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4A’s Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 10

I. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to;
Objectives  define probability;
 find the probability of simple events;
 express appreciation on the importance of probability in real-
life situation.

II. Subject Matter Lesson/Topic: Basic Concept of Probability

“Probability of Simple Events”
III. Learning Resources
A. References
 Teacher’s Math 10 page 194
Pptx slide presentation, instructional materials, visual aids, marker,
 Teaching speaker, and DLP.
III. TEACHING Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer “Everybody, kindly stand for a prayer.”
“Say your prayer, class.” (Students pray)

 Greetings “You may now take your seats” “Thank you teacher.”

Good morning class! “Good morning teacher ferl!”

How are you today?
“We’re doing great teacher!”
Alright! So are you excited to what we
are going to learn today?” “Yes we are!”
“That’s absolutely great!”
 Checking of “Is everybody present today?” “Some are absent teacher.”
Attendance “Ok, attendance checker, please check
the attendance. “Yes teacher ferl!”
 Checking of “How about assignment class, do you
Assignment have any?” “No teacher!”
 Review of “Before we start, let us have first a short
previous recall on our lesson last meeting, yes “It was about segments
Lesson Jean?” formed by chords, secants,
“Very good Jean, you really are and tangents cher!
studying.” “Thank you teacher.”
 House Before we start our discussion on our
Rules new topic, I want you class to read our
house rules, these are what you are
going to observe during our session. In
order for us to have a harmonious and (Students are reading the
organized discussion. Everybody please house rules)
read. 1. Raise your hand if you
want to answer.
2. No using of cellphones.
3. Respect each other.
4. Do not make any
unnecessary noise.
5. Participate actively in all
Is it clear to you class? activities.
Can I expect you to follow all those
house rules?
“I’m glad to hear that!”
“Yes teacher!”
 Motivation Before we proceed to our proper
(3mins) discussion, I have here 2 pictures.
Let’s start with the first picture first
What can you say about the picture
class? Students: dark clouds cher.
Yes, it is a dark cloud clouds or shall we
say nimbus cloud. Whenever the sky is
dark what do you think will happen
next? It will rain teacher.
Now how about the second pic.
What can you say about it? Students: A man driving a
What comes into your mind if you see a fancy car.
man driving an expensive car? Student 1: He might be the
owner of the car ma’am.
Yes! It could be. What else could you
think of, Yes dear. Student 2: He might be rich
Yes maybe. Anybody else? Any idea?
Student 3: He might be just a
Where do you think he’s going? driver.
To his office!
How about his, job. What do you think is
the job of that man? Student 4: He might be a
businessman, or a politician,

Yes. He might be. All your answers and

guesses could be true and also it could
be not, right? You were just trying to
guess the possibilities, based on what
you have seen.

Now, based on your answers, what do

you think you’re doing? Can you now
guess our topic for today? Student 4: About
Student 5: About chances?
Yes, it could be. You have the point. Student 6: About predicting
 Unlocking of At this point, we will do the unlocking of
difficulties difficulties. There are special words
(3mins) related to our topic for today. For you to
be able to understand our topic very
well, I would like you to familiarize these
words. These are the EXPERIMENT,
(The teacher presents the pptx of words
written in column A and the meaning on
column B.)
I have here two sets of boxes. Set A is
for boxes for the words, and set B is the
boxes for the meaning of each word. All
you have to do is to guess the meaning
of the words.
(The students guess the meaning of the
(The teacher corrects the answers of
the students)
“All boys, please read the meaning of
EXPERIMENT.” All boys: Experiment is
anything that is repeatedly do
where results may vary even
conditions are similar.
Examples: 1. Tossing a coin
2. Rolling a die
Thank you!
“Everybody please read, what is
SAMPLE SPACE?” All students: Sample Space
is the set of all possible
outcomes in an experiment.
Examples: 1. S= {H,T}
2. S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
How about the EVENT? All girls please All girls: Event is any subset
read. of a sample space.
1.. getting a head when
tossing a coin, E= {H}
2. getting an even number
Thank you! when rolling a die, E= {2,4,6}
“How about the meaning of OUTCOME,
Everybody, please read.” All students: An outcome is a
possible result of an
Thank you class! experiment.
Now, who wants to have an activity? Do
you want to have an activity first?” Students: Yes, ma’am!
Do you know the movie entitled “Hello
Love Goodbye”, class? Yes cher! We do…..
Who were the 3 main characters in Kathryn, Alden, and Maxine
there? cher!
“Ok, I want to divide the class into 3
groups. Look under your armchair, I
have posted a small pieces of paper
written the initial letter of your group’s
name where you will belong. Now do
you see it? Listen, Whatever letter you
get is an indication of what group you
belong to. Letter A for group Alden, K
for Kathryn, M for Maxine.
Ok, now listen, go to your respective
group silently, in a count of 8, you
should all be in your group.

