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STEM students often find themselves in a difficult situation where they struggle to

keep up in class because of their problems regarding their specialized subjects. They could

not raise their hands whenever the teachers are asking questions because they find it hard

and intimidating to do so. Students can barely get up with a smile on their faces because of

the stress they are feeling especially when it comes to Science and Mathematics subjects.

STEM strand requires high performance and standard in academics. Because of

that, people tend to have high expectations on STEM students. Stress and pressure are also

factors that add up to the academic struggle that these students are already facing. Stress is

a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding

circumstances. It usually occurs to students who excessively worry about their academic


STEM students usually feel pressured because they are the ones people look up to

the most. When a person encounters a STEM student, the first thing that will pop in his/her

mind is “She/He is a genius!” or “She/He probably took STEM because he/she excelled in

Mathematics and Science.” This stereotyping often happens because STEM students are

majoring in Mathematics and Science. Unfortunately, with this mindset, STEM students

feel pressured because people have high expectations for them. However, given the wide

extent of knowledge that Mathematics and Science demand, excelling in academics seems

to be an impossible task. Students struggle with Mathematics because their foundation or


background is poor. For example, a student from a former school was not given much idea

about a certain topic in Mathematics. Therefore, she/he may struggle because the method

that their former teacher gave them is not the same as what his/her teacher gives him/her

at the moment. These students may have fallen behind in a unit or moved on to advanced

material and before they even know it, they were already failing. The same struggle is

experienced by most students in Science subjects.

Students often ask themselves why they need to study these particular subjects

when it will not even be beneficial for their future profession. The essence of these subjects

- Mathematics and Science - had been questionable to many students. Given the intensity

of knowledge and comprehension that these two subjects demand, their significance is

oftentimes overshadowed with the assumption that they are too vast to be understood. This

perception can similarly affect how students perform in the said subject areas.

When students are in a grocery, or when they are buying something, their mind will

automatically compute how much they would spend, and by computing, they are using

basic addition and subtraction which are part of the said subject. There is a quote saying

“Math is all around us,” which basically means that whatever humans do, they use

Mathematics. Using Science has been a basic necessity because it is needed in our daily

lives. When a kid crosses a street, she/he will automatically compute the distance between

her/him and the car, or when a boy and his friends are playing sports like basketball, every

time they dribble a ball, their hand and gravity both push the ball towards the ground which

is a part of Newton's "Laws of Motion" Science helped humans to innovate or explore new

things, and without Science, the Earth will not function easily.

This study talks about how students struggle to be active on their Mathematics and

Science classes. This is done with the observation that students perform really well on other

subjects but when it comes to Mathematics and Science, everything becomes a blur:

unclear and less distinct. This study aimed to know how students learnt to face their fears

in Mathematics and Science. Ideally, the researchers hoped to find ways to intervene with

the challenges STEM students are facing.

Significance of the Study

The aim of this research is to become a helpful source not only to STEM students

but also to the academic field. This study chose these factors to set an expectation on how

the research can be conducted. It only focused on a few aspects of the topic due to time

limit and inaccessibility to other information. This research will serve as an academic

record for other STEM students in the future.

This study aimed to help the following benefactors:

STEM Students. This study will help the students determine the hardships which

will eventually encourage them to seek better ways to improve their motivation and learn

how to solve them. It is important to determine the root cause of the STEM students’

problems as it would lead to a prognosis of the situation and suggest a treatment to it. The

resolution to these adversities can prevent the harmful effects to the students in general.

This study highlighted the STEM students’ difficulties from other programs since the

discussion revolved around Math and Science in order to bring forth equitable suggestions

to remedy the students’ concerns.


Teachers and school administrators. This study gathered empirical and objective

facts about the topic to establish a credible source about the problems of STEM students.

Through this paper, teachers may closely visualize the hurdles that the STEM students have

faced yet overcome. As the future generation of research body arises, this would like to

ensure that this study can become a reliable reference to expand a more comprehensive

perspective on these issues.

Parents. This will provide a critical and objective study towards the financial,

emotional, and academic struggles of students in the STEM program. Aside from tips and

techniques that this study can share to overcome the STEM student’s worries, this research

can also present vital data to educate parents. In this way, they can provide a better

understanding to their children on how these problems affect their children and how severe

the consequences are if these will not be properly addressed.

Future researcher. This study will provide basis for their research from how to

easily resolve tackled challenges which can provide further information.

As this study tackle these concerns, the researchers understand that this study may

not fully encapsulate the full picture of the STEM students’ problems. This study highly

suggests other researchers to see this issue on different angles such as the gender-related,

socio-political, cultural issues, and so on. This study may also serve as a springboard for

other researchers’ more specific study in the future

Theoretical Framework

This study is connected to Integration Theory revised by Tinto which was originally

proposed by Spady (1970). Tinto revised the theory in 1987 by including the three stages

of moving an individual from one community to another. The first stage, separation, refers

to someone moving apart from a group of people to join another one. The second stage,

called the transition stage, is when students deal with the stress of coping or adapting into

a whole new environment. In the last stage, Integration Theory focuses more on the

experiences that a student of a certain institution has. These experiences are perceived as

factors that affect his/her perseverance in social and academic integration. This proposition

also aims to analyze the changes and its causes in connection to the students’ transferring

to another community. This also emphasizes how they adapt to struggles that their new

environment poses.

This theory is related to the researchers’ study since the present paper intends to

determine the solutions to the challenges that the Grade 12 STEM students had encountered

before. The aforementioned theory is relevant because it discusses how the students cope

with and adjust to a new environment which they find difficult to do so. Tinto’s Theory is

also related to the researchers’ study because it talks about how transferring from one

community to another severely affects the transferees. Hence, the community that is

pertained to is the students’ grade level, which is from junior high school to senior high

school level.

