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Marketing Mix of ferozsona laboraties:

Marketing mix is the way which company used to identify the marketing strategies. There
are 4 variables of this way.

The product variable is tangible product or service that company provided to the
customers. in this company focus on the quality, features, packaging and designs etc. the
product of ferozsons laboraties is life saving mediciens and drugs.

The products of the company are regulated by the health ministry of pakistan which says
as follow.

Durgs are manufactured unger the strict quality standard that is called
GMP(goodmanufacturing practice).

Not even single priduct will be sell or market unless registered by the ministry of

Product list of Ferozsons laboraties:

·0 ACYLEX TABLETS(antiviral for viral infection).

·1 ATENORM( cardiovascular diseases for the treatment of hypertension).

·2 AURORA TABLETS( weight-loss to treat high cholesterol).

·3 BIO-FREEZE(natural pain reliever).

·4 BIOGAIA(Digestive/Immune Health).

·5 BRONOCHOL( efficacious mixture to combat productive coughs).

·6 CALIPTROL TABLETS( Dyslipidemia,used for lowering blood cholesterol).

·7 CARVEDA TABLETS(Congestive Heart Failure, Hypertension).

·8 CENTAURUS TABLETS( treatment of chronic Hepatitis B infection).

·9 CIMET TABLETS(Peptic Ulcers).

·10 CLARION TABLETS(Antibiotics Respiratory tract infections).

The pricing strategy regulates the way that the customers pay for receving serices and
products. ferozsons provides the product to help the customers to relieve fromm the

ferozsons labboraties use the economic pricing strategy, in which the prices are set
according to the economic situation of pakistan. Genaral pricing structure of ferozsons
laboraties is

Ex-factor price+diatributor price+trade/chemist price+market retail/consumer price

The profit margin company set approximately is 15%.

Place is the variable which determines where to distrubute the right products at right time
at right place. Ferozsons has serious focused on it. The distributors and distribution
channals also works under the regulation authority of ministry of health.

Some medicines required special stotage so they arenot distributed to every pharmacy.

Some of the meducines are only available in the hospitals only.

Medicines are not bought by the choice thats why distribution area for the specific
prducts is selective.

Promotion is the tool which helps the company to communicate and share benefits of
their products with the consumers. For this type of promotion our consumers are doctors.
This tye of marketing is called in-direct marketing. ferozsons use thisstrategy for the their
products promotion also take help from social media for the awarness of the general

Promotional activities arealso done under he regulated ministry of health. The promotion
of ferozsons also under this.

Visits the doctors by the sales deparment and tell them about our new products and its

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Ferozsons laboraties believes that our company success depends on the socio-economic
wellbeing of society. Health and education is the basic need in Pakistan's deevelopment.
While adopting this philosopy company supports the primary education with the
colaboration of the citizen foundation(TCF), also provide scholarship to the need-based
undergraduated students at Pakistan's premier university, the lahore university of
management sciences(LUMS) through its National Outreach programme(NOP).

Reaserach and Development:

Our ongoing investment in R & D enables us to address the ever-changing global disease
burden and to foster new, improved solutions for emerging health care challenges.

Operation and management:

Our management approaches are mainly based on understanding, identifying, assessing.

There are several risks that company faced are as follow.

• Economic and political risks:

The regular change in political and economic condition in our country has

disclosed this risk to our company. For overcoming this risk the management directs the
financial market conditions and political condition very carefully and take actions and
discussed strategies at the management level to solve the adverse situations.

• Competition risks:

there is no control over low quality and illegal products in the market due to this
pharmaceutical industry faces unhealthy competition in Pakistan. for overcomin this risk
company with other members of this industry are in continous works for improved
policies and government regulations.

• Supply chain risks:

The process of supply chain plays a vital role in daily operations of the

Company. The company overcome this risk by large production planning and organize it
with ordering systen and sales forcasting.

• Information technology risks:

The Company regularly invest in its IT infrastructure keeping in mind its future needs.

• Financial risks:

The risks that are directly attributable to the financial viability of the Company.
Human Resource Department:
The human resource(HR) deparment works as thebackbone of an organzation. an
organization will not able to work properly without the help of an active HR department.
An organization cannot build a proper team of professionals employees without the help
of good human resouce. The employees that HR hires are the one that intract with the

Human resource department

The HR deparment of ferozsons compose of 5 managerial levels that are.

HR manager Assistant HR manger HR and Administration incgarge

HR officer Senior officer of HR

HR practices:

Recuritment and Selection:

the purpose of recuritment process is to hire right person for right job to meet the mission
of the company. It is necessary for the productivity of the company to select the
skilledfull person. Ferozsons makes sure the procedure of qauality talent by giving then
the trainning.

