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patrick logan, Writer at home Page 48 of 57
Get Detailed Guide of 26 Bikram yoga Poses & Benefits 12/24/19, 5:04 PM


Published on Jul 7, 2014

Find out 26 Bikram Yoga posture and their benefits. Explanations of each

Published in: Healthcare, Spiritual, Health & Medicine


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Get Detailed Guide of 26 Bikram yoga Poses & Benefits

1. 1. 1 26 Bikram Yoga Postures and Two Breathing Exercises
2. 2. 2 1. Standing Deep Breathing Pranayama Series Benefits: Teaches you to use 100 percent of your lungs. Most people use only a small percentage of their lung
capacity, never allowing the lungs to reach the maximum expansion that nature intended. Expands the lungs and increases circulation, elevating your core temperature
and preparing the muscles for exercise. How to Do: Make sure to breath slowly as this will facilitate lung expansion. Keep your back straight all the time and do not
bend backwards. This will be easier to achieve if you suck your belly in so that your rib cage protrudes a bit. As you exhale, tilt your head back slightly, while keeping
your eyes open. Shoulders should be kept in line with hips. Hips should be kept forward (you’ll achieve this by slightly squeezing your buttocks). When exhaling,
make sure to breath out completely to get rid of every bit of CO2 in your lungs. Finally, don’tworry if you feel a little dizzy during this poseor if you feel a slight pinch
in the shoulder area – these are completely normal symptoms and indicate that you are doing things right. Do the above pose that mention in chart for a few minutes, and
then move on to the remaining Bikram Yoga Postures, outlined below:
3. 3. 3
4. 4. 4 2. Half-Moon Pose with Hands to Feet Pose Ardha Chandrasana & Pada-Hastasana Ardha Chandrasana Half-Moon Pose Benefits: Firms and trims the waistline,
hips, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Improves and strengthens every muscle in the central part of the body, especially the abdomen. Increases flexibility of the spine,
corrects bad posture, promotes proper kidney function, and helps to cure enlargement of the liver and spleen, dyspepsia, and constipation. Increases flexibility and
strength of the rectus abdominis, latisimus dorsi, oblique, deltoid, and trapezius muscles. Pada-Hastasana Hands to FeetPose Benefits: Firms and trims the waistline,
hips, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Increases the flexibility of the spine as well as the glutes, hamstrings, calves. Greatly improves blood circulation to the legs and
brain, and strengthens the rectus abdominis, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles. How to Do: Lock arms and fully engage arm muscles
Straighten bodytowards ceiling While bending backwards, evenly distribute this bend over all of your spine During Hands-to-Feet pose, glue bodyto legs and move
elbows as close to each other as possible behind calf muscles Lift hips up towards ceiling while moving face increasingly further down your shins
5. 5. 5
6. 6. 6 3. Awkward Pose Utkatasana Benefits: Strengthens and firms all muscles of upper and lower legs, and hips, also improves hip mobility. Strengthens and tones the
upper arms, shoulders and abdomen. Increases blood circulation in the knees and ankle joints and relieves rheumatism, arthritis, and gout in the legs. Helps to cure
slipped disc’s and lumbago in the lower spine. How to Do: Maintain 6-inch gap between knees and hands while keeping them parallel to floor Ensure that shoulders
stay down by relaxing them throughout all 3 stages of this pose Ease exhaustion by focusing on stretching arms out Keep fingers together Breathe at normal pace
7. 7. 7 4. Eagle Garurasana Benefits: Supplies fresh blood to the sexual organs and the kidneys, increasing sexual power and control. Firms the calves, thighs, hips,
abdomen, and upper arms. Improves the flexibility of the hip, knee, and ankle joints and strengthens the latisimus dorsi, trapezius, and deltoid muscles. How to Do:
Remember to breathe Pull in stomach and keep it away from thighs Position fingers below nose Keep palms together Enter sitting posture and maintain straight
spine Squeeze knees and thighs together in all areas that you feel contact between them to increase tourniquet effect Focus bodyweight onto heel of standing footand
eventually eliminate gap between wrapped foot and back of standing leg
8. 8. 8
9. 9. 9 5. Standing Head To Knee Pose Dandayamana – JanuShirasana Benefits: Helps develop concentration, patience, and determination. Improves balance.
