing pl8t~ or barnes shall be installed il' Ih~
tank to protect the shell. The sIZes (If the blowolf line inlels, the water
outlets and lhe vent shall be as shown in Table 8-1. The contents of
condensers receiving steam or oot wa.ter under pressure must IJaSf. firs!
through an open sump belore l:ntcring the drainage sy~lem.

8J02 Sumps, condensers or intercepting tanks conslmcted of concrete shall hl'ol-e

walls and bol1om Mt less than 102 nlln thickness, and the inside shull bf:
cement plnsl.ered not less lhan 13 mm in thickness Condensers constructd
of melal shall be nol less Ihan No. 12 US. Sumdant gauge (2.17 mm
thickness) and all such metal condensers shall l,)e protected from cl(lerr~"I.l
corrosion by an approved bituminous coating.

810.3 Sumps and condensers shall be provided with suitable mean~ of access for
cleaning and shall contain a volume of not less than twice thc volum;: of
water rel1lQved from the boiler or boilers connected thereto when the norru~1
water le\'el of such boiler Of" boilers i, reduo:ed not less than 102 mm,


No. Boiler B1owolf, IDm Watter Outlet mm Size of Vent, 111m

I 19 SI
2 2\4 "
25.4 64
] 32 J2 7.
4 J8 ]8 102
5 51 51 127
64 152
" 6'

• To h.: "m:J ollly with hoi/as '1 9.19 mJ ofhemmg !iu!fur:e or less.


811,1 Chemical or industrial liquid wastes likely to d!\ffillge or incrCMe

mailltcnalK~ costs on thc ClI.creta sewer system, dctrimentally l!lft.'C1 SCWl::">1:
trce.tment or contaminate surfllce or suhsurface walers. shall be pretrcJtcd to
render thent innocuous prior to their discharge into a drainaRe lyster,\.
Detailed plans and specifications or pretreatment facilities shall be fbjuird
hy the Administrative Authority,

Piping conveying industrial, chemical or p'0Cf:SS wastes from their point of

origin to sewer-connected pretreatment fa6litics ~'.l1J be of such malerial
llnd desiguto adequately perform its intended function to the satisfaction of
the Administrative Authority. Drainage discharge piping from pretreatm;:nt
facilities or int~rcep:ton: shall conform to stalldlUd drainage installation

gil 2 Each waste pipe reo:eiving or intended to receive the discharge of any fixture
whtre or colT,)sive c1~mical is plao.:et\ and each VCnl pipe connected
thereto. shall be conStructed of chcmical-resist3nt glass-lined pipe, high
silicon iron pipe. lead pipe not less Iftarl ) 2 mm wall thickness., an approved
type of ceramic glazed or unglazed vitrified clay or other approve<!
corrosiOll rcsiSllmt materilils.
lndired WMle Piping, Wet-Yentoo Sytitllml and Special Wlfl1;tes

811.3 Alliointing materials shall be of 8pprove,j type and quality.

811.4 Whenever practicable, nil piping shftll be readily acce5sible and instaUed
with the maximunl of clearan~e from other services.

811.5 The owner shall make and keep II. pennanenl record of the location of all
pipings and veming carrying chemical waste,

811.6 No chemical vent shall be connected or intersect vents for other services.

811.7 No chemical wft5tes shaH be discharged into the ground, local sewer or othe;'
dispo!il\l mell":> without approvnl ofttle local Administrative Authority,

811.8 The provisions of this Section relative to materials and methods of

construction, need not apply to minor installations such as small
photographic or x-ray dark rooms or small research or control laboratori~
where smaJlamounts uf adequl\tely water-dilutcd chcmicals are dischug~

S«lion 812 - VERTICAL Wl:T VENTlJ1liG

812.1 Wet venting is limited to vertical drainage piping rel:eivinB the oischarg:
from the trap arm of OtIC (I) and two (2) fixture unit FixtlHcs al~!)
serves as !l. vcnt for not to CJlceed four (4) fixtures. All wel-venled fiXll;:0l
shall be on the same floor level, provided funher, that fixtures ....i!lt.
continuous vent di~:charge into a wei vent shall be on the same level <:3 C:e
wet~vented fIxtures,

8122 The venical piping between any two (2) consecutive inlet levels shall b~
considered u wet-vented seclion. Each wCt~vcnted &e(:tionshall be l
minimum of one (1) pipe size larger than the required minimum waslc pipe
size of the upper fixture or shall be one (I) pipe siu larger th:m the require1
minimum pip~ size for lhe sum of the fl.'tture units s~ed by such we:.
vellted section. whichever is larger, but in no case less than 51 mm iD

812.3 Common vent sizing shall be the sum of the fixture units :en'ed but in n~
case ~malJer than the minimum vent pipe size u:quire'.1 for any fhttte
served. or bv Section 904


Traps for island sinks and similar equipment shall be roughod~in above the
floor and may be vented by c1ttending the vent as high as possible, but not
less than the drainboard height and then returning it downward and
connecting il to the horizontal sink drain immediately dOWJUlream from the
vertical fixture drain. The returned vent shall be oonDeCte<l to the horizontal
dmin through a "'lye-branch tilting lind shall, in addition, be provided with a-
foot vent taken off the vertical fixture v~n! by means of a wy~brench
immediately below the I100r and th.ence extt":nding the vent line to the
nearest pal1ition and then lhrough the roof to the open air or may be
connected to other Vl;ills at a point not l~ss than 152 mm above the flood
le,·ct rim of the iilturcs served Drainage fittings ~hall be used on all pans
of the vent below the floor level cod such a vent line shall have a minimum
slope of 2 percent or 21 mmlm back toward the drain where it is connected
shall be maintaineO_ The retum bCJ",d UlIed under the drainboard shall be a
oue (I) piece fltlin~ or lUI assembly of a forty-five (45) degree dhows.
sizing shall be as elsewhere required in this Code, The island sink drain,
upstream of the returned vent, shall serve no O!her fixture<>. Ac'Zcssiblc
Ck',:WllutS shall he installed in the v~r1ical portions of the foot vent 9.l1d the
waste 8t floor level.


814, I Combination waste and vent systems (CW & VS) shall be permitted only
where slruclUra! conditions preclude the insla!lati':Jn (lfconventionil.l 5y~,ems
as otherwise prescribed by tltis Code.

814.2 Plans and specifications for each CW & VS shall first be !llPProvcd by tbe
Administrative Authority before any pOition of IIny roeh system is insluHcd.

8143 Each CW & VS as defined in Sub-Section 104. t I of Seclion 104, fhall b~

provided with 1\ vent or vents adetIuate to llSsure free circulation of air. Any
branch more than 4.6 m\:tcr m lcngth shalt be separately vented in tll
approved manner_ The minimum area of any vent installed in 11 CW &. V-S
shall be at least orre·half (112) the inside cross sccticnal area of the drain
pipe Sl"IVt:d The vcnt conne~'lion shaH be downstream of the uppermost

• Sec. 250/25} NP(' }V5y

Indifect WMlll Piping, W~.vfntlld SY' IIfId Special Wast.(;

8144 Each waste pipe and each trap in any CW &. VS shall be at least two (2) pipe
si~es larger than the sizes recluired by Chapter 7 (If this Code and al leb;
t\l,'(J (2) pipe larger than any fixture tailpie<:e or connection

8145 Unless spccifi~llly required or permitted by the Administrative Authority,

no vertical Wlt3tC pipe shall be used in any CW & VS, except the tailpie~ or
cmmection betwf'..en the outlet of a plumbing fixture and IRe trap therefot t
Such tailpiece or connections shall be as short as possible and in no caIe
shall ex<:ced 06 meter long.

814.6 C)eanouls may not be requil'l~d on any wet·...ented branch servinB a sillgle
trap when the fixture t:~ilpit'Ce (If connection is not less than 51 mm in
dmffieter and provide ready access for cleaning through the lrap An
accessible c1canout shalt be installed in each vent for the CW & vs.

SKtkln 8t5-lJIREcrwASn:TOGRoUNb

"Sacrarium" waste of holy water and washwaler at church altar se:vico

must nOI he di~M.rged iolo Ihe SlIoilary drainage syslem bUl dis;>oscd (lfJ
directly inlO the ground.
Revised Nlr.ior.oll"lull'lblng ~e d th, Phllippi:'lcs

s«tio1'l816 - Clellr \\,'att'r Wustt's

Water lills. expansion lill1ks,. coolilJ~ jackeLS. sprinkler systems. drip or

overflow pailS or similar devices whieh discharge clear WiSSleWliter into
the bUlldiug draioag\: system shall discharge through aD indirect waste by
means of ,,11 air gap,

Seclion 817 - S","i1nmi1ljt. Puo's

Pipes carrying wastewater from swimmmg or .....ading pools. including

poo\ drainage and backwash from filters. and water from promenade
dmins whidl serve walks shall be in~lalled as an irulircr,1 waste Wlltre a
pump IS \l:>cd 10 discharge waste p'.>ol water to the drain!lgc system, fhc
jlump discharge sh:loIl be ilJ.~t3.lleJ. as an indirect waSfe.

Stclio:l 818 - U.dri~l'ralioll \VIISIt'S

The indif<::l:[ waste lines carr)'itl~ n:frigl;:ration waste shall not be smaller
than SIl(JWll ill Ille fullowlllg \live Silt" s<.:hl:lhlle:

32 mrn -- I inlet serving not more than 2,& mJ of refrigeration space;

5\ mill - 4 10 12 m J ; 32 mm inlets Qr the equivalent refrigeration space;
7I.J mm - 1] to 31i rilJ, 32 mill inlr.b or the equivalent refrigerati"n ~pn()C

Stclw1I819· Air·{:onJiliolling Equillml'llt

! f Jischal gcd inlo the clrilinagl' system allY evapQUltive cooler, airwashcr,
or :-illlilar air-colldiliunin~ l."{luipuu:nl s!l<lH lx' llrainlod by mC'a!l~ of an
inJirc[,,1 wa$IC: pipe,

tlQ I Sin

Air-conditioning condensate waslC pipes shall be independent of any

drainage ;UlJ wa~te syslcm ar~ ~hal1 not Ix- srnaller than shown in
Tabll;: 8-2,
Ind_tocl W,-"te f'ipinll. Wet Vented Syet<lffl$ 2md Special W'":~

l'ABU: 8--2

Item Equipmtnl C8Plldty Minimum Condtns.te

NQ, in TOils of.!!!.~i&natigll (kW'1 P'ge pi8mete~J!tlm)
I. Thr~J (TtIlO~~)O 5t.) 19 I -=:::j
2 ThIOlIR~ 20 Throu h 70,3JL 25,4
Throu~h Thn:~316,4-8)
Throull.h 125
- Q-!lfllugh 439 6) "
s. TI'!I'O\II~h 250
(ThfOlIY,h g79 2)
, 1 II
The size of rom:!cllsate wll~te pip:.-s nifty De fer one unit 01' a ctJIubin<!tic'1 of ur'lt1,
(lr as reoolllmcnd<,-d by the manufacllJlcr. Tht: caJ,)3city OfWilSli:' p:pes <:s~um~j

III 5 mm1lJ1 or .....Ilt' pCICl'nt slope, with !h<:: pil''': running lhn:e-quartcr (3/<1, full ~I
lht': following cOllt!iliunr.'

Outside Ai.. - 20%


90"F 7J"F 75"F 62ST

Condensate drain for other !>iopes or ol,her conditinns shall be approveill,
Ihc Administrative Authority .

Air conditioning waste pipes ~halJ be conSlnJcled of materials specified ~

Chapter 7,

819.2 roillt of Di!idurgf'

J\iHx}ndifioning ("onJensale wll~te pipes shaH COflllf:ct indireclly 10 ~l

drainage system lhrough an airgap or airbreak to:

A A plOl.erly trapped rc~eplor; m

B. Other point~ of di~dlarge acceptable to the Adminislwtive Al1thQri:l

including dry wells, leach pits, the ,ail piece of plumbing fixtme.:., etc. -

Chapter 9

Section 901 - VENTS REQlJIRfD

Each plumbing fixture trap, except as olrrcrwisc provided in this COOe.,

shall be protected against siphonage and back.pressure. Air circulation shall
be assured throughout all part~ of the excreta drainage system by means of
vellt pipes installed in a<.::oordi'llice with the requirements of Ihis Chapter and
as required in dlis Code.


902.1 Where pemitted by the Administrative Authority, vent plpmg may be

mnitted on an interceptor when such interceptor acts as primary settling tank
and discharges through a honzontal indirect waste pipe into a ~ondaJY
interceptor. The second imerce;')tor shall be properly tapped and vClltl;:d.

902.2 Traps serving sinks which are part of the equipment of bars. soda fOlliltains
and counters nc~d nol he vented when the 10calioD and construction r (such
bars, soda fountains and counters is to make it impossible 10 do so. When
such conditions exist, said sink shall discharge by means of ap;lfOved
indirect waste pipe into a Ik.or sink or other appro",ed type receptor.

Section 9OJ- J\.IATERI,\LS

903 1 Vent pipes shall be cast iron, ductile cast iron, galvanized ste:(:l, galvanizoo
wrought iron, lead, COppl:f, brass, Schedule 40, ADS, DWV, Se..ies ](JOO,
PVC, DWV or other approved 11ll\terials havin8 a smoolh and uniform bore
c"cep l thm,

9Ol1 1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be U5~:!

underground lind shall be kept at least 15 em above ground.

903. 1.2 Horizontal and vertical vent lines and vent stacks shcll be copper, c<'.sl iron,
gal",ani7.ed wrought iron or polyvinyl chloride pipes.

9032 Vent littings shall be cast iron, gelvanized lIlalleable iron or galvaniUd
stce~ lead. copper. brus., ADS. PVC. or olher approved materials,
except that no galvaniLc:d malleable iron or galvanized Sloel fittings shall be
buried underground but shall be kept at least 152 mm above finish grOll!1ll

903.3 Changes in direction of vent piping shall be m'lde by the appropriate: use 0{
approved finings and no such pipe shall be strained or bent. Burrcd endl
shall be re<lnled to the full bore: ofthe pipe

• Section 904 - SIZE OF VEN'''S

Q04.\ The sizes of vent piping slulll be determined from its leilgth anll the to':aI
number of tixlure units conn:cle<1 thereto. as set fOlth in Table 7-5 of thij
Code. In addition, the drainasc pipin!! of each building and tal:h
connections to a poblic or a plivate sewage: disposal i':y~lem shalt ~
venled by means of one: or more venl pipes, Ihe aggrt-galC: CToss-sectiolUl
are.1 of which ~hnll not be less than that of the largest ret!uired buildjn~
sewer, as dClcnnlned from Table 7-5, p!lge 8~.

Ext'ept;oll: When connecled to a common bllildi"e St'wer, tIl<! draill<tgl

piping oj t14'U (2) ur more blliklmgs locale,l 011 the :;arne lot a"d .meier flit
v'Il'llership m'9' he l'ellted by meam' (!( piping sized in accordanL'e ll'iI.;
Tablll! 7*5 wuvidf!d the aggregate cm.~~-,~I!cliollal fUea ofall Ihe WillS i3·1t.c
leB thun Ih(11 (if III.· largest reqUIred c:ommf!fl hllildmg SI':II"(".

904.2 The length of horizontal portion ofa vent may e!l:c~d onMhird (II]) ofll't
total length of vertical and horizontal flOltions as Hmit~ by Tr.ble 7.}
provided the vent is in~'rellsed to olle pipe size 13r8~ for ils entire length.


9051 All horizOnlal vent and br3JM:h vent pipes shall be free from drops or S%l
and each such. vent shall be graded and cormected to dlip back by gTnvitytl
the drainage pip~ it ~rves.

905.2 Where vents conncc.t to a h.orizontal drainage pipe. such ven! pit'.
connection shall have its invert taken off above the drainage centerline '"
such pipe downstream of the trap bt..'inj!; served.

.. St?L'. :24 Nl'C 1959

.. s.-c !!J NI'C IY5y

Vents ena Venting

905.) 1 Jilless pruhibitcJ by strurJ.uHlI conditions. each vent sh~U rise vertically 10 a
point not less than 152.ffim above Ihc highest flood level rim ofthc fixtures
serve<! bellm: oHsclting horizontally to join the vent stack or slack vent and
the boltom connection shall be instsUed with approved drainage fittings and
ll1shdlcd with proper gr8d~ to the horizontal drall!.

~5.4 All vent pipes shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be
reconnected with the soil or waste stack. venl of proper size at a point below
the roof, the vellt thr"lJ~h the roof(YSTR) shall be increased one (I) pipe
size ahove the rcconncl:tion point of ~tack vcnt and horizontal vent

9055 The ~'cnt pipe opening &001 a soil or wast~ pipe, excepl for water closets
and similar flxtun.'s, shalluoJt be below the weir of the In,p

905.6 Two (2) fixtures may be served by a common vertical venl pipe when each
suc.h flxlure wastes separately into an apPI::l,,~d douole branch fitting having
inlet openings at thc sarue lcvel.


9061 Each 'lent pipe or stack through roof (SVTR) shall extend its t1ashil1!,l; all
aIOlllld and tIle stark venl shall terminate vertically not less than IS em
abow the mornor less than U] lIlel~r from allY v~rtical surface nearhy.

9Q6,2 Each vent opcnin~ shall tcrmllla!c oot less than three (3) meters from, or at
least 09 mder above any openahle Willdow, dour opening, air intake or
vent shan~ nor less than 0.9 metcr away from any lot line, allcy a!ld street
boundary lines.

906.3 Vent pipes shall be extended seplllatdy or combined, of full rL'<juil'ed siz"'.,
not 11:55 than I S em above the roof or fire ,,,all. Flagpoling of vents b
prohihited ~xcept where the roof is usoo for purposes other than weather

9(Xi 4 Venieal vent pipes for outdeor installations shall ex!end to at lea!;! 3 meter
rtistant from any I>an of the roof tlul i;; used lor otlicr purposes <'lid shull
exlend nlllless than 2 1 meIer abuve such roof and ~I;all be securely ,;taycd,

906.5 ]llinls at the roofal'Ound slack venl pilll'S shJ.ll be made watenight by th~ usc
Ufappr{lVI'd fla,;hing malcrilll anll in,t"llation


907.1 Each soil or waste stack which extends ten (10) or more stories above the
building drain shall be sel>'cd by a parallel vent stack which shall exter,(j
undiminished ill si"e from its ul'Per terminal at the 100f and connect 10 thl:
sailor wasle stack at gruund level ami at every fifih l100r lewIs with l
"yoke vent" at a point below the horimntal soil or was!e brancr. connection
to th:: stack and at the nC:lfby vcnt stack above the same floor 10 provide a
relief vent The size of yoke vent shall be not less ill diameter than eith(,'f
the soil !>tack or the vent stack, whidlcvcr is smaller

9072 The yoke vellt connection with the vent slack shall be placd not less tbllfl
\.0 meier above tl:e floor level, and the yok~ vent (,onnection with Ih~
drainage slack shall be by means (If a wye braneh fitting. placed below t~.e
fiKture branch serving that floor.

Stctinn 9fl8 • Venti Not Rf>quired

9081 Where permitted by tile Administrative Authority, ~nt plpli1g may be

omitted on an inlerceptor when such interceptor act!> as B. primar;r Y.::i1lin3
tank and discharges tluough a horizontal indirect waste pipe into ~
secondary interceptor. The second interceptor shall be prop,-"l1y tmppd ~L~

908.2 Traps serving sinks which ere pan of tile equipment of bars, soon foum~;'l~
and counters, na:d not be vented when tbe location :md construction l,r such
bars., soda fountains, and counters is to make it impossible to do 50. Wh~L
sl.!ch conditions exist, said sinks shall discharge by means of ropprove:j
indirect wa~te pipes into a floor sink or other approved type receptor.

Sec:tiOR 909· Mllterisis

909.1 Vent pipes shall be casl iron, galvanized steel, galvanized wrought ifOll,
lelld, coPller, brass. Schedule 40 ABS OWV. Series 1000 PVC OWV iii
other approved materials having a smooth and uniform bore except th3t:

909.1.1 No galvanized wrought iron or galvanizeU s~ed pipe s!lell be wllj

underground and shall be kept at least 152 mm above ground.

Voot$ and Venting

section 910 - Siz.e or VentJ

910, I The sv.c of venl piping shall be detcrmined from its ICiJ1!,th and the tote!
Humber of fixture units connected thereto, as set forth in Table 7·5, The
diameter of an individual vellt shall not be less than one and one-fourth
(1-1/4) inches (32 mm) nor less than one-half (112) the diameter of the
drain to which it is connected. In addition, Lhe drainage piping of each
building and each connection 10 a public sewer or a private sewage
disposal system shall be vented by me.aD.S of one or morc vent pipes, lhe
aggregalc cross-sectional area of whil,;h shall not be less than that of the
larilcst required buildillg ~cwcr. as ddclmincd frum Table 7-5, page 88.

910.2 No more than one--tlUrd (1/3) of the total permitted length, per
Table 7-5 of any minimum sized vent ~hall be installed in a horizontal
Chapter 10

Senion 1001 - TRAPS REQlJIREO

1001.1 Each plumbing fixture, excepting those having integral trap!>. sha.I1 be
separately trapped by an approved-type waterseal tnp_ Not more than one
trap shall be perrnittt:d on a trap arm.

1001.2 II is prClvided, however, that one trap may serve a set of not more thl.,
three (3) single companment si.'\ks or laundry of the ::;arne depth or
three (3) laYlltories immediately adjllcC'nl to each olher nnd in the sa.'I'Il:
room if the wa~h~ outlets arc not more than 0.75 meter apart and the nap it
centnilly located when three (3) compartments are installed. The depth
requiremem may be waived if approved-type pump discharEe the fixture!! 01

1001.3 No food waste disposal unit shall be installed on any set of res.taJJrM~
commercial or industrial sinks served by a single Ira9. each such food WlSte
disposal unil shall be connected to a separate trap. Each domestic
c1otbeswosher and each laundry tub shall be oormected to a separate !lid
independent trap; except that a trap serving a laundry tub may also ren...eivt
the waste from a clOlheswasher set adjacent thereto. No c10thcswasher Ct
laundry tub ..hall be connected 10 a.ny lrap of a kitchen sirL\:.

1001.4 The vertical distance between 8 fixture outlet and the trap weir shalj be tI
~hort as practicable, but in no c.ase !ha1I tht: tailpiece from ll!Oy f1Xtl'If;
exceed 0 (, metCf in length.


1002.1 Each plumbing fixture trap, except 85 otherwise provided in this Code
shall he prOlC'Cted against siphonage and back"pressure by a properly rl~
\'erlt ril~ Air circulation shalt be a~smed throughout all puts of tr.:
drainase system by mea.ns of a vent pipe system imtalled in t:C"..cni.'ln'~ wJ.~
the requirnnenu of this Code.
F<GVIsed f"811OMI Plumbln~ COd~ ",tile Phl:ipplr.~

1002,2 Each fixture m:p shall have a protecting vent so located that the developed
lenl;lh of the lrap arm hom the trap w~ir to the inner edge of tile vent shat!
be within the distance giyen in Table 10-1, btll in no case less lhan two
times the diameter orlh;: trllp arm.

1002.3 A trap arm may (:hange direction without the use of a deaJlQUt when su(:h
change of dilectiotl does root c,.;ceed ninety (90) degrees.

Eueplton: For trap arms 76 mm in diameter and larger, the change of

dmt<:licm /Iul ex....eo?ding 12 W'lIQ deanoUl;s required andjor change of
direction greater I1um 22 h ~ a clemrmd is required at the bend.

1002.4 The vent pipe opening from a soil or W8Slc pipe, c:'tcepl for water closets
and similar fixtures, shllllnot be below the weir of the trap.

TABLE !().!

Horuontal Distance of Trap Aa-ma

(ltxcept for water eloaet. and .imUar fbd~1

Trap Arm
Ui.meter Dilt.nce 'ro Vent
Mm m
32 0.76
38 1.07
5\ 1.52
76 1.83
102 & lnr!'~r 3.05

Slope 2% or 20 mm/meter

• The de~odoped h'/lgth between Ihe fmp oj a waft>r dOSl:t or ~'imil[/r Jiriure
meQjllred frollt the /uP (}j closel rillg (,:o/Vlio:f j1aJljtc'j fO inner edge of \'{!/I( shu!J not
exceed J.1i meicr,~.