Statement of the Problem

This research aimed to provide answers to the challenges faced by STEM students

in Mathematics and Science subjects and provided suggestions for teachers and other

members of the academe, parents, and future researchers that could be a basis for a future

study that answers the main question:


What are the solutions to challenges faced by Grade 12 STEM students in

Mathematics and Science subjects?

Specifically, this seeks to find answer to the following questions:

1. What are the challenges faced by Grade 12 STEM students in Science and

Mathematics subjects?

2. What interventions were made to overcome the said challenges?

3. What measures can be done in order to overcome the said challenges?

Scope and Delimitation

This study determined the challenges faced by the Grade 12 STEM students.

Moreover, it also aimed to identify the solution and elaborate explanations that will help

students who lack skill in Mathematics and Science subjects and lack confidence on their

chosen track. Furthermore, it extended the discussion to how instructional strategies and

learning environment contributed to the challenges. The researchers only focused on the

specialized subjects that Grade 12 STEM students took. This did not include their grades

attained from their previous subject in Mathematics and Science. This study did not cover

the struggles they encountered in other subjects. Also, this study did not discuss their

personal and financial problems. The statistics and informative resources were gathered

from credible first hand sources. This study achieved its goals through the help of Grade

12 STEM respondents who were academic excellence awardees from Village Montessori

School and College of School Year 2019- 2020.


Operational Definition of Terms

Academic Challenges. This refers to the obstacles that students are facing in

dealing with the subjects that they take and the requirements that the subjects demand.

Mathematics. This refers to the subject that studies the methods of computation of

numbers and problems which STEM students are specializing in such as Pre-calculus, and

Statistics and Probability.

Pressure. This refers to the feeling of an individual when asked to deal with a

difficult situation or task.

Science. This refers to the set of subjects that focus more on analytical and objective

thinking such as Earth science, Biological Science, Chemical Science, and Physical


STEM. This acronym stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics. It is a strand in senior high school that focuses more on the field of Science

and Mathematics.

Stress. In senior high school students’ case, this might be caused by finding ways

to deal with a difficult subject.

Struggles. These are the difficulties of a given task which could possibly be

accomplished through hard work.

Solutions. These are the means one exhausts in order to cope with a new




This study emphasized the solutions to challenges faced by Grade 12 STEM

students in their Math and Science subjects. This chapter reviewed previous researches in

relation to the solutions used by students in facing the challenges posed by their

Mathematics and Science subjects. This chapter, composed of foreign and local researches,

also discussed the common challenges faced by the students and how they solved the said

conflicts. Moreover, this chapter only illustrated the solutions and other factors like origin

of the problems were explained briefly to make a more concrete visualization of the

solutions provided by previous researches.

Local and Foreign Related Literature

Since childhood, whenever students see a mathematical or a scientific equation,

most of their first impression is quite opinionated because it was not based on

understanding but by visual judgment. In example, a mathematical equation like 1+1

appear to be an easy task for a student, while an equation such as

f(x)=15x100−3x12+5x−46 is perceived to be mind-boggling. Understanding subjects like

Science and Math needs patience and persistence. Based on Flemming (2019), Math is not

something that comes intuitively or automatically. It takes a lot of effort; that is why

students dislike Mathematics.

As said by Dr. M (2015), understanding Science topics is viewed by many people

as beyond their capabilities because of the complication that is associated in every lesson.

Complications like memorizing scientific terms, theory explanations, and scientific

inventions are common to students.

Students find Mathematics and Science boring and complicated because of the need

for abstract and critical thinking. This is why many students find these subjects difficult to

learn which result to dislike and unlearning of the subjects. Based on the result of a study

conducted by Gafoor and Kurukan in 2015, 88% of the students dislike Mathematics

because they are having trouble understanding this subject. Problems such as loss of

interest, lack of knowledge, and difficulty in understanding are common causes why

students struggle in these subjects. In conclusion, Gafoor mentioned that problems are

inherited by students from the lack of understanding of the basic lessons in their primary


It is also a fact that some students came up with a solution to avoid Math instead of

facing it. Scarpello (2007) in his report proved that 75% of Americans stopped studying

Mathematics and stayed away from the careers related to Mathematics. It was also

concluded by most students that Science is a difficult subject to learn which often puts

students in a lot of pressure.

Guijosa (2018) proposed that students should increase the practices and learning

for new knowledge in every STEM subject and learning real world situation and problems

in classrooms. The author also emphasized the need of teachers for instructional resources

and training. Students’ engagement to every problem-solving mathematical and scientific

equation enhanced their capabilities and knowledge since they have the eagerness to learn;

however, the most important factor mentioned in students’ learning is the quality of

teaching and skills of the teachers. Teachers can contribute to improve students liking of

the subject by improving learning beliefs and their misconception to difficult the subjects.

Gafoor (2015) claimed that the quality and practices of the teachers in the classroom is an

important factor that needs to be addressed. Research shows that a child who is effectively

taught in Mathematics and Science by teachers is more likely to have knowledge and skills

which the students need to close achievement gaps (National Science Board, 2001).

Local and Foreign Related Studies

Many researchers had proven that difficulty coping with Mathematics and

Science subjects had become the major stressors of STEM students. Senajonon (2013)

coined the term Math Anxiety as he observed the behavior of Grade 7 students in Philippine

Women's College of Davao under the Sunday High School Progr am. Senajonon stated

that the environmental, intellectual, and personal factors significantly affected the student’s

class performance which is quantified by their grades. The mental capacity of students had

been greatly affected by their family’s expectation and disappointments as they went

through the puberty phase. Thus, the students felt more frustrated to strive more on their

Science and Math subjects.

Aside from the factors that had been presented by Senajonon, Portz (2015) already

acknowledged the fact that a STEM student would face a lot of challenges and primarily,

it was the system of the program itself. As the STEM program was introduced, he said that

the syllabi of the program had not been thoroughly scrutinized based on the students’ needs.

