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Checklist of Kinder Developmental Behaviors

Observed Behavior
1. Connects information and events in texts to life, and life to text experiences  ☐
2. Listens attentively to books teacher reads to class  ☐
3. Retells, reenacts, or dramatizes stories or parts of stories  ☐
4. Correctly answers questions about stories read aloud  ☐
5. Makes predictions based on illustrations or portions of stories  ☐

6. Follows the meaning of others' conversations  ☐


7. Independently writes many uppercase and lowercase letters  ☐


8. Writes to express own meaning  ☐


9. Follows 1- to 2-step instructions  ☐


10. Expresses ideas or experiences orally in simple sentences  ☐


11. Talks about past, present, and future events  ☐


12. Describes objects and situations according to position, size, quantity, and other
descriptors  ☐

13. Understands “how” and “why” questions  ☐


14. Asks meanings of words  ☐


15. Uses language in pretend play  ☐


16. Enjoys running, jumping, and doing stunts  ☐


17. Draws recognizable persons and objects  ☐


18. Cuts along a line with scissors  ☐


19. Enjoys group play  ☐


20. Gets involved in group discussions  ☐


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