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S r i K u m a r a n C h i l d r e n ’s H o m e – C B S E


Lab Activity III – Term I

Class: 10 Subject: Mathematics

1. To verify Thale’s theorem ( Basic proportionality theorem) and its corollaries.

Pre-requisite knowledge:
1. Statement of the theorem
2. Construction of a triangle.
3. To draw parallel lines

Materials required:
Colour paper, geometry box, glue and scissors.

1. On a colour paper draw an acute scalene triangle (of lengths 12cm, 10cm and 9 cm) and cut it
2. Stick the triangle and name the vertices of the triangle as A, B, and C.
3. Mark three points at equal distances on the side AB and name those points as R,P,and M
4. Also mark points at equal distances on the side AC and name those points as S, Q and N
5. Join RS,PQ and MN using ruler.
6. Using ruler measure the lengths AR, AP, AM, AS, SQ and QN.
7. Calculate the ratios i) AM/ MB, AN/NC ii) AR/RB, AS/SC iii) AP/PB,AQ/QC and compare.
8. Also calculate i)AR/AB,AS/AC ii) AP/AB, AQ/AC, iii0 AM/MB, AN/AC and compare.
Case Ratio I Ratio II Result

1 AM/MB = AN/NC =

2 AR/RB = AS/SC =

3 AP/PB = AQ/QC =
To verify corollaries of BPT:
Case Ratio I Ratio II Result

1 AR/AB = AS/AC =

2 AQ/AB = AQ/AC =


1) As the ratios are equal in table I ,which verifies that if in a triangle a line is drawn parallel to
one side of a triangle such that it intersects the other two sides at distinct points then the two
sides are divided in the same ratio.
2) Also in table II the ratios are equal. Thus the corollaries of Thale’s theorem is also verified.

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