As concepts were introduced, the more detached the students had become as they could not

realize the relevance of the concepts in real life situations. Some of the ideas presented in

the course such as the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer

(STEMC) and Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) for

computer science aspirants became meaningless as the standard of these courses were not

beginner-friendly. The students could not realize the program’s worth; therefore, they felt

discouraged to pursue maximum effort to accomplish the program.

Andrews and Brown (2014) further expounded the effects of Math and Science

anxiety to STEM students based on the computation of placement examination grades of

those who were confirmed to be affected by this mental condition. They determined the

relationship of anxiety and the pressure of passing the placement test as they formulated a

formula to monitor the consistency of the depreciating outcome of their test results. The

result showed that the more anxious the students are, the lower their grades are too.

Hardships were inevitable for a program with great promises and STEM is not an

exception. No matter how big of a deal these problems were to STEM students, these do

not mean that there are no remedy to these issues. Just like what Bybee (2013) had

proclaimed, these problems needed to be addressed first as it would lead to the

acknowledgment of the problem. Once the specific need of the students had been

addressed, a multi-faceted approach can be applied based on how the situation of the

students was understood; an educational reform was needed to be established. The

educational reform included various themes such as “addressing the global challenges that

citizens must understand, changing perceptions of environmental and associated problems,

recognizing 21st century workforce skills, and continuing issues of national security”

(Bybee, 2013).

In addition to what Bybee had suggested, Atkinson and his colleagues (2006)

proposed the involvement of teachers to create a conducive learning environment for


STEM students. They mentioned these following factors that education institutions and the

teachers needed to focus on:

"Expanding professional development programs for Science teachers;

enhancing science enrichment programs; using No Child Left Behind to

judge scientific educational outcomes; and boosting science teacher

quality, either through stricter requirements, providing incentives to

attract higher quality teachers to science, and/or making it easier for

scientists and engineers to become teachers." (Atkinson, 2006)

Atkinson and his colleagues (2006) mentioned that the teachers should serve as a

facilitator of engaging activities for the students and innovate the traditional methods of

teaching. One of the most important factor that teachers should take note of was to ensure

that the students are all aligned with the lesson and to make sure that knowledge had been

dispersed equitably among the students. Thus, *No Child left behind* had been quoted is

an implementation wherein the understanding of the lesson should be synchronized to

every student. Due to time constraints, facilitators tend to rush the lessons without being

concerned with the students who are not in sync with the discussion. The students who

aren’t able to catch up would most likely slack off and lose their motivation. In the end,

the pressure stirs up as they are still required to comply with their prerequisites despite the

fact that they are “left behind” As for the educational institutions, they should provide

incentives and additional support to the teachers so that they will be encouraged to supply

quality performance and advanced resources. The educational institutions should also be

part of the initiative to seek exceptional textbooks and syllabi to best fit the needs of the

STEM students.



This research is a phenomenological study. This research design emphasized the

experiences of Grade 12 STEM students in the Math and Science subjects that they have

dealt with before. Through this, the researchers understood the ways how the respondents

went through inevitable events in their lives, specifically in taking up Mathematics and

Science subjects. The main purpose of this study is to gather data regarding the

interventions that the respondents did in order to overcome their problems in the

aforementioned classes they have encountered before. This study utilized qualitative

research design since it used words rather than numbers to conduct and interpret the study.

Population and Sample of the Study

This research paper only covered Grade 12 STEM students in VMSC who excelled

in Mathematics and Science subject. The researchers chose five (5) respondents by using

judgmental sampling. The respondents chosen were academic excellence awardees in the

previous school year. They were chosen as subjects of the study because the interventions

that they made to address the difficulties they experienced were deemed effective since

despite the challenges, they still managed to excel in their academics.

Instruments and Techniques Used

The researchers used unstructured interview and they interviewed the respondents

individually. The respondents were requested to answer the questions based on how they

personally feel or think. In that way, the researchers were able to gather authentic and

reliable data. The set of interview questions is an instrument used by the researchers to

collect or gather data. It consists of interview questions in which the respondents provided

their opinionated answer for each query.

Preparation. In this study, the researchers analyzed the statement of the problem

to come up with the interview questions.

Validation. Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres, the subject teacher, validated the interview

questions. At the same time, the researchers compiled the feedbacks and reconstructed the

instruments accurately.

Administration. After the approval of the administrators and the research adviser,

the researchers then conducted the interview through one-on-one conversation. The

researchers used a mobile phone to record the respondent’s answers in this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

 The researchers formulated the interview questions for their selected five (5)


 The instrument used in the research was constructed and validated.

 The approval of the research adviser and the school administrators was sought to

conduct an interview with Grade 12 STEM students of VMSC.

 The interview questions were asked verbally to each respondent and was recorded.

 The gathered data were transcribed and analyzed by the researchers.




This research is a phenomenological study because it focused on the challenges

experienced by the Grade 12 STEM students in VMSC. The main objective of this research

is to determine the challenges faced by Grade 12 VMSC students in their Math and Science

subjects. This study also aimed to gather data regarding the interventions that the

respondents did in order to overcome their problems in the aforementioned classes they

have encountered before.

This study covered the perspectives in Mathematics and Science subjects of Grade

12 STEM students of VMSC. In this study, the type and approach of interview used was

unstructured and individual interview. The respondent answered the questions based on

what they think and feel, and the respondents were interviewed one at a time. The

researchers provided a set of interview questions which served as their instrument to collect

or gather data.

Presentation of Findings

This research aimed to provide answers to the main question: What are the solutions

to the challenges experienced by Grade 12 STEM Students of VMSC?

The following are the findings based on the gathered data:

1. What are the challenges faced by Grade 12 STEM students in Math and

Science subject?

