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Effect of High-Frequency Oral Airway and Chest Wall

Oscillation and Conventional Chest Physical Therapy

on Expectoration in Patients With Stable Cystic
Thomas A. Scherer, MD, FCCP† Jürg Barandun, MD;† Elena Martinez, R-CPT;
Adam Wanner MD, FCCP; and Eben M. Rubin MD, FCCP

Study objective: To compare the effect of high-frequency oral airway oscillation, high-frequency
chest wall oscillation, and conventional chest physical therapy (CPT) on weight of expectorated
sputum, pulmonary function, and oxygen saturation in outpatients with stable cystic fibrosis (CF).
Design: Prospective randomized trial.
Setting: Pediatric pulmonary division of a tertiary care center.
Patients: Fourteen outpatients with stable CF recruited from the CF center.
Interventions: Two modes of oral airway oscillation (1: frequency 8 Hz; inspiratory to expiratory [I:E]
ratio 9:1; 2: frequency 14 Hz; I:E ratio 8:1), two modes of chest wall oscillation (1: frequency 3 Hz; I:E
ratio 4:1; 2: frequency 16 Hz; I:E ratio 1:1, alternating with frequency 1.5 Hz, I:E ratio 6:1), and CPT
(clapping, vibration, postural drainage, and encouraged coughing) were applied during the first 20
min of 4 consecutive hours.
Measurements and results: Sputum was collected on an hourly basis for a total of 6 consecutive hours.
During the first and the last hour, patients collected sputum without having any treatment and
underwent pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Oxygen saturation was measured at 30-min intervals
during hours 1 to 6. For the first 20 min of the second to the fifth hour, patients received one of the
treatments. To assess the effect of the intervention, the weight of expectorated sputum during hours
2 to 6 was averaged and expressed as percentage of the weight expectorated during the first hour
(baseline). For the five treatment modalities, mean sputum dry and wet weights ranged between
122% and 185% of baseline. There was no statistically significant difference among the treatment
modalities. As measured by sputum wet weight, all oscillatory devices tended to be less effective than
CPT (p50.15). As measured by dry weight, oral airway oscillation at 8 Hz with an I:E ratio of 9:1 and
CPT tended to be more effective than the other treatment modalities (p50.57). None of the treatment
modalities had an effect on PFTs and oxygen saturation and all were well tolerated.
Conclusion: In outpatients with stable CF, high-frequency oscillation applied via the airway opening
or via the chest wall and CPT have comparable augmenting effects on expectorated sputum weight
without changing PFTs or oxygen saturation. In contrast to CPT, high-frequency oral airway and
chest wall oscillations are self-administered, thereby containing health-care expenses.
(CHEST 1998; 113:1019-27)

Key words: chest physical therapy; cystic fibrosis; high-frequency oscillation; mucus clearance
Abbreviations: CF5cystic fibrosis; CPT5chest physical therapy; f5frequency; Fmaxe5peak expiratory flow; Fmaxi5peak
inspiratory flow; FRC5functional residual capacity; HayOp5Hayek Oscillator used at “optimum” settings; HaySe5Hayek
Oscillator used in “secretion clearance mode;” I:E5inspiratory to expiratory; MCT15treatment with the Sensormedics MCT
1 oral airway oscillator; OCI5oscillatory clearance index; O2 sat5oxygen saturation; PFT5pulmonary function test;
rhDNAse5recombinant human DNAse; SenB5treatment with the Sensormedics 3100B ventilator; Te5duration of
expiratory airway wall displacement; Ti5duration of inspiratory radial airway wall displacement

*From the Division of Pulmonary Diseases (Drs. Scherer, Barandun,

Wanner, and Rubin), and Division of Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases
(Ms. Martinez), University of Miami School of Medicine.
I nsecretions
subjects with normal lungs, tracheobronchial
are cleared by mucociliary transport.

