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Dermatomes and Myotomes

C1 Upper Cervical Flexion

C2 Upper Cervical Extension

C3 Cervical Lateral Flexion

C4 Shoulder Girdle Elevation

C5 Shoulder Abduction

C6 Elbow Flexion

C7 Elbow Extension

C8 Thumb Extension

T1 Finger Adduction
Dermatomes and Myotomes

L2 Hip Flexion

L3 Knee Extension

L4 Dorsiflexion

L5 Big Toe Extension

S1 Foot Eversion

S2 Plantarflexion

S1&2 Knee Flexion


Biceps Jerk C5&6

Tricpes Jerk C7

Brachioradialis C7

Knee Jerk L3&4

Ankle Jerk S1

Babinski: Normal response= toes plantarflex

Abnormal= dorsiflexion of great toe and downward fanning of other toes

Neurodynamic Testing

Passive Neck Flexion: Supine, head flexed. N= pain free full ROM

Straight Leg Raise: (Sciatic Nerve) Hip Add, Medial Rotation, Knee Extension

(Tibial Nerve) + Ankle Dorsiflexion/Eversion

(Common Peroneal) + Ankle Plantarflexion/ Inversion

Prone Knee Bend: Do in side ly and use neck flex/ext to desensitize

Saphenous Nerve Test: In prone. + Abd, lat rot, df and eversion

Slump Test:

Upper Limb Tension Tests: 1- Median (Waiter). 2b- Radial (Baton) 3- Ulnar (Glasses)
C Spine

Trauma Whiplash

Ligament Sprain

Muscular Strain

Degenerative Spondylosis: IV disc

Arthrosis: Z Joint

Inflammatory AS

RA Headaches

Torticollis Hypermobility Syndrome

Cervical Rib Neoplasm

C Spine Special Tests

Spurlings- nerve root compression


VBI Test- Rotation L and R to end of ROM. Each +OP for 10s. Always release for 10s
before next. If positive manipulation is contraindicated.

Differentiation- Between Neck and Ear- Hold head still and get patient to turn body
each way. Repeat above. If still positive it is not from the vestibular system.

Palpation of Pulses- Check for compromised blood supply to head.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome


NAGs/Reverse NAGs/SNAGs
T Spine

Trauma Whiplash

Fracture Thoracic Outlet

Ligament Sprain

Muscular Strain

Degenerative Spondylosis: IV disc

Arthrosis: Z Joint

Inflammatory AS

Metabolic Osteoporosis

Synodromes T4

Fracture Bursitis

Dislocation Muscle Imbalance (winged scap)

Ligament Sprain Snapping Scapula

Muscle Strain Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Calcification of Tendons Instability

Frozen Shoulder

RC Rupture


Shoulder Special Tests

Joint/ Stability Crank Test

Anterior Drawer AC Joint

Apprehension Test Apleys (AC Pathology)

Fulcrum Test Rotator Cuff

Jerk Test Drop Test (Infraspinatus and Supraspinatus)

Sulcus Sign Hornblower’s Sign (Teres Minor)

Labrum Lift-Off (Subscapularis)

Biceps Load I&II Patte’s (Infraspinatus and T Minor)

Anterior Slide Empty Can (Supraspinatus)


Hawkins-Kennedy (Supraspinatus Impingement)

Speeds (Biceps Impingement)

Neer (Both of the above)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Allen Test

Adson’s Manoeuvre

Provocation Elevation


VBI Test
Elbow Special Tests


Lateral Epicondylitis
3 MCP Extension

Medial Epicondylitis

Nerve Tests

Pinch Grip (Median)

Tinel’s Sign (Ulnar)

Ligamentous Stability

Valgus Stress Test Varus Stress Test


Tennis Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow

Collateral Ligament Sprain

Ulnar Nerve Compression

Olecranon Bursitis

Triceps Tendinopathy

Posterior Impingement
Wrist and Hand




Carpal Tunnel

Guyuns Canal Syndrome



Wrist and Hand Special Tests

Finkelstein Test

Froment’s Sign (Ulnar)

Phalen’s Test

Reverse Phalen’s

Tinel’s Sign
Pelvis Special Tests

Passive Physiological Accessory Movements

Sitting Flexion Anterior Gapping

Standing Flexion Posterior Gapping

Stork Test Femoral Shear

Prone Trunk Extension Longitudinal Caudad

Anterior and Posterior Rotation

Hibbs Test

Anteroposterior Translation

Superoinferior Glide
Hip Special Tests

Quadrant Test

Leg Length

Faber’s Test

Ober’s Sign

Piriformis Test

Thomas Test

Trendelenberg Sign
Knee Special Tests

Joint Integrity

Valgus/Varus Stress

Anterior/Post Drawer

Apley’s Test

Brush Test

Apprehension Test

Hughston Plica Test

Lachman’s Test


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