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C. 8 to 1.43 GHz 1. C. Ultraviolet 2. 3. B. Dipole 4. D. type of modulation of the main carrier C.

Half-duplex operation 5. B. Emission 6. 7. D. type of information to be transmitted 8. B. Teievision

C. Omnidirectional 9. 10. C. Chroma keying 11. A. 50 dB 12. C. Telemetry 13. B. 14. A. 1 dB All of
these 15. A. Isotropic 16. D. PAM 17. B. lonospheric scatter 18. B. Ali of these 19. C. Pitch 20. C. 21.
C. Out of the band 22. D. Circular polarization 23. A. impuise noise 24. A. 25. A. Stereo
multiplexing Reflectometer Reduce carrier single sideband emission Land station Vertical
polarization Telstar I T1 26. D. 27. D. 28. C. 29. B. 30. C. 768 kbps Solutione bits Rate =| 8-
(12channels) channel samples 8000 Rate = 768 k5ps 31. C. APDS 32. C. 4.78 µV

Solutione (20 k2)(50 kN) = 14.28 k2 RT = 20 kn+50 kS VnT = 4(1.38x10-28 X290 K)(100x10°
(14.28 k) VnT = 4.78 uV 1.28 x 1019 J 33. A. Solution: E = hf, Joule (J) where h = Planck's constant
h = 6.6256 x 104 J/Hz 3 x 10°m/s = 1.935 x 1014Hz 1.55 um E = (6.6256 x 10(1.935 x 104) E =
1.28 x 1019 J 34. A. 34.61 ns Solution: System rise time (ns) = Vs? + D² + C² S = source rise time
(ns) = 12 ns D = detector rise time (ns) = 12 ns C = cable rise time (ns) where: 38.55 ns = (12)?+
(12)² +C² C = 34.61 ns 35. D. 36. B. Space diversity 37. C. noise improvement factor 38. C.
Huýgen's Principle 39. C. Continuous modulation 40. B. 30 MHz 41. b. F1 layer 42. C. Bidirectional
43. D. 28.17 dB 4 kHz

Solution: G(dB) = 7.5 + 20 log faHz + 20 log D. = 7.5 + 20 log 1.8 + 20 log 6 = 28.17 dB 44. B.
linearly 45. C. 46. B. 47. C. 48. C. Smith chart 49. A. 50. B. 51. C. 52. B. Optical attenuator TE
Necessary bandwidth 8.2345 MHz Horizontal polarization Telecommand ERP 53. A. 54. B. 55. D.
14/11 GHz ASK Beamwidth NPR Administration Woofer below 2 GHz 56. A. 57. A. 58. B. 59. A. 60.
C. 511 Soluion: DR = 2" - 1 n = 10 - 1 n = 9 bits (excluding sign bit) DR = 2° - 1 = 511 61. D. 8.8 dB
Solution (dB)%3 10log + 10log- N, N. where = 8.8 dB 10 log fo = 20 Mbps B = 20 MHz = f, for BPSK
Ep = 8.8 dB +10log No 20 Then, 20 = 8.8 dB 62. D. Satellite disk 63. A. Interference to adjacent
channel Carrier power Volume E.O. 109 64. C. 65. C. 66. A.

67. C. Mobile Service 68. A. 69. D. more Aeronautical Fixed Service 70. B. Low pass filter 71. D.
Diffraction 72. A. Geosynchronous 73. A. Noise equivalent power 74. C. Major lobe radiation 300
- 3400 Hz 5925 MHz 75. D. 76. D. Solution: fu = fa + 2225 MHz * 2225 MHz = fo = µwave oscillator
frequency fu = 3700 + 2225 fu = 5925 MHz 77. B. 78. D. 79. B. Fundamental input and output
dP/dA parasitic elements a higher index of refraction than the cladding Adding C in series 80. A.
81. D. 82. B. 83. B. 66.66 W Solution: m2 PT = Pc 1+ with m = 1 Pr = 1.5 Pc 100 W = 66.67 W Pc =
1.5 84. B. Pulse modulation 85. C. Troposcatter 86. B. Spot beam 87. B. 1.76 dB 88. B. Satellite
network 89. B. quantizing noise 90. D. stack 91. A. Coast station 92. A. Pulse modulation 93. A. 94.
D. Rayleigh scattering loss 95. Bonus No particular answer 96. C. Analogue cellular 97. A. Effective
boresight area 98. C. 20 kHz

1 C. Two or more antennas operáting on the same frequency A. Antenna gain 2. C. base station 3.
A. High power 4. C. X 5. B. 6. Saturation A. A. 7. Center of the antenna 8. 9. B. By installing a good
ground radial system 10. A. Around 500 miles 11. D. Efficiency = radiation resistance / total
resistance x 100% 12. B. 13. B. 14. B. 156.8 MHz 15. 16. C. Telecommand 17. A. Aural broadcast
STL Snell's Gateway A variable LC oscillator with metered feedback current 18. C. A3E and F3C 19.
B. 20. C. 21.. D. Loading coil 22. C. In terms of peak envelop power 0 degrees latitude The
frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to perform well 23. C. TDMA 24. A. A
fading effect caused by phase differences between radio wave components of the same
transmission, as experienced at the receiving stations 25. C. At feed point 26. C. Whip 27. A.
Carrier power 28. B. Sunspots 29. A. A3E 30. A. Eranchise 31. B. 200 kHz 32. B. FM

