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Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs.

Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Corporate Comprehensive Checkup (NPL107)

Lipid (Heart Risk) Profile
Cholesterol - Total ^ 178.0 mg/dL Desirable <200 CHOD - PAP
Moderate Risk 200–239
High >240
Triglycerides ^ 84.0 mg/dl Optimal : <150 Enzymatic Colorimetric
Border line 150 - 199
High : 200 - 499
Very High : > 500
Cholesterol - HDL ^ 39.0 mg/dl No Risk >55 Enzymatic Colorimetric
Moderate Risk 35-55
High Risk <35
Non HDL Cholesterol 139 mg/dl Low Risk <100 Calculated
Moderate Risk <135
High Risk >160
Cholesterol - LDL ^ 122.2 mg/dl Optimum <100 Calculated
Near/Above Optimum 100 - 129
Borderline high 130 - 159
High 160 - 189
Very high > 190
VLDL -Very Low Density Lipoprotein ^ 16.8 mg/dl 0.0 - 33.0 Calculated
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio ^ 4.6 0.0 - 4.0 Calculated
LDL / HDL Cholesterol Ratio ^ 3.1 0.0 - 3.5 Calculated
HDL / LDL Cholesterol Ratio 0.32 0.00 - 3.50 Calculated
Comment and Interpretation:

Lipid level assessments must be made following 9 to 12 hours of fasting, otherwise assay results might lead to erroneous interpretation NCEP recommends of 3 different samples drawn at
intervals of 1 week for harmonizing biological variables that might be encountered in single assays.

Therapeutic target levels of lipids as per NCEP - ATP III recommendations :

Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) < 200 Desirable 200-239 Borderline high < 240 High

HDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) < 40 Low > 60 High

LDL Cholesterol (mg/dL) 100 Optimal

Primary Target of Therapy 100-129 Near optimal / above optimal 130-159 Borderline high 160-189 High > 190 Very high
Serum Triglycerides (mg/dL) <150 Normal 150-199 Borderline high 200-499 High > 500 Very high
Non HDL Cholestrol below 130 mg/dL ideal for people at risk of 130 - 159 mg/dL near ideal 190 - 219 mg/dL high above 220 mg/dL very high
heart disease

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs
Gender Male
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Liver Function Test (LFT) - Extended

Bilirubin Total ^ 0.44 mg/dL 0.30 - 1.20 DPD Surfactant
Bilirubin Direct ^ 0.09 mg/dL 0.00 - 0.20 DPD
Bilirubin Indirect ^ 0.35 mg/dL 0.00 - 1.10 Calculated
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST/SGOT) ^ 27.0 U/L 0.0 - 50.0 IFCC
Alanine amino Transferase - (ALT / SGPT) ^ 41.0 U/L 0.0 - 50.0 IFCC
Alkaline Phosphatase ( ALP) ^ 66.0 U/L 30.0 - 120.0 IFCC/PNPP
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) ^ 28.0 U/L 0.0 - 55.0 IFCC/yGT
Protein Total ^ 6.7 gm/dl 6.6 - 8.3 Biuret
Albumin ^ 4.0 gm/dl 3.5 - 5.2 BCG
Globulin ^ 2.7 gm/dl 2.5 - 3.8 Calculated
Albumin/Globulin Ratio (A/G) ^ 1.48 g/dL 1.30 - 2.10 Calculated
SGOT / SGPT Ratio 0.7 0.0 - 3.5 Calculated
Comments and Interpretation :
The liver filters and processes blood as it circulates through the body. It metabolizes nutrients, detoxifies harmful substances, makes blood clotting proteins, and performs many other vital
functions. The cells in the liver contain proteins called enzymes that drive these chemical reactions. When liver cells are damaged or destroyed, the enzymes in the cells leak out into the
blood, where they can be measured by blood tests Liver tests check the blood for two main liver enzymes.
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST),SGOT: The AST enzyme is also found in muscles and many other tissues besides the liver.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), SGPT: ALT is almost exclusively found in the liver. If ALT and AST are found together in elevated amounts in the blood, liver damage is most likely
Alkaline Phosphatase and GGT: Another of the liver's key functions is the production of bile, which helps digest fat. Bile flows through the liver in a system of small tubes (ducts), and
is eventually stored in the gallbladder, under the liver. When bile flow is slow or blocked, blood levels of certain liver enzymes rise:
Alkaline phosphatase Gamma-utamyl transpeptidase (GGT) Liver tests may check for any or all of these enzymes in the blood. Alkaline phosphatase is by far the most commonly tested of
the three. If alkaline phosphatase and GGT are elevated, a problem with bile flow is most likely present. Bile flow problems can be due to a problem in the liver, the gallbladder, or the
tubes connecting them.
Proteins are important building blocks of all cells and tissues. Proteins are necessary for your body's growth, development, and health. Blood contains two classes of protein, albumin
and globulin. Albumin proteins keep fluid from leaking out of blood vessels. Globulin proteins play an important role in your immune system.
Low total protein may indicate: 1.bleeding 2.liver disorder 3.malnutrition 4.agammaglobulinemia
High Protein levels 'Hyperproteinemia: May be seen in dehydration due to inadequate water intake or to excessive water loss (eg, severe vomiting, diarrhea, Addison's disease and
diabetic acidosis) or as a result of increased production of proteins
Low albumin levels may be caused by: 1.A poor diet (malnutrition). 2.Kidney disease. 3.Liver disease.
High albumin levels may be caused by: Severe dehydration