Currently at the Pulmonary Division, Triemli City Hospital,
This airway clearance system fails in patients with
Zürich, Switzerland (Dr. Scherer), and Director and Chief chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and cystic fibrosis
Physician, Zürcher Höhenklinik, Davos-Clavadel, Switzerland (CF).1 Because accumulation of mucus in the lower
(Dr. Barandun). airways may contribute to chronic infections that
This work was supported by grants from Sensormedics Corporation,
Yorba Linda, Calif, and from Respironics Inc, Murraysville, Pa. lead to progressive deterioration in lung function,
Manuscript received December 9, 1996; revision accepted Au- clearing of airway secretions by chest physiotherapy
gust 12, 1997. (CPT) forms an integral part of the treatment of

CHEST / 113 / 4 / APRIL, 1998 1019

patients with CF. Previous studies have shown that (both from Sensormedics Corporation; Yorba Linda, Calif), and
regular CPT is able to enhance expectoration2-8 and the Hayek Oscillator (Breasy Medical; Stamford, Conn).
The 3100B oscillatory ventilator is a commercially available
to slow deterioration of lung function.9,10 electronically controlled oral ventilator, using a servo-controlled
Recently, new methods have been developed to piston and a compressed gas supply. It is active in both inspira-
help clear excessive airway mucus. Among them are tory and expiratory phases, and is capable of a wide range of
high-frequency oral airway oscillation and high- adjustment, particularly for inspiratory to expiratory (I:E) ratio
frequency chest wall oscillation.11-16 Previous studies and frequency.
The MCT1 is an oral airway oscillator using an electronically
have suggested that treatment with chest wall oscil- servo-controlled piston. This device was designed to aid mucus
lation is as effective as conventional CPT in patients clearance. It delivers oscillations via a mouthpiece at a fixed I:E
with CF.17-20 ratio of 8:1 and a variable rate and drive power.
According to earlier experiments, prerequisites for The Hayek Oscillator is a chest cuirass ventilator designed to
optimal transport of mucus by air-liquid interaction deliver high-frequency oscillations to the chest wall. A dual pump
system generates positive and negative pressures that are con-
in a cephalad direction include airflow with an ducted to the cuirass via flexible tubing. By electronic control of
expiratory bias,11,14,16,21 which needs to be in the the pump, a range of I:E ratios, frequencies, cuirass pressures,
range of 1 to 3 L/s,16,22 and for oral airway oscillation, and effective functional residual capacities (FRCs) can be set.
an oscillation frequency between 8 and 15 Hz.11,15,21 Additionally, a programmed “secretion clearance mode” is pro-
Based on these findings and on the results of pre- vided. This consists of alternating applications of oscillations (16
Hz, I:E ratio 1:1, for 2 min, and 1.5 Hz, I:E ratio 6:1, pressure
liminary studies with both an airway and a chest wall span 215/110 mm Hg for 3 min).
oscillator, we determined the settings for several
devices that we considered optimal for mucus trans- The Oscillatory Clearance Index
port. Together with an airway oscillator at its manu-
facturer-provided operational mode and a manufac- Based on theoretical considerations and on results of previous
turer-provided secretion clearance program for the experiments, we derived an empiric oscillatory clearance index
(OCI) that includes the frequency of the oscillations (f), peak
chest wall oscillator, we used our theoretically opti- inspiratory and expiratory flows (Fmaxi and Fmaxe), and the
mal treatment modes for the airway and chest wall duration of inspiratory and expiratory airway wall displacement
oscillators. The aim of the study was to test if (Ti and Te):
oscillations applied to the oral airway opening and to
the chest wall are as effective as CPT in increasing
the weight of expectorated sputum in patients with Based on this theoretical index, preliminary experiments were
stable CF, and if treatment with the oscillatory conducted to find out optimal settings for the oral airway and the
chest wall oscillator to transport mucus in a cephalad direction.
devices is as well tolerated as CPT.
Determining the Optimal OCI With the Oral Airway Oscillator

