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Bethany Petty

July 10, 2019

MCM 413

Final Column

Being an identical twin is interesting. When people see you, they always have to ask if

your twins, and sometimes you even get a surprised look to go with the question. And from my

point of view, it’s always funny to see other people’s reactions. People usually look away, then

have to do a double take when they see someone that looks exactly like you.

However, it gets annoying when you get asked repeated questions. Growing up, some of

the most common questions I got were “Do you and your sister have twin telepathy?,” Have you

ever switched places in school?,” and “Do you two do everything together?” Included with these,

a common question to be asked is, “Your sister is apart or doing this, are you going to do the

same thing?” While these are valid questions, it gets overwhelming when we are expected to be

the same person.

One thing I would like people to know is that identical twins are two individual people

with their own lives and interests. Just because we look alike doesn’t mean we have to be the

same person. I hope that this is something people are able to understand.

As we were growing up, my mom always told us “A twin is what you are, not who you

are.” This has always stuck with me because it allows me to understand that I don’t have to

conform to what the world may think about us. I am allowed to be my own person and have my

own interests. I think it is also important for others to look at twins in this way as well, especially

if they are young children.

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Most young children will believe what they hear, and that sometimes causes them to act a

certain way. If you tell a child they are bad, then they will act that way. To me this is the same

thing as telling twins that they are “basically the same person.” This could cause at least one

sibling to try and act like the other.

For me, a personal example of this is something that my sister did that I didn’t. At the

beginning of the summer my sister got married and since the time of her engagement, I have

repeatedly been asked when I am getting married. My answer to this is that I don’t want to think

about a wedding while I am in school. While I don’t mind being asked this, it makes it seem like

I have to start planning a wedding with my boyfriend just because my sister recently had hers.

I would like others to understand that just because this is something my sister decided to

do doesn’t mean that I have to do it as well. We are living separate lives and following separate

paths. I know that when and if the time comes, I will get married to. But for now, I’m happy

living my life in the position that I am in.

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