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Kidney Function Test (KFT)

Urea ^ 17.0 mg/dl 19.0 - 42.0 Urease & GD
Creatinine ^ 0.79 mg/dL 0.72 - 1.18 Jaffe
Uric Acid ^ 6.2 mg/dl 3.5 - 7.2 Uricase
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 7.9 mg/dL 6.0 - 20.0 Urease & GD/Jaffe
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 10 mg/dl 0.0 - 23.0 Calculated
Urea/Creatinine Ratio 21.5 mg/dL 0.0 - 45.0 Calculated
Kidneyfunction tests is a collective term for a variety of individual tests and procedurethat can be done toevaluate how well the kidneys are
functioning.Many conditions can affect the ability of the kidneys to carryout their vital functions. Somelead to a rapid (acute) decline in kidney functionothers
lead to a gradual (chronic) declineinfunction. Both result in a buildup of toxic waste substances in the blood.Determine the cause and extentof kidney dysfunction.These tests are
done on urine samples, as well as on blood samples.A number of symptoms may indicate a problem with your kidneys.
These include: High blood pressure,blood in urine frequent urges to urinate,difficulty beginning urination,painful urination,swelling in the hands and feet due to a buildup of fluids in
the body.
A single symptom may not mean something serious. However, when occurring simultaneously, these symptoms suggest that your kidneys are not working properly. Kidney function
tests can help determine the reason.

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Iron Studies (for Anemia Screening)

Iron ^ 63.0 ug/dl 70.0 - 180.0 TPTZ
Total Iron Binding Capacity-TIBC ^ 321.0 ug/dL 228.0 - 428.0 FerroZine
Transferrin Saturation ^ 19.6 % 16.0 - 45.0 Spectrophotometric
Transferrin ^ 224.5 130.0 - 360.0 Immunoturbidimetric
Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity(UIBC)* ^ 257.8 ug/dL 155.0 - 355.0 NITROSO-PSAP
IRON:-Increased levels due to iron ingestion or ineffective erythropoiesis.Decreased levels due to infection, inflammation, malignancy, menstruation and Fe deficiency.Needs to be taken
into consideration with TIBC.
Transferrin Saturation:- Low level Transferrin Saturation can indicate iron deficiency, erythropoiesis, infection, or inflammation.
High level Transferrin Saturation can indicate recent ingestion of dietary iron,ineffective erythropoiesis,haemochromatosis or liver disease.High TIBC, UIBC, or transferrin usually
indicates iron deficiency, but they are also increased in pregnancy and with the use of oral contraceptives.
Low TIBC, UIBC, or transferrin may occur if someone has:Hemochromatosis, Certain types of anemia due to accumulated iron,Malnutrition,kidney disease that causes a loss of protein in

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Arthritis (Bone Profile with RA-Factor)

Calcium Total ^ 9.4 mg/dl 8.8 - 10.6 ARSENZO III
Phosphorus ^ 4.6 mg/dL 2.5 - 4.5 Molybdate
Alkaline Phosphatase ( ALP) ^ 66.0 U/L 30.0 - 120.0 IFCC/PNPP

RA Factor (Rheumatoid Arthritis factor) ^ Non Reactive IU/ml < 20 IU/ml : NON REACTIVE Latex Agglutination
> 20 IU/ml : REACTIVE