Tmpl -.:i Inlereeptoll

• Mcrion 1003 -l'R4.PS Dt:SCRiDED

1003.1 Each trap. except one fGr an interceptor 01" ~milar devio:e 5n211 be ~If.
r.t.:nning. Traps for bathtubs. showers, IlI.v8luries. sinh, laundry l\.lbs,
floor drains. urinal5, drinking fOliOlains. dental units and similar fixture!
shall b.. . ofstandMd designs and weillhlr. and shall be of AnS, cast bra~3,
cast iloll. I~ad. PVC, or otber appr<lved mat~'f!al:.. An exp~d and
readily a..:ccssiiJl:'l drawn brass lubing trap, "vt less than Gauge 17 B&S
(1, I rum), may be ased on fil\1ures discturging domestic se'.vage bUI ,haU
exclude urine. Each trap shall have tl~e m.~nufacturer's name slamped
legibly on the metal cf the trap ami ca~h tubing trap shall have tho;! gauge
of the tubi!'!,!!: In additlon to lh~~ manufacturel's flame. Ev~ry tmp sh.oH
haye a smooth and uniform iOltc:rjor w~.t~rwJy

1003,2 No more than one approvC'd slip joim filling may b~ used 011 the oullt:t side
of a trap, and no tubing trap shall be insl.... lkd without !\ listed tubing trap

1003.3 The llCtminal sizc of a tf:\P for a given fixture shall be sufiicient to dl1:i.~
,~ ii,'(lure rapidly, but in no case, less than that given in Table 7·2.
The lrap sillill be t.bc saml: SilC as tilo: trap arm to which it is connected.

n $tttion 1004 _ TRAPS PROUIHITED

Nco form of trap which depend~for its seal upon the aelion of m"Yable
parts or concealed interior partition! ~hal\ be used. "S", Bell and Crown.
vented lIllI'S :lrt~ prohibited. No lixture shall he double trapped. DrtlJll may be installt:d only when pcrmitted by the Administrnfi"'t
Authority for special COIlditioll. No dlUm trap shall be installed withOUt I

... Section 1005 - TRAP S[ALS

Each fixture trap shall have a water scal of not 11:51 than 51 mm aoo tr'.
morc lhan 102 mm deep except wlltre a lkeper seal is found necessary '"
dIe Administrative Aulborily for special condiliort~. Traps shall be s~
er~t and true with respect to their water seals.

• Stlc. /l'l.J Ni'(' /959

.. Sec. INJ NI'(' /V5<;
... S.'c. nil NI)(· IV5'J

Ravind Natkln<ll P!llmblng Code 0( the Philippine:;

• Srctioll 1006 - FLOOR DRAIN TRAPS

Floor drain shall connect into a trap so constn:..:tt'd that it cao be readily
cleaned and of a size to wr,c etlicieotly tn,; plHj>O$;.; fG: which it is
intended. The drain inlet shall be so located tL" it is ,"\1: times in fuU view.
When subjeCt 10 re,usc flow ufsewage or liquid waste. such dlains shall
be equipped with all approved backwater valve.
5tftil)ll 100; - TRAP SF.AL PROTECTION
Floor dmin or similar traps directly conncI.:ted to the drainage system and
su,"jeci 10 infrequent usc shilll be provided with an approved automatic
means of maintaining their waler seals, except where not deemed
m~l,;essal)· for saff'ty or sanitation purposes by th·~ Administrative
Authority '''''hell automatic trap priming devi(e~ an;: illsmlleJ. ,hey sh'1l1
be accl'ssible for maintenance and provided by an uscessibie shut-off
10081 Whrn Rtquirru· illtcrceptOls or d,lrifiers (including f,n::lSC, oil and sand
inten.:('plOrs, etc i ~hilll be provided when, in tpe judgmt'nt of tbe
Administrativc Authority, t!l"'r' are necessary for the proper handling of
liquid wastes cOlltaining greilse, f,rl\lImble WflSIt::S, sand, solids, a.cid or
alkaline substances, or other illgrOOh:nts harmful to the building uraill:lgc
syslt::m, the publie or private sewer and sewage dispoS<!l system.
'0082 Approval·-thc size, type, !1lld location of each interCf:;Jwr (ckli!"':r) or
separalor shall be apprcved by the Administrative t\lith('~I!Y, in
llccordancc with it,; :,i;.\lIdllrd.'; Except whclc otru\'/Jg{O ~,pe{'ilically
pel"lllllted, no wastes other than lhosc requiring trcatm~m or scpilnl~O[)
shall he discharged into any llllerceplor or darifier,
,,-"'0)83 Design- interceptors or darifi.:rs fo' sand and similar
heavy solJrJ;; 5:1:,,:
be m de,igned and located ;ll; 10 he reatlily a..:ccssible for clewing .:1.....
shalllwlo'c a water seal or nut less thalL 152 IInll deep
tOOS 4 Reli~J Vellt - illte:cO;'j.llors or c1ariliers shall he so desigl100 Ihat they wil'
nOl become air b0und if closed covers arc u:..-d Each intercept ,(
(clarifier) shall be plOperly vellled.
1:K}8 5 lAlcation - each interceptor or clarifier shall be readily i\lXessihle for
servicing and mainlaining in workillg and operating conditions. The use
of ladders or Ihe removal of tlulkv equipment in order to st:rvic.;:
interceptors or cluriticrs shall eon~titute a violation of <lcces~jhility
l.oc:ltioll of all interceptors (clarifiers) shall be shown lJJl llie build;!' J phm
submit led tor approval by the Administrative Authority,

• .'in·. I'll NI'(' /')5')

TriIj)S and Inlerceptou

St'C'tiOR 1009 - Sl.AI1GH fER HOlJSr;:S, PACKING [STi\BL1~HI""1f..NTS, ETC.

Every lish,. lowl and 8n!mal slaughter house or establishments and every
fish, fuwl and meat packing or curing establishments, Of My other
establishment fmm which considerable amounts of grease, hairs, fealhers,
eic., are likely to be disdllU~ed with the wastev.·ater inLO the pluillbing
syMem, sewer system, or privlltc sewage dispo~al ~i>tcm Shllll be
connected to and shall drain or discharge through a Kreening device and
thcrlCC into a grease interceptor (clarifier) or an approved design for lhe
propEr JisJ.'OSsl of effiuents,


Every pnvat" Of public w3shra\:k and/or 11001 or slab used for cleaning
machinery or machine parts shall be adequcuely protected again~t stonn IJr
surface water aHd !'ohal! drain or discharge into M interceptor (clarifier) of
an approvl.'ti design for this use to separatc the oil and grease beforc t!ll:
etllucnt lcach the p\!bhc stream.

... SectaM 1011- GREAS[ TIlArs

10 11 I Whcn, in thc juugment of the Administrative Authority, \ViSIt

prclrealmcnt is required, an approvC\l-type grease trap complyins with the
provisions of Ihis sections shall be installed in the wasteline leading florn
sinh, drains and OTher fixtures or equipmclJt in establishments such aJ
restaman!;., cates, lunch e\mnlers, cnfClerias, baTs and clubs, hOlel.
hospital. saaitanum, i~clOry or school kilChl!ns, Of OIhd estal:olish,nem;
whele Kfcase may be inl10duced info the drainage or ,,;,wer sy;t~m ic
quantities tha': can efIect line stuppl1ge or hind!;:r sewilgc treatment Of
pri\'al\~ sew:'Ige disposal. A grease lIap is not re";lulred for ir'dividu.:
(hvdEng IInits or for allY private livillg quarters

1011.2 Nu individui\.l gre.1.3C lrap shall Ue inst...lIcd for a facility that ha~ i1.~
approved rate of flow of 11101'(" f!l.1l\ 3,<\ lite,s per sec,and nor less iban I J
Us, except when sp«:lally approvcd h)' the Administrative Authority.

1011 3 Each plumbing fixllire or piece of equipment connected 10 a !"lcasc lr~,

shall be provided \Ioit!l anllpprovcd type flow coutrol or Icslrieting dev~
installed in a readily ac,;:essible and visible location in the failpice or <Lotl
outlet of each such fixlure F10lY control devices 5.'1311 be so desiElli.-"! t1.z:
the flow through such device or de..·ices shall at no time be grealcr than I!-,-,
rated capacity of the grf'-ase trap No flow control device havh~
luljuMabk or ~{'m(l"'<lhle pitrls Shilll be dJ1pIO~ed.

~ S<!t~. Iii') ,.,..,,(. /959

10 11 4 Each grease: trap required by this Section shall have: an approved rate of
O,lW wh~ch is nol less than lhat given in Table 10-2 for tl~ folal number of
connccttod fhaUfes-. The total capacily of fjl(tures discharging into any
such Breasc trap shall not exceed two and one-half (2-,'12) times the
('"crlificd liters I'<:r lIlinute f1nwrale of the grease trap as per Table 10-2.

Any Brellse tmp installed with inlet more than 1.2 meters lo\vcr in
elevation than the outld of any fixture Jischargins into such grease trap
shall have all approved rate of flow which is DOl Jess than fifiy (SO)
pe(ccnt greater Ih311 Ihat given in Table 10-2 nor more than four (·1)
s('paraw fixture shall be conneClt>c to or disch3rgcd inlo anyone gn.'85C

For the po~se of this Section, the teml "fixture" shall mean and incllld~
each plumbing fixtme. appliance. apparatus or other equipment rt"qllin'o
to be connected to or t1isch..-u-ged into a grease Irap by any provision or this

lOlLS Each fixture discharging intu a grease trap !>hall be individually Irappt>d
and vented in an apprvvcd manner An approved-type grense trap may be
used as a fixlure oOlkt and the grea~e trap for a single fixture when the
horizontal distance between the fi:<.lllre outlet and lhe grease tr~p does no:
exceed I 2 mctcr.l and the vertical tailpipe or lIrain does n<.lt ('xceC'(! u.75

1011.0 Grease traps shall be maintained in efficiclI1 operating c{}lIuiti"n b}

periodic rcmoval of the al;cUlllulated grease and senk'rl solids. ('\0 such
collcctt:d grease shall be introduced into llle drainage piping and pllblic or
private ,ewer

1011 7 No water jal;kcted grease hap 01' gn..asc mtcn:eptOi shaH be approved or

1011 8 Each grcare trap :<h;\11 have an approved water seal of not less than 51 IT'm
in depth or the diamw~r of ils outlet, \\hic·he,er is glen:!:l


When ~reasc interceptQrs are required, a recommended sizing criteria llOc

provided in the Appendix D, Private Sewag<;l Di~posal Sy~tems_

Mdion 101.3 - FOOD WASn: UlSl'OSAL l'ROu.mffED

1013 I Unless specifically required or permitted by the Administrative Authod!),

no food waste dis.po~ unit shall be C(lIlIlected to or discharged into an~
grease imcrceptor or grease lrap, .

TABLE 10-2

Grease Traps Capadty

Total Numbtlr of Fixcure Required Rate of Flow Grease Retent~

(onneClerl Liters r Minute Canllci 1(11 ram

I 7' iB .
J2 I
" •

1013,2 l'he vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for waler closets
and similar fixtures, shall nOI be below the weir of the trap.

Re>.'"e:J Nalklnal Plumbin; COde ~ the PllII1Pilines

TABLE 10-3
Horizontal Distance ofTlap Arms

(Except for water closets and similar fi:octures,"

hem Tnp Ami
Tnlp to Vent
No 111"1
" lQ;

* 76
102 & l~r
SI~one-roul1h (1/·1) inc!l.pcr fOOl (20.9 mrnlm), S - .02

t The developed length between the trap of II water closet or similar fixture
(measure!! from the top of the closet ring (closet flanBc) to the inner edge uf the
ver.t) and its vent shall not exceed sil( (6) feel (l 829 mm).

SrtliCJI Hl14 - Traps - J)escritH:-d

1014.1 Ea{·h trap, exccpt one for an II1terccptor or similar device shall be self·
ckanill~ Traps for bathtubs, show"n. lavatories, sinks, laundry tubs,
num dlaills. hOPPCfS, urinals, drinking foulltains, denIal uniB, and similar
fixtures shall be of stllooard dcsi!-!ll and weight ami shall be of AilS. cast
brass, cast iron. lead, PVC, or other approved materiaL An e)(posed and
readily accessible drawn brass lUbinl:\ !fap, 1I0t I~ss th"n 17 B&S Gaul;e
1.1 mm, rTl.1y be IlSed on flxturcs discharging domestic Sl".'Wag.c but shull
exclude urif1al~. Each trap shall hl'lve Ihe manufacturer's name stamped
I~ibly in the metal oflite trap and each tubing tHiP shall have the gauge of
thC' tubing in addition to lhe manufacturer's name. Every trap shail have 1I.
slII,1Ot1L Rlld uuif"rm interior v.ah:rway

1014.2 No mOfe than one (I) appro\lt'l.! slip j(lint fitting may be used on the outle:
side 01 a trap, and no tubing trap shall be insta[lC{! without a liste!! tubing
lrap adapter,


Sizing or GJT.,e Intuctptors

Number of retention storage Imercq>tol ~

meals per peak x limes} x factor~ - (liquid capatit));

I. Muls Served at Peak Hour

2. Wllste Flow Rate 1
a. With dishwashing machine, 6 gelloo (22.7 L) flow
b. Without dishwliShing machine 5 gallon (18.9 L) flClW
c Sillgle service kitchen .... _ 2 gallon (7.6 L) &w I
d. Food waste disposa .. , I gallon (3 B L) flow I
3 Rete!llion Times
Cummercisl ~ilchen waste
Dishwasher .... , .. .. . . .. .
, , .. , ... .. . . 2,S hours

Single servic-e kitchen

Single serving ...
Storage Factors
I.ShOO<'; I

Fully equipped cnmmerc;al kitchen 8 hcur oPt'~ation: 1 !

16 hour operalio:'l: 2 :
24 hour operation: ] !
Single St.'1"Vice Kitcnen ... , .... - J d
'- ...1. ~!

Rovium Nation:::l PI~mbinii Code of tl'Hl Phlllppu\es

5«tiun 1015 ~ l...aunRrirs

LeumJry equipment that does not have irllegJal strainers :thall discharge into
an inttrl.:L-ptor having a wire basket or similar device, that is removable for
cleaning and that will prevent passage into the drainage system of solids
12.7 mill or larger in maximum dimensi'.>n., ~'Ich as sIring, rngs,. bunon5, or
ulher solid mateltals detrimental to the publil.: sewerage system.

Srtlion 1016· Sand IlIttr'Ceptors

Wbl"rc Rotquirrd

iG\6.\ Whenever thl.'l discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or semi-
solids heavier thau water Ihat would be harmful 10 11 drn;llage system or
cause a stOppage within tbe system, the discharge shllll be through a sand
interceptor. I\lultiple floor drains may discharge into one s;:nd interceptor.

1016.2. Sand interceptors ate required whenever tnc Adminbtmtive Authority

deems il advisable 10 have a sand interceptor to protect the dr<linag,c system.

Sttlion 1017· Con~tru<:lion and Sar

Sand interceptors shall be built of brick or concrete, prefabricated cOlted

steel or olher watertight olJlcrial. Th~ interceptor shall have an interior
bame for full separa\jelfl of the interceptor into two (2) section~. The OU\!et
pive shall be the same ~ize as the ir.ll't si7.e of the oil interceptor. tll:
minimum being 76 10m and the h"tne shsll have two (2) opcl1ings of the
same diameter as the outlet pipe and at til<: same invert ~ th~ outlet pipe,
lh... se opeaings shall he stJ.ggered so thallh~re CIW1:0t be a straight line flow
betwun any inlet pipe and the outlet pipe The invert oftm inkl pipe shcll
be 110 k>wcr than the invert ofthe outkt pipe.

The S<10d intel'c{!ptor shall have a minimum dimension of 02 rr1' for the
flee opening of the ililct sectton and l\ minimum depth under the invm. of
the outlet pil~ of 61 0 10m.

For each 18.9 L per millute 110w (II' fraction thereof over 75.7 L per mir,llt!,
the area of Ihe SlIM interceptor inlet ~tion is to be increased by 0.0':1 m1.
The oul.lct seclion shall lit all time~ have a miuimum area Qf fifry (S~J
percent ofthc inlet section.

The outlct scrt;Ort shall be CU"'(''I"ed by a $Oli:l removable cover set flush \¥ilh
the linished floor. and the inlet se<;tion ~hall hav~ an open gralin8- set Olcll
with the finished floor 8nd suitable for :he traftie in ih: area in wl:dch ~t i!

Chapter 11

Stction 1101 - GENERAL

Stann drainage, arc retluin.'d for roof areas, courts and courtyards to collect
slonnwater and discharge the stormwaler !O an approved point of disposal
001 ill conflict with other ordillancc~ or ~gulalion5_

5cclion 1102 - RAfNWATER SYSTEMS

1102 I l\

1102.1.1 RllinwlItCf downspout or conductor pipings placed within the interior of a

building ingjdc a vel1t\:a1 pipe chase or run within a vent F,haft shall be of
casl iron, galvanil.ed steel, iron, bras..., copper, lead, Schedule 40 ABS,
DWV. Series 1000, PVC OWV or other appm..'ed materials.

1102.1.2 Rainwater downspout or conductor localed on the exterior side of a low

h~ight building shall be lI(){ less than 26 gao galvanized sheet metal The
bellom orlhe conductor draining over the caleh ba~in ~torm drain or slonn
sewer is plotected from damage by cOMectinH a stron~er material sud. as
Sled pipe or cast iron al its lowesl section

, 1102,1.3 Rainwater piping located within a medium height building baSt:menl area
shall be (If galvanized iron pipe, Schedule 30; cast iron soil pipe. S.W.;
Type DWV copper tube; Schedule 40 ADS. DWV, Series 1000, PVC
DWV, or other approved materials.

[102.1.4 Downspouts for high-rise buildings shall be of stronger pipe matcricls to

resi"t the high h}'drostatic pressure inside the vertical downspout installed
within the pipe chase which has no intermediate branch from the roof to
the groulll1levd.

1102.1.5 Rainwater piping commencing 0.6 meter from the exterior of a building
mllY be of suitable approved materials penniued in tbe Installation
Req\lin'1lI~'llts of this Codl:.

Revlslld N3tioMl Plumbing Codo ~ lIIe Philipp.neos

! 102.2 COI1I1U!iOIlS Alld InstaUutiorl

1102.2.1 Rainwater piping shall nOI be used as soil, Wl!.ste & vent pipes,

1102.2.2 Rair'lwater piping installed in locati('lm~ where Ihey may be subjltCtcd Itl
damage shall be protedcd.

1102.2.3 Roof drains, overflow drains, and rainwater pipings used in a buildjn~
construction shall be previously tcstcd and accfrt~d in conformity wit,
the provisions of this Code.

Section 1103 - ROOF DRAIN

1103,1 Materials

Roof drains shall be of cast Iron, copper, or other corrosion-resislar.t


lI03.1.\ Strainers

1103.1.1.1 Roof dlail\s shall be equipped with strainers eKtcnding not less than 10::
rom above the surface of the roof immediately .IIdjacenl to the dram
Dome-Type shall have a minimum lOial nel in!el atca of one ~"J
onc-Balf (I V:) timcs the IIfCa of the outlet pipe to wh.;ch i: isconneel<;oi,

1 ! Roof deck strainers for use on sun decks, parking decks and simi!a'
occupieJ arem shall be an approved flat-surface lype which is level '.ill
the deck. Such drains ,hall have a total net inlet area [Jut less than two (2;
liOl~5 the area of the ouliet pipe to which the drain is connected.

1103.11 ) Roof druins passing through the roof into Ihe interior of a building Sholl( tt
made w3teT1ighl at the roof Icvd by the usc of C.l. drain with intcgrall~.
caM watcrstop ring around the olJtside of body Jnd plao.:c::1 at l1lirl-dcpth~
the COllere\(: 10(1" slab and lhe installation of a damped suitable l1(lshi.'!i
matcrilll around the drain.

11O},1.1.4 In all cases the outlet cOlll1ections artc" in~ide·cauJk or female screwed.

Stetion 1104 - SIZING OF RAlNW.o\T£R PIP LNG

1104 1 Vtrti.:al rainwater piping sb:l.11 be sized in accordance with Table 11-1,
which is bused upon IT'..jximum depth in rom OJ" rainfall per hour falling
upon a given roof ares in square meter. Consult local rainfall figures to
determine maximum rainfall per hour. Normally, a 102 mmlhour rainfall
ililcnsity is used around Manila area.

1104.2 Vertical Wall ArUJ. Where vertical walls project aoove a roof!o 8S 10
permit Slorm water 10 drain to adjacent roof area below, the total roof Hell
considered may be computed from Table 11-2 as follows:

1l04.2.1 For one (I) wall - add fifty (50) percent of lfta of the wall to the roof

For two (2) adjacent walls -- add thirty fil'e (35) percent of the total wall
areas to the roof area~

1104 23 Two (:<:) walls opposile each other and of same height5 - add no additionnl
area LO the roof area;

1104,2.4 Two (2) walls opposite of differing heights - add fifty (50) percent of wail
area above top of lower wall 10 the roof area.

JlO4.2.5 Walls on three (3) sides - add fifty (SO) percent of area of the inner wt-II
below the lop oflhe lowest wall, plu$ allowance for ar~a of wall above
top ofthe lowest wall per Sections 11042,2 and 1104 2.4

Walls of four (4) sicks - no allowance for wall areas below top of lowest
wall - add for lU'eas above top lowest wall per 1104.2.1, 1104,2,2,
11042.4 and 1104.2.5

1104.2.7 The area of the side of II lall building e;>;posed 10 rain is laken as one-half
(If the gross area,

RevIsed Plumbing COd. of tile Phlli,,~!fles


Sizillg or Rotlr Urllill5 alld Downspoul Piving ror Varyiug R.lIoinraJl Inlen,itin u
Quantiliu are Uori;;:ontal l'fojf1:tt'd Ruer Area in Square Mete"

Diunclt'r of Drain or uadcr. Millimt'tcu"

~r Hour
51 7' 10'
'" 178

No. mmlll
I , 3 , , 6 7

I '54

,, 76
107l I
3591 5
2694 1
Il7 5l.4 163.5 34L 8 641,9 10GB ZI55J
6 ISZ.4 44,6 136.1'> Z8j,2 ~Jj b 106.1 1794.4
7 38.1 I 17 I Z44.3 4594 716.7 l53tl.4
8 '"
203 33.4 102.2 213 7 401.8 617.1 131,1,1

2,Ll 74.3 456 1
lOS 223 67.&
142 I
267.6 418 I

• ROUl1d, .square, or rectangle rait/water pipe may bt' useJ alld are cOflSidered cquil'alenr
K'ht'l/ <,,,dIJ.Jil1g WI im,t.:nb.:11 (:!fde ~'I/lliIH"'1If to ,he drui/l/l'lJIkr JJ(J/.leler.

•• For Mal1ila an.J E)wiroll.'i, a raillfall jllle1lsiry of 102 mm per hO/Jr Is llsert

IIO·U Horizontal R.e.inwatn Piping: The size of a building rainwater piping

or allY of its horizontal branches shall be sized in aceord:mce Wil~
Table 11-2 (Based upon maximum roofarcas 10 bcdrained)

Eumpl~: Table 11-2

Roof ArCH _ 548, J 111 2
Max Rainfall/hr. - 127 mm
PiVC Laid al (20.9 rom/m) slope or s'" 02

Find area in culumn under 127 mm and at slope of 0.02 and read 56!.1 m2 !,~~
closest). choose 152 mm as size of1.·adcr lIno down~pout lit lefl:lIlosl Cd~!!ll;l

1104.4 Roof Gutter. The ,ize of semi-circular bottom roof MUtters shall be bued
on the IIlIlJUmum roofarca. in accordance with Table 11-3

Eumple: Table 11-.1

Roof Area "" I &6 01
Max Rainfalllhr. "" 102 nun
Pipc Laid at 10.4 mmlm slope (X s -= 0.01

Find area in column under 102 mOl rainfall intensity on Table with s = .01 and
read 181." m (as closest) move to left and read 177.8 mm diameter gutter.

1104.5 If th.e rainfall is more or less than those shown in Table 11-2 and 11-3.
then adjust the figures in the 50.8 mm rainfall by multiplyinlJ by two (2)
and dividing by the mfUinlurn rale of rainfall·in mmlhour.


In Table 11-2 with a 10.4 mmlm or s ...0 I and a 203.2 mm rainfall, find the
number of square meier a 102 mOl pipe diameter will cmy.

Solution: ~ 'SJ4ll = 87.4 m2



Sizr of Ho:ri.zonlal RAinwater Piping


127 152

Continuatioll of TABLE 11-2

,---- ---_._- .. --- -

- ---
Muilllum Raiafall in mmlbr.
Siu of
In 81m
wi Siopt' 51 7. 102 127 152
NO. (S:,09_
i~. 2 > (4) 5 ,
17 76,.2 305.5 213.2 1~2.7 1217 IO~!..--l
101 6 698.6 465,4 349.3 279.6 232.3 1
1272 3
. --
797 1

22 254
3!46, 1
30796 .
2J -=- 27~:-4 - ~F374·.3-f---- 8249 5 -611l~:!_ 1-- 4941.3 41248
24 381 UIIO.2 14752.5
. -
1I05,S.l 8853.4 73.6ttj

R&vi,..J N3tiona1 Plumbing CQde d the PTlillpplnos


Siu cfCirculllir Bottom Gutte;.,

wi 510 5.2
i r--- -- -~~ ------.-------
IITM m:m f----._-- _~I~~~_m ~i"rQII ~?~iII~~e~tn IJer Hour :-_
NO, (S=.t:I05) 51 76 102 127 152
_ (11_ ill. i31 (4) 5

WfSlope f-----------------,--.-~
Mni~ Rainfall_in MiIIiBlttcn per H:)ur
!~4 m~,Hl f--- :
NO. tS ...Ol, - 5i 76 IU 102
•• ....JI 127
__ 8

1t,___ 44.6 __ .
63.3 _J
14.9 i

II 152 B2.7 16&.6 126) 100 S ~.fli

12 178 : :.~3~62~,3l==+=~24:~1~,'t::.I::::::~lt"~2~= ---14:1'9 mi.a-I
25.1 _"
2416. 63\.1 473...8
J ,.08~'tj::::::!

