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Republic of the Philippines )

Cagayan de Oro City ) S. S.


I, MONAWIRA M. ABUBACAR, of legal age, married and a resident of L30-32,

B6, RER Phase I, Cagayan de Oro City, after having duly sworn in accordance with law,
hereby depose and say that:

1. I am filing a case of a violation of Article 183 of the Revised Penal Code or otherwise
AFFIRMATION” against ADNAN DIMAPORO, a resident of 152 Barangay Matampay,
Marawi City for knowingly making an untruthful statements in his affidavits filed
before this Honorable Office on December 13, 2010 and in his MOTION FOR
RECONSIDERATION dated ____ September 2011;


executed and filed a joint complaint before this Honorable Office with IS No. X-06-
INV-10- L-2985 charging me and other persons of Estafa thru Falsification of Public
Documents. Copy of the joint complaint-affidavit is herein attached as Annex “A”. This
affidavit is affirmed and subscribed before Asst. Prosecutor Sittie Laarni R. Umpa on13
October 2011;

3. ADNAN DIMAPORO and his other complainants, knowing fully-well that their complaint
is baseless and groundless, still pursued the same and executed a false affidavit
stating thereto UNTRUTHFUL STATEMENTS material to the complaint filed against me
and my co-respondents. These untruthful statements stated in their affidavits are the

a. In Paragraph ADNAN DIMAPORO et al made mention only of “respondents”

without specifying who among the respondents imitated the signatures of Mr.
Rodolfo Tan. This only proves that complainants are making false statements
as they do not have personal knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the
alleged imitation of Mr. Rodolfo Tan’s signature.

4. That ADNAN DIMAPORO intentionally lied and made an untruthful statements when
he stated in his affidavit, in paragraph 6 thereof that “Respondents Sauda Mutilan
and MONAWERA ABUBACAR assisted and insisted them in impersonating Osia and
Tan (deceased) in the Office of notary Public respondent Macodi M. Agus whom the
instrument was acknowledged” as complainants are even doubtful of
themselves when they mentioned “ASSISTED AND INSISTED IN
IMPERSONATING xxx” as they are not sure what acts did I and Sauda
Mutilan did exactly. Logic will explain that a person imitating one’s
signature could not be assisted and insisted by impersonating the same
person whose signature is being imitated. By what manner did I possibly
assisted and insisted my co-respondents? This vagueness clearly casts
doubts on complainants’ affidavit. I myself do not have any personal knowledge
of Macodi Agus and have never appeared before him. These statements are without
doubt FALSE and UNTRUTHFUL, for even ADNAN DIMAPORO himself could not tell
with accuracy what really transpired. The truth is he is LYING before this Honorable

1. Khadija, being ambitious, selfish and cruel, used me and befriended me,
pretending to be kindhearted and compassionate, only to discover later that she
only wanted my brother’s wealth. Now, she is the sore eyes of our family. Not
even satisfied with the wealth that she had hoarded during the lifetime of my
brother, wanted even the share of my nephews and nieces in the estate of my

2. I attest that the foregoing statements are true and correct based on my personal

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed this affidavit this __th of January,
2011 in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.

Monawira M. Abubacar
Affiant- respondent

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this __th day January, 2011 in Cagayan
de Oro City, Philippines.

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