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“Topic: Neo- Darwinian Theory or Modern Synthesis”

Neo Darwinism/Modern Synthesis

- Describes the fusion of Mendelian Genetics with Darwinian Evolution.

- Involves several changes in how evolutionary processes were conceived.
- Emphasizes on genetic basis of evolution.
- Answers problems with the persistence of Genetic Variation of Darwin.
- Darwin’s theory lack an adequate account of inheritance that is why there is the Mendelian
theory that revolutionize and helps understand.
- Darwin’s theory of natural selection lacked an adequate account of inheritance making it
logically incomplete. Darwin’s lack of a model of the mechanisms of inheritance left him
unable to interpret his own data that showed Mendelian ratios. Though, he shared with
Mendel a more mathematical and probabilistic outlook than most biologist of his time.

Birth of Population Genetics (Darwin’s origin of species)

- Modern species were descended from common ancestors

- Process of natural selection was the major mechanism of evolutionary change
- For selection to gradually modify a population over a long period of time, in the manner
suggested by Darwin, a continual supply of variation is needed.
- Early Mendelians did not accept that natural selection played an important role in evolution,
so were not placed to see that Mendelian had given Darwin’s theory the lifeline it needed.
- The synthesis of Darwinism and Mendelism, which marked the Birth of Population Genetics,
was achieved by a long and tortuous role.

Contribution of Biogeography and Evolution

The distribution of species around the world supports evolution. Species are distributed around
the globe largely in evolution. Species are distributed around the globe largely in relation to their
genetic relationships to one another, with some understood exceptions.

1. Comparative Morphology and Evolution

By studying both living organisms and the fossils of the extinct ancestors, zoologist and
paleontologist can draw evolutionary relationships.
2. Comparative Embryology on Evolution
Comparative embryology supports evolutionary theory, in the sense that all vertebrates
develop similarly. The conclusion is that all vertebrates must have a common ancestor
3. Paleontology on Evolution
Fossils provide the only direct evidence of the history of evolution. Fossil records show
changes in species over time.
4. Taxonomy on Evolution
By classifying animals into groups, you can trace the creatures evolutionary relationships.
This huge family tree show how animals have descended from common ancestors and
grouped accordingly.

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