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b. Self-sex; if younger, emotional fixation at that age
c. Self-sex; if older, identification with parent image
d. Line (snowman, peanut man); evasion of bodily problems
Cartoon-like drawings; handles problem in a concealed way
e. Stick figures no resistance, complete denial of sex, schizophrenic, psychopath,
child-like behaviour
f. Well-adjusted individual usually draw people they like. Sick people or individual
draw people they don’t like.


a. Starting with feet and working upward - Interpersonal maladjustment involving
or starting with the facial features and reluctance or incapacity to undertake
enclosing them emotional commitment
b. Hesitation to go beyond hands or - Reluctance to face conflicts relating to
beneath the waist such areas
c. Opposite sex drawn first - Confusion as to sex identification; true
homosexual attachment or dependence
on parent of the opposite sex
d. Confused scattering of drawing - Plainlessly impulsive disorder, manic
excitement, schizophrenic thinking
a. Figure almost the same - Does not recognize the role o sexes
b. Female figure drawn bigger than the - Recognize female as the stronger sex,
male figure powerful than male
c. Male figure bigger than female - Normal, recognize the male as he
powerful sex
a. Figure toward the left - Environmentally-oriented
b. Figure towards the right - Self-oriented
c. High up on the page - Optimistic
d. Low down on the page - Depressed
e. Scattered figure in the page with - Manic
expansive use of paper and
extravagance of energy
f. Very large figure placed aggressively - Grandiose paranoid with high self-
in the middle of the page esteem, egocentric
g. Placement is relatively high on the - Lack of insight, unjustified optimistic,
page low level of energy and lack of secure
h. Micrographic figure - Deeply repressed and neurotically
inclined subject
i. Thin figure - Repressed and negative schizophrenic
with low energy level
j. Small figure - Constricted ego, anxiety emotional
dependence; telling of discomfort and
k. Large figure - Subject is responsible for
environmental less with feelings
l. If drawing is not self-concept figure - The drawing maybe a projection of the
ideal self-image or projection of
parent figure
m. Tiny drawings - Feelings of inadequacy, withdrawal
a. Drawing seated or reaching individual - Low energy level, lack of drive,
emotional exhaustion
b. Drawing suggestive or much activity - Strong impulses toward motor
or considerable movement activity, restlessness, reduced man of
action, hyper manic
c. Drawing with clear impulses to move - Schizoid or schizophrenic individual
but blocked by statistics, artistic or whose strivings towards
introversive features accomplishment of power are strong
but fantasy bound
a. Disturbed symmetry - Inadequacy, incoordination
b. Excessive symmetry - Depression; intellectualization;
obsessive compulsive; emotionally
cold and distant; controlled
personality among neurotics
c. Diffusion - Hysterical, careless; poor control over
d. Extreme rigid effects - Rigidity correlated with corresponding
postural estates in subject from
psychosomatic point of view, maybe
considered a hypertonic muscular
defense against the released of
repressed emotional states and ob the
other hand as a protection versus a
menacing environment
e. Cross disproportion - Schizophrenia
f. Lack of symmetry - Insecurity
a. Combination of firm, heavy light lines - Assualtiveness
b. Dim lines - Timidity
c. Firm lines - Individuals with great deal of drive
and ambition
d. Fading lines - Hysteric tendency
e. Fluctuating lines - Tension
f. Jagged lines - Hostility
g. Line break - Conflict area
h. Reinforced lines - Anxiety, insecurity, conflict area,
repression, particularly with reference
to area reinforced
i. Sketchy lines - Anxiety, timidity