Materials and Methods Using the Sensormedics Oscillatory Ventilator 3100B, we

calculated the OCI for different settings. The airway oscillations
All patients were recruited from the CF Center at the Univer- were applied to the airway opening via a mouthpiece. Airflow was
sity of Miami. A diagnosis of CF was confirmed by sweat test, and measured with a pneumotachograph (Rudolph 4813; Kansas
all had increased sputum production. The protocol was approved City, Mo) at the airway opening, and change in neck circumfer-
by the ethics committee, and the patients or their guardians gave ence as a measure of radial airway wall displacement was
written informed consent prior to being enrolled in the study. measured with a respiratory inductive plethysmograph, modified
to remove the low-pass filter (Respitrak; Non-Invasive Monitor-
ing Systems; Miami Beach, Fla). To prevent oscillations of the
Selection Criteria cheeks, a clamping device applied constant pressure to the
cheeks. An occlusive noseclip was also fitted. Measurements were
Inclusion Criteria: Inclusion criteria were diagnosis of CF, taken with subjects comfortably seated while breath-holding at
stable condition for at least 3 weeks prior to enrollment, and age FRC position for 5 to 10 s. The data were recorded with a model
12 years or older. 78D polygraph (Grass Instruments; Quincy, Mass) and manually
Exclusion Criteria: Exclusion criteria were major hemoptysis analyzed.
(.240 mL) within the last month, pneumothorax or chest tube Twelve normal adults and six adult patients with COPD, whose
placement within the last 6 months, and pregnancy. Treatment conditions were diagnosed according to the American Thoracic
with mucoactive drugs, including recombinant human DNAse Society guidelines,23 were examined. In normal subjects, the
(rhDNAse), was not an exclusion criterion. highest OCI of 61 was attained with a frequency of 12 Hz and an
Exit Criteria: Exit criteria were on request by the patient or his I:E ratio of 9:1. In COPD patients, the highest OCI reached was
or her guardian, on completion of the study, intolerance of the 28 with a frequency of 8 Hz and an I:E ratio of 9:1.24
treatment, or developing one of the exclusion criteria.

Determining the Optimal OCI by High-frequency Chest Wall

Mechanical Devices Compression

Three advanced mechanical oscillatory devices were used: Chest wall compressions were applied with the Hayek Oscil-
Sensormedics 3100B Oscillatory Ventilator, the MCT1 oscillator lator. The airflow at the airway opening was measured with the

