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A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Light Cords: Exchange of Power

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Light Cords: Exchange of Power
by Tau Malachi Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:59 pm

Light Cords: The Exchange of Power

Generally speaking, all Sophian initiates are well acquainted with the practice of Giving &
Receiving – in it we envision the Spiritual Sun in our heart and we envision others in front of us, and
using our radiant breath as a vehicle, we exchange energy with them, taking in negativity, shades
and shadows, and transforming them in the Light of the Sun of God, and giving them positive
energy, light-power in return; in this way we help liberate ourselves and others from negativity,
actively extending spiritual and invisible assistance, and we generated the Sacred Heart.

In the Order of St. Uriel and Order of St. Raphael there is a practice that works along similar lines,
using light cords extending from our subtle body to the subtle body of others, including apparently
animate and inanimate objects, we enter into in an exchange of energy, an exchange of sparks.

Basically speaking, light cords can be extended from any interior star in the subtle body, just as
rays of blessing may be extended from any of these psycho-spiritual centers; however the principle
stars that we use for generating light cords are the belly or navel, the heart and the brow.

When we extend a light cord from the brow our intention is to commune with the intelligence of
the being; when we extend a light cord from the heart our intention is a communion with the spirit
or soul of a being; and when we extend a light cord from the belly it is a communion of power, and
exchange of energy.

Essentially, we envision a cord of light extending from one of these points of our body, specifically
the subtle body; the cord being hollow inside, much like a tube or shoot of bamboo, allowing a
flow of energy or light-power through it – we envision that it connects at the other end to the
subtle body of the being we are entering into an exchange with, and typically, before forming any
connection in this way, we will ask for the blessing of the Divine Mother and we will ask for
permission from the spirit or soul of the being, whether an apparently animate or inanimate
object. Only with the blessings of the Mother and the permission of the spirit or soul of a being will
we form such intimate energetic connections, and this is especially true of light cords formed
between ourselves and other human beings – we respect and honor free will and self-
determination, and we believe in *non-interference* where there is no desire to receive or desire
for communion; we render direct help when asked, when desired, all according to the Divine Will.

In the wonderworking art the most common center that we extend light cords from is the belly – it
is like a big pot of life and desire energy, a great reservoir of power; thus, from the belly we can
give power and through the belly we can draw power – it is with the belly that we feel places and
their energies, their spirits, and that we feel people and their spirits. When it is separate from the
Heart Star the Navel Star is called the “belly of the Great Beast,” but when joined to the Heart
Star and the three upper interior stars it is the center of Divine Power embodied – sacred and holy.

The distinction in the Navel Star is this: it is of the Great Beast if and when manifest as the *Desire
to Receive for Self Alone*; but it is the center of the Divine Power when manifest as the *Desire To
Receive for the sake of Giving*. Always, in truth, it is the very same Divine Energy, but the
manifestation of this desire-energy is determined by our intention, and by the state of our mind,
heart and life; walking in a sacred manner this is a center of Divine Power, and nothing but the
Before you begin to use light cords from the belly it is a good idea to learn how to feel energy with
your belly – or shall I say, to recognize that you do feel energy with your belly, for everyone does
feel energy with their belly, whether or not they are conscious of it. You see, the navel is the place
that we are exchanging life-force with our environment and with others around us all of the time –
life energy is going in and out of the belly all of the time; it is very much like the surrounding
reality display is the womb and we have an umbilical cord to it in an exchange of life energy.

Opening the Navel Star or Belly

In various places that you find yourself, in nature, at work, at home – in all different kinds of
places, focus on your belly, and with conscious intention become aware of the energy of that
space, and the energy of what’s happening in it; feel it in your belly.

If with conscious intention you shift your breathing to your belly, as though you are breathing
through your navel, this may help you feel through your belly.

Once you can consciously feel the energy of spaces in your belly, if you want to amplify the
feelings or your want to scan something specific, envision light rays (not a light cord) going our of
your belly, like feelers you extend into the environment.

Going out walking where you can pass through different environments or zones of energy can be
very good when you are learning to open your belly – because you can practice feeling transitions
or shifts in energy and vibration from one place to another; also, once you have some skill in this
you will find that you can even do this while driving down the road!