33. D. A non-radiating load for a transmitter used for testing 34. A. Bidirectional 35. B. 36. C.
Global beam Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying Laser 37. D. 38. D. Communications 39. B. Velocity
factor Circulator 40. B. 41. D. Slope overload 42. B. Space station 0.31250 GHz 44. A. Transmission
System Engineering 43. D. 45. B. LAN 46. C. Land station 47. B. The combination of two signals to
produce sum and difference frequencies 48. D. Amplitude modulation Thermal agitation 50. D.
Horizontal aiming of the antenna 49. B. The time required to complete one cycle Throughput 51.
D. 52. D. 53. C. 42.5% 54. D. 55. C. The element fed by the Stack transmission line 56. A. Peak
limifing 57. A. 58. A. Drift 59. B. 60. C. Radiation 10100 4:1 61. A. Frequency 62. C. 63. C. Reduced
carrier single V.1 sideband emission 64. B. Phonoscope 65. D. 50 kW 66, B. 110011 67. A: 68. C.
Iridium system modulator Down link 69. B.

Violet Resonant 70. B. 71. D. 72. B. Broadcast 73. D. Maximum voltage and minimum 74. C.
Synchronous Optical Network 75. A. Through installing a band-pass filter in the antenna feed line
current 76. C. Tropospheric ducting 77. D. longer it can reach 78. B. 79. A. 40 dB The electric field
is parallel to the earth Television 80. D. Decrease the receiver squelch 81. D. gain 82. B. Optical
repeater A. Low noise amplifier 84. A. Facsimile 85. C. Crossfire 86. C. In the receiver front end 87.
A. Synchronous data transfer scheme 88. C. Vestigial sideband 89. D. 8.36 kW Solution m2 Pr = P.
1+ with m = 0.3 P= 14 (0.3)? =8 kW 90. C. Class C 91. B. E.O. 109 92. D. 93. C. Mixer 20 Hz 94. B. A
wave consisting of an electric field and a magnetic field at right angles to each other 95. C. 3.4 to
6.424 GHz 96. D. Packet Mode 97. B. Yagi antenna 98. B. A circuit for detecting FM signals 99. B.
Terminal adapters 100. C. Department of Transportation and Communications

150 watts D. 1. 2. D. During experimental period 3. B: High VHF Band 4 D. DC and RF heating of
resistors, causing them to change values 5. D. 6. D. 7. B. Mobile radio Carrier 100 times bigger
Helical Pulse generator laser 8. B. 9. B. 10. C. 11. C. 12. B. An equívalent resistance that .com
would dissipate the same amount of power as that radiated from an antenna 13. C. Back wave 14.
C. Immunity to noise 15. D. 16. B. Telstar i 17. B. Photovoltaic effect 30 to 300 GHz 18. B.
Suppresed white noise 19. B. Secondary 20. C. F 21.. D. Computer data 22. B. 401.00625 MHz
Solution: fo 12.5 kHz 401.050 401.000 Channel 1 12.5 kHz fe = 401.000 MHz + fe = 401.00625
MHz 23. B. 80.000 watts
25 kHz fa = 405.0125 MHz + 25 kHz + fa = 405.05 MHz Solution: ERP = P7GT where: GT = 22 = 4
ERP = (20 kW)(4) ERP = 80,000W Note: Gr is power gain and is approximately equal to the square
of the field gain. Clear to send 25. B. 0% modulation 26. B. Radio operator telegraphy onboard 24.
B. 27. D. Binary form 28. C. Necessary bandwidth 29. D. Local oscillator 30. B. 31. D. one at.a time
Loose connections in the oscillator, amplifier, or antenna circuits Antenna 32. B. 33. C. Mean
power 235.50 MHz 8. Video stage gain 6 dB 34. C. 35. D. 36. B. 37. B. Solution: dB gain = 20 log V,
401.050 V2 = a microvolt = 1 microvolt V, = 2 microvolts 1 dB gain = 20 log = - 6 There is no gain
but a loss of 6 dB. 38. C. 39. D. 40. C. 41. A. .gov Dept. Order 88 UHF Band Four 42. B.
Electromagnetic 43. B. 1.0025 MHz

53. B. value-added service provider 54. D. Two way simultaneous transmission 55. D. A 56. B. 57.
D. 58. D. Mu-law 59. C. Balun Contrast Type of modulation of the main carrier 60. D. 61. D. NTC
Antenna efficiency MF band Dielectrics in the line 62. D. 63. B. 64. D. Uniform resource locator 65.
D. Spark emission 66. D. Geosynchronous satellite 67. D. „Hertzian waves 68. A. •20 69. B. The
transmitter and receiver 70. C. The ratio of the maximum carrier frequency deviation to the
highest audio modulation frequency 71. B. Retarder 72. B. R.A No. 3396 73. B. Time division 74. D.
Technical, legal and financial 75. B. MOPA 76. D. The velocity of the wave on the transmission line
divided by the velocity of light in a vacuum 77. C. Physical dimensions 78. C. Semi-graded
multimode 79. B. Spot beam 80. B. Phase control 81. C. Local oscillator, mixer and RF amplifier 82.
C. Use of dummy antenna 83. C. 84. C. 85. B. Balanced line Use of regulated power supply 120
ohms 86. D. By application of antireflection coating 87. C. To reduce the possibility of internal
arcing 88. D. Optic regenerators 89. D. Sputnik I 90. B. Frequency 91. C. Propagation delay 92. D.
Thunderstorm 93. C. Modem Power margin modem 94. B. 95. D. 96. D. Holding time 97. B. 98. D.
3 ch. mòre bandwidth than analog Solution: No. of channels (405.0875 - 405.0125) MHz 25 kHz
No. of channels 3 99. B. Heating of capacitor in the oscillator 100. B. over-modulated

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