COMMENT: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, where auto antibodies are produces against (IgG). These autoantibodies are termed as "Rheumatoid factor". Test delayed
appearance of the Rheumatoid Factor (RF); it is more frequently present in chronic active phase of the disease than in the early or in the sub – clinic chronic phases of Rheumatoid
Arthritis. RF is also found in many cases of other autoimmune diseases like systemic lupus erhematosus(SLE), scleroderma and sjogren’ s syndrome, weakly positive by the latex test for
Rheumatoid Factor has occasionally been observed in some of patients with Hepatitis, sarcoidosis, cirrhosis, of liver, syphilis hypergammagloblinemia, acute bacterial and viral
infections. It is almost always absent in cases of Rheumatoid fever. It is suggestive that CCP can be useful in diagnosing early RA. An elevated CCP can be found in a significant number
of patients who have a negative RF, the classic test for RA, and therefore can help to make a diagnosis. 95% of patients with a positive CCP will develop RA in the future.

Electrolyte Plus Profile with Calcium

Sodium ^ 142 mEq/l 135 - 150 ISE

Potassium ^ 4.6 mEq/l 3.5 - 5.0 ISE
Chloride ^ 103 mmol/L 94 - 110 ISE
Calcium Total ^ 9.4 mg/dl 8.8 - 10.6 ARSENZO III
INTERPRETATION:Increased sodium levels in the blood in relation to water is called 'hypernatremia'.Causes of hypernatremia may include kidney disease, lack or little water intake
or loss of water due to diarrhea and/orvomiting.
Decreased sodium levels is called 'hyponatremia'. This occurs with diseases of the liver, kidney, burn victims and those who suffer from congestive heart failure and other conditions.

Increase potassium levels is called 'hyperkalemia' and Decrease potassium levels is called 'hypokalemia.Since potassium is normally excreted by the kidneys, disorders that decrease the
function of the kidneys can result to hyperkalemia.can seriously affect the nervous system and increases the chance of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).

Increased chloride levels is 'hyperchloremia'. Elevated levels are seen in diarrhea, some kidney disease and sometimes in overactive parathyroid glands.Decreased chloride levels is
'hypochloremia'. Chloride is normally lost in the urine, sweat and stomach secretions but an excessive loss can happen from heavy sweating, vomiting and adrenal gland or kidney

Calcium test is performed to check the total amount of calcium in your blood. This includes ionized calcium as well as all the calcium bound to proteins.The test may be done If you have
signs of kidney disease, certain kinds of cancers, or problems with your parathyroid gland,to monitor progress and treatment of these disease

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Thyroid Panel (T3,T4 & TSH)

Tri-Iodothyronine Total (TT3) ^ 1.33 ng/mL 0.87 - 1.78 ECLIA
Thyroxine - Total (TT4) ^ 11.04 ug/dL 6.09 - 12.23 ECLIA
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) ^ 1.624 uIU/ml 0.38 - 5.33 ECLIA
Note: 1. TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaching peak levels between 2 - 4.a.m. and at a minimum between 6-10 pm . The variation is of the order of 50% . hence time
of the day has influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.

SUMMARY:-Normal changes in thyroid function tests during pregnancy,total T4 and T3 steadily increase during pregnancy.
Hyperthyroidism( LowTSH level) may include: Increased heart rate, Anxiety, Weight loss, Difficulty sleeping, Tremors in the hands, Weakness, Diarrhea (sometimes), Light sensitivity,
visual disturbances,The eyes may be affected: puffiness around the eyes, dryness, irritation, and, in some cases, bulging of the eyes.
Hypothyroidism(High TSH level) may include: Weight gain, Dry skin, Constipation, Cold intolerance, Puffy skin, Hair loss, Fatigue, Menstrual irregularity in women.TSH may be
ordered at regular intervals when an individual is being treated for a known thyroid disorder.

When a person's dose of thyroid medication is adjusted, it is recommends waitinig 6-8 weeks before testing the level of TSH again.TSH decreases when fasting. Most patients do their
lab tests in a fasting state, because other labs like glucose and cholesterol require it. But this may result in an artificially low TSH that does not reflect true thyroid levels. In fact, TSH
has a circadian rhythm, with a peak around midnight (with much variability between individuals), and a low in the afternoon; fluctuations are normal. The change in TSH from peak to
trough is approximately 72%.

