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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Whether you are a traditional college student, adult college student, or aspiring business
tycoon and titan in the future, saving money and budgeting must never be forgotten nor
overlooked. Every university is different, and every college student is different but if there is one
experience common to all students, it's the constant shortage of money during their time in
college. Care packages from home only go so far, and it will seem like every time you check
your remaining allowance it just gets smaller and smaller.

We all know that budgeting is a must on Business Administration students for it is

considered as a practice of a real business people lifestyle. Creating a smart spending habits and
setting cash limit whenever a student spend is highly suggested especially for financially
literates’ wannabe.

Nowadays, how many students still consider budget and money saving in their everyday
routine? Life on campus offers a lot of temptations for the unwary student. There are many ways
to blow through your spending money without realizing how fast it's going: unnecessary things,
excessive snacks, unplanned hangouts, high-price coffees, etc.

Budgeting is an important component of financial success. It's not difficult to implement,

and it's not just for students with limited funds. It makes it easier for a student with allowance
given by parents and guardians on how to consider expenses of all sizes to make conscious
decisions about how they'd prefer to allocate their money.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the Budgeting and Saving Techniques of Business
Administration students of International School of Asia the Pacific.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Year Level
d. Average Amount of Monthly Allowance
2. Do the respondents allocate a certain amount to save?
3. How do the respondents budget their allowance monthly?
a. Foods and groceries
b. Internet
c. Transportation/ Fuel
d. E-Loading
e. Entertainment/ Wants/ Luxuries
f. Other Fees
4. What are the strategies employed in saving money?
5. What are the reasons the respondents consider money saving in the monthly budget?


1. To investigate the behaviour of the BSBA students in budgeting their allowance.

2. To investigate the attitude of the BSBA students in terms of saving their allowance.
3. To determine the capability of the students in allocating their money monthly.


Is there a significant difference between the behaviour of BSBA students in saving and in
budgeting their monthly allowance and the behaviour of those who are not?

Significance of the Study

Students, specifically persons who saves money wants to secure their future and for
emergency purposes. Also, to those students who budgets their allowance for managing their
expenses and other things like unexpected hangouts with friends. Students who usually save and

budget their money are the ones who are mostly prioritize their future, as they manage their
allowance they saves money for their future.

Families, especially their children who are saving and budgeting their allowances are
helping their parents to lessen the burden. By managing and saving their monthly allowance,
students are not bugging their parents for money in the future. Students who are saving are also
helping their siblings for their other expenses in school and for their needs.

School Administrators, especially those students who are saving and budgeting their
allowance for their tuition fees. In four years of their college life, students who save their money
monthly for paying fees before the examinations are helping the school staffs for their salary as
the students get his/her permit to take the exam.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

All Year Levels of

BSBA students
 Age Survey of Monthly Budget and saving
 Sex Allowance Management
 Year Level
 Average Amount of
Allowance Monthly

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework showing the profile of the respondents which are
attributes as the input, and with inquiry of their monthly allowance, and as the process brings out
the behaviour of the student in budget and saving management.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is limited to all year level of BSBA students of International School of Asia
and the Pacific during the second semester of the school year 2016-2017.

The researchers believe that the study was done only with very limited respondents;
hence, further researchers could be done on far-reaching basis for a better result and a much
reliable research.

Definition of Terms

1. Savings. The money left or saved by students for a specific purpose or for future use.
2. Money. The coins or paper used to exchange for a desired item or to buy something.
3. Budget. The planned and proper allocation of money for a specific purpose or by
breaking down the money to important things by someone.
4. Allowance. The money to be consumed for a period of time usually given weekly or
5. Management. The proper running of someone’s money and placing it for more important
things than to spend it in a useless way
6. Foods. The three times a day meal a student take and their snacks taken every vacant
7. Transportation. Some of the students live far from Alimannao thus needing to take the
tricycle paying a minimum amount of 10 pesos
8. Internet/Load. When requirements arise students usually go to nearby computer shops to
minimize cost of registering to mobile or broadband load. Most students get their phone
loaded to connect to their classmates or parents at home
9. School requirements that school requirements like art materials, printing for assignments
or projects.
10. Unexpected collection that unexpected collections usually pops anytime. From payment
of T shirts to small amounts for photo copy or donation for victims of calamity.

Chapter II


According to William Elliott, Hyun-a Song, Ilsung Nam, Evidence suggests that having
school savings might be as closely associated with college outcomes as the amount in it.
Children with 50 to 500 designated for school are 2.5 times more likely to enrol in and graduate
from college than children with no account, which suggests that saving and wealth building
policies to improve college enrolment and graduation rates might have positive effects even
when children save small amounts.

In the CFED fact file of Jeremie Greer and Ezra Levin (2014) much of the research on
children’s savings focuses on academic performance and higher education outcomes. The
research shows that families are often unaware of the level of financial aid available to students,
and the fear of college unaffordability significantly deters college enrolment. Children with
savings have better math and reading scores, higher rates of college enrolment and graduation,
and less college-related debt. While the size of these effects differs by study and methodology,
the effects tend to be positive and statistically significant.

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress
people they don’t like.” – Will Rogers, used in the book of Eduardo “Ardy” O. Roberto, Jr. ‘Ang
Pera na Hindi Bitin’. (Manila: OMF Literature Inc., 2010)

One of the reasons why students cannot earn money is that they tend to buy things that is
not needed for their studies or even for their entire lives. Teenagers nowadays have been
connected a lot on trends of technology causing them to demand more to their parents/guardians
and if unfortunately not provided will gradually make them wanting more. Self-esteem and
social belongingness are the main reasons why teenagers want to be on trend or in to their chosen
peers/friends. Being rejected is their most fearful situation, so in order for them not to be
rejected, they intentionally impressed others by buying things that will make others in awe which
is insignificant and unrealistic in character even if it’ll risk their financial situations.

