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Nams 2076 memory based questions( thanks for the one who shared this in the group ©

1.which is the Posterior pituitary hormone: oxytocin

2. Radial nerve injuiry in # mid shaft humerus

3.which is the most common site of endometriosis : ovary

4.klenifelter syndrome :47xxy

5. lateral head of gastrocnemius: fabella

6.Root value of nerve long thoracic nerve ( winging of scapula) : c567

7. Linitus plastica type 4

8. most common gastric poly caused by H pylori: hyperplastic

9. Wharton duct which is in the close attachment with it : lingual nerve

10.metabollic acidosis:.low ph low hco3

11.type 2 resp failure: ph decreased

12.Thrombosis risk is increased in : PNH>sickle cell

13. Mc ca breast: ductal carcinoma testicular tumour: germ cell tumor

15. G6pd deficiency ma contraindicated drug: sulfadoxine

16.non Beta lactum medicine : linezolid

17.subcapsular orchidectomy done in : prostate carcinoma

18.pringles manevour what is done to stop the bleed: portal vein and hepatic artery

19. Vericose vein ot which structure isnot dissected : Inferior epigastric vein??

20. Cause effect in low sample: type 1 or type 2 ( question couldnot remember)

21.positive predictive value: true positive among diseased

22. 95 percentage ci : 2 or +-2

23. Infective stage of hookworm: 3rd stage filariform larva

24. Sand paper appearance: scarlet fever

25. No fever virus ;?? metapneumo

26. Rubella pathogonomic : posterior lymphadenopathy

27. Spinal cord pain temp crossing: 1,2 above

29. Organ preservation main concern :: in ca larynx?????

30.malignant otitis externa cause: pseudomonas

32. Oligohydraminos cause: Renal agenesis

33. Ostepenia needed for appearance in xray: 30 to 50% ???

34. Mc cause of sterlity: male factor

35.sequence of puberty in linear growth breast dev adrenal arche gonad and menarche

36. Use of forcep for decreasing 3rd degree laceration

37.oncotic pressure in severe preecalmpsia: decreased

38. 7 years baby suspectd hemorrhage: intraventricular hemorrhage

39. Large baby: cephalohematoma or brachial plexus injuiry or clavicle fracuture

40. Early Radiological feature of osteomylitis: loss of the muscle plane

42 mass on flank with the renal failure: renal vein thrombosis

43. Burn in child: parkland formula more than this

44. Ebv: infectious mononucleusis

45.severe hemophilai: factor 8 less than 0.5 percent or 1

46. Not a cause of portal htn: nephrotic syndrome,

47. Singulate gyrus: limbic sysytem

48. Crossef hemiplegia: brainstem

49. Fetal alchohol syndrome related question

50. Osteosarcoma metastasis site: lungs or skeletal system ???

51. Brocas area: inferior frontal gyrus

54. Anterior boarder of inguinal canal : aponerurosis

55. Pathognomic sign of fracture: crepitus or tenderness

56. Colles complication severe pain and cynosis: compartment syndrome or reflex sym dystropy

57. Bosniak classification of renal cyst 2.5 cm anechoic, septated: type 2 f

58. Change in hyaline cartilage in : changed to phosphate hyalourinase???????

59. Skin colour changed to yellow on: ipriac acid?????????

60. Lead poisoning mc cause in children: paints or soil

61. 3rd heart sound mechanism: diastole rapid filling

62. Atherosclerosis causing lipid: cholesterol plus trig hoina cholesterol plus cholestrol esters
63. Drug induced Sle: anti histone ab

64 . Least common type of pelvis: platypleood

65.hep c virus hb c 1gene responsible for hcc

66. Naked granuloma: sarcoidosis

68. Effect of obturator nerve damage: adduction of thigh

69. Response of cytokine: inflammatory response

70. Graves disease: tsh very low

71. Tylosis seen in: ca esophagus

72. Anal fissure: verge to pectinate line

73. talepes equinus : tibialis nerve or common peroneal nerve

74.recurrent filarisis edema control in endemic zone: surgery plus medicine or medicine only ????

75. Infantile spasm related question

76. Mc side effect of amlodipine so that it need to be withdrawn : lower limb swelling

77. Prizmental angina: st elevation and mononitrate doc both are correct

78. Tuberculin test: type 4

79. Murmur after aortic valve opening: supra vulvular aortic stenosis

80. Inspiratory crackle on left heart failure

81.vasodilatory beta blocker: bisoprolol or novipolol

82. Not a benzodiazepam: zolipedam

84. Gcs 10 e2,v3 m5

85. Pseudomonas agar: emb, caltalse etc

86. Abdominal rotation during development: 270 anticlockwise

87.obstructive shock which isnot: liver failure

88. Accuracy and precision plotting with comparsion: lj chart or the linear regreesion

89. Spalding sign: iufd

90. Bare area questions which don’t form : falcifarum

91. Double blind: subject and sampling bias

92. Antibiotic to be avoided in congugated bilirubin: ceftriaxone

93.not affected by cystic fu rosis: kidney prostate drained to: obturator or another one confusion

95. Innermost layer of intervertebtal disc: annulous pulposus

96.anterior gastric nerve ma k hunchha: right vagus

97. Kidney ma sequence: vein >artery> collecting system

98. Femural hernia : lateral and inferior to pubic tubercle

99.Lateral grp of lymph node drain along axillary vein.source SRB

100. New diabetic drug: escap: contraindication is gfr< 30

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