Tightens abdominal and thigh muscles. Improves hamstring and hip flexibility. Strengthens all the leg muscles, in addition to the deltoid, trapezius, latisimus dorsi,
scapula, and How to Do: Evenly distribute weight over 4 points of standing foot Lock knee of standing leg Maintain tight grip with all 10 fingers Keep non-
standing leg parallel to floor Suck in stomach and contract abdominal muscles Move foot toward face and past perpendicular position Touchelbows to calf muscle
Tuck chin to chest, round spine, and touch forehead to knee
10. 10. 10 6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose Dandayamana – Dhanuraiana Benefits: Improves mental determination and develops balance Tightens abdominal and thigh
muscles Tightens arms, hips, and buttocks. Improves posture, while increasing elasticity of the rib cage and the lungs Improves flexibility and strength. of the Page 50 of 57
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spine, legs, hips and shoulders. How to Do: Grab ankle joint and maintain firm grip using all 5 fingers Bring knees together Raise arm up and stretch it toward
ceiling Keep knee locked Charge bodyforward Kick and then feel spine arching backward Visualize foot steadily moving past top of head
11. 11. 11 7. Balancing Stick Pose Tuladandasana Benefits: Perfects controland balance. Firms hips, buttocks, and upper thighs, as well as providing many of the same
benefits for the legs as in Standing Head to Knee. Increases circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system, this is an excellent exercise for poorposture.
12. 12. 12 Improves flexlibility, strength, and muscle tone of shoulders, upper arms, spine, and hip joints. How to Do: Keep knees locked and stomach in Point toes of
non-standing foot Look for front footin mirror Press arms against ears and remove any arm-to-ear gaps Stretch bodytoward both sides as though playing tug of war
8. Standing sparate Leg Stretching Pose Dandytamana – Bibhaktaeada – Paschimottanasana Benefits: Improves and helps alleviate sciatica by stretching the sciatic
nerves in the muscles of the back of the legs. Helps the functioning of most of the internal organs, especially the small and large intestine.
13. 13. 13 How to Do: Take a step (4 feet or more) to your right (wider stance = easier stretch) Move feet increasingly closer (NOTE: if touching your forehead to the
floor between your legs is easy, then use small steps;the higher the difficulty, the larger your steps) Keep spine straight for as long as possible Grab bottom of heels
when they’re within reach, and then use arms to pull yourself farther down 9. Triangle Pose Trikanasana Benefits: Works almost every muscles, joint, tendon, and
internal organ in the body. Revitalizes nerves, veins, and tissues. Helps lumbago and rheumatism of the lower spine by flexing and strengthening the last five
vertebrae. Improves posture.
