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undeniable fact that teenagers undergo intense pressure when they’re in university

occurs when the demands on us exceed our ability to cope

strongly agree that teenagers nowadays experience extreme pressure when they are in their
university phase
undergo stressful issues such as financial burdens, social anxiety and also academic pressure.

It’s an undeniable fact that teenagers undergo intense pressure when they’re in
university. Stress is something that many university students are familiar with. It occurs when
the demands on us exceed our ability to cope. Therefore, I strongly agree that teenagers
nowadays experience extreme pressure when they are in their university phase. Especially,
when they are in their first year of university, they will tend to undergo stressful issues such as
financial burdens, social anxiety and also academic pressure.
Firstly, one of the causes why teenagers are facing pressure in their university life is
because of financial trouble. University fees are basically expensive and they get more
expensive every year. Whether if it’s a local university or a university in abroad, the cost of
tuition, modules, facilities and accommodation can add up quickly. To those who are not under
any scholarship or sponsorship, it can be worrisome to figure out how the bills will get paid
each semester. Other students who are studying under student loan tend to be stressed out as
they need achieve certain CGPA to get their bills paid on time without any delay. As they think
about their financial problem and ways to solve them often, most of the teenagers tend to get
stressed and back off from their university life. Thus, financial burden is one of the reasons why
teenagers undergo extensive pressure when they are in higher institutions.
Secondly, maintaining academic success also can be one of the reasons why teenagers
feel uneasy during their university life. Maintaining a healthy CGPA through graduation can be
stressful sometimes. For instance, when a student whose under a scholarship starts to show a
decline in their education, that may cause their scholarship to be revoked and put them under
pressure. In between this, some teenagers are literally forced by their parents to get good
grades in their examination. The burden of living up parent’s expectation can take a toll on the
student’s stress. This kind of situation can lead a student to mental stress, anxiety, depression
and sadly to suicide too. Hence, retaining academic success can cause pressure to teenagers
who are in universities
Thirdly, social anxiety is also considered as one of the stressor in teenager’s university
phase. Social anxiety is basically a communicating problem that all of us would’ve encountered.
In literal terms, social anxiety is defined as a feeling of discomfort, uneasiness and internal fear
that a person faces in a particular social situation and also the fear of being evaluated by others.

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