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The bee is a kind of small insect which has wings. It

is more useful to man than all other insects.

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Description of the body:

Its body is divided into two parts. The front part has
two legs, while in the hind part there are four legs.
The sting of a bee is poisonous. It is so poisonous
that a strong man may die. It if attacked by a large
number of these insects. It has two wings and a
yellow body. The body has black spots.

It’s Kinds:

Bees are of several kinds. The humming bee makes a

humming sound. The flying bee and the hive bee are
the common bees.

In the same hive there are three kinds of bees. They

are the queen, the workers and the idlers or drones.
The drones are the male bees and they do nothing.
The workers are very hard working. They do all sorts
of work. They build the hive. They collect honey from
flowers. They look after the comforts of the queen
bee. They protect their and the ones from the attack
of enemies. The queen bee is really a queen. Her
business is to lay eggs and supervise the work of


Bees live in swarms. They are very industrious. They

are at work the whole day long in summer. They
build the hive. They collect the honey. They collect it
against winter. They defend their queen against
other enemy insects. In winter they keep indoors and
do not come out. They hate idlers and kill them
before winter comes off. They get angry when they
are teased. They sting the invader. They cause a
painful burning sensation.

How Honey is collected:


When a bee hive is found, men keep a share eye on

it. They look after it, till they think that sufficient
honey has been collected. Then they light torches.
The smoke and heat of fire drive away the bees. The
hive is then taken away and the honey drawn from it.

Where found:

The bee is found in many parts of the world such as

India, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Germany and Russia. In
India bees are mostly found in the Himalayas and
the Sunderbans.
Description of the Bee-hive:

The bees are wonderful builders. A bee-hive is a

good piece of architecture. It has a large number of
cells in it. Some of the cells are used for storing up
honey. Other cells are used as bed-rooms and sitting
rooms. Long passages connected the cells. They are
connected is such a way that coming out and going
in is quite easy. Bee-hives are general made on the
branches of trees. But sometimes they are also made
the walls and window tops of the house.


Bees are useful to us in many ways. They give us

honey. They give us wax. We use honey to sweeten
the milk or the curd which we take. It is also used in
medicines. Little children are given honey when they
suffer from cold or cough. Wax, which we get from
the bee0give, is used for making candles. Many
people earn their living by rearing bees and selling
honey and tapers. Honey is delicious, sweet and
nourishing food. Bees promote the growth of flowers
by carrying pollen dust from flowers. Bees are a
lesson to idle. The world would smile with health
and plenty if all men are as industrious as the bees.

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