Within the organization Ferozsons have different critera of recuritment for different
positions.The company select the candidate on the basis of merit. Company believes that
difference in experience, background, talent and perspective is recognize as major
strength. company conduct both internal and external hiring. The hiring strategy depend
on positions like management, medical service executive etc. For the external hirring
company gives the newspaper ads and internet job portals and than select the right match.
Ferozsons provide the opportunities to yhe freshly graduated persons throught internship
and then hire them as a permanent employ that depends on their performance. Selection
test is conduct for the fresh graduates to access their intellactual skills for the field they
applied for. We also privide employment opportunities without regards of religion, race,
disability etc.

Trainning and Development:

The HR department of Ferozsons identifies that the emploees need trainning or not, they
provide necessary training to the employes to overcome their deficiencies. The training
session will b held on every 6 months. Extensive training given to the employs only in
specific dimension not in all departmemts.
Company gives concentration on the employe development and make sure that every
employ get enough training and become qualified for the job. Direct maketing or push
strategy is use for the branding because the company's main product is medicien. The
direct marketing need good communication, skills and knowlege so they need to give
proper trainning to the employs. Company gives all necessary detials and prices.
Ferozsons spend huge amount on their employees training and development.

Responisibilities toward Employees:

We are committed towards our employeeshealth and safety. we ensure that the work place
is free or drugs or alcohol. we conduct our operations by ensuring the health and safety of
our fellow employee.

Career development:
Career development plays important role in motivating and retaing in the empoly, this
system encourages the empolyees to give their 100% and achieve their goals.

Ferozsons and BF Biosciences Limited offers opportunities to develop a rewarding career

while making a difference in people's lives.

As an employer, we are committed to help our employees develop their skills, and send
our best and brightest employees to world-class institutions including Harvard Business
School, INSEAD and the Wharton School of Business to further their personal and
professional growth. We also have a unique program that aids employees in certain
categories to educate their children by supporting their tuition fees.

Marketing Mix of AGP pharma

A unique vision, supported by a cognizant mix of marketing assets, has empowered AGP
to manufacture successful and strong brand. Many are marketing pioneers in their
individual classifications. AGP additionally possesses the assembling and promoting
rights for a portion of the main worldwide brands in Pakistan, which incorporate Rigix,
Ceclor, Keflex, and Nebcin and so forth. Perceiving that makers with built up brands
have more noteworthy authority over the aggressive market, AGP has effectively created
viable and fruitful items through vital reasoning and relentless advertising endeavors.

AGP's new item improvement group persistently takes a shot at creating item details of
new medications so as to stay aware of the advancement in the worldwide pharmaceutical
market. We have an accomplished group that is committed for this capacity.

Product list of AGP:

·11 Nebcin

·12 Nergab

·13 Protege

·14 Maxna etc

The Drug Pricing Policy permits cost increment of schedul medications upto 50% of
expansion and for unscheduled medications up to 70% of expansion. In any case, the
export market is absolved from this strategy which gives the Company an chance to value
its products according to the export destination sector dynamics. Before 2015,
pharmaceutical organizations were not permitted to expand costs, in this way, the present
arrangement of expanding costs as a rate of inflation is necessary relief for
pharmaceutical organizations. Be that as it may, the export market is excluded from this
policy which gives the Company a chance to value its items according to the export goal
segment elements.

They distribute their product to all local hospital, pharmacy or private hospital. There is
no specific place is decided from where the products are distributed.

AGP has no need of promotion because their distribution channal is one of biggest
channal who dont have need of any promotion. Muller & Phipps (M&P) is the largest
distribution house in Pakistan with their roots in distribution since 1912. this company
have over 50+ years of distribution experience.

Research and Development:

Research and Development is critical to accomplishment of any assembling concern
especially in the pharmaceutical business. AGPL has set-up a state-of-the-art R&D
facility, which is observed and overhauled on a nonstop premise. The R&D facility
utilizes profoundly prepared and proficient human resource. with the help of this facility,
the Company can build up the new products that the organization is wanting to launch.
The facilities are additionally used to improve the details of existing products in
accordance with any new international advancement/administrative requirement.
Keeping in accordance with the vision, AGPL has worked together with a few global
organizations as producer and approved marketing operator in Pakistan. These
organizations incorporate Eli-Lilly USA, Dr. Kade Germany, Vifor/OM Pharma
Switzerland, UCB Belgium and Osmopharm Switzerland to give some examples. These
organizations have contributed in innovation move and advancement of information base
of the staff at AGPL.