j. Thin elongated lines - Tension
k. Uninterrupted straight lines - Decisive
l. Very faint lines - Depressed, inadequate, withdrawn,
m. Full view, hand heavy and reinforced, - Wish for social participation, contrast
facial features sketched dimly with shyness, timidity, self-
consciousness in actual depression
n. Side view, lines of profile empathic - Uncertain withdrawal and artistic
while lines of balance of usually large realization of narcissistically oriented
figure drive to social dominance
o. Angular body - aggression, critical masculinity
p. Curved lines on body of male - Effeminacy
q. Emphasis on circles depicting body - Effeminate, narcissistic,
r. Few curves, many sharp edges - Aggressive, poorly adjusted
s. Rounded lines - Femininity
t. Straight lines - Aggressiveness
a. Circular stroke - Dependency, feminine tendency, lack
of assertion, dependent, emotional
b. Straight line stroke - Assertiveness (as subject to children)
c. Constricted stroking - Tension, withdrawal
d. Energetic unhesitant stroke - Perseverance, insecurity
e. Horizontal stroke - Emphasis on fantasies, femininity,
f. Indeterminate vacillating stroke - Insecurity, lack of perseverance
g. Length of strike movement - Decrease in excitable subjects,
increase in inhibited ones
h. Long stroke - Controlled behaviour
i. Rhythmic stroking - Responsive, uninhibited
j. Short sketchy stroke - Anxiety, uncertainty
k. Short stroke - Impulsive behaviour
l. Vertical stroke - Assertiveness, determined,
a. Legs pressed closely together - Tense, self-conscious, awkward and
apprehensive, neurotic when this is
extreme in female figure (female
subject); fear of sexual attacks (male
subjects); anticipation resistance to
fancied attacks
b. Thigh stance combined with arms - Paranoid schizoid
pressed tightly to body as if to
ward of the blow of environment
c. Legs wide apart - Insecurity of feeling expressed in tiny
painted or shaded reinforced first by
round line or hesitant to paint line
d. Legs apart, figure is planted firmly - Among chronic alcoholics
onthe ground as if drifting
a. Consistent profile - Index evasiveness, suggest fear of
b. Full view - Tendency of exhibitionism, display
c. Overdressed front view - Exhibitionism
d. Profile - More mature
e. Hands behind each or in pockets - Drive evasion
f. Head behind each or in pockets - Social uneasiness, guilt in relation to
social contact, degree of dishonesty,
drive to exhibit one’s body which
prevents executions of consistent
g. Confused and more in profile and - Low grade defectiveness organic
mouth full view
a. Full, inclined head to body to - Evasion of reality or conflict
b. Silhouette - Depersonalization
c. Back view - Withdrawn from reality
d. Cut lined only - Total withdrawal
a. Area depicted as broken line, - Feeling of masculine anxiety or
damage or otherwise impaired masculine inadequacy
b. Bizarre details Schizophrenic
c. Body distortion - Psychotic tendency
d. Deviant drawing with a little - Character disorder, such as antisocial
evidence of anxiety personality (psychopath) psychosis
e. Disheveled of part - Felt lack of status, low self-esteem
f. Distortion of part - Conflict relative to the part
g. Elongated anatomical area - Phallic symbol
h. Internal organ shown - Schizophrenic, somatic delusion
i. Omission of parts - Conflict relative to the part
j. Transparency - Poor judgement
k. Unessential details emphasized - Schizophrenic
l. Erasures - Neurotic
a. Aggressive content such daggers, - Delinquent tendency
gun, spears
b. Belt emphasized - Sexual conflict
c. Body emphasis - Egocentric, schizoid
d. Buckle - Dependency
e. Buttons - Dependency, immaturity, inadequacy
f. Buttons on clothing over breast of - Affection deprivation, dependence,
figure possible identification with mother
g. Buttons on cuffs - Obsessive elements accompanying
h. Buttons inconspicuous (as of - Obsessive compulsive