(Teacher is counting)

Now class, listen to me first. Here is

B. Lesson Proper what you are going to do.
 Activity The Scenario is that Alden, Kathryn and
Dress me up! (5minutes) Maxine will have to go for a movie
shooting. Your job now is to help them
dress up.

The group names are;1st Aldin

2nd Kathryn and 3rd Maxine. Each group Yes, teacher!
should select a leader and a reporter. I
have here 3 envelopes consisting
different images inside. All you need to
do is to get all these things together with
the paper where the instruction is
written. Please don’t forget to choose a
reporter to report your work in front.
Now you form a circle in your group so it
would be easy for you to collaborate
with each other. There are 4 questions
inside the envelope, 2 points each
correct answer. So the highest possible
points is 8 points. Each group will be
given tokens, depending on their earned
points. You have 5 minutes to do the
task. Am I understood?

That’s great!

(Teacher sets the timer on the pptx)

That’s great! Your timer starts now.
Instruction: Use the pictures to answer
the questions correctly. The questions
and instruction are written in a piece of
(Students are doing the

(Students: Aldin has two

Group1: shirts.
Students: He has 2 short
Students: He also has 2 long
Group2: Students: There are 8 outfits.
It is because Aldin can pair
his two shirts with these 4
lower garments.
(Students discussing their
work in front)
“Ok time’s up!”
It’s time for you to present your work in
front of the class.

“Ok time’s up!”

(Students are done reporting)

C. Analysis Now let us check your answers. Let’s
check the Alden’s team.
1. How many shirts/blouses are there? Two
Team Aldin?
2. How many short pants are there? Two
3. How many pairs of long pants are Two as well
4. How many different outfits can you 8 outfits.
(The teacher processes the answers of
the students while reporting. The
teacher illustrates the answers of group
Aldin to show the connection of the
activity to the topic about probability)
“So class, how do you find the activity?” “It was nice teacher”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Yes we did!”
“It’s nice to hear that you were enjoying
our activity.”
Can you relate that activity to your real
life? Yes teacher!
How can you relate it? Student 1: We also do the
pairing of our clothes, in this
way, we could be look good.
Yes, very good. Nice to hear that.
“Now you will know the connection of
our activity to our topic today.”

“Based on the activity that we had a

while ago, can you now define in your Student 1: Probability is how
own words the meaning of probability? likely something to be
Any hand? happened.
“Alright, thank you, very good!
Probability is a measure or estimation of
how likely it is that an event will occur.”
“Before anything else, I would like to
expect that you will be able to achieve
the following objectives, everybody At the end of the discussion,
please read. the students should be able
 define probability;
 find the probability of
simple events;
 express appreciation
on the importance of
probability in real-life
“Thank you for reading! What do you
think of our objectives class? Is it
achievable?” Yes teacher, it is!”


D. Abstraction Now, today’s topic, is about probability.

Probability is a measure of how likely an
event is to occur. Our topic for today is
focused on probability of a simple event.
The probability of an event, P(event), is
a number from 0 to 1 which tells you
how likely the event is to be happened.
P(E) = Number of favorable outcomes
Number of possible outcomes

There are 4 rules of probability, Probability Rules

everybody please read rule number 1. All Students:Rule# 1. The
probability of any event is a
number (either a fraction, a
decimal, or a percent) from 0
to 1.
Example: The weather
forecast shows a 70% rain.
P(rain) = 70%

Rule number 2, Jane please read. Jane: Rule# 2. If the event

will never happen, then the
probability is 0.
Example: When a single die
is rolled, find the probability of
getting an 8. In this situation,
a die containing 6 faces and
each face contains a number
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Since the
sample space consists of 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, it is
impossible to get an 8.
Hence, P (8) = 0.
“Everyone, please read rule number 3.”
All Students: Rule# 3. If an
event is sure to happen, then
the probability is 1.
Example: When a single die
is rolled, what is the
probability of getting a
number less than 7?
Again, a die has 6 faces and
each face contains a number
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. So, you can
write P= 𝟔/𝟔 = 1.

“Sheila, please read the rule number 4.” Sheila: Rule# 4. The sum of
the probabilities of all the
outcomes in the sample
space is 1.
Example: In rolling a fair of
die, each outcome in the
sample space has a
probability of 1/6. Hence, the
sum of the probabilities of the
outcomes is 1. Why?
It is because
𝟔 =1.
“Let’s do some example.”
“Everybody please read the problem
number 1.”
All Students: What is the
probability of getting HEART
from a deck of cards?”
The card is classified into 4. The
diamond, spade, club and heart. Each
classification has 13 cards. Each card
consists of ace, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen
and king. So, we can say,
P (heart) = 𝟏𝟑/𝟓𝟐=𝟏/𝟒.

“All boys please read problem number

two.” All Boys: There are 20
Marbles in a container: 4 are
red, 5 are blue, and 11 are
yellow. What is the probability
that a blue marble will be

P(blue marble) = 𝟓/𝟐𝟎 =𝟏/𝟒

Did you understand? Are you learning “Yes, we are!”