AGPL's R&D office has created nearby detailing of a few items like Ceclor, Osnate,
Keflex, Rigix, Anafortan, Chymoral and so forth which are presently the lead brands of
the Company.

Corporate Social Responsibilities:

we are aware of our social responsibilities to improve the quality life of our customers,
staff and society. Every step that AGPL takes is always toward the betterment of all, we
practice our slogan-we value life.

We beleive that it is moral, social and ethical resposnsibility of everyone to serve for the
betterment of the society. AGP has taken the initiative to create public awareness and
responsibility in the area of road safety as CSR. Effective and comprehensive road safety
strategies can significantly reduce fatalities and injuries and AGP has initiated a CSR
campaign by the name of “Safety Matters”, which includes:

·15 Social Media campaigns on road safety (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and

·16 Interviews of traffic police on road safety & traffic rules

·17 Interviews of leading hospital trauma consultants on road safety

·18 Road safety week

·19 Road safety walks with Key Opinion Leaders and general public

·20 Road safety brochures for general public

·21 School campaign to create awareness at grass root level on importance and
various aspect of road safety

Operations and Management:

AGP Limited is an expertly overseen, ISO 9001:2015 confirmed Pharmaceutical
Company that makes different types of pharmaceutical items. AGP has two Plants, both
are situated at SITE territory Karachi. The zone of Plant I is around 2.81 acers while the
region of Plant II is around 1.25 acres of land. AGP has recorded a brilliant development
to arrive at its present remaining as a developing Company in the area of healthcare. It
was set up in 1989 and from that point forward it enjoy a rich production experience of
around 29 years. It has consistently developed through proficient assembling and moral
marketing of products under permitting arrangement of action with numerous
organizations of worldwide repute and furthermore through its own brands. Today, it is
one of the biggest pharmaceutical organizations in Pakistan, giving a wide scope of
pharmaceutical items. The assembling office is well prepared for the creation of wide
assortment of dose structures including Tablets, Capsules, Syrup, Suspension, Sachets,
Liquid Parenteral and Semi Solid Preparations. The office is cGMP consistent and has
been additionally inspected by various universal clients. The group of assembling site is
well fit for fulfilling high assembling guidelines with nearby and outside GMP
necessities. The standard working strategies set up have been created by our specialized
staff and are always refreshed because of intermittent reviews and
neighborhood/universal rules. All machines, gear's and procedures are appropriately
approved and audited to guarantee consistency of generation measures. Before beginning
any activity our specialized staff properly guarantees that each machine, gear, must finish
an exhaustive program of Installation, Operation and Performance Qualification.

The AGP the board invests in guarantee that everybody has simple access to sheltered,
viable, and quality items that are created, made, put away, and advertised as per the
administrative prerequisites and Company esteems. As Quality is our fundamental belief,
the Company attests that it is kept up at all levels. Exclusive requirements of value
applied over the association empower us to guarantee persistent wellbeing and meet the
desires for clients and other partners.

The AGP Quality Management has set up an extensive Quality System that incorporates
every single relevant standard/techniques and their execution, therefore guaranteeing
cGMP, administrative consistence and regular improvement. It is the duty of each AGP
colleague to regard and pursue the previously mentioned quality framework so as to
address present and future difficulties.

AGP's slogan is "we value life", and satisfaction of the said duty by every worker help
the Company to achieve our point, of arrangement of safe and quality items to everyone
at reasonable price.

New Product Development:

It alludes to the work AGP conducts toward the development and presentation of new
medications and furthermore improvement in its current items. The responsibility of
senior administration, commitment of qualified groups, imaginative culture, and powerful
and moral showcasing support are key achievement elements of our New Product
Development. We at AGP have faith in hierarchical realizing, which empowers the
Company to acquire new information from outer and inside sources and furthermore
makes an organization progressively focused in part of New Product Development. The
center capacity of this Department is to grow new medication item and to apply for its
enlistment as indicated by the administrative necessities (both local and international).

Distribution and Warehouse:

We have cooperated our appropriation system to Muller and Phipps (M&P) which is the
biggest distribution house in Pakistan. Together with our accomplice, we actualize
superior conveyance with an accentuation to guarantee item wellbeing.

AGP utilizes first class offices for its distribution center bringing about completely
utilitarian frameworks guaranteeing items are constantly taken care of, in the right, yet
additionally generally productive and financially savvy way. Our distribution center
involves a 24 hour temperature observing framework and a controlled temperature zone
to guarantee safe support of medications.

The distribution center likewise has a protected logging framework along with emergency
care system, to cater for unexpected occasions. From secure storage of items to
surrounding and temperature-controlled destinations, our stockroom is outfitted with
exceptionally talented administration and tasks groups to effectively deal with
warehousing activities.

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