Continuation of TABLE [[-)

r~------------ --- ----- ~~--------

. __ ._._ ,-- ---+._-----
Diamf.lC'f of
GlIl1~f •
'ttl Slope
--~ .._.- .. --- - - - - - -

Muimum Rainf.1I in Millimeters per Hour

Iff'" 2U.911"o!m ~--~--- - -
I ~O. (5 '" .02) 51 76 101 J27 \52
1 (2t _QL_- (4) ._- - (51 -
Il 76 63.2 4Z.2 31.6 25,3 2\ ....
16 10, [33.8 89.2
- -66.' 53.5 44.'
232.3 _._-,---
- 1421
92,9 77.5


~ 178__ -+~
- 2318'"
---- 178 2_. 118.9
341 Q 1S6.4
- -- i:04,Q 170 ~_~
: 20,
: 21
L-l54 ~_= -
.Ijill -
- .. _--- 66ll.'
445 I)

'fAUU: II-3d
,..-,-------,--- .. -- ----- - ----~--~~----

4) 151
- 22 35,7 29 ,

75.8 6].2 J
-I ) I .5 IOQ.6
2414 __ ··1
74].d.---.J 61l<:.7 _....I
• Gutltr has Semi-Circular bottom. fkprh of equimlem area of reerw/8u/or
pller - 0.392 r diamelC'r.

ReVised ~JatfOO81 Plumbing COde cJ the Pl'1ilippil'lel

TABLE 11-4

Sizillg Roof Drains, Le;1.ders, and Vertical Rainwater IJiping

r--T'------,---,-------- - - -
Muimum Allowable Horizontal rroje-:ttd Roor AreZj
Jt~m Size or Drain FIQ.... '-,,-r---i~l!!rc I\!~ten lit Varillu1 Rainr31!~R~'~'~6T----C=
No. uad~r or Pipe, LIs I 25 SO 75 101) 12S I L~O-
c-c--.L (if 2 (3 -i4i - l' mmJhr
_~) mm/hr ~r. IlI'Jhr
(7) --t-.\3)-
200 I
II 40
3, 100 9, \ 12'"'76+.~M7]," 429--.-.J 321 n.5~-J 214 ~
4 125 165-'-2334 1117- -----n-S . 583 467 I 3&g-l
5 150
L.__ .200 J
26.8 I;;90
~~, _
j Q48
_1~35 _.1-
632 l
136] _.i


t. The sizing dSIB for vertical conductors, leaders, and druins is based on the
pipes flowing 7/24 full

2, For rainfall retes other thM those listed, determine the allowable roof /lfCa by
dividing the area given in the 25 mOl/hour column by the desired rainfall rate

3. Venil.'!ll piping may be round, square, or rectangular Square pipe shall k

sized to enclose its ~"-quivalent round pipe. Reclangular pipe shall have l'.! k~ct
lhe Hlmc cro~·scdiotllll area a~ its cqui\alenl round pipe, except lha! the r;,.tin
of its side dimensions .,lull! IIot exceed J to 1

SlIY.m O,,]inl\;le S)"tem

TABLE 11-5

Size: of Gullen
, -----~- ----

Diameter' of
Gutwr in min
5.2 mmlm Slope'
------_.. ---_.- '--," ---
~1aximum Rainfall in Millimeters per Hour
I -J
, (s - Yl%L
SO.8 76.2 101.6 127.0 157..4

I. 76.2 316 21.0 I S,X 12.6 10.5

01 '"
270 .u~ ---;;{--- .. ~~ ; 4 <
, 2:!J_
'87 I
I 4.
177 R
- 17B -1

----'-.-r.- 119 I
....- 89'"' 714
1:!82·-t---J022 --1

2(1].2 3697 2'111 7 /849 1417 12.1 I
2540...._-- --_.- 66R<) 4-15.9 33·'.4 I 267,6 2Z],~.-.J

,, - - -,
,, Diameter of Max.imum Rainfall in Millimeters per Hour I,
, llem
G\.ltt~in mm --
, No. 10.4 mm/m Slope
,, (sO' 1%)
50.8 76.2 IOU 127.0 152.4
r- 1-
, ,
-_ ..
94 IS h," '74 170 ]16
~}- ~:6 -fo1;~ "<
1 ..l2l.Q ....8.LB.. I
,, 4 1524 126.1 841-j
, 5 177 1 3 2ill 18. 149 12 II ,
, 6 2032 520.2 347.5 260.1 208.1 173.7
- 7 _..-
2540 9476 631.7
-- 315.9

• lVii/til f1/ Re,·/allf{"lar GUllc'r = 0.88(1} x J)iam<'1er

COlltin,18lion of TABLE 11-5

I I 1
I Item
DiamNCf· of
GutTer i" min
20.9 mlll/ni Slo~
Maximum Rainli!ll In Millimeten pa HOI.Jl
, '-T'--
. l
No 53.8 76.1 HH.6 127.0 )!;2.4;
(I'" 2%)

-', -
63.2 42,2 I ._~.S.3
S~L ,...~~;

1 "70 ~;~ 1'i'iJl..-i-.lli I 92' llL,!

4. .1524 35~,7 23? ~-1 l.?,t~_ 1417 ~._1!_B.9 I
, 5. 177.8 5128 341.9 25b4 110.9

6 203,2
254.0 ,
.li)9 ~_
. 534.2
" - - -_.- ~--------------I
Dil!lm-::ter of
41.7 mnf
~::pe :1 ------ - Maximum Rainfall in ~tillimcters per Hour
!_._-- ..--- -- l ~

(p. 40/.: SO.S "/6.2 101.6 127.0 IS2.4 j

76 '2 - 2~]"-j
101 §.
I 1:N.5
i)4 H
758 632--1
~ 1.1
f ,
4 ------
, 6.

• Width oj Rectangular (iuller ~- 0.881;) Diaml!!~r.

Chapter 12

Section 1201 - SEWER REQUIRED

1201.1 Ev~ry building in which plumbing are installed and every prcll'jses h!wir.g
drainage piping Iht:fL'01l, shall have II cOilllt..'Ction to a public Of private
CXCf('\S sewerage system, except as provided in Subsections 1201-2 and

1201.2 When no p'lblic sewer intended to serve any lot or premises is available in
any thofooghfure or rigln-or-way abulling such lot within the premises.,
drainage piping from any buildif!~ or works shall bel con.1.ectcd to an
approved privBte sewage dl;;PO~a.l system b}' the Administrative Authority.

1201.3 Within the limits prescribed In Subsection 1201.4 hereof, t~

rellffilJlgemenl or subdivision into smaller parcels of a Jot which abutS and
is §t"rved by a public sewer shaJi nol ~ deemed cause to pcrmit the
construction of a private sewage disposal system~ aod all plumbing Of
dlainage syst~s on any such smaller parcel shall eonnec1 to the exi~ling
public sewer frOllting the Jots.

1201.4 The public sewer may be considered .13 not being available when such
public sewer or any ~xtericr drainage facility comlected thereto is locate<!
more than 61 meters from an.,. proposed building or exlerlflr drn;nai:',~
facility on any 101 or plt~fllir,es thereat.

1201.5 No permit shall be issued for the installation, alteration or repair of a..iy
pri~'ale sewase disposal system or pari thereof for any lot which can
conn~ with an existing public sewer frOnting th-.: lot.

1201.6 On every lot or premises hereafter connected to public sewer, all

plumbmg and drainage systems or parts thereof on such lot or premises
shall be connected with such public sewer.

RlWiled Netlonel PllJmbln~ Coda afthe Phllippirnn

Exception: single jami{v dw~lling,~ and buildings or structure acces.rnry

thereto, comh:cted (f) an exiSlmg approl'ed pril'tJle sewage di~ systtm
prior 10 tlk! lime of C01ISJnIl.:tioll of the public Mwer Marhy may, when no
hazard, nuismu::e or insanitary coudi/ion is evilkm and a wrirttll
permission has been obtained from the Administrative A$llJN>rity, ....ilt
remain t:omrected ttl such properly maifl!am~d private sewog.: dispOSiCd
sy~'f('m when there I:; no S1dficiellt grade or lali existing 10 pamil proptr
drainagi! flow by gTm'jty to lhe public sew£r.



1202,1 It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, by any means whalsoeve:,
into any plumbing fh.1ure, catch basin. floor drain, interceptor, sump,
receptacle or device which i~ conl\e(:ted to any excreta plumbing lUld stonn
drainage s}'slems, public sewer, privale sewer, septic tr.ok or cesspoc!
any ash~s. cinders, solid~. rags. flammable, poisonous. ell:plosive liquids
or gases, oils, wea~, and ether things wMt$Ol.'VeT which would, or codd
cause damage to the publi<. sewer or private sewage disposal system,

1202.2 No rain. surface or subsurface wah~rs sltall be cOImec·ted to or discharE~.1

into any excreta drainage system, unless· first approved by t~,:
Administrative Authority,

1202.3 No cesspool and sl~ptic tank effiuents. seepage pil or underdrain sy~I~:tI
shall be connected to the excreta building scwer leading to pub~ic St\liet

1202.4 No commercial food waste grinder shall be connected to a private or pub~~

se~aBc disposal sy~tcm unless permis~ion has first been obtained froln til:
Admini~tralive Authority.

1202.5 An approved-type watertight sewage wastewater holding lank, tf~

contents of which, due 10 their chilfacter, must be lleriodi(,'I.lly rcmD\ie:j
and ProllCtly disposed ofT to some approved off·site locatiori. shall k
installed when requirM by the Administrative Authority or the Het!t!l
Officer fO prevenl anticipated surface or subsurface contamination or
pollulion around the building site, dama!3c to the public sewer or O!h~l
hazardous or nuisance condition.

Stttion nil] - RUll.OLNG Sf.W[R MAT":RIALS

1203.1 The huilding sewer, beginning 0.6 m~lcr from outside face of waH of
building or stluct\lIC, :;hall be of ~lIch materials as approved by
AJministrativC!: AlJihorit~, LImier the al'l'Hlval procedures SlOt forth in
Ch;lplcr 12 of this Code

1203.2 Jointing methods and materials shall be as pre.'~ribed in Chapter 13 of this


S«tioo 1204- MARKINGS

All pipes, bricks. bl'Jcks, prc!i1bricatcd st:ptic tanks, prefabricated tanl Of

seepage covers or mher pans or appunenance incidental to the in~1allalion
of 1.1I1ilding sewers or !Jrivate sewage di£posal system" stull conform to the
appro\al requirements or Chaptcl '2 of this Code and shall be m,'IIked and
identified ill a manr~r sa,i;;la.:tnry 10 the Administrative Authority.

5f<1ion 1205 - SI.7.r 01' UIJIUllNG SEWF.RS

The minimum size of any building seWIT shall be detcrmined on the hasls
of the IOtal number of fixture units draille(\ by such sew!"r, III
accordan...·c wilh Tau!.: 12-2. No building sewer shall be smaller than
1SO l1Jm diameter nor less in size Ihom the building drain.



1206 1 Building sewers :mall be run In p~ctica.1 alignment a! a uniform slope of

nol less Ihan IwO (2) percenl or 21 mm per meter toward lhe poillt of
di~pnsal, i e. 10 the S(T'tic lank or 10 lhe SlrCL1 SCWl'1" main.

F-xct'priOJI: When apprOl:t'd by tM Admillis"d{i~'f'Allfhoriry and when it ;.s

impraClit:lJ1, dllt! III flrl,! Jt!pth of thl! .f/red Sl!wcr or Ihe Slmclur<J1 fi.'afures
"r d/lo! 10 ,J,/I'f!r.w arnmgt!/lIo!lII of WI)' tmdding or .Slntefllr!!, (0 ohwin a
sl"JlI! (if 1»'0 (2) pacelli or 2 I mm pt!r meta, (my .weJ, /"J1e or pipi~ 102
11Im and /52,4 mm ift diameter mcry hm't' a slope qt not leu {hUll S .. I%.
(/0.5 mm Jlttr mcter) IlJJJ. allY Sitch pipmg 203 mm diameter Q1/d larger
may 11.1\',' a s/np.' oj not le.n fJiml S .. 0.5%, (5.3 mm jJl!r mel;:r).

1206.2 Building sewer piping shdl be laid Oil a finn bed throughO\lt its entire
lengtb, and any such piping laid on made or fined~in ground shall be laid
o','t:r concrete cradle or on bed of othtr approved materials or shall be
lldeljU<IIl:lly supported to th~ sati~Ja-::lioTl of th~ Administrative Authority.

1206 ] No building sewer or other drainage piping or part thereof, construetoo of

materials other than those approved for use underground shall be installed
nOiless thall U () rHt"ter fiom the (lutn face of' any building foundation 01
wall, nor less th~n {J J I11dCI bebw th~ fllli~h surfac,e of the ground. The
proviSions ofdns Subsection inc\(ale strllctlHCS such as porches and s!eps,
whether (;:ovt~rcd or unt.:u"crct1. breezeway;;. roofed "POIlt~ l:ocher~s",
roofed Jlatio~. carports. covered walk" covered driV.eWhyS, and silllilaJ
stnlcturcs or appllKmlllccs

Section 12117 - {'Lf:r\NOl'TS

1207, I Clcl\nuuts shall placed i!lsitlc the b,lilding ncar the cunnectiollucl';,cen the
building (jram alld tlu,: burlJilig St'\\W (I!' inswllcd [mtsj,h~ Ibc bllilulng a!
tne lowl;r end of thc 111lilduig drJin and c:\tcllded 10 grade Two-way
clellll-Qut fitting installed ilt CC'llncl'tion point or' bwidmg dram an~
building sewer ou!side the ull:ldl!l~ uny be installed in lJeu of <I S:llg!~
c1e;m-oul Addltmnal buildiag SCWCI Ch:il))Uuts slull be ill,talled nc,t in
exceed 15 meter on center in straight runs and ror each aggregate chan~
in direction cy.<.eerli"g 135 degrees

1207,2 When a bUilding sewer or a branch thereof does not exceed 3 meters i"
length lind 15 i\ shalt straight line e"lension lrorn a building drain wllic!J il
pro\iJed .... i\l! il dnrJOllt, nll deiumut \"ill be rcquirlod III its pc;m of
connection to the building drain

1207 J All required building sewer c1C;'IWUtS shall be extended to gmdc. Wl!ra
builtling sewer is located under buildIngs, tbe cJeanowt rcquirernenh of
Seetitln 1207 shall apply

12074 Each c1eanollt shall be illstal1ed so III lit it opens to allow cleaning of
horizontal lilies in the dirccri.m of tlow of the sailor ..... asteline or a1 flg!:i
angle thereto, and except in the case of wye branch and et1d-of-line
c1eanout, shall he installed vertically aoo>'e the flow liac ';:,ftil-: pipe

1207,5 Cleanollts installed under concrde ·OJ asrhault pavillf., shall be O1a~:
accessih)e lJy strong yard bOM's with hi11ly:d cOlier or cxte~ding the tl;1p
cowr widl cuuntersunk operating nut flush with paving with ~fJprll\!ed
miltcrials and be ad~qllately prolecttxl

1207.6 Approved manh(Jlc~ lllJ.y be install~d ill lieu of deanoua when fi:~!
approvoo by t.he Administfiltivc Authority. The maximum di!i.tance
bel\H~lIll1anholes shall not exceed 91 mctelS.

Th<~ inld and outlet pipe COlmections of manholes shall be made by tbe
u~ of flexLble comprcs!i.ion joints no closer than O.J meter from OL:tsic\t:
of tbe manbole, No flexible compre:siOll joint shall be embedded in the
manhole base.

SertHln 1208 - SEWER AND WATER PirES

1208.1 Duilding: sewer or Jrainnge piping of clay or materials which are not
approv~d for usc within a building shall llot b<:: run or laid in the sallle
trench as the water pipes unless both of the following requirements are

1208,1.1 The bottom of the water pipe. tit all points, shall b'.l at least 0.3 m above
the top of the sewer or drain linc.

IW8.1.2 The water lJipc shall be placed on a ~olid shelf excavated 8\ aile side ohhe
common trench with a minimum clear horiz~.ntal di,\:tance of at 1"~$1 0.3
meter from the sewer or drainlinc.

Waler pipes crossing sewer or drainage pLplng COfl$lfucled of clay or

materials which are not approved for use within a building shall be laid a
minimum 01 (t.J III dear above tile sewer or drain pipe. Water pipe joints
shall be installed llot less than 3 meters away from sewer Iin~ in botll

N(Jt~: Fur '}Il! purpose uf thIS sec/tutl '·wl/hlll the bUlkling" shal1 ml!(JI/
WI/hill JIlt' jm'" IJmilS oj th.. hlllldiJlgfollll(/orioll.

5cc-uon 120') - I.OCA1"IC)N

1209.1 b..cept as provided ill Subsection 1209.2 no building sewer shall be

located in any lot otncr than thc lot which is the site of the building
structure': or structure served by such sewet, nor shall any building scw<;r
be locat~d at any point having less than lhe minimum distancts indicateJ
in T~ble 12-1.

1209.2 Nothing contained in this Code shall De construed to prohibit the us~ of all
or part of an abUlting lot to:

12092.1 Provide access to OOlln~t a building ~wer to an t....ll.ilable public sewer,
when proper cau~ and I(~al ea~ellleot not ;11 violation of olher
fl;(juirements has been 11151 ffialJhshe<1 III lhe satisfaclion of the
Administriltivc Authority

120922 Provide additional s~laee for a bUIlding ~e\\"er when prop~f cause. tiansfer
of owner"hip. Of ,~ha'lgc of l:uundary flfJt ill vio:ation of other
r<:quirtments has becn Ii,'st e~tai)lished to the satisfaction of ,he e Authority. The in~tr\llm:J1l recording such action shall
constitute an agrccnWlIt with the Adlnin~:itrl1tivc Authorit)' which shall
(karl)' Slate an.! shm\ that afC;lS so jni1~cd ('If lJS~.J shall be mainlained as a
llllil during tlu,: time lh..-y <In: :<.') \i~'J, Sll,n;m agnxmcnl shall b~
lecord,~d in the unice ot the Luc:ll fk~istn of J)CL"d<; ilS pm of lilt
conditIOns of ownclshil' (,f said pr"!'l'ltks, an,j shalt [w hillding on all
heirs, SUCCCSSllfS, al1\l ",s~iwr$ I" h.l..:h I)(Opcrtics A ('ory of lhe
instrument recordiug such procc.-ellings shall be fiied With the
Admin..islrali\'c AUlh.orily.


1210_1 ,. sna..
Every aband01~ed building (house) se Of pan I h<::eo.

plllgg<:d 01 capp...-d in an approved l11anncr wililin 1 5 meters C" th:~

propclty line

1210.2 Eve!)' cesspool. septic tank or scepa!/,c pit which nl'S been abandr'[ld 0:
has been discontiuued from funhcr IlSC ur \r} \\hich no nK;IC "'....,Ie (" SQ~I
pipeline from plur.lbing flxlures al'e connected, shall b\'e the ~~v.;:~~
removed therefrom and be complctdy filled with e:mh. ,;a.nJ, grav~~
concrete, or other nppro'fed materials,

1210 ] The :"11 cover or (lrch (lver the ee$~ro(Jl, feptie lank (lr s~rage pi! shall t:
removed bt:fOlC tilling llud 1he filling shallllot C~!tmd abo,,' Ihl:' 'up of!~
vel1icallxminns ~)fthc ~idcw,t1ls or ,It.llV'': tlt::- k";d ... fa"y olJlk: pipe l!r.::i
jaspec-lion ha£ been "::1;100 and Ihe C'-')~P<llll. ~~ptlC tdi:'i;, (,r s~-epa~~c pi, ms
h-cn iUSpel"lt"d. Anef S\ impl'CII(>n. Ihc ;"l:,~pvol, seplic ::mr. 0;-
seepage pil shall t~n he filled to Ihe le\'~' O"lh<.lIc:~oftt,e l'tn!sh grOlJ:ld.

1210.4 No persoll o\'.rI~ntt Of cOr\uoll1l13 an) n"sspool, $t'j'tic tl\llK or sel-pagt pi:
in tho:- rr~mises of such person or in that portion orany public sacct, a1lej
Of oll1<'r public j'wperty abllllin~ such l'fCllllSC:S, simI! fail, r('fuse Or
ru,'g!t:ct to ,;omplv from In,' [)t-pal1m(,m lJavintl jllrisdiction

Hou~e Dl'l!.ins ami House Sev/(Irs

1210.5 \A/helt: Di~pO~<l1 facilitie~ lire abandOlleO con~elJuent 10 connct-1ing any

premises with the public sewer, the permittee making tile connection shall
till all ;lbandoncd facilities as required by the Admimstruti\lC Authority
within thin)' (30) days from the time of connecting the sewer service line
to thc I'llhli... scwer


Minimum Horizontal J>istancc

Itli'qllired From Dllilding Srwer

No, Description
Buildi!!.!LOf structures
- Distlnce
See Note
2 Provertv line adioinifl~ private proPl"'V Clear
- 2
J Wakr s,111111v well-. IS 2 m 2
4 Strcllms IS 2 m 2
5 Oll-sik d<lmc~li,-, "'3tCT "elvi,-,e line () 3 m 4
Publi-;; () .1 III 5 6
-- W,I1("r lllilill

1. Ilidl/dill)! l'0rdlC.I' alld M.'fI.I. WIIl'/her covered or uncovered,

IJrc<'~l'H(/I'\'. I"fmli',1 'j~', "··cud,,n',,". roofed J/fl(i(J,~, ('.(1I!Kln\,
COI'C'·C.J l'llf~s, COII,red "'l'in;,,,.,{I'>, IIJld similor :;'lru<:(ures or

2. Sc<' also Sec/lim /208 uJJhi.~ ('(/(h,.

3. All d,<Jllulge l)lfli/l~ :;I/(/!l cleur JWlIel'(ic '\/Ipply wells byal

lea~t 15.2 m. 1h" di.,/wlce may hI! reduced /0 flO! len /Jra'1 7.6 m
WIiCH liw d.-a;l/a}?c' pipillf? is ('oIlS/meted I..!f ma/erwls approw!dfor
liS<! within a budding

5_ For p<l.r<l.lfcl ('(m,l/mclion

fl, For c/()s.~'inR~, (Jpprora! by the /-Iealth /)eparrmelll or olher

Al/thor;ly h<ll'i/ljZ Jllrisdi<'riollis rl:</lli("d

T..\O"': 11.-2

"1:\;\ i n III JlI![\ I illiJlllllll HI I" rf" lInit I.Olldillg.'l

Oil Blliitlilliot ~{'\\tT Pillill!!:

Slope, S in Perceot, unD/m

I ,,I
It,'m Si~ ,jf r'I""
No. Imml s _. '.,•.'. (~ .; 1\1"';"') S 1°," (I () .< m"'·:"'f , . ~~ ~ (:'/! 'J 'l1In"n, :
I 1'i l. As s 'e(.",f,~d III Tal'le ,....:(, m:~ ImU'n ioa~lnl 1
2 203 1.'150jl.~(10 ~,8Q{),'f\J~ ';,"00:275
.J. 0110-'6 7-'
6.~1I(J 3(,01)

11 20'1'135

Chapter 13

• S~tioo 1301 - TIGHTNESS

PrC!!.SlIre lest on joints :md conJl(.'Ctions of pipes and fittings in the plumbing
system shall be required to ensure ge~light and watertight connections.

•• Stttion 1302 - TYPl:S OF JOINTS

1302 1 C.ulkro Joints - for bell-iITld-spigot cast iron soil [lipe (C1SP) Md other
simil.:!f joints shall be finnly packed wi:h oakum or hffilP and filled with
IlIQltcll pig lead 10 a depth of flOl les~ than 2S.4 mm. The Icad shall be
cllulb.:d thOl'JUghl)' lit the Inside and outside edges of the joint. After
caulking, the finish~d jC'lint ~hall not extend more than 3.2 mm below the
rim of the hub. No paint, varnish or other coating.>; shan be penniued 011 the
joinllng IIlllterial until after the joint has been tested and approved. Caulked
joints in centrifugally C3,it ir0n (CClP) bell-and-spigot watet pipe shall be
m..1de with non-toxic materials

13022 Threadt'd Joints - for iton pipe size (lPS) pipe and fittings 5h..111 be
Standard taper pipe threads Threads on plastic pipe shall be f2.C10ry cut or
molded Threaded pl<1Stic pipe shall ~ Schedule 80 minimum wall
thickness. Tllbing threads shall corlform to line tubing thread standards
Wh\:o II. I'ipe joint ma:c:ial is used, it shiLll be applied only on the nwle
threads and such materials shall be approved type, insoluble;n water and
llonto1.ic. Cleano\lt plugs lind caps shall be lubricated with water-insoluble,
olm-bJrdcning material. Tape is acceplatJlc fOf U!ie OIl male threads. only if
screwed pipe joint.

