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Good everning everyone. Good to see all you again. I am the TOE of tonight meeting.

The theme of this

meeting is “The Challenge of Change”. The reason why I chose this theme is because I discovered that

whenever there is a target we want to achieve, there is always something crop up or get in our way,

hampering us from achieving things that we want to achieve. At the end, things that are supposed to be

done is undone. We are very likely to postpone it to the next year. We achieve nothing in the end.

I set a list of new year resolution in 2019, long enough to qualify for the world guiness record. Mastering

guitar skill, doing performance using guitar on stage, hone my English oratory skill, traveling and etc. These

are just one tip of the iceberg. One night, I lean over my window, squinted up at the sky, thinking what I

have achieved in this year, have I accomplish anything so far? I can still remember well I bought a guitar

manual book in January, I told myself, no matter what happen, I am going to learn to play guitar throughout

the year, not only learn to play it, I will also become very good at it. Good enough to play it on stage. Now, it

is December 2019, I don’t achieve that. I cannot even play a simple song with a guitar. A year later, I am

still where I used to be. By the way, learning guitar on your own is very hard. It will torture you physically

and mentally. My fingers was so painfully and I couldn’t stand it anymore. All kind of symbols shown n the

manual book tormented me as I couldn’t comprehend them.

Issue like climate change, we knew about it since we were young. We know that it is happening and all kind

of action had been taken against it in order to control the rising of temperature to 1.5 degree celcius. Laws

and paris agreement had been formulated to achieve the target. But now, 1.5 degree celcius is impossible

and even confining it to 2 degree celcius seems to be an uphill task. In Malaysia, we can feel that, there

were deluges of water when it is not needed, and lack of water when it is needed. Why? Because there are

challenges of change.

In tonight meeting, I hope all of you have the chance to share about the challenge you faced whenever you

seek for a change and I hope to hear from you.

 Greetings

 Reason for choosing the theme

 My Own story

 Climate change

 Anticipation

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