i. Buttons on midline - Maternal dependence, somatic
j. Buttons plus hat - Regression
k. Cane - Impotency, involutional resistance to
sexual decline, virility striving
l. Cigarettes - Sexual preoccupation, virility striving
m. Cigarette between lips - Sophisticated oral eroticism
n. Clothing carefully rendered - Egocentric, immature, over concern
for material criteria for social status
o. Clothing detail elaboration (male - Homosexual trend
p. Clothing elaboration, grooming - Emphasis on possession and social
q. Over clothed - Egocentricity, antisocial personality
(“psychopathic”) tendency for social
approval and dominance
r. Clothes ill-fitting - Unsatisfying social status
s. Clothing transparent - Voyeurism
t. Collar tight - Problem with anger control
u. Disguised (clown-like, etc.) - Dissatisfaction
a. Earrings - Exhibitionism, sexual preoccupation
b. Gun - Aggressive tendency, hostility, sexual
c. Handkerchief of coat pocket - Fantasy relative to female genitalia
d. Hat plus button - Regression
e. Hat transparent - Primitive sexual behaviour
f. High heel on male (male subject) - Homoerotic tendency
g. Knife - Aggressive tendency, hostility
h. Mask - Cautious, secretive, possible feelings
of depersonalization and estrangement
i. Pants transparent (legs shown - Homosexual anxiety
j. Pipe - Sexual preoccupation
k. Pipe between lips - Sophisticated oral-eroticism
l. Pocket - Affection deprivation, maternal
m. Pocket emphasized - Dependent psychopath
n. Several pocket (male subject on - Passive homosexual tendency
male figure)
o. Shoelaces, wrinkles, other - Obsessive compulsive
unnecessary detailing
p. Skirt ankles length on female - Maternal figure
subject (male subject)
q. Straw, toothpick between lips - Primitive oral-eroticism
r. Tie - Masculine striving, sexual inadequacy
s. Tie, flying or swept out - Over sexual aggression sexual
t. Trousers fly - Preoccupation with masturbation
u. Uniform of cowboy or soldier or - Need for greater status and recognition
male figure of male subject that subject feels he possess
v. V-neckline on female (male Breast fixation, voyeuristic tendency
w. Weapon - Aggressiveness
x. Yo-yo - Immaturity, masturbatory fixation
a. Shading - Anxiety
b. Shading in sexual areas - Anxiety relative in sexual functions
c. Smudgy shading - Anal-erotic interest
d. Heavy shading - Aggressive tendency, anti social
e. Profuse, smudgy shading - Psychopathic potential
f. Slight or minimal shading - Relative freedom from anxiety
g. Shading in chest of figure - Sensitive to physical inferiority
h. Shading in breast of female (Male - Inhibited sexual concern
i. Shading in sexual area of female - Sexual sadistic male
(male subject)
j. Shading in boundaries of clothing - Conflict in regard to body
k. Unconscious treatment of skin as - Serious lapses of judgement especially
though transparent to sexual behavior
14. HEAD (Center for intellectual
power; control of body impulses)
a. Head emphasisb. Big head - Depressed and emotionally withdrawn
b. Disproportionately small head (big - Depressed
c. Disproportionately small head (big - Obsessive compulsive
d. Drawing one - Like physical power
e. The sex that given the larger head - Accorded the intellect and authority
f. Tiny head
- Lollipops - Immaturity
- Big body - Intellectual capacity
- Body not well defined - Brain damage
g. Fragmented heads, looks like robot - Lack of control of impulses denial
about guilt
h. Flat shaded head - Fear of castration or rejection
i. No frailties, just plain head - Depersonalization given by
schizophrenic paranoid
j. Ear emphasized or enlarged - Auditory hallucinations, ideas of
reference; paranoid or schizoid; ear
injury or hearing disability; sensitivity
to attitudes of others
k. Ears large - Sensitive to criticism (children as
l. Head dim - Self-conscious, shy