13~ 3 Wiped Joints - Joints ill lead pipe or fittings or between lead pif1C ,)f
fittings and brass cr copper pipe, lcrrules, solder nipples or Irar,s shall be
full-wip.'d le.1d joints. Wipo;ld lead joi01s shall have an exposed surface on
e:h'.h side of a jofnt not less than 19 mm and at leas.! as thick as the I""'.!erial
hciug joined Wall or floor i12nge Jead~wiped joints shall be IMdc t:, '~,;ir:g
a lead tin8 or flange placed behind the joint at wall or floor. .'oints b _:'i, :1.:11
lead pipe and casl iron. steel 01 wrought iron pi~ shall he made by me:m of
a caulking ferrule or soldering nipple.

• S,'c. 168 Nl'C 1959

uS..'c. J70 173"Wt~ IY5<)

13024 Soldrr and Swrllt Joints -- Joiots in copper tubing shall be made tJy the
appropriate usc of approved brass lIT' coPI'el fittings. Surfaee'i to be joined
by soldering sh:lll be dcaned by manual or mochanical means. The
joints shall be properly fluxed with an approved noncorrosive tyre flux and
made lit> with approved solder. All solder and fluxes sl1all be manulactl;red
to 3llproVt:d standards Solders anrl fluxes wilb a 1e;>.1j coraent ",hiell
c:tcecds 0002 tIrc prohibill.-d in piping syslems u~-d ,0 convey IKltllb!e

1302 5 nllrf'd JniRI~

- for soft: copper water tubing shall be made with finin!!,
meeting approved st:.\la!:u,ls. Th~ tubing shall be npanded with a proper
naring t(lo!

13026 Ccmf'llt Morta," Joints -. Except for repairs and connections to existing
lines construct~-d WIth ~lIch joints. cement nH)llur joillts ".Ie prohibiled on
new building sewers,

13027 Buruf'd I..nd Joints ~ sh:lll be lappeJ and the assembly shall be fused
togelher 10 form II uniform weld hi least 3S thicl as the lead sheets bcing

1]028 AJIH-stos C"ffitnl Sr.w"r Pip" Joints - sl~n be a sleeve coupling of tre:
same composillon liS the pifKo or of other ~rprl)ved materials, ami scald
with neoprene rubber rings or joined by (Ill lIpprovd type compression
coupling Joims belw~n asbestos cement pipe and other approved P;r-:
shall be Illade by means of an approved adapter oouplin8

1302.9 Packing Additives rrohibitt'd - Ihc addition of leak sealing additives 10

joiTll packing is prohibited.

1302.10 Fluihle Compression Farlory-FabriCilled Joints - When pipe is joined

by means of f1cxibl~ cOll1pression j('liuts, such joints shull cOIJfl,)rm [I)
approved staudl\rds nnd shalll10t be considered as slip joints,

1302.11 Solvent CeOlent Plulic Pipe Joinls - Plastic pipe and fittings designed l~
he joilled by solvcllt ~mentjn8 shall compl)' with appropriate L\P:\IO
Installalion Standards.
1302 12 Mt'ChAl1iul Joints - MCl.:hanical joints for centrifugally cut iron water
pipe ~hall ..:oJnform to natIOnally recognized standards

1302 13 Mo!dl'd Rubber CoulIling Joints - wh~[l pipe is joincd by means of

moldcd ncoprene rubber coupling jointS-, such joint~ shall conform to
approved S1:mdards and shall nllt be considered as slip joints. When
r~quired. appropria,e m:optt,"flC LUbber bushings shall be used \0 allow for
any difference in I'iping material diameters. Neoprene rubber shall be
used ill soils subjCi,;t to cil intruision.
1302 14 [lllstul1l\"fic Gllsk('(ed AIllI Ruhber.ring Joints - shalt comply with the
appli.:ahk L.\J'MO Installatiun Stalld3.rd, Neoprene gaskets afe
reoonnncmlcJ for uil handling piping wUlks
1302. I 5 Brll"l.illR luul Wrlllilll; shall confimn to ;:pplicabJe standards m the

1302.16 Pressure-Lock Type COlllle('tiun - A mechanical connection which

depends on an inlemal r<'lention device 10 prevent pipe or tubing
separation. Conn<..-ction is made by ,nserting the pipe or tubillg insi~e the
fining to a pl'escrihed depth
1302.17 Shielded ('ouilling Joillt~ ... When pipir.g ~ystems are joined by means of
shielded couplings. SIKh couplings shall cunform to IIprrol'cd standards
,HId shall not be ;,'onsidcrl'd as slip joints

1302.18 Hublc5s Cast Iron Pille Joinls - Joinls fur hubless C3!-.t iron soil pi!", Dnd
fittings shall COnfUltll to appropriate JAPMO tnstallc.liOIl Standards and
sballl'lot be ct)lI~idcH·d as slip joints
~ction 1303- USE OF JOINTS
1303 1 Clay Sewer Pipe - Joints in vitrified day pipe or between such pipe and
metal pipe shall be jOillCd with neoprene gasket for hub and spigot joints.
'1303.2 Cast Iron Pire - Joints in easl irOIl pipe shllB be made as provided in
S>losection 1102.IOor 1302.12.

130J.3 Screwed I'ire 10 Cas-t IrOIl Pipe - Joints between wrought iron, steel,
brai$ or Copper pip~ with cau iron pipe shall be either caulke.j or thu::aded
joints made as prov!dcd in Subsection DO:! I & 1302.2 or sh3.11 be m~de
with 3JlllLOVcd adllpl.:r liltil1~s

• Sl',', 171 NPC 1959

ReviMd Nmiol1ul Ph.lffiDinll Code of the Phllippinao;

• 13034 Lead II) CAst Iron, Wrou~ht Iron or Steel - Joints between lead and
cast iron, wrought or stt'el pipe shal1tw made by means of wiped juillts to
e caulking fl.'lmlc, soldering nipple or b!!shing.
1303.5 Copper Water Tube - JOillls in copper tubing shall be rntlrl~ by the
appropriate use of appTlJvcd brass fillings properly soldered or brazed
together, or by mean~ of approved brass compression type fittings as
provid~d il1 Subse.:tioll 1302.5. Solder shall conform to the requirements
of Subsection 1303 "
1303.6 Plastic Fittinjts- Use of job.fahricJted Fem:lle s----rcws of PVC for water
piping :uz prohibited FaMory m.. dc screw and of PVC adaptor fittings
are acceptable for me iflhi(~kness confoml tl) Schedl,1le SO,

Sectioll 1304- sprCI:\L JOINTS

1304.1 Copper Tubing to SCRW Pipe Joinl5 ... Joints with thin-walled Cop[ler
tubing 10 thick-wiilled thn;:adcd 11lPC ,hali he lnadc by the use of brass
adaptor fittings Tht' joims bctWt.'C1l the copper tubil<g ilnd the fillings
shall be- properly swe-ated or soldered or made with flared and screw ends
adaptor fittillg~ the cor.n("c!ion between the threaded. pipe and the fitting
made with a standard pipe size screw joint Sulder shall COliform to the
R'l.luireltlt'nts (If SuuH'ction 502 "
• 1304 2 Slip Joints ~ slip joints of apllrcwcd mlllcrial~ may be uscd in fixt'lre
drains ami llaps In tix(lJlc supply piping;;, slip joints arc exposed tilT
fawlty in maintenance
1304.3 [ll:lJansioli .Joint~ - Expansion joints shall be accessible, except for vent
and stacks, lind is usct.l in !>Oil and waste stacks to provide for necessary
expansion and eontractiOIl joints of the pIpes for high-rise builditlgs. In ail
cases suchjllints shall be free and accessible
1304.4 llnions ,. ApproYed unions may I:1c used in drainage work when accessibly
locatoo In lh~ lfap S<.:~l or hetwt"ell A. fixhllc aud its trap; ill tll", \('llt system
e;o;cl:"J't ulldt:rglOund or ill wct venl" at at'cessibk rC,lnts m the walef
supply piping system and in gas pjpin~
13045 Ground Joint, FIIt't'd or Fernlle Cannn:twns - Brass or ooppw
ground joint, flared or ferrule- type connectiuns when made up, o;hall JOI
be considered as slip juint:;.

• S<,,·. !7.! ,vi'(' /'159

"·St'c I7r.NPC 1959

IJ04 6 .P1.sti( Pipc Connection 10 Oth~r - Wh~n connec:ing plasti<:
pipe Ie other lypes of piping use only approved types of fittings Ilnd
adapters designed for the specifies transition imended.


1305.1 Fixture COllnections b!;"lw..-en drainage pires and waler closets, noor oUllet
service sinks, pedestal ur:nals, and earthenware trap ~tandanh shall be
made by means of approved brass. hard lead, ABS. I'Ve. or iron flanges
caulked, soldered, wlvenl CClll(;nled or screwed to the drainage pipe The
C-OllllCction shall be bolted wilh lust-proof~ material and with lUi
approved gasket, washer. or st.1!ing compound bclwecn the carlhenWllfe
and the connection, The boltom ofthc flange shall be SCi on an appro\ocd
firm baSl'.

1305.2 ('JQset b<:nds or stubs m~st be cui ofT square so 115 to present II srrlOo~h
surface evell wllh Ihe lOp of the doset ria~ before rough-in impeclion is

\305 3 WlIlI-lllounted water closet fixtures shall be seCtlrely bvlted to an approved

fixture carri~r fining. Thc cOlUlcctillB piping between the carrier fitting.
The colUlccting piping between the carrier fitting and the fixture s11J11 be
an appro lied material and designed to acoonunodale an itdcq~atcly siU'd
H8Skcl. Gasket material shall be graphite-impregnated asbestos. fdt, or
similar approved Ir~s .


1:;06 I Dr8inAg~ SY51~1I1 - Any filling or oonneclion which has an enlargement,

chambtr or rcet;ss with a Il.-dge. shoulder or reduclion or pipc area, that
offer~ lln obslructiolls to tJOIIt' through the drain is prohibited.

1306.2 No fllting or connection Ihat offers abnormal obslruction 10 f1o\ll shall lT~
USt'd The enll1r~elllent ur 76 lOrn closet bend or stub to 102 ffim ~hal! l'r,t
be considered an oOstrUl,.1.ion.

• SI,'c. I,X Nj'(' 195'l

S~(tiCI' 1307 - W"H:RI'ROOf>'lNG OF Ort:NI,'I,I(;S

J\l\lIIS atlne wof arount! pipl:s, dllds or othcr appurtcnances shall be made
w:ilt:night by the use of kl\d, oo... ~r, galvallil..ed iron, or other approved
flashing IlIalcliJ.1. E~lcr;or willi opUlings shall he made ..... plertlghl.
Counlcrflashillg shall not rcstrkt the rcqllirc'j internal cross-sectiollid IIrt<!
oflhc vcnt


Where diffelelll sizes of pipes or pip~s and filtings are to be CQI'Jlceled,

the proper SIi':C increasers or redue-en {or wducing fittings shall lJo:: ust(J
between the two sizes Brh.~ or cast iron body cleanollts shall not be llsed
as a reducer or adapler.

• Sec /77 NPC 1959

Chapter 14


.(11.1 h-falerials. Quality: All m.,\lena!s used in ally plumbing or drainage syst!'m,
or part theu'o( shrtll he free Irol11 defects All pipes.. pipe fittings, traps,
thtuteS, malenals find dc\'ic~s used in a plumbing system shall Dc as listed
or labeled illllccord:1ncc Table 144 Oflhis Code.

1401.2 Label, Cast Of Stamped: Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture and
device used in a plumbing or drainage system shall be inlegrally embossed.
etChed, slampzd or indelibly marked with the weight or quality thereof and
with the maker's logo OJ mum:. wh~n such markings are required oy lhe
appruved applicable standard. All matenals and dt:vices used or cnterin~
into the installation or the plumbing and drainage systems. or pans thereof,
shall be nlalkcd and identified in a manner satisfactOry to the Administrative
Autholily AU sLlch markings ~all b~ done at the factory by the
manuf:lclUrer. Field markings shall not be acceptable

1401J Standards listed or referred to in this Chapter cover maTerials which will
c\)Jlfonllto the requirements of this COOt'. when LlSOO in accordance with the
limitations imposi:d in Ihis or other ChaptcTS hereof WId their listIng. Where
a stand.ud covers nlaterials of various grades, weights, quality, or
confi~llrations, there may be II pOl1ion of the listed standard which is
applicable. Oe:.ign and materials for special conditions or materials not
provided for herein may be used only by special permission of the
.'\dminim:l.Iive Authority after he has 5.!Itisfied himself as to their adequacy.

1401.4 The provi~ons of this Codc arc not intended to prevent at the prcs~nt rime
nOf in the futurc the usc of any alternate maleri,tl or method of construction
providl'd Jny such ahernate has been first approvcd and its use authori?cd
by the AllminiSlrative AlJIhnrity.

Stcdon 1402 -IRON PIPE SIZE (I.P,S.) PIPE

Iron. Sled. !lrass [lnd copper pipes shall be iron pipe size (I.P.S.) with the
appwprialc v.clghf.

R8'Ibed N.l:tional PIUmOirtg COl1<!I oft/1l1 Philippill~

Sf'<:tlon 1403 - USE OF' COPPER TUDING

1403.1 Copper tub~s for underground and above ground drainage and vent
pipings shall have IS weighl of not less than that of rapper drainage tuhe,
Type Drainage Waste & Vent (DWV) specifications.

1403.2 Copper tube shall not be used for piping carrying chemical or industrial
wast(s as defined in Section 811 of this code.

1403.3 Copper tube for water supply piping shall have a weight of not less than
Type "L"

FxceptlOl!." T.nJ<! At cop!'rr luhillX /flay he used for ",'Uler ,'ipinX wllt!/I
pipi/lg I)' ohm... xrOlmd /1/.\/(/.' Iff alop (I bul1dill8, or IIIj(Jergr<Jlmd
of StnlcflIre.\ with ()ul~·:"k prutl!('liw (·(j(jthiK.

1403,4 In addition to the requir~ incised marking, all hatd d'awn cop~r lubing
shall be mar\.;OO by rncam of ~ continuous and indelibly colored strip:: at 6 .\ mm in width. as follows: Type K. green, Type L, blu~; Typ~ ~t.
red, Type DWV, yellow

1403.5 Lislcd flexible copper wakr connectors shall be installed in cxplHed

locations, unless othcrwise listed.

• Section 1404 - LEAD

See Table 14 .- 4, Weight and Thickness of Sheet lead shall not iY.: less
than the following:

For safe pans not less than 19,56 kg, Per sq. meier and 1.6 mm thick.

For flashings or vent Iwnin,tls - nut less than 14.63 kg per sq m~tl'r ar.d
1.2 mm Ihick.

lcad bends and lead traps shall not be less than 3.2 mIn in wall thicknes:.


1405, I Caulking Ferrulrs: shall be of tht: best quality red ~st, trollze Or
copper with weights and dimensio/ls in accord,mce witt! the foJ]nwinl;

• St'c. 164 NrC !959

Qui:l:ty lll'd We\gr.:s d !.\nuooil. Plum~!ng Mater1::lI,. ar'I<I
Refeceoced &'::<1lCalOS

1'..\ IU.E 14.1



.Pipe Siu In~ide lJilllDeter Length Weight each


76 82.6 114.3 .790
102 108.0 114.3 1.132

1405.2 Soldt"ring NiPIIII's and nll~bing5: Soldering nipples shan be of Bronze,

COPIJ('r, or heavy cast red brass not less th;", lhl" fcllowing wei~hts:

TARLf 14-2


SOl.nnllNG IltJSIIIM;s
, -_._-- -- .---- --- -T-
! Minimum I

I Pipe Sizt Wtighl tach Pipe Size

__4_f---:~~8_--_- ~. .224

t __ 5'-___ ___ ~392-.:._···~·

Section 1406 ~ CLOSF:T lUNGS (CU)SET "I.AN<;t<:S)

1406.1 Closel rings or clnSl'l Ib.n!l~s for waH"r c1ust"ts or similar fi:o;tur~~ shOll! ~
of f1pproved type .l11d shall be bwnze. coppl~r. hard !c~d. CR~! ircn.
galvanized malleabl:: iron. ADS, rvc.
or olher approved matel~1l!5 Ea:iJ
such doset ring or closet t1110ge sh;:\[] be approximately In mm in
diameter and, when installed, shall together wilh the soil pi~, P'"e~ent a 33
mm wide flange and a groove face 10 receive the fixture gas!,et Of ball

• Sec. 167 NI'(' 1':J59

R8'Ibed N.l:tional PIUmOirtg COl1<!I oft/1l1 Philippill~

Sf'<:tlon 1403 - USE OF' COPPER TUDING

1403.1 Copper tub~s for underground and above ground drainage and vent
pipings shall have IS weighl of not less than that of rapper drainage tuhe,
Type Drainage Waste & Vent (DWV) specifications.

1403.2 Copper tube shall not be used for piping carrying chemical or industrial
wast(s as defined in Section 811 of this code.

1403.3 Copper tube for water supply piping shall have a weight of not less than
Type "L"

FxceptlOl!." T.nJ<! At cop!'rr luhillX /flay he used for ",'Uler ,'ipinX wllt!/I
pipi/lg I)' ohm... xrOlmd /1/.\/(/.' Iff alop (I bul1dill8, or IIIj(Jergr<Jlmd
of StnlcflIre.\ with ()ul~·:"k prutl!('liw (·(j(jthiK.

1403,4 In addition to the requir~ incised marking, all hatd d'awn cop~r lubing
shall be mar\.;OO by rncam of ~ continuous and indelibly colored strip:: at 6 .\ mm in width. as follows: Type K. green, Type L, blu~; Typ~ ~t.
red, Type DWV, yellow

1403.5 Lislcd flexible copper wakr connectors shall be installed in cxplHed

locations, unless othcrwise listed.

• Section 1404 - LEAD

See Table 14 .- 4, Weight and Thickness of Sheet lead shall not iY.: less
than the following:

For safe pans not less than 19,56 kg, Per sq. meier and 1.6 mm thick.

For flashings or vent Iwnin,tls - nut less than 14.63 kg per sq m~tl'r ar.d
1.2 mm Ihick.

lcad bends and lead traps shall not be less than 3.2 mIn in wall thicknes:.


1405, I Caulking Ferrulrs: shall be of tht: best quality red ~st, trollze Or
copper with weights and dimensio/ls in accord:mce witt! the foJ]nwinl;

• St'c. 164 NrC !959

Quall!¥ and Welijntr. a M<lt6lilll$. F'lumbing Mc!terlal' i1~
Ref.r~ StaOOatM

14(18.2 Dnil18ge Fiuillgs: Sl1311 he screw joinled of the drainage type having
smooth illt"rior waten.vay and be ill~llltlied SQ 3S to allow two (2) per~nt
slope \,Ir 20.9 mmlm grade.

• Section 1409 - BACKWATER VALV.~

Such valve shall rcm"ill sufficiently open during periods of low flows to
avoid screcning of -dids and fIbrous malerials and sh:lll not restrict
capacities or cause excessive turbulence during peak loads. Unless
otherwise listed, valve access covers shall be the bulled type with g;lsket
and each valve shall bear the rnanuf;lclurt:r's rtam~~ or logo cast into thc body
al.J over Ihe cover.


1410.1 Gale valves, when used in rlraill.lgf': wor!o;, shall be the fullway type with
working pr.ns of eOlTOsion r6islnnl metal. Sires 102 mm or lurgCf" in
diameter shall have cast iron bodies. llnd sizes less thlln 102 mm shall have
cut bCll.U or bronze bodies.

!-110.2 Valvt:s up to and including 5 I mill in Si7.e shllll be Ill! brass or bronze metal.

Sec1iolt 1411 - ZINC ALl.OY COMPONENTS

Shall mecl the applicable I1i\lionally recognized standards and shall be used
in accordlUlce with Iheir listing.

.. Sec. /91 NPC /959

1'.'\81.£ 14-3


NOTE; ,\b!lre\-iaocllIs usell ill Tabla 14-] Tefel to st.lnda,ds 01 speo:ir'c:ltions ISsue:! by lIIe
org31'1ll.aticlIs ide:l\irl"d helow.

, FS

- -o- -
--- POI


II -r----"UI.
._. f--
16 EN
All standards and specifications rer materials :u.: sllb)eet to ch~nHe j) 'SII,,'l3lioll$ indicating the
year of issue may become obsold:e
TAliLE 14_4


p", ANSI ASTM rs Il:£MARJ,;S [

OJ (3j (4) (5,
"I I
- I I

, !
, - 016.4 L 11~_1
, ,
6 Hubless Cast Iron Sallitary and Ra:n.....arer Sys·.erru. I I
I InSO.allationl I i
rn Malleable Iron Thre.:!ded FrnlIlgs (150 & 300 lb)
(68.1 & 1362 kg)

8 ~coprene R:tbber G~skets fC'r Hab all~ Spiget Cast:

, : lroo Soli ~and Fitnn!:s
p,pc, Steel, Blilck and Hot-Dipped, Zl/1'C.(oated
I '·,\'elded <md Se:!mless
'0 I Pipe. Steel, Black and Hot-Dlppoo. ZtlIe-Coated
, lGaMniudJ Weldt:!d and Searnle!s. for ordinarY uses

_cl,2C' _,-"p~q-",'cTh"' '.'-"d,;: -_G_'_"_'_~_'_Pu_'l'_X_-'_]l_' _d_'
Roof D r : t i l " l s _

! No. f
~_(_,, ~;_ _(_.)_-+
ASTM FS i lAP~,fO i ST~~~
I ~~-l m
! Ge-ncral Rl:q(l:rc:r.ents f()l" v.>C,=="";:,c,,,""=,cmJ::;:~ Cappe; -1--- "

1-30 ----4"- 1 I I '

, I and Coppcr-Allov Tub"
i Seamless Beau Tllbe _
! i
B 25!
, ,- I·
• 1
Se.tmiess Coppcr PIpe. SUt:d.ard StU's J- I ,

I "}~
~Sean!I~S5 Cop~r T lIbe
. Seamless Copper Water Tube
: Se.:lmless Red Brass Pipe. SWdard Sizes
Ii -====
-- 0
7,', ~,'
B 43 --:--
~_, ~'1

3b I
I Seamless and Welded Copper Dis-.ributioo Tube
l <Type D)
! ; B 641
'J? I B302 I
I Threadless Cooper PlfJC
f---!----L---i-,- , f - - - + - - - - -
38 L!l.ibing Tr.lp Wall Adapters I lips 1 I 1. I

: 39 LWcldC<tO_ra=''':,-;-T''i"b';';'==:o,'"'''='"'==_i-__-t -;-i_B_58_1_l__-~_-_~~,I ,I ,f_. --f----j!

, '0 WddedCopper-Alloy L'NS No. (21000Water l! I 1
.. ! Tube i B 612 !
, 41 ! Weldl;'d Copjlcf.ll1d Copper Alley Water Tubc I i : I' I' i
'I ~'!...l~~(In~ ~'~"]"~"'~)~:'G~==========~·----==='t:[;;ITi===±='S=':'=t===j==±===j
1_ 41 LWeJdedCopperT\!be
.. ! ,1 '-1.-'!-447 I

«J "
I,, (2)
I, (J)
,! (~

, ,
! C!053 I
-r- F441
02846 I

(412 Note 3
, 61 Coocre:e
• Sewer• Storm Dram and Culvert Pipe cr; ,
!,62 Drain, Wastoand Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings
, I O33! , I
, I I
63 : Extr.l S:"""l"tIgth Vitrified Clay PJPe rn BUIlding DI<IJIls , i
I !
I (1n:t1.Ilation)
64 I Fittings for Joining Poly«hylcne Pipo (;u Water
I St'I'Vlc..e and Yard Piping
, --1- I IS 18

PS 2~
Note 4

NCCe 4
~ Jolnu for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement
,, ,
" D2672 I

Revised NatiOMl Plumbing Code 01 t/l.e Philippi"",

I 1---
(5) (6)

Non·Mctal!ic Duilaing Sc-"i~ (~lJitilX1) , 1- WS
67 I Plastic Insert Fittings for Polybutylene (PB) Tubing
,, I 1- I

• ..