This is not about thinking, but is all about sensation, feeling and intuition – becoming open and
sensitive; the role of thought is secondary, it is interpretive.

When you have learned to feel spaces and objects in them with your belly, then practice extending
this field of sensitivity – progressively extending it further and further; you will find that it can
extend a very long ways, much further than you might imagine at the outset. In fact, in the case of
a master of the art it can extend as far as the eye can see to the horizon, and even further still;
and not only can it extend to things in the material dimension, but to thing in inner dimensions as
well – it is truly amazing, and it all happens through conscious intention to be open and sensitive
with the belly.

Now here is a great secret: Sight can be very deceptive, although we tend to rely on it so heavily in
our unenlightened societies and cultures; but liberated from attachment and aversion, your belly is
perfectly accurate and can perceive through all illusions and deceptions – there is good reason to
trust your belly once you learn how to open it and feel with it. (In terms of learning to let go of
attachment and aversion, the practice of Silent Witness and Primordial Meditation are key:
besides, unless a person has the basic practices of the tradition in place they would not be
initiated into any of the Holy Orders or encouraged to take up any of the more advanced practices
– first things first, as the saying goes!)

As you become able to feel and intuit with your belly, you may want to go and create a Sacred
Circle and call in the powers, then practice feeling the Four Directions and Four Winds – this is one
of the best ways to learn about them; in a similar fashion you can practice feeling any of the
angels of our Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother in the same way. In the Order of St. Uriel we
often speak of putting spirits to the test – if you get good with your belly feeling you belly will
perfectly discern between the spirits, knowing what is good for you and what is not.

Perhaps here it ought to be said that what is good for you and what is not does not means that
something is necessarily wrong or evil in itself – maybe it is, but maybe its not; truly it’s all a
question of what’s good for you and what’s not good for you, and no judgment needs to be involved
in this.
As unseemly as this may sound to modern Western ears – relaxing and pouching out your belly some
can help open the belly to feeling; sometimes patting it a bit can help too – learn to love your belly
and it will treat you well (accept your body and you will find it an amazing vehicle of the Light-
presence and Light-power; and an amazing instrument of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling
and knowing in the Spirit).

When you are first learning to feel with the belly it is a good idea to consciously “close and seal”
the belly afterward; likewise, it is a good idea to tend to self-purification frequently, letting go of
any negative energies you might have picked up – if by chance you run across an extremely
negative energy during an exercise with the belly be certain to banish or purify yourself
immediately afterwards, and at the point of contact, with full force of conscious intention refuse
any link or connection.

When you know your belly in this way and are able to feel through your belly, then you are ready
for the practice of extending light cords from the belly – and there are many practices for this in
the lineage.

If you learn how to actually extend a cord of light from your belly, then you will know how to do it
from any of the interior stars, so we will focus on practices with the belly – following this post I’ll
begin to record some of the practices below.

May we discover the “Pot of Joy” in us and learn how to share it; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

Belly Light Cord Practices

by Tau Malachi Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:32 pm

Belly Light Cord Practices:

The following are all good beginning practices.

The Umbilical Cord to Earth Mother

The Good Earth, quite literally, is your Holy Mother – she is the womb from which you are born, and
in the physical being she is your all in all; you live and move and have your being in her – you are in
her and she is in you. She is your life here and your power here – and she has plenty of power for
everybody; it is good from time to time to reconnect with her and to let her purify and empower

If you want to purify yourself energetically, and you want to draw power from the Earth Mother, go
out and smudge yourself and create a sacred circle, and honor Sky Father and Earth Mother, and all
of the Divine Powers – and make offerings to all.

Then go and lay down with your belly to the Earth Mother in the middle of the Sacred Circle, with
all of the powers gathered there; with your belly upon the Earth Mother send out a light cord as an
umbilical cord into her, and envision that cord going down into the Fire Center of Earth Mother, her
Great Deep.

Intone quietly Imma Eretz (Mother Earth): Yah-Ma-Ma-Ah Ah-Ray-Etz (This intonation is for the
vibrational quality, not the actual Hebrew pronunciation.)

