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On February 24, 1472, a child that’s meant to change the world was born in Turon

Poland,Mikolaj Kopernik (Nicolas Copernicus in Latin). He attended a Parish school and

later awarded the title of “Servicus academicus”. After the death of his father, his Uncle

Lucas Watzenrode, a Bishop, made sure that the boy got an all round education in the

best universities. In 1491, Copernicus study in the University of Krakow(1634) known as

the center of scientific studies, particularly Astronomy. In 1496, he went to Bologna Italy

to study jurisprudence(philosophical law), but it was Geography and Astronomy that he

was astound of. In 1500, he was invited to Rome to lecture on Mathematics and

Astronomy at the La Sapienza University. Copernicus continue his studies in Italy and

study Medicine. In 1503 he took the doctorate in Canon Law at the University of Fererro,

3 years later, he return home and work as personal physician and secretary to his Uncle.

In 1512, he became a Cathedral Canon in North German City of Fran burg, now Franburg

in Poland. Despite the work, he still had time in astronomy and sets up an observatory in

a small turret in the corner of the Cathedral. By 1514, his astronomical reputation had

become considerable that he was called upon by Fifth Lateral Council to help plan reform

of the calendar. During this period that he wrote his first astronomical work entitled

“Commentariales:” or Little Commentary, contains his new system which place the sun

as the center of the Universe but he hesitated to publish it, knowing that it would contradict

the church’s bases on the book of Joshua. Copernicus’s has his heliocentric idea by

reading classical concepts which introduce to him, what was in his eyes was

revolutionary. Basing on Aristarchus of Samos’s idea, he wrote three thesis in his own.

First, the Earth rotates on his own axis once every 24 hrs, the SUN is the center of the

Universe and finally, Earth is like among others and does not occupy special position in
the universe. In other words they revolve the sun. But the Copernican system was still

pretty complicated as he could not proved his theories. During the war of the Teutonic

Knights and Poland, he was part of the peace talk but still continue his research after the

war. In 1542, he finally published his Thesis in Nuremberg. He was on his death bed

before he saw his major work entitled “De revolutioibus orbium coelestium” or On the

Revolution of the Celestial Spheres. Although the work was dedicated to the Pope, but

the book was place by the Catholic Church in the index of banned books.

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