14. 14. 14 Most important poseto increase the strength and flexibility of the hip and side of the torso. Firms the thighs and hips, slims the waistline, and improves the
deltoid, trapezius, scapula, and latisimus muscles. How to Do: Stretch one arm up and other one down Touchchin exactly to shoulder Keep shoulders down Push
both hips toward mirror Touchlowered fingers between 1st toe and 2nd toe Keep torso flat and in a straight line as you stretch arm toward ceiling Avoid letting rib
cage stick out Remember to breathe while engaging in positive thoughts and emotions Keep hips down, sit down, and prevent hips from moving up
15. 15. 15 10. Standing Separate Leg head to Knee Pose Dandayamana – Bibhaktapada – Janushirasana Benefits: Many of the same benefits of bikram yoga poses as Hands
to Feet Pose. Helps develop concentration, patience, and determination. Improves balance. Tightens abdominal and thigh muscles. Improves hamstring and hip
flexibility. Strengthens all the leg muscles, in addition to the deltoid, trapezius, latisimus dorsi, scapula, and biceps. How to Do: Remember to breathe throughout
pose Bring feet together and raise arms above head Form steeple grip with hands and move right leg 4 feet toward right Turn right foot out 90 degrees and do same
with torso, hips, arms, and head Rotate left foot in about 45 degrees to keep hips squared forward Tuck chin into chest and maintain straightened arms and legs
Round down from hips until forehead touches right knee If hamstrings or spine is tight, bend right leg until forehead touches knee Keep arms and left leg straight, and
if you need balance, separate hands on floor Engage abdominal muscles, round spine by lifting belly, and straighten right leg Align hips by twisting them rightward to
square hips to floor Keep eyes open and ensure chin is tucked tightly into chest End pose by doing these:Keep arms straight and next to ears; Engage abdominal
muscles; Round up slowly
16. 16. 16 11. Tree Pose Tadasana Benefits: Improves posture patience and balance. Increases the flexibility of the ankles, knees, and hip joints. By strengthening the
internal oblique muscles, it helps prevent hernia. How to Do: Choosea point for visual focus Concentrate and relax by deepening breath Balance on left leg Use
right hand to hold right footup in front of left upper thigh Keep sole of right foot facing toward ceiling Tighten buttocks, straighten spine, and ensure the following:
Tailbone is lengthening down Ribs are drawn in Shoulders are moving backrather than rounding forward Open right hip and work right knee down and back until
knees are in 1 line
17. 17. 17 If right foot remains above left thigh, bring hands into prayer in front of chest Prevent right footfrom slipping by pushing hips forward and bringing right knee
back Hold posefor 10 seconds 12. Toe Stand Pose Padangustasana Benefits: Develops excellent balance, concentration and patience. Helps to cure gout and
rheumatism of the knees, ankles, and feet. Helps cure hemorrhoid problems. How to Do: Remember to breathe Begin in Tree poseand then hinge forward from hips
while keeping standing leg straight
18. 18. 18 Distribute weight evenly through thighs, calves, and all areas of standing foot before descending Reach for floor and transfer bodyweight to hands so that
knees are protected as standing leg starts to bend Keep standing leg locked, bend down to ground, and focus on a point on floor in front of you Once you’re sitting on
heel, walk hands back by hips, lift chest, and straighten spine If foot of folded leg slips, hold foot with oppositehand Maintain balance by visually focusing on floor
about 2 feet away and by using core strength to straighten spine Lengthen spine by pretending to touch top of head to ceiling Bring hands into prayer Breathe, stay
in balance, and gradually lift gaze to meet your eyes in mirror Engage abdominal muscles and inhale deeply through nose
19. 19. 19 13. Dead Body Pose Savasana Benefits: Dead bodyposereturns blood circulation to normal. Teaches complete relaxation. How to Do: Lie backon floor,
touch heels together, and let feet fall sideways Relax arms by letting them gently fall to both sides with palms facing up Keep eyes open and gaze softly at a spoton
ceiling Ensure that fingers and toes are relaxed and release any restrictions in throat Pull shoulders down and back flatly against floor Breathe slowly and deeply,
encouraging more tension to leave bodywith each exhale Focus on breathing, especially if mind wanders