m. Head drawn last - Conflict over interpersonal relation:
possible thought disorder
n. Head enlarge - Concern about sufficiency intellect
(brain damage, retarded), overt
ideational (including paranoid), pride
over intellect
o. Head large on figure of opposite sex - Opposite sex possesses greater social
authority, regarded as smarter
p. Head malformed - Organicity
q. Head split - Feminine identification dealt with by
narcissism and obsessive compulsive
15. HAIR
a. Balding male figure - Felt lack of virility
b. Beard, mustache, other facial hair - Doubts about virility with
compensatory virility striving; sexual
c. Hair emphasis (shaded) - Virility symbol; with heavy shading
possible anxiety over sensual needs
d. Hair emphasis - Infantile or regressed sex drives;
sensuality or sensual needs
e. Hair on female, not on male - Regression
f. Hair given much attention - Narcissism, possible homosexual
g. Hair on jaws - Schizoid
h. Hair mussed - Sexual immorality
i. Hair parted on middle - Feminine identification dealt with by
narcissism and obsessive-compulsive
j. Hair reinforced - Assaultiveness
k. Sparse, unpressured hair - Inadequate virility
l. Hair white on male figure - Felt lack of masculinity and virility
16. FACE
a. Bushy eyebrow - Uninhibited
b. Trimmed eyebrow - Disdain, refinement
c. Chin emphasized - Compensation for inadequacy,
indecision, fear of responsibility (dim
line elsewhere fantasy)
d. Chin emphasized on opposite sex - Compensation
e. Chin enlarge - Dependency on opposite sex; opposite
sex regarded as stronger
f. Chin exaggerated - Aggressive drive
g. Eye a circle (no pupil) - Compensation for felt weakness,
h. Eye a dot with pressure, unenclosed - Egocentric hysteric, egocentricity,
immaturity, regression
i. Eye emphasized - Ideas of reference, paranoia
j. Eye prominent - Externalized regression
k. Eye small - Assaultiveness
l. Eye closed - Self-absorption, voyeuristic tendency
m. Eye large, staring - Schizoid
n. Eyes and lashes large - Paranoid trend
o. Eyes reinforced - Homosexuality
p. One eye big, another small - Assaultiveness, weakening of
personality, stress disintegration
q. Furtive and suspicious eye - Conveys ideas of reference
r. Piercing - Aggressive social tool
s. Orbit area of the eye indicated by a - Sting usual curiosity but guilt
line; maybe large but actual eyes are connected with that function,
tiny immature voyeuristic conflict
t. Omission of pupil, drawing only - World is perceived as undifferentiated
outline of the eye mass of stimulation with little
discrimination of details
u. Face dim - Self-conscious, shy
v. Facial expression - May express attitudes which subject
feels other people have towards him,
rather than his attitudes towards them,
prevailing moods and attitudes
w. Facial expression placating - Insecurity
x. Facial expression self-preoccupied - Schizoid
y. Features childlike - Infantile social behaviour
z. Features effeminate (male subject) - Homosexual trend
Aa. Feautures mask-like - Cautious, secretive, possible feelings
of depersonalization estrangement
Bb. Features over emphasized - Inadequacy with compensatory
Cc. Feature primitive, shy - Schizophrenic
Dd. Lashes long - Self-display, seductiveness,
Ee. Lashes on male - Effeminacy, homoerotic tendency,
homosexual tendency
Ff. Lips full on male - Effeminacy
Gg. Elaborated cupid bow (combined with - Sexually precautious
cosmetized features)
Hh. With toothpick or straw - Individuals have history of oral
Ii. With cigarette gum - Manifest sexual symbol and when
given particular emphasis and made
active usually represents acute sexual
Jj. Mouth clown like - Forced amiability, inappropriate effect
Kk. Mouth concave, oral receptive - Passive-independency
Ll. Mouth emphasized - Alcoholism, depression, regression
Mm. Mouth heavy line - Oral-aggression, sadism
Nn. Mouth markedly full, open or oval - Dependent, oral-erotic