- , F845 ----!-

... __ _-
.. ._--
,~,-y ~.- " " - "•• ..,. - - - -.•. " ...,_•• - _ . - .. _ - •
rI ,,,
, OJ (') (0) (6)
I in (8) (9)
I- •

r--79 •

I, 80 I
PolyYIn}~ Chloride (PVC) Building Dram. Waste
and Vent PI e ami F:ttmg.s (tns-..aJl2tion)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Cold Water BUllding

,• .,
,, I
DZn9 I

• -+ISL
I ,
.- -

, •
Supplya.'1d Ya.rd Pipi.'1S (lnst.!tJancnl I


• "
I,, "
I 83

I "
" - -

-1-- +---If----+------1
I " -1----·-+.--1----1
" ___-+1.442:::.2+--_-j

I [
i! onU:R
ITEM ~~ls I ~~~I A:I;' isi 1 ' ":'67 i M~ARJJS
1 0

r --l~::T
(1_)__ ~
I Smoothwa!l Polyt1hylene (PE) Pipe for Usem
Drainal<.e and ~aste Dlsp=l Abi.~c,*"iooC'::,:Fi"'~'''''''''''7""i-'
I! niO
:,' Ii r:on: .. j
~2 r Sockc;. Tr;)e Chlonnated Pol,...inyJ eMonde (CPVC)
Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 '
I -'~
F 438
L 1"- ~' I' -1 I
II Socket T)pe Chlorin.ned Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)!
Film", P:2e fittings, Schedule 30 I
I -I
f 439
--;- ----

~ Socket Type Polyvinyl Cblori:ie (PVC) Plastic Pipe I +-
lt Fitti'lgs, SdJedule 80 1 L 'I D 1467 I ! II
I ,

t _ ~_~ ~ (:~~~:~~:~~~:~~:c,'B<nad_ioo_'_'_SI_y_.e_"_'--!I',-__~1

- -- , ,
I D~2:5 I
I --,,----- i
-+1 +1'~-+--"'~''''~'~4'__1
I % : 2'oh~t CmenlS for Chll;'ril'~-::ed Polyvinyl Chloride
: tCPYC) Pi2stic P".pe zr.d fi.:tings
Ii 'I' f 493 , Ii II

07 I Solvent Cem(;l!ts for POlj'Y.;!I)1 O:!loride (PVC) r i I

Pipe and Httin~_===':'''==:--ir,1 _'_I~_+-- - ,•. ;--

i .)~ .i PlaEic
nl~mlcp!.:t~tic Accrss:tl~ and Rc.... lace3!)le f'lasti:
I D-~--i---I
2564 I L -
Tubeao:dTubu~rFi!!.i~ I F40Q I 1_ f":xe4 I
' y

__ ' _-L__i__ -L._ _ --'

Ill,..... _ WMt1M6 "" .......lIii•.~~_... ...... _ _ •••, ..... --

' N". I
----T P"l;-'--I ,1)
J -fS
__~I_ _-
'1-:;~~:I)~I"o I_ROM'"",
(7) (II) I'll
: 90 !TypePS-46PO]Y (VmylChlonde) (PVC, PhotIc
'I Grilvrtv Flc.w S~wl:r Pip~ <:lId .Fitlll1gs _
i F 19q i
! r
JOO fTypePSM Poly (Vmyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe - - - ._~-~ )--1 I
l ;and Frtl1f':g:S
loi ,lbcad~d p;)Jy (Vinyl Chlonde) (PVC) PJas[l~ Pipe
! 0 :;034 i
' I
! i! I
:. Fltt_lr1gS Schedule 8/J '
i I
02..6.. I "
102 1 Vltnfled Clay Pipe, Extra Strength, Stall~rd '!~-----' _--I~__L _
~~ and Pe~~

! !
t .PLliM~ING flXTURF.s
103 iElUmel"dCas<lronPlurobir.gFixtures
i (7DO _
i I--r
I =- I -----'
Na:e 4

L---+-~7-~"c,,~~ I
104 UettcdW!lIflpooIB:uhtubs AIl211.;7 __. - I1___ I---r--J
~g6: '?k>.sllcB:nhtubUnits i ZI?·tl W\1.,?~JJ I~ II!
~~c Lava:ooC1
~lamc Shower Reeep!.Of'S and Showt:r Stalls
~__' _ZQ3:
_ LZl24 f _
WWP·5"1 ' "
'Jl'WP-5.11 I
, -~
~!..u~b·I~'gF,.'tt~re1forLindUse I!
" Z\1"J'
--"""i--~': .._~=
WWP-5"1 --.J I
t f- I

110 Plumbing ReqUirements for Dlverters for Pbmblllg

I Fauc(:[S wiL~ Ho;c Spray, Anti·Slphon Type
I Residentla.! Ap hC.1tioo
i\N511015 I I i
I" I PJumblllg Requlrcm~;lls for Hand Held Showers, ASSE.' ,I

I 11
r, Porce~.11J1 c..'lamclC'd formed Steel Ph.:mbi.'1g FiKtures
I'!'O"I4c.;.. '-- -'-_
I +---'. ~
It -' I SUmlcss Sk~el Plu:nbing Fixtures (D~5isned for
Residerrtm! Lice)
I j

I AI12.19.4M I
I AJ12-JlU ,


I- I'
114 Smt-;onF·lti~~~s forUsc in SWlrr.mrng l!!lU Wadlng II r~\I\SI/-I-----r II
Pools. ${;i\s. Hot T,·bs t,Lle \\'tiripc-,I B.1thtub I AS)1E I! j - - -'
App~i.~nC:~2. __. _".__,_ __ ,_l__i_.I\! 1:'1 q ~_~__ , L L_---' _
. !trm I ITEM
No. 1 (I)




! 25

Uefl' IT[M
I, .' -i--i---" : 1 OTIIER I : i
, PNS I ASTM' FS ltlJ'l'tlO I STA.lWARDS i [SO I REM..o\.RkS

Nll. (I)
'" (4) i (S) (9)

130 Individual Shower Control Valves '1 A.\Jsu I I i I r

Antl Scald Type ASSE , ,I

to J6 ASSE 1016
I 13 I
: :::~~~
LaborJwry Faucet Vacuum Breakers
i i
, __ .~J~+~.---+ L -+--
132 i PIpe Applied Atm.:;spbericType -I 1035
At"{$L' ---.--------..~- 1
+-- _

' Vacuum Breaken I

I~ '~",;;::;-,;:-----------i,ffi~',-1.----1----- _-'--
A,ooSSE, , ,I

::'-SSE 1001_+--_ _+'
I ..J

J 33 ! PlumblDg FixtUre Fitungs

Valvcs and Automatic Gas SbutoffDevices for
I A 112. i & !.
I 1M
.- I I
i 132

, l- HOI: Water Supply Systems and Addendum . -j-_ -c----i-----+-----i----,i'---,i
I ::' !~:=~t-,"fum:_V_,_l,_.,_,_f~_p_n_~_'Y__+,-;r,~::I+~,..I~I----J---~i---+,----J...-----..;----il----i'
I .,. i 'i", S,,' Prim" V",,, ."n,",", T,"_'_' p;;: i .--+---1-----+ --_I-- -L_ _ -+I -il
I 137 Trap Seal Pnl""C Valvcs (\'htcr Supply Fed) I ASSV' I ,I
._~ __ ----l~. llJ 1Ii
l.__--'- --'- -'-__-"

R&'llsed Nol:lonal Plumbing Code ~ the Phillpi/mes

_. i
I Iltm
, N.
'" -
('l (4)
IS' 16)

'" I" ,
. (9)

f--+----- ---j---r-------r
Vacuum gre~CfS, Anti-Siphon Prt~sure Type ASSE,I I , I I
,",51 j I I,

Wall Hydmnts, Frostproof AutoIn3'tic Draining AIr;i- ASSE ! rI - - -+-
, I i
i Backfbw IYPus
- i • ,9
, , L-J, ;
140IWnter Clooet Flusll Tank B.lIllcocJ..s
, [002
- ri i
! 1002

1'1 Water PresSUlll Red:.tcil'g Valves Al~SU
,I I
! 1(0) ,[ ,I,
I ArrLI.-'"N('[
- -,-AND
.. EQFIPl\fF.l\T
, I-r---
, I [

142 I -I I f---
A.utom:ulC S!08gC T};,c Wa:cr .-_;~:,._.;s witll !nputs
, I ~ I I,
~ than 50,000 Deu pcr hmlr , "!i.~;roYc:i
R~_llire~Il~!S .F.?!_yol'-.-!l ___ '.~ ____
ClfClllatinK T,lnk, hm:l:nt;"lt'Ol,l< .lIld urge AlJtomatic

Z2I 10.1

I '
- I
, -
-----'-" r-' '-I I !
I Item "'EM P'S
.. ~
. '. rs IAPMO OrntR

I I No. (1) (1) (3)! (4) i 1$) i (6) (1). (8) ~_ . (?) I
I 15<.i IMISCELL.M'EOUS ,,:::::._- " - - - ---:--L
Black PIast:1C Poly (Vmyl Chlonde) (PVC) or
Polyethylene (PE) PrcssltTe SensltJ\'~ CCTTCSICfl
I .-t=.=.=lrI===-=-i~==t===-I-II,
; I I J
I PreventlveT:Jpe
I PS37 ,

160 ref"",,""
1 161 I Chlonnarnd Polydhylenc: (erE) Sheetmg for
1 :Ail' ".2
l--lj. NC(i;>4

'rtoo.talnmelit --
~ Ii-04068
- I
1 162 CompresslOll jomts forVitnfiod CLa} Pipe and : : ; , '
L. i +__ 1___
I r
1 f~SS_-- ----,+1__...:- ~ 425 N(1~J
16] :S~cr.A!I~ ~;ltld ~~SlmfF!?..!:Gencr£1.L~pItcatl00~
I I B ."34 I' ' I I ,Note:!
I :~~ ~-~;;;:~~~rD~C~PA~I~.esand.!tOliodBur i -i- -~~Y+-=--1 PS23 i _ -~---,-t~- t-=~-~
I Jo:nts for Circular Concrete SC\ver and Culvert PtpC,
USill£! Rubber Ga!i!((~u , I ('44]
i i
rL I
i i i
i I
IGc-n~1 Re<i~rr-clr.ents i I · -f--'- "--'--r-·'i--l

i (Galv.:.mizcd) by dUl
for S!ecl Sheet, 2mcCmted
Her. Dip Process
Lead-Frde Scali!IB ('-<),c!s fer 1'l!JO~ed Joir:ts ._1
" ~,:~,,~ __ .
: '
L----- 1J 4----.._-
_.__ -LX~2i..J-_ ~~
. _ ,.....w...... 'n...__.,,__,_ ...."••••"_,.'1 _ ..._ _ ft' • _

I, -,
! \, i

, A..... SI
,)) II ASTM I fS
, l.v'MO OmtR
"" i RE~1ARKS I,
C- ,
I, '" '" "'J


,, Limit... ~ OJ ;~': :estlc usage

, PDl S,,'11ldardGIOll:yrcfercUl;:e
AHo:. ('$52,)0 for eloonoot plugs lim:led nykm lTt:I!crial only.
o T~'Fl;' I~ ')Illy
4, AJit..<-;:Zh this Su:r.d.".fd(s) is referenced in U-,:, ~ble, mntenaLs nC't tisted
Witt ~c bur"'..:lu of product stanc:,:vJs (BPS) ~h:JlI ned the 3?pro;:Jriate
3flProv:ll or ~i1. l.. ~_tiona[ S!andard (PNS)

n -rT-- i ---l---l on". '--I
Ii I'

, No.
1 [(~) 1 16) I m , ,
I ' (I) (2) . OJ i!i) (H) t /9, :
I 147
1 HCnlcLau.', Equipment (Plumbing RequIrements
, for)
! ! ~I
-r 1
I 148

J - ' :' W-Q-AS_C'~OO,"":--.J,L----,I


I Softeners
149; HO\Jsenoldand CommucialWater Filters ,
--1 ! ,
L '
I WQ:\S.200-r-j- .1
150 ["Hocsehold Dishwashers I i : t : l'L 74Q fl'
lSI ! HouseholJ Dishwashers lDrain Hose) I I AHAM D\V-l I ~

152 I, HOllsehold Dishwashers (Plumtwg

' ~!AA~,SDUAH\",_ 'I
Requirement:>'~ 11-- I
'I ll----!
: For) 2PR! I -1- I l-r-!
153 ! H::lU:idlOld Ele-aric Storage 'rankWmr Heaters I I j I I l' I
,- __
, Household rC'Cd
Waste Ditp:J:Scr l;mts (Pbrn!:Jlng
AN:~;-\H I i 'I
__!.- UL"':!1 Ii
I Ri'qulrements For) ",n I

i ! FWD·2PR '
I [
j l LL563'- i
I ---j

I Motor O;:leratoo W;:tcr P'.. , , I UL 773
156 UIlpS

I '
;~~;:.;"~"i::::;;==;:::====-j:::==~'===::ti~=::j[~==•.~=-r~=:::j,=JUjjL::71jJI' =+==~Lt=-_=-=-=----<~
Od Fired \......u::
Point-Of-Use 4.",'. PresHJCe Rt\'erse Osn:csis I ' . : i I ,I I
Drink.inq Water Sy;t",m",_,~__ _--'_ _.-l. J . __ ~ j WQA S::OU . J


Bccmlse of the van:1ble conditions encountered, it is impractical to lay down

dt>finitl' dctaikll rules of plOccdurc for deternlining the sizes of water supply
pipes ill lUI appelldix which must necessarily ~ limited in length.

The following is a suggested order of procedure for sizing Ih~ waler supply

A.I Prl'lilllillary (n(ormation

A 1.1 Obtain the necessary information regarding the mlltimum daily serVIce
plcssure ill the area where the building IS to be located.

l\ 1.2 If the l"luilding S\lPply is 10 be Ilwlcred. obtain inforTlllllion reg:trding (,lclio"

loss relatlve to the TalC of flow lor meters in the mnge of sizes likely 10 ~
llSed. Frictillrl-Iuss dala can be obtained from most manufacturers of water
tTk.'tl."IS tlicliOIl loss~ fiJI" disk lype ~ters may be obtained from
Chart A-I.


flictioll Losses for Disk Ty e Waler Meiers

. • -
• ". ,•, -
". , .-
Q -
- -- - -
• .
" ,• -
,• •, -
"• - -

. . .."' ...
... .,"'...... ..;
. , .:l
~ :l
flo',", - lila,s I'U' 5'·c·... ,,'

A \.3 QUlaill all available local infonnatl0n regarding the use of differ( ,~ of
pipe wilh rC$pccl bOlh to illirability lind \0 decrease ill capacity with length
ofserviec in the paniclJlal \.\.al~·r supply


A2 I E~I;llIalc tht~ sllpply demand for tllt~ buildin3 main and the prino..:ipil
branch.:s all:.! liS('r~ of tile ~yslelll by tolaliag the fixture Ul\it5 011 eadl,
Tab!.-, A-I, and Ihcll by .cauing the colTc~.,omling OlJinatc from Chart A-2
(lJ /\.j, whid'evt.:r is applic;>.bk.

A.2,2 Elni11late Conl;[]llOU~ 5uppl:; llc,nalld" in liters per secOl!d for lawn
sprinklers, all' i,;.(mditiorl<~l;. l'tC, amJ add tl,~ 3UIli 1.0 th:.l 101,1: uerlHUld for
fhmfCs. The result IS tIl{" c~timaleJ ~llp['ly d;:manJ ofthc b;llhlillB supply

A.J PtRMl.ssmu: FR!.CTlON LOSS

I\. J.I Dl:"Zide what is the d~sirablc minimum pr..:ssurc that should be mltintaineJ
at {h~ Ilighcst fixtl!re 1Il tile SIlPP:~ system. If the high;';:]t gWIJp of the
flJ(llllCS contains flus!tmllelel \'Hlve~> th~ UH~SSllle ti-If the ~f(JlIP sholl[J rlCl
be less th;1l\ IOJA2 kllu For lJush tank "ullVlk~, the <Iv'lilp.bk pr8SS'Jr~
may 110l be less jhan 55.16 kl'l!,

A .1.2 Dctenllll1C th~ cl,~v[(lion ii; 11Ictt'l~ or

tllc highest iixlme or group 0:
fixtures ahuve tk w<ltcr (Sired) main. Multipl) lhi~ differcnce ::\
ele\i:\liol\ hv 9 7l i The r(.'$u!t is in the luss in sIalic pres:,-ure in kl'J

A 1.3 Suhlract the SlIlIl of loss in stiltic prr.smre <lud the ,}rcs~llre to b
nwinlaill~d at the hiBlrl!st fixture from ~h~ avcrage '11:nimllln dailv sC!\'ic
pn:ssurc, Till; rc"ttlt wi!l be the rr<:s~uf': uvailnblc for ffl~ti(\~, loss in I~~
supplv pipe:;, if no wilt·~r meier is llstd, If tl li1C'l~r is ;<1 b-= imtalbd, n.~
f,il~ticm loss in the lIlEler for ihe eslilHHled lJltl)(im~l.n dt"m;>nd S!',CllkJ ;>iso
be subtracted from the servke PfC~SUtC to (k~;'ri'"lil\c llie V.:.-':\;~~ lo~:
3vllilabk for frlclicn kIss ir. the suppl\' pipes
Recommended Rull!'5 for SilWlg thl'l
V'J£ter Supply Sy~em

l"AUlE A-I

Ilt'mAud Weighl or f'iltures in Watu SuPI~Y ,,'j1lun Units I

"w't-i~hl in W liter SuVply

fhtun: Illlits' (WSfUI Minimum ConnUlions
FiJ.tu~ T P,-jYlI~ Public CoM WIIIl'r Hot WlIII!r
8Jtblub 2 < 13 13
~lwasher to
Illrlet 2 < "
('olllbio:llIOl\ sink :l.nJ If:W
[)enml unit or cus idor
- 10
O!:nu! laVlllorp 1 2 13 13
Onlk~ ~ount"in 1 2 10
I\~chen Sill" 2 < 13 13
La~ndry tl3Y (1 od
, 1 2
I'13 10
WJll n31!lllents

~~ef. c~ch he,1d

, < 13 13
S~ck, servICe 2 < 13 13
Uflltal (w311 Ii )
5 "13
l)Iill31 stall 5 10
U[Ill~! with flush l;'lnk )

Wa\Jl Sink. Cill'ul~:\OI IliultlVlc 2 11 I'

(fWI .. ~ of faucets
f'k!;homel er-tan\,. )
- 5 I'25
Flushonlctcr v::llve
F~l!h tank
5 10 I

I, ,..V( .III('I)!)' omlt'ls lj/(l'~'r' Jo il/l(JOst' ('Imrill/MII.\' (.h'flUl/ld\, (',I'limalt' (·oml/molt.1

SII/'J!'-I' JI'(l("alC~\' alld mid to lo:al Ul!/}I(lfl<'" )/XIIl(I'.\.

"orfixwres 11(1/ fi"'t'd, ll'cIXhiS may Il<! 1I.'>.\jfmcJ hy ('o/ll/lf.lriIlK Ihe fixtll(!! [0 a
listed 01/1' n\fll~ n',il.'r 11/ ._intil", qlldllllfil'.\ ,II/(i (II .\/ftlll", ((lte,,,-,

'!11(! Kil~'l1 ....t'ir:h£J 11f<' for t(Jlal dc/t/clIJdfo, JiXI/l""~ wilh hOlh hoi Wid ,,,Iu wall','
.11I('i,II.,., nil' WI' trlll.1 l' If m(uU/mln .\('!ltl! IIf!! dt'mill/('/.~ lIli~r hI! 1ll11' /I a.1 .~r: \'f'llIy-
.fi ,'e (75) pacem [,llll,' f,.",,',i ""film,.).(0,. ill.'IIf('1"y.
Sholl"'" un'r h(jlltilib ,I, ,.'.1 /11'1 ",j,j (lXl/ore rllli ( t" Xlv"I'.


AIIOWllfK:t! 1II 1.;quivalem [,ength of l'ir.H! for FriclioIll,os.f

ill Vaivc.~ a/ll1 7'hreat.kJ Fillingf •

Eguivalrnt 1~lle.,b of Pipe for Various ""itting,

o( filting
Tee \)0'
C()uplillg or
St,-...the RU!I
• 5
IIlde r
). o. .....,
,- Hi

]IR 1.2 .7 8 4 o. I' _'4-'_
--li!..Si-[ 5~
*'5 2.4 1.5 36 f8 0.5 f.. 1'0'3-1
1. 18 46 .6 243 11.2
4 24 6 ' I~!
I~ 5.2 3 7.6 1.5 1 426 . 211...-i'
152.4 6.1 36 9.1 1.8 1.2 50.2 , "U
.. Allull'nllce.\ (lI'Cfl<lwd on //(III-rea'.ned thT"l'odcd jittmK,\". rlst' on".ha!j fJll) t;J~
, til. "I'Il/IO'," fw' l('cl'.ucd threod:!/J/iltiflgs or ~·trealllli"i! ,w)/(/er filtmgs.
ReaommOlldod RulP!l for Sizing tne
Wafef ~upfJy Sy!'\em

fI. J 4 OdCfmine tile rle... doped Iellt;lh of pipe frOIll the W!ltCf (5lrcet) m~tn to the
highesl lixllllC. If dos(' c,timat\>s ure desircd, coml~tc with tilt: aid of
1 <lbk A-2 {he ..:quivalcnI length of pillC lilf all fittings ill the line froln the
w;.ler (Slf<:l't) main to the hight.~s( li:\ture 8lld add the sum to Ihe rleveiopul
ICll~th The IllesSUW a... Hil"ble for fricliou los;> in kJ'a di...ided by tht'.
lk,...cluVCd 11.'1It;!hs of pipe limH the walel (strci':t) rnalll to the highest
lixl.11re, times one humlrcd (100). will be the average permissiblc friltion
Itl.~s p\'r)O·' m. Iclll~lIl oflli~.


A 4.1 Knowlllg the permissible fi-illtiofl loss per )04 m of rifle amI Ih~ total
demand, Ih:: dialllckr uf till.' building ~upply pipe llIay be oblail!ed frum
(h,uts A-I, A-S, A.6, or A-7, whio.:hcv~r is applitable The dill!";lct:-r of
pipe un or next ahoy," Ihe conrJin?t<: point conespondill8 tu lh~ CSlimald
lolal.krnafld :mJ the pcrll1is~iblt: Ii idioll 1m!> \~;Il be _he Si7.(; nlXded up h'
thl' I1r$t hrauch lfum the blJilrling SllPl'ly pipe

A ,1 Z If copper tubing or brass pipe is to be u~cd for the supply piping, ,,"nd if Ihc
ehamcler of the waler is slich Ihat only light cl~nges in dkl hydrr.lIlic
eb.lilctcrislics may be expecwd, CIHlrt A-4 may be used,

A 4,J ChillI A-'\ shnuld he used for felms Iliptl w:\h only :hc most fa ... tl!a!lk
\\aICI supply Hi Ict'JI<ds conosil'lI aud c"king If the W!I!e, is h;.1J nr
l~"1705i"c, Ch'l.1l<; A-(l or A·" wiil I.c appliclIhlc Fur cxtrt'nH:ly II:tnJ
wa:n. it ....ill be ad'l'isahk 10 make adJili.mal alloYJancc:~; lor Ih..· rcdlw\ioil
nfl'''p:rcily ufhol waler lin"., ill ~cr ...i,;c


A 5.1 Th(' fl'llujr('J size of hranclws and risl'ls Imy be ootliincil in Ihe ~;JW'
1l1:1rll;Cf a,~ the buil('illi.~ !;llllP]Y by IJhr<1ining the dem::md IO:\1! 011 Cold)
hlanch or ri'-.(~I all,l using Ii".' p~ll11i:;~ihlc fr;(,~lj<l11 I()~'\ ClltlllJilt('d:11 Scd!(,n
A >.2 Fixture branches to thc building supply. if lhey are sized for the same
pnmillsibk fl'ictionloss per 30.4 m of pipe liS the brancocs an<11i"",~ to
the highesl hwel in the building. may lead to inadequate wolte: :;upply to
the upper floor ora buildil18- This rnay be conlro!led by: (I) seteClir.g the
sizes of pire for the di~"'...rellt branchc!I so that Ihe total friction 10''1 in each
lower hnlllch is approximately equal to the totalll'SS in the "SI.'I'. inclllding
bOlh friclion loss and loss in static pressure; (2) throttling each such
branch by 1Ile.1ns (If a valve until lhe pll.'ceding balance is obtained; (J)
iil{'fCasili~ the size of the building stlpply and risers above the minimu:rl
requiH:d to meet ill-: m~ .. imllm peflllissihlc fridionloss.

AS) The size of branches and mains St"f'iing flu'>homcter tanks shall be
consist,...!:l with pr~(:dures for f1u~h lank water closets.


1\ t, I VelOCities shall nul exceed J mJsec of the maximum values ~ven in I~e
appropriate installatiun Standard, ellccpt us otherwise flJpro"c.1 by the
Administmtive Authority.

A 62 If a prcssurc reducing vlIlye is used in the building supply, the dcyclop:d

length of a supply piping and thc lX"ml;ssible friction loss llhould ~
complll~d fromlhe lmilding side oftne valve

A 6:1 The allowances in Taule A-2 ror fittings ue t:.:":d on nonreceszcd

thrc3dl,J filting.<; For rCi:!.'sscd tlHeaded finings ~Ireamlined 50klerd
tillings, 01\C ( 1/1 ) t!te allowances gi\'eu ill the table will be omple.

