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 Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper, the methodology section
allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability.
 Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. They indicate
how well a method, technique or test measures something.
 Reliability is about the consistency of a measurE
 Validity is about the accuracy of a measure
 Sampling is a method that allows researchers to infer information about a population based on
results from a subset of the population, without having to investigate every individual.
 It is one of the most important factors which determines the accuracy of your research/survey
result. If anything goes wrong with your sample then it will be directly reflected in the final
 POPULATION- is the collection of the elements which has some or the other characteristic in
 SAMPLE-is the subset of the population

Probability Sampling
 It’s alternatively known as random sampling.
 This Sampling technique uses randomization to make sure that every element of the
population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected sample.
 Probability sampling methods tend to be more time-consuming and expensive than
non-probability sampling.
When do we use Probability Sampling
 When the population is usually diverse
 When your population size is large and diverse this sampling method is
usually used extensively as probability sampling helps researchers
create samples that fully represent the population.
Procedures how to do it:
1. number the units in the population from 1 to N.
2. decide on the n (sample size) that you want or need.
3. k = N/n = the interval size.
4. randomly select an integer between 1 to k.
5. then take every kth unit.
 Cost Effective
 Involves lesser degree of judgment
 Comparatively easier way of sampling
 Less time consuming
 Can be done even by non- technical persons
 Sample representative of population
 Chances of selecting specific class of samples only
 Redundant and monotonous work
Non-Probability Sampling
 It’s alternatively known as non-random sampling.
 It does not rely on randomization.
 This technique is more reliant on the researcher’s ability to select elements for a
 Outcome of sampling might be biased and makes difficult for all the elements of
population to be part of the sample equally.
 Non-probability sampling methods tend to be cheaper and more convenient, and they
are useful for exploratory research and hypothesis generation.
When do we use Non-Probability Sampling?
 This type of sampling can be used when demonstrating that a particular trait exists in
the population.
 It can also be used when the researcher aims to do a qualitative, pilot or exploratory
 It can be used when randomization is impossible like when the population is almost
 It can be used when the research does not aim to generate results that will be used to
create generalizations pertaining to the entire population.
 It is also useful when the researcher has limited budget, time and workforce.
 This technique can also be used in an initial study which will be carried out again using
a randomized, probability sampling.
Procedures how to do it:
1. number the units in the population from 1 to N.
2. decide on the n (sample size) that you want or need.
3. k = N/n = the interval size.
4. Orderly select an integer between 1 to k.
5. then take every kth unit.
 Non-probability sampling is a more conducive and practical method for researchers
deploying survey in the real world. Although statisticians prefer probability sampling
because it yields data in the form of numbers. However, if done correctly, non-
probability sampling can yield similar if not the same quality of results.
 Getting responses using non-probability sampling is faster and more cost-effective as
compared to probability sampling
 In non-probability sampling, researcher needs to think through potential reasons for
biases. It is important to have a sample that represents closely the population.
 While choosing a sample in non-probability sampling, researchers need to be careful
about recruits distorting data. At the end of the day, research is carried out to obtain
meaningful insights and useful data.

 A convenience sample is a type of non-probability sampling method where the sample

is taken from a group of people easy to contact or to reach.
 This type of sampling is also known as grab sampling or availability sampling
• Standing at a grocery store and asking people to answer questions.
• Companies stop people at a mall or on a crowded street to distribute their promotional
pamphlets and ask questions.
• A brand is collecting feedback about a particular feature or newly launched product.
• Creating an online survey and send a link to all the contacts on your phone, share a
link on social media and also talk to people you meet daily face-to-face.
 There are no other criteria to the sampling method except that people be
available and willing to participate.
 In addition, a simple random sample is generated, since the only criteria is
whether the participants agree to participate
 When a researcher is eager to begin conducting research with people as subjects, but
may not have a large budget or the time and resources that would allow for the
creation of a large, randomized sample.
Convenience Sampling
 is a key in situations where you intend to get insights in a shorter time span or without
investing too much money.
 In its basic form, convenience sampling method can be applied by stopping random
people and asking questions.
 Using convenience sampling method, you can send a link to the online questionnaire to
individuals on your mobile phone’s contact list, to individuals you are connected to via
social networking websites such as Facebook and to individuals whom you know in
 Using subjects(people) that are convenient and readily available.
 It’s relatively easy to get a sample.
 It’s inexpensive, compared to other methods.
 Participants are readily available.
An inability to generalize the results of the survey to the population as a whole.
The possibility of under- or over-representation of the population.
Biased results, due to the reasons why some people choose to take part and some do not

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