1020 Clinical Investigations

pneumotachograph, attached to a mouthpiece, and radial airway Protocol
wall displacement was measured with respiratory inductive pleth-
ysmography by attaching a band around the midchest. A noseclip All patients were allowed to continue treatment with their
and the cheek stabilization device were fitted. Measurements medications, except for inhaled b2-adrenergic agonists, which
were taken with subjects comfortably seated while breath-hold- were not permitted 4 h prior to and during the treatments.
ing at FRC position for 5 to 10 s. The data were directly fed into During the time of enrollment, patients received only the
a personal computer via an analog to digital converter board and study treatments, unless the interval between treatments was
analyzed using custom-made software. .5 days.
The OCI was determined for multiple machine settings in 10 On study days, the patients arrived at the laboratory around
normal adults and 5 patients with COPD. To reach airflows in the noon. Baseline pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were performed
range of 2 L/s, we had to set the chamber pressures of the cuirass with measurement of FVC and FEV1. Oxygen saturation (O2 sat)
at 210 and 110 mm Hg during inspiration and expiration, was measured with a pulse oximeter (Minolta Pulse Ox-7;
respectively. Due to limitations of the hardware, at frequencies Catalyst Research, Div of Mine Safety Appliances Co; Pittsburgh,
above 4 Hz, I:E ratios higher than 4:1 could not be attained. The Pa) every 30 min starting on arrival and ending 1 h after the last
highest OCI reached was 12 in normal subjects and 7 in COPD
treatment. Patients coughed and expectorated sputum ad libi-
patients with an I:E ratio of 4:1, a frequency of 3 Hz, and cuirass
tum, except for CPT, where they were encouraged to cough in
pressures of 610 mm Hg.
regular intervals. They were instructed to swallow all saliva before
Based on these results and assuming that all our patients had
chronic airflow obstruction, we chose as study settings the ones coughing. The sputum was collected on an hourly basis in
that resulted in the highest device-specific OCI in COPD preweighed and labeled sputum cups.
patients. After 1 h of sputum collection (baseline sputum weight),
patients were randomized to one of the five treatment protocols.
Randomization For 4 consecutive hours, the patients underwent treatment for 20
min followed by 40 min of sputum collection. Thereafter, sputum
The study contained five treatment arms. One treatment mode was collected for 1 more hour.
was applied per study day (in the afternoon), with a minimal
interval of 2 days between study days. Randomization was
performed with a computer-generated randomization table. Data Analysis
Treatment Arms The wet and dry weights for all sputum collections were
measured. Sputa were dried by heating in a commercial micro-
1. “SenB”: High-frequency oral airway oscillations with the wave oven until all water had evaporated. Some sputum samples
Sensormedics Oscillatory Ventilator 3100B were applied at an I:E were considerably contaminated with saliva and the sputum had
ratio of 9:1, a frequency of 8 Hz, and a positive end-expiratory to be manually separated with the help of a pair of tweezers
pressure of up to 4 mm Hg if tolerated. The power (oscillatory before weighing.
tidal volume) was increased to the extent that vibrations could be To assess the effect of the treatments on the weight of
felt through the chest wall. The cheek compression device and a expectorated sputum, the sputum weights from hours 2 to 6 were
noseclip were used during treatments. In 5-min intervals, the averaged and expressed as percentage of the baseline sputum
patients were positioned supine, then left and right lateral weight.
decubitus, and again supine (total of 20 min). To assess any change in O2 sat, the mean O2 sat during and
2. “MCT1”: Treatment with the Sensormedics MCT1 oral after treatments was expressed as percentage change from base-
airway oscillator was given at an I:E ratio of 8:1 and a frequency line.
of 14 Hz. The positive end-expiratory pressure was increased To assess the effects of the treatments on PFTs, the percentage
with an expiratory valve to an extent that patients felt some change in FVC and FEV1 after each treatment and between
expiratory resistance but were still able to breathe comfortably. study entry and exit was calculated.
The power setting, cheek support, noseclip, and body positioning
were similar to SenB.
3. “HayOp”: High-frequency chest wall compression with the Statistics
Hayek Oscillator was carried out at an I:E ratio of 4:1 and a
frequency of 3 Hz. The cuirass pressure was set to 210 mm Hg Because the data were not normally distributed and the
during inspiration and 110 mm Hg during expiration. Due to the treatment effects had different variances, data were analyzed
bulky cuirass, comfortable lateral positions were not possible. using nonparametric tests. Friedman analysis of variance was
Therefore, the patients remained in supine position during used to test for differences in mean baseline sputum weights,
treatments. The patients’ cheeks were not supported and no for differences in treatment effects among the various treat-
nose-clip was fitted. ments, for differences in treatment-related change in PFT
4. “HaySe”: High-frequency chest wall compression with the results, and treatment-related change in O2 sat. The Wilcoxon
Hayek Oscillator was performed using the program settings Matched Pairs Test was used to test for changes in PFT results
provided by the manufacturer for secretion clearance. It con- before and after treatments, between study entry and exit, and
sisted of vibrations at 16 Hz during 2 min (16 Hz, I:E ratio 1:1) for change in O2 sat between study entry and exit. The
alternating with chest wall oscillations during 3 min (1.5 Hz, I:E Mann-Whitney U Test was used to test for differences in
ratio 6:1, pressure span of 215 mm Hg/110 mm Hg during treatment effect between patients who were and were not
inspiration and expiration, respectively). Patients remained in a receiving rhDNAse. Calculations were made using a personal
supine position while receiving treatments, the cheeks were not computer and software (STATISTICA; StatSoft Inc; Tulsa,
supported, and no noseclip was fitted. Okla). Significance was accepted when p,0.05. Sample size
5. “CPT”: Conventional CPT consisted of postural drainage estimations for a type I error of 5% and a type II error of 20%
(head-down tilt 30°), clapping, external vibration with a standard were made using tables provided by Kastenbaum et al.25
electrical chest wall percussor (frequency 40 Hz), and encour- Data in tables, text, figures, and legends are presented as
aged coughing. mean6SEM unless otherwise indicated.

