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The idea of Normalization and the Catholic Opinion

EDU 347
Dr. Sobeck
Maryceline Josephson
In our current society, it is not out of the ordinary where we see individuals with

different disabilities and needs making a huge impact to the world. Although it does not come

to us as a shock, it was not always like this. Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger played a big role in the

sudden change in our society. He introduced the idea of Normalization. Normalization is the

concept of giving individuals with disabilities a chance to live their daily lives as close as possible

to the typical circumstances and ways of living as our society (Thomas, 2017),. This was widely

accepted by many, including the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church came out with a Pastoral Statement in regards to the idea of

Normalization. The Church stated that although they have not always treated individuals with

disabilities with the care that they truly need, the church acknowledged that there needs to be

a change for how they are treated (United States Catholic Bishops, 1998). The Church stated

that individuals with disabilities should not only be respected and treated like any other person

but that there is a serious crisis of people aborting their children because the child will have a

disability (United Staets Catholic Bishops, 1998). This is very true and is still seen today in our

society. Although Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger’s idea of Normalization is carried out in our everyday

life, this idea seems to be ignored when it comes to the unborn individuals. Both the Catholic

Church and Dr. Wolfensberger acknowledged that no matter how different one may seem, they

have a right to life and the pursuit of happiness. No matter how small, the individual still has

this same right. We should not assume that individuals with disabilities cannot have the same

life style as a typical human being. Individuals with disabilities often are incredibly gifted human

beings who have many talents to share to this society.

The Catholic Church and Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger both acknowledged that there are

individuals who have disabilities; however, this should not be how they are characterized. They

should not be just given the easiest tasks or tasks that everyone assumes they can “handle”.

These individuals can not only do tasks that we can but also can do tasks that we could not do.

The Pastoral Statement and Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger played an integral part in the special

education field. It is because of the idea of Normalization that we have inclusive classrooms and

that these students can go out and have a life that is just like any other child in his or her

classroom. These students will no longer be seen as “weak” or “incapable”, instead, they will be

seen as capable and strong. They will be given the same opportunities as any other student.

Thomas, Susan, (2017), Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from


United States Catholic Conference. (1998). Pastoral statement of U.S. Catholic bishops on
persons with disabilities. Washington (D.C.).

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