Make an offering of some life-energy to her through the cord – envision some light going down into
her and pray for all your siblings, that they might be blessed. Then, as this life-energy strikes the
Fire Center of Mother, envision Great Fire coming up through it; see this Holy Fire rush up into your
body, kindling the Holy Fire in your belly, and see that Holy Fire blaze forth, filling your entire
body, purifying you of all negativity, all shades and shadows, cleansing you completely.

Filled with this Holy Fire and becoming this Holy Fire, get up, still with the umbilical cord
attaching you to Earth Mother – take up the rattle, and perhaps the holy staff, and envisioning the
Sacred Circle as a Ring of Holy Fire, walk the Sacred Circle counter-sunwise, rattling and chanting:
Imma Shekinah (Mother Holy Presence), Yah-Ma-Ma-Ah Sha-Ka-Yah-Na-Ah, and as you are doing this
let it be a prayer of purifying and blessing all your relations, and let it be holy worship of the
Divine Mother.

Now as you go round and round envision that the Holy Fire becomes radiant Divine Light flow up
through the cord from a Secret Sun within Mother Earth, with this shift, stop in the East and stand,
rattling and chanting: Yah-Yah-Ah-Ma.

Then, when it is time, walk the circle sunwise, and chant: Io Adonai, and with your hand and
conscious intention sever the cord from you giving thanks to the Mother and continue your walk of
the Sacred Circle honoring your Holy Virgin Mother.

If there is other spiritual work to be done in the Sacred Circle it is done; but if not, then you
complete your walk and give praise and thanks, and you pray that this blessing pours forth upon all
your relations. This completes the sacred ceremony.

Belly Cord with Standing Stone

Go and gather a stone in a sacred manner – one to erect as a standing stone; before offering it and
placing it, hold it to your belly and extend a light cord into it – feel its power enter you and your
power enter it, feel the connection run deep.

Then offer the stone and set the stone in place, baptize and anoint it, and make offerings – then
take up a sacred dance, using rattle and chant, worshiping in the Presence of Yahweh and the
Divine Powers, praying for yourself and all of the people.

Through the cord, as you do this, draw in the powers to your belly and become full of them for the
people – and with power speak what is to come to pass, all as the Mother Spirit inspires you.

When all is accomplished give praise and thanks, and extend blessings, and envision the cord being
withdrawn from the sacred stone – thank the stone spirit also for offering itself; this completes the
sacred ceremony.

(See the rite of the Sacred Standing Stone elsewhere in this forum.)

*Apart from the rite of the Standing Stone you can practice this with stone people – it is a good
place to begin.

Belly Cord with Sacred Tree

Go and find a tree that is friendly – never a lone standing tree in a desolate place, though, because
they will have fierce spirits or a hungry ghost in them. When you find a sacred tree sit facing it,
and extend a light cord to it from your belly; commune with the sacred tree in power, exchanging
power with the tree and drawing its great strength into your belly – as you do this envision energy
roots go down into the earth and energy rays go up like branches, and with the sacred tree power
reach into Earth Mother and reach up to Sky Father, and draw power from the Holy One as the
sacred tree. When you are done, envision the cord withdrawing and give praise and thanks to the
Holy One, and thank the tree – and pray all your relations are blessed. This is the prayer-

*This can be a very good practice for healing and empowerment in life; also grounding and
Pot of Fire Cord (Belly Giving & Receiving)

If you know of someone experiencing a lot of vital turmoil, with emotion or desire, or you know of
someone who is sick from it – you can do giving and receiving with the belly and light cord, using
the Pot of Fire. (It is especially powerful for vital conflict or stuckness – sometimes more so than
the typical form of giving and receiving.)

Sit in holy meditation – and envision your subtle body as a hollow body of translucent light, with
the Spiritual sun in the Heart; in you belly envision a Pot of Fire, blazing fire – breath, and with
inhalation envision the inner wind kindling this fire into a greater and greater blaze, with greater
and greater inner heat, and when you exhale, envision that you can breathe out fire, rather like a
great dragon. (A skilled practitioner may even send their Body of Light to where the person is,
passing through the astral dimension.)

