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#32 Cris Paolo T.

Rafols 9-SAJ

- What I felt in my mind upon hearing the scheduled recollection-immersion is that, I felt
really excited because I could really help people now who are in need and then at the
dumpsite to see all my classmates and friends do so many different things to help the
family that they have been picked with, and to establish a good sense of teamwork,
patience, cooperation, coordination, and even a little bit of fun in order for us to do the
chores that were given to us.
- What I think I understand by the recollection-immersion is that you can make others so
happy just by helping them and what I understand is that we should help every day when
someone needs help and to always act up when something happens.

Actual Experiences
- First thing is that my group was planning, since we were four we had a family who were
large in numbers and it went out pretty well, all the group members decided to cooperate
with themselves and then the plan was this, I had to bring food for lunch, one had to bring
snacks, one had to bring supplies and other equipment for our foster parents and the other
brought 6 liters of water and he was also the one who spent the money for the family’s
needs. Then in school we all had to go to the pentagon, which was very hot so almost
everyone was complaining especially the girls, then we had just a pretty normal assembly
with the advent wreath at the side, which was to prepare for advent, then after the
assembly we headed on to our carpools to take to the Inayawan Dumpsite, there we went
to meet our foster parents and then we proceeded to their homes and that’s where the
chores happened, lots and lots of chores but we were all happy there since we were all
having fun doing the chores we all liked seeing them happy and also because they were
just relaxing in their homes and then afterwards we ate lunch with our foster parents, at
first they were shy and all of the parents decided not to eat but then their kids insisted
them in eating but they didn’t still so as students we offered them to eat with us because
we bought the food for them and so that they could taste something different, food which
was really good and at that point they really seemed kind to us, since we were there
looking really tired from the heat of the sun and how pale our faces were, the foster
parents decided to give us a rest on their home for a few minutes, maybe even by the time
that we needed to go back to the chapel, but we did not say yes to their offer instead we
just helped more and saw really big smiles in their faces and those smiles melted our
hearts seeing them so happy that day and then after that we went to the chapel, I saw all
of the other families and all of the other students there at the chapel, the chapel was full
of people but I was sad since the foster parents just waited outside the chapel for the mass
to be over, me and my group were just outside the chapel with our foster parents and then
this happened, I saw a group of students standing in the heat of the sun then I see their
foster parent offering them their own umbrella, just for the students and my reaction to
the parent’s kindness is just. How kind are these people going to become? Is this how
they were made? To always smile no matter the situation? Then after the mass we had
decided to go about our day say our goodbyes to our foster parents and head back to
school, which was the saddest part of that day since we couldn’t get to see our foster
parents again.

1. First realization is that why are poor people so kind and happy when it comes to just
small things they were helped with.

2. They are really smiley for the lives that have been given to them, they are very grateful
for what they have and they are happy for it.

3. They are really shy when it comes to food, I don’t know why but I think it’s because
they’re not used to having other people around them eating with them.

4. They didn’t want us to do chores because they were shy of their home and their
belongings to us students.

5. They are used to living their lives the way they are living them now, being tired all day,
doing lots of chores and etc.

Action Plan

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