20. 20. 20
21. 21. 21 14. Wind Removing Pose Pavanamuktasana Benefits: Alleviates and reduces flatulence, the source of most chronic abdominal discomforts. Improves the
flexibility of the hip joints and firms the abdomen, thighs, and hips. How to Do: Fully interlace all 10 fingers and take hold of right leg 2 inches below knee Draw
right knee out and down toward chest Pull right knee to right shoulder Keep elbows in close to bodyand relax shoulders flatly on floor Tuck chin into chest and
keep left leg firmly on floor; if left calf muscle lifts, flex foot Hold posefor 10 seconds and remember to breathe While holding pose, allow poseto work into right hip
Lower right leg Repeat above steps using left leg and then relax into left hip Raise knees toward chest and grab onto oppositeelbows, hooking arms just under
knees If grabbing elbows isn’t possible, grab forearms, wrists or fingers When pulling in knees, look down through diamond shape created between arms and legs
Work toward getting every vertebra of spine on floor by doing these:Tuck chin to chest to lengthen neck; Flatten shoulders against ground to extend upper spine; Push hips
and tailbone down to work lower spine Remember to breathe and hold posefor 20 seconds Lower both legs slowly
22. 22. 22
23. 23. 23 15. Sit up Sit Up Benefits: Strengthens the abdomen and hip flexors. Increases flexibility of the spine. How to Do: Start from Corpsepose(#13) Flex toes
up toward ceiling Bring both arms overhead and cross thumbs Inhale as you sit up and exhale as you start diving forward to reach for toes Work toward keeping
legs on floor Grab toes and lay bodyflat on legs to stretch back of body If hamstrings and lower backare too tight, bend knees slightly to grab toes and touch forehead
to knees Stay motivated even if you think you have no abdominal strength; building strength takes time
24. 24. 24
25. 25. 25 16. Cobra Pose Bhujangasana Benefits: Increases spinal strength and flexibility, helps prevent lower back pain, and helps cure lumbago, rheumatism and arthritis
of the spine. Improves menstrual problems (irregularity, cramps, backache) Cures loss of appetite Helps Improve posture Improves the functioning of the liver
and spleen.S Strengthens the deltoids, trapezius and triceps. How to Do: Lie on belly Put palms flatly on floor directly underneath shoulders, fingertips in line with
tops of shoulders Keep legs and feet together and keep them stretched down and back Draw shoulders down and keep elbows in close to ribs For next step, use
strength of spine and legs rather than arms (it’s not a push up) Inhale, look up to ceiling, and arch head and torso back until belly button just touches floor. Ensure that
arms are “L-shaped”at 90 degrees Maintain slightly raised gaze and avoid supporting bodyweight with hands To prepare for 80-20 breathing, keep elbows tightly to
sides of bodyand relax face Hold posefor 20 seconds while doing 80-20 breathing Lower chin to floor
26. 26. 26
27. 27. 27 17. Locust Pose Salabhasana Benefits: Strengthens the upper back, arms, fingers, hamstrings and calves. Helps back or spinal problems such as gout, slipped
disc, and sciatica. Helps tennis elbow and is also excellent for toning the buttocks and hip rotators. How to Do (with 1 leg): Lie on belly with chin forward on towel
Lift hips, turn arms in, and pin arms underneath body Move arms underneath bodyby lifting one hip at a time and rolling to one side Keep palms flatly on floor,
spread fingers, and point fingers toward knees Relax and keep bodyfirm and steady Without lifting hips, raise right leg straight up to 45-degrees, and keep left leg
relaxed on floor Maintain tightened muscles in right leg, point toes, and lock knee Touchhipbones to forearms and ensure right hip is not twisting out Keep
stretching right leg back and hold posefor 10 seconds Repeat with left leg How to do (with both legs): Protect neck by tilting head down, tucking chin in, and keeping
mouth on towel Keep arms underneath body Straighten legs, point toes, and lock knees Lift legs up away from floor, breathe through nose, and hold posefor 10
seconds Strive to lift legs and hips away from floor all the way to belly button Use every ounce of strength in legs and abdomen Lower both legs without collapsing
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28. 28. 28
29. 29. 29 18. Full Locust Pose Poorna – Salabhasana Benefits: Same therapeutic value as the CobraPoseand the same upper-body benefits as the Standing Bow Pulling.