SUMMARY:-Thyroid function tests (TFT) is a collective term for blood tests used to check the function of the thyroid.TFT may be requested if a patient is thought to suffer
from hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), or to monitor the effectiveness of either thyroid-suppression or hormone replacement therapy. It is
also requested routinely in conditions linked to thyroid disease, such as atrial fibrillation and anxiety disorder.A TFT panel typically includes thyroid hormones such as thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) and thyroxine (T4), andtriiodothyronine (T3) depending on local laboratory policy.
Normal changes in thyroid function tests during pregnancy,total T4 and T3 steadily increase during pregnancy.The thyroid gland is normally regulated by thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH), also called thyrotropin, which is secreted by the pituitary. TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and release the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3) . T4 and T3 are released from the thyroid into the bloodstream,Increased levels of free thyroid hormones (T4 and T3) inhibit TSH secretion from the pituitary, whereas
decreased levels of T4 and T3 cause an increase in TSH release from the pituitary.
Hyperthyroidism( high level) may include: Increased heart rate, Anxiety, Weight loss, Difficulty sleeping, Tremors in the hands, Weakness, Diarrhea (sometimes), Light
sensitivity, visual disturbances,The eyes may be affected: puffiness around the eyes, dryness, irritation, and, in some cases, bulging of the eyes.
Hypothyroidism(Low level) may include: Weight gain, Dry skin, Constipation, Cold intolerance, Puffy skin, Hair loss, Fatigue, Menstrual irregularity in women.
TSH may be ordered at regular intervals when an individual is being treated for a known thyroid disorder. When a person's dose of thyroid medication is adjusted, it is
recommends waitinig 6-8 weeks before testing the level of TSH again.

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864676
Sample Type Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Vitamin - B12 ^ 40.0 pg/mL 75.0 - 807.0 ECLIA

25-hydroxy Vitamin D ^ 37.27 ng/mL 30.00 - 100.00 ECLIA
Deficiency < 20
Insufficiency 21 - 29
Sufficient 30 -100
Toxicity > 100
SUMMARY:-This test is done to determine if you have too much or too little vitamin D in your blood.Lower-than-normal levels can be due to a vitamin D deficiency,
which can result from: Lack of exposure to sunlight Lack of enough vitamin D in the diet Liver and kidney diseases Poor food absorption Use of certain medicines, including
phenytoin, phenobarbital, and rifampin.

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864677, 864676
Sample Type EDTA, Serum (SST)

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Infection Screening (Hepatitis,RPR, ESR)

Hepatitis 'B, Surface antigen (HBsAg) NEGATIVE NEGATIVE Chromatography
SUMMARY: Hepatitis B Virus was discovered by Blumberg, et al. A complex antigen known as the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) found on the surface of HBV is the first to be
detected. The presence of HBsAg in a serum sample is indicative of an active HBV infection, either acute or chronic. In a typical HBV infection HBsAg will be detected 2 to 4 weeks
before the transaminase level becomes abnormal and 3 to 5 weeks before the patient develops symptoms or becomes jaundiced. HBsAg has four principal subtypes: adw, ayw,ard, and ayr.
Because of antigenic heterogeneity of the viral determinant, there are 10 major serotypes of HBV.

* This is only screening test all reactive sample should be conformed by conformatory test.
* False positive results can be obtained due to the presence of other antigens or elevated levels of RF factor.This occurs in less than 1% of the sample tested.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)* 08 mm/ hr. 00 - 10 Westergren

Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR Test) ^ Non-Reactive Non-Reactive

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) ^ Non-Reactive mg/L < 6.0 mg/L : NEGATIVE Latex Agglutination
>6.0 mg/L : POSITIVE
SUMMARY: CRP is a classic acute phase protien of human serum, synthesized by hepatocytes. The presense of agglutinates indicates concentration of CRP in the sample equal or graeter
than 6 mg/L(above normal), which increase significantly after most form of organic disease, tissue injuries,bacterial,& viral infections inflamation, maligant neoplasia and disease activity
in inflamatory.

