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Name: __________________
_____________ Date: _____________

I. Multiple Choice. Identify the choice that best answers the questions. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before each number. Use CAPITAL LETTERS. Erasures
and superimpositions are not allowed.

 _______1. Vibrations
Vibrations in the earth caused by the sudden movement of rock are called:
a. Epicenters c. Faults
b. Earthquakes d. Tsunamis
 ______2. The point along a fault where an earthquake begins is called the:
a. Fracture c. Gap
b. Epicenter d. Focus
 ______3. The point of the earths surface directly above
above the point where an earthquake occurs is called
a. Focus c. Fracture
b. Epicenter d. Fault
 ______4. If an earthquake strikes
strikes while you are in a car, you should
a. Continue driving d. Stop the car in a clear space and remain in
b.Get out of the car the car
c. Park the car under a bridge
 ______5. The Richter Scale measures:
a.magnitude c. scale
b. intensity d. duration
 ______6. The instrument usedused to record the intensity of an earthquake is called?
a.Seismogram c. Seizmograph
b. Seismograph d. Seismogram

 ______7. Scientists who specializes

specializes in the study of earthquake relatec hazards are known as?
a.seismologists c. sizemologists
b. seizemologists d.seisemologists

 ______8. The three steps you should take at the first sign of an earthquake are:
a.cover, hold and duck c. hold, duck and cover
b. dock, cover and hold d. cover, dock and hold
 ______9. This refers to a downward movement
movement of a slope materials either slowly or quickly.
a.ground rupture c. tsunami
b. landslides d. liquefaction
 ______10. This refers to a process where particles of loosely consolidated
consolidated and water saturated deposits
of fine sand are rearranged into a more compact state.
a.ground rupture c. tsunami
b. landslides d. liquefaction
 ______11. The following
following are the classifications of a volcano EXCEPT:
a.Active c. Potentially Inactive
b. Potentially Active d. Inactive

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 ______12. A pile or mound of lava that grew on the floor of a crater on the slopes of a volcano is termed
a.dome growth c. lava flow
b. pyroclastic flow d. tephra falls
 ______13. He is the current PHIVOLCS Director.
a.Francisco Duque c. Sherwin Gatchalian
b. Renato Solidum d. Manny Pacquiao
 ______14. All but one are the volcanic phenomena indirectly associated with eruption.
a.Tsunami c. Pyroclastic Surge
b. Lahar d. Mudflows

 ______15. When there is an increasing tendency towards unrest, the alert level to be issued is:
a.Alert level 1 c. Alert level 3
b. Alert level 2 d. Alert level 4
 ______16. All but one are the precursors of an impending volcanic eruption.
a.increase steaming activity c. ground swelling
b.crater flash d. localized landslide, rock falls
 ______17. PHIVOLCS stands for:
a.Philippine Institute of Volcanology and c. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology Seizemology
b. Philippine Institute of Volcanism and d. Philippine Institute of Volcanoes and
Seismology Seismology
 ______18. The following are the gases emitted during a volcanic eruption. Select all that apply.
a.hydrogen c. carbon monoxide
b. sulphur monoxide d. hydrogen chloride
 ______19. How many alert level signals are issued by PHIVOLCS?
a.3 c.4
b.6 d.2
 _____20. When the evacuation is extended to 8 km beyond the danger zone, the alert level signal to be
issued is:
a.1 c.3
b.2 d.4

 _____21. This refers to a rotating, organized system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over
the tropical waters.
a.tropical cyclone c. tropical depression
b. tropical storm d. super typhoon

 _____22. A tropical cyclone with a maximum sustained wind speed exceeding 220 kph is classified as:
a.tropical cyclone c. tropical depression
b. tropical storm d. super typhoon

 _____23. When a tropical cyclone has winds that ranges from 171-220 kph and has a lead time of 12
hours, the public storm warning signal issued is:

a.1 c.3
b. 2 d. 4
 ______24. When flooding is threatening in certain low lying areas near river channels, the rainfall
warning signal to be issued is:
a.yellow d. blue
 ______25. These are local storms produced by cumulonimbus clouds and are always accompanied by
lightning and thunder.
a.tropical strom c. Thunderstorms
b. El Nino d. Storm Surge
 ______26. A rise and onshore surge of seawater due to the winds of a tropical cyclone is termed as:
a.tropical strom c. Thunderstorms
b. El Nino d. Storm Surge

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 _______27. A significant increase in ocean temperature over the eastern and central Pacific ocean
causes what type of phenomenon?
a.tropical strom c. Thunderstorms
b. El Nino d. Storm Surge
 _______28. All but one should be done during flash floods.
a.unplug all electric and electronic devices c. avoid areas prone to flooding
b. stay away from flood waters d. avoid swimming in swollen rivers
 ______29. If a treat of lightning is imminent in your area, what should you do?
a.turn off and unplug all electrical and c. stay low
electronic devices d. stay under the trees, towers or fences on the lookout for falling debris
 ______30. The lead government agency that monitors weather disturbances is?
 _____31. Which of the following is the leading cause of deaths in a fire incident?
a.asphyxiation c.burns
b.poisoning d.none of the above
 _____32. All but one are the elements present in a fire triangle
a.fuel c.water
b. heat d. oxygen
 _____33. These can be any combustible or flammable material, and maybe a solid, a liquid or a
gas. c.water
a.fuel d. oxygen
b. heat
 _____34. Wood, paper, cloth, trash, plastics, solid combustible materials that are not metals fall under
what type of fire?
a.Class A d. Class D
b. Class B e. Class K
c. Class C
 _____35. What type of fire extinguishercan be used for a Type A fire?
a.dry chemical c. halon
b. water d. carbon dioxide
 _____36. The acronym PASS stands for:
a.Pull the pin-aim low at the base of flames-squeeze the handle-sweep side to side
b.Pull the nozzle-aim high at the flames-sweep side to side-squeeze the handle
c. Pull the pin-aim at the flames-sweep side t o side-squeeze the nozzle
d.Pull the nozzle-aim at the flames-sweep side to side-squeeze the nozzle
 _____37. RACE stands for:
a.rescue –alert-call-extinguish
c. rescue-alert-confine-extinguish
 _____38. All but one are the instances when evacuation should be done during a fire incident.
a.The fire is starting to spread. c.The only exit could become blocked.
b.The fire is becoming smoky. d. The fire is small.
 _____39. This type of extinguishers are most effective on ClassB and C(liquids and electrical)fires.
a.Class A d. Class D
b. Class B e. Class K
c. Class C

 ______40. Metals such as potassium, sodium, aluminium, magnesium is classified as:

a.Class A d. Class D
b. Class B e. Class K
c. Class C

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II. Extended Response.

41-50. Consider your respective communities, what are the factors that predisposes your
communities to landslides and flash floods?
46-50. As a student, how can you help in preventing landslides and flash floods in your respective

51-60. Compare and Contrast ELNINO and LA NINA Phenomenon using a Venn Diagram.

61-65. As a student, how can you help in the prevention of disaster related incidences in your
respective communities?
66-70. How can the government and the citizens effectively achieve the goals of disaster risk

- Mahatma Gandhi-

Prepared by: Noted by: Verified by:


Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator Principal III

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