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English 1

Homework A -1

 Make a list of 20 jobs

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1


 Make a list of 6 farewells and 8 greetings


1. Good bye / ádios.

2. Have a nice day / que tenga un buen día.
3. See you later / nos vemos luego.
4. See you soon / hasta pronto.
5. See you tomorrow / hasta mañana.
6. So long / hasta luego.


1. Good afternoon / buenas tardes.

2. Good evening / buenas noches
3. Good morning / buenos días.
4. Hello – Hi / hola.
5. How are things? / ¿cómo va todo?
6. How are you doing? / ¿cómo te va?
7. How are you? / ¿cómo estás?
8. How do you do? / ¿cómo está usted?
9. Nice to meet you? / es un placer conocerte.
10. What going go? / ¿qué haces?
11. Where are you from? / ¿dé dónde eres?

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1

Homework A -2

 Write a list of 20 countries and nationalities.


 Write 10 sentences using verb tobe (use famous people’s names).

Example: Gaston is a chef

1. Acuña is a presidential candidate. (Acuña es un candidato presidencial).

2. Christian Meier is an actor. (Cristian Meier es un actor).
3. Enrique Ciriani is an architect. (Enrique Ciriani es un arquitecto).
4. Fernando de Szyszlo is an artista plastic. (Fernando de Szyszlo es un artista
5. Hugo Sótil is a soccer player. (Hugo Sotil es un jugador de fútbol).
6. Juan Diego Flores a good singer. (J. D. Flores es un buen cantante).
7. Maju is a beauty queen. (Maju es una reina de belleza).
8. Mario Testino is a photographer. (Mario Testino es un fotográfo).
9. Sofía Mulanovich is a surfer. (Sofía Mulanovich es una tablista).
10. Vargas Llosa is a writer. (Vargas Llosa es un escritor).

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1

Homework A -3

 Write a list of 20 classroom objects

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1


 Write the rules for plurals

 Give examples for each rule.

1. Plural usual ' s '

The vast majority of English words are simply the plural by adding an.

For examples:

Noun Plural Meaning

phone phones teléfono

bird birds pájaro

car cars coche

2. Plural Word Whistling in ' -that '

The nouns ending in ' -CH ' ' -s’, ' SH ', ' -x' and ' z ' form the plural “-that” instead of “s”.
The reason is that if a single "-s " it added it would be impossible to pronounce.

For examples:

Noun Plural Meaning

bench benches banco (de sentarse)

kiss kisses beso

wish wishes deseo

box boxes caja

quiz quizzes concurso

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1

3. Plural rule ' -ies ' (consonant) + ' and' ➜ ' -ies '

If a noun ends in a consonant followed by the letter ' -and ' is the plural en' -ies '.

For examples:

Noun Plural Meaning

lady ladies señora

baby babies bebe

4. Plural (consonant) + ' or ' ➜' - oes '

A few nouns ending in a consonant + ' or ' form the plural in ' -that ' . Many times there
are several ways plural.

For examples:

Noun Plural Meaning

domino dominoes dominó


buffalo buffaloes búfalo


potato potatoes patatas

tomato tomatoes tomate

echo echoes eco


embargo embargoes embargo

halo haloes aureola


hero heroes héroe

5. Plurals in ' f ' or ' -fe ' ➜ ' -ves '

Some words ending in ' f ' or ' -fe ' form the plural of irregular way ' -ves '.

For examples:

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1

Noun Plural Meaning

calf calves ternero

elf elves elfo

half halves mitad

knife knives cuchillo

Many words ending in ' f ' or ' -fe ' , form the plural regularly. For examples:

Noun Plural Meaning

brief briefs carta

chef chefs cocinero

chief chiefs jefe

giraffe giraffes jirafa

gulf gulfs golfo

sheriff sheriffs jefe de policía

Even words can form the plural of two ways:

Noun Plural Meaning

scarf scarves bufanda

wharf wharves muelle (de barco)


6. Invariants words in the plural

Some words have the same singular form in plural, many of them are animals.

For examples:

Singular / Plural Meaning

bison bisón

cod bacalao

deer ciervo

fish pez

moose alce

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

English 1

salmon salmón

sheep oveja

swine cerdo

trout trucha

offspring descendiente

7. Irregular plurals

There are English words that have an irregular plural. They are Germanic words, to form
the plural in German umlaut is added.

For examples:

Singular Plural Significado

foot feet pie

goose geese ganso

louse lice piojo

man men hombre

mouse mice ratón

tooth teeth diente

woman women mujer

8. Plural '-sis' -> '-ses'

Noun Plural Meaning

analysis analyses análisis

axis axes eje

basis bases base

crisis crises crisis

parenthesis parentheses paréntesis

Choccechanca Silvera, Julio Cesar

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