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Who We Are

About Us
MOSANTO is well known for his achievements
in food production sector and now we are
striving to provide genetically modified food to
people with better qualities through our GMO

Contact Us
Phone: [(042)6578908]
Email: []
Web: []

Production of Transgenic
 Sweet potatoes are fat-free and
 Have only 130 calories per serving

 Are a good source of fiber

 Are, per serving (one medium potato), MOSANTO

an excellent source of: Vitamin A [Jinnah street, J Block, [FOOD FOR SOUL]
Vitamin C – Potassium and Calcium Johor Town, Lahore.]
Why you should prefer
MOSANTO Products?
MOSANTO products are much better in quality
and quantity. products are beneficial for your
health. Products with rich protein and fibers not
only maintain but also enhance your body
growth and metabolism.

“Sweet potatoes… a year-

round nutritious, sweet treat.
Who knew healthy could taste
Try and suggest so good?”

You should try our products as due to over

population there is hunger conditions in MOSANTO products are grown in aseptic
some areas of Pakistan. Main purpose of environment under FDA proved conditions no
our products is to meet the needs of harmful pesticide and fertilizers are used in the
common people. production of plants

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