CHEST / 113 / 4 / APRIL, 1998 1021

Results The increase in the weight of expectorated sputum
Study Population ranged between 122626% and 185623% (Fig 1).
No treatment proved to be significantly more effec-
Fifteen patients were enrolled in the study. Due to tive than the others.
transportation problems, one patient requested to Patients using and patients not using rhDNAse
exit after the first treatment. Fourteen patients had similar increases in weight of expectorated spu-
completed the study and were available for evalua- tum for any treatment modality (Table 3).
tion. The characteristics of the study population are
shown in Table 1. One patient had normal PFT PFTs and O2 Sat
results, four were mildly obstructed, five were mod-
erately obstructed, and four were severely ob- FVC, FEV1, and O2 sat showed no significant
structed. Except for three patients, all used bron- change after any of the five treatment modalities
chodilators (either inhaled b2-agonists and/or (Figs 2 and 3) and between study entry and exit.
ipratropium bromide). Eleven regularly inhaled
Three patients developed streaky hemoptysis dur-
Weight of Expectorated Sputum ing the treatments (one patient during treatment
Wet Sputum: The mean baseline sputum weights with SenB, one during HayOp, and one during
for the various treatments ranged between 4.361.2 g MCT1) that resolved spontaneously without inter-
and 7.663.1 g. There was no significant difference rupting treatments.
among them.
Patient Tolerance and Comments
The increase in the weight of expectorated sputum
(average of hours 2 to 6 as percent of baseline) Seven patients stated that the oral airway oscilla-
ranged between 123616% and 168624% for the tors were uncomfortable. Two patients felt that the
five treatment modalities (Fig 1). No treatment treatments with the chest wall oscillators were most
proved to be significantly more effective than the comfortable, two preferred all the mechanical de-
others. vices over CPT, while two patients preferred CPT.
There was no difference between patients who
inhaled rhDNAse (n511) and those who did not
(n53) (Table 2). Discussion
Dry Sputum: The mean baseline sputum weights
for the treatments ranged between 0.1460.04 g and The results of our study show that high-frequency
0.4160.08 g. There was no significant difference oral airway oscillation, high-frequency chest wall
among them. oscillation, and conventional CPT have comparable
augmenting effects on the weight of expectorated
Table 1—Patient Characteristics* sputum in patients with stable CF. By comparing
weight of expectorated sputum during treatment
Patient No./Age, FVC, FEV1, BsI O2
with a preceding baseline period, day-to-day varia-
yr/Sex (F/M) BMI % Pred % Pred sat, %
tion in sputum expectoration was taken into account.
1/25/F 19.5 42 29 96 The reason to analyze wet and dry sputum weights
2/34/M 27 100 83 97
was that some patients had difficulties delivering
3/20/F 17.6 63 47 97
4/14/F 19.6 62 37 96 lower airway secretions without contamination with
5/17/F 19 85 70 96 saliva. Although we were able to manually separate
6/17/F 20.5 90 74 97 lower airway secretions from saliva with a pair of
7/16/M 22 85 67 95 tweezers, contamination with saliva was not elimi-
8/16/M 23.4 96 82 96
nated entirely. Due to its high water content, saliva
9/18/M 25.1 82 72 95
10/29/M 17.4 56 35 95 adds considerable weight to the samples. By evapo-
11/14/M 21.7 59 54 96 rating the water, an important part of this confound-
12/15/M 16.1 64 48 97 ing factor is eliminated. The fact that for almost all
13/27/M 16.7 50 33 95 treatments the relative increase in weight of expec-
14/12/F 18.9 101 89 96
torated sputum was greater for the dried samples is
Mean6SD 20.3 6 3.2 73.9 6 19.5 58.5 6 20.6 96 6 0.8
19.4 6 6.3 in keeping with our assumption. Dry weights might
(6F/8M) therefore better represent lower airway secretions
*F/M5female/male; BMI5body mass index; FVC % pred5percent than wet weights. However, this question cannot be
of predicted FVC; FEV1 % pred5percent of predicted FEV1; answered by this study and further experiments are
BsI5baseline; O2 sat %5percent of arterial O2 sat. needed to clarify the issue.