Oo. Mouth omitted on female subject - Possible scolding maternal figure;
Pp. Mouth open - Orality
Qq. Mouth line single - Oral-aggressiveness
Rr. Detailing with teeth - Infantile, dependent individual whose
dependency is manifested also in
undue emphasis on buttons passive to
receive nourishment
Ss. Nose broad, flared hooked - Contemptuous attitude tendency to
think in derisive social stereotype
Tt. Nose cut-off - Castration, fears or wishes
Uu. Nose large - Involutional melancholia, sexual
impotency (adolescents; felt
inadequate male role with striving for
Vv. Nose long - Impotence
Ww. Nose shaded - Castration, maybe projected on
opposite sex
Xx. Nose strong - Masculine assertion
Yy. Nostril - Primitive aggression
17. NECK
a. No neck - Control of body impulses, regressed
b. Line to indicate the neck - Weakening of intellectual control over
body impulses
c. Neck slashed - Suicidal tendency
d. Short neck - Impulsive behaviour rather than
e. Presence of Adam’s apple - Masculinity striving; sexual role
confusion (an opposite sex, that sex is
regarded as not virile)
f. Neck emphasis - Need for defensive intellectual control
(children subjects)
g. Neck excessively large - Awareness of physical impulses, with
effort to control them
h. Neck like giraffe - Schizophrenic
i. Neck long - Hysterical swallowing inhibition,
problem in control of anger primitive
drives, schizoid tendency
j. Neck long but thin -inhibition repression
k. Neck narrow - Depression
l. Neck omission - Immaturity, lack of impulse control,
m. Neck short but thick - Self-indulgence, inhibited impulse
a. Body line heavy - Apprehension with neurosis,
depersonalization fears
b. Body line reinforced - Explosive personality (emotional
c. Body lower area of female visible - Involutional sex problems, sexual
through or transparent skirt (male fantasies, sexual preoccupation
d. Body omitted (no trunk); appendages - Denial or repression of physical
attached to the head drives; immaturity or regression;
retardation; primitive character
e. Breast area emphasized - Dependency, sexual and emotional
immaturity; homosexual trend
f. Breast emphasis (female subject) - Feminine identification with dominant
g. Breast emphasis (male subject) - Maternal dependence and domination;
oral dependency
h. Breast small - Maternal figure unnurturing
i. Buttock emphasis - Homosexual trend
j. Buttocks and hips on male figure - Homosexual trend
unusually emphasized large or
k. Hip emphasis - Homosexual impulses
l. Hip emphasis on male figure (male - Homosexual trend
m. Hipline break - Sexual conflict
n. Measurement lines or stick frame for - Exhibitionism, perfectionism
o. Midline emphasis (stressed midline) - Conversion of somatic preoccupation;
maternal dependence; possibly
p. Navel - Dependency (children as subject)
q. Organs-shown (internal organ) - Manic, schizophrenic; schizophrenia;
somatic delusion
r. Sex organ shown - Analysis
s. Sexual anatomy area distorted or - sexual conflict
t. Broad shoulder - physical power drive
u. Shoulder drooping - dejection; feeling of guilt; lack of
v. Shoulders exaggerated or any - Feeling of masculine insufficiency
masculine details
w. Shoulders wide on males (male - Compensation for felt inadequacy
x. Shoulders wide on female (male - Sexual conflict
y. Shoulder squared - aggressiveness
z. Stick frame for body or measurement - exhibitionism
Aa.Torso of female upper half is - Dependence for maternal figure
emphasized (Male S.)
Ab.Trunk angular or squared - Masculine tendencies
Ac.Trunk incomplete - regression
Ad.Trunk not closed at bottom - Sexual preoccupation
Ae.Trunk rounded - Feminine traits
Af. Trunk rounded, narrow waist on male - Homosexual trend
figures (Male S.)
Ag.Waist a heavy line - Sex consciousness
Ah.Waist narrow, trunk rounded on male - Homosexual trend
figures (Male S.)
