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A Generation Z’s Cultural Hybridity

Cultural Hybridization has been happening in the Philippines for so long, maybe because our

country so known for hospitality that we welcome every culture and be cause it’s a product of

colonization. I, for so long has also been experiencing it in my life whether it is a personal culture

hybridity or the people around me. The first thing that comes to my mind when talking about this is my

taste for music. For the last few years, I’ve been enjoying myself listening to different genres of music

from all over the world other than original Pinoy music, to name a few there are Silhouette, from Japan,

Love scenario of Ikon from Korea, Paramore’s songs from United states. This is also the same with my

tastes for movies, animations and short film where I watch foreign products such as Koreanovela or a

Hollywood movie with English subtitles without knowing their language. For the last 5 years as well, I

have found it difficult to talk straight in Filipino or Tagalog that sometimes when I speak, I mix different

words from each language and sometimes I can’t think of a specific word that can translate to Filipino

from English. I also find it hard to explain myself in pure Filipino nowadays due to the environment I am

expose in mainly speaking because I’m used to explain myself in English in scientific research and

experiments. As a Chemical Engineering student most of the things I’ve been using in my science class

has also been a product of hybridization where most of the scientific terms have originated from

different cultures. An example of this the scientific names used by the world like Homo sapiens which is

Latin while some are Greek which both of them are considered to be language of science itself. To sum it

all up my attitude towards different cultures, my language behavior where the conflict of which

language should I used for specific things and my personal belief in using scientific standards are known

to be a cultural hybridity.

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