A7 EXA~Pl[

A 7.i Assume an oUiee building of four (4) slOries and basement: pressure 011
the buildirlg side of Ihe pressure reducing valve or 379 kPu (e:Rer 211
allowance for reduced pressure "fall on" al peak l.1emand); an elevation of
highest fixture above the pressure renucing valve or 13.7 In (l dcvcloroo
length ur pipe from the pressure reducing vulve to the mos! distant fhctllfC
of bO.1$ m and li.l(turcs 10 be in~tallcd with flush v:llves for water cllJ;~~
alld stall urinals as follows

RllCOm!Tl'3RdOd Rules lor Si:l:lIIG tIM
;;"':!bJr Supply S~

H~!~ Su I 1'1 ,.~ .. -~ ..... ~
IIrllll.'h 10 hm-\'l'II\".~uJH:lv

KilKl or .'10. of ~'iltu~ !)..,m'lIId No. uf Ormand

Fid\lre1 l'illuI'"1"5 Unit. Lilrn Il~r thtllrrl "httll'l" Un;t, I..;ll"f! ptr
ucoud second
Ihlt:r dOS~B 130 I ){lO _J
.•0 150
-23 U!
n') "
J:' 4 :... 75 .16
1)1),,2)[ 75 - 195 --
123 Us
~ :\;cc Slllks
106 27
2"/ II ~ 1I ,75-31 S I LJ~

110..,1 1.8Mi 1') 1 119 JI2
~ 7 UI

Allowing fOf Im.4 kPa a! Ihe highe&t (illiure und...' f lhe m311imum demand ort 9.6 Us, the
pll:ssur.: aVll.ihtble !()r Jj-ietiolllo~ is found by lh\> l1;lIowing:

j;"Y 1/(13.4, (l3.7x <).SII 141.H/'a

I1l<; .:llowablt' Ii ic-li.m loss Ilf'f ]0/1 III of piroc is tnelclore:

30. ./.1' 1-12.3 ~ . 7J.J ""a

If tile pipe Illillef;;j! ami w:lIcr Stiprly are such Ihat Chart A-S epplies, the re'Il!£re<1
diamclcr oft!;...' t-l.IiIJin~ SUI,pl\' is 70 2 mlll alld rhe ll'lluircd diameter llfthe branc!: to the
001 W;)\ef is ~O S min,

The S;I.C~ ufthe \'arilllls hr;Hlrhc~ IIflll risers Illay be ddllrllliacrl ill the s~mc JIl,lIH1C: !:; the
size ('I' th~ hllildill~ SUPlll,' III the bnmch In the Ilo! wutCI" Sy~H,'iH by C~!laI~!i!:l\ til~
demand f04 Ihe ur hlJnch from Chal\s 1\.7. or A-J, and applying !he t('tr! J('''~~_Il]
¢$limate from t~c t-randl. riser Of ~eClton IhcreuC 10 the arl'f~' flow cb;l.

CliART A-2

ESlimatc Curves for Demand Load



~ 18'
a t 2:.6


Reocl'"~-"~r~lfl(l r'l;~I," IQr Sl.l:'flQ 1:-t>
WlOlillf :;l.PJoIy 6y..l,m..

CHART 1\-3

Enlaq;ed Scalc Ikm;;nt! Loa:!

Revisetl NalioflO!I Plumbing Code at Ihll Philippinll6

CH/\I{'!' A-4

F'~lIon Lon - n.9I"aln,

Co~' Tut"''lI
Smool~ PIp. ~.
lJl* III Jl&U
TweL --
T1~K _ .. - ~" 0
II'l (]

l7e 0

-~- -~
-- ··F'''·=f-I:J roo

". j
.."",. •

,.-. • . ,. ,. • " "
• • •• ..
:'!,~ 0 •
" "",•

'A~n,"~' A"

CIIAH.T 1\-5

'·"l"H'!l>Il! r",'",·,

F'ie1iol! lO$s - 32' ,.......






"", .
"Annw~ A"
R&com""lMed RUI~s to! $'7.'og the
Water Supply Sy~'em

CIlART ,\_7

F,~ t,,,,, luss . J~.9 P<l!'"


I -,
31~ ~
]'S U

,~~ 0


I ""

f '~'~"" Lu~s _ ;12.9 I'a,',,,

Appendix B


Il.l Private S("wag(' Disposal (Geut-nll)

Wh("r(' permlHed h~' the full's and reguialions of the DC'partmcnl of Environment
find ~atllml R(,~lIrc\':S (Dl:.NRJ, t~c bl;ildin~ :'Cwer /11<lY be t'Olln;..ocled!o a private
sewage lhsposa! s)sh~m cOlllplyir,g wilh the phivlsions (Il"this appcndi)(. The ty~
of sy,wn ~hall bt' Mlermillcd 011 tht' ba~i~ of location, soil porosity, and gro:..Lnd
waler I('\'el and sb;lll be I.It.:sigllcd t,) r<,eel ... all sc\\age from lhe plOperty The
Sy~ll"l"i1, except as ....Ihe: \\ise "PPhJV..,L "h<lll consiSl or a st~plic tank with dlluclJl
di~char!:ling 1ll11l a !>l.J1.'sLlrfa..:~' dispU'dl field. into on..: (j) or 1lI<JfC seepage pit~ '.of
into a comhinatil."l ;)(~lIb,jurt:I<>l.· dispusal Jidd ,Fld ~Clillg{- pits

Tho:l Jiqui(l capacity 01 all ~cptic

tanks sh:lJl confonn to Tables B-2 and B·3 as
d~lermil1('d by the !1umo,,'f of bedrooms or apartment units in rh.;elliliB
occtlpan.;:cs and the ~tiillnted v..lstc!st.'Wage d.sigll flow rate or the IlUmber of
plumbing lix,Ufc units as Jetcrmmt'd Ihllll Table 7.2, wtUdll:v(:r is grc<;r In
other building o;:cuflandes. '[ he capacity Ilf anyone septic lank and its drainage
~WSlem shall Ill:: limillXl by llic suit structure classification, as sp~ified ;n
Table B·S,

8,3 Artll of I)isllosall<idds llnd S«'t'pagt Pits

B 3 1 The minimum dll"(;livc abrorplion (Ire:! in disposal fields in m~. and in

s~pagt pits in m" of sid~ wi1l.~ shall be prClJicalt:d on the rcquin..-d septic
tank capacity ill liters and'or estimaled waste/sewage flow nlle, whi<:h,;ver
is grealrr. and shall ("('nfonn ,0 Table B·4 as dt:terrnined for the type of
soil found in the exe3\ation. and ~hall be ,IS follows.

B .. ] I When disposal l'idd~ are installed, a minimum of 14 m2 of trcneh

bottom shall be provided for ~ach system m;du~ive of Jny h,...:\
ran, rock, clay. or other impervious fonnations Side W3.l1 Ned i:1
e\.I;e~s of the required 3tlo.1.8 llJIII :md nOl to be c;.;cecd l)i4,!. [m;l
bdcj\\. I~ k<lcn line mr,;. bc .lCxkJ to th.::: trench hotlo:n al ':' \·:h\;fi
1'(1111 put il1 B absOf pi ion art'as

11312 \Vh"re k".:hing heds alC pnmiltcd III liel! ofmmchcs, the an~a of
cal'll "lll'll ned shall he ill least tiltY (50) percent greater than the
I\IlJular rcquilclIlclils tor In·llc:hcs I'crimclc" side wall <lrea in
cx<.:ess nr the reqIJir\'t1 jll·t K lllln llll,! nut to excct:u ')14.4 f1lln
belt'w the karl; lille Jllay lie :I\J(\<><1 10 Oil" IICIKh bottom area when
n'nlpullilg ;ths"rprioll "r";l'

II .i.1 :I Nt' cxca...:ll;olL fnl a k'ach lillc or leach !Jt·d shalll"xlcml wilhin 1 5
III (lfthe w;Jln labk 1101" In II (kplh where sc\~agc iliaI' cwllmninalc
lhe 1It1lleqpolllltl water s\raltllll that is usabk for domc3tic

E\TI"f'tjOII\: 1/1 o/,·os wi),',..' Ih.: rC\.-'IIrd, ur jl0l/l t/ldinlle ihullh~

~r"illI.1 w(l/<!r ell',· j{ro.I'.I!y dt'j{fll<l...ti, Ihe 1.j ,:I .\'''[I,mll;I,11
n"/IIII.'/I/e/ll ilia)' he r<!dIlCl:d hy Ihl! Adminislrllliw .1l1/lwrilY. 't1!e
0p/llinml shllil SI//ll'~1' l"·id,'Iwe of 1!,rormJ Il'(ll,'r dt'!Jfh III I"~
smjslili'/ioll r{lhe AJmilli.I/l'Ufil'!' AlI/h'I/"I~'"

B J 14 The l1lillilllUlll erft.:clivc aLsmplion area in any seera~e pit shalllJe

calculated <IS thc excavall'll ,ide wall area below the irllel exclusive
of ally hardpan, roek, duy, or other illlpervinlls formatiol1s

rile minimum l'('quired an';! of porous fomlation shall Ix: provided

III t)lle or lIJore seepage pits No cxcallatiol1 shall c'lend withil] 3'
m oftlJe water lable nor 10 a deplh wllcre sewage may contlUninillc
llnd,:rgroulld waler Slratulll that is tlsat>le for domestic purposes,

E'f(t'CJlliOfI,~: III (Ir~'{l!. wll.'f{' /111' rl'i'rJf(/.> or /law mdh'(//e fha/III~

t:rllulld w.,Il'r,\" /Ire Kr(J\,I~r d'XI"ud,·d. (he 3 III ,I"('!klm/Wi!
'-""1111 "IJIt'III 11111)' I...· ,-",Im '.·iI hy /he ,1 dm IIII.I/mi i I"<! III/ilIOn Iy-

III., 11/'fllh'l-l1lt ,\hart s/lI'I,lr l'l'I.I,',h,x ,!f woulld Wl/It'/" tlql/it /0 /he
.\HliI!m·1 itll/ (if (h.: Adm/m.I/11 rfi 1'.' A rll hili icy.

B 4,1 Wherever practicable, disptJsal tidl! and seepage pit size~ shall be
computed fWIII Table U-4

H42 In ordl't to determine the absorption l]llalilies uf questionable soil~

ptll("r than thL15r lisled in Table B-4, the prormsed SIlt: shall b-:
subjecluj to Ilen'ol.nioll tL·~ts aL'..:~pl:Ll,le to the /v.;lnini~lrat]\~
B 5.! j'lans for all septic tauks ~ho.ll b(; submitted to lhe Adlllini~~ati\"e
Authority for 3lJptu'.IaL Such nlans sh..ll shuw all rlimen~ion,
r~illl'm:!llg. slrudlual e:tlculal!OnS, alld sw;:h other pertinent data as
may 1;;.; Il"ljUlleJ.

BS2 Septic t;-\I1ks dt-sign shalll'e such as to prn:h:ce a c1arifiecl elTluent

,:o!l~istcnt .",itll accepted standards alld sh;l.11 pro\"ide adequate
s~:l.i,:\' for slul\ge and seum ll";C\llllulatiOlis

B 5] 5l'plio; tauks shall h~ nJjl<;tlllclf'\1 of Slliid durab:e matcrialll, not

sllhjt'd I" mlce:;s'~c cm,o~;"n 01' ul'cay :Ilol! ~hal1lJ.c w:lle-flight.

n54 So,;j)\i,,; wnks ~hnlJ ha~'c it U1ilLlflll,m of two (21 ClJmpinrlllcl1t~, Tile
il11et compart,m,nt of any scprk, tauk sh:!!! be Imt less thar. t .....o-
tll;Hls (113) of lI,c lolal capacity (If the tank, nor les..'" th3.1\ 2 lllJ
Iiquil\ \'":ipacll:'P', lind shall be at leasl .9 I!l in width and 1.5 m ill
lellRllt Liquid depth £hall be rwt kss thalO ,6 m tlI..'f more than 1.8
III the sccomlal)' cllml'ann\('l1\ of allY s-:p:.ic lank slla!! have ;:
rnimmum r-<lpacity (lr I mJ and a maximum cflpa"ity or one-
third (I n) of the IQlal l:llpacity or so.:ch tank III sq:ltlr. l;al!s.s hlwin~,
lwei to m Capltl'lly, Ihe s~r!J"d!try cornpiJrtrn"nt may be not Ie:>s
(hall I 5 III in length

D 5.5 Access to each septic tank shall be pn,wided ily at lcast two (2)
lIIanholes 50S mm in minimum dimcusiOlL or by an equi~'aient
reillovable cover ~lab. One access manhule shall be located over
ill" inkl ~nd IInc (1) Access 1I1aliholt: shall be located O\ler I!le
outlet. \\'hi.'rc\lcr a first cU\lIpartniCnt e~.c:ecJ~ 3.7 In in Icn~lh, .!iii
additiooal manlml\' shall be provided ove; the bame ....",11

B 5.6 The inll'l il~uj ou!lct pipe oj ...·nillg:j shall he I10t less in size 1~~' loe
COllllcctin'h sewer \lipe. The venicai leg of a mU!ld in!el and Oll!1('t
fitlillg~ shall not be less ill siz.e than the ronllc:til;g 5e.....(·r pj~,!
!lor I~~~s than 104,6 llllll A baille type Otting shall h;,~" .he
equivalent cross-sectional arc:t of the cormcctill!,; 5("wef pi:,!: ~!l:l
I\\JI t~ss Ih;\!1 it 1006 mIll horizontal dimension "vhe., m
the lIIlcl and 0I111et pipe invens

Revised N3IIOI;;)1 Plumbing Code of tile Philippines

B57 The inlet and omkl pip", or l>llille shall extend 10 I,6 mm alxlYc
arid at leasl 304 8 mm below [ne water surface. The invert of the
inlet ripe sl1[1l1 be al a h:vel not less than 50 8 mm above the inver!
oftne outlet pipe.

058 In\1;1 and outlet pipe fillings or barnes, and compartment partiliotlS
shall Imve a flee VCllt art~a equ<ll to lht: required crnss-sectional
area of Inc hou~e sewer or private ~ewer disehar!'\ing lhereinl0 10
provide Ilee ventilatioll above the water surface from (he disposal
fidd or seepage pilthrough the septic tank, house sewer, and Mack
to {he outcr air

RS9 The si\lc wnlls shall extend at leust 228,6 nl111 above Ihe li4Uid
d('plh The eover of the septic tank shall he at least 50.S mm above
the lJack \"t~nt upenings

B 5 10 Pilrtitions or ball1es between compartments shal! be of solid

dllrablc mat;::!ial aod shall extend al least 101.6 mm above the
liquid levd 1\11 inverted fitling equivalent in size to tile tank inlet,
but in no clise less than J04 {} I1I1lI ill si7..e, shall be installed inlhe
illl~,t compartment sid~' of tile haOle willi the bottom of the fillin£
placed lllidway in the depth of the liquid, Wooden bafncs are

U511 Each sueh tank shall be strul.-1.urally dcsignl.-'<i to wilhstand al!

alllieipatcd earth or olher loads All septic tat1l; co·.. er~ Slllll Ce
(<lpal,k llfsllppurtiny an cart II load OfllOllcss than 14 4l;Pa whell
Ihe maximUIH covefllg,C (lues not e.'(cced (} m.

B 5,12 ~eptic tanks installed ulld,;:r COllcrele or black top pa~inB shall have
tll~ ICljuill'd manholes aCl~essible by extending Ihe lI'auhole
OPC[lili~S to gr:ldc ill a manner acceptable to the Administra',~'~

U:;.13 MAlf'riMls

U 5,13.1 COllaele Selltic Tl\nkll

All concre~c septic tanks shall be prot~tcd from corrosion by

coating wnh an approvt'd biluminous. coating or by (Jlh~r
acceptable me(lllS The coating shJlI Clttend to at least JOI 6 mm
below the water lille and shall cover all of the intern:!1 area above
thaI point

, 1
US.JJ2 Stul S ... ptic "r-Ilks

The minimum wall thickness of any sleel tar.k shall be No. 12 U.S.
!/,;Jugc l.I09) (2,8 111m) and each such tank shall be protected flOm
corrosion, both extentl\lIy and internally, by an approved
bit\lmitlOlis coating or by other Acceptable means.

B S D.l

(<'I) Sept:c tanks constnlctOO or altunate materials mA)' be

approved by the Administrative Authority when complying
with approved applicilblc standard~.

(b) Wooden septic tanks /He prohibited,

1:3 5.13.4

(a) Manuractured or prefabrieall-d septic tanks shall comply

with all ap\lrov\:d applicable 5tanuards and be approved by
the Administrative Authority.

(b) Independent laboratory tests and engineering caiculatiulls

certifying tht: tank capacity and Slructural stability shall be
provjekd illt rC(juired hy the Administrative AUlhority.

8.6 Disposal Fidds

1:3 6.1 Diltlriulltioll lines lthall be constructed of clay Ii Ie laid \.Oo'jlh open
joiulS. perforated c13}' pipe. pCj'fora!l~d bituminous tiber pipe,
perforated high dt':ilsity polyctilylt'ne pipe, perfmated AilS pipe,
11crlill':lted 1'\'(, pipe, or cnher app:uvel:l materials, provided lhal
sullkiell! opening.s are available for distribution of the emuc!1t ;,110
the Ilcnch area

U 6.2 !l"fore placing filter material or drJlin lilies in a preparcd

C',:cav3Iinn, ;\11 smeared or compacted surfaces shall be removed
thll11 t!l'l1d~cs by rakiug to a depth of 254 mm alld th", roo~e
material rcmcl\'eU, ('lean ~I()nc, grave!, slag. or sillli 1a: fil\u
material acceptable to ,h~ Administrative Autht1rity, v<:oryin';! in
si7e li'Olll II), I llllll ttl 61 5 lllm shall be pl<ll:cd in the Hench 'u Ill\:
depth and grade required by thi,..
seL:liOll Drain pipe shall be placerl on filter material in nn
appro\'w manner Th~ drain lines shallthcn be covered with filter
material to the minimum depth requill.'d by this section and this·
covered with ull!fcaled building paper, straw, or similar porous
material to prevcllI closure of voids .... ith earth backfill. Nu eanh
backfill SII£t11 oc placed uver Ihe filter materiu.1 cover until allCT
;1IS1)(~(;tiun and acccptance.

B 6.] A grade board SlakC'd in the trench to the depth of the filter
materinl slmll be utilized when distribution line is crHlstructed with
drain ti\e or II nc;.,:iblc pipc material which wi\! oot maintain
alignnlcnt willK)Ut cuminu()us suppon

B 64 When seepage pits 31C used in l~ombinat;on with disposal fields,

the tlltcr material in the tn.'lIches shall tcrminate alleast 1.5 III frum
the pit cl'cavatioll and lhe lille extending fhllll such points to the
Sl.·qlage pit shall be approycd pipe with w3lcnigh.t joints.

B6 5 Whr.:re two (2) or more drain lincs are installed, all approv<Xl
distribution box of sunLcicllt size to receive latclallines sllall be
illslal1ed al thc h~d or each. disposal field. The inverts of all
nut!l:ls shall be level and the invert of the inlet shall he at Ieasl 2~ ...
111111 abo\'e lite oUlletS. DistribUTion boxes shall bc designl:d to
illWI'C l'(jual fluw :1ll,1 shall be installed Oil a level COllcrcle slab in
nallilal or C"rHllltCICd soil

Distritlution oo:<cs shall be coa\('J on the inside with a bituminous

coating or (lIher approved l1lelhoJ acceptable to the Administrative

"66 All 1:llcmls fWIlI a llistriblliion box tn the disposal field shall ~
apI'HJ\'L..1 pille witl! watcllight juints Multiple d;~llOsal field
I:Henrls wherever Ilnleticablc, shall be of uniform length.
U67 ('ol1l1ecti\>ns betwcen a septic lank ilnd a di5lribuliOll box. shall be
laill with approved Ilipe wilh watertight joiliis on natulal ground or
c(\mlKI,'ll'd 1\11

II 68 When the tju;lrrlilY of sewage excc('\h lh~ amouflt tlml can b~

disposet! in 152.4 lineal ffitlcr Oft'IlCh line. l\ dosing tank shall be
met!, Dosing tanks shall be equipped With an automatic sipholl Of
pump Wllidl dIschArges the lank onc(' ewry thrce IJ) or four (4)
holJl's. Th(' t:lI1k shall lla\'{' a capacity equal to sil'ty (60) to
~~\'cnty-ti\'e (75) percenl Ilfth(' illlclilll ca[)<leit~ of the P!flC to be
dosed alone time. When' Ihe It.>l:al length of pipe Cl'CCl-dS 3{).\ £
lineal lI1eter the dosing tank shall bl: prm idcd ,..-rth two (2) siphons
or pumps rlnsin~~ a!ternald)' and each serving one-half (112) of t~
leaeh lll'lu.

D (, 9 Of"] /(!<;(I!.I;dd~ sh.11I It" / :}II' Irlll'Ie',: 0.\ Ii Ifh IW~:

i\lilljmlllll .1\1 a:\ illl d III

Number ofllr"i" Jin.:;s ptr fic!\l I
I cnglh dfca,'j; Jine ]() 5 min
JI>JU'.lil: \,.,;j\h o"~lcn\:IL -1'5721111I1 914.4 mm
Spa.: i lIn / ,f !i:I~' .-i. ,":lIkl -1 IH;\'! Ih'!" l.iS !lUll
Depth ,'i"cJ!lli ':,JICI ,)fljlk'~
lpn>Il'Ht'J (4572 IIlllill JU--l .8 mm
(J11I0C \lflin~~s Icvd
Fih.;:r mal,:,ialut'hkr (lrain lines .1IH.~ 10m
Filler Ill~HHj.,1 \1\'('[ ,1t',lin 11r11~S "08 111111

IVli!lill1L1lll SI'JllIIlg. hClwl'f:IL 11\'.IIChtls III kach:l!g hcd~ shall he 1.2 III plus (, nl ror
(~arh aJdiliol,al Jill "rtlt1'11t ill CXCC,.S\l1 ) Illudvw llLt'lll}lhllll oflilc drain line
Disuibuli\'1l dram 11Ilt'~ in lc"dung beds ~hali be lIlOlt' Ihall I II m apart on cClIIers
:l'ld Ul,l part of Ihe I'cnmcla (If 11K' kac.hing bed ~~11 te !nNe tblfl .9 III ffUlll u.
Ilistnlllllil111 ctlHlll line Oispl)sal flclJs. Ilcnclws and leadl;n!; beLls shall not bc
paved U\~'l 01 ("l\I'lt'U hy l'(IIKII'!I' UI ,1Il\' m,llt rial lh;,i ,',1Il n-dl1t"c l..'l rnhihl all,
posslbk C\""~l<.llaluJl\ "r .,;;\\('1 dl111~'l'l

1)610 When !lrCI'l';S;U\' l,n slolling iJ;round 1\1 prevI'nl (,,,ce<;~i\e line s!epe. 1C.1>.:h lin>.:s or
ki'l~:h IJ('d:; shall nt' SICPllCU. 'J lie lilIes h.'llVccl: CJ\:h hQlI/.onlal ~c':liun shall be
1\1:1..1,: wllh ',:tIt'nil'Jlt illinls ;111.1 ~h.'11 1>(' dc::i~lled so each hOlil.(llltal II~a('hll1!;
[fcndl UI bed shall be Illili/cd 10 til': ma:\illltilll cUI'::ciT)I bct'ore Ihl; dIluent <.Iwll
P;I!>S III till' Ik'~_t hll~rr !earh ii",: or hi'll The lill('.~ hell',e,·a C.lell h<.ri7\1nl a l
kaching ~(xli'-'I\ ,kdl he Illadr. wilh ,Ipprm\"ti jn;I]!, and il,~lallf.'1i on
n:lIUnll vf unr;Jkd gro\ll1d

n,7 Sl'l'page !'il~

U7 I lIic CilJ';Kil)lllf s;"('pa.gc pils shall b.~ hfl~.:d 1111 lh e qWll"\lity of li'lllid waste
di~.dlil! gi I\~ 1bl" t~.IlIIJ, ;11 lei un II ~I: ch~ ntder <Iud rorus; Iy of \h(: 5urrQ',; mJ i 118
soil and '.hnll conform td ~I.,rtjiJtllI-.ll1flhis."ppe-milx

B 7 2 ,\IHlliIJ!" s~'~'I'.lgC pil inslall;lIiollS shall be Sl~r'V\'d lhroul\h au appnwE:(1

diSlrilllllil!l1 h,,\ or ht' 1"'lll11'(It'1! in SUICS by meallS {Jr a water tit,hl
\:Otll1c,'li<l11 hili! 011 untilstmbcJ or l'lHlIpaCTcll soil. lhe (Hltlel fr001 the Ilit
.~h<lJl han' :u: , ~cllh.,1 Ie!; litting eXlending :'.1 Ic'ls! 31)4 8 mrn
hdow 1I11' inlet linillg

B 7.1 FMh seclJ<lgcpil shaH be (';I('ul:" in ~hJpe :md ',11,•.11 h?H' ~1l C!\C''''?'Zi.l
dIUlh't~r uf Itol 1t':5S llmu 2.2 III cal'll sildl pit sh~!l h~ lill:;:! wili;
,Ippfl' ,-{'Il iVPC 1\ j II ,Ie lICW h;il'(\ bun II'e <,~ lay brick. c'llIer;.:( c bric;"', Cl']·crel ~
cil,'UI.H "p.' '·\'~~I',."I blod.s,'" I'lilel <l111'1'''Td m~I~'ll~b :\ppluval ~ll,,11
be (lh{;till~,j lll'i(lf to construction H,r l\lIy pil h;lYillg an clIc:H'ated diameter
grcatt'r than 1.8 1fI.