Ai. Waist bound tightly - Unstable emotional control
Aj. Waistline emphasized - Sexual conflict
a) Ankles and wrist small - effeminacy
b) Feet and hands dim omitted - schizoid
c) Feet and legs drawn first - Depression; discouragement
d) Feet omitted - Discouragement; withdrawal
e) Feet small (male subject) - Effeminacy, insecurity
f) Finger omitted or over extended - Masturbation guilt
g) fingernails, fingers joints carefully - Compulsive body image problem as
depicted early schizophrenic
a) Fingers articulated and cut-off by line - Repressed aggression
b) Finger claw - Overt aggression; paranoid
c) Fingers grape - Immaturity, infantile traits
d) Fingers, joints and nails carefully - Obsessive control of aggression
e) Fingers are large - Assaultiveness
f) Fingers fewer than five - Dependency, helplessness
g) Fingers are long - Overt aggression
h) Fingers more than five - Aggression, ambition
i) Fingers no hands - Assaultiveness, infantile aggression
j) Fingers petal - Immaturity, infantile traits
k) Fingers scissors - Subjects are castrating or views
maternal or paternal figures as
l) Fingers shaded - Guilt (theft or masturbation)
m) Fingers spear - Overt aggression, paranoia
n) Fingers stick - Assaultiveness
o) Fist clenched or closed - Rebellion (close to body, repressed’
out from body, overt)
p) Foot emphasized - Assaultiveness
q) Foot of the male emphasized - Involutional impotency
r) Foot phallic - Sexual inadequacy or preoccupation
s) Hand of female figure in pelvic area - Female regarded as sexually rejecting
(Male Subject)
Aa. Hand and genital area - Auto-eroticism
Bb. Hand-mitten - Represses-aggression
Cc. Hands behind back or pockets - Evasion, guilt, lack of confidence with
hands in pocket may be psychopath
Dd. Hands dim - Externalized aggression
Ee. Hands emphasized Externalized aggression
Ff. Hands exaggerated - Compensation for difficulty with
interpersonal relations or masturbatory
20. . LIMBS
a) Arms and legs distortion or - Sexual role conflict
reinforcement, left side
b) Armless figure of male (Male subjects) - Strong genital drive associated with
guilts; wish to castrated
c) Arms close to body - Tension
d) Arms extended from body and over - Externalized aggression
e) Arms folded short - Rejecting maternal or paternal figure
of opposite sex
f) Arms heavy shaded on opposite sex - Opposite sex viewed as punishing
g) Arms and legs of male figure is large - Assaultiveness
h) Arms and legs tapering - Effeminacy
i) Arms long - Ambition for accomplishment or
j) Arms long and powerful - Needs for autonomy (children as
k) Arms long but weak - Dependency, nurturance needs
l) Arms omitted - Guilt; withdrawal
m) Arms omitted or short arms on - Rejection on maternal or paternal
opposite sex figure of the opposite sex
n) Arms over extended, reaching - Dependency, desire for affection
o) Arms pressed to sides - Difficulty in social contact fear of
aggressive impulse
p) Arms reinforced - Assaultiveness
q) Arms short - Lack of ambition
r) Arms strong (male subject) - Aggressive, energetic
s) Arms thin, weak - Lack of achievement
t) Elbows and joints stressed - Compulsive; dependent, indecisive
u) Joint emphasis - Schizoid or schizophrenic
v) Legs and arms of male figure large - Assultiveness
w) Legs long - Needs for autonomy (children as
x) Legs masculine on female figure - Sexual role conflict
y) Legs omitted - Discouragement, withdrawal
z) Legs reinforced - Assultiveness
a. Idealized nude figure - Voyeurism
b. Nude figures with sexual parts - Rebellion against sexual mores
c. Same-sex figure nude and carefully - Body narcissism, egocentricity,
rendered immaturity
a. Area variation - High on page, optimism; low on page,
depression; middle of the page,
aggression; left part of the page, self
oriented or introversive; right part of
the page, environment oriented or
b. Below mid-point drawings - Concretistic, depressed mood, feelings
of inadequacy
