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12/27/2017 An introduction to evolution

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EVOLUTION 101 en Español print Introduction

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Patterns An introduction to evolution


Microevolution The definition

Biologic al evolution, simply put, is Learn about common
Speciation desc ent with modific ation. This ancestry in context: A
fish of a different
Macroevolution definition enc ompasses small-sc ale color, a news brief with
evolution (c hanges in gene discussion questions.
The big issues frequenc y in a population from one
generation to the next) and large-
sc ale evolution (the desc ent of
different spec ies from a c ommon
anc estor over many generations). Leaves on trees change Mountain ranges erode over
color and fall over millions of years.
Evolution helps us to understand several weeks. Find additional lessons,
the history of life. activities, videos, and
articles that focus on
common ancestry.
The explanation
Biologic al evolution is not simply a
matter of c hange over time. Lots
of things c hange over time: trees
lose their leaves, mountain ranges
rise and erode, but they aren't
examples of biologic al evolution
bec ause they don't involve
desc ent through genetic A genealogy illustrates Over a large number of
inheritanc e. change with inheritance years, evolution produces
over a small number of tremendous diversity in
The c entral idea of biologic al years. forms of life.
evolution is that all life on Earth
Download this series of graphics from the Image
shares a c ommon anc estor, just as library.
you and your c ousins share a
c ommon grandmother.

Through the proc ess of desc ent with modific ation, the c ommon anc estor of life on
Earth gave rise to the fantastic diversity that we see doc umented in the fossil
rec ord and around us today. Evolution means that we're all distant c ousins: humans
and oak trees, hummingbirds and whales.

Welcome to The history of life:

Evolution 101! looking at the

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