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864677
Sample Type EDTA

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with P/S

Haemoglobin ^ 16.0 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0 Non Cyanide - SLS
Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) ^ 6.5 10^3/µL 4.0 - 10.0 DC Detection
Erythrocyte Count (RBC Count) ^ 5.5 10^6/µL 4.5 - 5.5 DC Detection
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) ^ 48.7 % 40.0 - 50.0 Cumulative Pulse Height Detection
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) ^ 87.9 fL 83.0 - 101.0 Calculated
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) ^ 28.9 pg 27.0 - 32.0 Calculated
Mean Copuscular Hb Conc (MCHC) ^ 32.9 g/dL 31.5 - 34.5 Calculated
Platelet count ^ 273 10^3/ul 150 - 450 DC Detection
RDW-SD ^ 47.3 fL 35.1 - 43.9 Calculated
RDW-CV ^ 13.7 % 11.6 - 14.4 Calculated
PDW* 12.0 % 10.0 - 16.0 Electric Impedence
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)* 9.6 % 9.3 - 12.1 Electric Impedence
P-LCR* 22.4 % 17.5 - 42.3 Electric Impedence
PCT* 0.26 % 0.17 - 0.32 Electric Impedence

Differential Leucocyte Count

Semiconductor FMC/LM
Neutrophils ^ 40 % 40 - 80 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Lymphocytes ^ 49 % 20 - 40 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Monocytes ^ 07 % 02 - 10 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Eosinophils ^ 04 % 01 - 06 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Basophils ^ 00 % 00 - 01 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Absolute Neutrophils ^ 2.6 10^3/µL 2.00 - 7.00 Calculated
Absolute Lymphocytes ^ 3.18 10^3/µL 1.00 - 3.00 Calculated
Absolute Monocytes ^ 0.46 10^3/µL 0.20 - 1.00 Calculated
Absolute Eosinophils ^ 0.26 10^3/µL 0.10 - 1.00 Calculated
Absolute Basophils ^ 0 10^3/µL 0.02 - 0.10 Calculated
Mixed Cells 00 % 00 - 01 Semiconductor Laser Flocytometry/ Lig
Peripheral Blood Smear Examination ^ Blood film/Light microscopy
Red blood cells are normocytic normochromic.
Total White blood cells in normal range and Differential count with incease in number of lymphocyte.
Platelets are adequate in number.
No immature cells or hemoparasite seen.

Impression : Normocytic Normochromic with Lymphocytosis.

Advise: Kindly correlate clinically

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864677
Sample Type EDTA

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:23:09
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:23
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864679
Sample Type Urine

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Complete Urine Analysis (CUE)

Urine Routine Examination

Colour ^ Pale Yellow Straw Visual
PH ^ 5.0 5.0 - 8.5 Double Indicator
Specific Gravity ^ 1.030 1.005 - 1.030 pKa Change
Protein ^ Negative Negative Acid Base Indicator
Ketone ^ Negative Negative Acetoacetic Acid
Urine Sugar ^ Negative Negative GOD - POD
Blood ^ Negative Negative Organic Hydroperoxide
Bilirubin ^ Negative Negative Azo Dye
Nitrate ^ Negative Negative Sulphanilamide Diazo
Leukocyte Esterase ^ Negative Negative Enzymatic Reaction
Appearance (Physical Examination) ^ Slightly Hazy Clear manual

Urine Microscopy Examination

R.B.C ^ Nil /HPF Nil Microscopy
Pus Cells ^ 1-2 /HPF 0-5 Microscopy
Epithelial Cells ^ 2-3 /HPF NORMALLY PRESENT Microscopy
Casts ^ Nil /HPF Nil Microscopy
Crystals ^ Calcium Oxalate/HPF Nil Microscopy
Bacteria ^ Nil /HPF Nil Microscopy
Budding Yeast cells ^ Nil /HPF Nil Microscopy
Others ^ Nil /HPF Nil Microscopy

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:23:09
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:24
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864679
Sample Type Urine

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Urinary Electrolytes (Na, K & CL)

Sodium - Urine* 95 mmol/L 40 - 220
Potassium - Urine* 65 mmol/L 20 - 125
Chloride - Urine* 110 mmol/L 100 - 250
Electrolytes (sodium,potassium,and chloride) are present in the human body and the balancing act of the electrolytes in our bodies is essential for normal function of our cells and organs.
There has to be a balance.
Sodium is the major positive ion (cation) outside of cells and is also regulated by the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Potassium is important for the proper functioning of the nerves and muscles, particularly the heartbeat.
Chloride helps the body maintain its normal balance of fluids.
Increased sodium levels in the blood in relation to water is called 'hypernatremia'.Causes of hypernatremia may include kidney disease, lack or little water intake or loss of water due to
diarrhea and/orvomiting.Decreased sodium levels is called 'hyponatremia'. This occurs with diseases of the liver, kidney, burn victims and those who suffer from congestive heart failure
and other conditions.
Increase potassium levels is called 'hyperkalemia' and Decrease potassium levels is called 'hypokalemia.Since potassium is normally excreted by the kidneys, disorders that decrease the
function of the kidneys can result to hyperkalemia.can seriously affect the nervous system and increases the chance of arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).
Increased chloride levels is 'hyperchloremia'. Elevated levels are seen in diarrhea, some kidney disease and sometimes in overactive parathyroid glands.Decreased chloride levels is
'hypochloremia'. Chloride is normally lost in the urine, sweat and stomach secretions but an excessive loss can happen from heavy sweating, vomiting and adrenal gland or kidney
Increased ionized calcium may be due to:Decreased levels of calcium in the urine from an unknown cause, Hyperparathyroidism, excess of Vitamin A & Vitamin D Hyperthyroidism, Milk-
alkali syndrome ,Multiple myeloma, Paget's disease ,Sarcoidosis,Thiazide diuretics, Thrombocytosis (high platelet count),Tumor
Decreased ionized calcium may be due to:Hypoparathyroidism, Malabsorption, Osteomalacia,Pancreatitis,Renal failure, Rickets, Vitamin D deficiency