c. Centered drawings - Emotional, self-centered (children as
subject); security
d. Elevation of drawing above mid-point - Aloofness; fantasy rather than reality
e. Feet on base of page - Need for stability because of
disturbance produced by conflict
f. High-on-page figure (looks adrift) - Insecurity, unrealistic euphoria
g. Large; centered figure - Manic tendencies; paranoid
h. Large figure shifted to the left - Aggressive psychopath with feelings
of inadequacy
i. Left side of page figure - Introversive, self-oriented, tense
j. Middle placement - Overt-aggression
k. Right-side-of page corner drawings - Environmental oriented
l. Upper-left-of-corner drawings - Regression
a. Back of male figure to observer (male - Desire to be a woman, feminine
subject) identification
b. Confusion of full-face and profile - Mental retardation; primitive cultural
(profile forehead and nose, full0-face origin; schizophrenic
eyes and mouth)
c. Face turn toward page, so that back of - Withdrawal tendencies
the head shows
d. Full-face figure - Exhibitionistic tendency; social
accessibility; social communications,
social dependency
e. Off-balance figure - Schizophrenic possibility
f. Profile figure - Evasiveness
g. Profile head, full-face body - Social anxiety with need for contact
h. Profile head and legs, full-face trunk - Poor judgment
i. Reclining or seated same sex figure - Emotional exhaustion, lack of drive,
low energy
j. Rigid figure - Defensive restriction or activity
k. Seated figure - Inhibition on lack of drive
l. Seated same sex figure - Reduced drive and energy
m. Self conscious stance - Timid
n. Stance right - Schizoid
o. Stance unbalanced - Tension
p. Stance wide - Aggressive tendencies
q. Stiff posture - Rigid emotional controls
a. Excessive pressure - Anti-social personalities; organics
(includes retardates) paranoids
b. Fluctuating faint line - Clytholymic, impulsive, unstable
c. Heavy pressures - Energy assertiveness
d. Light pressures - Low energy level, restrain, repression
e. Pressures - Aggression, sadism
f. Pressure variations - Adaptability, flexibility
g. Pressured lines - Aggressive, assertive
h. Uneven pressured lines - Anxiety, insecurity
i. Varied pressures - Emotional unstable, moody
j. Very faint line - Schizophrenia
a. Ability appropriately to evaluate - Criterion for retained reality contact
psychotic-looking drawing when
asked to “criticized it”
b. Acceptance of task with minimum - Depressed state
protest, good initial performance
followed by obvious fatigue and
discontinuation of task
c. Apologetic of drawing - Lack of confidence
d. Decreased pace productivity as - Fatigability, possibly associated with
drawing despite difficulties depression
e. Emphasis on left side of figure - Feminine identification
f. Labelling - Circumstantially
g. left-to-right stroke - extroversion need for support
h. persistence with drawing despite - good prognosis, presence for support
i. refusal or reluctance to draw figure of - sexual role conflict
opposite sex
j. resistance of drawing figure - evasion of problem, reluctance to
reveal self
k. right-to-left stroke - introversion, isolation
l. sitting on edge of the chair - desire to escape from situation; fear of
loneliness, mistrust
m. stroke away from subject - aggression, extroversion
n. stroking in (towards the body) - introversive
o. stylistic drawing, as caricatured, - exhibitionistic, secretive tendency
facetious, simplified
p. Unawareness of grotesqueness in - schizophrenic tendency in drawing
a. Arms dangling by sides, entreating - Conception of self as dependent,
facial expression, tiny same sex figure helplessness, insignificant
b. Arms long and hands prominent - Wish for protective maternal figure
female figure (male subjects)
c. Arms long and thin, mouth omitted - asthmatic
d. Arms cut with fist clenched - Aggressive tendencies
e. Curvilinear line interrupted - Indecisive
f. Features din with emphasis on head - Timidity, withdrawal