Money is one of our basic needs now, that’s why students must budget their own
allowances to things that really matter and from things that are considered as least priority.
Another point is when a student save money, they are helping their parents financially. By saving
money, students are securing their future.
According to Practical Money Skills for Life, a budget is a plan for your future income
and expenditures that you can use as a guideline for spending and saving. A good monthly
budget can help ensure every student to pay their tuition fees and have funds to cover up
unexpected emergencies.

You’ll be more likely to save money if you make it a priority.

Saving money is hard without a plan.

“One of the purposes of money is to grow more money.” Chinkee Tan (2012)

“College student should be careful about picking their banks” Karen Damato at the Wall Street
Journal (2015). Convenience can cost you. Many schools “have an exclusive relationship with
one financial institution” that offers easy-to-use-benefits.

Chapter III


Research Design

This is a descriptive survey that tends to look into the capability of BSBA students on
how to manage budgeting and money saving monthly. This survey type examines the
ability/capability of BSBA students as respondents.

Research Locale

This research was conducted at International School of Asia and the Pacific campus.


The respondents of the study will mainly focus with the BSBA population of the school
year 2016-2017 from first year to fourth year which consist a total of 135 students.

In the utilization of gathering data a questionnaire is prepared by the researchers with the
following categories: First, will be the profile of the respondents (age, gender, year level and
average amount of monthly allowance). Second part is on how the respondents allocate their
allowance in budgeting and saving like in foods, transportation, internet/load, school
requirements and unexpected fees. Third, if they allocate an amount to save monthly. (Yes/no)
Fourth, in what particular way they save? (Bank account/piggy bank) Lastly, what are the
reasons and motivations they consider money saving in the monthly budget.
Secondary data will be gathered through the records of students in their registrar’s record
on the actual number of students enrolled in department specifically the total number of BSBA
students of ISAP.

Data Gathering
Questionnaires were reproduced and given to the respondents specifically in BSBA level
1-4 of International School of Asia and the Pacific.

One of the researchers will assist some in answering by explaining it in the local dialect
as needed during the actual answering of the questionnaires.
Statistical Treatment

Descriptive Statistics

Frequency Distribution
It was used to show the number of respondents occur in a given subject, along with a
count of the number of times each value was obtained. This was used to classify the average
amount of monthly allowance of the students, how do they budget their allowance weekly, do
they allocate amount to savings, or how do they save? What motivations do the respondents
consider money saving in their monthly budget?

Percentage Distribution
Percentage distribution will be used to show the frequency distribution in percentages.
This will be used in parallel with the cited subject in frequency distribution.

Inferential Statistics
Is there a relationship between student’s savings to the profile of the respondents?

Weighted Mean
It will use to show the assess students who manages the budgeting and saving of their
monthly allowance. This will be use of the weighted mean in describing the mean values.


We, BSBA 4th Year students will be conducting the research entitled “Budgeting and Savings of
the ISAP- BSBA Students” as a requirement as a requirement for our subject Business Research.
May we ask your help by being a respondent. Rest assured your answers will be treated
with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you.


Laarnie C. Viernes


John Paul O. Salvador

Age: Sex: Year Level: ____

Part I

I. How much is your average amount of monthly allowance?

5,001- 6,000
6,001- 7,000
7,001 and above

II. Do you allocate a certain amount to save?


III. Where do you allocate your allowance monthly?

Instruction: Please don’t leave any item unanswered
4- Strongly Agree
3- Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree

A. Food and Groceries

1. Buy food that I only consume for the month

2. I always eat in a restaurant every meal

3. I always cook my meal from the groceries I bought
for the entire month

B. Internet

1. I pay my internet bill monthly (wifi plan)

2. I often go to the internet shop for school requirements

3. I frequently go to the internet shop for gaming and

social media surfing

C. Transportation

1. I always commute from school to boarding house and

vice versa

2. I only refuel my personal vehicle weekly

3. I (if you have personal vehicle) frequently go to

plaza/ market.

D. Electronic Loading

1. I always load my phone that I only consume a month

2. I always register to a e-loading promos where I can

minimize my expenses

3. I always have an extra e-load for emergency purposes

E. Entertainment/ Wants

1. My friends and I always go out once a wee

2. I treat myself (eat in a special place) at least once in a


3. I buy myself goods/ products (clothes)

F. Other Fees

1. Every month I allocate certain amount for other fees

in school

2. Sometimes I get a ceratin amount on my allowance

for some unexpected collection

IV. What are your strategies/ ways of saving?

I have a bank account
I use piggy bank
I save whatever excess I have on my allowance
I allot a certain percentage of my total allowance (ex. 5% etc)
I keep a fixed amount of my money on a daily/ weekly/ monthly basis
V. What are the reasons in considering ‘saving’ from your monthly budget?
Emergency Purposes
To buy something I desire/ long
Entertainment in online gaming or social media surfing
To help my parents in paying for my tuition fee
I return the amount I saves to my parents


Will Rogers, used in the book of Eduardo “Ardy” O. Roberto, Jr. ‘Ang Pera na Hindi Bitin’.
(Manila: OMF Literature Inc., 2010)

CFED fact file of Jeremie Greer and Ezra Levin (2014)

Karen Damato at the Wall Street Journal (2015)

Chinkee Tan (2012)


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