B 74 The lining ill every seepage pit shall be laid on It firm foundation. Lining
matenals shall bc placed light together arlll laid with joints stalo;gereo.!.
EKeept in the case of apl'wveJ type pre-cast concrete circular seclioll5" no
brick or bl(>ck ,hall be g!,~ater in hei~ht than its width and shall be hid flat
10 fornl at lel\SI a 101.6 HIIIl wl:lll. I.Inck or block grea~cr than 304.8 mm in
length l'hall have chamfered matching ends and be scored to provide for
seepage E:\cilvat;on voids behind the blick, hlock, or concrete liner 51lall
have:1 minimum of 1'\2..1 mm Url:!t:an 19 I mill glavel ur rock.

B 7.5 All \,>rkk or hlock used III secp<l!?C pit n'IISlfuction shall haYe a minimum
compressive strength of 17225 kPa

B 7.0 Each sccp:tge 11il 511<111 Imve 11 minimum sidewall (not includillg tnc alchl
of 3 III helow lhe inlcl.

B 1 7 The .'Hch I)f dome of allY seepage pit may hc eonstl1leted in one ur thr~e

o 7.7 1 Approved lyre hard burned clay brick, Of solid concrete

hrick, Of hlock laid in cement monar.

B 7,1 Z Applo\ctl bllck til' hlock lai,1 dr~'

III both tIt" Ihe a"u\!' mclho,ts. 1111 approvcd ecn\tllt mortar
..:(,V{;ril1~ or at !t:ast ~l) g mill ill thickness ,hall be applied,
.'aid c\l.. . I'l'in!! to .';<lend ;11 kilst I S2 4 nun beyofld lhe
sidewal!s of thc pil

0773 Approved type Oll~ or twu pie..:e reinforced (;llllcrele sl~b

of 17225 kPa millimwlI compressive strength, not Ics~ lh~n
127 nun thid: an(\ designed to SUflport an earth loild 0fnol
less thalL IlJ,2 U'.t ]:.adl ,'iuch C\>\CI shalllJc pro\itled with
a 221t6 nml mlllimUlI1 inspcl:licll hole with pl~g or CO\tr
alld sh:ll1 be ~:oated on Ih£' underside ·...,ilh an approvtd
hituJllinuu$ or oilier rl{,rl-perIIlC:lblc protccti . . e tOlnpl.luml

[l7.8 The lOp oflhe arch or con;r lIlUSt be alleasl4S7! min but
lInl morc Ihan 1 2 1ll beltlw th(' ~U1fa..:e of the glo\.llld

079 An appruved venktl in!e! tItling shall re provided in every

seqlil~e I'il S(l an'l!lg.,oJ h t" pll',enl th~ 1l1nOW frOl11
Jamaglll~~ the Shkl,ali
£nq'tifm: When l.I.l'i/lg " onl! (or lwu picel! LUJIL're/;! ~·ltlb cOlier
. mId, fll/ills //lay hi: a fJne~rullrt" (J/4) bend filling (iisdlarl~l1I1?
through WI opminl{ ill the lop uJ {he slab cOl'er. 011 multiple
st','!XlRl? pi{ ill.\wllo.ltjo//$, the olltlet filfi/1[f shcrif ~ (Iei' Section ]Jt. 2
.!(dlis Apl/Oldh.

u.s C l:"s1ipools

(<I) A Ct'S3pool shall be considered 0'11y as a temporal)' c.'1pcdient pending the

Cll11stmcliot1 "f II publir: S(;wef, 01, all u,elilow facility when installed in
conjuth:ti:m with ttll existing ~'t:sspool. or as a means of sewage disposal
tor Iillli~eJ. I;linuf. or tcmpMaly uses when first approved by the
Administralive r\ulhorit)'.

(b) When.' It i, cstaLlishoo th"t a public sewel svstem will be available in less-
than Iwe, (2) yt'i!rs and ~oil ::ml ground water rllIluitiuns ,He favorable 10
Cl'~"pO\)1 di~Pll$:tl. \~eSSI~)'Jls wilholll septic tanks may bc iustl\l!cu lill
Sillgk f;llllily dwcllillgs l.>r fell Hilla lill1itl'(l ll~es when til st apPI'(,·.. (~d toy
tlll' i\lllllll1istratiV{' Autholity.

(c) Ea~h c~'~spll,.l. whcn pcnnit1ed. shall c:'alorlll to the CO~lst!'Uclion

ftXjlllrC1l1l'nls St'l kHth in ~(":lil1ll H 7 urthi~ Appeod,x fOI' SCt:pllgc pits ~ncl
shall h:lve a lllillimlllH sidewall (nut indliJjng at..;h) of lJ.1 m bdow the
inlet pw\\<kJ. hm_e,er. that \~Iwl\ a str:"ta of gravd lIf equally pervi('lJs
mall'l ii\l of I ::: 1I1 in thick-lIt'55 is !ltlllld. the lkptlt of such sidL'\,'ill1l!l'l'd lIul.
bo: 1;1<>r(' lh.:n.\ I III b"':o\\ th" 1Illcl

(a) Wht:1l ovcl'llow .'esspools Lli sn,:p'lgC' pits are added 10 e~;ic,lin8
instalialiilHs. the ellluCllt shall kan' Ibe existing pit through an approve:l
vcnted kg cxtcndin!:\ al lea!'>[ 104 8 mm downward in10 such existing pit
and having ils vlltkt fl..!\\' line ~t k""t 1524 n,m helow the ink!. All pipe
bet',we'll pits ~.hall uC' hid with approvl.:d IVdlL'ltlght joints

UQt \Vhl~1l li(lilid wa~tes C\lIIlaining cxccs~i ...c 3muunls of grea~;e,

~;lllJagc. 11,1II11Ililu!c wa~tc~ • .,'lUd, 01 olher !llilrcJicn:s Whldl lIlay
anc'" HII' ojJcralioll of !l private ~('wag::: disposdl system, an
illtl~rceplor for such wastes shall be inslallf'l!

U 9.2 Installation or sllch interceptors shall comply wilh Section 1008 of
this Code and t~ir kx:.atiu'l shall he ill accoJdance with Table D·l
or this Appendix_

U 9.J Sampling box ~hall ix:: installed when r~quired by the

Actnlinistmtivc Authority.

B 9.4 Interceptors $l1all be or approved design and be or nolless than two

(2) C(,mpal"lllJC'r:ts_ Structural requirements shall be in compliance
wilh th.:: applicahle ~lIhpal1s or 11 S of this Appendix.

B 9.5 lulcrceplOrs s.hall be located liS dose 10 the source 115 possible and
be aCI,',:ssilJlc fur serviciug, All n('eessary manholes for ~ervicill~
shall be al grade h:veJ and be gaslight.

B 96 Wasle dis,;hargc from inlC'rceplOiS may Ix: connet;(cd 10 a septi<:

Ilm~ or otlier primary ~ystcm N he dIsposed into a separate
disposal sySlem.

'/\I'fJEX S'

RECOMMENDfD DESIGN CRITERIA, (formulrlC may IJe adapted io

oLJIl!r t.l.lpcs of OC(."U!,(lflcie~ with similar l-uastes.)

Grt'llse lind Garbage, C{llluurrdnl Kitdttns

Number or Waste Reterlliol1 Storage InlerCCplor
Meals I'~r x How x lime.'( lactor '" size (Ii([uid
Peak hour rate capacity)

S:1ud-Silt Oil, Auto \-\-'llshl'rs

Numucr llf \\'<l~te RCll'llli\lI\ Storage Inlt'h'cplOf
Vehicles , tlow.'\ time x fi\<:lor sill: (Iitlllill
~cr hour Iil'{" rapacity)

Si!1·UIII Grease. L'uml!ries, LAundromats

Number of 2 qdt:s Waslc ltet\~Jltion STorage IntercepTOr
nl.1chincs " per htlUI' x (low x timt:" x F:!ctllr = sL'.c (Jiqoid
raIl" capacity)

Wn~lt' Fluw Hale

S("c T;Jblc 1"\-3 of this allll<'lldix j(1I c~lim;Jtl'J jhm rates

Ketel1Cioll Tilll\'s
C'onl(1Jcrci;J] kitclu.:n ""i\Sle:
Dishwasher and/or disposal ..
Single service kitchen-
... ., ' .. . ..
' , ' , .
. .. .
' , 2,5 hours

Single se[\,il,g wilh disposal • ... I 5 ho:Jr'.l

SO'Ind-si It ..()il • • 20 homs
Lint-sill thltJ!lorv) 2f) h0\11~
SIOr:I~( Fll(to~
rully equiplll'J cO[)lTllcrci",1 kitdlell 8 br opcrallOIi I,
16 hr, operalion, 2;
24 hr operntbn: .1
Single service kitcho.:n 1S
AulO wasllers - ..... . ' sclf·~{'JVC 1.5
employee operated, 2
Laundries. laundromats ..... ... ' I 5 (allo\V~ for rock filter)

B.IO Inspenioll alld T~'sliIl2

B 10.1 InSJlfflion

n 10.1 I AppliclI.ble provision of Set..1ton SOl of tlUs Code and lhi~

Appcndlll shall be complied with. Pennits shall be required
per !kcllOIl \00 of this Code

1) 10 1.2 System components shull be propedy identified as to

manufa<:turcr. Septi,,; tanks or other primary systems shall
have lhe rall:11 capad,y pl.'fmaneudy marked on the unit.

8101.3 Septic tanks or olhl-"f primary systems sbJIl be installed on

dry, I~vel. weU·compacted scil.

0101.4 If design is predicated on soil tests. tnc system shall b::

installed at the same location and deplh as the tested area.

8.10.1 Tnling

B 10.2 1 Septic tanks or other pdmary compollCnts shall be GlIcd

with wJh.'r to now line prior 10 requesting inspection. All
seams Of joillts shall be len t':oL:posed (e;:l;Cfpt the hottom)
and the tank shall remain watertight.

B 10 2.2 All flow test shall be perfonned through the system to the
point of cl11uent disposal. All lilies and components s!ul.l1
be watcltight. Capa\:itics. required air space, llnd fmi!\gl
shAll be ill ll.,,;corJalice with the pfO\'ision.~ set fOlth in !hi~

8.11 Abandoll~d S~Wf" and Sewage Disposal Fadlitin

B 11.1 Every abandoned \milding (OOlJs-::) sewer, or pl'.:1 theJwf,

shan be pluggt'd or capped in ail l!Ippro~'ed ~llr~r wi:h:!l
ISm of the property line.

U 11.2 Evcry CCJ;spool, septic lank, nnd seepage pit which Il.'l.s be~n
abandoned or been JiscomiuuC1:l otherwise from fUlI~r
usc or to wlJlch 110 \\a!>ie vr soil pipe from a plumbill"o
fixture is connected. ~hllll have the sewl!gc r('m:lYe1
t'lcrefrum and be wnlplt'lcly filled with eanh, sand. enwtl,
COllCll'h:,OI other appr,)veJ nl:lteria1.

D \1J The t\)11 cover or arch over the cesspool, septic tank. 01
M'~vagc pit shall tH; r~moved herOIc filling and the filling

'An"l»; 6'

shall IlOt e.xl<lad abvve the top of [he venical pOllion;, of the
sidl.'wa!Js or above the len,l of any outlet pipe until
insp~'l:lion has been called and [he CL"'oSIHJol. septic tank. Of
s~raBe pit has bl:clI inspo;cte,t Aftcr such inspection. ttl,:
CCS~llOOl, septic llink. or s«pat\c pit shall be filled to the
level 01 thc 101' of tIle ground

B II 4 No p...rsoll oWllin~ of controlling nny c~sspool. septic lanl..,

or seepage pil. on the premiseJ of such person or in that
punion of ilny public ~treC1, all~~}". or oth('.r public propeny
obl.lltiulJ such prt:miscs, shall fail, refu.'le, or I)eglect 10
comply with the plOvisions of this SL'Clion or upon re1;cipt
of notice so to comply frolll the Department haying
j ul"lsdio: Iiotl

U 11.5 Where disposal f;,,:iliti~ lire <lbllnd(>n~'1.i consequcnt to

cll:mcrtiug JlIy prcmises with the public sewer, the
pcrllliuC\l m,lkinj.\ the connection shaH fill all abando~d
as required by the Administrative AUlhority
wjthm thirly (3CJ) days from the time of connecting 10 the
puhlic sewer

1~ \
RINl'ed Ncr"on;;.l Plumbing Codft of tile Ptlilipp:nes

TADL.E 1)..1
Loc.tiull OrSrwliIlJr lJi,no'al S Sf till

Minimum tloril.Ont.1
Oisl.nce In Clear S~p P;I
/.,:-~R~'!J!!"'"~;'~'d~F~'·2om!!!:.'_-t!B~"~il~d~jn~I!.S~·~~'~'-t"s.~~","("i'"Tc."n~k'-irD",i' o~.1 FirltJ llr(,·e~.
I. Uuildings 01
slructures l .6m 15m 2Am 2.4 m
2. Propeny line
adjoining privat~
pro~rt)l Clelt~ I.5rn
II !.Srn 2.4 II)
34 Water su
I.S.2 In
45 7 rn 305 m
30.5 In 152m
S. Trees 'm - ]01
6. Set.'P3gC pilS or
7. Disposal field
ill 15m
1.2 m
8. On site d(llllestic
water sCfvice Iinc .301
, Um !.Srn ISm
9. Distribution box 1.5 m 1,5 m
10. Pressure public
waler main 3 m' 3m 3m 3m
When disposal liclJs and/or s\--epagc pits alc inslalh..'d In sloping &roaml. the
minimum horll.Ontal disltl!lC~ hetw«:n allY part of the leaching sYlltem and ground
sur:ace shall be 4 6 Ill.
I, Including porches and steps, whelher COvCH.'d or uncoveJcd, br«:7.eway~, roofl,.'(j
porte-<:..x:heres. roofed patios, earpOlts. covcH:d walks. covered driveways. andj
similar slnu;tures or appurtenances.
2 See also Section 314 of this Codl~ I
3 .~1I. dr~inage Ilil'ing shall cleM domestic Wliter sUl'ply wells 0)1 a~ least ~ 5:2 M'I
I his dISI3JICC 01:1')" !xl fC9uced l()!lot less than 7 h In when the orallluge pJrlllg i~.
constructed of materials approved for usc within llooih.linB, I
4, Plus.6 In li)r each additional .3 In uf depth in excess of .J m below ,hc bol!lJm ofl
the drl1in liue. (Sec also Section U 6)
S. Sec Section 1208 ofthis COOte. I
6. For parallel construction - For crossmgs. <IPPlOval by Ihe t.d~llinism.:i\"r:l
Authority shllll be required. I
7. These minimum clear horizontal distances shall also ...pply bctv,e~ll (llSr>\}"~; I
field, M'l,: Ja~e oits, aim the ocean mcan•.!;iR!1er hi~h tide linc .•••z _ _ .J

'Annex O'

TAUl-E B-2

r- MinimLJm
Single Family t\lultiplC'; Dwelling Other Uses' S(:ptlc Tank
V.....ellillgs - Number Units or Maximum Drainage in
oflkdnxlllls AI'arhl1CI~ts - One fi.'l.ttlle Ilnits (DFU) f-;"",...,-,--:",,--:-!
Hcdwom Ea..:h ServC'd rer Table 7-'1. Gallons (fiters)
lor 2 15 150 (2838)
3 20 1000 (3785)
" 21Jllils 25 1200 (45.12)
50r6 J JJ 15UO (56775)
4 45 2000 (757U)
5 55 2250 (85163)
6 60 2500 (94625)
7 'iO 2750 (I04U1l8) ,
1- +-__ 9",_ _-I ----;""O__-1--e30OO "(113551
90 3250 (123013)
10 100 3500 ! (1)247.5)
Exira h...:druo1l1. 567.8lilcrs each.
ElItr:l dwelling units OVtr 10, <l4fi,1Iilt:rs each,
Exlla lixltlle unils over 100, ',N 6 !ill'''S per lIxture unit.

''Nilit': Septic lank sizes ;n this table inclmlc sludge storage capacity lind the
f"()llllcclitlll disj)Osal of domestic lood waste units without further volume increllse,,--,
Rl!!'\fjs"" N..ltioo."" Plumbing Code or the Philippines


EstiuI3ted WaSlrJSelntt.c Flow !{:lIi's

Because of the many variabkR encountered, it l~ not possible to set absolute values
fur waste/sewage nul'>' 1,\1cs l'lr all siIIJati\lIl~ 1 he ll,:signer should cV<lluatc each
sltu,ltll)!1 and, irli!;wcs in this table lIecd ll'lldif!cati(1I1, they should be mlldc with the
CQIlCUnCIICC \lr the Administrative Authoril V
'r~'tlr of O(("U.I1I1U"\' titers Pt:r Ba
I. Aitpons .. . . . . .. · .. . . . . .... 56.8 pcr employee
PI () ~cr passenger
2 Auto washers , , .. • · .. Cllcck with equipmellt manufacturer

3. Bowling alleys (~nack Imr ollly) 2839 per lane

" Call1p~HlunJwith cC/ltral comlhn statiotl • 1325 per-person
With nush toilets, flO shnwcrs ... ..... · .. .. · . .. l)4.b per p.:rson
Oay camps (no IIlc:lls serwd) . ..... 56,8 per Pl'fSOll
Summer and :,;easunal ... • . . . . .... . .. [89 3 pN person

\. Churches (Sanctuary) · .. 18.9 PCI seat

\\'ith kilc!lcll waste ... ....
l):JIln~ halls. ., ., ....
. 26.5 Dcr S':i!t
7 Flld~ .. ics
18 C) [lCr per!>On

• No showers · . .. , . . 94.b per cmrl10yec

·Willl sho........1"s .. . , ., · . • • 1325 pl."!" empluyee
Cateteria, add .. ..
" HI.') per employee
• Ilospitals .... C),16,3 poor btJ

waSle only . • · .. 9·' (:, per b~d
Laundry \~IISt(: Illll) ·. · .. I 51 4 per {let! I
'I Hotels (no kilchen W:lSle)
• . '!'27.1 per bd (::! P:'HllHl II

'Anll(X n'

( 'oli/il/uUIIO/I'.

TVlle ofU~ctJJ)~lIr,
--~ •
10. ]nstitu,i01l5 (Residellt!>, · · ..... . ...... · ......... · .. , 28].9pcrperson
Nur,il:g I:om,; · .. ... .. . . . . . · .. · .. , , . , ... · .
, , 47].1 per person
R~t home · .. · . · .... ....... .. · .. · .. , · .. · .. 47] . I per penon
L,\lIfldri"s, sclf·sC1'-.'iec
" (nlinilllulll 10 hours pcol'clny)
Commercial . . .
· . · . · ........... 189.3 pCI' wash cycle
· .... ........ . · . Per manufacturer's specifications
12 MOld . ·. · .. · . · .. · .. · .. · ...... 189.3 perbcd space

With kitchen · ... · .. ... , · .. .. . . . . .... 221.1 per bed space

IJ Ol1iccs , ... · .. . .... .. ........ • • .. .. . " . · . 75 1 per employee
Parks, mobile honlcs · .. · .. .. . , · . · . · ... . . · .. · . 946.] per space

Picnic parks (toilets only) · . ...... · . ..... · .. 75,7 ~r parking spuce

recreational vehicles ..
without hook-up . . . . . , . . . . . . ...... ...... ZSJ.9 per space
with water and s<:wcr hook-up ..... ............. 378.5 per space
IS Reslaurants .- C'llf.ter ias · . · . , . . . · .. · .. • .. ....
, 75.7 per employee
Toilet . .. . . . .. · .. ..... ........ · . • • • · . 26.5 per clIsl'::lmcr
Kitcl:.en waste · ....... · .. ......... · .. · . . · .. . .. 12.7 per nleal

Add ror garbage disposill · .... · , ' · , , . · ... ..... .. ... 3.8 per meal
Add for cocktail lounge ...... .... . .... .. · . · 7.6 per customer
Kilchen wllSle-
Oisoosable serviee .............. · . · .. · ... · ... · ... 7.6 r meal
SellOO!S - Sian' and ollice ·. · ... ............. 75. 7 J~r person
- ~.,

" Elementarj sludents · .. · .......... · .. · .. · . . .... 56.8 ~r perWIl

Il\I<.:rmcdiate Dnd high . . . · ..... · .. · .. · . . ..... 75,7 per ~tudent
With gym and sh\)wers" ad\l · . . . · ...... . . · .. . . J 8.9 per studcilt
with eaklcria, add ............... . · . .......... 11.4 per student
Boarding, Iota! waste · . · . ... · . , .. , ... , , . · . . .. 37l:\,5 per pcrson
11 Selvic.e sta;ioil, toilets · ... · .. ..........
, ,

· .... . . . . . . 3785 for I'll bay I

18 SlOrcs . . · .. · .. · .. • • · ..
Puhlie rC$trOtllns, add · , , . · . ..... . · . . .
1892 S fOJ {"'Jell M~,:\l;('Inal bay
· .. · .. , • 75 7 pC!' (:;l\ptOj.:l:
,I Il(>t" Sll. m.
:U Swirnmiug pools. publi('. . . · . .. . . . . . . · . · ... · _ ...
Theaters. auditoriums . . ....... · ....... .... .. · .
of floor space
37.9 p:r pcn,n:l
.. i 8,9 per $(';\1
Di'ive-in ·. · ..... · . ·. · .. ... 37,9J),~.~?'~~", ....J
[.) Recornmended Design Criteria. Sewage disJ'Clsal systems Si7,<"ci usinf! the \
('slirn,lIed wastc:'s('wilge flow rates should be calculaled as f..,llo\\l5:
(I) \Va~lcJsC\\'lgc nnw, UIIIO 5677.5IJday
HolV x J.5 " septic lank size.
(2) Waslc!sewage nuw, twcr 'jo77 5 IJday
rlow .. 0.75 .. 1125 = septic tank sil.o.:
(3) Secon,1ary system shall be sized lor total n,w.' Jler 24 IUIlIrs
(OJ 1\lso see Scc!am n 2 oflhi!> AIJPcndix
TARL.E 8-t

Design erltcria of Fh'c TypicHI Suils

Rtquirtd sq. Ill. of abMlrpliuo capacity
leaching arCIl in (Usq. m) of
No. TYlIe of Soil (mt/l,) leafhing area ror 8
24 hr. t)eriod-rlJnllj
. ,. • ooOS 2037
2 Fin , n 000" Ifl2,()
1. Saud loam Of sand clay o OlD 101 9
4. Clay with cOllsidelilble si\nd Of
l!.ravel 0022 44,8
\ Clay wi:h small amount of sand or
gravel 0029
I 33 8

'h.llle IJ-S

MallimuJll S~ptic Tank

Required Sq. meter Leaching Area/Liter Size
Septil:: Tank Capacilv Allowable
(m ILl (Liters)
0,00)- 006
1892'5 -
0.022 13247,5
0,029 -_
Iuss.•. ~ .. 1



101.6 100 7654 101158 5874 2937

150 8232.5 116145 6319 3204
'00 81325 1Hd4 S 6319 ;204

\524 100 16910 23896,5 12949,,5 6541.,5

'SO 16910 2:JK9!J .5 12949.5 6541 5
lOa 16910 231\1)6.5 12949.5 6541.5

203.2 '00 29281 -11385 22428 11347.5

1.'>0 1t1281 41 )IIS 2241.1\ 11347.5
200 29281 41385 22428 113475

254 41741 59051.5 )[995.,5 1619&

•• 1:~5565
304.8 100
,59) 185
B::l'J6 5
200 6Rl295 '161911 52154 2(43) , I
200 92476.5 [JUIlS2 10799.5 35867 I
406.4 [00 l03284.5 14(J049 79566 4OQS()
l50 119616 169144.5 91625.5 <l6~D 5
200 119616 169144.5 91625.5 (6113.5
4H.2 100 131950 1l)()6<'>O 1061325'
__ I
5)!71.S '
LSD 153080 215825 \17480 S9030!
200 111770 2410liO 131942.5 (;oj30~

\0' '00 170880

150 IS9S";o
200 212710


t:unlplt: For Q prl!SJllre of 103J.5 U'Q OIl U IOl.fJ mm lee, "{"n/lle lj_l indjml('S 82J}.5 Sjr)-
tS,'l!l H'a, 11tfrefore. lula! fhnfSl/;Jr ](/3J.5 I:r(l lI'iII i!q"<ll / -J /) II ml!f 8Z3} 5 N.