g. Figure effeminate, with toe exposed - Aggressive tendencies
h. Figure effeminate, tie emphasized - Homosexual trend
i. Figure miniscule, light line pressure - Constriction, feeling of insignificance
and lack of worth
j. Figure micrographic with detail - Deep repression, neurotic depression
shading, erasures, pressure variation
k. Figures tiny, primitive features - Regressed schizophrenic; shrunken
l. Figures tiny, well depicted features - Alcoholic, involutional senile patients
m. Full bodies with shaded or thin legs - Feeling of decline associated with
advancing age (shaded legs maybe
homosexual anxiety)
n. Hat on nude figure - Regression
o. Head clearly indicated, dim line body - Compensatory fantasy, feeling of
or no body anxiety or of inferiority relative to
body functions
p. Inability to complete drawing, mark - Significant depression
paucity of details
q. Rounded curves, small tie, male - Sexual inadequacy
r. Shoe shaded - Insecurity
a. Clouds - Anxiety, depression
b. Doodling of subject’s name - Egotism, narcissism
c. Fence to lean on, ground line - Need for support to help
d. Ground line - Insecurity
e. Strong wind in the human figure - Felt subjection to strong
drawing environmental pressure stress, with
fear of psychosis
a. Cartoon figure, clown - Adolescents with feelings of
inadequacy or rejection; internalized
hostility, self contempt
b. Drawing of male first (female subject) - Female protest, feminine rejection
c. Maternal figures rather than female - Dependence on maternal figure
sex object (male subject)
d. Opposite sex drawn first - Sexual role conflict
e. Parental figures rather than self-image - Children also adults preoccupied with
past who are unable to emancipate
themselves from parents
f. Peanut man, snowman, stick man - Evasion of body problems
g. Peanut man, stick figure in subject - Exhibitionistic tendencies; secretive
capable of more advanced drawing
h. Puppet - Compliance, feeling of domination by
i. Robot for male subject (male subject) - Depersonalization; feeling of being
controlled by outside forces
j. Stick figure - May express evasion or negativism
k. Type of person drawn - Ideal self-perception of others; self
l. Witches - Hostility over woman expressed
a. Bizarre features; confusion full-face - Schizophrenic
and profile; ear emphasized, emphasis
on joints; failure to recognized
grotesqueness of drawing; giraffe
neck; gross disproportion; internal
organ shown; omission of arms;
sexual organs indicated primitive
figures with tiny features; unessential
detail emphasized; very faint line
b. Breaks in line; erasure; omission - Conflict area
reinforcement, shading
c. Breast emphasis; buttock emphasis; - Homosexual tendencies
effeminate features; elaboration of
clothing details; high heels on male
figures (male subjects)
d. Breast emphasis; buttons, concave - Dependency
mouth midline emphasis; pocket
e. Breast emphasis; buttons; fingerless - Insecurity
hands; grape or petal fingers; midline
f. Combination of firm heavy light lines; - assaultiveness
large arms and fingers; reinforced
eyes, arms, fingers and hairs; stance
with legs wide apart
g. Curved line on body of male, full lips, - Effeminacy
high heeled shoes, lashes, small
ankles, feet and wrist, tapering arms
and legs, all on male figure
h. Ear and eye emphasis; large grandiose -paranoid
figure; large head; spread or talon
i. Fingers without hands; foot emphasis; - Mad hover indices differentiating
heavy line prominent eye; stick assaultiveness from non-assaultive
fingers; wide stance subjects
j. Ground line; placating facial - insecurities
expression, shaded shoes
k. Hands in pocket; heavy shading; large - Anti-social personality
l. Powerful hands; squared shoulders; - Aggressiveness
weapons; well defined teeth
a. Abstract or stick - Evasion, insecurity, self distrustful
b. Inadequate detailing - Depression; lack of energy;
withdrawal tendency

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