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As a consumer, I am a person who is very interested in the list of ingredients used by a product.

the profile of ingredients or nutrients in a product can help me choose the product more precisely.
But there are still many other consumers who don't understand the importance of choosing the right
ingredients in order to meet their needs. With this internship opportunity, I was very interested to
find out how the campaign is carried out through the nutrient profile approach, and how this activity
is impacting product sales. In my opinion, nutritional profile is one way of establishing fair competition
between companies. This helps ensure that the companies are putting genuinely healthier products
on the market. Consumer taste, needs and expectations are also fundamental to the success of
products. To this end, we need to arrange campaigns to deliver information and education for driving
consumers on choosing healthier product options. With my experience managing organizations and
events, and coupled with a great curiosity for this work, I believe that I am a good fit for Healthcare
Intern that Danone is looking for.

Through this internship I hope to increase my insight about sales from a nutritional point of view. This
internship can also be an opportunity for me to be able to explore the influence of science on business
further. This internship is also one of the opportunities for me to get real work experience, experience
communicating in a professional environment and expand my professional network. So that all the
experience and knowledge that I will gain during my internship can be a good starting point for my
future career.

we need to arrange campaigns to deliver information and education for driving consumers on
choosing healthier product options.

how the campaign is carried out through the nutrient profile approach, and how this activity is
impacting our sales

namun mungkin saja masih banyak consumer lain yang belum memahami pentingnya memilih bahan
yang tepat agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya.

with my experience managing an organization and event, and coupled with a great curiosity for this
work, I believe that I am a good fit for Healthcare Intern that Danone is looking for.

Gambar yang lebih besar

Profil nutrisi adalah salah satu cara untuk membangun persaingan yang sehat antar perusahaan. Ini
membantu memastikan bahwa perusahaan menempatkan produk yang benar-benar lebih sehat di
In my opinion, nutritional profile is one way of establishing fair competition between companies.
This helps ensure that the companies are putting genuinely healthier products on the market.
Consumer taste, needs and expectations are also fundamental to the success of products. To this
end, information and education campaigns are required to move consumers to choose healthier

Nutrient profiles are another way of establishing fair competition. These help to ensure that
companies are putting genuinely healthier products on the market.

Selera, kebutuhan, dan harapan konsumen juga sangat penting bagi keberhasilan produk yang
diformulasikan ulang. Untuk tujuan ini, kampanye informasi dan edukasi diperlukan untuk
menggerakkan konsumen untuk memilih opsi yang lebih sehat.

Consumer taste, needs and expectations are also fundamental to the success of reformulated
products. To this end, information and education campaigns are required to move consumers to
choose healthier options.

Sektor swasta juga dapat berinovasi untuk memastikan produk yang lebih sehat dapat diterima dan
menarik secara budaya, dan bahwa inovasi merangsang pertumbuhan bisnis.

Akhirnya, penting untuk mengembangkan pendekatan holistik. Nutrisi yang baik hanya dapat dicapai
melalui tindakan di bidang lain seperti sanitasi, pertanian dan keluarga berencana.

Bekerja bersama - dan menggunakan campuran regulasi, regulasi mandiri, dan langkah-langkah
nasional yang terkoordinasi - menggerakkan kita selangkah lebih dekat untuk mencapai Tujuan 2 dari
SDG PBB, untuk menghilangkan kelaparan dan meningkatkan gizi, serta Tujuan 3, untuk memastikan
kehidupan yang sehat dan mempromosikan kesejahteraan untuk semua usia. Ini adalah tujuan yang
didukung sepenuhnya oleh Nestlé. Baca lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana kami berkontribusi pada
tujuan global.

Magang ini juga dapat memberikan saya pengalaman berkomunikasi di lingkungan professional dan
juga dapat memperluas jaringan professional saya. Dan yang paling penting pengalaman bekerja
secara nyata dan berad

Magang ini juga merupakan salah satu kesempatan bagi saya untuk mendapatkan pengalaman
bekerja secara nyata, pengalaman berkomunikasi di lingkungan professional dan memperluas
jaringan professional saya. Sehingga dengan semua pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang saya peroleh
ketika magang nanti dapat menjadi titik awal yang baik bagi karir saya kedepan

This internship is also one of the opportunities for me to get real work experience, experience
communicating in a professional environment and expanding my professional network. So that with
all the experience and knowledge that I gained during my internship can be a good starting point for
my future career.

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