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Mariano Arellano 

6th 10/18/2018 

Chapter 16 
The South and Slavery, 1793-1860 
a. How does slavery end? 
b. When does slavery end? 
c. How is the inevitable “free slave” integrated into society?    
a. … Eli ​Whitney​ in 17​93​… 
i. The Cotton Gin created the opportunity to separate cotton from the 
seeds with one person. Thus the cotton production skyrocketed 
creating a greater demand for slaves. 
b. … cotton amounted to 5​ 0%​... ​50%​... 7​ 5%​…  
i. It created a one crop economy. 
ii. It destroyed any competition small farm owners held. 
c. 7929​… ​2.3%​... about ​75%​... 
i. They were at the bottom of the barrel, they wanted to be at least 
above someone socially.   
ii. They could have felt that they might’ve one day owned slaves. 
3. Conditions of Slavery 
a. I think they felt that they were superior to the free black populous, as well 
as economic competition. 
b. … ​four million​… ​slaves​… 
i. Selling a slave “down the river” meant selling or buying a slave that 
was either a house servant or from Virginia to Mississippi. 
c. They had no rights, they were technically “other peoples”. 
d. The Black populous was creating a culture that was evolving regardless of 
the oppression.  
e. The thing that surprised me the most was how the lower class whites 
supported slavery. 
4. Abolitionism 
a. The Q ​ uakers​… R​ epublic of Liberia​… B
​ ritain​… Second Great A
​ wakening​… 
William Lloyd G ​ arrison​… Frederick ​Douglass​. 
i. I would like to think I would have been against slavery, I guess if I 
was born in the middle of that area, and I held the same values as I 
do now I would be against slavery, I believe all people should be 
b. *** 
i. “If we free them they will not even be truly free, they will still be 
“other peoples” they will be better off under their masters.” 
ii. “ They will be better off here as something we take care of, rather 
to the North where they will be thrown to the wolves 
c. I believe that there is some truth in the cartoon and the opinion it 
represented, “free blacks” did have it rough in the North, but they were 
free. I do not believe that the people who were fighting for slavery to 
continue truly wanted the best for the Black populous. 
1. Abolitionists were unpopular in the North, they were unpopular because 
most northerners did have some prejudice towards black people, and they 
did not want social equality, at least in the big picture. 
1.Eli Whitney:1790/Georgia/inventor of the cotton gin/increased cotton 
production/interchangeable parts. 
2."Cotton Kingdom";Southern cotton becomes the a huge export for the US and drives 
the southern economy/also drives the build up more slaves/Cripples other southern 
3.Planter aristocracy;An oligarchy in the south made up of the largest plantation 
4.Sir Walter Scott:Favorite southern author who promoted a feudal society. 
5."Poor white trash"/"hillbillies"/"crackers": Least prosperous whites in the 
south/defended slavery. 
6.Free blacks: Blacks that had been freed/250,000 N&S/hated in north/lack of political, 
civil rights. 
7.Sold "down the river": The sending of slaves from the Old South to the Deep South 
where cotton was king. 
8.Harriet Beecher Stowe: Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin/separation of family/huge 
9.Denmark Vesey (1822): Leader of slave revolt Charleston/discovered/hanged with 30 
10.Nat Turner (1831): Black preacher/led revolt in Virginia/60 killed/was harshly put 
11.Abolitionism: The movement to end the institution of slavery. 
12.American Colonization Society (1817): Early abolitionists/wanted to return slaves to 
13.Liberia (1822): Country in Africa's West Coast/relocation area for former slaves. 
14.British emancipation (1833): Freeing of all slaves under British rule in West 
Indies/emboldened American abolitionists. 
15.Theodore Dwight Weld: Abolitionist/expelled over 18 day debate/Lane 
Rebels/pamphlet American Slavery As It Is 1839. 
16.Lyman Beecher: Ohio/Lane Theological Seminary/father Harriet Beecher Stowe. 
17.William Lloyd Garrison/The Liberator (1831): Radical abolitionist/militant 
18.American Anti-Slavery Society (1833): Abolitionist group/Wendell Phillips. 
19.Wendell Phillips: Abolition golden trumpet/would not eat cane or wear cotton. 
20.David Walker: Appeal to the Colored Citizens of World/book/advocated bloody end 
to white Supremacy. 
21.Sojourner Truth: Freed black woman who fought for black emancipation and 
women's rights. 
22.Martin Delaney: Northern black leader/advocated recolonization/Nigerian. 
23.Frederick Douglass: Former slave/wrote autobiography/advocated for political 
24.Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy (1837): Abolitionist/attacked catholic women chastity/killed by 
mob/martyr abolitionist. 
25."Free-soilers":Political party formed for the purpose to end slavery. 

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