Most students struggled in memorizing the formula in Mathematics especially in Pre-

calculus, General Mathematics, Geometry, and Statistics. The respondents claimed that

they also had trouble in facing situational and word problems in Mathematics. In addition,

signs in algebra are also one factor that affects their ability to succeed in Mathematics.

According to Flemming (2019), student’s first impression is quite opinionated because it

was not based on understanding but by visual judgment. The respondent stated that

analyzing the concept and theories given by their subject teachers gives them a hard time

to cope with their lessons in Science. Respondent 2 said that they are struggling to solve

the problem questions given by their subject teacher in Mathematics subject when their

teacher would not allow them to use calculators. Respondent 1 also stated that their

teachers’ assessment tools, especially for computation, are not aligned with the way the

lesson was taught and delivered. Gafoor (2015) claimed that the quality and practices of

the teachers in the classroom is an important factor that needs to be addressed.

The same difficulty also surfaced in the discussion of the struggles the respondents had

in Science specifically in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Memorizing formulae,

elements, and definition of terms made the students struggle more. Dr. M (2015) stated

that understanding Science topics are viewed by many people as being beyond their

capabilities because of the complication that is associated in every lesson. Complications

like memorizing scientific terms, theory explanations, and scientific inventions are

common to students. Respondent 4 said that being uninterested is one of the factors why

Grade 12 STEM students encountered difficulties in Science. Loss of interest, lack of

knowledge, and difficulty in understanding are the reasons why students are suffering from

the said problem. Gafoor and Kurukan (2015) had stated that 88% of the student dislike

Mathematics and Science because they are having trouble understanding the subject due to

loss of interest and lack of knowledge. Furthermore, to support Gafoor and Kurukan’s

statement, Portz (2015) stated that as the concepts of STEM had not been discussed

thoroughly to the students, the students could not realize the program’s worth resulting to

the students’ lack of interest and motivation in giving effort and pursuing their Mathematics

and Science subjects.

2. What interventions were made to overcome the said challenges?

According to the respondents, they all excelled when they spent most of their time

reading in advance. Respondent 1 said that approaching their teachers also made their life

easier because they understood the topic or lesson much better the second time around.

Based on the research that was conducted by National Science Board in 2001, it also said

that there is no need to be frightened whenever it is needed to approach the teachers. In

2018, Guijosa stated the need of the teachers for instructional resources and training. The

respondents added that reading in advance helped them to be more proficient. They also

said that reviewing or scanning notes helped them to restore knowledge for a really long

time which greatly contributed in their academic performance. The respondents also set

tons of motivation while reviewing the subject, because knowing their goals and priorities

helped them to become more productive.

3. What measures can be done in order to overcome the said challenges?

Understanding subjects like Science and Math needs patience and persistence.

Respondent 4 said that the upcoming STEM students should prepare themselves to the

challenges that they will faced by exerting efforts to study in advance. Based on Flemming

(2019), Math is not something that comes intuitively or automatically. It takes a lot of

effort; that is why students dislike Mathematics. According to Guijosa (2018), students

should seek knowledge and eagerness to learn by being hands-on in solving such

mathematical and scientific equation and being engaged to every problem-solving activity

to enhance their capabilities, Respondent 5 stated that the more you practice the more you

will get the problem. As William Edward Hickson (2018) said “try and try until you

succeed”. The respondents also suggest students to approach the teachers whenever they

are finding an equation hard to solve. They also said that students should not be afraid to

voice out their struggle so that they would easily come up with a solution and they will not

be stressed out about the said problem.

Respondent 5 also suggested that teachers should teach in a more detailed way for

students to understand lessons easily and clearly. Gafoor (2015) claimed that the quality

and practices of the teachers in the classroom is an important factor for an effective learning

outcome. Research shows that a child who is effectively taught in Mathematics and Science

by teachers is more likely to have knowledge and skills which they need to close

achievement gaps. In 2006, Atkinson and his colleagues proposed the involvement of

teachers to create a conducive learning environment for STEM students. The school

administrators were recommended to conduct more after-class activities where students

can enjoy being themselves and learning lessons at the same time. Convincing students to

engage in academic competitions like quiz bees would boost their confidence when it

comes to solving mathematical and scientific equations.




This chapter will show the overall result of the study which includes the summary

of findings, the conclusion, and recommendations of the researchers to further improve the

topic of the study. This research aimed to give solutions to the challenges faced by grade

12 STEM Students in their Mathematics and Science subjects. Also, this study intended to

provide recommendations to the teachers and school administrators, upcoming STEM

students, and their parents in order for them to triumphantly face and overcome the

challenges and issues of educational curriculum.

This study used a qualitative research method for analyzing the challenges and

solutions of STEM students. The collected data were recorded through mobile phones and

they were asked individually of the interview questions which were the constructed

instruments of the study. Further, the descriptive method was also used to gather and

interpret the data.

An unstructured interview method was used in the study. Five (5) participants,

specifically Grade 12 STEM students, who were achievers in the last school year, were

chosen as the respondents of the study.

In order to gather the required data, the researcher prepared interview questions as

the instrument which was checked, revised, and validated by the research adviser. The

researchers conducted an individual interview with the respondents. The responses to the

questions were recorded and transcribed for interpretation and analysis purposes. The

solutions, conclusions, and recommendations were drawn from the answers of the

respondents in the conducted interview.


Based on the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

 STEM students are facing the following problems when it comes to

Mathematics subjects:
o Solving and understanding difficult word problems or situational
o Memorizing formulae, complicated equations and hard to
understand mathematical terms and symbols, calculation of mental
o Analyzing problems and the process
o Calculation errors in such mistake use of sign
o Unfamiliarity when it comes to the lesson
 STEM students are facing the following problems when it comes to Science
subjects specifically:
a) In physics applying for what they understanding and analyzing
problem solving
b) In chemistry memorizing elements and compounds
c) In biology memorizing many terms and definition
d) Memorizing formulae and theories
e) Solving and conceptualization situational problem and scientific
 It also concluded that Teachers restriction to utilize calculator in solving
problem and equation added to burden of the students
 Teachers’ teaching strategies also contribute to the learning challenges of

 In order to fix the problems with regards to the hardship that the STEM

students face, the initiative has to be a two-way process. The students also

have to make an initiative to make things right. They also have to take

responsibility and make a plan to make a good study habit.


