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- Days of the week, explore the weather and calendar

- Song: 1.Jingaloo ; 2. Bus, Plane, Train, Car, Truck; 3 Let’s Be Planes; 4. Train, 5. Baby cars; 6.Transportation Song by
Peter Weatherall; 7. The wheels on the bus;

- Poem: Bikes, Go Go Go, Im a litle airplane, Dads Rusty Car.



Week 4



Todays lesson is all about trains. Your child will learn

the parts of the train aswell as the means by how it
travels. During our activities your child will have fun
driving trains while picking up missing letters to form
the days key language. We will also build train tracks
to get to a certain destination. This will help your child
practice their listening skills as well as team work
skills as the class will work together to build the
railway tracks.

Key Language- “train” “Carriage” “Rail road”

“Rail way tracks”



In this lesson your child will learn all about the use and
purpose of taxis.Children will learn about the different
type of vehicles that we use for taxis and where these
vehicles can travel. Your child will have fun with our
activities today which include taxing his/her favourite
toy to the airport to catch a flight while using the days
key language. Children will also play our Lost Keys
game which includes working together to solve the
mystery of the lost keys!

Key language- “Taxi” “Car” “Bike” “Airport”


In todays lesson we will learn about the purpose of

subways and how they are built. Your child will learn
about the difference between standard trains and subway
trains.In todays activities your child will have the chance
to build and make tunnels in our sand pit as a means to
transport vehicles which contain the letters of the days
key word “subway”.

Key language-“Subway” “Underground” “Tunnel”



In this lesson your child will learn all about ferry boats
and why we use them. Following on from this weeks taxi
topic we will now explore the taxi on water-The ferry.
Children will be shown examples of water ferries and
discuss if they have seen these in Vietnam. In today’s
activities your child will learn more about the access
ferries have and how some bridges are built to
accommodate a large ferry. Our ferry crossing game will
replicate the action of bridges opening and closing to
allow ferries to pass through.

Key Language – “Ferry” “Crossing” “Taxi”

“Bridges” “Open” “Closed”



A fun day of learning is in store for your child today. In

this lesson we will learn all about space rockets, who
pilots them and where they travel. Your child will get the
chance to build their own rocket and see footage of a real
rocket blast off into space. In another fun activity your
child will get the chance to watch a fun experiment using
a homemade soda rocket which will take shoot into the
sky. This demonstration will be facilitated by the Teacher
and TAs.

Key Language- “Space” “Rocket” “Astronaut”

“planets” “blast off”.

Week 4

Lesson 1: Taxi Please.

Use am empty clothes basket. Pretend to children it’s the taxi. Pretend that people are calling you to pick them up in your
taxi. You can use bricks as your people. Give the child an intruction for the number of brick people they have to pick up and
drop off, Eg-ask the child to pick up 15 bricks in your taxi, then ask him to drop 5 brick people off in one destination….how
many people are left in your taxi?

Supplies: Laundry basket, bricks.

Lesson 2: Review patteren

Give each child the worksheet from page 29 of the mother goose math book. There are 3 activities on this page. Patteren
sorting, identifying the vehicles that travel on land ,sea or air and finnaly a longest shortest vehicle comparison. You can
introduce each stage of the activity with your own idea.

Supplies Page 29 mother goose math book.

This week’s math lessons will be facilitated through the Taxi theme as children will practice counting,adding and subtracting
in our Taxi delivery game. The level of content will be decided by the Teacher and will be aimed at directly challenging your
child’s problem solving abilities. Logic and pattern sequencing will also be practised as children will need to measure and
record different vehicle size and place in sequence.




What song do you like to sing? What instruments do you know? What song do you like to dance to? Can you sing a song for
me? Can you do a dance for me?

This week’s topic discussion is Music. Children will explore and speak about music and musical instruments. A variety of
instruments including pianos,drums,whitles and guitars will be provided for the lesson which will encourage your child to
create his/her own music and pattern sequencing.



Being Kind

Demonstrate with Teacher and TA. Use a cuddly toy and pretend to play with it. Have the TA ask to borow but refuse to give
it. Have the TA ask again, when the TA asks again pretend to throw the cuddly toy at the TA. The TA should cry. Explain
that this is an example of not being kind that trowing toys at people or hitting them Is not kind. Demonstrate again with the
TA and this time offer to let the TA borrow your toy. Ask children what happened?

This week’s skill is Being Kind. Teachers and TAs will give a fun and engaging role-play/demonstration of this social skill.
Your child will have the opportunity to replicate and practice this skill in class with the rewards and consequences being

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