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•According to the US National
Institutes of Health, Mental Health
includes our emotional, psychological
and social well-being. If affects how
we think, feel, and act as we cope
with life. It also helps determine how
we handle stress, relate to others, and
make choices.
1. Subjective
well-being-one’s personal thoughts
and feelings about one’s overall state of being.
2. Perceived
Self-Efficacy- one’s perception of
one’s value and worth, effectiveness and ability
in performing a task or activity.
3. Autonomy- deals with one capacity to separate
one’s identity from other significant persons like
parents, lovers, and special friend.
4. Competence- the perception of one’s capacity
to effectively perform a function or activity using
specific skills and knowledge and achieving the
desired results at a given time.
5. Intergenerational Independence- refers to the
relationships between individuals who belong to
different generations but may be living separately
as independent, autonomous persons during a
specific period of time.
6. Self-Actualization of one’s intellectual and
emotional potential
1.Essence or spirituality
2.Work and leisure
Related to the five tasks are twelve sub-tasks as major components
of wellness or well-being. These are:

1.Sense of worth
2.Sense of control
3.Realistic beliefs
4.Emotional awareness and coping
5.Problem solving and creativity
6. Sense of humor
7. Nutrition
8. Physical exercise
9. Self-care
10. Stress management
11. Gender identity
12. Cultural identity
It is important that the five tasks are balanced in terms of
time spent on each one, and of course on the amount of
energy one gives to fulfilling each of the tasks. The sub-
tasks are more of what one needs to own and practice to
achieve mental health and well-being.
Maintaining good mental health and well-being requires
resiliency and adaptability, two important skills that need
to be developed in every person particularly the adolescent.
Resiliency- the capacity to establish and maintain one’s
balance and well-being in the face of adversity.
Adaptability- the capacity to adjust to changes necessary
for one’s survival and balance.
Healthy Self Concept at the Core of Mental
Health and Well-Being
• It
is about understanding and accepting one’s personality
uniqueness and individuality
• Having a wonderful self-concept is about having a
spirituality that provides philosophical and existential
meaning to one’s life, and about one’s relationship with his
perceived Supreme being.
• Having a healthy self-concept is also about embracing
meaningful universal human values that define who you
are and how these values form your set of healthy attitudes
about other people, situations and things.
Good Physical Health Is Good For Mental
• The word health organization clearly noted that poor
mental health plays a significant role in diminished
immune functioning and the development of certain
illnesses, and eventually premature death.
• One’sphysical health is also an important factor to good
mental health. Sleep and nutrition, for example, should
be given importance and properly observed by an
adolescent whose tendency is to take these things for
Healthy Self-Concept+ Healthy Mind and Body= Good Mental Health
and Well-Being

• A healthy self-concept plus a healthy mind and

body are one’s guarantee to good mental health.
When all of these elements are in balance, then the
general well-being is experienced, Well- being is a
state of wellness where every aspects of a person is
in balance. Being well and feeling well means that
there is a general sense of contentment, happiness,
calmness and peace within.
Challenges to Mental Health and Well-
• A mentalhealth problem is a short term and temporary
change in a person’s thoughts, feelings or behavior
that upsets one’s well-being, interpersonal
relationships and productivity.
• Many adolescents are more susceptible to mental
health concerns than adults.
• Roughly20% of a country’s total population falls
under the 10-19 years of age category or the
adolescence category.
The WHO enumerated possible mental health challenges
faced by adolescents worldwide. The include:
Conduct and Behavior Disorders


Eating disorders
Risk Behaviors including:
 Sexual behavior
 Substance abuse
 Violent Behavior
Support for Mental Health and Well-Being

•Adolescents who face the

challenges brought about by
their situation have options to
maintain good mental health and
2.Be Active
3.Keep Learning
4.Give to others
5.Take Notice

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