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Portentous Dissemble

Adjective: ominously prophetic; of or like a portent; of verb: conceal one's true motives, usually through
momentous significance. deceit
When the captain and more than half the officers were To get close to the senator, the assassin dissembled his
sick on the very first night of the voyage, many of the intentions, convincing many people that he was a
passengers felt this was portentous, but the rest of the reporter for a well-known newspaper.
voyage continued without any problems."
this portentous year in Canadian history Pretension
Synonyms: ominous, warning, foreshadowing A claim or assertion of a claim to something
Adjective: done in a pompously or overly solemn
manner so as to impress. Raffish
"the author's portentous moralizings" adjective: marked by a carefree unconventionality or
Synonyms: pompous, bombastic disreputableness
The men found him raffish, but the women adored his
Hodgepodge smart clothes and casual attitude.
noun: a confusing mixture or jumble
Those in attendance represented a hodgepodge of the Hagiographic
city's denizens: chimney sweepers could be seen sitting adjective: excessively flattering toward someone's life
elbow to elbow with stockbroker or work
Most accounts of Tiger Woods's life were hagiographic,
Askance until, that is, his affairs made headlines.
adverb: with a look of suspicion or disapproval
The old couple looked askance on the teenagers seated Apothegms
next to them, whispering to each other, "They've got noun: a short, pithy instructive saying
rings through their noses and purple hair!" Winston Churchill is famous for many apothegms, but
this might be his most famous: "It has been said that
Quotidian democracy is the worst form of government except all
adjective: found in the ordinary course of events the others that have been tried."
Phil gets so involved thinking about Aristotle's
arguments that he totally forgets quotidian concerns, Epigram
such as exercising and eating regularly. noun: a witty saying
My favorite epigram from Mark Twain is "A man who
Phlegmatic carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn
adjective: showing little emotion no other way."
Arnold is truly noble, remaining reserved until an issue
of significance arises, but Walter is simplyphlegmatic : Sybarite
he doesn't have the energy or inclination to care about noun: a person who indulges in luxury
anything. Despite the fact that he’d maxed out fifteen credit
cards, Max was still a sybarite at heart: when the police
Puerile found him, he was at a $1,000 an hour spa in
adjective: of or characteristic of a child; displaying or Manhattan, getting a facial treatment.
suggesting a lack of maturity
Helen enjoyed blowing soap bubbles, but Jim regarded Immaterial
this as puerile, totally unworthy of a woman with a adjective: not relevant
Ph.D. The judge found the defendant’s
comments immaterial to the trial, and summarily
Morose dismissed him from the witness stand.
adjective: ill-tempered and not inclined to talk; gloomy
After Stanley found out he was no longer able to go on
vacation with his friends, he sat in his room morosely.
verb: gnaw into; make resentful or angry Sententious
His constant whistling would rankle her, sometimes adjective: to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense
causing her to leave in a huff. The old man, casting his nose up in the air at the group
of adolescents, intoned sententiously, “Youth is wasted
renege on the young.”
verb: fail to fulfill a promise or obligation
We will no longer work with that vendor since it Remonstrate
has reneged on nearly every agreement. verb: to make objections while pleading
The mothers of the kidnapped victims remonstrated to
credence the rogue government to release their children,
noun: belief in something claiming that the detention violated human rights.
He placed no credence in psychics, claiming that they
offered no special powers beyond the ability to make Imperious
people part with their money. adjective: having or showing arrogant superiority to
and disdain of those one views as unworthy
impugn Children are imperious with each other before they
verb: attack as false or wrong learn that earning someone's respect is better than
Though many initially tried to impugn Darwin's theory, demanding.
in scientific circles today, the idea is taken as truth.
freewheel (Having an irritatingly strong and unpleasant taste or
verb: ride a bicycle with the pedals at rest, especially smell) clouds of tear gas wafted through the city’s
downhill. densely packed commercial district
"the postman came freewheeling down the track" They have also begun calling once more for universal
suffrage (right to vote in public elections).
verb: act or proceed in a relaxed or casual way,
without making much effort.
"I'm not the sort of person who would freewheel his
way to the end of a contract"

verb: treat with excessive indulgence
The king and queen cosseted the young prince, giving
him a prized miniature pony for his fifth birthday.

noun: a perceptive understanding
Although a great CEO, he did not have the
political savvy to win the election.

verb: to envy someone for possessing or enjoying
Sitting all alone in his room, Harvey begrudged the
happiness of the other children playing outside his

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