E. Application
(Group activity) (Keep the ball rolling, see your
“Now, to check your understanding, you
are going to apply what you have
learned in our discussions, Let us have
an activity, this activity is called, Keep
the ball rolling, see your PROB-
This activity requires unity and
teamwork. There are 6 questions to be
answered, which is to be drawn from
this basket. Each group will have the
chance to answer 2 questions. Each
question is worth 4 points. So, the
highest possible score that a group can
earn is 6 points= 6 candies. Meaning,
the candies that they receive will
depend on their scores. If one group
already earned the 6points, they will be
marked as defending winner, wait to
finish the 6 questions. If there is a tie,
somebody will roll or throw the dice and
let the group pick their number.
Here is the mechanics and rules of the
game, Please read. 1. Let the ball moved around
while the music is still on.
2. Rotate the ball within your
3. Each member should be
able to hold the ball before
passing it to the next person.
There is no skipping.
4. After the ball is moved
within your group, pass it to
the next group.
5. No throwing of ball, if
he/she does, the group where
he/she belongs will be
automatically disqualified.
6. When the music stops, the
last person holding it, will be
the one to answer. He/she
may ask help from the
7. Each group has the chance
to answer 2 questions only.
8. Each group will be given
15 seconds to answer the

Do you understand the game

mechanics and rules class? Yes teacher!


(The teacher presents the slide

1. The local weather forecaster said
there is a 20% chance of rain tomorrow.
What is the probability that it will not rain
2. The sides of a cube are numbered 11
to 16. If Nicole rolled the cube once,
what is the probability of rolling a
composite number?
3. If a letter is to be selected from the
word MILLENNIALS, find the probability
that the letter is a vowel.
4. You are one of the top 10 students in
the class. What is the probability of
being picked as a representative in a
quiz bowl?
5. In a box, there are 4 green balls, 6
blue balls, and 8 red balls. Find the
probability of getting a ball that is not
6. In a box, there are 20 balls numbered
from 1 to 20. If a ball is drawn from the
box, find the probability of getting a
number divisible by 3.

(The game is now starting)

1. 80%
2. 4/6 or 2/3
3. 4/11
5. 10/18 or 5/9
6. 6/20 or 3/10

(The game ends)

How do you find the activity class? It was fun cher!

Why do you say so? Because there was a timer

with music on, and we
needed to work as a team in
order to answer the
questions. It was fun and
challenging cher.

Yes, it was challenging, but still, you did

it. And you were having some fun. That
was very good job class!

So how can you relate probability in this

activity? Our chances of winning cher.
We take probability in winning
the game.
Yes right! It’s because there were 3
groups. So the probability of winning is
Yes ma’am!
Are you learning today class? Yes we are!

Did you understand the concept of Yes we did!


Amazing! Glad to hear that.

F. Generalization A while ago we discuss about
probability of simple events and
probability rules.
As a recap, what is probability?
All students: Probability is
the measure of how likely an
event is to occur.
Or in another words, Probability is a
branch of Mathematics that deals with
uncertainty. It is a measure or
estimation of how likely it is that an
event will occur. There are four
probability rules. What are those?” (Students reading the rules)

Thank you class. Did you understand

our topic class? Yes we did teacher!

Do you have any questions, regarding

the topic? No more ma’am. It was all


1. Now that you have learned probability

lesson, how is probability used in real-
life situations? Students: It can be used in
our decision making cher. It
helps us decide what we
need to do, if we are under in
2. In this life, what do we need to a situation.
increase the probability of achieving
success in every endeavor? Students: we need to study
hard in order to gain high
Yeah that’s right. Of course if you study grades.
hard, you’ll have a big probability of
achieving your dreams in life.
It’s a good thing that you were able to
relate our topic to your real life situation.
When you know probability, in real life
you will be able to do a good decision-

Do you have any question?

There’s none teacher.
G. Evaluation Alright, since you have no more
question, get ¼ sheet of paper and
answer the following.

Direction: Answer directly do not copy

the questions anymore.
A. Define probability (3pts each) A. Probability is the measure
of how likely an event is to
B. Find the probability of the following: occur
(2pts each)
1. If a letter is chosen at the random
from the word PERSEVERANCE, 1. P(E) = 4/12 = 1/3
what is the probability that the letter
chosen is E? 2. P(8) = 4/52 = 1/13

2. What is the probability of getting an 3. P(S) = 2/7

8 from a deck of 52 cards?

3. Earl Darenz is asked to choose a

day from a week. What is the
probability of choosing a day which
starts with S?
H. Assignment A. List down at least three situations
from your experiences, wherein you
wondered for a probability of a certain

That’s all for today. Goodbye class.

Goodbye and thank you
teacher ferl.

Prepared by:

Ferleza C. Basulgan Fredelyn A. Balbin Dr. Fe B. Morata

PST- BSED 4 Cooperating Teacher Dean of Education

Observer Observer Observer

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