 This study does not recommend a spoon-feeding approach to appease the students

but to encourage a holistic approach to solve problems.

 Students are recommended to do advanced reading in order to avoid struggling

in Mathematics and Science subject.

 The researchers recommend to students to observe proper time management to

balance their life and study habit because it will help them to excel academically.

 Students are recommended to manage their time or to create a schedule so that

procrastination can be avoided.

 As the circumstances have been made aware, researches recommend STEM

students to become prepared. Readiness for the challenges is the key to promote a

better learning experience because they can engage and adjust in difficult

situations when it comes in learning Mathematics and Science subjects

 It is also best for the students to seek advice from their parents teachers and

guidance counselor to help them overcome their anxiety and difficulties in school



 Teachers may serve as a facilitator of engaging activities for the students and

innovate the traditional methods of teaching.

 Teachers are recommended to teach in a more creative and exciting way for the learning

to be effective so that students enjoy learning the subjects.

 Researchers recommend to teachers to

 The school administrators are recommended to conduct more after-class

activities like interactive Science club and Mathematics club where students

can enjoy being themselves and learning lessons at the same time.

 As for the educational institutions, they should provide incentives and

additional support to the teachers so that they will be encouraged to supply

quality performance and advanced resources.

 The educational institutions should also be part of the initiative to seek

exceptional textbooks and syllabi to best fit the needs of the STEM students.

 Researches recommend to future researchers to use quota sampling method

to gather data about a parallel topic. The said method will not only focus on

students who excelled in said subjects but also include the average students

and those who did not excel in the said subjects.



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Scarpello, Gary (2007). Helping students past math anxiety techniques: connecting

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Village Montessori School and Colleges

Francisco Homes, CSJDM, Bulacan
September 18, 2019
Principal and Vice President of the Board of Trustees
Village Montessori School and Colleges


Officer in Charge
Village Montessori School and Colleges


Guidance Counselor
Village Montessori School and Colleges


Overall Academic Coordinator
Village Montessori School and Colleges

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day!
In partial fulfillment of our requirements on the subject Practical Research 1, we, the
researchers from Grade 11 Einstein of the strand Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics, would like to request for your permission to conduct an interview for our
qualitative research titled Solutions to Challenges Faced by VMSC’ Stem Students in
Mathematics and Science.
The administration of the said instrument/s will enable the researchers to gather authentic
and reliable data necessary for further understanding of the topic under study. Your
approval of our request will be highly anticipated and appreciated. May the Lord bless you.
Sincerely yours,
Andrade, Julia Faye Quizon Senina, Angelica Sophia Albos
Velas, Ralph Carlos Zamora Queddeng, Dominic David Selda
Fortun, John Henrick Diaz
Noted by Received by


Research Adviser



This is a research study that seeks for your participation. You can refuse to participate in
this interview. Please take your time in deciding if you would like to participate. Please
feel free to ask the researcher/interviewer questions any time.
The purpose of this study is to provide solutions to the challenges faced by Grade
12 STEM students. Furthermore, participants will help the researcher understand the
challenges faced by grade 12. You are being invited to participate in this study because you
fit the criteria for this study:
1. You are a Grade 12 student that is experiencing struggles and problems in
Mathematics and Science subjects from previous grade level.
2. You are an outstanding STEM student.
If you agree to participate, we will interview you for no longer than 10 minutes.
You will be presented with the interview guide ahead of time. The full interview will be
recorded. You will be identified by a pseudonym for the study and your information will
be protected before, during, and after this research project. During the interview process,
you may skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.
Your participation will last for the amount of time that the interview takes. After
the interview, the audio recording will be transcribed, and you will be presented with a
copy of the transcript for your review. This will be delivered via facebook account that you
would provide to me. After that, your participation will be over. At the conclusion of the
study, you will be provided a write-up of the findings from the study.

There are no known or foreseeable risks for participation in this study.

If you decide to participate in this study, there are no personal advantages to
participation. It is hoped that the information gained in this study will benefit specially
STEM students, researchers, school administrators, teachers, and parents.


You will not have any costs related to participating in this study, other than the time
you spend during the interview and reviewing the interview transcript. The time you spend
as a participant in this study is voluntary.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may initially refuse
to participate or stop participating in the study at any time. If you decide to not participate
in the study or leave the study early, it will not result in any penalty or detrimentally affect
your relationship with the researcher, their research adviser and/or Village Montessori
School and Colleges.

Your responses to the question will be kept confidential and will not be made
publicly available. The records identifying participants to the extent permitted by
applicable laws and regulations.
To ensure confidentiality to the extent permitted by the school, the following
measures will be taken:
1. Your interview will be recorded and transcribed but you will be identified in the
transcripts and on tape with a pseudonym.
2. The data will be stored on a password-protected computer and cellular phones at
all times.
3. The data will be kept until the completion and publication of the study. If the
results are published, your identity will remain confidential.

You are encouraged to ask questions or express your concerns at any time during
this study.
For further information about the study, please contact Sophia Angelica A. Senina
of Grade 11-Einstein or send a private message to


Your signature below indicates that you agree to participate in this study, that the
study has been explained to you, that you have been given time to read this document, and
that your questions have been satisfactorily answered. You will receive a copy of the
written informed consent prior to your participation in the study.


Participant’s Email Address/FB name:


Participant’s Guardian/Parent’s Signature over Printed Name (if below 18):



1.) What are the problems that you encountered in your previous Math subjects?