1022 Clinical Investigations

Figure 1. Effect of treatments on increase of wet and dry weights of expectorated sputum. The
average weight expectorated during hours 2 to 6 was expressed as percent of baseline (mean6SEM).
There was no significant difference among treatments (n514, p50.15 for wet weight, and n514,
p50.57 for dry weight).

An increased weight of expectorated sputum may sol clearance would be needed to test this possibility.
or may not reflect a reduction in the amount of lower However, the difficulty to obtain informed consent
airway secretions, the ultimate goal of the treatment from parents and guardians (due to prejudice and
modalities we tested. We cannot rule out that oscil- fear of harmful effects from radioactivity with radio-
lations and CPT induce secretion of lower airway aerosols in adolescents) precluded the use of this
mucus, and if so, the increased weight of expecto- method. We therefore used sputum weight as our
rated sputum reflects the secretory effect of the quantitative end point as has been used in several
treatment. A complicated method such as radioaero- previous studies involving CPT.2,3,5,6,17

Table 2—Effect of Treatments on Wet Weight of Table 3—Effect of Treatments on Dry Weight of
Expectorated Sputum* Expectorated Sputum*

Treatment rhDNAse Mean6SEM, % p Value Treatment rhDNAse Mean6SEM, % p Value

Airway 1 144.9 6 29.1 0.59 Airway 1 189.7 6 48.9 0.59

8 Hz, 9:1† 2 153.8 6 98.7 8 Hz, 9:1† 2 136.9 6 59.6
Airway 1 129.5 6 20.1 0.31 Airway 1 141.3 6 30.0 0.07
14 Hz, 8:1† 2 97.7 6 17.9 14 Hz, 8:1† 2 50.7 6 12.9
Chest wall 1 137.0 6 44.6 0.48 Chest wall 1 164.9 6 32.6 0.48
3 Hz, 4:1† 2 120.5 6 33.9 3 Hz, 4:1† 2 113.4 6 36.0
Chest wall 1 115.5 6 19.8 0.94 Chest wall 1 126.3 6 28.1 0.82
16 Hz, 1:1† 2 196.2 6 131.5 16 Hz, 1:1† 2 209.1 6 146.5
1.5 Hz, 6:1† 1.5 Hz, 6:1†
CPT 1 186.7 6 27.7 0.10 CPT 1 193.2 6 23.3 0.59
2 99.3 6 9.6 2 155.8 6 72.2
*Comparing the group that inhaled rhDNAse (n511) with the one *Comparing the group that inhaled rhDNAse (n511) with the one
not receiving (n53) this medication did not reveal any significant not receiving (n53) this medication revealed no significant differ-
difference for any treatment. ence for any treatment.
† †
I:E ratio. I:E ratio.

CHEST / 113 / 4 / APRIL, 1998 1023

Figure 2. Effect of treatments on pulmonary function parameters. Mean changes expressed as percent
of baseline (mean6SEM) are depicted for all treatments. None of the parameters was significantly
altered by the treatments.