Strengthens the middle back, upper arms, hips, and hamstrings. How to Do: Begin by targeting mid-spine Lay belly down on floor Turn chin in and stretch arms
out to sides in line with shoulders Face palms down Keep legs, knees, and feet together Ensure that calves, thighs, and buttocks remain tightened throughout pose
Exhale completely, then inhale Lift arms, legs, chest, head, and torso away from floor Keep gaze lifted to direct whole bodyto lift Remember to breathe; a deep
inhale will help you lift Draw arms back so fingers are in line with top of shoulders and face palms toward floor To arch bodymore: Use back muscles, and maintain
straightened arms and legs and keep them engaged. You should also use core strength. Set goal to eventually balance bodyon abdomen Hold posefor 10 seconds while
doing 80-20 breathing
30. 30. 30
31. 31. 31 19. Bow Pose Dhanurasana Benefits: Improves the functioning of the large and small intestines, the liver, kidneys, and spleen. Helps straighten rounded spines,
relieves backaches, and improves kyphotic upper bodyposture (rounded shoulders) opening the rib cage and strengthening the upper back, permitting maximum expansion
of the lungs and increased oxygen intake. Revitalizes all spinal nerves by increasing the circulation of the spine. Improves digestion and strengthens abdominal
muscles, upper arms, thighs and hips. How to Do: Lie on belly, bend knees, reach back, and grab outside of each foot 2 inches below toes Keep feet and knees
together as close as possible Ensure the following: Wrists have not twisted downward; Wrists remain straight by grabbing; feet with fingers, not palms; Hips aren’t tilted
to 1 side Inhale deeply and simultaneously kick back into hands and lift thighs and upper bodyaway from floor For more power, push hips and pelvis into floor before
lifting legs up and back Release shoulders back as you lift torso Roll bodyweight forward to balance on middle of belly Use inner-thigh strength to keep knees and
feet 6 inches apart If needed, avoid kicking legs up too high Flex or point toes toward mirror, not ceiling Work toward these goals: Relax neck and drop head back
as much as possible; Look for toes and use equal strength in both legs to kick Hold posewhile doing 80-20 breathing for 20 seconds Slowly lower torso and legs to
32. 32. 32
33. 33. 33 20. Fixed Firm Pose Supta – Vajrasana Benefits: Helps sciatica, gout and rheumatism in the legs. Strengthens and improves flexibility of lower spine, hip
flexors, quadriceps, knees and ankle joints. How to Do: (NOTE: Experiencing difficulty sitting on your heels is completely normal.) Start by sitting between heels with
feet facing up and knees together If knees feel sharp pain, separate them a bit, but ensure that feet are hugging sides of hips Keep knees on floor throughout pose by
doing these: Spread knees as much as you need to avoid straining knees; If needed, refrain from lowering your back all the way; Use hands to supportbody weight Place
hands on soles of feet with fingers facing forward Lower back 1 elbow at a time, and then look back and let top of head drop back If going all the way down, get back
bend by lifting chest up and dropping head back before touching head to floor Slowly put shoulders down onto floor as you slide elbows out Rest upper back on floor
Raise arms overhead and latch onto opposite elbows Push arms and shoulders down and then bring them flat against floor Tuck chin into chest, press back with
arms, and lift ribs up to feel chest stretch Simultaneously ground knees and feel the stretch along stomach, hip flexors, front thighs and knees Relax more deeply into
poseby breathing, bringing knees closer together on floor, and pressing buttocks into floor Remember to avoid letting knees lift away from floor Hold posefor 20
seconds while breathing Exit poseslowly by using 1 elbow at a time and ensure that head is last thing to move up For advanced yogis, walk shoulders down toward
hips and touch knees together
34. 34. 34
35. 35. 35 21. Half Tortoise Pose Ardha – Kurmasana Benefits: Provides maximum relaxation. Helps indigestion and stretches the lower part of the lungs, increasing
blood circulation to the brain. Firms the abdomen and thighs. Increases the flexibility of hip joints, scapula, deltoids, triceps, and latisimus dorsimuscles. How to Do:
(NOTE: If you feel tightness in the hips or lower back, you may need more time before you can relax in this pose.) Enter kneeling position: sit on heels with feet and
knees together Raise arms above head and bring palms together with thumbs crossed Maintain straightened arms and spine throughout pose Inhale while stretching
up Exhale slowly while bending forward in a straight line that spans distance between tailbone and fingertips Stretch forward all the way until forehead and sides of