2.) What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics?

3.) What are the challenges you faced in your previous Science subjects?

4.) What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in Science?

5.) As a student, what recommendations can you give for those upcoming STEM students?



1. What are the problems that you encountered in your previous Math subjects?
“Particularly, lahat naman ng topic sa Math meron talagang maeencounter yung mga
students, and yung pinakanahirapan ako is yung situational problems which is medyo hindi
familiar yung students or like ako kase situational siya di masyadong related sa topic, hindi
namin alam kung paano i-apply yung natutunan namin. Like in Geometry, merong
binibigay na sample yung teacher na problem solving and kailangan namin isolve the way
na sinolve yung topic na tinuro sa Geometry. Magkaiba naman yung tinuro sa binigay pero
as much as possible sa exam mas more on dun sa tinuro sa amin.”

2. What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics?

“Mas maganda kase kung i-approach mo na lang yung teacher about sa gagawin niyo
and practice din sa mga sasabihin niya. Mas maganda na may advance study, kailangan
makinig talaga mas importante. May teacher kami dati na nahihirapan kame kase siguro
sa pagdedeliver niya, nahihirapan kami pakinggan siya kasi hindi clear pero may alam
siya dun sa subject. Nagtanong kame sa teacher na yon and other Math teacher kung ano
ba talaga ibig sabihin nung topic.”

3. What are the challenges you faced in your previous Science subject?
“Mahirap mag memorize pero mas mahirap mag analyze nga mga concepts and
theories o kung ano mang sinasabi about dun sa topic. Siguro particularly, may mga
formulas mahirap din mag derive depende kung magprapractice. Physics, weakness
naming yon kase samin nakabase o nakabase sa understanding namin yung sasagutan
namin, ibig sabihin kung ano lang yung natutunan namin yun lang din mai-apply namin
kase ganun yung mga problems na encounter namen. Yung natutunan mo sa Physics the
way you analyze yung mga problems yung mga tinuturo na more on problem solving, sa
Chemistry more on elements at compounds, so medyo parehas lang sila. Parehas naman
sila may basic na kabisaduhin, mas mahirap lang yung formulas siguro na
kinoconceptualize na binibigay ng teacher. Sa physics, mahirap kapag yung teacher niyo
gamay niya lahat.”

4. What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in
“Mas maganda siguro kung mag brainstorm or research lang ng research tapos
tingin din kayo sa mga books like Physics book hindi yung through internet kasi mas
nakakatulong kapag meron kang alam na problems na naggaling din sa mga pinagaralan
or sa book mismo. Kapag di pa binibigay samin yung topic, kadalasan pinapagawa samin
is mag research doon sa magiging topic. Kulang kami sa resources kaya titingin kam sa
internet. Mas bet naming tumingin sa books, pag tumingin kami like sa Wikipedia or any
website, nagbabago siya, pwedeng mabago.”

5. As a student, what recommendation can you give for those upcoming STEM
“Mas maging prepared sila as Grade 11 students, syempre matuto sila mag adjust like
sa schoolworks at researches kase yun yung magiging foundation nung susunod niyong


1. What are the problems that you encountered in your previous mathematics
“Siguro yung mga calculation errors, tsaka word problems yung mga situational
problems na mahirap sagutan. Minsan nahihirapan akong mag analyze ng mga problems
tas pag dating sa calculation errors kadalasan yung mga may sign sa mga algebra ganun
minsan nagkakamali ako, kaya yung mga score ko imbis na tama nagkakamali ako, then
may mga times din minsan na yung mga teachers din hindi sila nag papagamit ng mga

2. What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics?

“Dapat kapag nagdidiscuss yung mga teachers dapat talaga nakikinig since yun
naman lagi yung ginagawa ko, and lahat ng sinasabi ng teacher namin sinusulat ko siya
para maaral ko din siya after lalo na kapag hindi ko siya naintindihan, then bago mag
exam kapag nag aaral ako pupunta din ako sa subject teacher namin para itanong yung
mga hindi ko naintindihan, para pagdating sa exam maalam ko yung sagot.”

3. What are the challenges you faced in your previous Science subject?
“Sa Science uhmm, ganon din yung mga situational problems and yung sa mga solving
din, lalo na sa Physics, then memorizations sa Biology ganun yung mga marami kasing
terms, then sa Chemistry din kasi magkakabisado ka ng mga elements ganun, tsaka
formulas kaya medyo nahihirapan din.”

4. What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in
“Hmm mag ano lang din mag review nang mabuti, kapag maraming kailangan
imemorize ganun, then yung i-memorize yung mga formulas, para pag dating ng exam,
hindi mahirapan sa pag sagot ng mga problems.”

5. As a student, what recommendations can you give for those upcoming STEM
“I think they should be aware na sa mga subject ita-take nila lalo sa Science and Math
na pwede silang mahirapan since advanced narin yung tinuturo sakanila, & dapat
magkaroon din sila ng sariling study habit para mas mapadali yung pag-aaral nila.”


1. What are the problems that you encountered in your previous mathematics
“Uhmm, since math is all about solving, of course, the problems that I have
encountered, first of all, is memorizing the formulas since our teacher didn't allow us to
use calculator and to write the formula in an index card, it was really hard to solve the
problem because you have to analyze the problem as well as its process.”

2. What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics? to the
said problems in Mathematics?
“You have to memorize its formulas. and you have to listen to the teacher while he/she
is discussing because you have to know how the teacher will arrive to the final answer.”

3. What are the Challenges you faced in your previous Science subject?
“Science subjects are more on memorizing the terms so you have to memorize the terms
but you don't have to memorize it, you can also analyze and familiarize yourself so you will
understand the whole concept.”

4. What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in
“In science subject i can recommend the students to read more science books because
through reading I believe that they can understand the whole concept or a term and process
in science and I think that its not just when the teacher is discussing, we can also do
advance reading or you can study at home the previous lessons that you have learned so
you will not forget about it.”

