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\the popes to supremacy, Increasing bitterness

_______ --I~ IIi.!
__ ._.----- between.the churches in Rome and Constan-
Europe's Crusades (c. 1100-1300) tinople had climaxed in 1054 when the one
Catholic church officially split into western and
Origin of the Crusades eastern parts, just as the Roman Empire hado
The crusades were Europe's version of This schism [SIZ1 om] has lasted to the present
"holy wars" during the Middle Ages. Named day as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Ortho-
for the Latin crux, for "cross," these wars were dox churches. But the popes continued to
fought against Islam in the name of Christi- dream of universal dominion. They perceived
anity. The Bible records the words of Christ to the crusades as an opportunity to establish
the one who thought to defend Him in Geth- their control over the Eastern church and to
semane: "Put up again thy sword into his place: enhance their leadership in Europe.
for all they that take the sword shall perish Pope Urban 11eagerly preached the need
with the sword" (Matt. 26:52). But the Bible to wrest the Holy Land away from the Turk-
had been so abused that many considered cru- ish Muslims and to free eastern brethren from
sades a proper way to spread the gospel. The anti-Christian rulers. With gory detail, he
stated objective was to drive the Muslims [rorn recounted tales of Turkish torture and murder.
the Holy Land, where Christ had lived, and cap- The church even presented crusading as a way
ture the city of Jerusalem [or Christendom. of ensuring one's salvation. Multitudes roared,
European pilgrims. For centuries people "God wills it! God wills it!" Throughout west-
had traveled from Europe, in groups as large ern Europe, men put cloth crosses on their
as 7,000, to worship in the Holy Land. These garments and prepared to battle Muslims.
pilgrimages continued even after the Arab
Muslims' conquest of the Holy Land in the 7th The First Crusade
century. The Peasants' Crusade. Emotions were
Turkish conquerors. In the 11th century, so high that before the official First Crusade
however, Seljuk [se¡·jook/] Turks from central had even begun, a group of 15,000 to 20,000
Asia took much of the Middle East from the people, mostly simple farmers, embarkedon
Arabs. The fierce Turks accepted Islam and the Peasants' Crusade. Militarily disciplined
became extremely fanatical. Stories of vicious Turks destroyed this unruly mob of Europe-
persecution of European pilgrims to the Holy ans, leaving bones to bleach in the sun as a
Land soon reached Europe. With a victory warning to future crusaders.
at the Battle of Manzikert [man/za-kért] in
1071, the Seljuk Turks conquered Asia Minor
from the Eastern Roman Empire. Christen-
dom lost control of another major land area,
and more professing Christians Iived under
Muslim government. The Eastern Roman
emperor began to plead with western Europe
for help. In 1095, Pope Urban 11 responded
enthusiastically by proclaiming the beginning
of crusades for western European, Roman
control of the Holy Land.
Popes and crusades. Popes hoped to
increase their power and prestige with success-
ful crusades. The church in Constantinople,
to which many eastern Christians looked for First Crusade: This old picture shows the four knights who led the
leadership, had never accepted the claims of First Crusade: Godfrey, Raymond, Bohemund, and Tancred.