Now, take up the energy chant: Ka-Ah-Yah-Da-Na-Sa-Yah-Yo (prolong on “Yo”), and as you do
envision the person in front of you that you wish to pray for in much the same way as giving and
receiving; and envision a light cord connecting your belly to their belly. As you are chanting, let the
breath shift to the belly, inhalation drawing in shades and shadows through the light cord to the
Pot of Fire (like a vacuum hose), transforming them, and on exhalation a breathing of this Holy Fire
into the person, purifying them of all impurities, all shades and shadows. As this happens, the Pot
of Fire in them blazes forth, just as it does in you in you.

Then intone: Ka-Ah-La-La-Ah Ma-Si-Yah, and envision the Holy Fire magically transforming into
brilliant Divine Light, and hold the conscious intention of their reintegration into the Light
Continuum. (The cord is with drawn at this point.)

As you come to the fruition of the chant, envision that they and you disappear in a blaze of Divine
Glory – intone: Ah.

Completing the movement, intone: Ah-Da-Na-Yah Ma-Si-Yah, praying for this blessing to pour out
upon all of your relations, and as you do this focus upon your Brow Star.

Then give thanks and praise to the Holy One, and to the Messiah and Shekinah of Messiah. This
completes the prayer-meditation.

(Alternatively, the light cord could be attached to any interior star for a special purification, all as
the Spirit guides us to do.)

This practice is associated with the Red Maiden in the Order of St. Mary Magdalene, and it is often
used for healing in the Order of St. Raphael.

These practices are a good star with the use of light cords.

Blessing & shalom!

Belly Opening Practices

by Tau Malachi Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:07 pm

Belly Opening Practices

Belly Breath

If you want to open your belly one way is to use the belly breath – one of the “dragon’s breath”
methods; stand in a relaxed but firm way, feet about shoulder width apart, knees very slightly
bent, your back straight, arms down at your side, but with them extending like you are holding
something up at belly level, palms up, but finders relaxed. As you breathe, extend your belly as
though your belly is breathing, as though it gathers the breath – this will naturally place the radiant
energy within and behind breath into your belly.

When you get used to doing this, then envision a Holy Fire in the belly that is kindled by this
breath, as you inhale the fire blazes, and as you exhale, envision the fire rushing straight up your
spine out the top of your head – as you breathe in this way the fire blazes more and more, and the
fire shoots upward with greater force, reach further above your head in ascent. If you use this
exercise always seal it with a focus upon the sphere of white brilliance in the center of your head
and the intonation of Yeshua Messiah into that center; either that, or with a brief meditation on
the Spiritual Sun within the heart and the intonation of Adonai Messiah in the heart center – this
will serve to balance your energy.

With the same breath you may also sit with your hands over your navel – envision your hands as
light pouring forth light into this center, and envision light coming out of this center into your
hands; light upon light, there at your belly. When you feel full of light-power in your belly remove
your hands and feel with your belly – also, perhaps, share some of this light-power, sending it or
offering it with conscious intention. (You can touch and bless people in this way.)

Power Hand

You have a natural giving hand and receiving hand – if you are right handed, that’s your giving
hand, if you are left handed, then that’s your giving hand, the other is your receiving hand; your
giving hand is called the “Power Hand” (Yod).

Clap your hands together and rub them together briskly, with the conscious intention of opening
the stars or centers in your hands. Once you have done this, hold out your receptive hand, palm
facing up, and take your power hand and make a clockwise circular motion with it around your
navel (as though the navel were the clock), and seek to fee the energy of your hand with your belly
– do not actually rub or touch your belly with your hand, but do this motion about a half inch to an
inch away. When you can feel the energy building up, see if you can move your hand further away
from your belly and still feel it, and then raise your power hand as though you were going to wave
at somebody – sending out energy from your hand and belly in blessing, and feeling with your belly.
(In this you know a secret of tzaddikim waving to you!)

These are a few exercises that can help you feel with your belly and help you to prepare to extend
light cords from your belly.

May we be a cause of joy, the fulfillment of inmost heart’s desires; amen.

Blessings & shalom!

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