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The Fox and the Lion

an Aesop Fable

A young fox saw a lion for the very first time. He was so frightened by the appearance of
the great beast that he ran away as fast as he could. The second time he saw the lion, he hid
behind a large rock and peeped out to see the lion. The third time he saw the lion, he went straight
up to him, and said, "Hello, Mr. Lion."


Familiarity breeds contempt.

The Fox and The Mask

an Aesop Fable

One day a fox went rummaging in the house of an actor. He came across a pile of the
actor's stage accessories and noticed a mask in the midst of the pile.

He swatted and played with the mask for a few moments before saying, "What a
handsome face this person has. It's a pity he has no brains."


A fine outward appearance is empty without a worthwhile inner self.

The Boys and the Frogs

an Aesop Fable

Some boys were playing around a pond when they spotted a group of frogs hopping and swimming
about in the water. The boys began to throw rocks at the frogs and even competed against each other as to
who could hit the most frogs. Sometimes the rocks hit the frogs so hard that they died.

Finally, one frog hopped upon a lily pad. "Please stop," he pleaded, "What may seem just fun to you
is death to us."


We should not have our pleasures at the expense of others.

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