104 Ch. 10 Islam and the Crusades

The official First Crusade. The official toward the Mediterranean Sea, expecting God
First Crusade (1096-1099), with great European to divide the waters so they could walk across
nobles at the forefront, went forward neverthe- to the Holy Land. Many never made it beyond
less. Byearly 1097, 50,000 or more crusaders the Alps; those who managed to reach the sea
had converged on Constantinople from land faced an even greater obstacle. Seamen offered
and sea. The assembled force recaptured Asia to ferry the youngsters across the Mediterra-
Minor for the Eastern emperor Alexius Com- nean, but once on board, these foolish, pitiful
nenus [a-Iéksé-os kóm-ne/nos] by the end of children discovered that they had been tricked
the year. After conquering other areas in the by slave traders, who sold them as slaves to
Middle East, the crusaders took Jerusalem on North African Muslims.
July 15, 1099. The last crusades. Other crusades were
The First Crusade conquered a strip of land attempted after the Children's Crusades, but
along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean they achieved nothing. By 1291, the Muslims
about 500 miles long and averaging 40 miles controlled the Holy Land once again. The
wide. This European foothold in the Middle East tragic crusades had lasted some 200 years,
was divided into four little kingdoms ruled by the from about 1100 to 1300.
crusader knights. But the Muslims soon reor- Ottoman Turks end the Eastern Roman
ganized and began to reconquer this territory. Empire. In the late 13th century, a new Mus-
lim menace to Christendom arose. The Otto-
More Crusades man [ót/a-rnan] Turks became the most pow-
The Second Crusade. The Second Cru- erful force in the Muslim world of the Middle
sade (1147-1149) accomplished nothing. The East. In 1453, the Ottomans, led by aman
French and German armies were defeated who called himself Moharnmed 11, captured
before they even reached the Holy Land, and an Constantinople. This event marked the end of
assault on the Muslim stronghold of Damascus the Eastern Roman Empire. The crusades had
(a city that was actually friendly to the crusader failed to permanently reclaim from Islam any
kingdoms) failed miserably. part of the Middle East, and now Christendom
Fall of Jerusalem. The Muslims grew lost even more territory. The Ottomans kept
stronger and more unified under their leader Europe on the defensive for about two centuries
Saladin [sál/a-dín], the renowned sultan of Egypt. as they kept pushing into southeastern Europe.
Jerusalem fell in 1187, and the Muslims again Checked and balanced. Islam utterly
controlled most of the Holy Land. Only tiny rem- rejected Christ, and Christendom distorted His
nants of the crusader kingdoms were left. gospel. Both combined religion, politics, con-
The Third Crusade. In the Third Crusade quest, and empire in a drive to rule the world.
(1189-1192), the English king Richard the If Islam had won all its holy wars, Christianity
Lion-Hearted joined his French and German might have disappeared altogether. If Chris-
counterparts to lead what is remembered as tendom had succeeded with its crusades, dis-
the "Crusade of Kings." The Third Crusade torted Christianity might have been imposed
accomplished so little that many people became upon all mankind. Fortunately, each checked
disillusioned with the whole idea of crusades. and balanced the aspirations of the other.
The Fourth Crusade. Crusades became Christendom largely confined Islam to the
more and more ridiculous. The Fourth Crusade Middle East and the farther reaches of Asia,
(1202-1204) never even reached the Holy Land while Islam restricted Christendom mainly to
but instead attacked and robbed the city of Con- western Europe.
stantinople! We now turn our attention to western
The pitiful Children's Crusades. The Chil- Europe to learn more about the way of life
drens Crusades occurred in 1212 when several that developed there during the Middle Ages,
thousand French and German children marched after the fall of Rome.

10.2 Europes Crusades 105

Section 10.2 Review
1. What were Europe's "holy wars" called? 7. What is another name for the Third
What was the purpose of these "holy wars"? Crusade? Was this crusade successful?
2. What fierce tribe took much of the Middle 8. Why was the Fourth Crusade ridiculous?
East from the Arabs in the 11th century? 9. What event marked the end of the Eastern
What battle completed their conquest of Roman Empire? Give the date.
Asia Minor? 10. How did Islam and distorted Christianity
3. Who proclaimed the beginning of the crusades? "check and balance" each other?
4. When did the Roman church officially split?
Identify: pilgrimages, Peasants' Crusade,
5. In which crusade did Europeans reconquer Alexius Comnenus, Saladin, Richard
Asia Minor and capture Jerusalem? the Lion-Hearted, Children's Crusades,
6. What did the Second Crusade accomplish? Ottoman Turks, Mohammed II

Chapt~eview (
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PEOPLE Know the following individuals and EVENTS Give the signiiicance of the [ollowing
be able to explain their importance to svorld events.
1. Battle of Tours .
1.Ishmael 2. Battle of Manzikert
2. Mohammed 3. Peasants' Crusade
3. Urban II 4. First Crusade
4. Alexius Comnenus 5. Second Crusade
5. Saladin 6. Third Crusade
6. Richard the Lion-Hearted 7. Fourth Crusade
7. Mohammed II 8. Children's Crusade

PLACE S Know the following places and their DATES TO REMEMBER

significance. ~
1. 732
1. Arabia
2. 1054
2. Mecca 3. 1071
TERMS Define the [ollowing terins.
CONCEPTS TO CONSIDER On a separate sheet /
1. Bedouins of paper; answer the [ollowing questions /
2. Black Stone using complete sentences.
3. Allah 1. What is the main difference between
4. Hegira Islam and Christianity?
5. jihad 2. How did Islam and distorted
6. Islam Christianity "check and balance"
7. Muslims each other?
8. Koran
9. caliphs
10. crusades

106 Ch. 10 Islam and the Crusades

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