The OCI was created based on theoretical consid- form better than HayOp, and both “optimized”
erations and on results of previous experiments treatments (SenB and HayOp) tended to be superior
which demonstrated that through air-liquid interac- than the manufacturer-provided settings (which
tion, mucus is transported within the airways.26-29 were not optimized according to our theoretical
Airway wall radial displacement may help disengage considerations), might be a hint that the OCI is of
the secretions from the airway wall and thereby some value. However, the differences between all
enhance the effect of air-liquid interaction on mucus the treatments were minor and not statistically sig-
movement.28,30 For mucus transport in a cephalad nificant. Further experiments are clearly needed to
direction, an expiratory bias flow is mandato- find out if the OCI is a valid index.
ry.11,14,15,21 In the OCI (OCI5[f[Hz]3(Fmaxe/Te)/ Estimations of required sample sizes revealed that
(Fmaxi/Ti)]2f), frequency, inspiratory and expira- at least 300 patients are needed to achieve a power of
tory flows, and time of inspiratory and expiratory 80% with a type I error of 5% for differences in
airway wall displacement are arranged to obtain a means and variances that lie in the range of our
higher index for better movement of mucus in a study. Because we did not know the expected effects
cephalad direction. Thus, the higher the f, the higher of the various treatments on sputum weight, sample
the expiratory flow, the lower the inspiratory flow, size calculations could not be done in advance. The
the faster the inward displacement of the airway wall high variability between patients and the small dif-
during expiration, and the slower the outward dis- ferences between treatments resulted in the need of
placement during inspiration, the higher becomes a large sample size for reasonable type I and II
the index. Without any bias flow and with equal errors. In light of the many possible advantages of
times of inspiratory and expiratory airway wall dis- self-treatment, which is feasible with the oscillatory
placement, the OCI equals zero. devices, the small differences between the treatment
In our preliminary experiments, we systematically modalities might lose their importance, especially if
tested multiple settings for the chest wall and the compliance can be improved.
oral airway oscillator to reach the highest OCI.24 This Comparing expectorated sputum weight in pa-
led to the settings in SenB and HayOp. However, for tients using and patients not using rhDNAse failed to
MCT1, HaySe, and CPT, we did not calculate the reveal a significant difference. Almost all patients in
OCIs. This study, therefore, was not designed to our study were receiving rhDNAse, which compli-
validate the OCI. The fact that SenB, which resulted cates statistical comparison. However, our findings
in much higher OCIs than HayOp, tended to per- are in keeping with the work of Laube et al,31 which

1024 Clinical Investigations

Figure 3. Effect of treatments on O2 sat. Mean changes from baseline expressed as percent change
from baseline (mean6SEM) are depicted for all treatments. There were no significant differences
among the treatments.

did not achieve an increase in mucociliary clearance ment-induced changes in O2 sat. Patients with acute
or improvement of airflow obstruction for patients exacerbations may behave differently. McDonnel
inhaling rhDNAse when compared with placebo. and coworkers39 observed acute deteriorations in O2
Our results are consistent with findings of previous sat by CPT in their hospitalized patients with acute
experiments, which showed that high-frequency exacerbation. Connors and coworkers40 were able to
chest wall oscillation is at least as effective as CPT in show that among patients with acute nonsurgical
patients with CF who are in stable condition20,32,33 or lung disease, patients with excessive airway secre-
suffer from acute exacerbation.17,18,32 To our knowl- tions maintained their O2 sat, while patients without
edge, this is the first study that included oral airway hypersecretion experienced oxygen desaturation.
oscillation. The results indicate that the increase in Another possible explanation why O2 sat failed to
sputum weight by airway oscillations approximates change in our patients may have been their normal
the CPT-induced increase. baseline values. Small changes in arterial oxygen
CPT has been shown to improve or to slow tension may have been missed given the sigmoid
deterioration of pulmonary function in patients with shape of the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve.
CF.9,10,34-37 Short-term improvements in PFT results High-frequency chest wall oscillation is able to
are thought to be caused by relief of mucus-related improve oxygenation and ventilation in patients with
obstruction.34 The absence of short-term improve- normal lungs,41,42 in patients with respiratory fail-
ment in PFT results in our study can be explained by ure,43 and in patients with COPD.44-46 These effects
the fact that the patients were in clinically stable have been attributed to improved interregional and
condition and did not manifest mucus plugging. Our intraregional gas mixing.47-52 These beneficial actions
finding is also consistent with the report of Wilmott would not have been reflected by our O2 sat mea-
and coworkers38 who did not find any beneficial surement which was made after, not during, the
effects of CPT on PFT results in patients with CF treatment period.
who had an acute exacerbation. High-frequency oral airway and chest wall oscilla-
Our patients were in a stable condition and this tions were both well tolerated. No patient developed
may explain the observed lack of detectable treat- bronchospasm. Three patients with a history of

CHEST / 113 / 4 / APRIL, 1998 1025

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