PVC Cold Water

auilding Supply and Yard Piping



90" 45" 22-ln<> lJead Ends

Mill Ikll\l~ Bcn..l~ Bends and Tees
2 .~I
~ ''+
2870 J -;m. 80' o 4,J!.
6207 R -- 2269.5
II 57
~3_q 7'12\ 42809 22028 '6(]7

101.6 102128 5~40.3 2lB S.H
127 155 25- 8455 I .Q§O 5
24 20"7 5 ~.
163 t 97 L j
2()) 2 )6935 20025 IOI9t~.5 26077_
2'4 51'960
-- )0705 157.'51 40272,5 j
304 g 80545 43610 22250 I

F.UIIII·!" :

"(l/" 11 pft·.~.\w<· Ilf /l)JJ,5 A/'a (JfI ,I 1/!/.6 mm fee, 1ilhle 1I-2 (a) i"dICllle.{
7:1)') ;Vfol" Mf'I/;./'u. IhcI""J"n'. I,,/,,{ rllnt,' fa 103J.5 H'.l ""Ill eqliul 1-1/2 I/mi!~
7]U'1 N {or u IOt,11 'lilliS/ q( }0810 N 'Iii dt'r,~rmll/{' Ille bearing arell (Jf thru.'" blud;..\ ,
trJtt IV hlillt:: f 1-3 fw Ih..- S(!/i' "'-aIm;: load.if rhe .Iml and l/;"'ide Ilhf lutul IhruM loy IhIs
.1lI//' 11t.·,lriflK load

511ft: neArillg l.oads of Various Soils

Snft: Bearing L.oad

Itf'PI Soil (kra)
I Mulch Peat etc, 0
2 Soft CIa 611QO
J S.nd 11'180
., Sall.1 .11...1 Cl"v.:' 21J(,70
5 Sand anJ Grawl

Ctn1WI wilh Cia"
Halll Shale
68901) -J
Examplf': Anume a 171100 N Mfal thrust cvmputt!d. nl(~ wil
canJitiVl' ;$ Sllnd Tltt! uquiud bearing area vI NIl.' thrust l:!odt i$
17800 N aili,/ell by 11780 kPu or. /9 m 2•

CP.ARi U-l
;.::>"t<lndnm wid melricn,mQ!>l('(IJ
A Cvmpt.JTisoll of Thru;,;l·muc" ,~rem;


. 1J.lJJ
"i,';', lllLI

~, !

;.l~~-:" "!"~3 l~
't'Ur1l~ I' mill •



-~-1 illTIlIr.~
I , ' ,. •

I I. I I ·• •.

. .., . ..


[ ".' -.. : :,,'"

.. .
=, ..

- . '. ••

• •
•• •

,• .

{O.:Jl Illl

r ·....•- ....
,. .;'", , •


""y •• ; ••...
. ;:::.~ .

, ;:
., •
", \


t,;I,Ili'l 100 (1!i2 ';lII.j L~Jr~ IUU f'r,'III''''1

IU.~1) '''~l

,).., '., ..
~ ~,.~

., .
"'.--i ...--
(lAlJ Ill!)

• • ' •• <•• ;;:.:~;"

(:-:.\. (...
. . •"
1• • · '. \ .,
CI:l';": l'jU (:";·I .. ~ ..)
CPVC Solvent Ceulented Hot and Ccld Water
Disttibutloll Syectems Thermal Enpaoslon

Cl'lIl'l·1l1. AUOw31l.,;e fur therma: cxpanS1U1l Ilnd contraction shllll he

plth';(kd h.v appllJved m~aJ1S A!lowanre shall bt: based on an expansion
nile ~,f (IUO 'ilIll) P':'I' (30 lIlJ of kll~~lh of rUIi pH (55"e) temperature
Nof,': l'~!,' IIIM"/; role i.I' IIh I"/,t'/hlnll IIf ':1(' .l'i::,:.- ,.1/' lilt' I'lJw.
OITscls :111(1 I "tlp.~. Thermal expallSlon Olav he provided for by use of
"');llan~loli loupl', .,frs,'ts, or dlangt's of dircdi()Il. FrOlll Table U·4
d('lclIlIll1" the IClIg:h "L"that is I'C41lircd, Nut<.: tklt "I." is based on Jeflj.!,lh
of 11m, Jialildcr Ill' pille, and ma....imum tempera! urI.' of waler.
Clrar'lUln', AtlC< dearancc shall be rmvjd,~d betwCl..'11 piping and
Slnll.:hJlt' (sllch as hurt'.l holes alld .5lc<.:\o) \() allo<\l for free lon!!itudillal

TAIII,[ (!·4

_. .

NI1ll1iH31 (0.11'1
Llmglh of Run in
Il,lU l.'U~

- J6.4')

Si,.c -~.

1.00 1I.I'm~IJ, 'l," in 111111

I 'J I
lit>" 2
1111 6
2q 11:, :: wt«!.l{ I ,O~~ 1524
- I
17018 ,•
I ~')5 ..1
'"'' I
J lWI :l ,1.19,
" »
L __ • ,
10.11 4 1473,2 180;..1 ! 20&2.3 2J II ~

I- 'I' '1
I' ,IS ~,'l"I~"11
I f"l~
W'''H'.~ III r.tUI L ~~-1

L1 I- ·1
1""4 1-"'1 Ii'
""'" 00i.'Il1

20 1
Us.e:~1 TablllS ilnd Cllarts

TAnLE ll·5
Chart Shows length Change in Millimt:lcrs
vs Degrees Temperalure Change
Cocffi('i~nt of LIllear Expan~ioll: Illfll "c

f mm I 4"C H)"C 16 C 21 "c 27"C 32"C 38~C

~I 06 J~ 4
.....JlJ92 :12 "" 7 247
18288 212 265 318 171 424 H7 S'l f)
243M 211 X -' '; 4 42 <' 'I 'J ) 5f> () ()1 7 '10,7
.lU4RO J 5 <I Hl. YIO (d 9 71) "f 7'} () '<4

lIigliesllcmpcralurc t'XIlCdcd I OO'T (38"C)

L"wc~t tClllperaTurc expccTt·d _ ~_If'F wtC)
50"1' (]()~Cj

I,("IIX'}, ,if nm /818R /11m }/(III/ dN.lrI, """d 26.5 1//111 1,11.... /1" expallMoll Iho' mU,1"t tlt<
,"O!';.}..." (o/",

.- • _
........p I't'SIHlrt• 0 rrltTbe
M lll.llllUIll \V rl"un~ :)S Ie u ,
r -w."'~~

Fittillgs "".mum
Pine Sdll;du~ Sir.ts Pnn't~

1(,0 psi (SOil. 16)' 4U 11:.7 rnJll-·20J mOl 1102.4 kP.1

(J 102.4 kPa)
SO 12,7mln-203mm 1102.4\:1';1

lOll psi (:-lOR llj

(l.178 kPu)
., i2,7 mil' - 101 mm lJ7AkPa

11 7 nUll - 2iB 11Im 137l: kP<i

HO p5i lSOR 17) .. 12.7 1I1ll, -76 nnn 1722.5 kPa
(I71L~ If'lt.)

"" 17..7 IMl -101 nlnl J12U kPlI.

i -,I
3ISps;{SfJR IL'i) M' 11.1 mm- 311.0\111 2170.4 ~POl
(lJlll4 H'a)
SO 12.7I1un-102m01 1170.HPa
- - -i,
5(hcJlIlc 4U .. 11.7mm-33mm

27.Q4.8 kPJ

127 l\UIl - 2()J mm


11(;1.') 1:[,;,\
$ch..:d~ 80 .. U ,1 111111 - 38 nun nOUkPa ~

Ol 51 mrn--102 mm IS1S.8.tJ'a ~
4U 127 'UlII - 203 nun I 1!O2 H .."'J I
OIl 127 rllm - 1021TUn no·a M>:l I
'U 127 IIIlll - 2{}) nlm ! 122.H1'"_

- • ••• ~
• SOil 16 "pre.t:iUrl? cL.u.\ifku/icm of J'ilM'llC TII!w." II'IIIch /n('{lll "SUUl'Jarrl Dil.'le/~si(J'"
~J1!/()" III/bide di/Jl1feln dl vid.:J ~ , tF/:! Ih/(-'l.II~· $.\".



MillillllUII Rem.!
'rube Size, Tube TYlle Temper Radius,lflrhn Type of RelllJing
lurhO!'s (mm) (mml E uiDmenl

v.. (6.4) K,L Annealed l;. (19.1) Lever typt

.1/8 (9.5) K,L AllllCIlJeJ 1-112 (38) Lever or gear type

J (16) Nonc, by hand'
K,I.,M Drawn 1-3/4 i4.,1 Gear t ,
Y.t(127) K,L Annealed 2-114 ('57) L~vcr or gear type
4-1/2 (114) NOJ:e, by h3nd'
K,L,M Drawn 2-112 1(4) Gear lvnc

1'.(19.1) K,I. Annealed 1 (76) Lever or gear type

K 4-JI2(I!4) Nonc: by h~.nd·
L 6 (152) NOllc; by hand'
K Drawn 3 (76) Gear type
K,L 4 i102) l HcavY-lluty o.:ar!re!:.

I (25,4) K,L AnncaleJ 4 (102) Gear type

7-112 (191) None; hy hZ:~:-l
1~ 1/4 (32) K,L Annealed 9 (229) None; by bar.d" J
• Whl'll bendillg by hml<J. wilhmd I/w 1I.~ {~f IJI!/idi/l~ l!<jllipru'-'II/, a circular woo:Je!l diJf;
IS /t,'t·J. 111l! radil/.I· (iflhe di:;c MIOII/d hI! aoom 6. -I mill 10 / J. 7 mm less Ihall Ihe tnl/llJllUf;(
h~'/I{J radius shmnl.
Minimum time, in seconds, for prcs~ure I(l drup from
J·ln (24 kPa) to 2-1/2 (17 kra) PSIG

ungtb of Lint J...4 In.

76.2 - 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. t2ln.
(rffl) 1m) IOU, mm 151.4 RIm ZOj.Z mIn 154 lam 304,& 11,:)1
~-.:.-t--+=~"':':':=F:~'- -
25 76 3D 3D 3D ~ 30 II 3D
50 15 2 30 JO 35~, 55 79!
75 22.9 )0 30 53 ~ 83 119
1-..:'OO:o:..--i1--,3:>:O,,,5_t-....:3:;:0_+_;:;40'--t_..;7:;:0_+_:.:":>:"_' 1.?lL~!

165 i 19£
220 I 277

325 99 I 57 129
350 106.7 62 139

4S0 137.2 19 17(! 221 I 21B

- ,
Z,~O_,-l.,_ ..2;.27,-••!,-..;3~14_,_J,-.;4:.-;.~,2;.,-.1.1

Usfllul Tables ana Charts


Conversion of Fixture UditS to GPM



2I -

• -
7 ~ .Jj
6 -_1.:1
S .
4 .
3 I
0, ,, ,•,•, • -
9 10 11 n 13 •• I' 1<> 17 III 19 20 21 'l~ 23 24 25 26 2723 •


RnVI$ed Nat,Qrla! PI~:mt:inQ Code of Ihlt Philippines


Useful Tables and Ch,lrls

Couvusioll 1'al>le


I Acres · . . . · . · .. , · .. 43,5GO. S~[C feet
Acre feel.
, ,

- 4.l,56lJ
Us. Gallo_os
- 4 lUDNwhrrcs , , , , , ' ......--'. , . , 76.0 ems of flIcr
5 Atmospheres, . . · .... ..... 21).92 · .. Inches ofrncfeUlV
6 Atmospheres _.. , _.. · .. · .. 3390 - feet of watcr

, A[lllll~Pw.:~= .-
-- - · .. · . .
14 70
1Z 96 · ..
Porlllds/sqllare inch
Foot Puund;>/sceond
9 Btu/minute · .. · .. , ..... 0,02356 , • Horsc':p'owcr
10 Centimeters. · 03937 .. Inches
IL Cell! i metel s of mercury IJOl3ltJ ... Almos[/heres
- 12 CcntimtOll,;Licl.mercury , · .. , .. 04461. Feclofw "
11. Centimeters
--_ .. _---- (1fmercu.!}', · .. · .. 27,85 .. · .. I'()und:"ls~,!arcf~*
_~L .000nLimtlel s of mercur;' o J911 r.lJunM.q~.
· .. '
ClIhk fecI
.rllhic !l:t·t '----'--'-" - · .. ·. ·.
{'uhi<: indlCq
17 £ubic fcc!..........'-'-. · . · . , 7.48052 · .. U.S G~lhll'"
18 Cuhic feet .. . . · .. , · . · . 2'},92 Q~art~t;-;q:n-dl -- --
19. Cubi£ tCt;t/mioute . · .. 472.0 ... Cubi!.: cm;;/sscoJlcl -
20, Cubic feetlminule. 0.1247. · .. Galiuns/secoJld I
__21 Cuhic fcctfJllinutt; , , , · .. , 62.4L , l~un9s QfwaterfllJilllJ~:=J
- 22 - Cubic f"el/secon(( · .. .... . 0.0646317, Million I!allom;/da~'
F- S;ubic fectlSl.-~o!1{I-,-,-,--, , . , . , , 448 831 Gallons/minute
- "25 Cubic yards. . . . · . • • · .. , · . 27. Cubic rett

. _.~f1~
Cubic ya.-cls
.ft~l of Wjll~'L ' , , ,
22 ... FeO:l Q,fWlIl.QL....., ·.
·. 2020.
U,8&26 ....
LJ S. Gallons
Atl!l'-!Sv.he~ .
1:1l;fPCS of !!lcrcury
~2~_ .£sct of waler , • •• 6243, , rU~IJ'IW ((~ct ,I
..1.'1 I~'~I of walIT, ••.• , ~.-
10 Fcet/miJiutc, .
Poynds/sQuare inch
.1l. Fect/minute O,OII]G. Mil<:~hour
.--..1 ,
.. , , .,


f col ,onJ . .
I F.....iJ~llliL ,
Gal!!-)l1sU.S_~ __.•. ,
. ,


, -
o h81.~~---...11l[g,~h(l.u[
37!-;5., ,
()~ic_ !<.e!!ll!!.1~s
-=1 _.
Gallom U.S ·.
.--"----'- ,
O. \])7 . ('uhi!.: feel I,
G:lllollS 1I S
Gallons US
· .....
Ga1l9n~alcr U S.. '-'----'-'-'-'-'-----'--'-- . 8.345J.
2Jl ·.
Cubic m(;hc~
Pounds of wilkr
-~.~ ---..---I

.1 _.
--Gallon:Jminutc U.S
Gallon ~r till nlllc
.__ .- - o U02228
Cubic feel/second
8 02118 , ('lIroil' ti..c tiho\tr

211 )
l'AHLf: ( (C'tllJfillUt'CI}


41. Gallons watt'r/mi~ule ,.. 6,0086... ('ubi!: fcetlhour
4"' 1;Ir.hes. . . ,..... 2 54Q. Jons ofwatet/24

47 !nchrSOrwnlcf ..... __".. , ,. 001355., IJlcllcs!lf~rM,nl

-4f' lnch~.f \\'81I;"f .. , . 5 202 .. P_oundslS<luare feet
9. ..!",.~"""""", .. 0 QJ61;!." 1?Q.lluQslSlIlIUW
50 Lit~rs ... ,...... IOQO., Cubic ccntimct<::t3

'SI. Lill'fS .__ . . . . 61.02 Cubic i~nc=I="='=======!

.~ II
'rAUU; 11-10

J' 2
'IAIii./-: II-If! (( '/lulU/Ut-d)

(lNl1o:RNA lUJNAf, s'r~'in'M (11' IINnS SI)


,~ II
TA8L.E lJ-11


Diamtter Circum(erellu Are.

:~ 2
b ·1
I DIm"
I' 71.3
1-_"J~:,,4_--l_-"';~'i'~ :-;~_-+_..;~~37',~;--1-"""~;;();--i"" -,~;;-4:';:;7:1;~ ·~;--;~~;7~.;;-~-~I'
1-1/4 J 1S 3.93 100 1.2272 791.7
1·112 38.1 4.71 120 1.7671 1J40.1
2 50.8 6.28 160 3 1416 2026.3
1--,2:::-,,"::.'_+_.::6,,3,,'_-+_..,7;,.;8':--11--",,00:;,__ l--~~9087 ' 3166.9
I 7.0686
~ 45(,0-4
5 127.0 15"l1 400 It) (,J5 ~ 12,(67.7
6 [52.4 1!U~5 <1S0 28274 1&,24i 3
8 203.2 :;:5 IJ 640 50,265
32,42e.! I

I~' ~ ~~:g ii:;; ~~ ~~'~,~~ ~~:~~-~

-- j

1,:·~t!AL_ l'IHtll'
s -, n 7ff')ij I} 1J-1.12K4S
IJ -~ 1 2712 S S· O.2K21 C


Al ca of square- (S I) -..,
! 2712 .\ al('" of ~lTdll

Area l,f:;ljllaIC (S) '"
lJ II 11'(, " at C;l of Cih.:k

l' ~ 110" 2nR

l" "J.S·\·I(l .ja,:ea-
o "-OJ133 C '"' Zit
D = I 12tU .r;r;a
AII'3 == nle = 0 71$54 O~
Alea ." (I,U7958. C l ... nJi
..... ....::4 .. __ ~.- ...

21 ~
TABU: U-12

I Oepartmcrtt of Health
I The Code en SanitatIon ofthe Ptulil'Pines willi
Inlpl::menting Rules & R~llbllDn$ PDNo856 1916
2 MalmO'll on Hospital Wasle Managl..'fll1.'flt I~]

] Ph,li!'Plnes 1':<1110110'11 Stamlardi" fOl' 0!i!lkin8 Water
Malacaoaug Pab<;e
Implelncnting S::mitatlon Rcqlflrt'mcnls, Rules &
Regulations for the Proll,.'(;IIOll and COll"clllcllce ofd11l
Tra,-elhllg !'ubllc P.ONo.522 19'14
III Nal'OIU11 Wate.. Rcsourc{'!l C"otllicil
Philippine Waler Code &. Ihe 111~llcmcnlillg
Rnles & R"B'J:atiom. 1979
IV\lll(;lll of EnvlIOfI metlt "lId Nalural
Resources IDENR)
Environment Malla!lemcnt BIlIe<lu (EMS Absorbed
FU;lCUonS of Nation.1 PollullOll COlllr~ Commission)
I Rules and Rcgul3l:,oll onlP{'C A.o; AnletuJcd 191!1
2 OENK Adnlllllsu3tlveOI{Ir.'I)1
Revised Waler Usage "lid ClassificatlOll !lob-r. 20. 1990
3. DENR Admim'>lf:>UVC: Older 35
" Rt"'tSCd Efficient Regulacions of I~ Mar :roo 199D
V Housillg altd Latld Use R.,,.I:l!UI)' Bo.11d
A~idcd Rules and St;mdarlk lOr EconomIC and
Soc.1allud HOllsing PrOJttlt: 10 lmpletncnt
"SATAS l'AMBA,NSA UI.G no" Mar. 25. 1982
(Ell~Il:1I15 (1001 PIO\"islons (If PO's lJ57.1116 &. I 111'i,
VI PO No 1594 and Its Impll.-'1lltlllmg Rilles :md
!t~l.I;attons;u Re... isl'li (llCellSlllg and Acclt'dll:ll\lou of
Phlllppm.: C"OllU:lClorsl COOSlmC!lUCI In.dU5IlY ('(UKl
VII N:n,or".,1 1J1I11wllg e O(k o( the Ph; hppillcs aud
Implemenling Rul!l~ <Inti Rt'gu1atlollS (l)PWHI PO No. IOl)b
VIII. NatIonal Plumbing ("ode oflhe f'llIhPI,im:s, '\s
IX Sal11~ry Engineering Code of the Philippines
X. Apphcal.>le PWVISiOIlS ofChartcl. MWSS, lWUA,
D1LG, N tiC
XI. ·Ill'.: fire Cede of the Philrppillrs & Regulations I'DNo.IIS5
.\11 I-:oa.d of Master Phuuhl"!l Rq~tll"tIOIlS
XIII. ('lI.~IOI1 of ProfCS!>lon;r1 RCl>lIL1trOll Ccmlliis~loll No IB
" l)
XIV, PlullllHng Lav. RANo 1378
XV, PrOCedioll of PlOf..ssio.lab III Ike Philippinn lOllOOO

TAULE tI ~ 13

"'1:llUi~ls U~
,u !'!U'Ll>!,,%

I Al"m"""" !"l'" i r,.,. Ili'!'ilcoJ I', "'eT Lm~ , I\Il'

2 ~~"'f""- 1"1"'" ULLJ I'd,," ('uf'
J S:<",llll Wl"('u~hl r"'1\ 1',1''''' "ith l.inin;; ('oallJ'F,. ~11'
,j ';u,,'I~ '.' ~IL'" Pi", SSl'
5. {" ,'m; ,f,,~,,!11 en': h"l1 f'II....... wilh ('<~:l<'llt
~'''n,'' 1''''''1: (;Cll'
o C,,,It,lH\,~nll\ ~ '<H: I)",·"L, 1'il"''' ",;tn C~l\l~'"
~.l.m,,: 1,1ll"~ IX:IJ>
1 prrlOu~ 1,,1-.,;.< \\'111 ",I:( Wl'.' ;"F Ca,l;ch
\ II 1",,. ..,,,1 t i;l",,,\~ i~h.. l'W''1"
(2, I', ,'1",,,1-'110 luh" I'hl
1.;\ ,'"I'dh'kll"l"h: j'd Bi~cl;

.-!: i"':'I"'~";L"1<; ,,,I,,, 1'1' f "'h,le wi nt.",

(5\ l"o'I'll",,~ I "I" .. ,~, .
ll» \ ,~,~'>j.k' .·"",n'nl1'" &:-. ',\1" t<.I'cT
l"~ I ",,,,~ .... l ""I"I~

~ R~I:tlO)l"<!J l'0I''''''~ I"'~[""'~ 1'" ...." Rl'1'f'

9 (HJb..1 i,.. ,J "'~"'Ihc I'if'<.'""
wile (i"lj~'I1) 11"""",. 1,,,,....,1 L~"in~:uW !\'llk."lllk·l~
11. hbo<:'~l",l\."

IL for S.nltu)' (J""""jl:t S~-.tcrn

, S!~'I I "PO: 'n1h C,'''''-''1\1 ,\'Icfi'" , .",,,,!!\ allOJ em...

, I,,"''''''''''''''~
('list In~l S"ll l"p.: "111'1 II <'<; S or Pl~ln E~d~ \\';th
, S::: ( blUP ""- ~c''I'' e,L' ( '.d.c!
Pbl<IL" 1"1,,,.• "''',lh N~":l!""~ (;"'i.:d<
\ 1) j,.. ,l~·>t",i ('hi","!" 1uhc I'\ll : (InUll:' l!I. vfa"

, I;) i<,"",I"d ~J"p l'b,H" K,~I' HI",.

1I,1O<';1'J<{\"IIL'<lII"I"-' Al')'
; (.'O""'L~l' lit"'" 1"l'" " 'Ih ( '"k",~'>il,
A~l!1er .11~~

,,,. Vilrif'id C1d~ lTc:«urc l'ir"', n"h ,'i: Spi~"llud>

I....d ('!al' Hn" M.lscrl1} I'm ~lulll-,~a,w C~I'"etl'
I, ~reJ.t" I "t...·•
III. For Slorrn n ... in "I;" S~~ltrn
L !<,·I:,I.Jn:,,j l 'Of"",·," a",.1'1,,,,, ('""",~k (,,,I"~T1s .. oJ P'l>cjt 1:(,~'
~L'd l ,hr"l0.~ \\ ,,1'1 II. C I j"illj;..",J ] )''''''',""1<;'''

,J. (:MI,'''~-':,'" R (' C"lnn.

IluJ Ctw lind: M~"'lIIY {"ulwrts and fWI1C'<
5 C'Ml,,:~rt,,1 1)0\1",'11'«\ ~I~d C"h •." "HI> ('''",:tete
Im'<.'Tl.l.lnlll~ and "ilhoU1 or wil},,,,"- R C
r, ":3':'<.Tl"'I,1
"1 1\"".,1 l(,,,\t~eJ
'$ Cetn<'tl! 1"lt"illl'il'"
s.. r~p 1'Ja.;II(" T'Iro.lbr l'I"cl....",.
•• I-.b•.'1",·I .•",' I"l ......


(, 1 "PPllC:tI~lE:
ThIS 1Nl2ti;Jrlle'li IjIl!tWliiltii0UlilW~
,-, ~@«.!J0
Coordil1atill1l~ &gjOIl'iJ~a®$



FORTUNAiO H. AMOSCO,ftlnmp;I{'·pcH~/pmr{tr.f'C
( 'hmrmall

AIDA EMl;lYN e. LUZ.ftmnll'0p1IlflP JESUS K:. PACHECO.jna.'tlpap

Mi!mbcr Memba



fLORENJlNO M. GARCIA.}hlJlOlpa~»t'Jbsu

AIDA EMElYN B. LUl.ft",ml'ap ~"f' FORTUNATO H. AMOSCO,fnampap~ek"rmdmpe

M.:mbt!r Member

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