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:24
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864677, 864678, 864679
Sample Type EDTA, Fluoride Plasma (F), Urine

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

Diabetes Monitoring Profile(with HBA1c)

Urine Spot Albumin* 30.00 mg/L 20.00 - 300.00 Immunoturbidimetric
Microalbumin Urine (Semi Quantitative)
Urine Spot Creatinine* 0.25 g/L 0.25 - 3.00
Urine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio* 120.00 mg/g 3.00 - 300.00 Calculation

Blood Glucose Fasting ^ 89.0 mg/dl 70.0 - 110.0 Hexokinase

HbA1c% 5.50 % 4.00 - 6.00 HPLC

As per American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Reference Group HbA1c in %
Non diabetic adults >=18 years <5.7
At risk (Prediabetes) 5.7 - 6.4
Diagnosing Diabetes >= 6.5
Therapeutic goals for glycemic control Age > 19 years
. Goal of therapy: < 7.0
. Action suggested: > 8.0
Age < 19 years
. Goal of therapy: <7.5


1. Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of
HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.

2. Target goals of < 7.0 % may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy and no significant cardiovascular disease. In patients with
significant complications of diabetes, limited life expectancy or extensive co-morbid conditions, targeting a goal of < 7.0 % may not be appropriate.

HbA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8 - 12 weeks and is a much better indicator of long term glycemic control as compared to blood and
urinary glucose determinations.

ADA criteria for correlation between HbA1c & Mean plasma glucose levels

HbA1c(%) Mean Plasma Glucose (mg/dL) HbA1c(%) Mean Plasma Glucose (mg/dL)
6 126 12 298
8 183 14 355
10 240 16 413

Mean plasma glucose level 111.2 mg/dl Calculated

Fetal Hemoglobin (HbF) 0.50 % HPLC

SUMMARY:-HbA1c is an indicator of glycemic control. HbA1c represents average glycemia over the past six to eight weeks. Glycation of hemoglobin occurs over the entire 120 day life

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose
Result of tests performed in NirAmaya Pathlabs. Fastest Growing NABL accredited Lab in INDIA in accordance to ISO 15189:2012 (Certificate No: MC-2606)

Patient MRN 774840 Patient Reg No: 231832389

Patient Name Mr. Shrenuj Sample Drawn Date 02/01/2019
Age 25 Yrs Lab Accession Date 02/01/2019 14:28:49
Gender Male Report Date & Time 02/01/2019 18:24:24
Order ID PO1603171532-234 Booked By M/S LFS - 1mg Labs
Referred By Barcode ID 864677, 864678, 864679
Sample Type EDTA, Fluoride Plasma (F), Urine

Test Name Results Units Bio. Ref. Interval Test Method

span of the red blood cell, but with in this 120 days. Recent glycemia has the largest influence on the HbA1c value. Clinical studies suggest that a patient in stable control will have 50%
of their HbA1c formed in the month before sampling, 25% in the month before that, and the remaining 25% in months two to four.

***** End of Report *****

^ The tests marked with ( ^ ) are in our NABL scope

Dr. Indu Sardana Dr. Ashok Malhotra Dr. Pooja Singh

MD (Pathology & Microbiology) MBBS, MD. PHD Medical Biochemistry
lab Director & Senior Pathologist Sr. Consultant Biochemist QA Manager & Consultant Biochemist
Test Results marked "BOLD" indicates Abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal & The test marked with ( * ) are out of our NABL scope
All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose

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