hands touch floor Engage arms and straighten elbows so that wrists, elbows, and triceps lift away from floor Keep sliding fingertips forward To deeply stretch
spine, do these simultaneously: Reach buttocks back to heels; Keep using abdominal muscles (Eventually, buttocks will touch heels throughout pose) With arms
stretching forward and hips reaching back into heels, bring chin forward and away from chest Relax shoulders, breathe, and feel the deep stretch along your back
Hold posefor 20 seconds Exit poseslowly by moving hips back toward heels and by maintaining straightened arms and spine When moving in and out of pose, use
abdominal muscles to avoid rounding and buckling spine
36. 36. 36
37. 37. 37 22. Camel Pose Ustrasana Benefits: Stretches the abdominal organs to the maximum and helps constipation. Stretches the throat, thyroid gland, and
parathyroid. It opens a narrow rib cage to give more spaceto the lungs. Because it produces maximum compressionof the spine, it improves the flexibility of the neck
and spine and relieves backache. Firms and slims the abdomen and the waistline. How to Do: (NOTE: If you feel dizzy during this pose, keep pushing your hips
forward and remember to breathe. The backward bend causes a change in blood pressure, which can result in dizziness.) Start with knees on floor and maintain 6 inches
of spacebetween knees and feet Supportspine by placing hands on back of hips with fingers pointing down Keep elbows drawing in towards one another and let
shoulders roll back Inhale while lifting chest, and exhale while dropping head back Inhale again while lifting chest, use hands to supportspine, and exhale while
arching torso back farther Keep chest lifted throughout poseto minimize compressionin lower back Ensure that hips are forward and lined up above knees by doing
these: Bring right hand down to grab right heel and left hand down to grab left heel; Put thumbs on outside of feet and place fingers on soles Maintain tight grip on feet
so you can push hips forward If hips collapse back and you sink into spine as you grab heels, keep hands on hips and keep lifting chest Keep arching spine back and
work hips forward while lengthening tailbone down toward floor Continue lifting chest to ensure that bodyweight hasn’t sunk backinto heels and hands If you’re
feeling anxiety/fear, relax and breathe; breathing can also help you go more deeply into pose (NOTE: If you have high blood pressure or any heart condition, please do
the next step, which is holding the pose, for only 5 seconds. With more practice, you can gradually ease into the hold and increase the time.)
38. 38. 38 Breathe deeply as you hold posefor 20 seconds,and allow heart to open and lift Reverse out of poseby bringing right hand to right hip, and then bring left hand
to left hip Press knees down and use abdominal strength to lift and straighten up spine
39. 39. 39 23. Rabbit Pose Sasangasana Benefits: Produces the opposite effect of the Camel; as a result, it stretches the spine to permit the nervous system to receive proper
nutrition. Maintains the mobility and elasticity of the spine and back muscles. Improves digestion and helps sinus problems, and chronic tonsillitis Wonderful effect
on thyroid and parathyroid glands. Improves the flexibility of the scapula and the trapezius muscles. How to Do: Kneel on a towel that extends back past toes
Reach back and fold edges of towel over heels Grab heels and towel together Maintain firm grip with thumbs outside feet and with fingers on soles Keep chin
tucked into chest While exhaling, begin curling torso slowly and tightly forward and inward until forehead touches knees and top of head touches floor If you notice a
gap between forehead and knees, walk knees forward to meet forehead As you curl inward, lift hips into air, firmly pull on heels, and roll body forward like wheel
Push feet firmly into floor and pull on heels with all your power to maintain about 25% of bodyweight on head Tuck chin securely into chest, engage belly to lift hips,
and stretch more deeply into lower back Work toward these goals: Completely straighten arms; Reach upward using hips so that thighs are perpendicular to floor
Remember to breathe normally Hold posefor 20 seconds To reverse out of pose, lower hips back toward heel, uncurl slowly, and lift chin last
40. 40. 40
41. 41. 41 24 & 25. Head to Knee Pose with Stretching Pose Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana Benefits: Helps to balance blood sugar levels. Improves the flexibility
of the sciatic nerves, ankles, knees, and hip joints. Improves digestion. Enhances the properfunction of the kidneys. Expands the solar plexus. Relieves chronic
diarrhea by improving digestion. Increases the flexibility of the trapezius, deltoid, rectus femoris, and biceps muscles, as well as the sciatic nerves, tendons, hip joints,