5. As a student what recommendations can you give for those upcoming STEM
“First of all, the student should listen well during the discussion because it is during
the discussion that the teachers teach the students the process and the meaning of the terms
so I believe that if they just listen during the discussion and not do unnecessary.


1. What are the problems that you encountered in your previous Mathematics
“Since I really love mathematics subject or any kind of mathematics I didn’t really
have many problem with that subject but to specify some problem that might be encounter
by other students like me problems that can be encounter include many formulas kase in
mathematics you will be given or provided a lot of many formula to be memorize specially
in pre-calculus, also in general mathematics and statistic so ayon first of all, formulas

second maybe very hard given parang word problems kase minsan after ng discussion our
teacher gave us problems to solve it’s hard sometimes it’s okay the second one problem or
given. Another one katamaran (laziness) I think it also a problem kase pag tamad ka may
chance na di mo magawa yung kunware tinatamad ka isolve.”

2. What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics?

“If there’s a specific people. unahin na natin yung upcoming stem students I think for
upcoming stem studebts I think they should listen more and they should prepare themselves,
if the unexpected lesson *how? * they should read more or advance reading kase I think
advance reading helps a student a lots in coping with the discussion and so advance
reading avoid procrastinating, time management, self-control.”

3. What are the challenges you faced in your previous Science subject?
“Well, I’m not really into science, that’s why I encountered a lot problem in science
this challenges or problem include first of all because I’m not that into it or interest in that
subject. Being uninterested is also a factor that can be a problem to student that can hinder
a student from learning it secondly yung challenges siguro yung marami ring imememorize
na term kase sa biology, earth science, mostly yung mga exam namin composed of
memorization, enumeration.”

4. What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in Science?
“Like what I say in Mathematics I think the student should be more prepared by
advance reading, motivating he more himself or herself, self-control, time management,
she or he should be able to manage time very well kase managing time is very important.”

5. As a student what recommendations can you give for those upcoming STEM
“I think focus on your goal and know your goal and priority in life it’s the most
important thing for me kasi when you know your goal and priorities you will be able to do
your job very well and you will be able to learn without any problem but there's also a
problem but less because you know you have a motivation and you can do it. Tips for
upcoming stem* Be attentive in class I think when your teacher discussing your topic you
have to listen very well kase sometimes they teaching some information na wala sa
handouts so when you listen very well you will be able to answer. Advance read sometimes
I’m curious in that subject i really advance read, dont waste your time kase sometimes
teenager like us we waste our time with unimportant things like social media we have to
avoid that and have adequate sleep is very necessary for a health living never give up kahit
kunware makakuha ka ng low score sa exam o quiz wag ka susuko gawin mo tong
motivation para magpatuloy pa sa pagrereview.”


1. What are the problems that you encountered in your previous Mathematics
“Nahihirapan akong magsagot kase nalilito ako sakanya tapos kailangan paulit-ulit
siyang dapat kabisaduhin….*sang subject ka na nahihirapan?*…. Trigonometry
specifically tapos kailangan ko ng maraming oras kase pag konti lang narurush ako, so
namamali yung mga gawa ko.”

2. What solutions did you do to address the said problems in Mathematics?

“Sa tingin ko yung mas detailed na pagtuturo ng teachers, hindi naman sa mali sila
magturo pero dapat mas detailed and magbigay sila ng mas mahabang time sa students
para maintidihan nila ng mas maayos.”

3. What are the challenges you faced in your previous Science subject?
“Wala naman maayos naman ako sa science, siguro kung mahihirapan ako, sa

4. What are the solutions that you have done to address the said challenges in
“Siguro mas magreview sila or kabisaduhin nila ahead of time kase kung the day
before mahihirapan ka, kase memorization naman talaga siya ehh.”

5. As a student what recommendations can you give for those upcoming STEM

“Magreview talaga kahit after ng pagtuturo, kase dun palang magegets mo na siya
dahil mo magegets mo na talaga siya, Sa math, ipractice nila as much as possible, tapos
magpaturo sila kesa sinasarili nila yung problema dun sa math. Sa science, imemorize
lahat kase ayun yung pinaka-kailangan so hindi mo naman kailangan maghirap sa
pagsolve kasi wala naman memorization lang talaga*tips* sa tingin ko wag talaga sila
matulog o magselphone kase ako minsan natutulog ako pero ang ginagawa ko kase
minamanage ko yung time ko para makapagreview ng maayos as much as possible na may
free time ako kahit pa hindi ako natutulog minemerize ko lahat as in lahat wala akong
iniiwan lalo na dun sa may mga part na enumeration kase yun yung pinaka importante.
Really review even after the teaching. In math, the more you practice the more you will get
it so practice it carefully as much as possible and then they need to concentrate specially
in math problems. In science, only memorization is the key to answer problems in science
and you don’t have to suffer about answering with solution from math problems because
there is no math problems at all.*TIPS* I think they don’t really sleep in discussion
because yeah also me is sleeping in the middle of discussion but I do manage my time so I
can review as much as possible and even though sleep at all to memorize all of my reviewer
especially leaving behind enumeration parts that are the most important at all.”



