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In this day and age, with the advancement of technology, there’re numerous social networking sites, and the

one which has the

most significant influence on people’s life is Facebook for sure. Here, I’m going to look at both pros and cons of this app.

Let’s have a look at its good side first. Facebook is an economical and effective environment for communication. Long times
ago, we had to wait for ages to get our reply, but in this century, a quick chat can be made through this program with just a
smart phone.
On top of that, it’s a place where business is operated. If the well-known make use of their fan pages, they are sure to maintain
their relationships with their fans and followers. Their pages become a good tool for advertising products.

As for the other side of it, the habit of spending hours on FB can make us addicts. I mean this negative routine may lead us to
unreal life and cause us to get bored with real relationships and social activities. Occasionally, it takes us a long time to
overcome this unpleasant practice.
In addition to that, not everything on Facebook is reliable. These days posts on Facebook are easily accessible. Once a status is
posted, thousands of people click “share” without trying to make sure the information is true. On account of this, many bad
people stand a chance of transmitting negative views, leading to internet disorder.

On balance, Facebook has its own ups and downs. We need to balance drawbacks against benefits of it. In my view, I believe
the good side overweigh the bad one.

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