and last five major vertebrae of the spine. How to Do: Face mirror and start by doing these:Extend right leg out 45 degrees; Bend left leg until left sole pushes against
right inner thigh; Bring left heel up to crotch (Legs form 90 degree angle) Inhale, raise arms overhead, twist toward right, and stretch down over right leg Hold right
foot with hands tightly interlaced; bend right knee if needed Pull toes backtoward face until toes are flexed Tuck chin into chest and round your back until forehead
touches right knee If needed, bend right knee to touch forehead to knee Otherwise, if right leg is straight, flex right footuntil its heel lifts away from floor Begin
bending elbows straight down toward floor Keep spine evenly aligned over right leg by rolling left shoulder and elbow down farther Let eyes stay open, remember to
breathe, and hold posefor 10 seconds Repeatpose on left side by doing these:Keep left quadriceps engaged to safely extend hamstring; Engage abdominals to safely Page 52 of 57
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stretch lower spine; Extend legs out in front, and in 1 fluid movement, lie back and immediately sit up while inhaling Wiggle hips back, and pull back flesh of
buttocks to prepare to bend torso forward with lengthened spine
42. 42. 42 Hold big toes with first 2 fingers of each hand, and flex feet by pulling toes back Inhale while lifting and lengthening spine Exhale while stretching forward
and work toward lifting heels up away from floor Touchforehead to toes Bend elbows to floor, draw in stomach, and point chest and face toward legs (Spine must
be straight and not rounded; bend knees slightly if needed) If hamstrings burn and lower back feels stiff, breathe and exhale to relax muscles into deeper stretch Hold
posefor 20 seconds
43. 43. 43
44. 44. 44 26. Spine Twisting Pose Ardha – Matsyendrasana Benefits: The only exercise that twists the spine from top to bottomat the same time. As a result, it increases
circulation and nutrition to spinal nerves, veins, and tissues, and improves spinal elasticity and flexibility of the hip joints. Helps lumbago and rheumatism of the spine.
Improves digestion, removes flatulence from the intestines. Firms the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. How to Do: Set up for pose by doing these:Bend left leg on
floor until left heel meets side of right buttock; Bend right knee to bring right leg up and over left leg; Line right heel up to touch left knee Ensure that left knee and both
buttocks stay on floor throughout pose Line right hand up behind back near tailbone to keep bodyweight forward and lifted throughout pose Inhale while stretching
left arm up alongside left ear Exhale while drawing left arm over right knee to firmly hold left kneecap Inhale while lifting spine Exhale while turning head over
right shoulder, and twist shoulders and torso toward right Deepentwist by doing these:Press left elbow into right knee; Reach right hand behind your back all the way
around to hold left thigh or hip Breathe normally and work toward twisting more deeply, specifically during an exhale (NOTE: Keep abdominal muscles engaged to
supportspine, and use core strength to avoid twisting from a rounded, unsupported spine.) As you twist, think of lifting up Lift abdomen out of pelvis, and lift upper
bodyup toward ceiling Work shoulders down and away from ears Breathe, hold posefor 20 seconds, and unwind out of pose Repeat this poseon your left side by
twisting to your left
45. 45. 45 Once you are finished doing all the poses (or whichever you choose to do), you should finish off with the Blowing in Firm pose, which is the final breathing
exercise, also known as Kapalbhati-in-Vajrasana. You’ll do this to clear your mind, remove any stale air from your lungs, improve bowel movement and oxygen flow to
the body, and even help normalize your blood pressure.
46. 46. 46
47. 47. 47 Blowing in Firm – Final Breathing Exercise: Kapalbhati in Vajrasana Benefits: The last breathing exercise strengthens all the abdominal organs and trims the
waistline. Exhales unexpelled toxings from the body. Cools the body. Completes the practice. Increases circulation. How to Do: Do not underestimate this
pose;focus on it as you would on any other pose. Keep your bodyfirm and do not move anything at all except for your stomach. At the same time, make sure that your
belly is relaxed and not tensed. During the second set of this pose, increase your breathing speed. Summary We hope you’ve learned everything you need to properly
perform all 26 bikram yoga poses. If you still need more information & detailed instructions of each posture Please Visit Our Site..


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