(2018 – 2019)








Julia Faye Q. Andrade

Address: Blk 7 Lot 4 phs 1 DLC III, City of San
Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Number: (0915)-529-5655
Email Address:

Career Objective: To secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my

training and skills while making a significant contribution to the success of the

Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville, San Jose del
Monte City, 3023 Bulacan
2009 – 2015 ELEMENTARY
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville, San Jose del
Monte City, 3023 Bulacan
September 2019 Academic Excellence Awardee – with Honors
March 2019 Academic Excellence Awardee – with Honors
March 2013 Best in English
March 2017 Filipino-Korean Debate Champion
March 2017 Best in Leadership Award


 Is an enthusiastic person
 Is a patient person
 Has a lot of compassion
 Can be a social-being
 Can work under pressure


February 2019 First Aid and Survival Training
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose,
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville,CSJDM
September 2018 Earthquake Safety Precautions
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose,
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville,CSJDM
 Ms. Evangeline Zamora
Junior High School Teacher
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose

 Mr. John Victor O. Abilar

Senior Highschool Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres

Senior Highschool EAAP Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


John Henrick D. Fortun

Address: #083 Sitio Talisay, Dulong Bayan CSJDM
Contact Number: 0939-479-8706
Email Address:

Career Objective: To enchance my professional skills in a dynamic and stable


Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
2009 - 2015 ELEMENTARY
Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
2010 Best in Reading (English)
Best in Oral Discussion
 Competent in playing badminton


August 14, 2018 Fire Protection, Seminar
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
Village Montessori School College
June 3, 2018 Earthquake Drill
Village Montessori School Colleges


 Mr. John Victor O. Abilar

Senior HighSchool Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres

Senior HighSchool Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Mr. Aldous E.Ape, Lpt

MAPEH Teacher
Village Montessori School

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


Angelica Sophia A. Senina

Address: 3340 North Diamond Gate 1 Brgy.
Maharlikha City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Number: 0942-645-5655
Email Address:

Career Objective: To achieve self-development and to earn professionalism where I

can apply and develop my knowledge and skills

Village Montessori school and colleges
Francisco homes, CSJDM, Bulacan
First City Provential College
Francisco homes, CSJDM, Bulacan
2014 – 2015 ELEMENTARY
Ebenezer Christian Academy Inc.Quirino
Highway Brgy Sto. Cristo
2018 – 2019 Grade 10 with honors
2017 – 2018 Grade 9 with honors
2016 – 2017 Grade 8 with honors
2015 – 2016 Academic Awardee (top 9)
2013 – 2014 Best in Malikhain
2012 – 2013 First Honor
Best in Filipino
Best in Math
Best in Mape
Best in GMRC
2011 – 2012 Second Honor
Best in English
Best in Math
Best in GMRC
Best in Science
2010 – 2011 Third Honor


 Willing to be train
 Self-starter, self-motivated with strong professional ethics
 Excellent to work well with others
 Ability to work under pressure

 Mrs. Michelle Mendoza
Medical technologies
Brigino General Hospital

 Mrs. Jasmin A. Pomer

Costumer Service Respresentative

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres

Senior Highschool EAAP Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


Dominic David S. Queddeng

Address: Ph. C-1, Blk 03 Lot 36, Francisco Homes,
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Number: (0908)-273-4255
Email Address:

Career Objective: To enhance my professional skills in a dynamic and stable


Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
Joyful Angels Academy
Stallion, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
2009 – 2015 ELEMENTARY
Joyful Angels Academy
Stallion, Francisco Homes, CSJDM


June – March 2015 Best in Deportment
June – March 2015 Outstanding Vocalist
June – March 2016 Best in Uniform
March – 2016 Leadership Award
 Can do multi-tasking
 Can efficiently solve issues even under pressure
 Competent in playing basketball


October 2018 Fire Protection Seminar
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
Francisco Homes, San Jose del Monte Bulacan

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres, Lpt
English Teacher
Village Montessori School

 Mr. John Victor O. Abilar

English Teacher
Village Montessori School

 Mr. Karlo Imperial

Call Center Agent
Sykes company

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


Ralph Carlos Z. Velas

Address: 885 Tandoc Ave., Pecsonville,
TungkoMangga, City of San Jose del Monte,
Contact Number: 0950-062-1682
Email Address:

Career Objective: To secure a responsible career oppurtunity to fully utilize my

training and skills while making a significant contribution to the success of the company

Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes,CSJDM
Community of Learners Academy of
San Jose
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville, San Jose del
Monte City, 3023 Bulacan
2009-2015 ELEMENTARY
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville, San Jose del
Monte City, 3023 Bulacan


September 19, 2019 Academic Excellence Awardee – with Honors
March 27, 2019 Academic Excellence Awardee – with Honors
March 27, 2019 Service and Cooperation Awardee
March 27, 2019 Best in Leadership Awardee
2018- 2019 RH Bill Debate Champion
2010 Academic Awardee (Top 10)


 Can socialize with every individual
 Is a team person
 Is quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others
 Is a good speaker as well as a listener
 Has a lot of ideas and enthusiasm


February 2019 First Aid and Survival Training
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose,
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville,CSJDM
September 2018 Earthquake Safety Precautions
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose,
960 Tandoc Street Pecsonville,CSJDM
 Ms. Evangeline Zamora
Junior High School Teacher
Community of Learners Academy of San Jose

 Mr. John Victor O. Abilar

Senior High School Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres

Senior High School Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


Ian Jude S. Visaya

Address: Blk 56 Lot 16, Sarmiento Homes, City
of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
Contact Number: (0920)-894-8281
Email Address:

‘ Career Objective: To build a long-term career in healthcare with opportunities of career


Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes, CSJDM
2009 – 2015 ELEMENTARY
Village Montessori School Colleges
Phase D, Blk 1 Lot 1, Francisco Homes,CSJDM


2019 Mythical 5 in Basketball
2019 1st Place Rubik’s Cube
2018 Most Valuable Player
2018 Best in Uniform


 Competency in Playing Basketball
 Competency in Playing Volleyball
 Competency in Playing Rubik’s Cube
 Competency in Playing Computer Games


August 14, 2018 Fire Protection, Seminar
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
Village Montessori School Colleges

 Mr. John Victor O. Abilar
Senior High School Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Ms. Althea Faye M. Torres

Senior High School Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

 Mr. Aldous Espenida Ape, Lpt

MAPEH Teacher
Village Montessori School and Colleges Bulacan

I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my ability.


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