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The study subject's socio-demographic background showed that females (68%) outnumbered the males

(61.30%) with the range of 20-21 years age group and

the least age of male( 13.3%) and female( 21.30%) group was below 19 years.

Majority of the girls( 68%) and boys( 56%) belonged to Hindu religion followed by christian,male (21.3%
)and female (28%) respectively.

Same percent ( 42.70%) of boys and girls were living in the urban area and male ( 33.30%), female ( 32%)
living in the rural area.

And education status of the male student were in 2nd year GNM (69.30%) when compared to B.Sc
(30.70%) and

most of the female were studying B.Sc (69.30%) when compared to GNM 2nd year students( 30.70%) .

The overall prevalence of unmarried status of male and female was 100% and 96% respectively.

Table 2 scores shows that equally (10.7 %) girls and boys were sexually abused during their childhood.

At the age of 15 years (32%) boys remembered the sexual experience and girls 14 years( 21.30%).

72% of girls and 68% of the girls and boys sometimes were preoccupied with sex

.With respect to Masturbation,97.30% and 70.70% of boys and girls experienced masturbation

and 29.30% of girls and 2.70% never done masturbation.

1.40%(10 years) of boys and 3.70%(14 years) of girls first had started masturbating
and 61.60% of girls and boys learnt masturbation via friends followed by 26% of boys and 25.90% of
girls learnt by themselves.

52.10% of boys and 35.20% of girls were unable to control hence started masturbating in their lives.

Approximately three quarters (72.60%) of boys and 59.30% of girls masturbated by using hands.

39.70% of boys and 37 % of girls participants reported that they masturbated weekly once .

Boys and girls, reported that they always experienced orgasm during masturbation, 61.60% and 38.90%

90.70 % of girls and 82.20% of boys reported mutual masturbation.

45.20% of boys felt relaxed while masturbating and 40.70% of girls felt shameful.

Belied associated with masturbation among boys and girls were normal a significant majority( 72% )
and 59.50% respectively.

91.40% of girls and 73.30% of boys had no history of sexual relationship ,

but 26.70% of boys and 8.60% of girls had sexual relationship.

54.70% of boys 45.20% of girls reported the importance of sex in life followed by 41.30% of boys

and Just over a third (35.60%) of girls reported that sex in life is very important.
The analysis of data revealed no significant difference between male and female attitude towards

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